Big Northern Bear’s Brain Cancer Journey
Big Northern Bear’s Brain Cancer Journey
Big Northern Bear’s Brain Cancer Journey
My name is Big Northern Bear, Friday October 13th 2023 I found out I had a 3.5cm brain tumor which had to be immediately removed via surgery it turns out I have an extremely very rare form of brain cancer called Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma which is often considered to be a pediatric form of brain cancer.

I have the grade 3 version of this cancer meaning my tumor is malignant and more agressive than most Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma

Oct 17, 2023 They were able to remove 95% of this tumor with surgery leaving me with active brain cancer which I am trying to treat via keto diet while I await my journey through Cancer Care to begin. My plan is to share the ups and downs and any knowledge I gain here

Please note I am not a doctor this is a VLOG based only on my own life choices which should not be taken as medical advice

I have my original youtube channel where I VLOG about dealing with Atrial Fribrillation and it is quite popular in that community.

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