Harry Lee McNamara
Harry Lee McNamara
Harry Lee McNamara
I try and fail to create good content.
@XyamaProductions 45 минут назад
1 year later, guess the dead space remake was considered a "failure"
@293940cabster 10 дней назад
The question of playability isn’t even necessary unless the game has a shit ton of scratches. The classics are called classics for a reason. They came along when developers, artists, and directors became titans of their fields. It’s not likely we will ever get a renaissance.
@cappedminer369 Месяц назад
2:33 this is a lie i keep hearing, theres more than just graphics to the dead space remake 1.theres a new peeling system for the necromorphs that make them scarier 2.theres more story to the game, like nicole having more of agency in the backstory of the Ishimura 3. issac having a voice along with a new system that depending on issac's health his state will show in his voice 4. theres new powers for the weapons like the primary fire of the contact beam being a laser beam, or the force gun having a vortex that pulls enemies toward it, my favorite is the laser trap from the line gun 5. the levels have been revamped adding more of a puzzle element to it, 6. the turret sections have been reimagined 7. the crab thing as been reimagined to a 2nd round with the leviathan 8. theres a new ending you can get on new game plus along with phantom variants of the necromorphs 9. theres a new circuit breaker which allows you to either go without oxygen or no lights also the remake is necessary to revive the franchise no one had to ask for it and that question "who asked" is redundant as shit.
@harrymcnamara2000 Месяц назад
Yes, I am aware that the improvements aren’t all just with the graphics, but my point was that the game still feels like it did in the original and the MAIN changes were how, of course, it looks way better than it did in 2008. Also, no, I do not agree that, in this instance, the remake was “necessary” to revive the franchise. Dead Space has been regarding as one of the best survival horror games since it was released, so a remake was redundant. I mean it is a fun game and a good remake but none of the things you listed are exactly…well, that big of a deal. They are minor improvements if you ask me. Thanks for watching 🙏
@derekb4977 Месяц назад
​@@harrymcnamara2000 the arguments for defending remakes are pathetic, remakes need to be permanently stopped and banned, even the hits, I will not be supporting silent hill remake.
@DELMQR1 2 месяца назад
Terrifying and I love it
@Albixn 2 месяца назад
Part of me wants to see just how outlandish MGS could have been if no one told Kojima no but at the same time I think the sheer amount of autism would lobotomise the player instantly.
@harrymcnamara2000 2 месяца назад
I mean even the more grounded parts of MGS are like a fever dream so I don’t think my mind can handle zero regulation Kojima 😂
@yohaneswahyuanggara6351 3 месяца назад
Granin was also responsible for every single event in the Metal Gear Saga (his Metal Gear creation that will become Peace Walker, ZEKE, Sahelanthropus, Rex, Ray)
@yohaneswahyuanggara6351 3 месяца назад
Not to forget the TX55 and Metal Gear D, looks like Big Boss himself is much interested on Metal Gears rather than any other weapon 😂😂😂😂
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
I was going to have an whole section based on him and the shagohod because I find that whole segment hilarious but I didn’t want the video to drag on too long Obviously snake eater is the building blocks for the entire series but I think MGS 2 reveals more of the inner details about the Philosophers and all of that mostly because snake eater was just further elaboration on those same groups
@RS1BOSS. 3 месяца назад
4:55 actually if you came a day or two later you will have a different cutscene where snake wakes up from his sleep and gets a headshot by the end, and then he will mock snake for sleeping in the battlefield. the more you know i guess
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
Yeah, I know but I always found the fact that a main boss just straight up dies from old age to be way funnier haha 👍
@handgunhousecat177 3 месяца назад
stopped watching at "japan is le quirky." at least take potshots at Kojima, that's just as easy and overdone but less of a cringe generalization
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
I did lol
@bartczak06 3 месяца назад
MGS 1 was a masterpiece, still cant forget the never ending nightmare of dying to mantis again and again as 15 yo, i just could not comprehend the idea you can kill him at some point.
