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The Frontline Club is the London hub for a diverse group of people united by their passion for the best quality journalism. With its elegant restaurant serving the best of British cuisine and its atmospheric members' bar, the Frontline Club is a unique place to discuss, debate and be inspired. Our events, screenings, workshops and restaurant are open to the public.
From the Archive Conflict screening
6 месяцев назад
Kleptoscope Episode 1: Whistleblowers
2 года назад
Liberating Libya
2 года назад
Afghanistan Series: Episode 1
2 года назад
Kazakhstan In Turmoil
2 года назад
War On Culture
2 года назад
The Gate To China
2 года назад
Picture Stories: Post Screening Q&A
2 года назад
Dis:informed - Post Screening Q&A
2 года назад
A Quiet Courage: Post Screening Q&A
2 года назад
What Next For Assange?
2 года назад
WIJ Sarah Rainsford Interview
2 года назад
Afghanistan 20 Years On
2 года назад
In Solidarity- The Migration Blanket
3 года назад
The Battle for the BBC
3 года назад
Pandemic Plastic - a Burning Issue
3 года назад
@elisabeth3636 6 часов назад
@imrannazir6931 13 часов назад
Why has this channel become quite concerning what is happening in Gaza and the number of journalists who have been murdered by the IDF?
@roxannedesvergnes8080 2 дня назад
Here after OCT 7TH - One year later - I am so happy I stumbled upon Shlomo Land - he gives a true and accurate description on how Israel became and how Palestinians were always right about how the land was theirs and we must stop this nonsense about who owns whose land. Palestinians should be free and we need to stop killing them in the name of Zionist. 🇵🇸🫶🏼
@PhilKelly-l9q 7 дней назад
Absolutely brilliant 👶🏻
@PhilKelly-l9q 7 дней назад
@omarmahfouz5599 10 дней назад
Incoming self hating jew accusations 😂
@JamacMohammed-i3l 10 дней назад
Guul iyo gobanimo huseen ceydid guul
@cloutpackent 19 дней назад
The Zimbabwean girl at 46:00 is mentally colonized
@KP-yv1ff 22 дня назад
You should be ashamed of yourself calling yourself investigating journalists
@laurentlambert6347 27 дней назад
Since the time of that conference (2009), Israeli PM B. Netanyahu has confirmed what Professor Avi Shlaim stated about the responsibility of Netanyahu, the Likud and the settlements' land grabbing (watch by 20'57).
@ColdViolet 27 дней назад
Shin Dong-hyuk is a true inspiration and making a difference by sharing his story. 🕊️🫶🏻💜 The audience is asking great questions, too. Wonderful video. And his responses cast great light on the system. What these people need the most after escaping is therapy and support...
@bringiton5282 27 дней назад
She's so arrogant and aggressive. She's not humble or compassionate when talking about this and if she's anything like most Norwegians, it could happen again.
@cesarpolitics7576 28 дней назад
This strange idea they always have that they became religious because of the west, no one ever pushes back on it.
@TommyPhoebe-d6b Месяц назад
Williams Frank Brown Sarah Lee Betty
@ibelongtojesus0316 Месяц назад
Bottomline! NEVER trust an abdoool. Even if their right, their wrong. Unless their an exabdoool.
@Rkolb2798 Месяц назад
Very interesting , filled in a lot of gaps . Thank you . She deserves to be remembered .
@Marius_vanderLubbe Месяц назад
He is sorely missed. I read his book.
@AshokGupta-oq6hs Месяц назад
Madam,you are erring again. Kashmir is not South Asia's Palestine. It is fuhrer's holocaust. Please do not downgrade sufferings of Kashmiri muslims.
