Real Seekers
Real Seekers
Real Seekers
I'm a person sincerely interested in seeking religious truth, for years I studied and did my best to seek out the truth about God's existence, the existence and nature of the afterlife and which religion might be true and/or endorsed by God. At the end of my searching, I came to the conclusion that Christianity is the religion that God wants me to follow and believe. I hope to help other "real seekers" in their journey to finding the same truth that I did.
Deconstruction & Other Wild Things!
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Divine Temporality (with Dr. Ryan Mullins)
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Deconstructing The Deconstructed
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Critical Thinking & Logic (Lecture #3)
2 месяца назад
Critical Thinking & Logic (Lecture #2)
2 месяца назад
Critical Thinking & Logic (Lecture 1)
2 месяца назад
@micahwatz1148 2 дня назад
Heres the thing. If you wrap a 3d object in a cloth, the proportions are going to be off when you open and flatten it back out. Its not going to appear like it has normal proportions. The shroud looks like the artist was trying to make the image look 3d on a flat cloth, just like every other painting.
@eximusic 3 дня назад
Jesus didn't have long hair.
@RealSeekers 2 дня назад
Agreed, he had short shoulder length hair like the other Galilean Jews of the early first century- just like the Shroud Man has.
@eximusic 2 дня назад
@@RealSeekers Look at the earliest artistic depictions of him. Shorn hair cut like all Galilean Jews back then. Much shorter than the shroud image which was the conception of what Jesus looked like around 1,000 CE/AD.
@samueljennings4809 День назад
@eximusic while he may have had short hair like you said, the early images don’t really prove that. Most Gentile Christians didn’t know what Jesus looked like, and so they based that image on what they knew Caesar to look like (short hair, no beard). It’s recognised by scholarship that this is where those images come from.
@eximusic День назад
@@samueljennings4809 They're still earlier conceptions than the long haired, bearded Jesus which was patterned after Greek gods. And it was common practice in 1st century Palestine for Jewish men to have their hair cut.
@Fluffysweep 3 дня назад
Two Italians invent a way to X'Ray the shroud and date the Shroud, they call it wide-angle Lensing-X-ray or Waxs/Waxing, for short. The two Italians scan bits of the Shroud, but they do NOT allow any other scientific body to peer review the apparatus used to date the shroud or use the apparatus to scan the shroud themselves to peer review it, to authenticate it. The reason the independent bodies do not get access to the apparatus to peer review it, is because the accuracy of the apparatus has already been peer reviewed.... But, by who.?, i hear you say, well by the Two Italians themselves four years ago. Thats right, they authenticated the accuracy of the apparatus themselves four years ago, no independent peer review needed.... So, what's stops the need for independent peer review authentication.....? It's simple, "Blind Testing" , we blind tested the apparatus so well that we do not need peer review of the accuracy of the apparatus itself. So, therefore, who blind tested the apparatus....? The Answer...........?, no one, no one has "Blind -Tested" this apparatus whatsoever. So, who is independently promoting this apparatus as true and accurate and authentic....? The Two Italians...............Well, us two, we are, we are authenticating our own apparatus as scientifically accurate.
@RealSeekers 2 дня назад
Heritage is a peer-reviewed journal meaning the work was indeed peer-reviewed by experts outside of the authors of the paper- do you even know how peer-review works? Also, I was told you were elsewhere making racist comments about Italians, I haven't seen that post but it's weird that even here you keep calling two human beings made in the Image of God simply by their nationality as "Italians" all the time- you racist against Italians for some reason skeptic? You think Italian scientists are somehow inferior to other scientists?
@Fluffysweep 2 дня назад
@RealSeekers Heritage withdrew a paper about the blood on the Shroud from the same two Italians back in 2017 because of evidence bias from the two very scrupulous so-called Shroud promoters. Show me an independent paper that supports the findings from these two Italians and their Waxs X-ray machine, cos I can't find one, so if it's been peer reviewed show me one.! By the way, the Italians themselves in both their 2019 and 2022 papers declare that their findings are NOT 100% accurate, they say that themselves..?
@Fluffysweep 2 дня назад
@RealSeekers Italian is NOT an ethnicity.
@Fluffysweep 2 дня назад
@RealSeekers By the way Heritage puts papers up to be peer reviewed, they are NOT peer reviewed before they go up.
@Fluffysweep 2 дня назад
@RealSeekers Heritage has already withdrawn a paper in 2017 about the blood on the shroud. These two tried to put up because of evidence bias by the Two men in question. Manipulation to get the results you started out to get.
@Christian_Maoist. 3 дня назад
Grrat interview! Even though I disagree with you in the shroud I appreciate how charitable you are in not misrepresenting Falk or anyone really
@RealSeekers 3 дня назад
Thanks, I do try my best to be fair and allow both sides to present their best case as I truly believe the Shroud evidence is good evidence and so I think it can and should be able to withstand scrutiny from the best skeptical counter arguments. I have received criticism form some behind the scenes for featuring skeptics on my show, but I believe that allowing for the interaction or engagement is how we get past the entrenched talking points and move forward on sharing the truth about the Shroud :)
@Metanoia_Magna 3 дня назад
So there is no good researched evidence that the shroud is real.
@RealSeekers 3 дня назад
No, there is tons of good evidence showing the Shroud is real, some of which even Falk recognized as being factual as well. But depends on what you mean by real I suppose- on the images themselves- see all the peer-reviewed papers from STURP here = shroud.com/78papers.htm
@Fluffysweep 3 дня назад
​@RealSeekers No he didn't.
@RealSeekers 3 дня назад
@@Fluffysweep I think he did, he affirmed things like Bill Meacham's isotope study or affirmed several of the physical properties of the Shroud images and he also affirmed that he doesn't think certain image forming mechanisms like traditional painting and powder-rubbing work as explanations and hence he is looking into a different method.
@Metanoia_Magna 3 дня назад
@@Fluffysweep Go watch his material on the subject. He goes study by study.
@Fluffysweep 2 дня назад
@Metanoia_Magna There's enough info in this video to dismiss the shroud. I have read the papers (the two Italians) put out about the wide angle x-ray/ Waxs, including the one they themselves withdraw from peer review.. They admitted to not doing "Blind Testing," which is a huge read herring in this kind of field study.. And finally, you should look up Richard Neave and his recent research, because using science they put together a 3d model of what a man from old Palestine, Galilee in Nazareth would have looked like and it looks nothing like that Byzantine image on the shroud... I believe you all been duped, which is why the papacy has had nothing to do with it.
@Jamie-Russell-CME 3 дня назад
Dale, you are a great host.
@RealSeekers 3 дня назад
Hey Jaime, fancy meeting you here, I always see you on Faith Unaltered or other channels, so glad to see you on Real Seekers here- welcome my friend and thanks for the compliment :) I talked to David after the show and he enjoyed his time on the show, he is coming back to speak to me about the Exodus at some point after my vacation :)
@fyrerayne8882 4 дня назад
Show me the embedded silver nitrates and I'll convert to a medievalist... LOL in other words, ain't gonna happen
@RealSeekers 4 дня назад
Yeah that is another issue I had in my notes just to mention that there was no silver found on the Shroud and so I wanted to say some question that silver melted and caused those burn marks during the fire. But it just seemed as a minor point.
@fyrerayne8882 3 дня назад
@@RealSeekers did you mention the invisible serum rings around the bloodstains? I forget if you did but that's another strong point for us.
@RealSeekers 3 дня назад
@@fyrerayne8882 I had that in my notes of things to ask him when I got to the spectral tests, but I didn't get a chance to ask him about it as I think we only covered the X-ray fluorescence spectral results- mostly Falk seems to have looked at the chemical studies that STURP did not so much the spectral or physical property studies as much- from my understanding at least. But yeah, that would have been a great point to raise that didn't get mentioned in the show unfortunately.
