Al-Hujjah Islamic Seminary
Al-Hujjah Islamic Seminary
Al-Hujjah Islamic Seminary
How does not paying Khums invalidate Wudhu?
9 месяцев назад
When does Wudhu become mandatory?
10 месяцев назад
Does Drinking invalidate One's Prayer?
11 месяцев назад
Prophet Mohammad's (s) Generosity.
11 месяцев назад
Why is Stinginess a sign of disbelief?
11 месяцев назад
Can regular daily showers replace Wudhu?
11 месяцев назад
@mohamedalbahiya6951 8 дней назад
Is it haram to be a Mortgage agent meaning I’m the one who sells the mortgage to someone
@johnbatucci187 10 дней назад
Your scholars ? Who is your scholars? Why don’t you ever mention the greatest scholars names ?? Khomeini ? Beheshti? Taloqani? Muntaziri? Khameni? Panahian??? Why ? Are you really Shia ? Or hiding behind political Supports??
@comparativereligiondailynews 18 дней назад
💖💖💖 @ 27-08-2024
@TheMahdiHasAppeared 22 дня назад
Verily what you have been promised has arrived! The Qaim from the family of Muhammad (saw) is here and his name is Aba al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem. He is the only man to raise the banner “Allegiance is to Allah” that the Ahlul Bayt (as) prophesied. He is the only man to claim he is the successor “Abdullah” in the Will of prophet Muhammad (saw). He is the only man to have fulfilled countless narrations and prophecies from the Ahlul Bayt (as) concerning the Qaim. He is followed by thousands around the world and hundreds of companions live with him. He is disseminating the letters of knowledge and calling to the Mahdi, just like the narrations state! Join him - pledge your allegiance and support.
@MikeJones-yd9kf 21 день назад
Go outside and seek mental health help. You remind me of the Indians who follow a "prophet" from India lol😭
@fatahali4253 22 дня назад
He should ask is lottery haram or halal And the answer is Haram any questions
@fatahali4253 22 дня назад
This man should not teach anybody
@zaraibragim2690 23 дня назад
Jazakumu Llahu khayran . Ma shaaLlah do useful
@travelwithimran5512 25 дней назад
The Sufiyani is only Bashar Al Assad....he is the war criminal killed many innocents and also decendents of Prophet.
@rajahzia 26 дней назад
How can a book be authentic 400 years after Hijrah?
@muhammadhaider6828 28 дней назад
786 Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Force of Islam Heaven Truth & Haq. 👑 66 ALLAH 11⚖ 10🌎✌ 📗 92 MUHAMMAD 9🇵🇰🕋124000 PROPHETS 🎱 27 ALI HAIDER 8🍁🦁12 IMAMS 🌞786 BISMILLAH 7🇹🇷🚦ZULFIQAAR 🔐 HEAVEN 🌈🦂🌹 Thereafter ALLAH Almighty created12 Veils: 1. ALI-The veil of power 2.HASSAN-Grandeur 3.HUSSAIN-Kindness 4.SAJJAD-Mercy 5.BAQIR-Bliss 6.SADIQ-Munificence 7.KAZIM-High Station 8.RAZA-Guidance 9.JAWAAD-Prophecy 10.HAADI-Eminence 11.ASKARI-Awe 12.MAHDI-The veil of intercession. 12 Constellations, 12 tribes, 12 veils, Represents completion of messengers; Khatimin Nabieen خَاتَمَ النَّبِيِّينَ (Seal of Messengers) and Completion of the Kingdom. 12 Veils of Light in 12 months of Islamic Hijri Calendar إِنَّ عِدَّةَ الشُّهُورِ‌ عِندَ اللَّـهِ اثْنَا عَشَرَ‌ شَهْرً‌ا فِي كِتَابِ اللَّـهِ يَوْمَ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْ‌ضَ مِنْهَا أَرْ‌بَعَةٌ حُرُ‌مٌ ۚ …٣٦ (Surat Tawbah) The number of months in the sight of Allah is twelve (in a year)― so ordained by Him the day He created the heavens and the earth; of them four are sacred…(The Repentance 9:36) ❣ Imam Ali ع says, “The Prophet was once asked about the Imams while I was in his presence. He answered: I swear by the sky, [displaying] the Zodiacal signs (a reference to 85:1). Their number is the same number of the signs of the Zodiac. I swear by the Lord of the nights, days, and months their number is the same as the number of the months. The companion said: Who are they O messenger of Allah? So the Prophet ﷺ placed his hand on my head and said: The first of them is this (Imam Ali ع) and the last of them is Al-Mahdi ع. Whoever supports them has supported me, who ever opposes them opposes me, whoever loves them loves me, whoever disdains them has disdained me, whoever rejects them has rejected me, and whoever acknowledges them has acknowledged me. Through them Allah protects His religion, expands His lands, sustains His people, brings down