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Jack por fin.avi
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Jack-Kate antes de entrar.avi
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Ben y Hugo.avi
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@hugomartin1466 Месяц назад
Esto demuestra que lo que le faltaba a hugo era ese impulso que cualquiera necesita en la vida amor puro y sano.jacobo en algunas cosas estaba en lo correcto . todos necesitaban la isla para que su vida estubiera en buen camino. Cada a su manera . Hugo necesitaba créer en que alguien podía estár con el a pesar de su físico que no importa como sos físicamente si no como persona y después cuando pierde a la persona completo su viaje para ser el guardian que necesitaba la isla
@hugomartin1466 Месяц назад
Esta escena es hermosa por qué de muestra que jacobo tenía razón en creer que hay bondad y luz en las personas.Ben no era malo solo que la persona que tenía que cuidarlo y monstraerle cariño y amor nunca se lo demostró y lo hizo creecer inseguro de si mismo ese fue su padre.Ben solo quería un lugar donde pertenecer y ser querido ese lugar fue la isla y la persona que le mostró cariño y respeto y amistad fue huyó por eso ben sonrio por qué por primera vez alguien le pidió ayuda y que lo necesitaba de verdad por eso estaba feliz de ayudar a Hugo y lo mejor es que se formó una buena amistad y estaba arrepentido de todo lo que hizo
@jimmyrustlerz Месяц назад
Wish they filmed some scenes of Hurley and Ben well into their Island leadership. They did one or two with Michael outside the island. But would have been cool to see them on the Island years into it.
@CrashHell Месяц назад
And here I am, crying like Cooper in Interstellar watching this. 😭😭😭
@justinrodriguez3087 Месяц назад
The music the smirk and him not entering the church makes me feel like he killed hugo
@chiefko 2 месяца назад
Such a perfect ending for both characters.
@emilstorgaard9642 2 месяца назад
Ben: "I'd be honored" Me: 😢
@adrianrichtarech2034 2 месяца назад
I really hope Desmond left the island, since he hated being far away from Penny. I've read so many loveful comments about Desmond, but I never scrolled upon some comment that would mention this. I hope he reunited with Penny and Charlie since Ben was talking about way off the island.
@thedoctor4327 5 месяцев назад
How it started: Ben having his people capture Hugo so Hugo could then deliver a warning to the other survivors. A few things that happened next: Hugo ignoring Ben to let James & Claire into Ben’s house, Hugo giving Ben the bigger half of the candy bar, Ben warning Hugo about the crackers, the Hot Pocket incident, Ben affirming that Hugo’s best quality is helping others, and Hugo proving that point by honoring Ben/show Ben that he’s needed & wanted by someone. How it ended: Hugo and Ben, my two favorite characters on Lost, affirming how great the other one was 🥲
@ZakEmber 5 месяцев назад
There is so much happening in this scene. Ben has only ever wanted to belong and feel special, and Hurley's instant forgiveness of all the history between Ben and himself, (and Hurley's genuine need for Ben) are exactly what Ben has been seeking out his whole life. Hugo, in just one honest sentence opens the door for Ben to finally have what he's always wanted. And I think Ben's compliment to Hugo that he was a great number one really holds a ton of weight, since Ben spent so much time seeing the downsides of Jacob's way of doing things. Hurley is so compassionate, I'm sure the island became SO MUCH BETTER under his tenure. This is a sad scene, but Ben's recommendation that Hugo do things his own way set the stage for what likely made the island a place of rest, healing, compassion, learning, humor, and more under Hugo's reign.
@tomwheeler2012 6 месяцев назад
I think part of what is so touching is that Ben finally gets the recognition and the appreciated that he longed for...that he felt jealous, betrayed, etc. I think that may be why Ben doesnt go with Hugo and the others. Hugo fulfilled a part of Ben and now Ben has a role in his life to do things as a whole person not as someone's pawn.