@metaldisciple 4 дня назад
I have to be honest. Falk is the best skeptic I have seen on the issue. My stance on the shroud has slightly shaken in its authenticity. There will be much to address I’m sure. I do get the vibes that falk is over estimating how much he knows about the new data
@RealSeekers 4 дня назад
Hi Metal, thank you for your honesty and for being open to following the truth no matter where it leads. Obviously, I don't want anyone's belief in the Shroud to diminish on my end, but sometimes God uses objections we can't answer in the here and now to drive us to overcome them. So while I'm sure some Pro-Shroud proponents (no names for privacy) will be using your post here to scold me for having Falk on as a skeptic because it can lead to some having doubts such as yourself, I nevertheless disagree with those people and I see the great value in considering both sides of the argument- if I had never done this myself, I never would have had the much firmer foundation of faith in Jesus that I have today compared to back in 2010 right before I left the faith- I chose not to hide from those doubts, but to address them head on and over time, God used them to bring me back to faith stronger than ever. I have no doubt the same will be the case with you and the Shroud, just remember to be a Real Seeker, do your best to seriously consider both sides first before you make any decisions after hearing only one side of things on this show. Yep I do think Falk, when he takes the time to have a fully informed opinion, is a very formidable "skeptic" (I know he doesn't like that term), but yeah, his critique on the WAXS dating method for example is indeed better than any other skeptical critique out there that I've seen, it even has me doubting it until I can hear from Fanti and De Caro and also Kowalski on it. That said, Falk also had some evident limitations in his Shroud studies as well which is through no fault of his own as I'd agree he is remarkably informed as someone new to the Shroud from just 9 months ago, but still there were responses to a lot of his criticisms which I didn't raise on the show since this was an interview format not a debate format. Regardless, I'm just sort of curious to see if I'm able to help at all, was there anything in particular that Falk mentioned which is causing your faith in the Shroud to be shaky- was it the WAXS stuff or something else?
@metaldisciple 4 дня назад
@@RealSeekers thank you for the great response! First off, as much as this interview was pressing I would still with much confidence say that I will always remain as a pro shroud advocate. I think what is there is too much to refute. As I stated briefly before, it really surprised me how much falk seemed to know. He basically had an answer for every question you asked with him previously stating shroud research was fairly new to him. Because of this, I am taking everything he said with a grain of salt. The responses were very much ‘Jack of all trades master of none’. I feel the pro shroud team with have some killer feedback. I think there are many cases where falk should have remained agnostic and not preaching things like he is up to date with all of the knowledge. Something I could point out with my very limited knowledge (still fairly decent) is that appealing to average burial customs of the time for why the should and Sudaeium is not likely is just silly to me. We are dealing with a burial by Jews who have watched their messiah crucified. There is a lot going on and this can change everything when coming to burial. I think the main thing that got me concerned was falks confidence in being able to figure out artist techniques and why sturp wasn’t legit in their experiments. I can say with a lot of certainty that he will not be able to recreate an image. Thanks.
@RealSeekers 3 дня назад
@@metaldisciple Yeah the bit on the Shroud and Sudarium being on at the same time did not make sense to me as it's purpose is to capture the blood and so it would have been used for transport which is what the bloodstains themselves reflect, it doesn't make sense for it to be used on Jesus after he was washed, I'm trying to find any sources that say what Falk did on this and can't find any. Mark Niyr wrote an entire book on ancient burial traditions including from the Mishnah which supports what I said on some things against Falk and which date to the first century- he was on my Panel Review Part 6 and his book is for free on my Blog = realseekerministries.wordpress.com/2023/04/29/shroud-wars-panel-review-part-6-historical-anatomical-authenticity/ I'm not sure what you mean by figuring out artist techniques, if you mean he has thought of a mechanism unknown in history books or something, well again he gave no details and so I can't really assess it or not, thankfully he agreed to come on to share his findings when he is finished, so we just have to wait to see what he is talking about but it is not a Powder rubbing or traditional painting is all we know, so no need to be worried esp. as I'm not sure if Falk was even trying to replicate the MRF's until I mentioned them and we all know if those aren't replicated then the experiment is a failure- even Falk mentioned the vertically mapped wrapping distortions are a big problem. As to STURP not being legit, you have to remember Falk is not a scientist and these results were published in peer-reviewed papers by actual scientists whereas McCrone's wasn't- STURP's conclusions have stood the test of time and McCrone's have not- even Hugh Farey who knows all the latest updates agrees that there is indeed blood on the Shroud- Shroud agnostics like Dr. Kelly Kearse have proven that beyond all reasonable doubt at this point- we may not be able to prove it is human blood, but that it is blood is NOT even a question at this point. Obviously, for Hugh he also thinks there is paint present as well as the blood- similar to Giulio Fanti with the touch up hypothesis which I and STURP deny, but Falk is just in error that blood has not been proven to be on there. Have you seen my show with Kelly Kearse or his papers on that front? = www.shroud.com/pdfs/kearse.pdf Another good paper is by Thibault Heimburger who goes over all the tests done chemically on the Shroud = www.shroud.com/pdfs/thibault%20final%2001.pdf - it is the best overall summary of all the tests done by McCrone and Sturp AND WHY sturp IS TO BE PREFERRED. Another great video is from Al Adler in 1986- a conference presentation proving it is blood and no paint (Walter McCrone is also on video at that same conference if you wish to cmpare and contrast) but Al has this great little point in the video that I think will put the kybosh on Falk's arguments against STURP and their tests being inconclusive, look in terms of the all the dozens and dozens of spectral and chemical tests performed, there will always be some ad hoc way to evade the conclusion that it's not paint and is indeed blood, but in the end such is not science because it violates Ockham's Razor- STURP can explain all the data and test results by positing a single substance- blood, the skeptics like Falk can't, they would have to posit something like 12-15 different substances to cumulatively explain all the different tests- it is clear that the rational person should favour the simplest explanation. Red Ochre and vermillion pigments alone simply cannot account for all of the tests done on the Shroud, blood can. Here is the video with Alan Adler = ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-T3ZEkEjA4Uw.html Plus, the vermillion pigment via the X-Ray absorption curves he asked me about which I do recognize from Shroud books, but had to admit I wouldn't be able to recognize such curves if weren't for someone explaining them in the Shroud books, etc.- Falk doesn't mention that this was only found on one single Shroud sample- sample "3CB" by his team not McCrone (boy McCrone sure was livid that his team did better than him and found something he completely missed as he himself admits in his own book) and was not discovered by McCrone on any of the samples he personally examined. Vermillion is NOT on the Shroud apart from that one sample whereby it is clearly contamination not the composition of the images (blood or body). So yeah, the Pro-Shroud side has plenty of answers to what Falk said on that front but again this was an interview and not a debate and so I think it is important to hear what he has to say without needing to get the last word all the time- as Real Seekers we need to ensure we don't decide on anything until we've heard the best from both sides first :)
@metaldisciple 3 дня назад
@@RealSeekers the paint issue is no issue in my opinion AT ALL as well as the autonomy. Body autonomy can be seen right or wrong plus we have no idea the position Christ would have been in during the event. Angels are EVERYTHING. Thank for the response
@RealSeekers 3 дня назад
@@metaldisciple Yeah, for me personally the anatomical inaccuracies are my weakest issue, it's why I had so many medical experts on my show- including Joe Bergeron who showed up in the Live chat yesterday. That said, the medical experts don't share Falk's views on the inaccuracies and/or where they do, the issues are usually explainable due to the condition of the photo not the Shroud like with the light bands around his face- Barrie explained that was simply a photo problem not on the Shroud, or due to the treatment and position of the cloth and/or is explainable by the image forming process in some way. So there are so many naturalistic assumptions at play when making these kind of non-expert eyeball judgements about the Shroud Man's anatomy based on photographs of it.
@metaldisciple 4 дня назад
As an Eastern Orthodox I have seen the shroud at my church but it is absolutely nothing like the shroud of Turin. They are copying the authentic shroud in my opinion. That makes more sense
@metaldisciple 4 дня назад
Thanks for another banger Dale
@RealSeekers 4 дня назад
You are most welcome Metal :)
@redeemedchannel5580 4 дня назад
Doesn’t want to address image formation (the crux of the issue) and doesn’t want to dialogue with the actual experts. There you go. As an aside, a good attorney can shed doubt on literally anything. I look at the X-ray image of the teeth and the hands and can know for certain that no artist anywhere at anytime could incorporate that into a highly superficial image while working in a negative medium-without being aware of the concept itself. I believe there is a standing offer to give one million dollars to whomever can replicate the image. Any bets on whether Dr. Falk will be collecting his money?
@RealSeekers 4 дня назад
That is a good point on the $1 million dollar prize, I should have mentioned that on the show but didn't think of it, but since Falk is taking on the expense to do his experiments anyways, I will suggest that he submit the results to David Rolfe for scrutiny and a possible cash prize there for sure :)
@redeemedchannel5580 4 дня назад
You did a good interview brother, thanks for getting Falk on record. I look forward to hearing the experts weigh in. I’ll give him this, he would make a spectacular attorney.
