James Tripp on YouTube
James Tripp on YouTube
James Tripp on YouTube
Welcome to James Tripp - Chaos Wave

If you are looking to master your mind and personal psychology, increase your influence in your life, or simply have an interest in mind hacking and reality hacking, then this channel is for you.

On this channel you will find videos on hypnosis and hypnotism, NLP, personal mastery, influence, personal psychology, coaching changework and more.

Monday's video is for those who are learning and exploring hypnosis - particularly my Hypnosis Without Trance approach.

Wednesday is Reality Hacks - distinctions to upgrade your personal operating system and getting better results in life.

Friday is a 'wild card' video... could be hypnosis, coaching, influence, NLP, personal psychology, ancient wisdom, personal mastery etc. (Friday's video is often question driven).

In between all of this I occasionally post additional content all broadly aligned along the theme...

Master your Mind | Master your Life!
Exploring Hypnotists' Fixation Secrets
28 дней назад
Two Sides to NLP Adaptive Vs Generative
3 месяца назад
Accessing the Unconscious Mind
5 месяцев назад
Can *Anyone* Be Hypnotised?
5 месяцев назад
We Need to Talk About NLP!
Год назад
5 Steps to Transforming Your 'Being'
2 года назад
@Om.arweens 4 часа назад
Big fan of your info! Do you have any videos you could point me to thay could assist with stand comedy? Writing or audiences. So far I've benefited from placing myself in their organization of reality and finding resonance. Thanks!
@samcottee6125 4 часа назад
Release and change. I am so excited. Terrified, but excited 😅
@georgeguarino1168 5 часов назад
Always good to hear your take on opening space, to receive the possibility to change... for the better.
@rustynails68 8 часов назад
This is awesome. I am going to play it again. This is why comedy works.
@TheTrippnotist 7 часов назад
Glad you enjoy it!
@putnanji 8 часов назад
would you please tell me the name of the daoist sage again?
@TheTrippnotist 7 часов назад
Chuang Tzu
@adrianmadril4897 8 часов назад
Again James, you say what I think but much more eloquently!
@TheTrippnotist 7 часов назад
I think what I say, but much more eloquently ! 😅
@pohkeee 17 дней назад
Changing…an individual(often past issues)…changing to adapt to a changing system in which the individual functions( often forward oriented)..inevitably the interactions initiates changes and reactions/adaptation to the system/social environment itself. To be most effective then, it’s an ongoing effort, not a once and done. Although, it’s often used to address one specific burden of mindset/behavior, which is the individual’s aim and that a valid application too.
@rustynails68 19 дней назад
I am going to watch this again.
@kellyglennie 20 дней назад
Will this course be recorded and available for purchase later? I can’t do weekend live training unfortunately.
@TheTrippnotist 20 дней назад
@@kellyglennie this one will not
@kellyglennie 17 дней назад
@@TheTrippnotist aww, that’s makes me sad. It sounded perfect .
@haroldgoodman130 21 день назад
It's all about Love. How would you truly want to be loved, supported? Open to this and both you and the patient will experience healing.
@magicalmindtransformation3474 26 дней назад
Man I love listening to anything from James Tripp
@TheTrippnotist 21 день назад
@@magicalmindtransformation3474 🙏🏻
@Devibaba 28 дней назад
Awesome thoughts. Many thanks for sharing, James! Best wishes!
@annareynoldscoach 28 дней назад
Your distinction between creative adaptive unconscious mind and robotic mechanical unconscious mind is very useful. Is this your own insight, or are there resources you can point me to that will take me deeper into this distinction? And do you see a difference between the creative adaptive unconscious mind and intuition, or could these frames be used interchangeably?
@TheTrippnotist 28 дней назад
@@annareynoldscoach it’s just an observation based on doing a lot of changework (self and other) and reconciling some things that didn’t quite sit right for me with the standard Ericksonian’ take
@MegaMaestroz 28 дней назад
What do you believe about derren brown work?
@TheTrippnotist 28 дней назад
He’s a mentalist. A good one too.
