Stated Clearly
Stated Clearly
Stated Clearly
We produce animations on genetics, evolution, biology, and chemistry that are in line with NGSS standards for use in classrooms. If you find our work useful, please consider supporting us on Patreon (link below).
Evidence for Evolution in the Mudskipper's Eye
11 месяцев назад
Genetic Conflict Stated Clearly
Год назад
A Brief History Of The Microscope
4 года назад
Where Do New Viruses Come From?
4 года назад
What is Horizontal Gene Transfer?
4 года назад
What is Symbiosis?
4 года назад
What is a fossil? Quick Definition
4 года назад
What is an Allele? Quick Definition
4 года назад
What Is a Molecule?
4 года назад
What is Metabolism?
5 лет назад
What Are Atoms Made Of?
5 лет назад
What Is An Atom And How Do We Know?
5 лет назад
What is life, according to NASA?
6 лет назад
What is a Chromosome?
6 лет назад
@DocReasonable 2 часа назад
Creatards claim the following to be impossible: 1. Walking fish (there are fish that walk on land) 2. Lung fish (there are multiple species, some of which can live on land for over a year) 3. Creatures that can go from gill-breathing to lung-breathing (every frog and toad does exactly this) 4. Animals that exhibit 'macroevolution (monotremes are between reptile and mammal). All the creatards have are lies and dishonest denials of reality.
@walkergarya 4 часа назад
According to your YEC dogma, all animals were created at one time. Therefore the fossil record, to support your frairy tale of creationism, should show all animals present in the beginning. It does not. We see a slow progression of increasingly complex animals starting in the late pre-Cambrian and progressing through time to the present with modern animals only existing in the latest time frame, exactly as Evolutionary Theory would predict.
@refreshinglymoist6145 5 часов назад
well thats a dire story.
@louis1614 5 часов назад
Same thing happened with allosaurus back in the Jurassic epoch
@FlandiddlyandersFRS 6 часов назад
😄 Anyone who thinks *The Fundamental Forces and Laws of Nature* have to be _"directed"_ by someone or some thing is obviously committing the logical fallacy of 'anthropomorphism' and should be laughed at and made to sit in the corner wearing the dunces hat.
@FlandiddlyandersFRS 7 часов назад
The God Lottery: You have 4,000-plus, to choose from but which one will give you the jackpot? Btw, 1.4 billion Chinese and 1.4 billion Indians do not believe in Jesus or Yehwah - Oops! ...plus 2 billion Muslims do not believe Jesus was the son of God. Oopsie.
@bijjushrestha 10 часов назад
@jayyyyy3085 10 часов назад
Who else is here from science class
@TheStarflight41 12 часов назад
The mutation lottery: the only random process ever observed capable of both dazzling creativity and unsurpassed reliability. Of course, it has foresight and goals as well, as demonstrated in the genesis of interdependent and symbiotic relationships. Why is that? Crickets.... The properties of random, undirected processes are well known. Creativity and reliability are not among them. A random process has zero reliability. Yet the mechanism that took us from microbes to Michaelangelo is the most reliable process in the history of the world... spanning the globe and billions of years.
@Angelmou 10 часов назад
"genesis of interdependent and symbiotic relationships. " Is by selection from former parasitic or rival relationships. No big deal. "Why is that? Crickets." Nope, it is a very old hat in evolution research like flower petals and insects as example. Darwin himself even predicted a moth with giant proboscis fitting to an extreme flower calyx that was found shortly after predicted. You have just no clue about even old research. "The properties of random, undirected processes are well known. Creativity and reliability are not among them." You ignore the non random selection pressure part like always when you start to lie about the topic on purpose, like where you did lie by omission about the teethbird intermediates in-between the beakbirds and theropod dinosaurs or in this video with the beach/shore colony living whale intermediates wobbling on land before the offshore adaptations to the open sea, where you did try to sell the idea we would not have a gradual fossil record as observation. LOL
@Lexi2019AURORA Час назад
@luvp0tion 12 часов назад
People will call you crazy for believing in the bible but will state that we‘re related to pumpkins in the same sentence 😐
@paulgarrett4474 9 часов назад
Can you explain why they are wrong?
@gusolsthoorn1002 14 часов назад
Gullible people believe nonsense like this. It is like changing a car into a boat by making minute gradual changes all the while ensuring the full functionity of the vehicle as it slowly changes. Couldn't be done even with intelligence. Imagine this all by random accidents. Ridiculous! The evidence is circumstantial at best. Similarities do not prove descent. If it did we could claim we humans came from octopus because we both have two eyes. Archaeopteryx is a perching bird, according to Dr. Feduccia, a well respected paleornithologist. We have perching birds today. Perching birds give rise to perching birds. Imagination is not valid science. This is pseudo science.
@SoulshaBoy 2 часа назад
That’s not how we do decent, you could absolutely turn a car to a boat, in evolution terms the car doesn’t need to turn into a boat in exactly it just needs to gain the functions of a boat, so it can float
@FlandiddlyandersFRS 14 часов назад
Having nothing but faith in magic cosmic wizards will never turn mud into men or ribs into women.