@Faisal-ek4ij Месяц назад
Secular or religious Jews they have been massacred by the Christians, and in return, they are getting their revenge from the Muslims. Satan in disguise
@sovereigndonation4217 Месяц назад
Jonathan Hoffman has joined every event that Shlomo is involved. This guy has really has nothing better to do
@smartlady3892 Месяц назад
Terminology palestinains got created in 1964 by KGB from former USSR and Arafat from Egypt. in 1947 Jordan got created another arabs state on 70 % of Jewish land. After in 1946 Israel returned his original name, million Jews got robbed on thier properties, valubles, discriminated and forced out from arab countries. Israel is a tiny and ONLY Jewish state surrounded by 21 arab countries. After 1948 over million Jews got forced out from arab countries. There are over 2 milion arabs live in Israel as well as christians. Those Jews who returned to thier Jewish land they bought back thier land and rebuilt it into a beautiful state. Those who occupied or migrated to gaza, as well as those from Jewish land Judea and Samaria, should have rights to return to thier historical land in Egypt and reunite with thier extended families. Peace to all.
@OrphaleseExists 29 дней назад
Absolute anti-history, biblical 'arguements', polemics, ideology and this wanna be wish for 'peace to all'. Freedom for all native people everywhere who suffered and are still suffering at the hands of their oppressors who always try to justify their heinous crimes with whatever tools they can find Also: Wow I've never heard of any country in the world having 26 other countries surrounding it 😮 haha
@OrphaleseExists 29 дней назад
The hasbaresque grift is strong with this one. But honestly thx for making me laugh, I've never heard the KGB thing or the fact that there can be a country with 26 others surrounding it 😂
@smartlady3892 29 дней назад
Adrean from the former Roman Empire Capturers renamed Jewish land into so called palestine in retaliation against Jews for resistance to occupation. Jesus was Jewish and born 2033 years ago in Jewish family, in Jewish city, on Jewish land occuped by former Roman Empire capturers. In 1948 Israel returned his original historical over 4000 year old name. If you never heard of someting, look at the map and study geography and history or at least go to the library. Facts and truth is important. Read Tora, Bible and Koran.
@OrphaleseExists 29 дней назад
😂😁🤣 'facts and truth matter' --- proceeds to cite biblical 'facts'
@smartlady3892 Месяц назад
Interesed that first of all, this Israli prof Avi S said that Jews lived in Iraq for 2.5 millions years before islam but his family assimilated, spoke arabic and made arabic food at home. in 1947 Jordan was already created on 70% Jewish land and its over twice bigger then modern days Israel. To be clear, beginning in 1920, during the British Mandate, after independence in 1932, educated Jews played an important role in civic life. Iraq's first minister of finance, Sir Sassoon Eskell, was a Jew, and Jews were important in developing the judicial systems. 10 out of its 19 members in 1947 were Jews and the first musical band formed for Baghdad's nascent radio in the 1930s consisted mainly of Jews. Jews were represented in the Iraqi parliament, and held significant positions. Between 1924 and 1928, Jews fled discrimination in USSR, immigrated to Iraq . Zionizm is a movement of Jews to return to thier historical homeland, capital Juraselem and mountant Zion. Organized Zionist activity began in Iraq in the 1920s. The Jewish population was generally sympathetic toward the movement as most Jews prayed for centuries to return to thier homeland. The Zionist organization in Baghdad was initially granted a permit by the British, in March 1921, but in the following year, under the government of King Faisal I, was unable to renew it. Zionists activities were tolerated until 1929 then Jewish land that was still called Palestine as renamed by former Roman Empire occupiers, Zionist activities were banned and teachers from Jewish land Isratz Israel, who taught Hebrew and Jewish history, were forced to leave Iraq. In the 1930s, the situation of the Jews in Iraq deteriorated and discrimination and harassment continued. Previously, the growing Iraqi Arab nationalist sentiment included Iraqi Jews as fellow Arabs, but these views changed with the ongoing conflict in the "Palestinian Mandate" and the introduction of Nazi propaganda. Despite protestations of their loyalty to Iraq, Iraqi Jews were increasingly subject to discrimination and anti-Jewish actions. In September 1934, following the appointment of Arshad al-Umari as the new minister of economics and communications, tens of Jews were dismissed from their posts in that ministry; and, subsequently, there were unofficial quotas of Jews that could be appointed in the civil service or admitted to secondary schools and colleges. Zionist activity had continued covertly even after 1929, but in 1935 the last two Palestinian Jewish teachers were deported, and the president of the Zionist organization was put on trial and ultimately required to leave Iraq. After the collapse of Rashid Ali al-Gaylani's pro-Axis coup d'état in 1941, the Farhud ("violent dispossession") pogrom broke out in Baghdad on June 1, in which over 200 Iraqi Jews were murdered, and 2,000 injured - damages to Jewish-owned property were estimated at ($ 62 million in 2024). There were also instances of looting of Jewish properties in many cities until June 2. As a result, Jewish emissaries from Palestine (former name given by Adrean from former Roman Empire to Jewish