the drops of the sky, and the blessings of the earth emerge. They are my trustees and successors and the leaders and masters of the believers. Shams ul ‘Arifeen شمس العارفين The Sun of Knowers Ask to reach Imam Mahdi alaihi salam Imam Mahdi alaihi salam should clean everything. You can't see any dirtiness on earth at that time. As now you can't see anywhere on earth clean, all dirty. That time can't be seen any dirty place on earth, when Imam Mahdi alaihi salam coming. Then most distinguished Naqshbandi order who should be there, he's giving full power of Naqshbandi order and making clean everyone's their hearts and coming lights. Therefore, if you are looking nighttime at such a person, it is going to be seen through lights. He is walking, he is running with his lights. And lights so many different colors. Now the sources of colors, seven. That time you can't count it. Countless. Countless colors through everyone's power and dhikr coming lights, when he is moving. That time it is paradise time for earth. Who should reach must be most luckiest one of mankind. "Afdalu l-ummah, akhyaru l-ummah, ashrafu l-ummah."(the most favoured ummah, the best ummah, the most honoured ummah) they should be as the cream of milk they should be. They should be well- known the Day of Resurrection that those the final ummah that they are with Imam Muhammad Al Mahdi alaihi salam. Therefore, everyone must ask from Allah Almighty when they are making dua "O our Lord, let us to reach to Imam Mahdi alaihi salam". I am the limit of my age now but I am asking from Allah Almighty therefore to grant to me some more years to reach to Imam Mahdi alaihi salam and it is ok. I am... No hope for me for this dunya. Finished. But I like to be with Imam Mahdi alaihi salam with his service and most lovely servanthood that should do his nation in his time. May Allah accept this and you also who is hearing, listening and they are getting happy to be with us, they should reach inshaAllah. May Allah bless you and forgive me. For the honor of the most honored Prophet, RasulAllah (sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam) amin, Fatiha. Shaykh Nazim Effendi KS "Until the Owner of Time Imam Muhammad Al Mahdi A.S appears. When the Owner of Time appears , Just as the 4 Madhabs ( Law schools) will join & follow him in Sharia'h externally, the 41 Tariqas will all join & the Naqshbandi Tariqa will lead them. Imam Mahdi A.S , the owner of Time is Naqshbandi. His 7 Great Ministers are Naqshbandis. His 40 Deputies are Naqshbandis. 99 Rijali-l-Malakuti are Naqshbandis. The Awliya who are guided by 313 Prophet Messengers are Naqshbandis. All the Awliya, who have high stations , they are all Naqshbandis. The whole world will be Naqshbandi when the Owner of time appears. That excellence will be given to them. ALLAH Almighty will grant it. Esa A.S is on the way of the Naqshbandi." Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani Q.S The World will not come to an end until a man from the descendants of Imam Hussain A.S takes charge of the affairs of the world & fills it with justice and equity as it is filled with injustice and tyranny. Holy Prophet Muhammad Final/Last/Leader of all 124000 Prophets/Messengers Peace be upon www.nurmuhammad.com/imam-mahdi-signs/ ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-eVinA8ankgo.html naqshabandi.org/.../sayyidina-imam-al-mahdi-a-s.../
@zaraibragim2690 Месяц назад
Ma shaaLlah , its realy the explanation wich i was looking for . Jazakumu Llahu hayran
@comparativereligiondailynews Месяц назад
❤❤❤ @ 14 August 2024
@zaraibragim2690 Месяц назад
Jazak Allahu hayran. İts so benifitable lectors ma shaaLlah. AlhamduliLlah i found your chanel , after 19 years in sunni even in vahaba sect i finally found the truth and its only with Ahlul beyt as . Before i was thinking wrong also, like how shia can say smth against abubakr L , and now i see , and saying this myself alhamduliLlah🤲 And the most important is that i found all replies and logic answers for my questions here with the school of ahlul beyt as
@nyinyihtun9500 Месяц назад
@FatimaH.M-i1l Месяц назад
Salam alaikum, how can we join this course? Is it in Iraq or America? Please answer me.