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
The more I think about it the more I’m convinced that MGS 1 is my favourite in the series everything about that game is 👌
@steakcrust558 3 месяца назад
Just gotta say screw all of mgs2. Peak garbage. Terrible everything
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
I was definitely exaggerating on how bad I thought it was just for the jokes but either way it’s still probably my least favourite instalment in the series. The depth of the story truly is incredible, albeit it slightly confusing on a first play through, but I can’t ignore how mid Raiden was a character plus tbh it just didn’t hit me the same way as the other games :/
@rickyjohnson7537 3 месяца назад
MGS2 is actually .y favorite. And no it is not just the 1st Metal Gear I played. I owned MGS1 on the PS1 when it orginally came out. I actually like MGS2
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
I like MGS 2 a lot, too it’s just something about Snake Eater and the original that grabs my attention a lot more. The story in 2 is way more interesting but I love the overall theme of Snake Eater
@SHADOMEGA7569 3 месяца назад
To be fair MGSV is quite the Mind Cluck and PT is tied to the medic in a comatosis nightmare.
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
I actually like the story in MGSV I just think a lot more could have been done. Had no idea about that PT fact but it’s pretty cool 👍
@SHADOMEGA7569 3 месяца назад
@@harrymcnamara2000 it's very subtle but the fact kojima scrapped it around the time of phantom pains release makes you question a lot of things. Hell there's a theory about MGSV all being a coma dream from venoms perspective after the events of metal gear 1. Given that the technology in V is far superior than even MGS4 should throw up some red flags. While yes the events that happened in V can be judged on what actually happened and not but the lack of a part 3 could just be Vemon failing to remember what happened next. Or it's a part that he just forgot entirely. Even GZ is apart of the hypno therapy process given miller states that "I can't believe we bought that cover story" when we know at the end end of Peace Walker miller confesses ALONE to BB that he knew Paz and Zadornovs real identities. Proving that venom is the snake we play in GZ hell BB is even disgusted with the idea of electronic cigarettes/cigars on the count the real deal can't be beat. Hell the patient in the prologue that's supposed to be the real BB doesn't even shoot any of the cipher operatives meaning you have to do it. Would be weird for an illusion to shoot and kill someone. The high tech is all perception of osmosis from what venom hears from say the TV or Radio when talking about the advancement of technology so venom perceives it as. Like the droid is just him hearing about PDAs and scanners. Need I say more? This just randomly popped up as a topic with a friend of which there's not really many people who are saying similar things on a smaller scale
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
@@SHADOMEGA7569Ngl I am surprised someone is willing to give me all this interesting info but I’ll take it thank you my man 🙏
@R3DPharaoh 3 месяца назад
If you’re struggling with the end do NOT get back online before the 7-8 day mark. You’ll get captured 😭
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
Really? I knew there was a chance of going back to the prison area but I didn’t know it was time specific, I assumed it was random. The more you know 👍
@Minecraftpwns1 3 месяца назад
"MGS is one of my favourite game series of all time, now let me spend 12 minutes of your time talking about how I don't understand the plot of any of the games and think the stories are all way too convoluted and make no sense, but OOOOH STRANGE BOSSES TO KILL!"
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
Thanks for not taking the comedy themed video too seriously :)
@Minecraftpwns1 3 месяца назад
@@harrymcnamara2000 I get that it was a comedy video, but the point still stands. If you want comedy critiques, the ladder bit went on waaay too long and got boring quick. Calling anything autistic (In this case, the cobra unit) is the most boring internet "Haha I'm funny" joke you can do. Generally really wasn't that funny, it was just a lot of "funny" sound effects played over every cutscene you put in the video.
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
@@Minecraftpwns1Yeah, the entire video is basically 12 minutes of outdated vine humour from 2016
@JellothePallascat 3 месяца назад
@@harrymcnamara2000 You are fighting the greatest enemy of all, Weaponized autism :D Hell my urge to correct all the things you got wrong was like that meme of the dude holding his hand and struggling!!!
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
@@JellothePallascatI mean I deliberately left out like 95% of MGS 2’s story so you would be here for a while if that’s what you’re going for haha 😂
@DRsLiPkNoT87 3 месяца назад
I’d disagree that MGS2 is the worst installment. It’s a meta commentary on the first game and actually a Nostradamus level prediction of the Information Age we live in today. It also plays phenomenally better than MGS1, and with MGS Rising is makes Raiden a bit less cringe in retrospect. It was always camp. Always has been.