land)were sent to teach Iraqi Jews self-defense. Pro-Allied monarchist regime implemented measures to prevent the outbreak of similar anti-Jewish violence and established a committee of enquiry on 7 June "to examine the facts and find who was culpable. Before the UN Partition Plan for Palestine, Iraq's prime minister Nuri al-Said informed British diplomat Douglas Busk "that the Arab League meeting might decide that if a satisfactory solution of the Palestine case was not reached severe measures should be taken against all Jews in Arab countries. He would be unable to resist such a proposal." In a speech at the UN General Assembly Hall at Flushing Meadow, New York, on Friday, 28 November 1947, Iraq's Foreign Minister, Muhammad Fadhel al-Jamali, included the following statement: Partition imposed against the will of the majority of the people will jeopardize peace and harmony in the Middle East. Not only the uprising of the Arabs of Palestine is to be expected, but the masses in the Arab world cannot be restrained. The Arab-Jewish relationship in the Arab world will greatly deteriorate. There are more Jews in the Arab world outside of Palestine than there are in Palestine. In Iraq alone, we have about one hundred and fifty thousand Jews who share with Muslims and Christians all the advantages of political and economic rights. Harmony prevails among Muslims, Christians and Jews. But any injustice imposed upon the Arabs of Palestine will disturb the harmony among Jews and non-Jews in Iraq; it will breed inter-religious prejudice and hatred. Jewish exodus from the Muslim world. So they were opossite of recreation of Jewish state . In the months leading up to the November 1947 Partition vote, violence against Iraqi Jews increased. In May 1947, a Jewish man in Baghdad was lynched by an angry mob after being falsely accused. Rioters ransacked homes in the Jewish Quarter of Fallujah, and the Jewish population there fled to Baghdad. Large Jewish "donations" for the Palestinian Arab cause were regularly extorted, with the names of "donors" read out on the radio to encourage more. In spite of this, Iraqi Jews still mostly continued to view themselves as loyal Iraqis and believed that the hardship would pass. The Jewish Agency's emissary to Iraq reported that "No attention is paid [by the Jews] to the frightful manifestations of hostility around them, which place all Jews on the verge of a volcano about to erupt." In 1948, the year of Israel's independence, there were about 150,000 Jews in Iraq. Persecution of Jews greatly increased in 1948: In July 1948, the government passed a law making Zionism, the rights of Jews to reestablish thier state, a capital offense, with a minimum sentence of 7 years imprisonment. Any Jew could be convicted of Zionism-based only on the sworn testimony of 2 Muslim witnesses, with virtually no avenue of appeal available. On August 28, 1948, Jews were forbidden to engage in banking or foreign currency transactions. In September 1948, Jews were dismissed from the railways, the post office, the telegraph department, and the Finance Ministry on the ground that they were suspected of "sabotage and treason". On October 8, 1948, the issuance of export and import licenses to Jewish merchants was forbidden. On October 19, 1948, the discharge of all Jewish officials and workers from all governmental departments was ordered. In October, the Egyptian paper El-Ahram estimated that as a result of arrests, trials, and sequestration of property, the Iraqi treasury collected some 20 million dinars or the equivalent of 80 million U.S. dollars. On December 2, 1948, the Iraq government suggested to oil companies operating in Iraq that no Jewish employees be accepted. Following the Israeli Declaration of Independence and Iraq's subsequent participation in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Iraq was placed under martial law. Courts martial were used to intimidate wealthy Jews, Jews were dismissed from civil service, quotas were placed on university positions, and Jewish businesses were boycotted. In sweeps throughout urban areas, the Iraqi authorities searched thousands of Jewish homes for secret caches of money they were presumed to be sending to Israel. Walls were demolished in these searches. Hundreds of Jews were arrested on suspicion of Zionist activity, tortured into confessing, and subjected to large fines and long prison sentences. for example, a Jewish man was sentenced to 5 years' forced labor just for possessing a Biblical Hebrew inscription which was presumed to be "a coded Zionist message. " Tthe Jewish community waqs in shock after the arrest and execution of businessman Shafiq Ades, a Jewish automobile importer who was the only wealthiest Jew in Iraq. Ades, altough he had displayed no interest in Zionism, but he got arrested on charges of alledged sending military equipment to Israel and convicted by a military tribunal. He was fined $20 million and sentenced to death. His entire estate was confiscated and he was hanged in Basra in front of the public in September 1948.The Jewish community's general fears were that if an assimilated and non-Zionist Jew as powerful and well-connected as Shafiq Ades could be persecuted and eliminated, what could happened to other Jews who are loyal to Iraq? Also, like majority Arab League states, Iraq forbade any legal emigration of its Jews on the grounds that they might go to Israel. Increasing government oppression of the Jews fueled by anti-Israeli sentiment together with public expressions of antisemitism created an atmosphere of fear and unjust harassment and presecution.