@UmarAlFarooq Месяц назад
The entire Shia sect is based on "Sunnis are wrong so we are right". So much kufr, so much shirk and so much bid'ah. They have the exact same framework as the Sunnis. All these Shia and Sunni "scholars" are liars. May Allah reserve the lowest part of hell for them. Misguiding our ummah. The TRUTH is that YOU need ONLY the Quran. NO book can match the Book of Allah. Here's the absurd claim this clown is making. Quran is the BEST speech, then the prophet's sayings then Nahjul Balagha. I've read all three and other than the Quran the other "hadith" are utter rubbish. Read 45:6 "These are the verses of Allah that We rehearse to you in TRUTH. Then which HADITH besides ALLAH and His verses will they believe in?" 45:7 "Woe it is to every SINFUL LIAR!" Brothers and sisters, stop listening to these sinful liars in robes of piety. They are only robes. Underneath they are deceivers. I've outlined my notes from years ago here: umaralfarooq.wordpress.com Over the past few months Allah has guided me and those around me to Allah's kalam. There is no 2nd or 3rd. There is only One and that is ALL you need. Read Surah Al Maida. How many verses do you need where Allah is telling the believers, the Jews, the Christians, again and again, JUDGE BY WHAT ALLAH HAS REVEALED! And nothing else. Read the Quran carefully. Slowly. Pay careful attention. Do it in a group. Clear your hearts and intentions to put aside ALL sectarian biases and come to the Book of Allah with your sincerity. Ask Allah to guide you. Everyone that's done this has had the same result in front of me. Be patient, keep trying. Allah will guide you; it is His promise.
@idnanshaffi4348 Месяц назад
Salam I would like to invite you to look into this dawa which the 12th imam is calling his ansar towards through his soul son Ahmad Al-Hassan and Abdullah Hashem ftip. We have named ourselves the ahmedi religion of piece and light. Because Islam has been hijacked by these none working scholars who also call themselves Muslims. And carrying this identity as a Muslim could confuse people to believe we are just another sect of Islam. We are calling the people towards the 7th and final covenant which god established with his messengers (Adam. Noah. Ibrahim. Musa. Isa. And Mohammed ftip). Today the 7th and final covenant is withheld by the 2 claimants of the Will of prophet mohammed. Which are also the Two mahdis who are mentioned by name in the will of prophet mohammed fhip. So what is the value of this Will? • The one who claims this matter, what is his proof?', he said: ‘He is asked about the halal and haram'. He said, then Ali came and said: ‘Three proofs do not gather in a person except that he is the companion of this matter: That he be the most deserving [of the right] of the one who was before him, that he has the weapon, and that he be the owner of the apparent will'. (Al-Kafi by Al-Kulaini, vol. 1, p. 284) Apparent means that it is something evident amongst the people, it is known and accepted and it is not something that somebody just came up with. And Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) claimed to be “Ahmed” in the will of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) and that he is the vicegerent of Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him and his family). • And Imam Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) said: “This is a matter that can not be claimed except by its companion, otherwise Allah would destroy the age of the one who falsely claims it”. (Al-Kafi by Al-Kuleini volume 1 page 372) And we know that the Mahdi is the one who comes with the Will. • And from it, from Moalla Ibn Mohammed, from Mohammed Ibn Jamhour, from Musa, from Al Hannan, from Al Hars Ibn Al Mugheira who said, ‘I said to Abu Abdullah (PBUH), ‘By what is the Master of this command recognised?’ He said: ‘By the tranquillity, and the dignity, and the knowledge, and the Will’’. - Basaair Al Darajaat - P 10 Ch 13 H 2 Thus, the divine Will is protected by God and He the Almighty will cut off the life of anyone who claims it falsely. Therefore, Ahmed Al-Hassan and Abdullah Aba Al-Sadiq both claimed the Will and are therefore the rightful companions of the Will. They are the successors whom we should hold tight to in this day and age…Peace and mercy is from them. • This matter will not be claimed except by the rightful owner, or else Allah will cut off his age.” - Al-Kafi, Al-Shaikh Al-Kulayni, Vol. 1, p. 373, Bihar Al-Anwar, Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi, Vol. 25, p. 112 He also fits the description of the the name of the Mahdi in the books of the Sunni: Narrated Abdullah ibn Mas’ud: • The Prophet (PBUH & His Family) said: If only one day of this world remained. Allah would lengthen that day (according to the version of Za'idah), till He raised up in it a man who belongs to me or to my family whose father's name is the same as my father's, who will fill the earth with equity and justice as it has been filled with oppression and tyranny. - Sunan Abi Dawud, Abi Dawud, Book of The Promised Deliverer, Hadith No. 4282 One of the names of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) was “Abdullah.” • On the authority of Abu Dawood, who heard from Prophet Mohammad (PBUH & His Family) saying: "I am Abdullah whose name