@RealSeekers 4 дня назад
@@redeemedchannel5580 Thanks Redeemed, yeah I'm typing up all the objections for them to respond to as we speak, so I look forward to seeing what they say as well :)
@retrictumrectus1010 3 дня назад
Image formation is exactly the reason I don't think the shroud is the thing. Nobody has replicated the image by wrapping it to a body but can easily be replicated when treated as a photograph. If the image is Jesus', the shroud was definitely not wrapped at him when the photograph got captured. Basically my argument is that if it was wrapped, the image would warp. But since the image did not warp, the shrould was not wrapped.
@RealSeekers 3 дня назад
@@retrictumrectus1010 Thanks for your thoughts as this is obviously a problem that Pro-Shroud guys have known about for quite some time since the wrap around horizontal distortions or warp-around effect has been known about for some time- indeed this is how we rule out all natural mechanisms involving a dead body and the Shroud wrapped around it as the mechanism. But this is not a problem at all for supernatural radiation theories which posit a vertically collimated radiation burst for example- we can easily account for this fact without any issue whatsoever unless you simply object to miracles in principle of course. See Nuclear Engineer Bob Rucker's paper called, "Paper 39 "Evaluation of Hypotheses for Image Formation on the Shroud of Turin" by Robert A. Rucker, July 8, 2024" from = www.shroudresearch.net/research.html . I think you'll quickly see that his scientific hypothesis is rigorous and accounts for all the data from the Shroud images. Sorry also see these papers from the same website = Paper 35 “Nuclear Analysis of the Shroud of Turin” by Robert A. Rucker, July 24, 2023, revised October 28, 2023 ; Paper 34 “Hypothesis for Image Formation on the Shroud of Turin” by Robert A. Rucker, July 24, 2023, revised January 19, 2024 ; Paper 33 “Solving the Carbon Dating Problem for the Shroud of Turin” by Robert A. Rucker, July 12, 2022, revised October 28, 2023
@metaldisciple 5 дней назад
Hi Dale, I have a new question I hope you can answer. When it comes to the height of Christ, many are saying that the shroud image is too tall for it to be Christ compared to the average height of a Jew at the time. Not only this but many say that there is a problem with the long hair. The long hair problem isn’t really an issue for me as I already have my theories why, but the height thing is something I wish to seek more info about. If you have any videos or information on this, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!
@RealSeekers 5 дней назад
Yes I cover this issue in multiple shows on my end. The Shroud Man is about 5 foot 9 inches or 5 foot 10 inches according to most experts and this is consistent with bones that have been discovered in Galilee and corresponds well with the ancient Jewish average male height of 4 ells as described n early Rabbinic literature from around the time. The hair is shoulder length which is not considered long at all at the time, so Jesus' hair perfectly fits jews for the time on the Shroud.
@metaldisciple 5 дней назад
@@RealSeekers thanks Dale!
@metaldisciple 5 дней назад
@@RealSeekers is there any videos in particular where you discus it. Don’t worry if it’s too much work to find
@RealSeekers 5 дней назад
@@metaldisciple I cover the height in Shroud solo show Part 3, also in Oakwood Bible study Part 4 on Refuting the Skeptics and I also cover it in my Panel Review Part 6 whereby even Hugh admits the Shroud man's height and long hair neither proves nor disproves it's historical authenticity as people come in all shapes and sizes- around the 45 min mark for Hugh there. Also see my many scholarly sources on the Long hair issue in "D) DOES LONG HAIR RULE OUT THE SHROUD MAN AS JESUS;D) DOES LONG HAIR RULE OUT THE SHROUD MAN AS JESUS" of my Blog for Panel Review Part 6 = realseekerministries.wordpress.com/2023/04/29/shroud-wars-panel-review-part-6-historical-anatomical-authenticity/
@metaldisciple 5 дней назад
@@RealSeekers hero! Thanks pal
@soleknight3212 6 дней назад
A few thoughts, having studied the shroud for years, watching your channel for a while, and having a little legal knowledge. 1) The Shroud is authentic. We are well past the point now of this being proven in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt. 2) Hugh has exposed that he is wrestling with the fact that the Shroud is most likely authentic and finally his frustrations are coming out. 3) I would stop referring to Hugh as a 'friend'. Go no contact and NEVER engage in any form of discourse with him. Never trust him again. 4) I would email him with a Cease and Desist legal notice asking him to remove his clearly defamatory blog with immediate effect. 5) If he does not, I would seriously consider taking legal action (which you would win). Blessings.
@RealSeekers 5 дней назад
Thanks Sole Knight appreciate your feedback. You are right that I need to and have stopped thinking of Hugh as a friend here esp. as he has yet to put up the Disclaimer on his blog- regardless of his intent, what he wrote clearly implies that he is saying I'm a liar and a purposeful deceiver and so he needs to address that via the Disclaimer if he ever want same to accept his repentance. I'm also taking steps to ensure much more independence form Hugh going forward in terms of shows and no longer giving him an open invitation to all the shows that I do. That said, there may be times when I need Hugh on and when that arises then I will do so albeit I now see that need will be much rarer than it has been in the past- for example, when I do the show on his own image forming theory, to have the skeptic willing and able to defend his own theory and my not inviting him on I think will hurt the cause of Pro-Shroud research, I feel I need to get over my personal grievance and put Shroud studies above that so people can see that Hugh Farey's image forming hypothesis has been defeated fair and square and not done behind his back where he wasn't given an opportunity to defend it. However, I have about 4-5 Shroud shows planned for the near future- as a friend, Hugh would have been invited to nearly all of them but given his behaviour and treatment of me and the fact I don't really see any need for Hugh on them, he will NOT be invited to participate in those at this time as I think the shows don't need him or won't esp. benefit from his presence. So he has now lost those opportunities to get his side of things out there on my channel in punishment for his sins against me.
@soleknight3212 5 дней назад
​@@RealSeekers I think that is a brilliant and fair minded position. Yes, Hugh needs to be out in the cold for a while. Do you think Jesus would have put up with his b**ls***? I genuinely think that the skeptics side is breaking down now. And the fact you feel the need to keep Hugh 'on board' is testimony to that. With all the masses of evidence, the tremendous site that Barrie (a fellow Jew of mine!) left us with, G-d rest his soul, and now this recent X-ray dating evidence, I have finally come to the point where there is no doubt left. The shroud is genuine. I hope Hugh learns from this and he should feel VERY lucky that he does not have someone (like me) who would have had a team of lawyers biting down hard on his ass right now. God bless.
@soleknight3212 5 дней назад
I think that is a brilliant and fair minded position. Yes, Hugh needs to be out in the cold for a while. Do you think Jesus would have put up with his b**ls***? I genuinely think that the skeptics side is breaking down now. And the fact you feel the need to keep Hugh 'on board' is testimony to that. With all the masses of evidence, the tremendous site that Barrie (a fellow Jew of mine!) left us with, G-d rest his soul, and now this recent X-ray dating evidence, I have finally come to the point where there is no doubt left. The shroud is genuine. I hope Hugh learns from this and he should feel VERY lucky that he does not have someone else (like me) who would have had a team of lawyers biting down hard on him hard right now. God bless.
@soleknight3212 5 дней назад
@@RealSeekers A great fair minded response Dale. My replies won't post for some reason I so shall have to leave it there! God bless
@RealSeekers 5 дней назад
@@soleknight3212 Thanks my friend :)
@Frienddogs17 6 дней назад
These are good responses. But his new criticisms are about the waxs dating method used and i think they are good arguments to be skeptical about its results
@RealSeekers 6 дней назад
Thanks. Yes, I think he goes into a lot greater detail on the WAXS dating technique and while I don't think all his criticisms are persuasive there are a few that cause me to have some doubts as well even as a Pro-Shroud proponent. That said, I'm going to be having two of the authors of the paper (Giulio Fanti and Liberato De Caro) and Michael Kowalski from the BSTS responding Falk's criticisms but they aren't available until mid October so I need to wait. Meantime, I'm hosting David Falk himself to discuss the Shroud evidence for and against ore generally this Thursday.