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
Oh it’s still a great game, and I get the story is incredibly well written as I said it is probably one of the most important stories, it’s just it doesn’t grab my attention like the others in the franchise. By no means a bad game, though, it’s mostly jokes 👍
@DRsLiPkNoT87 3 месяца назад
@@harrymcnamara2000 oh for sure. And you’re way funnier about it and better at editing than I could ever be. And you’re right, out of the Solid series it is the Black Sheep for sure. I guess for me, the deep state AI government conspiracy is the most interesting part of the series, and that was the game (pre-MGS4) that really put that concept on display. That combined with the reveal you’ve been working for the bad guys the whole time as Raiden just blew my 15 year old mind at the time
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
That’s why I let the people with actual brain cells cover the in-depth lore analysis of the games while I’m out here adding “bonk” sound effects every 15 seconds 😂 I appreciate the feedback 👍
@relishcakes4525 3 месяца назад
Deep fried snake eater is absolutely cursed
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
Ah so it worked as intended, then 😅
@relishcakes4525 3 месяца назад
@harrymcnamara2000 no it did not. I want more.
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
@@relishcakes4525Oh, don’t worry there will be plenty of nightmare inducing cringe in my videos to come, it’s sort of what I specialise in haha
@Raidenyomama 3 месяца назад
My favorite part was when the Ends dentures fell out or the deja vu mission
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
I totally forgot about that 😂 I mean when you’re pushing 100 these things happen unfortunately
@antonioreyes5557 3 месяца назад
The fear for sure has a white van with locks on the outside
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
😂 facts let’s just be happy there aren’t many kids in the MGS universe 👀
@seguramlk 3 месяца назад
Agreed. RE4 didn't need a remake
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
Yeah, the original definitely still stands up even today, but I will concede that the Resi 4 remake was pretty sick.
@Cerberus589 3 месяца назад
I’m tired of remakes, that’s literally all people want nowadays. It’s so annoying and irritating. The problem I have with remakes is that they make too many changes to the story that could damage the original. I thought the RE4 remake was pretty good but they made some changes that I didn’t like and I honestly hate that it even exists because it never needed a remake and the original still holds up well.
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
I agree, when they add a bunch of changes that destroy the original feeling that really sucks. Like the new designs in the Silent Hill 2 remake…they literally look nothing like the original characters and that is going to be so distracting for me. But, yeah, I agree Resi 4 remake was great. Not necessary, obviously, but still very good 👍
@-Siknakaliux-II 6 месяцев назад
Why are so many people obsessed with remakes? I understand accessibility, but you do realize the game's plot, etc WILL change as a result of varying reasons? What was written in 2016 might not be present today for example. See: Gaming censorship, companies forcing the devs to implement things unneeded because of ESG/DEI,etc. It will not turn out the same, or might turn out worse. There will not be a faithful adaptation. Just because its remade does not mean it will turn out good. Best to keep the original and not butcher things.
@harrymcnamara2000 6 месяцев назад
Exactly, even more so when a game is pushing 15-20 years old. Things change over time and people need to be mature enough to accept that. I actually like playing and watching older media and exposing myself to different styles, language, etc. that might not be as prevalent nowadays.
@mrbungle3310 8 месяцев назад
Got too much ..no innovation and how can you remake art and compare it,litteral details in the code and gameplay change the game
@harrymcnamara2000 8 месяцев назад
Yep the main issue with the remakes is the over-saturation. Way too many being made in my opinion.
@minignoux4566 9 месяцев назад
stop asking for remakes! just play the original bloody game!
@harrymcnamara2000 9 месяцев назад
This guy gets it ☝️
@Unverified32 10 месяцев назад
Remakes are ok just play games you like
@harrymcnamara2000 9 месяцев назад
That’s fair. I’m just putting my thoughts out there, but at the end of the day, you’re the one playing the games, so that’s all that really matters.
