[World of Waship] Republiqe game play
2 года назад
[War Thunder] Mig-27M CAS montage
2 года назад
[War Thunder] T-80U Realistic battle
4 года назад
@America_1st_the.rest.r_last 2 года назад
Lower your collective percentage to 60-75% for a few seconds when you want to move sharply. Especially when you want to avoid anti air missile.
@cillersbadass7590 2 года назад
RU-vid told me you talk about me in this video??
@bromine_35 2 года назад
Old hangar music O7
@cobaltfoxpaw945 2 года назад
Ah yes, the good old days
@IW3X 2 года назад
yeah of course when fatherless figures liek you still doesnt exist
@OperatorAron 2 года назад
Good video!
@simonkhsonne 2 года назад
Ok youtube
@tornadogamez6453 2 года назад
This is an old vid
@tedif1279 2 года назад
nice gameplays
@notfriendlyeggwithamustach5948 3 года назад
@kdb1784 3 года назад
플레어가있는데 적 대공미사일이 날라오면 경보음 이라던가 자동으로 플레어 발사 되는 건 없는건가요???
@hirooma594 3 года назад
적외선 경보장치나 레이저 경보장치가 있어도 비행기는 수동이고 헬기만 자동사출되요
@kdb1784 3 года назад
@@hirooma594 답글 감사합니다 ^_^
@ultraman460 3 года назад
쏘기전에 거측 왜함 미사일 올라가는데
@hirooma594 3 года назад
똑같은키 쓰다가 업뎃으로 거리측정하면 자동으로 올라가게 바뀌어서 그래여
@ultraman460 3 года назад
@@hirooma594 아하
@masonreppeto882 3 года назад
히트 바이슨이있는 저 기술 ATGM 게임 플레이의 팬은 아니지만 적어도 차량을 능숙하게 사용하는 데 필요한 기술을 보유하고 있으므로 내 마음에들 수 있습니다.
@I_am_banggi 3 года назад
다르도 전에 있는 토우차량 뚫고 있는데....다뽕 채우고갑니다 :D
@jeremymolina3979 3 года назад
Nice bro.
@why_did_i_make_thischanel7298 3 года назад
and i really like sweden bois i pley them alot
@why_did_i_make_thischanel7298 3 года назад
i really hate peaple who get all tanks whit golden egles
@I_am_banggi 3 года назад
이 영상을 보고 안타던 헬기전을 다시 시작해야겠다는것을 느겼읍니다 φ(^▽^*)♪
@박형빈-y4f 3 года назад
유도가 되는 로켓인가요??? ㄷㄷ
@hirooma594 3 года назад
수동조종 미사일입니다
@Katryoshka 3 года назад
I know what tank Im getting next! :D
@Минсок_Ганъ 3 года назад
BMP-1P(SPz BMP-1P 포함) 에 PG-9VNT (텐텀탄두) (관통력: ERA 550mm 및 400mm 후반) 를 추가해줬으면 좋겠다
@Destined619 4 года назад
This was epic this has made me even more excited to get mine ,only got another 180,000 rp left
@ultraman460 4 года назад
점수 깔끔하다 2000점
@Kill4Time255 4 года назад
i play this tank. lost 50k SL cus ammo cost. gaijin why
@oddball1999 4 года назад
because they put high repair costs in so people wont play them "so game is balanced" blyat
@Kasumi_Tashi 4 года назад
@@oddball1999 this time it's not repair cost, but the ammunition cost at 290 PER round, and remember, this little ikea box sells 240 meatballs per minute, and the full 234 of the upgraded ap round would be around... 60+k
@left_ventricle 5 лет назад
자막이 지나가는 속도가 조금 빠른 것 같아요. 제 영상이 큰 도움이 될런지는 모르겠지만 참고용으로 한번 보시면 나름 감이 잡히실 것 같아요 ㅎㅎ + 빨리감기로 넘기는 부분이 줄어든다면 매칭 전반을 읽는 재미도 있을 것 같습니다. 구독했습니다. 재밌는 지상군 영상 기대할게요~ P.S. 센츄리온 맠3 영상 만들어주실 수 있나요?
@무궁화호-v7d 5 лет назад
이거 정면장갑으로 122mm 도탄내던데요 ㄷㄷ
@90kuky 5 лет назад
Too weak. It needs to be 3.0 BR haha
@M1A2SEP3 5 лет назад
파스타 장륜장갑차는 개간지남 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 어제 한대 센타우로를 뽑고 후진속도 어마어마하게 장난이 아니더군요 ㄷㄷ ㅋㅋㅋ
@dusanstrbac4452 5 лет назад
Please configuration of pc Nice video
@YALRO-222 5 лет назад
@오찡징어 5 лет назад
언제나 이탈리아는 멋쪄!