@Frienddogs17 6 дней назад
@@RealSeekers great I will listen! Thanks
@RealSeekers 6 дней назад
@@Frienddogs17 Awesome :)
@HopeIsFleeting 7 дней назад
Total bullshit. Jehovah and sefirot are false prophets in FFVII. The Cetra are the true believers who obviously represent Paganism.
@metaldisciple 7 дней назад
The only new skeptic to sort out is Faulk lol
@RealSeekers 7 дней назад
Lol- he will be on this Thursday speaking about his take on the Shroud in general on a variety of issues
@metaldisciple 7 дней назад
@@RealSeekers good stuff, ur the man!
@RealSeekers 7 дней назад
@@metaldisciple Thanks, I noticed Hugh has written not one, not two but three more Blogs attacking me, with two of them being password protected so I can't see what he says about me- very weird, I wonder what he is afraid of. One thing is for sure, the one he makes public is a real doozy, advocating for a very childish notion of silence implies consent type deal from the medieval and Renaissance court system; I'm glad more sophisticated people like myself who have created our modern court system don't think this irrationally or else we would have a lot more innocent people sitting in jail when they attempted to remain silent.
@metaldisciple 7 дней назад
@@RealSeekers he argued like an atheist. He should apply his standards to his faith and see where it takes him. If he apologises that’s great but don’t sweat it too much. We know who is in the right ;)
@RealSeekers 6 дней назад
@@metaldisciple Yeah I hear you and totally agree.
@metaldisciple 7 дней назад
Great vid. Thanks!
@RealSeekers 7 дней назад
You are welcome :)
@RealSeekers 7 дней назад
MAJOR BREAKING NEWS GUYS--- Jack Markwardt's historical hypothesis on the Antioch-Image of God Incarnate Hypothesis is now mainstream news, we are starting to win the culture war again; see the UK Daily Mail paper here = www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13796603/Historical-hints-Turin-Shroud-REAL-hidden-early-Christians-according-bombshell-new-book.html
@metaldisciple 9 дней назад
Halo series!
@RealSeekers 7 дней назад
That one is next lol
@metaldisciple 9 дней назад
Good video. Makes it easier to show the evidence of the shroud to a new skeptic
@RealSeekers 7 дней назад
Absolutely, I didn't want to probe too hard here in this episode as I know the Shroud was totally new for Richard.
@hhstark8663 9 дней назад
*English translation of the Latin lyrics in the video:* _Every tragedy divides,_ _Before our very eyes,_ _those things which ought to be loved._ _And through this endless night,_ _In despair,_ _He can see the dawn,_ _Which will awake him the next morning._
@theodoraa.pappas3109 10 дней назад
At the 0:48:04 - 0:48:44 mark on this show, Hugh makes the following claim (which had been previously recorded on another show) which is a not-so-subtle accusation that Professor Giulio Fanti and those who were involved in the dating experiment have attempted to perpetrate a fraud on the public concerning the date of the Shroud in Turin. There really is no other rational way to interpret what Hugh has claimed. Specifically, Hugh stated the following: “I mean, if you just choose your right samples, I could get a modern bedsheet -and, uh, provided it had been slept in enough- uh, I could make it a 2,000 B.C. right up to 2000 A.D. just by picking the right fibers out of it and measuring them in exactly the same way. I’m absolutely certain that that would be really easy to do. Of course, I reject this one because it was too wrinkled and I’d reject that one because it’s obviously damp and I’d reject this one, and I’d come up with the ones that, funnily enough would exactly fit my original premise.” Well, since Hugh is “absolutely certain that that would be really easy to do,” then I’d like to see him do it! Otherwise, it would seem that he likes to make lots of outrageous, unsupportable claims -that he just pulls out of his, well, you know where- as he slings mud at very serious and very respectable people. And, Dale, Hugh has become your Frankenstein with all of the publicity and praise you have been (and still are) giving him. Even in this show, you tell us how important it is that we listen to Hugh --implying that we would have no opposing viewpoints for evidence if we did not have his opinion on it. Yet, this is not true. As you know, Shroud scholars rigorously debate details and claims regarding the Shroud with each other on a regular basis. There is no shortage of critics --but, the difference is that among authenticists, we do not throw out red herrings and put people on wild goose chases the way Hugh loves to do. Hugh will continue to throw his spitballs at the Shroud in an effort to cause people to doubt its authenticity. But, that doesn't mean that we benefit from watching this happen.
@RealSeekers 9 дней назад
Thanks Teddi, I hear you and it seems I have gotten a lot of feedback supporting your view that Hugh is more trouble than he is worth when I bring him on the shows. And I do see merit now that he is very manipulative and selective in how he presents objections to the Pro-Shroud side at times (he did it to Giulio here as you and Paul mention and to me in his deceitful Blogs about me whereby those ignorant of the Shroud would be confused or caused to doubt the integrity and well-founded claims of the Pro-Shroud side). Personally, I think Hugh feels threatened as of late with me getting so much attention and our request for Nature to retract the C-14 paper and now everyone in the world believes the Shroud is authentic b/c of the WAXS study now making the rounds in pop culture, I suspect he feels he has no choice but to resort to such petty tactics to keep influence on people perhaps. That said, on the overall value of having Hugh on the show, I do disagree, I personally benefitted from having him on, contrary to his intentions, he helped fortify and strengthen my faith in the Shroud's authenticity through the times even he, as a skeptic, would affirm certain truths- so I do think there is something to be said about the criterion for truth from enemy attestation whereby if your enemy admits something good about his opponent it is more likely to be true; so I personally do see great value in having Hugh on the show despite how much I want to say otherwise for personal reasons right now. One thing is certain, unless and until Hugh repents and puts the disclaimer on his Blog, I do not trust Hugh as a friend and as a result he won't be given all the free publicity and opportunities I gave him to be on my show going forward- where I invited him to virtually anything and everything I was doing on the Shroud as a friend and where I even tried to help him by inviting him on to debate the Resurrection with the Atheist Ben Watkins to prove he wasn't a fake Christian as so many Shroud experts who know him well from SSG suspect he may be; heck, even I am now starting to question his faith at this point on my end. Obviously, Hugh is one of the only well-informed Shroud skeptics who is actually willing to debate with Pro-Shroud experts and that does give him some leverage in that there are times when I still think I need him, but I will be more mindful of utilizing other possible options for substantive debate whenever possible now- for example, I don't really see a need for Hugh in the Jack Markwardt series (unless Jack wants Hugh to be there) as he mostly just sits there listening to Jack present anyways and then writes his criticisms in his blog after the fact. On the other hand, I have one last Panel show to do on Image formation which is on the Powder-Rubbing mechanisms of Garlaschelli/Nickell and then Hugh's own image forming theory- I could not invite Hugh to this out of personal spite and anger, but as I reflect on this it seems wrong to me as, for once, I would have access to the actual Shroud skeptic whose theory we were assessing- a part of me feels I owe it to the audience who depend on me to present both sides to rise above my own personal grievances and just have Hugh on that show as a mere Professional relationship- otherwise, I'm depriving my audience and future generations who depend on me presenting the experts on both sides presenting their best cases. If I do a show attacking Hugh's image formation theory knowing he would have been willing to come on to defend it against it's attackers, then a part of me feels like I would be a hypocrite and trying to hide or manipulate my shows to hide experts and information coming from the other side of the debate. So, that is my quandary right now as I work out what the best thing to do is with my show going forward if that makes sense- again I fully understand you and others on here who want to say good riddance to someone who keeps using petty manipulative tactics to argue against God's truth about the Shroud, but I also think of other fans like Daniel Lowry, Richard Hunter (skeptic) and others who enjoy that I'm the only Podcast presenting both sides of the debate. To my mind, if Hugh, with his informative even if at times manipulative arguments against the Shroud is the best the other side can do, then I feel that can strengthen the case for any and all Real Seekers willing to go beyond just blindly believing whatever Hugh might say on a show; I get that most people are not Real Seekers to begin with and so they will just blindly follow any and all talking points they pick up from Hugh, but those people were going to be that way regardless, just as I'm sure there are some on the Pro-Shroud side doing the same as well out there but as the host, my concern and my ministry has always been for the Real Seekers- people who are really seeking God's truth and want to do their best to find it using my show and going beyond it as well.
