Exodus 90
Exodus 90
Exodus 90
Are you tired of returning to the same ‘modern Pharaohs’ over and over again - overconsumption of social media, numbing your problems with alcohol, pornography, or binge-watching TV? Our culture today has no shortage of Pharaohs and idols that hold us back from true unity with God. Exodus 90 offers you a way out.
Isaiah 53 drove her to baptism . . .
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@stephendufort4154 11 дней назад
@stephendufort4154 18 дней назад
We all get it ,father , even that Dr. your talking failed many times in NOT keeping celibacy !!!! Almost none of us ,almost none , and worse even if we tried , our partner would think there something wrong with us. OK , the solution is find a partner ,a women for me , who is practicing celibacy , ....Hm.! Lets see , just how many woman these days and in decades and decades past , is practicing celibacy. ONE OUT OF 1000, ONE OUT OF 10,000 ? Worse the environment which in times past assisted people to raise celibate children where u could find your mate, where is that place, that environment. We do not live in such places and there are so few virgins out there , or women who want to not have sex before marriage , that even in our regular Catholics who go to mass on Sunday ,u won't find almost no one willing to forgo sex before marriage , which puts us all in a very precarious situation , we are weak , blind to some degree , repeat sinners all nearly everyone , no wonder Pope Francis , is .....well writing one thing ,but saying the polar opposite as is his custom . Indeed few will make it to heaven, your not alone father in your celibacy ,we lay people are too, ,I have been celibate nearly 50 years ....in a world like today , I almost could be a saint , or nuts . OK I am being sarcastic, I am not a saint , not a good catholic ,:I am hopefully ordinary , I am. not even sure I am that (?) ; WE LIVE IN EXTREMELY PRECARIOUS TIMES , AND THIS SIN , ALL AROUND US IS MORE EASIER TO FALL INTO THEN EVEN IN THE TIME SODOM. It's almost unfair, .....
@stephendufort4154 18 дней назад
Wait a minute , the question , how do you distinguish between What Gods Plan is for you , or the devils plan for you , I might add a possible 3 rd person; your own plan for you......part of your answer was get rid of sin in your life ....? But none of us , not even a saint has ever managed that , So are u saying then regular confession, etc, yet we know we won't ever really get rid of sin our whole life. Till the end we will always remain in a fallen state , which in turn keeps us blind in some measure ...it seems we can suggest here , somewhat of a contradiction , or paradox , get rid of sin, but we won't be able too , just sometimes only to fall again and again, and yet again, so in this we never get rid of this particular sin , I do not know a single person, who has NOT experienced that....as it all relates to decrement between Gods will plan, for us and the devils plan......and I might add , the terrible visions of I saw should fallen into hell like snow flakes....REPEATED many a time even long long before Fatima, it seems God is destined to lose the battle for souls , since hell is getting most of us , even more then most of us I remember one saint died the day before along with a second saint. On the day after one of these saints appeared to his sacristan and said , at the time of his death and that of his friend there were over 30,000 souls who died at the very same moment . He and his saintly friend want straight to heaven, while all the 30,000 want straight to hell , presumably many were Catholics. So get rid of sin , but you never can, in order to effect a better decrement possible ; and more the 99% of us , give or take are going to hell, the Devil beats God easily and soundly ....something is a little off here, add to that babies unbaptized , not much hope for anyone getting to heaven at all . My only possible answer ,or solution ,is ignore these stories , all these souls going to hell, yet you ignore them at your own risk, ignore limbo , and the church never baptizing those children ,while there mothers for the rest of there own lives , lived in that torture , millions , while centuries later ,our time , the church tries to simply leaves the idea of limbo to go quietly into the night , THE DEVIL is the winner , God loses , accept these few special souls , sorry I repeated that , the only possible part , I say part solution , is regular confession , but it may be the only thing we have , ( and doin't think of all other christians, and worse pagans , it will depend on which Catholic clergy you ask , Traditionalist lefties or righties , what happens to these non Catholics ?? I have of course fashioned my own answer , from all the above as to what he CHurch is teaching ........I would dearly love for this Father to take the whole of each and every point ,leaving none out , and gives us all feedback , God loses the BATTLE , BUT THAT CAN'T BE , but he does , ,ok u must say its our own fault , but none the less ,that getting more souls in hell , was the plan all along for Satan, so satan wins against even God!!!!Let's see if the Father can take all my points leaving none out and make sense of this nonsense......PS I have to point out I have most of this answered though not all ,and not all perfectly Stephen
@joannemonast8670 Месяц назад
Prayers for generations past, present, and future!