@blobbertmcblob4888 20 часов назад
Plenty of birds still have claws on their wings.
@blobbertmcblob4888 20 часов назад
Fun fact: Dire "Wolves" were not wolves at all, in fact they may have been more closely related to the canid species which gave rise to foxes, there's also little evidence that they lived in organized packs, so may have been solitary.
@ryanferry69 22 часа назад
Time will never turn a dog into an elephant. A parrot and a banana do not have a common ancestor. Nothing exploding didn't create everything
@maylingng4107 18 часов назад
Evolution to a new species is a Fact; it has been observed in nature and was duplicated in the laboratory. You are in a dire need of a basic education in biology.
@FlandiddlyandersFRS 14 часов назад
Why are there no fluffy bunny rabbit fossils in cambrian era rocks? A: Because evolution is true.
@varyolla435 14 часов назад
Nice non sequitur - as well as an apparent ignorance of what the Bible itself claims. Moral: the Formation of the Universe per _"Big Bang"_ - a theory coincidentally generated by a priest who was also a physicist - does not predicate all came from "nothing". It rather reflects an expansion of = matter/energy - or _"something from something."_ Now if you want your supposed "something from nothing" - a logical oxymoron by the way as you can never have "nothing" since "nothing" then represents "something" = look to the Bible. The Bible states that before "God" created the Universe all was supposedly "void and without form"_ = *THAT* is "something from nothing".
@gcmgome 13 часов назад
The sad part about your opening comment is that you do not seem to comprehend that in just a few words you have demonstrated how little you know about science.
@Angelmou 10 часов назад
Good day ryanferry, "Time will never turn a dog into an elephant." A dog turning into an elephant would debunk what evolution even teaches to begin with. As a dog is a wolf and canine variation who can't just abandon the canine genome to steal the Loxodon/Elefantine and Proboscidea genome of the distant mammal relative at all. Learn the topic evolution first before you post. "A parrot and a banana do not have a common ancestor." Both lifeforms you mention are still eukaryote cell clusters even today - of course all plantcellcluster variations incl. ginger monocot plant variations such as bananatrees and animalia cell cluster variations such as bird families of parrots share a common eukaryote cellular ancestor. "Nothing exploding didn't create everything" There was no nothingness state prior to existence. Nothing is not the default state that was in the need to deviate it into a secondary existence state. I have no clue where you get such nonsense imagination. You confuse also the term big bang with an explosion. The big bang as term is for the rapid expansion of an ALREADY EXISTING hot dense state, which had no prior nothingness state that was in the need to be shapeshifted there.
@Lexi2019AURORA 23 часа назад
Oscar saved this video and "what's the evidence for evolution" in a playlist he titled "triple lobotomy". Surely that helps him locate these videos quickly to troll them. Gotta admire the dedication...if only he used it for better purposes.
@b4li7 20 часов назад
How does that creationist dude create so many alt account ? Did he have an access to illegal phone number generator ?
@Lexi2019AURORA 19 часов назад
​@@b4li7 maybe he's a serial killer. 👀🤔
@FlandiddlyandersFRS 14 часов назад
​@@Lexi2019AURORA 🤣 you 📌🔨 it.
@thomashart7518 День назад
"It's shocking to find how close John Dalton's drawings actually were to reality." His drawings: Literally just circles.
@MartynHaman День назад
God squad doesn't think so 😊😊
@blazedkuma День назад
Overkill and tar pit hypotheses are the most idiotic ideas ever conceived in science.
@KM-bu8ec День назад
It's crystal clear evidence of the deeply intelligent and creativeness of God's creative mind. The myth of evolution is soon to be dispelled.
@timothymclean День назад
"They could not reduce oxygen-" I find that hard to believe. Organic chemistry is full of oxidation-reduction reactions.
@Hogla287 55 минут назад
I think that’s a different definition of the term “reduction”?
@michaelbayliss4018 День назад
scavenging preference.
@alinaegorova4276 День назад
Well done, thanks!
@Soli_Deo_Gloria_. День назад
Evolution is nothing but extrapolated infered junk science
@Lexi2019AURORA День назад
Creationists, show me fossils of bunnies in the Precambrian layer and I'll s-hut up.
@pn4960 День назад
Poor Lavoisier lost his life during the French Revolution
@taze27 День назад
Yeah, too bad evolution is a "theory" and NOT a fact. The Big Bang"Theory" too....People wholeheartedly believing in theories...
@lotfibouhedjeur День назад
That's me.
@numbersix9477 День назад
I don't accept science. I don't accept what scientists say. I accept the Word of God as laid out in Genesis 1 and 2. qed.
used for clone
@fatshygun День назад
crystal clear evidence of evolution, yet, he can't prove why they haven't evolved yet? stupidity at its finest.
@stephaniehale3379 2 дня назад
Love stated clearly
@Taira-no_Noritune 2 дня назад
It's not evidence of evolution. Quite the opposite - it's evidence that evolution is falsehood. In accordance with second law of thermodynamics, less complex system can notbecome more complex on its own. In other words, a tornado can not assemble a Boeing 747 out of spare parts.