@Xenophaness 10 месяцев назад
Fnaf is kinda spooky can confirm
@harrymcnamara2000 10 месяцев назад
Ah, so my hypothesis was correct 😂 Thanks for watching 👌
@harrymcnamara2000 10 месяцев назад
Imagine unironically watching this video
@JG004-kk1do 10 месяцев назад
A lot of people seem to be confused about RE 2. It wasn't a remake in the same way RE 1 or deadspace, it was a reimagining which was deliberately designed to be different from the original, not to stay true or make it better. That's why the original can still be checked out today. It's graphics and controls aren't the best but it's a completely different game from the remake and a great way to see how far gaming has come. I've never played it before but from what I've seen it looks fun but that's just my opinion.
@harrymcnamara2000 10 месяцев назад
True, the RE2 remake was basically Capcom being like “cool so this was good for 1998 but let’s completely reimagine it and take the concept and 2019 it”.
@AntiJewluminatiDwarf 6 месяцев назад
stop falling prey to the really REALLY obvious corporate term "reimagining" be smarter, you're smarter stop letting them insult you
@JG004-kk1do 6 месяцев назад
@@AntiJewluminatiDwarf Fair enough but it wouldn't need to be used if more people knew not all remakes are made the same way.
@AntiJewluminatiDwarf 6 месяцев назад
@JG004-kk1do therein lies the problem eh? all these places are creatively bankrupt at the end of the day no matter how you slice it in my book
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
It definitely is an overused term that is trying to distract from the fact that they are just re-packaging something that already exists. Fortunately, in the case of RE 2 remake I think it worked out pretty well.
@emporio1691 10 месяцев назад
The video needs more recognition
@harrymcnamara2000 10 месяцев назад
Thank you, my man 🙏 trying to grow this channel as much as possible in the next year so stay tuned for more mediocre vids from me very soon 👌
@datl3afn1nja9 10 месяцев назад
The first game was a lot better if I remember correctly. Cool to see people talking about True Crime!
@harrymcnamara2000 10 месяцев назад
That was the LA one, right? I didn’t play it personally but the gameplay looked pretty cool 👍
@harrymcnamara2000 11 месяцев назад
I started making this vid like 2 months ago but I was trash so I edited it down a bit so now it’s still trash, just not as much. Also it’s short. You’re welcome 👍
@harrymcnamara2000 11 месяцев назад
Cool story bro
@pharellmiller3337 11 месяцев назад
Finally, someone says the true thanks for this video😀
@harrymcnamara2000 11 месяцев назад
You’re very welcome my bro thanks for watching 🙏
@mgf001 11 месяцев назад
I love this game, good times
@harrymcnamara2000 11 месяцев назад
For real, man, takes me back to times that didn’t completely suck haha 🙏
@harrymcnamara2000 11 месяцев назад
Haha look at the skull man kill the bad boys 🤣🤣
@joemcnulty6814 Год назад
The problem is most of the casual gaming audience is so fucking stupid and so gullible that companies know they can remake games constantly and those idiots will stull shell out money for that unoriginal pile of garbage.
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
That definitely is a huge issue that a lot of people, even myself, are guilty of. Falling for the hype of having a game you loved as a kid getting remade only for it to hit only a small percentage of the time.
@dr.henriquenogueira8096 Год назад
Sorry bro, the remakes are even better
@chronicxdzed2693 Год назад
Are even worst 🤡
@harrymcnamara2000 Год назад
Surely that depends on the game itself? I really hope you’re not suggesting that a remake is always automatically better on the mere premise that it is…a remake? 😂 Thanks for watching regardless 👍
@ImpeachedCorgi Год назад
While i dont necessarily agree because i myself liked certain remakes myself. I can say thay you did make some good points and tbh i really enjoyed the video, subbing and liking for sure
@harrymcnamara2000 Год назад
Thank you my friend! It’s cool nobody’s gonna agree on everything I’m just happy you enjoyed the vid 👍
@twisteddevotio2456 Год назад
After dead space I'm tired remakes because it comes across as lazy, and most time they rush these games out door not properly optimized don't believe look at the forums, and works terrible on steam deck, and Steam as far as I know is still giving it a complete green light. I would say System Shock but to each is their own. I do agree when it comes to indie developers/publishers. At the same time we do have not blindly buy every indie game out there because they can be just as bad if not worse than their AAA developers/publishers.
