Roland Hulme
Roland Hulme
Roland Hulme
My name is Roland Hulme - also known as Militant Ginger. I'm a digital Don Draper with a Hemingway complex, and I write and self-publish a successful series of romance novels under a penname, and action adventure books as Roland Hulme.

These videos are mostly about self-publishing and writing, but I also throw in a lot of car stuff, weird hippy breathing exercises, my intermittent fasting stuff, and book reviews. You know how they say "multi-content RU-vid channels are never successful?" Well, that's me!
@Jedizen07 5 дней назад
Having been given the opportunities to read various important books through my college years ( the classes were called " Western Traditions " at UNR ), I've come to embrace each of these experiences reading different religions. I have no disregard toward any religion because these scripters have wonderful/important moments for humanity. That said, when I read Rushdie's book, I did not get the sense he was mocking/ridiculing the Quran ( as a overall story point ). I did notice more than a few Islam references ( but there were few Christian " jabs " as well, oddly enough). If anything, Rushdie's point seemed to show how certain people interpret religion in order to create biases ( even ill will ) toward religious devotees. I don't personally know Rushdie so I can't say that was his own intent. But, my interpretation seems to be gaining some ground with other video content makers concerning this book. It would be a nicer world if we all held more concern/disdain toward political leaders who use religion as a controlling device for populations. For example, Christian nationalists used Reagan/Bush/Trump, etc. to create a form of information control toward voters who were misled about the Republican style politics, by misusing Christian New World testimony. Luckily, I personally know more devoted/sincere religious people ( including Islamic and Christian groups ) who have done FAR more for humanity than religious politicians. Religion is important, yes, vital even. But, sometimes, we need folks like Rushdie to remind us that religion CAN be used against us, even against those who are supremely devoted to sacred words.
@yestoadventure007 7 дней назад
Great talk guys and thanks for the shoutout Roland!
@terrancelayhew 7 дней назад
A wonderful conversation! Thanks Roland!
@Visqo1 8 дней назад
Good video
@johnhansen1501 8 дней назад
Your discussion about visual painting and pay off is very helpful. Have you considered making writing craft videos? There’s already a ton of those, but I’m not sure the kind people making them always have a lot of actual writing experience.
@RolandHulme День назад
You know what? I might just do a couple about some writing things I've been feeling especially passionate about recently. Thank you for the encouragement!
@Jesus-Christ-Is-Our-King 8 дней назад
You don’t know much about islam and it’s followers, do you?
@cinemaflixtrailers8636 9 дней назад
True Bond wouldn't look around and think there are no women or handicapped. This is just propaganda.
@commandobond 9 дней назад
Thank you my friend, so glad you enjoyed this! Great catch on a good chunk of the references!! We went all in on this one with the little easter eggs!
@labondtouch 9 дней назад
great video !!! I know well Clabe but didn't know about his book project !!!
@TREETOPMUSIC-e4f 9 дней назад
Love to see your list of where the KJV was altered to "control the masses". Waiting here with my copy of the 1560 Geneva... ps: sorry you have lost your faith mate. truly.
@samhasanpour1628 9 дней назад
Islam is 600 years or so younger than christianity. Therefore we are still in the dark ages of islam:) Ps: former muslim here. Dont come at me with prejudice
@commandobond 10 дней назад
Thank you, my friend! Greatly appreciate your kind words and support here, eager to see this finished product in the wild!
@ThreenaddiesRexMegistus 10 дней назад
It’s actually a tedious read.
@MVPdave50 13 дней назад
Thank you for summarising the controversy
@francescafoot9739 13 дней назад
Satanic Verses would not be forgotten because it is a beautiful work of literature
@gavrilopricip11 13 дней назад
less than 10,000 books have been translated to Arabic since the 9th century ( Spain translates 15000 a year )..... Is this book even one of them?
@gavrilopricip11 13 дней назад
..an eye far a book
@gavrilopricip11 13 дней назад
the religion of peace
@mmafightcoach 13 дней назад
Most Anglicans are atheists, especially the bishops 😂
@GaryMartinDobbs 14 дней назад
I've avoided Double or Nothing because it seemed like a gimmick, but after this review I've gone and ordered a copy.
@SabracadabrO 15 дней назад
It exposes Islam,thats why.
@jiensuyang3915 16 дней назад
Muslims hold their religion sacred . West has no cognitive map for the word sacred . West cannot understand why muslims would be upset enough. West should be curious about this offense. But west thinks they r in a position to teach. 😂 Everything with west is a tragic waste cuz with cognitive map nothing makes sense to them but fast food n sweets n booze n ofcourse perversions
@damonanjul6676 18 дней назад
You know how comedians say “it’s funny because it’s true”.. Well, regarding the satanic verses… “It’s offensive because it’s true”
@3amael 19 дней назад
The most dangerous person to those in power is the one who thinks critically and does not let emotions rule them.