@falls2shine712 29 дней назад
Interesting stuff. I use a right/left hemisphere visualization to try figure out what's going on. Left hemisphere usually handles categorization, and it seems from your methods along with the process of categorization, is fixation as well. I say that because i regard the right hemisphere as handling meaning, context, and a wider scope of integrated symbols and meanings. In this model then, with regards to this idea of fixation in order for framing to take affect, the definitions of words around hypnotism may start to break down. The right hemisphere is where the change needs to happen with regards to feeling the change, a bodily change, and also the meaning, relating back to feeling and body. The left seems more like a guardian(ego or lower case "self" as category) and navigator of symbols(categories again). The right might be more what is underneath the symbols. As well as the Upper case "Self", commonly referred to within existential psychology. I'm sort of thinking out loud here, and making large jumps in logic. It looks like the right hemisphere is where the changes happen, with regards to meaning and feeling, which is about long term change, as it delves into the body memory. And the left looks like a place to change categories and temporary memory. A trance and/or fixation might both be idling or redirecting, respectively, the left hemisphere. When looking at the old split brain patient experiments and tests, it becomes very clear quickly, just what I'm talking about with such differing functionality and perception between the hemispheres. If correct. It stands then that for longterm change, one doesn't need to be in trance or fixated, IF the right hemisphere can be contacted and engaged in some other way. For example, through automatic drawing/painting and a good sense for unconscious symbolism. Well.. actually.. I do the painting in freeform and I do go into a trance/flow state...LOL Okay, maybe you really need to either open a portal through the left hemisphere, OR just keep it busy so the right can pay attention to context. Another thing, is that i don't think the right side handles categorized language, so may not be able to speak without the left as interpreter. I'm starting to think now that there are a great many more things I have missed with regards to this left hemisphere guardian situation. Considering the brocas region for language is in the left hemisphere, I'm thinking that the right may experience the context of the sounds of language and songs, while the left breaks it into pieces and therefore creates a groundwork for meaning to be applied, from the wide scoped contexts of the right hemispheres perceptions. So, I conclude now, that i need to know more, and that it seems that even IF the left hemkisphere is fixated or in trance, it is still needed and used in order to access aspects of the right hemisphere, if changes to behaviour are to take route. As for little tricks like short term memory hacks, I'd say that's only going to last as long as the narrative around the change lasts. The narrative being the access to the right hemisphere and it's handling of meaning. Anyway, watch the split brain patients stuff and this will probably make a lot more sense.
@falls2shine712 29 дней назад
Hmm the reason repetition works, is that the left over-categorizes to the point of it becoming invisible. Like propaganda on repeat, eventually becomes truth, through context development(right hemisphere change, through left side categorization/frame bombardment.). Possibly can be broken through changing language. Due to the meaning of language regarding intent, lying with the right side, the attacks on the left via bombardment could be reset, like changing the password on lock system. Those bombardments would have to reconnect to the underlying meanings, using the new language.
@thejaff23 10 дней назад
​@falls2shine712 not specifically in regard to this subject, rather to propaganda and it's hypnotic purpose (I thought you might appreciate the perspective), swaying the currently unswayed is not it's primary goal. It's primary purpose is to maintain and deepen the trance, like immediately following a rapid induction. The masses will just go back to their habitual pattern if you dont.
@jmherrera00 29 дней назад
A good book to read to get deeper in the neuroscience of the eye's role on trance and imagination, is "Brain and the Gaze: On the Active Boundaries of Vision" . Also useful about what happens when eye saccades are stopped by fixation by Jan Lauwereyns
@HenrikLumholdt Месяц назад
So true. As a hypnotist, i recognize exactly what you are talking about in this video; yes, we are all bound to,-sometimes very psychological or physical unhealthy- patterns, who can be changed, sometimes by simple awareness of a need for change in thought and action, and, like you say, by re-defining that Map (love your way of describing this; the Map is not the Territory) Thank you for a good waking call on this 😊
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
@@HenrikLumholdt good to hear you got some goodness from it Henrick!
