Newiew Project
Newiew Project
Newiew Project
Music for the soul, Newiew Project is a music project that aims to go beyond music as a simple act of expression, the idea is to help people to be conscious, music and sound to heal and help soul and body.

“I am the darkness which is the light and the stillness …. ...... that is the dance”
8 лет назад
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8 лет назад
Newiew Project - Improvising
8 лет назад
Way of life - rehearsal
9 лет назад
Way of life (Demo song)
9 лет назад
NEWIEW Project
9 лет назад
@DmitriNanaktaev 24 дня назад
"Don't get a job" sounds like "Let them eat cake"
@memorymedia6188 28 дней назад
Brian does not live in the real world tho. If you think working full time to pay your bills is a harsh master, just wait until you've become dependent on the government for your income. THEN you will know oppression.
@GreatAwakening78 29 дней назад
Basic Income - beware of a trojan horse - look at China's Social Credit System, and WEF. The people must be in control not unelected bearcats!
@IceAgeCelt-ft5zs Месяц назад
He means Shasta-kovitch cos he's from Not-ting-hill
@willjayden Месяц назад
Yep. The more education n motre money the more iblivious unaware, (EGO WORST KIND ENEMY OF HUMAN)puppet, puppet of christianity system. British efucation system is recipe for failure, anxiety,depression, and slavery to the insane systen. Its christsnity/big pharma/usa gov. Threse 3 is hell. All work as onecontrolling systen.Slavery. TO FESR GUILT EGO. SEE MOST COMMENTS HERE. ONLY COME FROM ALL THIS MENTIONED. THEY THINK ITS JOKE.WISE MAN Brian Eno. Not many. 5%. Learn from Sadhguru🙏 not many others gonna teach you Ego.blocks off all inowledge,truths, wisdom , so no awareness building. This is the heavrn hell lies fear guilt to control business, to profit. All knowledge wisdom, truths, right human purpose is forbidden😂😂😂 Evil as hell. Pure slavery. Smart ones, rich ones more deeper in slavery usually. The more education, the more ego usually so really go backwards. Further away from real self/soull/god within. So in all this. fear guilt . No founndation THINK NEED MORE EGO TO HIDE FEA GUILT . PROBABLY CAUSE IF MOST WAR ALL THESE PUPPETS,SLAVES ETC.. STIOL THEY THINK MONEY GONNA HELP THEM😂😂😂 CANT PPL SEE ITS EXACT OPPOSITE
@sydbarret1973 2 месяца назад
Universal basic income is the way forward
@mariettestabel275 2 месяца назад
Everyone has a talent... work it out....
@MichaBiskupski-dh5cr 2 месяца назад
Pierdolenie o szopenie
@throwingshapes6490 2 месяца назад
So much truth and wisdom, in the comments.
@yonis-kin7966 2 месяца назад
Don't be giving me ideas
@cullenbrownmusic 2 месяца назад
brian eno is a genius
@compucorder64 2 месяца назад
He's right about the job thing. Though, it's probably more practical these days to say 'Don't get a full-time job'. If the job is a decent professional one, you can get treated and rewarded well enough, and it's often not too hard once established to drop hours to part-time (say 24 hours a week). After tax, it can be not that much less. And you just very tightly control your spending. I've found that the combination of having a little security, but also 4 days a week for my own project has been the most productive arrangement for both work & music. It means you don't work all the time, but also don't have to try to bend your music to money making - which is artistic death. And long-term counter-productive and nearly impossible now anyway without holding at least 3 different music jobs and working 60+ hours a week while still being relatively poor.
@cheallen1626 3 месяца назад
You gotta commit to it.
@DrewWithington 3 месяца назад
I've been doing 2 jobs for 13 years trying to create something, a psychological tool. Splitting my time between a practical job to pay for basic needs like food and housing, and my idealistic project which brings in no revenue for now. If someone had paid me just to have done the idealistic project it would probably have been ready as a software app in 3-5 years and been krap. It's taken time and consistently applied effort for the project to mature and evolve into something that could really work. And I've had to mature and evolve too.