is Ahmad.” - Bihar Al-Anwar, Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi, Vol. 24, p. 397; Tafsir Al-Ayashi, Mohammed ibn Masoud Al-Ayashi, Vol. 1, p. 44. So where is this Will of prophet Muhammad which mentioned Ahmad and Abdullah? • O Ali, there will be twelve Imams after me and after them there will be twelve Mahdis. So you, O Ali, are the first of the twelve Imams, Allah The Exalted has named you in His heavens Ali Al-Mortadha (Ali the Content), Amirul Mo’mineen (the Commander of the Believers), Al-Siddiq Al-Akbar (the Greater Truthful), Al-Farouq Al-A’tham (the Greater Judge and Differentiator between truth and falsehood), Al-Ma’moun (the Trusted), and the Mahdi (the Rightly Guided). These names may not be attributed to other than you. O Ali, you are my Vicegerent/Guardian on my own family, their living and their dead, and upon my women: Whomever I kept, she shall find me tomorrow, and whomever I divorced, I am innocent of her, I will not see her and she will not see me on the Day of Resurrection. And you are my Successor (Khalifa) on my nation after me. If death comes to you, hand it over to my son Al-Hassan, the Righteous and Benevolent. Then if death comes to him, let him hand it over to my son Al-Hussein, the Martyr, the Pure and Murdered. If death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, the Master of Worshippers, Dhul Thafant (the one with hard skin on his knees) Ali. If death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Mohammed Al-Baqir (the Revealer of Knowledge). If death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Ja’far Al-Sadiq (the Truthful). If death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Musa Al-Kadhim (the Patient). If death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Ali Al-Ridha. If death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Mohammed Al-Thiqa Al-Taqqi (the Trustworthy, the God-Fearing). If death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Ali Al-Nasih (the Advisor). If death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Al-Hassan Al-Fadhil (the Meritorious). If death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Mohammed the Safeguarded of the Family of Mohammed, peace be upon them. Those are the twelve Imams. Then there will be twelve Mahdis after him, so if death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, the first of the close ones, he has three names, one like mine and my father’s and it is Abdullah (Servant of God), and Ahmed (the Praised), and the third name is Al-Mahdi (the Guided) and he is the first of the believers.” - Al-Ghayba, Mohammed ibn Al-Hassan ‘Al-Toosi’, 3rd ed., p. 150, hadith 111 - Bihar Al-Anwar, Mohammed Baqir Al-Majlisi, 3rd ed., v.36, p.260-261, hadith 81 and v.53, p.147-148, hadith 6. So now that the proof of the Will has been established. It should be obligatory on yourself to seek further information on this matter. Which you can obtain from the below mentioned website. theahmadireligion.org/ Or contact myself labaykyaabbas@gmail.com Finally I would just like to leave you with a message from the qaim of ahlybayt. • All people who come across this call and hear the proofs and the call which I am making have an obligation to support this call with everything that they have, and to pledge allegiance, and that is what I am calling for. I am here to take people’s allegiance to Imam Mahdi (PBUH And His Family) and to call them to pledge allegiance to Imam Mahdi (PBUH And His Family), for whoever does not know the Imam of the time will die the death of ignorance.” - The Qaim of The Family of Mohammed Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace).
@Lord-of-the-Noble-throne Месяц назад
Very weak reference, if you want to buy car or house on cash you still paying to non muslim.for example: the house you liked it was 500k 6 months ago now it's 550k , doesn't matter what are the price is seller is making profit anyway and you can't avoid that, so the concept of increasing non Muslim's wealth in current world impossible because we are living in the same society and sharing our wealth in different way in the system plus our businesses depend on many ethnic beliefs and background. Verses of The Quran clearly mentioned "the one who is TAKING RIBA" Quran doesn't say the one who is taking and giving interest.
@altafkhybery Месяц назад
@IshakuChikudu Месяц назад
Please can I get copy of this book from you? Thanks
@zaraibragim2690 Месяц назад
@zaraibragim2690 Месяц назад
Ma sha Llah
@root937 Месяц назад
@skarzimabedi100 Месяц назад
Thank you so much!
@rbmagnayon Месяц назад
for shia were is the evidence of flogging yourself during ashura
@mohammedabduljabar4742 Месяц назад
Please were can i get a copy of the book
@RazaNaqvi51214 Месяц назад
Mashallah Mashallah, Thank you so much for this lecture series.
@KkKk-px2le Месяц назад
Why don't you simply fast for the ahle bayt then? You do other practices that weren't done anyway...
@Pope1111rh Месяц назад
Lol 😂. According sunni, All Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim hadits are Authentic
@mateen2007 Месяц назад
Ironically, it’s OK to prostrate on piece of mud or clay, Based on 1 Hadith but it’s problematic with money narrations to fast on the 10th of Muharram because people are too busy to beat themselves up, just saying.