@Amazology Месяц назад
Do you shift experience or do you experience shift ?
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
perhaps both at the same time
@Amazology Месяц назад
@@TheTrippnotist well shifting into experience and experiencing shifting simultaneously reminds me of Dr Linda Boroditsky's delightful experiment of telling her participants that "Wednesday's meeting has been moved forward 2 days" - "Which day is the meeting?" Some say Monday, others Friday 😄
@hattiedraper1061 Месяц назад
Fascinating. Thank you.
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
@@hattiedraper1061 🙏🏻
@Amazology Месяц назад
Repetition compulsion, no no no...not that ...this.
@YourSecretAdvantage Месяц назад
I love the idea that an NLP or hypnotic process can be used as a point of fixation while additional work is being done alongside of it.
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
@@YourSecretAdvantage six step reframe is good for this. People often run it only as a process but it can become a vehicle for a whole host of additional suggestion work
@SaintTrinianz Месяц назад
Thank you, James, for another richly insightful presentation
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
You are welcome indeed. And thank you for commenting @SaintTrinianz
@pohkeee Месяц назад
I have a question…how could this be applied to interrupt someone having an OCD episode. I have speculated that they’re in the middle of a self induced hypnotic state…and it might be possible to interrupt it with an alternative suggestion. What do you think?…I see that OCD-UK doesn’t recommend it…of course they don’t…wouldn’t want to interrupt a guaranteed long term income stream with a quicker and self empowering method 🙄
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
What does OCD-UK make of Jeffrey Schwarz work on OCD?
@eladeinav5108 Месяц назад
Amazing video James! Thanks a lot! Gives me more power to interact and communicate more effectively and elegantly with my patients and loved ones 😊🙏🏽🙏🏽
@thejaff23 11 дней назад
I have Tourettes syndrome and OCD is a component. I found way back that I can easily appease any compulsive tendencies by establishing beneficial obsessions, like for instance, an interest in the subject of hypnosis. So simply by virtue or the fact that my mind has a place to go and play with a subject it likes anyways, it tends to do so, and even if slightly obsessively, work just gets done in the form of learning and creative deduction etc. The side effect is the appeasement of compulsion. It became just part of my character to have a million subjects of interests and my mind just goes there when it needs whatever it was trying to do when it was compulsive.. I haven't had a compulsive tendency in decades now. Instead injust seem to have spontaneous insights that lead to profound realizations. I bring this up because it's a perfect example of what I believe is the basic premise here. I have interrupted a pattern loop by fixating on a different subject. I have made doing so the new pattern. At this point I couldn't even tell you if I have OCD like tendencies at work, I simply enjoy my journeys into every subject of interest be it quantum mechanics, hypnosis, enlightenment, etc.
@TheTrippnotist 11 дней назад
@@thejaff23 that’s beautiful - I often wonder how these “pathologies” can actually be kind of super powers in disguise (when directed appropriately)
@thejaff23 11 дней назад
@TheTrippnotist Absolutely.. I have one other major trick in this direction. I was very much in the category of hyper analytical and had a real hard time achieving trace, despite being not only open to the idea, but working at it daily for several years.. I was able to deduce eventually that it was a major destruction of trust early on that resulted in me NEVER accepting anyone else's truth, even when it seemed to be my own conscious mind. I had to arrive at belief, where logic and emotion were congruent, and this meant never letting go.. the critical faculty seemed to always be involved.. Eventually it dawned on me to take advantage if what I did have.. Several amenable egostates who wanted to do the change work, and a bunch that were too guarded..So I taught the ones that would listen what I was thinking, and mobilized them.. use the resources you have to make friends, to communicate, to help, etc.. Essentially I kept using any ground I gained to gain more ground. My plan was to increase egostate communication and it had a VERY surprising effect, but one that makes perfect sense in retrospect... All issues with Attention Deficit Disorder, simply vanished. That wasn't my goal, or even on my radar, but it was the result. I also gained a fantastic insight on what is going on in this situation. It's extremely tight focus, not lack.. most people maintain a general awareness of what they are doing, using multiple egostates. With a person with ADD, if they are making toast and a person behind them, says hey, can I get a refill on this coffee... the toast is now gone...it will take a reminder of the toast to bring it back, either seeing it, someone saying something , or the smell of burning toast, to alert the toast making egostate, because communication is not taking place between egostates.