@OrphaleseExists 29 дней назад
many many non sense words, many many revisions and hasbarganda
@smartlady3892 Месяц назад
In the months leading up to the November 1947 Partition vote, violence against Iraqi Jews increased. In May 1947, a Jewish man in Baghdad was lynched by an angry mob after being falsely accused. Rioters ransacked homes in the Jewish Quarter of Fallujah, and the Jewish population there fled to Baghdad. Large Jewish "donations" for the Palestinian Arab cause were regularly extorted, with the names of "donors" read out on the radio to encourage more. In spite of this, Iraqi Jews still mostly continued to view themselves as loyal Iraqis and believed that the hardship would pass. The Jewish Agency's emissary to Iraq reported that "No attention is paid [by the Jews] to the frightful manifestations of hostility around them, which place all Jews on the verge of a volcano about to erupt." In 1948, the year of Israel's independence, there were about 150,000 Jews in Iraq. Persecution of Jews greatly increased in 1948: In July 1948, the government passed a law making Zionism, the rights of Jews to reestablish thier state, a capital offense, with a minimum sentence of 7 years imprisonment. Any Jew could be convicted of Zionism-based only on the sworn testimony of 2 Muslim witnesses, with virtually no avenue of appeal available. On August 28, 1948, Jews were forbidden to engage in banking or foreign currency transactions. In September 1948, Jews were dismissed from the railways, the post office, the telegraph department, and the Finance Ministry on the ground that they were suspected of "sabotage and treason". On October 8, 1948, the issuance of export and import licenses to Jewish merchants was forbidden. On October 19, 1948, the discharge of all Jewish officials and workers from all governmental departments was ordered. In October, the Egyptian paper El-Ahram estimated that as a result of arrests, trials, and sequestration of property, the Iraqi treasury collected some 20 million dinars or the equivalent of 80 million U.S. dollars. On December 2, 1948, the Iraq government suggested to oil companies operating in Iraq that no Jewish employees be accepted. Following the Israeli Declaration of Independence and Iraq's subsequent participation in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Iraq was placed under martial law. Courts martial were used to intimidate wealthy Jews, Jews were dismissed from civil service, quotas were placed on university positions, and Jewish businesses were boycotted. In sweeps throughout urban areas, the Iraqi authorities searched thousands of Jewish homes for secret caches of money they were presumed to be sending to Israel. Walls were demolished in these searches. Hundreds of Jews were arrested on suspicion of Zionist activity, tortured into confessing, and subjected to large fines and long prison sentences. for example, a Jewish man was sentenced to 5 years' forced labor just for possessing a Biblical Hebrew inscription which was presumed to be "a coded Zionist message. " Tthe Jewish community waqs in shock after the arrest and execution of businessman Shafiq Ades, a Jewish automobile importer who was the only wealthiest Jew in Iraq. Ades, altough he had displayed no interest in Zionism, but he got arrested on charges of alledged sending military equipment to Israel and convicted by a military tribunal. He was fined $20 million and sentenced to death. His entire estate was confiscated and he was hanged in Basra in front of the public in September 1948.The Jewish community's general fears were that if an assimilated and non-Zionist Jew as powerful and well-connected as Shafiq Ades could be persecuted and eliminated, what could happened to other Jews who are loyal to Iraq? Also, like majority Arab League states, Iraq forbade any legal emigration of its Jews on the grounds that they might go to Israel. Increasing government oppression of the Jews fueled by anti-Israeli sentiment together with public expressions of antisemitism created an atmosphere of fear and unjust harassment and presecution. The Iraqi Jewish community gradually became impoverished because of persecution. Jewish businesses were forced to close in the face of