@BlkArabian 2 месяца назад
@ArchBattle 2 месяца назад
Evil suspicions is also a big sin in Islam
@ArchBattle 2 месяца назад
Some people have been spying on me for years in hope to deprive me of my content, adopt my knowledge or bring spoils to my life,. I'm pleased it is a major sin because Allah will hold them accountable for that on the day of judgement and as of my duas, no spy will prevail from usage of any of my information and will be severely punished and deprived of his own blessings in both worlds.
@truthseeker787 2 месяца назад
Dajjal. You’re not interested in facts. You just see it as another attempt to falsify something that doesn’t fit your narrative.
@awex7 2 месяца назад
this guy doesnt understand how chain of narration goes. if they weren't there or were 4 years old doesn't disprove that the person that was their told them when they were there or old enough to understand. the chain goes i heard so and so said this from so and so. so they dont have to have been there only they have to have learnt about it when they were old enough and sane and trustworthy
@EthicalMomin 2 месяца назад
Rafidhs 🤡
@SayedMMoosavi 2 месяца назад
What if the stock’s value goes down the following year? Of course it’s not a gain, so no khums. But then say in the next year the stock value rises again to the same level it was at before it declined - would you have to pay khums on the difference, or would this not be considered a gain because this was its value two years ago and you already paid khums on that amount?
@aliagha1221 2 месяца назад
@mohamedjina7974 2 месяца назад
@arifrizvi2658 2 месяца назад
Mashallah syed very logical answer!
@UNKNOWN-ud7lq 3 месяца назад
Don't call ur self muslims ,shia have to ties with islam
@missusbarkdog 3 месяца назад
Black holes DO NOT EXIST. You need to familiarize yourself with Electric Universe and Birkland Currents which are MUCH more synchronous with Islam. Big Bang, black holes and dark matter are a falsehood created by Jesuit priests!
@EdenHumanrights 3 месяца назад
... إلى الإمام: إسرائيل عار والكتاب المقدس يكتب عن خطايا إسرائيل. إنه سر ولكن الموت من أجل تطهير مثل هذه الخطايا هو علامة على وجود قائد شرير للغاية. إنه دين عنصري لعبادة الذات وسفك دماء الآخرين. صلوا إلى إلهنا والله نفسه طلبا للمساعدة ضد إسرائيل. إنه شيطان وقاتل ومغتصب! اضرب القاتل في دينه وقلب العالم ضد القاتل بعد أن أصبح ضحية. دمر روحه إذا دمر روحك!
@GoodStories-cr5cm 3 месяца назад
Everything is gambling/ uncertain. We don’t know the outcome of anything. Only Allah Knows. If a working Muslim woman wins the lottery gets to quit her job and spend more time with family and gets enough time to focus on her prayers, uses that to put children in Islamic school, take care her of old parents and other needy people in the Neighbour hood. How is that haram?
@AbdulBasit-rh6uc 3 месяца назад
Lol, Shias are trying so hard to prove lies as truth. Does anyone remember how many times the pagans of Makkah tried to kill our Prophet and how Allah protected him? In the case of the Shia Mahdi, they kept it hidden. Does this fool know what happened after the Righteous Al-Askari, whose faith was Sunni like his ancestors. Does he know how many sects they split into, as lies have no legs and eventually fall apart? Did anyone notice whose example he gave when talking about the danger of the Shia Mahdi getting killed? Anyway, these misguided people will never prove anything because they lack authentic sources; their Hadiths don't have proper chains of narration. Can any Shia answer this: When Imam Al-Askari's wife was pregnant, was she hidden in society, and was she also under surveillance? Is it possible she could hide the birth while remaining in a society under the rule of the Abbasids, as they were already looking for his son to kill? And why didn’t Abbasids ruler kill the people mentioned in His will. These can also be the threat..?
@beastincarnate2309 3 месяца назад
1) listen to what others say and follow the best of it 2) seek knowledge 3) be suspicious of the majority 4) reminder reminding oneself about death why we are here what is our goal 5) humbleness /submission be able to accept the truth.
@flag_bearertruth6257 3 месяца назад
is it trur, yamani appeared in 1999??
@TheMahdiHasAppeared 22 дня назад
Yes, the Yamani appeared in Basra, Iraq in 1999 and he was calling to the Mahdi and the Supremacy of Allah. His name is Imam Ahmad al-Hassan (as). This was the same year that the Sufyani King Abdullah of Jordan rose to power in Jordan.
@mohdibnihishambinmohdnoor2610 3 месяца назад
Syiah PH WTF