@user-lr2rn6hf2l Месяц назад
I have a question on personal alchemy - on the black path stuff. Have bought many of your courses and have found a lot of benefit from it However, I have this paranoia of people framing me in negative light Example : If I say that I am a professional, there will be some person who is going argue with me and say that you are not a professional. According to the dictionary definition, you are not a professional and if I say that it is according to my definition, they are not going to let go and they will take over the conversation My higher mind agrees that this needs to be let go but the lower mind is attached to it(or sees it as a fact) I haven't been able to "let go" of this attachment. What are some of the strategies to follow to be able to "let go" of this?
@gracesol9 Месяц назад
regarding your paranoia statement you are not responsible for how other people perceive the words you choose to speak , they are , their reaction/response reveals where they reside consciously… unfortunately humanity has been mesmerized to cast shade , shine your light 🎉
@stevereynolds9578 Месяц назад
Is it possible to prevent abreactions in someone who has them at each session?
@ZapataVaincra-oz9ni Месяц назад
plz develop, which kind of abreactions ? what occurs ?
@stevereynolds9578 29 дней назад
Panic attack, fear and tears
@haraldburgener6349 Месяц назад
Great content. Thanks a lot!
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
You're most welcome! And thank you for commenting!
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
If you have any questions about, this video hypnosis or hypnotic changework, please do ask in the comments!
@gracesol9 Месяц назад
thank you
@mark35mi Месяц назад
Brilliant as always James. Excellent share. Thank you!
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
My pleasure!
@pirjooutimikkola4889 Месяц назад
Great, interesting, inspiring. So valuable!
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
Glad you enjoyed it
@dimahawksford1996 Месяц назад
This is very fascinating i just started to dive into Daoist internal alchemy, or Nei Dan through meditation, you have such an interesting perspective on the work, do you mind guiding me to a book or course of yours that would dive deeper into this?? I’ve been using yoga nidra and Pratyahara combined with lucid dreaming to work on changing my habitual mind while being aware through out the day of the thoughts and emotions that spontaneously arise within the mind/body complex. The ones the take over the most for me and tough to experience/ let go of as of now are lust, anger and desire. Please offer your perspective
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
Hi Dima I’ll see if I can carve out some time this week to make a video addressing this question!
@dimahawksford1996 Месяц назад
@@TheTrippnotist thank you so much 🙏
@davejamie5667 Месяц назад
wow your still posting content awesome
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
Yes I am… I’ve also got some plants in the works that might mean I have more free time available for RU-vid in in the future!
@teranceschmidt1090 Месяц назад
So, if I'm understanding correctly - generative NLP helps a person solve a particular problem, this sets them free to live in new ways, no longer held back by that particular problem. Adaptive NLP focuses on developing skills and understandings so the person can show up in the world and in their life in new, more powerful ways. So, fix an existing problem in the person vs become more effective with not just ourselves but with others as well? Or, to look at it a different way - be happier in a cave vs be more effective in the world? I'm in the the USA, in the world of Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy, and in Timothy September's Enter the Loop program, which is what brought me to your work as ETL references your HWT model and your hypnotic loop diagram. I'd say we mainly focus on freeing a person from the trance they're locked in so they can make new choices. Sounds like generative work if I understand correctly. One question, off topic - what's that clip-on mic you're using? Your voice is sounding great with it.
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
@@teranceschmidt1090 yes you have the distinction well defined! Regarding the sound - it’s less about the mic and more about what are used to process the sound afterwards. I edit in Descript, which includes an audio processing option called studio sound. This essentially takes reasonably crappy recordings and makes them sound like they were recorded on a much higher end mic.
@teranceschmidt1090 Месяц назад
@@TheTrippnotist Thanks for the confirmation! And for the note on Descript. Looks like I'll have to start using that.
