Sarge’s Shell Hole
Sarge’s Shell Hole
Sarge’s Shell Hole
GW1936 & GW1914 related content.
Operation RCT Japan Turn 14.4 Jan 1943
14 дней назад
Operation RCT Japan Turn 11.4 July 1941
28 дней назад
Operation RCT Japan Turn 10.4 Jan 1941
Месяц назад
Operation RCT Japan Turn  9.4 July 1940
Месяц назад
Operation RCT Japan Turn 8.4 Jan 1940
Месяц назад
Operation RCT Japan Turn 7.4 July 1939
Месяц назад
Operation RCT Japan Turn 6.4 Jan 1939
Месяц назад
Operation RCT Japan Turn 5.4 July 1938
Месяц назад
Operation RCT Japan Turn 4.4 Jan 1938
Месяц назад
Operation RCT Japan Turn 3.4 July 1937
Месяц назад
Operation RCT Japan Turn 2.4 Jan 1937
2 месяца назад
Operation RCT Japan Turn 1.4 July 1936
2 месяца назад
Operation Casino Royale - Italy 10.7 Jan 1941
5 месяцев назад
Operation Casino Royale Turn 9.7 Italy June 1940
6 месяцев назад
@GW36_Enthusiast День назад
Reviewing Japanese Heavy Battleship production. On T10, you start your first HBB. T11, you advance it to stage 2. T12, you start 2 HBB and finish your 1st. T13, you start 1 HBB and advance 1 to stage 2. This means you end T13 with 2 HBB at stage 3, 1 at stage 2, and 1 on the board. T14, you start 1 HBB, advance 2 HBB from stage 3 to stage 2, and place your 2nd HBB on the board. T15, you finish the 2 HBB at stage 2. At this moment, you have 1 HBB at stage 3 and 4 HBB on the board. This turn, you purchase 2 stages of HBB. 1 HBB is started and the one at stage 3 advances to stage 2. You have 4 HBB on the board.
@GW36_Enthusiast День назад
At 10:30, you place a heavy battleship in sea zone P15, but you didn't have one at stage 2. It was at stage 3. So I have you with 4 heavy battleships in sea zone P15, one at stage 3 and one at stage 2.
@GW36_Enthusiast День назад
At 8:05, you are spot on with your fuel marker that your fighter on MAP only had a range of 1. You count, "1, 2..." This would have been too far if you flew over Japan, but your move was still legal because sea zones P15 and P16 are adjacent. So it was just one move. 8 )
@rodrigoalderete1656 3 дня назад
Counting sea zones is not your thing my friend ahahah
@GW36_Enthusiast 8 дней назад
You could have gone in port in Kwangtung, but I don't think it would have been wise!
@Sargesshellhole 7 дней назад
@@GW36_Enthusiast true could have ended up being a KMT navy!
@GW36_Enthusiast 8 дней назад
Love your camouflaged fortifications!
@PMMagro 12 дней назад
Hainan(the island) has a cavalry or infantry for Jpan right?
@PMMagro 12 дней назад
Mao & CCP forcing your hand? Interesting :)
@Sargesshellhole 12 дней назад
@@PMMagro its getting late in the game I thought I would hit him in Kwangtung while he had no AAA and was on the coast
@timewarp1994 12 дней назад
Those defending rolls were obscene! I’ve never seen so many hits
@Sargesshellhole 12 дней назад
@@timewarp1994 that was crushing
@GW36_Enthusiast 8 дней назад
10:05 "Hopefully, our luck improves..." This proved to not be the case!
@Sargesshellhole 7 дней назад
@@GW36_Enthusiast 😭
@crewchief9942 19 дней назад
The Common Wealth has Anti-Submarine Warfare technology, so convoy line defense rolls are a "2" against each convoy raiding submarine (not a 3), so the Japanese raiding submarines survived this turn. Reference V4.2.1 rules, 8.2.1, and 10.9.
@Sargesshellhole 19 дней назад
@@crewchief9942 I should have checked before rolling - you are correct. Good news for me though! ASW also gives the Brits another +1 to their defensive roll as well as a + 1 for radar.
@GW36_Enthusiast 19 дней назад
Just so you understand the flow of play: You perform all your combat movement and declare all your combats during the combat movement phase. Then, you proceed to the combat phase where you roll dice. I think you believe you declare both your combats and your combat movements, but do not do the movement until after you have rolled the dice. Does this make sense? During the combat movement phase, you can say something like, "I'm going to move these units here to attack here [You move those units into that battle]... and I will move these units there to attack there [You move those units into that battle]." Then, you roll your dice. After resolving all your combats, you then proceed to non-combat movement and more movement takes place. Trying to be helpful! 8 )
@Sargesshellhole 19 дней назад
@@GW36_Enthusiast Yes - I need to physically move the pieces rather than just say. Then roll everything. Ok I think I got that straightened out.