@nateputerbaugh5709 Месяц назад
Ben not going yet had more to do with wanting Alex and Rousseau to come with him
@JohnRNewAccountNumber3 26 дней назад
How? He's already dead. I think he has yet to come to terms with all the things he did, and still hadn't forgiven himself
@tomwheeler2012 6 месяцев назад
this is so touching...even after all these years its still a touching scene
@trentterryfriends3934 7 месяцев назад
It was never supposed to be Jack and it was always supported to be Hugo as the new protector and I believe Jacob knew it because Hugo is the most pure out of any of the candidates, he has strong empathy and is the least likely to be corrupt by powerz say for example if Sawyer or even Jack became the full time protector of the Island the Power of being an immortal god might have gotten to there heads and they might have been corrupted by the darkness, so it needed to be somone with a pure heart who puts others before himself such as Hugo
@jwiese100 9 месяцев назад
I'm curious to see what the island is like with Hugo in charge. Ben said he did a great job.
@iamworstgamer 11 месяцев назад
hugo was right successor to jacob, hugo, jack, charlie and desmond are only morally good people i could think of as real candidates.
@billie0429 11 месяцев назад
Ben became from one of the most hated to most pathetic to most pitied to most sympathized to most love
@billie0429 11 месяцев назад
“Why are you going with locke?” “Because he is the only one would have me” Hugo: “can you help me Ben?” Thats why Ben was fixed, Hugo genuinely wanted him
@erakattack 11 месяцев назад
so what happened to Desmond? he stayed on the island?
@user-hu9vi7nk1l 10 месяцев назад
Ben just said it in this video. The first thing Hugo did as protector was get Desmond back to his wife and kid. I imagine they also found Jacks body and buried him. Later they go to Walt and the Dharma workers tieing up loose ends. But the first act of goodness that Hurley did as protector was get Desmond back home. And he lived happily ever after with Penny and Charlie.
@erakattack 10 месяцев назад
@@user-hu9vi7nk1l yeah I forgot that line when he's trying to reassure Hugo. There's just so much going on man!
@TheHalloweenKing Год назад
I think Ben and Hugo we’re always meant to be the ones that ran the island .
@user-hu9vi7nk1l 10 месяцев назад
Yeah, everything that happened in the show was planned out by Jacob from the start. He has flashes of the future just like desmond did, but with 2000 years of experience he learned how to control time with his visions. He had the others building a runway for the Ajira flight 3 years in advance, he had Jack's appendix removed 3 years before he was stabbed there by MiB. He touched Ben right after he stabbed him to protect him from the MiB because he planned for him to help Hurley. Its like Jack said to MiB, Jacob didn't choose him, and MiB says he expected to be surprised about who Jacob chose. In season 2 Jacob gave Richard a list to give to Ben, to capture Jack Sawyer Kate and Hurley when the hatch exploded, to get them to safety cause he knew he would need them in season 6. Its like what he said to Hurley at the lighthouse, he needed to get them as far away as possible.
@kiernanjk 8 месяцев назад
​@@user-hu9vi7nk1l i know jacob is all powerful but the concept of him giving jack appendicitis is just rlly funny to me
@user-hu9vi7nk1l 8 месяцев назад
@@kiernanjk Jacob doesn't give ailments, he heals them. Jack probably got appendicitis a long time ago and Jacob was keep it healed. He began taking away the healing when Jack was trying to make contact with the freighter and leave the island, to make him bed ridden. He did the same thing to Locke when he was heading toward the plane with Boone. And Locke was shot my Ben where he had his kidney removed.
@Alex-cp4hi Год назад
Ben loves the island probably even more than Locke did
@Taospark Год назад
I think he came to love it instead of merely wanting to control or know it.
@tocraneandcrane Год назад
Back in season 3, I would've never in a million years thought that I'd be tearing up at the image of Hurley and crazy-ass Ben taking care of the Island together. But here I am, yet again crying. Lol. I miss LOST.
@Eugene-lt7sr Год назад
He always wanted to be needed, appreciated Hurley has such a great heart to give him a second chance
@JL-dj5ek Год назад
Finally... benjamin got the recognition he always wanted from the leader protector which jacob (former leader) failed to do...
@FurryWulfz Год назад
Whose theme is this?