@theodoraa.pappas3109 9 дней назад
Hi, Dale, Look, here's the problem --and this really is a serious problem with a live debate format when the two combatants are not relatively equally knowledgeable and prepared to handle a particular issue. It makes it REALLY, REALLY easy for a party to the debate to be ambushed by a false statement or a statement that might only be partially true --and totally irrelevant if one does not know enough about (1) the precise subject being discussed and (2) enough knowledge about the subject on a much broader level so that one can readily debunk in real-time false statements. Hugh is an absolute MASTER at engaging in this style of tactic! It works really, really well for him, because he almost never has his wild statements debunked during the debate in real-time, because his opponent often is caught off-guard and has no idea how to rebut his claim/attack! What Hugh does is he gives you enough "crumbs" with sometimes giving you "enemy attestation" on a particular topic --but then he knocks people over the head with a cinderblock when he makes allegations (which his authenticist combatant does not know how to refute) which often turn out to be, at best, half-true, and NOT DAMAGING to the evidence that supports the Shroud's authenticity. So, please tell me, if we are trying to argue that the moon is made from green cheese, if I give you some evidence that it is not, and Hugh gives you some evidence that it is, does it matter that Hugh agrees with some of my evidence if I cannot refute his attacks which might --on their own (or in conjunction with some of his other attacks) creates a "check-mate" situation for his opponent. I give you an example. When I debated Hugh during Easter Week of 2020 --this was when I was just at the very beginning of my really deep-dive into studying the Shroud, and this is before I was even in the Shroud Science Group. Anyhow, Hugh and I were discussing the issue of the claimed fluorescing serum halos, and I'll paraphrase from memory what was said --but people can go back and listen to it on that debate if they want to verify what I say here. Hugh mentioned that lemon juice put into blood (as an anti-coagulant) can cause a fluorescing halo around the blood when viewed under UV light. I responded: but, lemon juice does not contain serum albumin --which was detected in even the invisible halos (under UV light) of the scourge wounds. And, Hugh retorted with: well, you know what else has albumin in it . . . And I said, well, eggs do, and then I said that I'm confident that the albumin in eggs is not chemically the same as serum albumin. Hugh (as a former middle school science teacher) outright denied this and stated with with total certainty that I was wrong, and (being caught off-guard with this whole side-issue that had now been created), I kept saying (intuitively) that I couldn't imagine that serum albumin (which is spelled with an "I") is chemically the same as the albumen (spelled with an "e") from an egg. Hugh INSISTED that is was! Well, my background is not in science, and I had not specifically investigated this issue at the time --as I had not previously heard about it at the time-- and so I was AMBUSHED with this! Well, as soon as we finished the debate, I went to check on the internet to see if I was right or if Hugh was right. Well, Hugh was dead wrong. The protein in eggs is called "ovalbumin," and it is NOT chemically the same as serum albumin! I, then, put in the comment section to that debate my findings --to correct the record on Hugh's deceptive or ignorant claim. But, Hugh also has a pattern and practice of often stating things with total confidence and certainty that (I later find out when I investigate his claims) are WRONG. There is often a part-truth involved, but it ends up being WRONG --so, he ends up deceiving unsuspecting people who are unwilling to spend the time to fact-check his claims! So, you think that putting on someone who has a pattern and practice of confusing and deceiving people is a good idea and a net benefit for your audience??? Does having a debate with Hugh make for great entertainment? Yeah, you betcha! He is very smart and can be fun to discuss matters with, because he is a THINKER and a RESEARCHER! And, when he and I have discussed scientific matters that do not directly impinge upon the Shroud's authenticity, I see the good science teacher that I think his students had the pleasure of learning a lot from. But, Hugh is an active opponent to the Shroud's authenticity --it's his reason d'être-- and he puts his talents to use for Dark purposes. When one thinks about what it is that motivates many Shroud scholars to devote so much time --often, their life-- to Shroud scholarship, one must realize that Hugh is doing this, also --but in opposition to the Shroud. So, pray-tell, what do you suspect motivates Hugh to do this? God? No, definitely not. Money? No, definitely not. Fame and attention --maybe that's a part of it. But, think about it. Something much bigger and more dangerous is at play, because the Holy Shroud evidence (that contains evidence of Jesus' Resurrection) is like a portal that can direct nonbelievers to Christ for their salvation. Tell me, WHO would want to interfere with that, and --most importantly-- WHY? And, I always give the Devil his due. Hugh is very smart, very clever and he prepares heavily for these debates that he is on. Unfortunately, sometimes Shroud scholars go into these "panel discussions" (and it's even worse when there are several up against just one skeptic (Hugh) without a lot of preparation --just relying upon their general, popular-level knowledge about a topic that is being handled (which is not in a part of their specialty in terms of Shroud scholarship.) Hugh then makes some wild claim, and the Shroud scholar/s are just caught like deer in the headlights! Now, I don't really care if Hugh gives some crumbs here and there in the form of enemy attestation --sometimes these "gotcha" moments are enough to create doubt in people who do not know enough about the Shroud evidence --or, they don't understand how Hugh operates --and so it's not just skeptics who might not come to Christ via the Shroud evidence that Hugh scores a win with. No, there are people who might already think that the Shroud is authentic and, upon hearing Hugh's claims, might now start to doubt the Shroud's authenticity --or become transformed into skeptics, themselves. Look at what Colin Berry and Hugh helped to create with Dan Porter --who, as he, himself, will admit --was once a strong supporter of the Shroud's authenticity. And, once people go from believing something and then feel that they were duped, it is almost an impossibility to get them to "see the light" that their first position was, in fact, the right one. Once people go to the Dark Side, they rarely even have the openness, desire or willingness to come back to the side of Truth and Light. This can be seen, quite commonly, with Christians who became atheists in their more mature adult years (not when they were wet-behind-the-ears "adults" in college.). There is just almost no evidence that one can give them to change their mind --it's what is called "invincible ignorance." Plus, they often have a psychological motivation for not wanting to go back to the restrictions to one's lifestyle choices that are part of being a Christian who is not in opposition to God. So, there is that, as well. Anyhow, I've said my peace. Best regards, Teddi
@theodoraa.pappas3109 9 дней назад
Not sure why my comment has a bunch of lines crossed through it --that's not my doing. I've seen that before --seems like a strange computer quirk.
@RealSeekers 9 дней назад
@@theodoraa.pappas3109 You must have activated the strike through command or something
@jeffreyerwin3665 8 дней назад
I had encounters with the infamous Mr. Farey on the late Catholic Answers Forum, and my experience in that regard confirms every negative comment about him. His condescension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. I also suspected that Hugh was employing alternate identities to ask him leading questions and fawn over his answers on CAF
@paulbishop940 10 дней назад
Loved Giulio Fantis response to Hugh Farey. For all his academic prowess he often descends into ridiculous statements. “Modern day blanket’s producing same results”. Previously, lemon juice for serum albumin. Biro marks on cloth to disprove capillarity. I also think he has shot himself in the foot with his aggression to the person who has given him more airspace than anyone else. Best wishes Dale
@RealSeekers 10 дней назад
I agree Paul, the things he says are manipulative and I think that is why Giulio was aggravated, but things like that bed sheet thing whereby by hand selecting some fibers from a modern bed sheet he'd be able to get a 2000 year old date or some such was pretty eye-rolling there, I let it go in the past as I just thought it was part of the being entertainment and using good faith rhetorical wit to make a point, but I realize now that Hugh does not allow for the same charity for myself or others on the Pro-Shroud side, so why should I with him. Thanks for the best wishes, yeah I honestly don't understand Hugh's mindset in wanting to single me out as he did and what's more not simply clarifying that he didn't mean to imply that I'm a liar or dishonest or a fake Christian- that was all I was asking for, I didn't demand he alter or retract his Blog because there is at least some genuine true corrections in there as was revealed in the 2nd half of this show. But yeah, I'm having to do a lot of hard thinking right now.
@paulbishop940 10 дней назад
@@RealSeekers in the winter 2023 BSTS newsletter, Barrie wrote his final piece for them entitled “Enough”! He was sick of the derogatory remarks made against STURP scientists, claiming they were pseudo scientists. He told me he was angry and just wanted to get it off his chest before his “time was up”. It seems to be the way with many sceptics . Bill Meachem noted this with Nicolotti, describing his Paper on the Flagrum as academically very professional but ruined with bias and conceit. Secondo Pia had many years of this before Enrie confirmed his photography. Yves DeLage was ridiculed. In Hugh’s medieval shroud paper he describes the image as pareidolia as though it’s the face of Jesus on a piece of toast! Crazy.