@Patricia-lc8cf Месяц назад
Fr Carlos has the most kind face and loving expression. I always notice this about him. God bless you, Father.
@thebiscuitrose Месяц назад
@user-dd6ej1np2p Месяц назад
Father Carlos is an amazing Priest but this was an exceptional talk filled with unbelievable information!!!!!! Thank you Father Carlos and thank you to this channel ❤🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❣️
@sac1303 Месяц назад
Thanks for interviewing Fr. Martins. He always enlightens me.
@user-wv3px4pq6x Месяц назад
Genuine question can anyone respond please? Father states that even in the womb, we are children of the darkness of the devil , does that apply even if both our parents were Christian and believe in God, and have the Holy Spirit and were baptized as well does, what does that mean for us-those children of those marriages? Are we still children of the devil??
@bjvaskejr 2 месяца назад
I'm wanting to do this but I do agree with Patrick. I think it's a misunderstanding of the language. I listened to this 3 times and haven't heard anything I disagree with. Where is it that you say mary is the central figure of the church ?
@paczy 2 месяца назад
Hello, Is the book going to be different then the content in the app? I am curiuos if it would be the same if I bought the book itself and follow that in the 33 days. It would be great to follow these excercises in paperback and not through the phone.
@patrickdev8211 2 месяца назад
Using terms such as "she is the central figure of the church" is entirely contrary to the real central figure of the church, Jesus. Other terms such as "to Jesus through Mary", implies we can only be with Jesus if we go through Mary. This just adds more and more layers and is borderline blasphemy. It goes beyond intercession and turns Marian devotion into a religion in and of itself. Im Catholic and love Mary and asking for intercession but these terms completely perverts Christianity. as a side note, I love Exodus 90. Well done.
@classicworks0316 2 месяца назад
While Our Lord Jesus Christ could have incarnated by any other means, he chose Our Lady for such a special task from eternity. While all glory is to God, and all creatures are “as nothing”, the honor and praise the Church gives to Our Lady, which echoes the one from the angel Gabriel and St. Elizabeth, is due to the fact that she was instrumental to God becoming man: that is, she was key to our salvation, in an inferior way but still crucial way. She is *central* because of that, because where Jesus is present Mary is too.
@joelsmucker8419 Месяц назад
This IS blasphemy. "There is only one mediator between God and man, the man, Jesus Christ.
@richarddiclaudio9554 2 месяца назад
Hi Father B!
@dmatthews3507 2 месяца назад
I am so glad I stumbled across this....I NEEDED TO HEAR THIS. PRAISE GOD!😇
@katleenbackus4976 2 месяца назад
⭐ "Promo sm"
@dorothybennett2191 2 месяца назад
Wow what a beautiful and good instructions from a spiritual father given to us by Our Father in heaven. Thank you for sharing Fr. Martins will any who will listen.
@lanbaode 2 месяца назад
Sadly we are not fed the whole Gospel of the Old Testament. We Catholics, and almost all other Christians, get to read and hear proclaimed as selected for Mass readings (Lectionary) only mostly the portions of Isaiah about the prophesies of the coming of the Messiah during Advent and of the Suffering Messiah during Lent. We miss the greater portion of the book that show that our God is a God of social justice. To use the right wing bad word thrown and smeared at their enemies in the culture war, God is a “woke” God, meaning he is awake, aware, and passionate about addressing and eradicating social injustices. Isaiah shows that God is on the side of and has the preferential love for: the poor, vulnerable, and afflicted; the lost, least, and last. Just read for samplers: Isaiah 30:18; Isaiah 1:15-17; and Isaiah 61:1-2.
@maryellis1985 2 месяца назад
Thank you for reminding me of the importance of Scripture to combat the devil. It helped me to analyze a strong temptation that I had, and a better way that I could have handled it.
@Redwhite4life 2 месяца назад
I love this guy, thank you Bas
@user-mf6wb9ui9f 2 месяца назад
Thank you Father Carlos. How nice to hear you talking full of holy sporit
@derigaydomeng1280 2 месяца назад
ThankYou Father Martin, the way you explain is very internal and Given me more clarity . . .❤
@HELLH0WND 2 месяца назад
Face minutes in and still no mention of why faith is or is not reasonable.
@Wisdom23 2 месяца назад
Father Carlos. How can I contact you? Does he have an email? Blessings
@jeanb.5405 3 месяца назад
Don't know how this came up on my feed and I am not a man but I got a whole lot out of listening to this podcast so thank you for sharing it.