@harrymcnamara2000 Год назад
Oh for sure everybody should always look into a game before buying as shitty games can be remakes, indie games, anything just gotta spend your money wisely 👍
@lukegamerzw Год назад
Commander Keen?
@harrymcnamara2000 Год назад
I’m actually not familiar with that franchise so I’d have to check it out.
@lukegamerzw Год назад
What about Jazz Jackrabbit?
@harrymcnamara2000 11 месяцев назад
That’s a bit before my time I’m afraid haha never played any of them maybe something I should check out 👍
@n.b.m2017 Год назад
too be fair, most new IPs coming out are trashcan, dogwater, unpolished and political riddled messes that id rather not buy. Old games will always be king, Remake the classic till the new ones get overshadowed if you ask me.
@harrymcnamara2000 Год назад
Oh, don’t even get me started on that 😂 I agree 100% most original games suck nowadays too. Too concerned with pushing a certain narrative or just totally lacking in originality. It’s a weird time to be a gamer 😢
@InterDylan Год назад
Nah all remakes suck, think of all the unique experiences we have been robbed of because a studio decided to spend their time making the same game again. Our time is limited, id much rather have after 50 years, 30 unique experiences than 20 unique games and 10 useless remakes.
@harrymcnamara2000 Год назад
That’s true, man. Imagine in a decade or so all the remakes are going to be the default versions and the originals are going to be slowly forgotten about. Shit sucks.
@UnchainedEruption 6 месяцев назад
​@@harrymcnamara2000 That’s what irks me the most about this trend. It’s a back-handed compliment, of “Oh remember how good those games are…” with the quiet unspoken part being, “But not really, because if they were truly fine and hold up, they wouldn’t need a remake and we wouldn’t be here talking about it, because it wouldn’t need to be said.” They want to erase the original article and re-write it for a quick buck, but the long term consequence is we lose a bit of cultural history. Look at the original Star Trek show. They remastered it in 2006 with CGI special effects as a novelty, just to make an easy buck from Trek fans. But now, the original is very difficult to find, and it’s the garbage 2006 version that is there on all streaming sites and all DVD releases today.
@AntiJewluminatiDwarf Год назад
What hurts my soul is seeing fans fervently clamoring like "bro I hope for the code Veronica remake they..." like now its a foregone conclusion it'll happen. And I was going insane over mass effect trilogy lens flare edition being FULL PRICE despite them ALL being FREE on gamepass for Xbox and dirt cheap otherwise. What's worse is ea basically said "want a proper 4th mass effect?, if the lens flare edition sells a trillion copies we MAY CONSIDER another entry ITS IN YOUR HANDS" When they say bs like it's "up to the consumers" its a pathetic attempt at mental manipulation
@harrymcnamara2000 Год назад
I agree, bro, way too many people nowadays are actively seeking out remakes. Like, if you wanna play Code Veronica so bad….then go play Code Veronica??
@JG004-kk1do 10 месяцев назад
@@harrymcnamara2000 I kinda get why people don't ant to as its not the most popular RE game but I'm legally blind and didn't have much trouble playing it in 2022 or RE 1 remake back in 2020. Remaking a game because you don't like or whant to play the OG is a verry bad idea because it insures that it won't respect the fanbase of said game.
@UnchainedEruption 6 месяцев назад
Dude Mass Effect Legendary Edition was on sale for $5 or less on Steam winter sale. I intentionally paid triple the price for buying the original games separately (still only $21 which is worth it) just because the Legendary Edition looks objectively worse and that would ruin my experience.