@GW36_Enthusiast 19 дней назад
@@Sargesshellhole Exactly! ☺
@Sargesshellhole 19 дней назад
@@GW36_Enthusiast solid copy. No more indiscretions on the battlefield 🫡
@GW36_Enthusiast 19 дней назад
I appreciate you rolling your tech *before* you went over your purchases! It just makes so much more sense and it easier for your opponents, rather then setting out one build, then rolling, then going back to change the build. Thanks! 🥰
@Sargesshellhole 19 дней назад
@@GW36_Enthusiast Thanks! The conference went well even if I put a few pounds on in the process!
@bostonbruce4777 18 дней назад
@@Sargesshellhole 🤣
@HamboneHQ 19 дней назад
So it was a very successful conference!!
@jimnicholas7334 19 дней назад
The conference worked! Holy cow that tech roll xD
@Sargesshellhole 19 дней назад
About time! My tech has stunk this game!
@timewarp1994 28 дней назад
Did you end up using your sneak attack this turn?
@GW36_Enthusiast Месяц назад
I feel your pain on Improved Construction. I'm experiencing the same problem with Advanced Submarine Warfare! 4:42 OMG! The close-up camera work in Primosky Krai really shows off the excellent detailing on your airborne infantry, my friend! The backpack. The boots. Stunner! Love your Japanese aircraft! The seaplane with jungle print. The air transport with the snow leopard print. Gorgeous. 10:26 A naval transport carrying 1 infantry and 1 medium armor crosses a narrow crossing between sea zones P50 and I12, but I have a coastal artillery in British Malaya. I elect to use one of my 3 shots with the coastal artillery to attempt to destroy the naval transport. We PBE'd this and it survived safely with a 10. 11:59 a naval transport moves from sea zone I12 to sea zone P50. You don't want to do this because you would face another narrow crossing coastal artillery shot. It then picks up 1 medium armor from Annam-Tonkin. However, that medium armor was in Siam, so you didn't need to cross the narrow crossing again. You can just stay in sea zone I12 and pick it up. At 19:45, you rolled 2 green dice instead of 1 blue, 1 green. One of the green dice was a "3", which would have hit if it were blue. Thus, there was a 50/50 chance you got a hit here. We PBEd this and the green "3" was indeed the blue die. You get a hit here on R2. This means you didn't need to roll for the final militia (which is great, because you forgot to!). 26:34, you move Japan up 2 and USA down 2 for Luzon & the Visayas. This land zone is actually worth 1. At 35:02, you convoy raid the Commonwealth. Since I have developed Radar, I get a +1 to my convoy defense. You therefore only do 1 IPP of damage. You get to assign it to either the FEC or Great Britain. 36:22 "I'll go with the green die and the red can be for the FEC." You mix this up on R3 and give me the hit when really it was you that hit! You take Maharashtra you lucky bastard! 🤣 The art is misleading in Japan. You can just walk two infantry-class units across the narrow crossing to Hokkaido, but you can't rail to Hokkaido.
@Sargesshellhole Месяц назад
@@GW36_Enthusiast Thanks for the kind words on the board. It is a labor of love. I do feel spoilt getting to play this game with an excellent group of players! So in the end I did take Maharashtra? What was left in there?
@GW36_Enthusiast 29 дней назад
@@Sargesshellhole You took it with 1 marine!
@GW36_Enthusiast Месяц назад
At 0:47, you buy 1 infantry for 6! You go from 30 to 36 for 1 infantry. This is why you got off.
@jimnicholas7334 Месяц назад
The tsunami crashes! Banzi!
@GW36_Enthusiast Месяц назад
6:03 When you perform strategic naval movement that starts from a minor port, you only have a movement of 3.
@Sargesshellhole Месяц назад
@@GW36_Enthusiast ugh. What a cheese brain. Good catch.
@GW36_Enthusiast Месяц назад
Strategic bombers cannot non-combat transport anything. They can only carry an airborne infantry if they are conducting an airborne assault.
@markb2773 Месяц назад
See! Having 3 tech rolls are starting to pay off! ( It was a shame large ships was the one missed...hopefully next round) Thank you for going over and showing what is going on up north in Rehe.
@Sargesshellhole Месяц назад
@@markb2773 Yep really need Large Ships! The build up continues but conflict is inevitable. Got to keep the allies guessing.
@Sargesshellhole Месяц назад
@@markb2773 still trying to be a bit more mindful of my camera work. All feedback is appreciated. Cheers for watching
@GW36_Enthusiast Месяц назад
When you moved units into sea zone P60, the Dutch coastal submarine could have elected to engage you in 1 round of combat. I could have pounced on the naval transport at 5:45, but that would have been cruel to do to a newer player. So our group decided that Sarge's Shell Hole moved all the units he was moving into sea zone P60 at the same time: 1 unloaded destroyer, 1 loaded destroyer with a marine, 1 fleet submarine, and 1 naval transport. The coastal submarine elected to engage in 1 round of combat. The Japanese fleet submarine missed its first strike with a "6". The Dutch coastal submarine missed with a "9". The unloaded destroyer missed with a "9". The loaded destroyer barely missed with a "4".