@Cousin676 3 месяца назад
@Cousin676 3 месяца назад
Useful analysis❤
@Cousin676 3 месяца назад
@user-en1py9dv6w 3 месяца назад
Great video gentlemen.
@Exodus90 3 месяца назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@user-hd4kv7vc6i 3 месяца назад
What can I do to stop people from being able to astral project on me?
@misspeach3755 2 месяца назад
Call on Jesus and strengthen your relationship with God (prayer, repentance/confession, fasting, worshipping, Eucharist/mass). I've been attacked by astral projectors myself, and calling on Jesus during the attack helps every time. I also sleep with a Bible, a cross and a St Benedict medal in my bed and ask God to protect my sleep before I go to bed.
@nurisdiaz624 3 месяца назад
I can't wait for his book to come out ! Father is THE BEST SPEAKER ! May God reward him abundantly for all he does !!
@aliasjones6381 3 месяца назад
Just got notified five days later :P
@katarinam2434 3 месяца назад
Fr Martins is spot on!!! But sometimes is harder than it seems!!!
@katarinam2434 3 месяца назад
Such wisdom!!!
@katarinam2434 3 месяца назад
This interview was amazing ❤❤❤ thank you!!!
@katarinam2434 3 месяца назад
Thank you for having Fr Martins on! I love him! God bless❤
@CatholicKen. 3 месяца назад
Fantastic interview.
@soroushfetkovich5084 3 месяца назад
@philv2529 3 месяца назад
You really shouldn't make until thee all them graven images dude. Abandon idolatry. It doesn't point you towards God. It is a sin.
@SevenDeMagnus 3 месяца назад
I need discipline Father God. Amen. Pray for me too and Elon Musk and Pres. Trump and celebs on the brink of becoming catholic.
@IanMcGarrett 3 месяца назад
ALL plans are God's plan, even Satan's. God's a planner. Not at first though. You've got your Adam... Who for some reason has dick, balls, all the plumbing of procreation. Even nipples. You've gotta be wondering what God was thinking when he put nipples on Adam. Nipples make sense on Eve but why would Adam have nipples except as a cosmetic feature? So Eve as an afterthought shows that God's a planner, but not a good planner. He figgers his creation needs rules so he has this one rule: don't eat from this tree. So because of this stupid rule he HAS to banish Adam and Eve from his wonderful creation. Bummer. And then one of their kids murders the other one and God's suddenly thinking "That's not right." Takes him two thousand years to codify the idea into one of the ten commandments though.
@TheAlexcia13 3 месяца назад
Thank you for your interview! Thank you for your questions asked to Fr. Martin. They are very helpful! God bless you.
@ApatiEktetheimenos 3 месяца назад
If you believe in Transubstantiation, you are following the devil's plan. If you believe Christ paid it all ONE TIME on the Cross, then you understanding Truth from God.
@jamespowers6070 3 месяца назад
Oh, well, that is a teaching of modernism.
@ApatiEktetheimenos 3 месяца назад
@@jamespowers6070 Yes, Transubstantiation is an occult idea from the 12th century. Not modernism. Paganism.
@jamespowers6070 3 месяца назад
@ApatiEktetheimenos Haha! No, my friend, you are incorrect.....nothing at all to do with the Occult. Sadly, you've been put under the spell of your Evangelical "cult" of half truth Christian believers. It's sad that you can't see Catholicism as the first and True Christian religion. The one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Christ. Remember, Christ was speaking of only One Church, not Churches.
@ApatiEktetheimenos 3 месяца назад
@@jamespowers6070 Oh James, really? The man-made Cult born 300 years after Christ with its HISTORY of murder, is the "true Christian religion"????? That is just impossible to swallow buddy!!! Nobody but a victim of a Cult would believe you!
@emmap1159 3 месяца назад
Transmutation is based on Jesus's words to the disciples in the upper room, so it's you who do NOT believe Him. Your faith alone mantra was developed by a fat, fallen monk in the 1500's and your error is a product of the middle ages.
@rachaelboysen1790 3 месяца назад
Thanks Jeff!
@aliasjones6381 3 месяца назад
Part of the Lord's Prayer - "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil" - we are not as strong as we might fancy ourselves to be. I've had to learn this the hard way. Humility will save you from getting into fights you won't win... and save you from humiliation. The best way to resist temptation is to avoid it in the first place.
@LePedantSemantique 3 месяца назад
It’s simply amazing to me that this somehow makes sense to a portion of our society. Just imagine the ancient shaman explaining to the young virgin girl why she needed to be thrown into the volcano. 🤷‍♂️ Several hundred years into the future this will seem just as foolish.