@bassinblue 3 месяца назад
A 3 minute video and people still misunderstand! Don't just pick out the ''don't get a job'' but he said something that's part of the equation and it's to collaborate. If you're in a community of artists, trust me, you'll make the money, but the collaborative aspect is the most important. For now, keep your job, but slowly move into a community that you supports, they support you and you are both likeminded. Why do you think all the greats were somehow born in the same town, went to the same universities, etc? They were part of a community.
@edpritchard2318 3 месяца назад
this man reminds me how enslaved we are
@Pmpeak 3 месяца назад
Great thoughts from Brian. Wanted to add some from myself, over the years I came to realise how I hate this belief that pursuing a "creative career" is only for "hippies" or those lacking ambition, while "real jobs" are IT, finance, or anything non-creative... I personally felt this more than I should have, especially being from Eastern Europe, where this mindset have really grown into generations (resonates with the quote by Brian - "creative geniuses draw inspiration from creative communities"). I'm sure people from western Europe or North America are way more open-minded about this, but sadly many other people I know grew up being taught that art and creativity is a waste of time, and in reality, 9-5 jobs offer security, but little fulfillment. Scary thing that usually it's not the people's fault individually, but rather how society tells you to do. Someone already mentioned here in the comments it's hard to make it in arts and that's completely true, but it's a gift we all have and all must try to pursue, if not for financial gain, then for your own personal fulfillment or to build your confidence, or for contributing to our culture, cause at the end of the day we are all equally responsible for our way of life.
@ami3627 3 месяца назад
ALL🤢😣 wretch & NO 🤮 vomit! 😂
@60zeller 4 месяца назад
To be fair,if they go to art school they probably will not get a job
@AmentaEnterprises 4 месяца назад
Eno's thoughts are words of wisdom which is why, unfortunately, talent is no guarantee of success as an artist: a ruthless singlemindedness, regardless of personal circumstances, is.
@sammencia7945 6 месяцев назад
The issue is that one person in one million can even earn €30k a year being creative. I earned a living playing music fulltime 1991 to 1998. No one ever gets to do that, and that is why we follow these people's lives as "celebrities". I have talent and I 100% understand what Brian is advising. I have level 19, and he has level 1,000,000. But for nearly everyone it results in crushing poverty as they have 0.00
@brendanbrendan9435 6 месяцев назад
Hey, like Eno's right dude. I mean I werked for the Man for 'bout 2 weeks 15 years ago & I woz kinda like reel bummed out dude. It woz like a reel heavy scene man, like sum kinda reel bad trip, only, only....sorta worze. I kinda need to dig around my own groove so how's a dude to expand his own far out freak been around dem straights & bread-heads? For the past 5 years man, I've lived my life as a horse. A horse that plays guitar, but still a horse for all that. That's free right there maaaaaannn.
@Kevin_40 6 месяцев назад
@Sceptic83 6 месяцев назад
Great INTx
@RapidBlindfolds 6 месяцев назад
Real. The most creative time in my life when I was on an art residency with nothing else to worry about other than making art 😭
@Bilangumus 6 месяцев назад
Basic income !
@cashxavilanrmn6146 6 месяцев назад
@underyourskins 6 месяцев назад
Jobs are for slaves.. Sadly
@Rtd22375 6 месяцев назад
I write music at work ..😂. Best of both worlds
@dangchanneldeg6948 6 месяцев назад
I get by with my ideas and I am ready to retire soon so I can finally write up those ideas.
@ernststravoblofeld 6 месяцев назад
I got a job. Brian didn't. Be like Brian.
@MariE-xz7wp 6 месяцев назад
Frankly this is true. I was jobless for too long but God wanted to develop my talents which I have a lot. I sing play the piano and paint. I’m very artistic but then I question. God I need money too but it’s true if you wander off you never pay attention to all these creative ideas.
@theflowpowa42oshow 6 месяцев назад
Not one mention of a sugar momma. Behind each genius and great man was a great sugar momma.
@sp123 4 месяца назад
The original deal was artists did commissions for rich people
@theflowpowa42oshow 6 месяцев назад
I'm the best Monito! Ya heard?