boycotts and arrests of Jewish people. After Jews were prohibited from working in the civil service, skilled and educated Jewish civil service employees were driven into poverty and forced to become street peddlers to avoid being arrested for vagrancy. Jewish home values dropped by 80% due to being ruined by those authorities who were braking the walls and destroying Jewish properties. On 19 February 1949, Nuri al-Said acknowledged the uinfair treatment that the Jews had been victims of in Iraq. He warned that unless Israel behaved itself, events might take place concerning the Iraqi Jews. Most of the 15,000 Jews remaining after Operation Ezra and Nehemiah stayed through the Abdul Karim Qassim era when conditions improved , but anti-Semitism increased during the rule of brothers Abdul Salam Arif and Abdul Rahman Arif). With the rise of the Ba'ath Party to power in 1963, restrictions were placed on the remaining Iraqi Jews. Sale of property was banned, and Jews had to carry yellow identity cards. After the 1967 6-Day War, Jewish property was expropriated, bank accounts were frozen, Jews were dismissed from public posts, their businesses were closed, trading permits owned by Jews were cancelled. Jews were not allowed even to use telephones. Jews got placed under house arrest for a long time, and were under constant surveillance and restricted to the cities. Truth and facts are important.
@smartlady3892 Месяц назад
Zionists believe Judaism is a nationality as well as a religion, and that Jews deserve to rebuilt their own thousands years old state in their ancestral historical homeland, in the same way the eNGLISH, French people deserve France and so on. Many Jews never left Jewish land despite of various invadoes. But presecution and discimination, pogroms and/or Holocaust, brought Jews back from Europe, former USSR, Ephiopia, arab countries to Israel in the first place. Terminology Palestinians was never mentioned in Bible and even koran written 1700 years ago. In 1947 Jordan got created on 70 % Jewish or Israeli land. Jews often trace their nationhood back to the biblical kingdoms of David and Solomon, circa 950 BC. Zionism, has been existing since the Jews got forced out from thier land by numerous captuirers and Jewish yearning for a “return to Zion,” that is located in thier capital Jerusalem. Jews who returned bought thier land back and rebuilt it into a beautiful statre. Jewish land got captured previusly by former Roman Empire and thier leader Adrean renamed Jewish land into Palestine in retaliation to Jews for resistance to occupation. In 1948 Israel returned his original name. Why arab countries would not allow Jews take thier belongings but this prof. Avi blames Ashkenazi Jews for accepting them and providing to them basic needs? If this prof Avi S. still feels the he is Iragi arab, why he don't return to Iraq as he felt his arab identiti, and felt as Iraqi but talks badly about Israel and Ashkenazi Jews who accepted and provided to his family? If he idintified himself as an arab and spoke arabic and identified him self as Iraqi boy it seems it was difficult to return to his original roots and learn his Jewish identity. But its seems that he felt a need to talk positevly about Iraq despite that his father lost his wealth and negativly about Israel where the family got accepted after they got robbed and forced out from Iraq just because they were born Jewish. Facts and truth is important.
@leonvillegas8035 Месяц назад
@thespartan8476 Месяц назад
John Pilger opened my eyes. There wasn't enough Journalism awards to give John Pilger, in my opinion. ‘It is with great sadness the family of John Pilger announce he died yesterday 30 December 2023 in London aged 84. His journalism and documentaries were celebrated around the world, but to his family he was simply the most amazing and loved Dad, Grandad and partner. Rest In Peace.’ Independent Australia is mourning the loss of John Pilger - a true legend, and a rare and fearless truth-teller until the very end. JOHN PILGER: Australia, the ultimate betrayer of Julian Assange. If Australia wants to preserve its sovereignty, it must do the right thing and advocate for Julian Assange's immediate release, declares John Pilger.