@markb2773 Месяц назад
Hey Sarge! I like what I think you are about to do! I also would like to commend you on making 3 major factories to allow you to have 3 tech rolls now (IMHO 2 is just not enough...especially if you are Japan!) Could you hold the camera up for a few seconds more in the north up by Rehe because I would like to see what all you and USSR have pieces-wise up there? Thank you and so far...so good!
@Sargesshellhole Месяц назад
@@markb2773 absolutely- will try zoom in a bit more. If you like I can do a map fly over next turn. 👍
@OliverLaskoski Месяц назад
I think that it is pronounced celebes as in bees. I love your figures. They look so realistic. The only problem is that can't tell the difference between different army's. How do you tell the difference? But still the paint job is amazing
@Sargesshellhole Месяц назад
@@OliverLaskoski thanks so much. I think I am constantly butchering the pronunciations! Its easier to see in person what everything is. I have national decals on everything 👍🫡
@OliverLaskoski Месяц назад
@@Sargesshellhole that's okay!! I get pronunciations wrong all the time. Love the paint schemes. I would love to paint my own set someday
@GW36_Enthusiast Месяц назад
I only have you with 6 marines in Formosa.
@Sargesshellhole Месяц назад
@@GW36_Enthusiast that is correct. 6 pieces are there. Miscounted on the disposition .
@Sargesshellhole Месяц назад
Alignment next turn. My bad.
@timewarp1994 Месяц назад
So you’ll get another recruitment chance!
@Sargesshellhole Месяц назад
@@timewarp1994 indeed
@GW36_Enthusiast Месяц назад
@@timewarp1994 We PBE'd the recruitment roll for Siam and they failed with a "6".
@timewarp1994 Месяц назад
@@GW36_Enthusiast rip 💀
@GW36_Enthusiast Месяц назад
Zero accounting errors since adopting the Panzer J's counting method! Argh! Abysmal tech luck! 😭 Note that you have to declare where the major factory is being built.
@Sargesshellhole Месяц назад
@@GW36_Enthusiast Major Factory going into Honshu
@user-vl6nx5kk8p Месяц назад
Wow love to watch the jokes in the game😂😂😂
@Sargesshellhole Месяц назад
@@user-vl6nx5kk8p biggest joke is my tech rolls 🙄
@GW36_Enthusiast Месяц назад
@@Sargesshellhole 🤣
@GW36_Enthusiast Месяц назад
"Welcome to the 1st International Submarine Conference!" 🤣
@Sargesshellhole Месяц назад
@@GW36_Enthusiast Entry to the conference is free
@bostonbruce4777 2 месяца назад
TBD P33 ?
@Sargesshellhole 2 месяца назад
@@bostonbruce4777 correct 1 x TBD in P33
@GW36_Enthusiast 2 месяца назад
I have Japan at 27 on the production chart + 2 for oil + 5 for Chinese land zones + 1 saved = 35 IPP banked.
@bostonbruce4777 2 месяца назад
I concur .
@GW36_Enthusiast 2 месяца назад
I love how you laid out the roundels and the D6's for each of their income increases. Slick! I believe Beiping was empty.
@bostonbruce4777 2 месяца назад
I agree
@Sargesshellhole 12 дней назад
@@GW36_Enthusiast stealing everyone else’s ideas
@markb2773 2 месяца назад
Where is Part One?
@Sargesshellhole 2 месяца назад
On the way. Issues uploading
@markb2773 2 месяца назад
Hello Sarge! Welcome to this crazy group...I have to tell you, in my humble opinion, Japan is the most difficult country to play in this awesome game...I am wishing you the best of luck because these guys you are playing with are pretty clever!
@Sargesshellhole 2 месяца назад
@@markb2773 they certainly are. Japan is fighting on all fronts. I’m lucky I got a strong ally in Hambone. It’s only early days and I already have a tricky situation developing in China! Its a dilemma for sure.
@bostonbruce4777 2 месяца назад
Nice turn and disposition.
@Sargesshellhole 2 месяца назад
@@bostonbruce4777 thanks Bruce
@wess79ful 2 месяца назад
Goodluck Sarge
@Sargesshellhole 2 месяца назад
@@wess79ful cheers - not loving the CCP influence roll!
@GW36_Enthusiast 2 месяца назад
Beautifully filmed turn. Easy to follow! Great disposition.
@bostonbruce4777 2 месяца назад
Militia missing in Norther Manchuria.