Learn how the health care law affects you at HealthCare.gov. The official site of the Health Insurance Marketplace. The Marketplace is a new way to find health coverage that fits your budget and meets your needs. With one application, you can see all your options and enroll. Visit HealthCare.gov to see if you can get coverage outside Open Enrollment!

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For the official source of information about HealthCare.gov, visit HealthCare.gov. Please note that RU-vid is not a government website or application. The HC.Gov RU-vid page is maintained by CMS. For more information about CMS, visit CMS.gov. CMS does not keep records or accounting of RU-vid users or their interaction with the HC.Gov RU-vid page. CMS does not store or share this information. User information is retained by You Tube as long as a user maintains a You Tube account. RU-vid users can learn more about how their information is used and maintained at ru-vid.compolicyandsafety/policy.html
@didyoulisiten 10 лет назад
Sooooo, they are promoting this BS on a web site that DOES work. I bet RU-vid didn't cost Half a Billion dollars and still rising. HHS should be De-Funded.
@WendyBadman 10 лет назад
Can you please help fix #healthcare.gov, #Marketplace kids insurance erroneously rejected Thank you for any and all assistance. ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1068398
@Ginopr 10 лет назад
I had to send photocopies of my license, birth certificate, SS #, Military and other requested ID’s to: (Health Insurance Marketplace, Department of Health & Human Service in London KY) to identify my self. Hope this will solved my identity problem with your ancient system. Looks like your agency is still in the middle ages. I am risking having my Identity stolen because of your Archaic System. I should go to the New with this…
@alexhaussmann2078 11 лет назад
what if i dont need any care what then?
@Augmuse 11 лет назад
Now if we can only get the Insurance Cartel out from between me and my doctor like it is now. The plan keeps the Insurance Cartel in charge for the most part but does set 10 minimum care standards and that has long been needed. The many wak-a-doodles who call the ACA government interference could really use the mental healthcare provide for in the ACA. Way to go Barack in fulfilling an idea almost a 100 years old. Also an idea born in the minds of the Conservative Heritage Foundation. They had it right back then. If only the NoPublicans of today could see past the money that bought out their souls. If only we can move to a Single Payer or Medicare for All model that provides real competition for the insurance cartel.
@versity100 11 лет назад
We pay a WOPPING amount just for me.
@Ryushai 11 лет назад
So how does this factor in getting hit by a random drunk driver, or getting caught in a burning building, or cancer? There are situations no one can predict or prepare for. What happens to those people? How do they get help when cost for medical care is so high?
@fegtoken 11 лет назад
I feel bad for my American neighbours.. this is one of the biggest blunders in American history..
@laureengianni9371 11 лет назад
Get your frustrations out. obamacare.proboards.com/ And tell the world what you think.
@tedmosby1331 11 лет назад
I don't want Obama Care!!!