@walkermorgan1710 Месяц назад
Adam Roberts was exactly how I thought he’d be after reading his book. Classic English journalist.
@elenaperez5537 Месяц назад
@ahmedgoryahmedgory Месяц назад
the honest interview by Hussan Mohamed Farah Ideed was the best ever somali have interviewed in English language ❤❤❤
@martamariotto1181 2 месяца назад
Why would they call it REPAIR operation. When you operate, you never REPAIR, you always break.
@P.willow 2 месяца назад
Hello 2013...2024 here... Just wait till u see the future 😂just wait for the madness, chaos, screaming, fires, invasions ahead... oh boy ur worries have only just started.
@Zeitaluq 2 месяца назад
Around 21 minutes Professor Abu Shlaim explained you cannot claim peace whilst grabbing more land. That was a sledgehammer of an answer. Like a blot if listening this Professor inadvertently lifted the lid on the American project over the new world and consequently its behaviour beyond those shores seeking ever more. Hence they will always seek more land and more sky and more seas and consequently no peace. Parallel with Australia and original Anglo/French ideology of 19th century Race to antebellum America
@Zeitaluq 2 месяца назад
Worth research Professor Roy Cassagranda and see how Iman Umar al Khattab returned or rather encouraged some Jewish families to settle in Palestine. He also spared the old church and founded the separate masjid.
@albertoflores970 2 месяца назад
Molly is hot af
@DustyD-vv8xb 2 месяца назад
A grandfather of mine came as an indentured servant to jamestown, after surviving the powhattan massacre. He gained freedom and joined the house of burgeous.
@kawishabbasi9459 2 месяца назад
After reading the Introduction of his book, “A Brief Global History Of The Left” , I have come to conclusion that he, i. e., Shlomo Sand, wants to become popular/ more popular among non-Communist ‘Left’.
@kawishabbasi9459 2 месяца назад
After reading the Introduction of his book, “A Brief Global History Of The Left” , I have come to conclusion that he, i. e., Shlomo Sand, wants to become popular/ more popular among non-Communist ‘Left’.
@kawishabbasi9459 2 месяца назад
After reading the Introduction of his book, “A Brief Global History Of The Left” , I have come to conclusion that he, i. e., Shlomo Sand, wants to become popular/ more popular among non-Communist ‘Left’.
@ramonpereda3190 2 месяца назад
No TODOS los qué dicen ser Judíos son israelistas en Génesis 10:2 y Mateo 5:18 -20 la letra J es muda y eso lo saben ustedes, no sé dé dónde sale la palabra JUDIO como JERUSALÉN ( nombre occidental) cómo la Actual Yiddis no está sobré ningún monte en Sion cómo Canaan- África, Ya qué el Israel Actual fue creada despues dé la segunda guerra y éste no es el BÍBLICO ya qué el Israel conocido cómo PALESTINA es parte del Imperio turco Otomano ya qué el nombre Judio cómo lo mensiona se le asigna a una Tribu 🛖🛖 dé Yeudah ( Juda) en hebreo 7:14 Ya qué los verdaderos Israelitas negros quemados son dé las 12 TRIBUS YAHOUNDE . Jerusalén es una TRIBU de color y Samaria es dé la Tribu YISSAYAH cómo YISSAEL que se llama SIÓN localizada en CANAÁN cómo HAN en Génesis 10:6 estando en ÁFRICA CENTRAL bíblicamente en su Biblia 📙 siendo el mensaje para un PUEBLO y no MUNDO , mi nombre es YASHA 🛖 YISSAYAH ABE KONGO cómo la casa dé Pan en Miqueas 5:2 y no cómo me dan un nombre y me conoce el mundo en su Biblia .
@ThaDocta0623 2 месяца назад
This is my first time listening to Shlomo Sant. I can’t wait to hear what he has to say in the current role of hamas and their insistence that Israelis and all Jews be eradicated. Because there are many Arabs that don’t stop with the “from the river to the sea”. There are many who would have all Jews destroyed.