@user-ey4ly8cq2j 5 лет назад
수리비 타격안크신가요??..
@hirooma594 5 лет назад
처음에는 통통배가 많아서 10킬 이상이 대부분이라 수리비는 얼마든지 벌었는데 지금은 구축함 순양함 밖에 없는데다 과열너프로 별로에영
@user-ey4ly8cq2j 5 лет назад
@@hirooma594 과열이 생겻군요?...수냉식으로 아는데 똥이진 진짜 ㅡㅡ 패치때문에 바지선 꿀빨다가 탑방끌려가서 구축함트리타는데 힘드네요.. 통통배는 연구량 ㅗㅜㅑ
@coolloob8067 7 лет назад
딜봐라 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@jpark7253 7 лет назад
용사냥꾼의 대형화살 구매는 어떻게 하나요?
@willsionen 7 лет назад
Nice one
@lifeofjoyandcreation 7 лет назад
Good that the APDS work better now. Especially against ammo racks.
@m96920 7 лет назад
This game needs APCBC OR APHE, is not like real life. So dont spend your time in US or UK tanks. Also in tanks armed with AP type shells. But if you unlock t54 for example or leopard armed with HEAT_FS, then you need thousands and thousands of silver lions to kill a tank cause penetration does no mean explossion. Gaijin needs money, is a MAFIA group of programmers.
@kpfpz_70ferrari86 7 лет назад
세이란은 왜 안날릴까...
@ThatsOk83 7 лет назад
Having trouble with T-62s, IT-1s and T-10s? Load HE. It's actually really good.
@dusanstrbac4452 5 лет назад
Aim dont have problem with T 62 s
@SJkopa 8 лет назад
한글음성이 너무 허접하네여 차라리 독일어 음성이 멋지던데
@GewelReal 8 лет назад
You are trash
@smj02245 8 лет назад
용사냥꾼의 대궁 어디서 줍나요
@hirooma594 8 лет назад
아노르 론도 올라가기 전에 대궁쏘는 몹들 있는곳 아래에 있어요 뭐 말로하면 힘드니 공략에서 이름 검색해보시면 바로 나올거에요
@smj02245 8 лет назад
+박정현 (Hirooma) 감사요~
@PDH_0325 8 лет назад
님 리플레이말고 플레이영상을 녹화해서 올리는것도 좋을거같은데...
@hirooma594 8 лет назад
게임할때 풀같은거때문에 잘 안보여서 그냥 리플로 올려요 ㅠ 게임할때는 풀 다 끄고하거든요 그리고 가끔 스카이프 쓰면서 게임해서 소리가 다같이 녹음되요
@M4ExKalashnikov 8 лет назад
Should use HE against ZSU
@Brokkolesz 8 лет назад
OP as fuck
@vvhitesnake1 8 лет назад
Obviously Chinese players (who are greatly in favour of Russians, since their tanks have been made using ussr tanks designs in real life) will create a video showcasing the western tanks being OP, since all of the War Thunder community know that ussr tanks are OP, so they have to come up with something. Pathetic... And in this video, he is never even hit once, and usually fights lower B.R tanks who got into the match :))). How is this showing your tank is OP ?
@fazedank5262 8 лет назад
BTW he's not Chinese, he's Korean you dumb shit.
@fazedank5262 8 лет назад
The fact that he's Korean just invalidates your pathetic rant right there
@vvhitesnake1 8 лет назад
When you get this tank yourselves and try playing it, then you can look at what bullshit you are talking about @Gustavo Andrade. Caernarvon is easily being killed by Tiger H1s. Learn to play.
@panzershokolade6622 8 лет назад
+vvhitesnake1 wow, maybe you're one that needs to learn how to play if you need op caer to do anything and still getting killed by fucking tiger Is xD And almost every tank can be killed by side or rear armor by far inferior vehicles, that donesnt make them bad, that makes the player that exposes his side to enemy bad (or unlucky, depending on the case). And frontal armor of Caernarvon is fucking impenetrable to most guns at his tier, except lower glacis that is easily covered. It's exactly like T32 as for armor efectiveness, except it is more mobile, and has better gun. T32 is 7.0 BR, Caer is somehow 6.3. Logic. But yeah, defend your OP tank so you can have something you actually can some succes with xD Oh, and it doesn't matter if he is not hit in the video. Probably this is not his single match in it. He has the vehicle, he plays it. So your "you didn't play it, you have no right to complain about it" attitude is in this case total idiocy. And if the guy actually playing this shit says it's op, i'd rather believe him than some fag defending his toy to the death on youtube.