@keysandcoffees9441 Год назад
“I think you do what you do best: take care of people” And 25 seconds later, Hurley takes care of Ben with that question. Not even a minute after the suggestion, he already helped a man more than he’d ever felt helped in his entire life
@natashaamos3277 2 года назад
Ben had a soft spot for Hurley.
@Gtslmfa0 Год назад
"Hugo... you can go back to your camp."
@danielasmr6021 2 года назад
"You were a real great number 2" 💀
@frankdodd3355 2 года назад
I doubt that Linus had ever heard the words, "Can you help me, Ben?" in his entire life. Someone asking him, trusting him, someone who wanted nothing but help, who legitimately needed his help, with no axe to grind, just needed a very human answer, while recognizing his expertise and knowledge, and implying how it could be used to help people. Ben needed Hugo here as much as Hugo needed Ben. And it's beautiful.
@Cornchps827 2 года назад
Such a overlooked exchange. A huge part for Ben’s character line.
@MrWilliamson9411 2 года назад
Jacob: “What about you?” Hurley: “Will you help me, Ben?”
@lastpme 7 месяцев назад
I know people always said the MiB was evil, but Jacob did a lot evil 👿 stuff himself. His brother wanted to leave once he knew the woman who raised him killed their real mother. When he was messing with light with his wheel device instead of his mother explaining to him it could make the island unstable she killed his people then Jacob made the MiB the smoke monster. Then Jacob continued to bring people to the island 🏝️ but refused to get involved which caused a lot of people to die on the island.
@TheOneAndOnLEE. 2 года назад
Good thing Desmond didn’t wake up or else he might have kicked Ben’s ass again
@FreshZCORD 2 года назад
nah he was shown to be fine with ben around earlier
@TheOneAndOnLEE. 2 года назад
@@FreshZCORD true lol I haven’t watched this season in awhile
@JustPippaNY 2 года назад
I know that nothing will ever be able to recapture this magic, but I do kinda want a sequel series with Hurley and Ben. And Ji Yeon. I hope Hurley took her to the island.
@saraha8826 3 года назад
"Hello hugo" will forever melt my heart. The affection and love
@everarzamendia6271 3 года назад
Dude if this is afterlife, why the dad said that the dharma initiative was a oportunity for ben to be better than a teacher... I dont understand but anyways, awesome
@FurryWulfz Год назад
Because there was a part of Ben that still desired power, maybe? That was a test. If he'd fall back into his old ways or not. Same way he had to choose between becoming Head Teacher at the expense of Alex failing, or sacrifice his potential for power to help Alex.
@jrewing1512 Год назад
@@FurryWulfz Ben had the chance to correct his biggest mistake. Saving Alex.
@jimcoughlan858 3 года назад
Also the way Ben’s face lights up when he sees him tells you how much respect Ben has for him.
@jimcoughlan858 3 года назад
The reason this scene is so great is that both Ben and Hurley realise what makes each other “special”. Ben acknowledges that Hugo is great at looking after everyone and that he was the glue that held the Losties together. Hurley recognises the Ben knows the island . Neither are making a power play they are just openly acknowledging the others strength. It was one of the few things in the finale a felt was earned
@thebantabrigade9130 Год назад
I think it’s more ben has finally found purpose, and some actually wants his help not use him
@NickKhronic 3 года назад
Buddies <3
@cehghanzi6477 3 года назад
The Ben of just a few months ago would have killed Hurley (or made him transfer his power) in seconds. Ben really had the most character growth on the show.
@FreshZCORD 3 года назад
That's crazy to think about
@abbysands9510 3 года назад
So true
@jrewing1512 Год назад
Agreed. Ben became my favorite character on the show.