@RealSeekers 9 дней назад
@@paulbishop940 Yeah, there does seem to be this trend with skeptics for some reason where most of them have to resort to those kinds of tactics- Walter McCrone and Harry Gove come across as very condescending and belittling in what they write and I loathe people like that as you can tell from my shows where I speak of them. That said, I will say that as Christians it is important to remember they are all made in God Image and loved by God and I've got to love them too even though that is something I struggle with at times on my end. The only thing with Hugh is that it is a little different here in that it almost seems like friendly fire which I wasn't expecting, at least I have my guard up as it were when reading McCrone or Gove or Nicholetti, etc.
@vickysissoko7150 10 дней назад
Thank you for sharing. How disrespectful to call Dr. Shabir by his first name. He is an elder, a teacher who is extraordinary with incredible knowledge and experience.
@RealSeekers 10 дней назад
You're welcome for the show. I disagree on the disrespectful aspect and I doubt Shabir felt disrespected on his end- it may just be a cultural or maybe religious? thing (not sure if in Islam its disrespectful to call a teacher/elder by their name), but I consider Shabir a friend who've I known for years, so I just naturally refer to people by the first names esp. when I know them. Most scholars prefer to be called by their names, but yeah if Shabir or any other guest tells me they wish to be called by something specific then of course I will do so.
@TorianTammas 11 дней назад
Because his name was Yeeshuah or Yoshuah for his family. We have greek roman literature in greek about "Iesous" and we have roman stories about criminals following a Krestus.
@moorek1967 11 дней назад
NO, oh my gosh are you that....???? YEESHUAH????? YOSHUA????????? For His FAMILY??????????? And you misspelled, it is CHRESTUS, and the name CHRESTUS is NOT a family name, and since this one individual they call Chrestus is written about, there have been no other men called that in history, just one, why the he... would the Romans be making an issue out of one man? It was the CHRISTIANS they called criminals, because it was illegal by the Roman leaders, just like the Jewish ones, to be a Christian. We have "Roman GREEK" writing? What is a Roman Greek and what is Roman Greek writing? The Romans were Roman Greek or the Greeks were Roman Greek? Roman Greek...Roman Greek...... When we say Greco-Roman, we know it means the two separate groups that we have united by a hyphen, because we recognize two separate groups. It is the combining of the individual groups as influences, that we have Greco-Roman anything. Greeks and Romans are two separate groups.
@RealSeekers 9 дней назад
Thanks for your take :)
@fyrerayne8882 11 дней назад
1:40:31 that one snuck up on me LOL
@RealSeekers 11 дней назад
LOL- I just had to sneak at least one in there :)
@ethanbergen3217 14 дней назад
85% regret their decision to transition? Can you provide a citation for where you got this statistic?
@keithglover2250 15 дней назад
They kept cutting off Michael Lacona before he could finish an intelligent sentence. He was about to quote the work of Kenneth Zucker who was the best researcher around for treating Gender Dysphoria, and they cut him off with a stupid appeal-to-emotion 'gotcha' question.
@RealSeekers 14 дней назад
That was Michael Brown not Michael Licona (not Lacona lol), but yeah it was terrible what bullies these Lefty loons are, but that is interesting I hadn't heard of Kenneth before. If you like this topic, I have rescheduled with Dr. Rodseth to do the show today at 2 pm EST again- so hopefully it goes through this time with him as an expert.
@notreal-duh 14 дней назад
@@RealSeekersoh you would love zucker. he’s the biggest name in conversion therapy
@metaldisciple 15 дней назад
I hope the WAXS study is legit I really need the shroud to be authentic I know it’s not a deal breaker but it really helps me
@RealSeekers 15 дней назад
I think it probably is Metal, but Hugh and the skeptics do raise a valid objection about the novelty of the technique. Nonetheless, I honestly do think that when the shoe is on the other foot, the skeptics would likewise accept the WAXS method if it proved a medieval date or at least most of them would (Jordan from Reason to Doubt would probably be consistent I think). That said, despite some of the objections for me the clincher is all 4 of Fanti's dating techniques combined all overlapping over the first century- if they are all erroneous methods, it is too coincidental to my mind that they all erred on the first century- that is the main argument that has me leaning, even if only leaning ever so slightly in favour of believing the WAXS method at this time instead of staying Agnostic and waiting for further testing as Hugh and Jordan would advocate for. The only way to explain this is to accuse Fanti of fraud or fudging the data to get those over-lapping results and while it is plausible that anyone could be lying or fudging data as the C-14 guys did, I know Fanti personally to some degree at least and I know others who know Fanti really well and I just find it improbable that he'd purposefully commit some kind of fraud.
@metaldisciple 13 дней назад
@@RealSeekers thank you Dale!
@georgepoitras3502 15 дней назад
Sure. I am positive there are MANY burial shroads that date to the Crucifiction and have a photographic negative of Jesus Christ burned into them....😂🤣
@metaldisciple 18 дней назад
Thanks for another great video. Can’t tell you how much all your vids help me. Keep going. You are by far my favourite channel on RU-vid. Proud number 1 fan
@RealSeekers 17 дней назад
You are most welcome my friend, it means a lot to me that these shows help provide the needed details for people :)
@alphaomega203 18 дней назад
This sounds more like Hugh has a crisis problem where his position is or has become untenable whether true or not in his mind, and his response to this is to lash out and attack. You can see this with people in weak positions where they cannot defend their position.
@RealSeekers 18 дней назад
You may well be right on this front. I did note a kind of vibe or panic in Hugh when we were trying to get the petition signed against the Nature C-14 paper and so it may be he realizes that people are being convinced through my presentation to Oakwood and wants to attack it.
@ty1158 18 дней назад
For a long time, I've gotten a vibe from Hugh. A sense of bad fruit, I suppose. It's hard to describe, but there was something questionable about his genuineness as a fellow believer to me. I kept this to myself because I didn't want to give false testimony about his character and his faith. But this news, if true (and I believe you're being honest about it), shows his true colors and sadly confirms my suspicion. Speaking as a shroud "agnostic," I believe you've always been forthcoming and honest with the evidence for the shroud. And generous to us by answering questions that we post in the comments, taking your time to help us with our concerns. And I don't intend for this comment to be a jab at Hugh, just an observation on my part. I hope he will repent and apologize to you for this betrayal. It saddens me to see when someone who is thought to be a friend despite different opinions resorts to something like this.
@RealSeekers 18 дней назад
Thanks Ty I appreciate your thoughts there, it is interesting that you got that vibe there. I admit I never did get this vibe myself until now, so it is a little eye opening and I'm still holding out hope that Hugh will repent and this is just a mix up somehow.
@Cazaly66 19 дней назад
Dale, you are a good and just man. I love your work. Your recent Oakwood Bible Study series on the Shroud was wonderful. I don’t like to dislike people, BUT in all honesty Hugh Farey is a detestable human being. Imo he’s a fake Christian. He will go to any lengths to disprove what our Lord left us for an unbelieving generation. His work is not that of a true skeptic. He fears the Shroud for the truth it brings. This week in the UK, we are blessed to have widespread coverage of the tests in Italy dating the linen flax to around 50 AD. The Shroud is real after all, the headlines scream. No doubt this has really upset Hugh and whoever he worships. Good riddance to him is all I can say.
@RealSeekers 18 дней назад
It seems more and more like you may be right about Hugh, still no disclaimer on his Blog nor any word by email from him trying to correct his mistake. It honestly seems like Hugh is more eager to defend Atheists who provably lied and deceived people about the Shroud than to tell the truth about me as an apparent brother in Christ. I meant what I said about being open to reconciling with him, I'm still hoping he will come to his senses and repent via posting the Disclaimer, but the more time goes by the more unlikely it seems he will do the right thing. At this point, I really am starting to question everything I thought I knew about him and his integrity but I'm trying my best to be patient in case maybe he is thinking things through. But yeah, I will admit that Hugh does become rather emotional when something threatens the Shroud skeptical case, the first time I noticed this about him is when I had Guy Powell on to retract the Nature paper, he seemed really hostile towards the idea that he could no longer cite this paper as evidence for the Shroud being a fake and so I have no doubt the fist century dating gaining attention in the news in the UK would also affect him emotionally as well- it is almost as though he has some kind of personal stake in proving the Shroud fake for some reason which I was just completely oblivious to all this time.