@stressbuster805 Месяц назад
Thank you James, you're inspired me..... I so much like all your videos.... Me from Indonesia,
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
Happy to hear that!
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
Please do share your thoughts and questions here in the comments!
@user-lr2rn6hf2l Месяц назад
It is 2024 & I feel fear seeing some of the discussions taking place in some of the videos esp commentary channels(like penguiz0, h3, etc) It is all black and white There is little to no research done and it is all based on what is popular idea in the moment Out of years of content, they will find a few tidbits and string them together to make a narrative to tear people down and cancel them If you do x, you are a misogynist/hater/creep and if someone goes a little off against the grain or points to some nuance, they will either be downvoted to oblivion or they will say you are a scumbag and are part of the problem, you do not get it Sorry about the incoherent rant But scary stuff. Literally anybody can be torn down. You just need to do some research on all of their content. Take bits and pieces where they were at their worst and tear their image down completely and label them as 'creepy' and people just eat it up
@GiselleSuarez Месяц назад
Well said…and done. 😉 ps. Looking forward to your “outside the box video”. I love looking up where these sayings come from. That is one I have not looked up yet. 🙂
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
I'll make that video!
@davejamie5667 Месяц назад
admitedly i watch your vids for the asmr qualities, im becoming an expert on hypnosis tho, would love to see a compilation of a heap of the more relaxing demos put into a couple of different vids. would also love to see a really long ambiguous touch/arm catalepsy/handshake vid for asmr, i your voice and those gentle touches and deliberate movenents are so relaxing to watch, i think a guided meditation to iduce relaxion/asmr/trance would be an incredibly popular video if you if needed any ideas hope you might use one of those as a suggestion 😂 very interesting and relaxing great content
@sidraabbas7773 Месяц назад
When is the program reopening? I suppose i found this video late.
@jazuk01 Месяц назад
It's from Kenrick Cleveland
@TheTrippnotist Месяц назад
Thank you! And several dozen others!
@heithwatkins Месяц назад
There was a great teacher that one walked planet earth. He spoke of loving yourself and then loving others the same way. Love alone brings healing both inside and outside. Love wins everytime.
@Micky2009-s4s Месяц назад
"a butterfly flapping it's wings in Brazil can cause a Tornado Oklahoma"
@davejamie5667 2 месяца назад
those subtle and gentle hand movements and light touches with your relaxing voice make me go into trance from just observing, would probably pay to have this type thing done to me jst for the relaxation, the hypnosis would just be a bonus, i would prefer a female to do it but for some reason deeper voices work better on me
@AdvancedStrategies 2 месяца назад
This is Ed Norton. 100% in.
@Om.arweens 2 месяца назад
Hello! Came across NLP while reading sleight of mouth. I feel like it's a key to mastering stand up for me. The freestyle jazz and rap stuff really resonates with me. Do you have any resources in that direction? Do you do one on ones? Thanks! -Omar
@ericrounce8181 2 месяца назад
I know this is a rather old video, and even the point i wish to make is rather dated for me, but here goes because I think this a finer point you would not learn by scripnosis. Jacquin calls it "being the hypnotist". Major Mark Cunningham said, "you go there first". Now when I mentioned those four words in my first firmal hypnosis training, I simply received a raised eyebrow from the trainer. That in itself should tell you that this is not a newby understanding! Perhaps it ought to be. On the other hand, since hypnosis is not something you do to your subject, this idea if taken wrongly, could provide you not only with an ego boost, but also with an impediment to your practice. Thank you James for being brave enough to at least take the lid off and not just leave it with a raised eyebrow.
@Om.arweens 2 месяца назад
"Aphantasia" solved
@samcottee6125 2 месяца назад
Ooh sankalper, yoga nidra and timeline all in one. L.O.V.E
@kronk420 2 месяца назад
If you get the message, hang up the phone. Alan Watts.
@denisef7414 2 месяца назад
Superb conversation, i learnt and learning a lot from you. Thanks a lot!