@AntiJewluminatiDwarf 6 месяцев назад
@@JG004-kk1do well said
@AntiJewluminatiDwarf 6 месяцев назад
@UnchainedEruption the legendary being so cheap is a MAJOR red flag screams of desperation by them, obviously it didn't sell near as well as what we're led to believe
@thirdworldgamer8717 Год назад
Then Rockstar said fuck it and made manhunt... aight manhunt came before this but whatever
@harrymcnamara2000 Год назад
Or you could say they said “FUCK IT” and then and made Manhunt 2 which I’m pretty sure is banned in a bunch of places, the uncut version anyways Thanks for watching 🙏
@thirdworldgamer8717 Год назад
​@@harrymcnamara2000 sure man don't mention it, good luck with the whole youtube thing
@harrymcnamara2000 Год назад
Actually turned out to be not as awful as I expected. Well done me 👍
@harrymcnamara2000 Год назад
still shit tho
@chozochiefxiii3298 Год назад
I too want to see these remakes stop. Re4 is the newest victim. The original is just fine it holds up. Silent hill 2 though oh boy it's gonna get the re2 and 3 remake treatment where it's gonna be a completely different game wearing the originals title like a body snatcher.
@harrymcnamara2000 Год назад
Yeah, the more time passes the more I’m worried about the SH2 remake. The original was so perfect and full of character it’s going to be a real challenge to even come close to matching it. I mean they could just release good ports of the original version with a better resolution and frame rate but nah that would be TOO easy, huh? 😂
@RaytheGrayt Год назад
Welcome Snake Eater
@chozochiefxiii3298 Год назад
​@@RaytheGrayt The pain doesn't stop.
@harrymcnamara2000 Год назад
@@RaytheGrayt Yeaaaaahhh I knew it’d just be a matter of time before Snake Eater got remade. But, hey, we finally get the OG games on PS this year so that’s good.
@RaytheGrayt Год назад
@@chozochiefxiii3298 :(
@weiko6513 Год назад
They just want to fuck you and charge you $ for it, the games of the past are classic because it was the new kind. The brains of the administrative people have reached their limit and they should let the developers do their job and stop interfering in their work.
@harrymcnamara2000 3 месяца назад
It does really feel like we passed the peak of gaming like 12 years ago :/ Don’t get me wrong there are still great games getting released but because everything has basically been done at this point developers have to really try to make something stand out…unfortunately the companies they work for are lazy and only want money.
@scottm8292 Год назад
Remasters, remakes, and reboots very rarely have the "soul" of the original. Also, pretty graphics do not equal a good game, nor does money. The best games are ones made by developers who care about the universe they create and how much people will enjoy their game.
@harrymcnamara2000 Год назад
I agree 100% a lot of the time remakes feel soulless because oftentimes the age of the game is what gives it a certain charm. Your graphics comment is 👌 wayyyy too many devs worry more about style over substance.
@chozochiefxiii3298 Год назад
I agree, you can add re2,3,and 4 remakes to the souless cash grab list. Just port a hd version and let the original thrive.
@narutomaster500 Год назад
In my opinion re2 remake ruined the characters for me especially leon.
@ChainsawRex Год назад
​@chozochiefxiii3298 nah while i respect your opinion I just don't like the controls of the older games I've played a few of them and the old controls just don't fit with me but they should just add the ogs for purchase for those who would rather play them
@scottm8292 Год назад
8:05 Seriously, any half-decent game with "Modern Warfare" in its title is practically guaranteed to be a huge success, and Infinity Ward will keep milking that cash cow for everything it's worth.
@UnchainedEruption 6 месяцев назад
Modern Warfare 2019 actually had a rather good movie campaign, and introduced a new, “next-gen” engine with best in the industry weapon modeling, animations, sound effects. They even did away with the yearly season pass model and added crossplay. Unfortunately they ruined the experience with the online modes, especially by only having recycled CoD4 maps appear in playlists. Now the “MW3” remake is literally all 100% recycled MW2 2009 maps. I don’t have an issue with more CoD games, but I do when the “new” game just recycles old storylines and old maps trying to pass that off as a new game. It’s not. It’s legal plagiarism.
@lepatpissang5760 Год назад
you gonna be big one day, trust me
@harrymcnamara2000 Год назад
Thank you, my friend. I appreciate it 🙏
@harrymcnamara2000 Год назад
Lol 360p
@harrymcnamara2000 Год назад
shit video btw mate