@metaldisciple 19 дней назад
Walter M writes like he is possessed
@RealSeekers 19 дней назад
He truly was not a good person as Hugh would have us believe. I was just gong over some of Joe' s research on Walter and Harry Gove- these guys were the very definition of biased.
@RealSeekers 19 дней назад
The Blog has now been updated (scroll to the bottom for sources & Hugh's Blog post) = realseekerministries.wordpress.com/2024/07/05/oakwood-wesleyan-church-bible-studies/
@fyrerayne8882 19 дней назад
Deliberately lying about a fellow brother in Christ brings to mind 1 Corinthians 5:11 "reviler/slanderer" The exhortation in the passage is to have no fellowship with someone like that
@RealSeekers 19 дней назад
That is very true, I didn't even think of that verse there. I'm still hopeful Hugh will repent, I'm not asking for much on my end, but you're right, if he digs in his heels here, the Bible is clear on the course of action I must take- thanks for reminding of God's Word on this front.
@fyrerayne8882 19 дней назад
@@RealSeekers Absolutely! and on a tangent: have you been keeping up to date on the dating techniques that Fanti invented? Have they been independently verified to be accurate ways of dating by any other qualified secular scientists? I'd keep up to date myself but I don't know where to look for such information and figured that you're better situated to receive that kind of information.
@RealSeekers 19 дней назад
@@fyrerayne8882 Not to my knowledge, I think Fanti is the only one that has used them, though I remember something on SSG about possible further testing but I don't remember what that was about and even if I did I couldn't talk about it until it went public anyways. But yeah, I'm not aware of anything specific on that front.
@fyrerayne8882 16 дней назад
@@RealSeekers Right on. I'm eager for some independent verification of his methods!
@Kevigen 19 дней назад
For whatever my opinion is worth, Dale, I think that you are the most honest, the most truth-oriented, and the most open-minded content creator on all of Christian RU-vid. If I heard someone accusing you of dishonesty, I would lose respect for that person, not for you.
@RealSeekers 19 дней назад
Thank you so much Kevin, I always remember when you said this to me once before in the past and it meant a lot to me at the time esp. as you are a Shroud skeptic and agnostic, so to this day I always think of skeptics like you when I'm making shows and something comes up whereby I have to be honest even if inconvenient for what I believe to be true. But thanks for saying this, it does honestly surprise me to see Hugh of all people accusing me in this way. He says it wasn't his intention to say this about me and fair enough, just put a clarifying disclaimer on your Blogs and we should be good- I don't know why he is refusing to do it.
@metaldisciple 20 дней назад
What are your thoughts on capturing Christianity’s new video? Is there much credibility
@RealSeekers 19 дней назад
I assume you are talking about the WAXS dating, yeah I'm on board with it myself, I do think Fanti's dating techniques can be used to date the Shroud as they worked on the control samples and got the correct dates there. Another issue is that a couple of the dating methods aren't in peer-review journals. Obviously, the main issue is the fact that the methods are novel and haven't been vetted in secular archeology. But for me the fact it worked on the controls and the other methods all align to the first century that leads me to believe there is something to this line of evidence- I think it is more probable than not the Shroud is first century based on these methods, but its only slightly more probable than not until further testing can validate these new methods.
@metaldisciple 19 дней назад
@@RealSeekers oh ok. I thought it was debunked by Hugh stating the way he dated it was biased and in the samples he wanted it to be on
@RealSeekers 19 дней назад
@@metaldisciple Hugh and others have provided their critiques of it. I'm still not ready to dismiss the methods until further testing is done on them and the fact if they are erroneous then why do they all agree with each other instead of providing random dates- the only other option is some kind of fraud on Fanti's part, but that is not something I think is plausible.
@metaldisciple 18 дней назад
@@RealSeekers I’m pretty sure he said something on the lines of “if you keep testing something you can test it as much as you want until you get the dates you are happy with” but yes I would agree this is just claiming they are a liar
@lukewilliams448 17 дней назад
@@RealSeekers Hugh disputes the validity of this new data, yet considers the 1988 c14 test as sacrosanct despite the Casabianca raw data showing the 1260-1390 date to be completely unreliable, but also neglecting the point that the raw data shows a slope in the data which supports the Rucker theory.
@metaldisciple 20 дней назад
😔 That’s terrible. Sorry my friend
@RealSeekers 19 дней назад
I'm sorry too, I pray that Hugh does the right thing as the Shroud Panels really benefit from having him on the show to provide the skeptical side of things.
@adamclark1972uk 19 дней назад
Hopefully he'll repent ​@RealSeekers
@RealSeekers 19 дней назад
@@adamclark1972uk I agree Adam, we can pray for him.
@RealSeekers 20 дней назад
So I wanted to turn comments off here as I'm not interested in debating this issue further in an online war, I made my position clear and so this will be my final word on it, Hugh can say whatever he wants after this whether true or not. That said, I had to turn the comments on to correct a glaring error I forgot to address on the Blue Quad Mosaic whereby Hugh mentions the C-14 samples itself came from the green coloured area beside the blue patch not the blue part itself- yes he is entirely right about that as the images I show on my slide clearly shows, but again I don't think that takes away from the fact we have this weird blue coloured patch with a green border )where the C-14 sample did come from on that corner) and there is thus reason to differentiate it from the surrounding cloth. But yes, Hugh mentioned I messed that up in the original presentation making it sound like the C-14 was in the Blue area itself- that was my honest mistake and so I take Hugh's criticism on that front.
@jeffreyerwin3665 14 дней назад
". . . .reason to differentiate it from the surrounding cloth." According to Dr. Flury-Lemberg, this area has some greasy dirt but is otherwise a continous part of the Shroud. Textile expert Gabiel Vial also said that the location of the 1988 radiocarbon sample was a continous part of the cloth. Correct me if I am wrong, but to the best of my knowledge no textile scientist who has examined the Shroud in person has claimed that a secret repair exists anywhere on the Shroud or that the 1988 radiocarbon sample was not taken from the Shroud's ancient cloth. As for our friend, Mr. Farey, I had extensive conversations with the man on the late Catholic Answers forum, and I found him to be evasive, disingenuous, condescending, and deliberately misleading. I suspected that he was using alternate identities to promote his agenda. Mr. Farey may be likable enough person and someone whom you might like to meet at a pub for a draft. But in any discussion about the Shroud, I would not give this man so much as the time of day.
@troysmalley7886 21 день назад
Reading John 6 alongside John 3, is helpful in showing that the main point is not sacramentology but Christology. The transubstsntiation view does ironically contradict the argument from phago/trogo, because the act of chewing is only upon the accidents of bread and wine, and not the metaphysical substance itself. This argument fits well with impanation, or a figurative reading, but is a good argument against transubstantiation ironically. But it is also helpful to remember that Catholic interpreters such as Scott Hahn and Thomas Aquinas, as well as Haydock's commentary, that this section of John 6 is figurative. Jesus here is speaking about how one obtains the life that he gives, and that unless one eats and drinks him, that person does not have life. But in Catholic theology, noone is permitted to eat and drink the eucharistic meal unless they already have eternal life. And.....if Catholics interpret the "unless you eat..." teaching to be figurative, and they do, this is a parallel which also lends a figurative meaning to the parallel teaching in Jn 3, "unless you are born of water and spirit...". In other words, according to Catholic theology itself, if John 6 is about how one obtains eternal life, then it can not be about the sacrament which people are only permitted to eat and drink unless they already have that life. This is precisely why Catholic interpreters divide Jn 6 between the figurative section and the literal section. I also think Luis was on the back foot when saying that the aristotelian language is not essential to the teaching. How Bellarmine, Aquinas, and others used and argued about transubstantiation was precisely according to Aristotle's metaphysics, which is how they could make their view distinct from other views which otherwise would look similar. On the passage in 1 Corinthians, I would have asked how does Paul affirming transubstantiation address the problem between the rich and poor in that context?
@RealSeekers 18 дней назад
That is interesting Troy, another thing I noticed is that the trogo term apparently used to refer to cows and those that chew grass or something which doesn't apply to eating flesh like a carnivore, I saw some Roman Catholics try to say that because they chew bread then this qualifies or something like that- I didn't buy it on my end. But yeah, I think you raise some very good points here for sure, ones I didn't think of myself :)
@brianbeddor9124 21 день назад
If Phil is right and when Jesus says one must be born of water and the Spirit to go to heaven, Jesus really means one must be born of amniotic fluid and the Spirit - who does that eliminate? Who is not born of amniotic fluid? Adam and Eve? Children who die in the womb? Anyone else? Since Adam and Eve and children who die in the womb cannot meet this requirement set by God, what happened to them?