@vvhitesnake1 8 лет назад
"Caernarvon's frontal armor impenetrable at this tier", what tier ? Tier 4 ? How come Tiger E with 220mm pen shell wont penetrate Caernarvon or T34-85 with 180mm ? Can you even count ? Even with the normal AP rounds Caernarvon is penetrable and I was in that situation many times, u cant "Tank" with Caernarvon's frontal armor cause from close ranges tier 3 will pen and kill you. Why are u comparing T32 here smartass? T32 has a better armored turret, better gun and lower armor plate has more armor effectiveness, read the tank descriptions first before comparing, them maybe it'll hit your dumb fucking head one day, why T32 is 7.0. I take it all the rest of the retards that scream its OP never played Caernarvon or suck at this game trying to kill it, should go to fckn world of tanks, although even there the T32 is overall better than Caernarvon, I bet you are one of those idiots who are trying to make a point, by calling other nations OP, when everyone knows that pretty much all of the ussr tree is Op'ed, so you must be the ruskie OP tank fanboys here, good luck lying to people here on youtube, not everyone is as stupid as you, and the players with some fcking brains in their head will find out and understand. Clearly War Thunder is not for you.
@vvhitesnake1 8 лет назад
+Panzershokolade furthermore, I realised that you are an incompetent idiot in this game, and your arguments are dumb, so next time you reply don't expect me to comment back. I simply don't have the time to waste for your stupid discussions. I only talk to the normal gamers, and not bia'sed trolls like yourself. And in the future, learn to speak English and some respect for other peoples opinions.
@panzershokolade6622 8 лет назад
+vvhitesnake 1. Never played anything other than germans, so no, i'm not russkie fanboy 2. Charts don't count. Pure numbers don't count. How they work in actual battle is what matters. 70 mm of side armor is more than 50, BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE BOTH WILLBE PENNED AS EASILY at this tier. Chart may say that Caernavaron has only 165 gun mantlet... but the gun mantled is backed by normal turret armor to 300+ mm. and the rest of the turret is so sloped it effective thickness is ~250. You need nothing short of long 88 APCR for that. Or a lucky shot into a turret ring trap. Upper glacis may not be thick, but 59 degree slope makes it over two times as thick effectively + a big chance of bouncing. Lower plate is a weakspot. It can be hidden easily though. So... Despite differences it has exactly the same survivability (invunerable from the front, one-shot rekt from side, maybe the t32 weakspot-lower glacis is a bit smaller, so thats ONE difference in favor of T32. And "T32 has better gun" xDD T32 can't pierce Ferdinand's 200mm front armor from even up close, can only snipe for weakspots. Caernarvon pierces any part of it with ease from km away. Doing massive damage in process. 3. So you are allowed to call Ruskies OP, but no one can call Brits the same? I play Germans. Neither Brits or Russkies, but i play against both of them. Guess who i prefer facing. Yes, i'd rather fight any amount of IS-2s and T-44s (or M26s/M46s for that matter) than this Caernarvon bullshit.
@vaavee4410 8 лет назад
good vid
@hirooma594 8 лет назад
+vaa vee :D
@JohnELow 8 лет назад
Not op. They just need to learn where to shoot it.
@petrechoi7937 8 лет назад
+Creamo Yeah right.... try to use Panthers and tiger H1s agaisnt Caernarvon
@Gustavo22834 8 лет назад
+Creamo hahahahahha it's a joke? i can't penetrate this shit with my panther and tiger dude the king tiger can not penetrate caernarvon, gaijin tank crap you need to wake up and ascend his BR to 7.0
@lernaeanhydra5766 8 лет назад
+Creamo It really is OP xD
@afrenchdude5331 8 лет назад
+Creamo you probably never played the game to say such stupidity..
@asuwotameni 9 лет назад
もし韓国人なの?야크트판터는 헐다운을 해야죠!これ韓国語のように見えるwww ま、とにかくマジで上手だよ!(ミ´ω`ミ)
@hirooma594 9 лет назад
+中村圭介 :D
@asuwotameni 9 лет назад
+박정현 悪いけどなぁ。。日本語できない。。。??
@hirooma594 9 лет назад
中村圭介 申し訳ありませんが、翻訳を回すことなく、方法がない
@asuwotameni 9 лет назад
+박정현 いやいや本当に上手だよ!そして、俺があんたを友達として追加したからwarthunderで確認してくれ(^ω^)
@the888erkan888 9 лет назад
how did you make the multi perpectives? Cool video!