@derwolff1757 6 месяцев назад
Thanks god i am in such position 🙏
@TheDionysianFields 6 месяцев назад
Most people are too obsessed with money to create art. Focus on your relationship with money first, especially if you have it.
@klassfreudman7359 6 месяцев назад
Too many people on this Planet,but it is good for the rich people so they can make more money from more people... My Thinking is to born only 1 Child until we all becoming less...so that everyone has a Chance to have a Child! It will need maybe 50 years...
@MANZANOADRIAN 6 месяцев назад
Rent is 3000 a day!
@user-ky6fe4ku5g 6 месяцев назад
Hmmm...,This bod would soon change his tune if he goes shopping and theres nothing on the supermarket shelves .Everybody needs food and all the other products and services that the workers produce....
@cervelo9465 6 месяцев назад
Universal Basic Income DOES NOT WORK
@MassMultiplayer 6 месяцев назад
basic income? gl having garbageman at -40 celcius 18 hour a day
@Tombrosapien 6 месяцев назад
I tried to pursue my musical dreams when I was younger by choosing to study music at college when I finished secondary school as that was the only thing I cared about. It was great and I definitely enjoyed it but after finishing I lost interest and in hindsight I wish I studied something a bit more useful 😅
@johnnynick3621 6 месяцев назад
What an idiotic position. Instead of telling people not to get a job, explain how they can make a living doing things they love. Instead of going to college and wasting four or more years in something you hate, after high school, intern at various different endeavors you might enjoy and find your passion. Do you think you might like to work in medicine? Volunteer and work in a hospital first to see what it's really like. Want to work in music? Work as a roadie first and see what the life is REALLY like. Find your true passion, work hard at it and you'll have a happy life.
@jsgordon420 6 месяцев назад
If I'm hearing you right y'all are both saying the same thing just different words
@sahamal_savu 6 месяцев назад
I tried not getting a job and ended up homeless. The only reason I'm still alive is my parents helped me out of that situation. Now I work a full time job that makes me wish I had the courage to die on the streets. I have already accumulated enough debt in the one year I've been living by myself to last for the next ten years. The system is broken and creates broken people.
@Telescope1994 6 месяцев назад
I believe that you cannot focus 24/7 on art, that would actually obliterate the inspiration, you need to be doing things and experiencing moments, it might be in your actual job if you have one. And when you have that moment of the day to do your art that inspiration, muse, source of divinity or however you want to call it might come way more concentrated and strong. It’s like a stream of water that is covered and as the volume grows, the more pressure it has to come out; the creative inspiration will be more powerful. You’ll be more focus and keen, as you have less time you’ll have to harness that creativity as much as you can for that given moment. Anyways just my opinion. Also, is not by chance that most of the best artist went through the worst times but got the best songs or best pieces of art. Through art like an alchemist we transmutate our emotions into art
@dicky143 6 месяцев назад
Hey Brian, someone has to get the clothes, glasses, microphone to the place you use them at right now and also make them beforehand. Those are called jobs and this is the real world. Hello.
@janetownley 6 месяцев назад
There are ways of earning money other than “getting a job”.
@zer0gravity184 6 месяцев назад
He's an idealistic realist. It doesn't work in the real world.
@lekmusic 6 месяцев назад
My day job has wasted most of my prime hours of music creation, I struggled and did my music before work, during work (creating during lunch and every break, sometimes in the back of my car), and all night, and all weekends, while raising a family too. I'm tired, so tired now ... but still try to work on my craft even while exhausted, not to mention doing the work of 20 different careers in diy fashion (composing, practice and recording - playing all instruments, mixing, mastering, graphic artistry, promotion, all social media, website design, photography and video shooting and editing, thousands of hours of just secretarial work, cleaning, setting up, computer work, countless more which also contribute to hundreds of songs being left undone) - being an artist is difficult, and now I wish I had more money and help.
@samdafoe4817 6 месяцев назад
misery and decline by design. subjugation of all life on earth - everything is unconscious and unintelligent resources for the oligarchs. money is god now. what a hollow miserable god we've been made to worship.