@kdmarrison8845 2 месяца назад
Excellent The role of establishment media is & always has been to provide cover for the misdeeds of the super- wealthy/powerful & to craft the desired media stories to be implanted into the minds of the public
@kdmarrison8845 2 месяца назад
The role of the Intel Services ( UK &US) who exert undue influence on the media should be discussed &challenged ( eg their role in Iraq War) but this will never happen, even though the enormous cost is paid by the taxpayer In theory (as stated recently by the current SIS chief) the Intel Services are under scrutiny of a Parliamentary Committee of amateur MPs who know very little on the workings of these services So who defers to whom? The Committee will always reflexively defer to the Intel Services as they r the ‘professionals’ (See Peter Oborne’s excellent book eg. Not the Chilcott Report & The Rise of Political Lying ( where much of this ‘lying’ is informed by Intelligence memos & reports)
@FrancoisMouton-iu7jt 2 месяца назад
Thank God the main stream media is running out of readers. I found them to be disgusting and cowardly in their portrayal of Assange. Needless to say the US and UK governments and the judiciaty has been equally disgusting in all of this.
@lw1zfog 2 месяца назад
how utterly grim. who on earth would want to attend such a horrific $hitshow ?
@Mousa-t2j 2 месяца назад
@Mongieboy 3 месяца назад
My CSM was a grendier guardsman called Les Elson if I'm not mistaken. I was a junior soldier in the REME and obviously he was our company sergeant major. U wouldn't have wished 4 a better man 2 be in charge of ur company. Respected, liked and obeyed. Truly a man's soldier and a man's man, even tho I was a youngster. I hope he has lived a good life as I'm going back 2 '91. U never forget someone who has that positive affect on ur life. B company, princess marina college in Arborfield. Much respect 2 u Sir. From AP Milton.
@johnsmith-dg8wn 3 месяца назад
Beware WBUK what she is saying to your face & what she is saying behind your back are two very different things, please read for yourselves: Offensive comments by Mary Inman & Constantine Cannon & Georgina Halford Hall: Constantine Cannon Offensive Comments (A sample): 1)”I noticed Mr Patrick had ‘Neglected’ to provide the date with his signature” - Mary Inman 2)”By the way the client called the paper himself to explore the idea but didn,t get very far unsurprisingly”- Mary Inman. 3)”When is this torture going to be over” Mary Inman regarding myself. 4)”As predicted might happen the client Mr Patrick is extremely anxious and e-mailing us about the issue daily” 5)”We,ll be able to put this to bed with Andrew and stop the nonsense” - Mary Inman 6)”The client as always is getting Antzy” - Mary Inman. 7)(Slightly simplifying it for him), I hope that will satisfy him, though experience suggests it probably wont” - Richard Pike 8)”He,s too Volatile and wouldn’t trust him to project the right image on camera” - Mary Inman 9)”Please gag him” Georgina Halford Hall Whistleblowers UK 10) “Totally hear you and appreciate/understand/share your concern. Client was hell-bent on speaking with the press. Believe it or not, I was able to steer him away from worse comments! Let's talk later” - Mary Inman to Georgina Halford Hall CEO Whistleblowers UK. 11) “He does not retain information that we send/provide and prefers to escalate matter & become difficult” - Mary Inman 12) “I imagine you have little interest in Mr Patrick’s other allegations but, for completeness, we should note that the SRA disposed of Mr Patrick’s complaint without taking any further action.” Richard Pikes view of the SRA,s warning letter for offensive communications between Mary Inman & Georgina Halford Hall 13) “He Parroted back to me” Mary Inman 14) “He,s back to torment me, I thought his WB matter was over” - Sara Vickery Practice co-ordinator 15) “When is this torture going to be over” Mary Inman discussing me. 16) “The call went well. Thankfully, he was not interested in speaking to Andrew Patrick" Mary Inman. 