@insomnimac8368 Месяц назад
Y'know I'm not so sure about that. Yes, Ben went through a lot of growth but Ben is well networked. "You do what you do you best Hugo, take care of people". How did he know that? Ben got reports from Ethan, then Michael flipped and he got more from him. Ben threatens a lot but he typically doesn't kill unless he has to, and that comes up a lot when you're trying to save the world from some ethereal unknowable meta-evil. I don't know if he would've killed Hugo, I can't say when exactly he knew who Hugo was and what Hugo meant to them... but the others were likely spying for a long long time. I like to think there's some "Other" sitting up on top of those mountains with a reflection-resistant set of binoculars who can either read lips, or had listening equipment, just watching totally and utterly flabbergasted as they realize what Hugo's doing. "He appears to be making holes and taking measurements, Ben" "That's disconcerting. Watch him. Report back". "Ben, you aren't gonna believe this." "What. WHAT." "He made a golf course." *long pregnant pause* "Could you repeat that, say again" "Ben, he put holes in for a golf course. He's convincing the doctor to play." *Long pause* "How many hole did he make?" "Ben he made 9 holes to standard, they even have clubs." "I think... that's the first game of golf played i n f i f t e e n years. Let me know if Hugo wins." "Hugo isn't even playing Ben, he made it for everyone else." *long pause* "I want you to make a special report on this Hugo Reyes, I want you to watch him and send notes." ANd like every week he gets some new note, some new moment watching. Ben shows a lot of loyalty here to Hugo on very little personal experience and for a man AS untrusting as Ben to throw complete faith at Hugo... it just seems like "more" was to it. I bet Ben knew Hugo was a candidate early on. They knew John Locke would become a leader, but something inside him had to be just tickled finding out what Hugo had done and who he was. Every file some weird new anecdote or story about Hugo Reyes, the least threatening man on Oceanic 815. Just reading his file must've been hilarious.
@shotx333 3 года назад
I cried, thank you.
@jonathancooper4914 3 года назад
Ben: You are being watched. Hurley: What? Ben: ...Oh, nothing. Never mind.
@TheAJ2501 3 года назад
Reese: Hello Finch.
@cabahab2996 3 года назад
How different it could have been for ben if he met someone like Hugo sooner.....
@jrewing1512 4 года назад
I love when villains turn good.
@thelavinator6343 3 года назад
I love it too. One day they are your worst enemy, the next thing you know that old enemy is bringing you the head of everyones worst nightmare
@TheHalloweenKing 3 года назад
Ben was never a villain just misled
@everarzamendia6271 3 года назад
But only when they do it properly, not like naruto forgiving his enemys and magicly they good, heres character development right here
@chiefko Год назад
Ben was most definitely a villain through season 3.
@jrewing1512 Год назад
@@chiefko Yeah. He was the Big Bad in Season 3. He refused to let them leave the island and killed a lot of people.
@AI26100 4 года назад
@CDbiggen 5 лет назад
Love this scene so much, both of these characters deserve this ending.
@moronisanchez3657 5 лет назад
Exactly what I was looking for
@defender2222 5 лет назад
People miss out on why Ben is so happy and honored by Hurley's request. A lot of people think it is the power he wants... no. What Ben wants, what he's always wanted, is to BELONG. He father never truly wanted him so he went to the Others... only for him to learn that they merely used him for one purpose. So he sought meaning with his daughter, to be loved, only for her to turn against him. He sought belonging from Jacob but he didn't care. Hurley is the first person with power to honestly and openly ask Ben to work with him, to join him.
@chuckbecker5635 4 года назад
Kevin Allen preach!
@cabahab2996 4 года назад
He actually liked Hugo too I mean everyone loves hugo..x x x x 💓💙💛
@abbysands9510 3 года назад
What you say is true. Ben once stated he wanted to be ask but no one did. Hurley actually asked him and as a result it changed him
@Cornchps827 2 года назад
This scene was great. Ben finally got what he wanted. To be important and have belonging but to also have someone fully trust him again.
@canadian128 Год назад
that is still absolutely pathetic
@Ashtree81 5 лет назад
Hugo healed Ben that very moment
@Hiosho 5 лет назад
i had just goosebumps by seeing Ben beeing lighted up from the Question "Do you help me Ben?" dang..i really miss the Music..and the Actors...gosh...thx for the great Expierience....loved it..and still do
@Ashtree81 5 лет назад
Same here, Hugo healed Ben by asking him for help
@luissantiagoochoadavid2838 5 лет назад
Ben fue el mejor, sin duda alguna. 😃😃😢
@Cooperativahockey 12 лет назад
me encantan como pareja de tv ♥