@RealSeekers 21 день назад
I think Phil would argue that water here is symbolic representing a natural birth not literally referring to amniotic fluid per se, but its contrasting natural birth (being born as a "natural man" vs. spiritual birth/spiritual man. But yeah, if Phil sees this he can answer for himself.
@brianbeddor9124 21 день назад
@@RealSeekers Even if it is natural birth - doesn't it mean that only those who have experienced a natural birth can enter the Kingdom of God? And, doesn't that eliminate Adam, Eve and children who die in the womb? None of these experienced natural birth and so don't seem to meet the conditions laid down in the text.
@RealSeekers 21 день назад
@@brianbeddor9124 Yes Adam and Eve would be exceptions and thus irrelevant to this verse which Luis argues is not meant to be literally universal but just a generalization of the normal circumstances- I'd say most men have a natural birth in that they inherit a sin nature whereas Adam and Eve acquired it and Jesus never had it with his extraordinary exceptional birth or rather conception. So, you can appeal to exceptions but those don't disprove the general rule anymore than pointing to an exception disproves the Catholic view about the general rule of faith there on water baptism. Would you agree, Adam and Eve were not "natural humans" in the sinful sense that Paul uses the term until after they Fell and are thus irrelevant. What about Jesus he was born (though not conceived) in the normal way but he wasn't a "natural man" as he had no sin nature due to being born of a virgin. I don't think Jesus means to imply a universal rule that would be disproven by his own very existence.
@brianbeddor9124 21 день назад
​@@RealSeekers I don't remember the passage of St. Paul talking about "natural humans" - would you share where that is? Jesus said: "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." (ESV; Jn 3:5) What exceptions? Are you just assuming that Adam, Eve, children who died before birth, etc. are exceptions? Or are the exceptions listed somewhere? You seem to be saying that "born of water" means having a sin nature. Is that right? So, would you understand Jesus to be saying "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one has a sin nature and is born of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God"? Would you give a few examples of who would not be able to enter the kingdom of God because they were not "born of water"? Maybe some examples might help me. I don't think Jesus not having a sin nature was due to His being born of a virgin. I suspect Jesus' lack of a sin nature is more due to His being the all-Good God. Thanks for the feedback and sharing your understand of what this passage means.
@RealSeekers 18 дней назад
@@brianbeddor9124 It's in 1 Corinthians 2 and Romans 8. Could be for sure in terms of sin nature = born of water, but instead it is natural birth that entails one having a sin nature that is meant- natural vs. spiritual birth.
@metaldisciple 22 дня назад
This was Awsome Dale
@RealSeekers 22 дня назад
Glad you liked it Metal, I thought it was a great show too on my end as a lot of it was new info for me too :)
@mrJety89 Месяц назад
15:40 yay!
@mrJety89 Месяц назад
Very blessed talk, I could feel the Holy spirit surging. Quenching is when the Holy Spirit wants to do something through you but you stop Him. Grieving is when the Holy Spirit lives in you, but you do something sinful. He won't leave you, but He will be grieved by it.
@RealSeekers Месяц назад
Oh wow, that makes sense there Mr. Jety I think you are right, I knew there was a difference, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was.
@mrJety89 Месяц назад
@@RealSeekers I think it was Kevin Zadai who explained this in one of his talks... or possibly Derek Prince. Derek is teaching the bible as if it was a logician's textbook. They both have their youtube channels that are actively uploading
@mrJety89 Месяц назад
57:00 @Tyler It's not like God created the stars on the fourth day. Hugh Ross says, that the bible is a very scientific book. Anytime it describes anything, it first establishes a point of view, and then gives us a description *from that point of view*. Thus, we read in Genesis, that the Spirit of God was hovering above the surface of the waters, giving us a point of view, and *from that point of view* the stars became visible on day four. The language of the hebrew also implies that the stars would have already been created by the time we get their description on day four.
@thegoblin957 Месяц назад
5.36 such a statement would directly contradict the words of Jesus himself
@RealSeekers Месяц назад
No it doesn't, it perfectly matches what Jesus said. I notice you prove 0 Scriptural proof of your claim here.
@thegoblin957 Месяц назад
@@RealSeekers For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Matthew 24:24 The words in Greek for signs and miracles are the same ones used for the miracles performed by Jesus. Not to mention the portrayal of the magicians of Pharoah where does the text imply this or anything other than a genuine supernatural event. Deuteronomy even states that a prophet shouldn't be believed even if they come with signs and wonders if they lead you to other gods.
@thegoblin957 Месяц назад
@@RealSeekers Paul backs this up in 2 Thessalonians 2:.9
@RealSeekers Месяц назад
None of these verses denies or contradicts what I said, no one denies Satan does supernatural events, such as clearly narrated in the NT itself, that simply isn't relevant to my argument as I merely deny God will not allow for supernatural Religion-Authenticating miracles- there is a key difference there.
@thegoblin957 Месяц назад
@@RealSeekers what do you think he's doing? Is trying to convince people into idolatry aka other religions
@brianbeddor9124 Месяц назад
Hi Dale and Luis, I just finished listening to your debate on Transubstantiation. Excellent job! Congratulations to both of you! 😀 At one point the two of you were talking about discerning the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist and whether a person would be damned to Hell if they didn’t. Luis, at about 2:01:50, said: “In Catholicism we would say that if anyone consciously rejects these things after it has been explained to them, they are anathema. Now, that's not the same as simply failing to understand. It's like an actual conscious rejection of these things after they've been explained to them. So ignorance is one of the things that has to be taken into consideration.” You then asked: “Just out of curiosity with that, would I be included there? Because I understand, I think I understand, the doctrine but I am saying I have reasons to reject it on a balance of probability.” I’m no expert, but I think Luis may have overstated things a bit. Anathemas have sometimes been issued by the Catholic Church, but were pretty rare. The most recent “Code of Canon Law” from 1983 doesn’t even use the word and so, from what I can tell, there is no procedure in the Catholic Church today for an anathema to be issued. Also, looking at past canons, from different Church Councils, often they wouldn’t say the person was anathemized but, rather, “let him be anathemized”. For example, in the Council of Trent the first canon reads: “Canon 1. If anyone says that man can be justified before God by his own works, whether done by his own natural powers or through the teaching of the law, without divine grace through Jesus Christ, let him be anathema.” The actual anathemas were a procedure that involved the pope and were rarely done. Also, as I understand it, anathema were/are only given by the Catholic Church to baptized Catholics. Non-Catholics cannot be anathemized as they are not part of the Catholic Church. So, even if the Catholic Church still issued anathemas, you wouldn’t get one. 😉 Also, the Catholic Church sees a huge difference between the Eucharist that has been consecrated by a priest and the bread and wine prayed over by someone who has not received the sacrament of Holy Orders. So, the Catholic Church would say that if you received the Eucharist in a Catholic or Orthodox Church then you would be receiving the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus. But, if you were to receive it in a Protestant Church, where it wasn’t consecrated by a priest, then you would only be receiving bread and wine and NOT the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus. So, if you have only received it in a non-Catholic or non-Orthodox Church then you have nothing to worry about. 😉 Just some thoughts on one section where Luis might have overstated a few things. Again, excellent show! Keep them coming! Brian
@RealSeekers Месяц назад
Hi Brian, thanks for your feedback. I tend to take the anethemas seriously from the Council of Trent myself, but let's see what Luis says if he responds.
@MrJollibee888 Месяц назад
I was in a van with my family in a long road trip watching a RU-vid documentary on the Shroud of Turin when I first encountered Barrie Schwortz. We already reached home when the film was about to end. I remember sitting in the parked van with my family waiting anxiously to reach the end to hear what Barrie has to say regarding Jesus whether he could be the Messiah. We all sighed in disappointment when he said that he believed that the shroud belonged to Jesus but whether he was the Messiah he wouldn't go that far. But watching this memorial gives me confidence that he did make his peace with the man whose face is on the shroud.
@RealSeekers Месяц назад
That's wonderful, I'm glad it was able to give you that closure on Barrie's status :)