17) Mr Patrick provided screenshots of the emails between Ms Inman and Ms Hall. These emails make comments such as ‘gag him’, ‘keep him away from…’ and ‘no good can come from his engagement’. - SRA 18) However, Mr Patrick was able to provide evidence of the emails and it is understandable why Mr Patrick is not happy with the comments made about him by Ms Inman. SRA 19) “I don’t think we will ever get Andrew to a point where he,d write something that provides a wider context” Mary Inman 20) “He is very difficult to corral and keep on message”. Mary Inman 21) “Client Disappointed (aren,t they all!?)” Mary Inman 22) E-mail subject “Ironic” “Ands theres more….” Richard Pikes sarcastic reply to my e-mail of complaint 23) “Sigh….” In response to the complaint I was making as Richard Pike forwards e-mail to Mary Inman 24) “It’s a shame he forgot everyone else who was involved” Richard Pike in response to a positive feedback I left them in the initial stages, I had mentioned - him, Molly Knopfler Constantine Cannon, who else he expected me to mention I do not know. 25) “I think you have just been introduced to Andrew Patrick……… Doesn’t mention who he is until the end of the message assuming we know…….” Sarah Vickery Practice Co-ordinator 26) “He is getting impatient again” 27) “He,s like clockwork with his requests” 28) “Given our Andrew Patrick connection, I’m including a link to the recent New York Times story that includes quotes from him regarding his False Claims Act case against the Pure Collection for evasion of U.S. customs dues. Thought you’d get a kick out of them”. Mary Inman. 29) Mary Inman found by the Californian Bar as "Offensive Personality".
@tijuelobrizuela2990 3 месяца назад
Im a genetic jew from México.We are the true Israel sons only for genetically way.
@SophieWilliams-k9i 3 месяца назад
Strong film.
@alanm03 3 месяца назад
@luisfilipe6420 3 месяца назад
Queria apenas dizer aos censores e vigilantes do youtube que vigiam e censuram os meus comentarios 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, que a sua ultima mensagem de aviso - sob o falso pretexto de cyberbullying - é um verdadeiro ultraje repulsivo, uma afronta repugnante à minha inteligência e um grave atentado à minha liberdade de expressão. Apesar de confessar que me excedi nalguns comentarios dirigidos a politicos e jornalistas com ligações inequivocas à extrema direita portuguesa e ao putinismo, respetivamente, devo dizer em minha defesa que é uma autêntica vergonha que o RU-vid conceda um espaço na sua plataforma a tais pessoas malignas e repugnantes que defendem valores contrarios aos direitos humanos. Refiro-me a Bruno Nunes do Chega, o jornalista brasileiro Pepe Escobar que é defensor inveterado do putinismo, entre outros. Além disso, já tive a oportunidade de ver em diversas contas do RU-vid comentários com uma linguagem bem mais pesada e antipatica do que a utilizada por mim, sendo que o RU-vid não agiu com a mesma firmeza que decidiu devotar aos meus comentários. Apesar de tudo, comprometo-me a abandonar o linguajar extremamente antipatico que eu utilizei contra as pessoas em apreço, pelas quais não tenho qualquer respeito. No entanto, não abandonarei a minha menção a fontes primárias da história eclesiástica guardadas na biblioteca nacional de paris, quando se tratar de criticas legitimas contra a Igreja Catolica Romana. Caso o RU-vid decida censorar novamente as minhas criticas à Igreja católica romana, certamente irei formalizar no tribunal competente uma queixa crime contra o RU-vid, por suprimir injustificadamente o meu direito constitucional de liberdade de expressão consagrado na constituição da República portuguesa. A igreja católica romana não tem o direito de suprimir a livre critica de um cidadão livre, desde que essa critica não recorra a metodos caluniosos e injuriosos, e esteja baseada em documentos historicos autenticos e validados pela paleografia historiografica. Outrossim, também não deixarei de criticar a política externa norte-americana. Caso os meus proximos comentários sobre esta matéria venham a ser censurados - onde não deixarei de criticar o imperalismo norte-americano, recorrendo unica e exclusivamente a factos publicos e notórios como o de nayirah al sabah, jose mauricio bustani, entre outros - certamente farei uma queixa crime contra o RU-vid por violação do meu direito constitucional de liberdade de expressão consagrado na constituição da República portuguesa.