@STEVEBINNION1 20 дней назад
Ask starmer ❤
@BlackBeltMonkeySong 21 день назад
"It had nothing to do with religion; it had everything to do with power" This implies that fundie Muslims (of the stabby kind, including Khamenei) don't believe what they believe. A rather hubristic claim. The human mind generates beliefs and believes in them. Behaviour is downstream from belief. The utility of the beliefs is in the outcome of the behaviour. In the case of religion/power, we have groups of humans working as an "utlrasocial organism", like a swarm of bees/wasps/ants/termites. Excepts those insects are all kin. Humans solve the "free loader" problem through adherence to various creeds. The stupider the creed, and the more unquestioning you are to it, the more you are a "worker bee" in the "utlrasocial organism" that is a power unit on the world stage. The human mind is "designed" to hide information from itself. And so, it's nearly impossible to "see" that we adhere to such stupid creeds, and furthermore, we get angry and irrational if they are challenged. Hence the absurdity that is politics. And religion. There's no "power/religion" divide here. Everyone adheres to such silly creeds. We often call them "morals". Without them we wouldn't have society. The *content* of the beliefs do actually matter. As in the case of Islamists getting stabby because the believe that that is the MORAL thing to do. You've put forward the proposition that people (in this case Muslims) don't do "bad things" (in this case, get stabby) because of their religious creed. They do bad things because someone's power is challenged. That is: people don't really believe things that lead them to commit immoral or amoral acts. Is that really true? Can't you find endless counter examples? Did Christians steal the children of jews and give them to orphanages (to be Christened and saved) because their power was challenged? Weren't they acting on what they believed to be moral?
@glleadbetter 21 день назад
I was so keen to hear where you would rank Charlie and Steve but, otherwise, a great video
@Michael-cb5nm 22 дня назад
People in power wouldn’t be able to use religion unless at least some people believed it, so I don’t think you can completely let religion off the hook. It’s probably harder for you to appreciate the power of religious dogma, as your country has an extremely watered down version of Christianity. I grew up in the American south among people who believe every word of the Bible, including the story of the Garden of Eden, the Great Flood, etc., to the point that they want this taught in science class. A literal view of the Bible was critical to their religious worldview.
@noneofyourbusiness73 22 дня назад
This dude needs to look at the polls most Muslims are pro death penalty for apostates and blasphemers and most are against lgbtq
@TheDemonslave 22 дня назад
Islam is so scared of losing its grip. It has spread with violence and hatred and it will lose its control if that fear is gone. We need to keep insulting Islam much often.
@giygasthedevilalien5995 23 дня назад
He is the worst muslims nightmare
@sergio4740 23 дня назад
Comedians on a scene have the right to crack jokes that can be offensive to part of the audience. Those who can't take it are free to leave.
@MichaelBrown-fl7zj 24 дня назад
Nothing to do with religion? So, a religion that demands death for apostates who spread corruption in the land would be okay with Rushdie, an ex-muslim who wrote a book questioning the prophet of Islam. I think you might be a bit confused.
@SamuelAmanda-m2c 24 дня назад
Hernandez Anthony Anderson Christopher Rodriguez Donna
@peterm3964 25 дней назад
@peterm3964 25 дней назад
@swarupambarua 27 дней назад
I totally agree with your idea of non-violence. Even I was also supportive of the violent idea if I got offended by someone in the past. But your video really opened my inner eyes. Thanks for sharing your words.
@mngunizulu1301 27 дней назад
The Dead Sea scrolls already revealed to us that the majority of scriptures have not changed from their current form in the Bible. The suspicion of adulteration of the Bible has already been disproven and the existence of Jesus can no longer be questioned. You choose to believe in Him or not. Whereas we still have no archaeological evidence that Muhammad even existed. We should be glad that the Christian faith has been put to such scrutiny. We have matured as a society for it. The same must happen with Islam. But generations of Muslims are raised never to question or scrutinize. We will pay the price.
@englishwaalaa 28 дней назад
Rushdie has chutnified Magic Realism in Midnight's Children.He is not a writer of the level of Abhitabh Ghosh
@englishwaalaa 28 дней назад
In Midnight Children,he has presented the protagonist,Saleem Senai Asif he alone is representing India.This is bad
@englishwaalaa 28 дней назад
Salman Rushdie is not a good writer,highly influenced by Gabriel Garcia Marquez who better used Magic Realism, Rushdie has just copied it
@englishwaalaa 28 дней назад
Those who are making negative comments about Islam , don't hv the understanding of it
@shyamkachhawaha7649 Месяц назад
Muslims are unable to counter revealation by salman rushdi because every word of Quran us loudly proclaiming about Islam which in modern era is indefensible and counter Human rights specialy women rights
@AlbertPreira-l1z Месяц назад
Bro you are ignorant. It has everything to do with Islam. Muslims fight for their god instead of him fighting for himself because he is a fictional god.
@dtc7844 Месяц назад
I am a huge fan of the original trilogy and the prequels are pretty good but I used to be an obsessive Star Wars fan in the late 90s. I saw the the Phantom Menace 10 times in the movie theater. like I said obsessive at one point The movie is OK now. Collected all the toys. I liked that there was a limited amount of Star Wars movies and I never wanted Star Wars to be like Star Trek with endless amount of TV shows and movies, unfortunately that’s what happened. It’s just my personal preference. I realize I’m not necessarily a fan of the Star Wars world as I originally 6:04 thought, but just of those original trilogy characters and settings. I can see why people don’t like any of the new Star Wars or complain It’s hard to top such important characters from persons childhood.
@krystalgazer5196 Месяц назад
Fantastic book hated by zombie fanatics, they don't have a mind of there own, there like sheep.
@MerryRedRose-ez6ih Месяц назад
Rusdhi may be had the same Rus with the name of my sister Rusni and Russia.
@rubytroy7756 Месяц назад
Your voice is so comforting ❤
@rubytroy7756 Месяц назад
@TheBondReport Месяц назад
It’s go time! Welcome back my friend, can’t wait to see what you do with all of this motivation and energy.