@jollyrancher521 2 дня назад
I know that there is evidence for microevolution (adaptation within species), such as finch beaks, but the so-called scientific evidence for macroevolution (evolution from one life form to a completely different kind of life form) presented in this video seems very weak. The fact that there are some similarities between species doesn't mean that there is conclusive evidence that they came from a common ancestor.
@matteomastrodomenico1231 2 дня назад
It's not just similarities, they actively prove those animals used to live differently.
@maylingng4107 2 дня назад
Micro and macroevolution are the same identical processes; the only difference is time and scale. Name the difference in the process of micro from macro?
@DocReasonable 2 дня назад
@jollyrancher521 U mean U "know" what Ur religious masters have brainwashed U with.
@Angelmou День назад
"macroevolution (evolution from one life form to a completely different kind of life form)" Is not the true definition of the term macroevolution as your assertion would directly disobey the very law of monophyly of evolution in which lifeforms can only adapt into further variations of what the ancestry already was. This is why from the 1 bird species 12,000 bird variations evolved from hummingbirds and eagles and penguins and ostriches etc. While the first beak bird species long before any ostriches or penguins existed was only a variation of teeth birds which was only a variation of dinosaurs etc. This is the reason why all 6800 mammal species incl. humans, horses and whales are still mammal variations from the first mammal species as further subvariations of the mammalness. This is why we have millions of insect species with tens of thousands of species of wasps and beetles and locusts all coming from the first hexapod insect brood stock species, which was itself only a further crustacean adaptation. This is also the reason why we never have any modern variations like all beakbird species in any fossil burials of the paleozoic layers of the entire world. Same for mammals before the broodstocks of synapsids had the first mammal adaptations established for further subsubsubadaptations of mammalness. "presented in this video seems very weak." In this video hoof artiodactyla adapted to the water lifestyle with intermediate forms living at beach colonies, wobbling and sunbathing similar to modern seal colonies before the even more adapted open off shore water lifestyle species of whales start to dominate the sea. When you write completely different kind of lifeform you imply a direct denial of the very whale base adaptation anatomy: Since when do whales not have the astragalus hoof ankle bones or hoof finger DNA heridity to remain hoof mammals? Since you wish they shall look different by your gut feelings so that your feelings of personal denial shall be rescued from the fact that the feelings are just void of sense?
@Angelmou День назад
@Triple-Lobotomy-Big-Brain-3 Oscar/Larsen you still deeply wish that humans (be it me or you or mayling or other users) would have just some willpower over reality itself and what the facts are. Like a guy who just says "trees are imaginary" and he would be convinced trees ain't real despite of tress remaining facts. This is the point. You wrote that the sugarbackbone acid Deoxyribonucleic acid (shortcut DNA) anyone incl. you yourself can extract in your very own kitchen with some kitchen tools "is imaginary". (You did deny the globe, gravity and viruses and whatnot before). You do not understand that you can write sentences which are objectively false and against facts. But writing those lies in comment sections remains meaningless. And of course people address someone else writing down such false statements. I would also address people writing "trees ain't real" and ask them if they think they can wish away trees. Just like I asked you if you think you can wish away sugarbackbone acids such as DNA or the globe or the moon landing or gravity. But then I earn insult tries and slurs and whatnot trolling and a lot failed mocking attempts towards me or being confused with other people. LOL I don't know if you think you are some mascot in the comment section or that you feast on attention or mocking attempts. It was boring already x month ago. I just still recommend you professional therapy at your location.
@jollyrancher521 2 дня назад
Macroevolution is when small changes (natural selection acting on random mutations) accumulate slowly over billions of years to produce the big changes needed to make, for example, fish into amphibians or ape-like creatures into men. What evidence is there that this happened?
@TheJackfd81 2 дня назад
That's not evidence for evolution
@TheStarflight41 2 дня назад
Natural selection has no agency. Did a random, undirected process code for the entire panorama of life? No. Of course, no. Imagine an alphabet lottery writing Brittanica... child's play compared to the book of life. Random processes do not display characteristics of creativity. A random process is utterly and eternally unreliable. Whatever mechanism took us from microbes to Michaelangelo can rightly be called the most reliable process in the history of the world. This video represents a worldview. And that worldview is a universe unto itself with its own rules. Therefore, in the biological realm a random process is allowed to possess magical powers. Just another day in the lab.
@Lexi2019AURORA 2 дня назад
@matteomastrodomenico1231 2 дня назад
Your only argument is personal incredulity
@numbersix9477 День назад
When you studied the theory of evolution, what textbook was used? I ask because you don't characterize the theory or any of its processes at all the way my textbooks did.
@tedkrasicki3857 День назад
There is a natural ' sort ' function giving those with 'luck' in having been the result of reproductive success. This is always changing as conditions of environment change and DNA change by mutations. A "cloud chamber" demonstrates that energetic particles are everywhere. That 'everywhere' is also the place where 'eggs' or 'sperm' are produced. The particles cause damage that is not always recovered from accurately. The result can be cell death, cancer, or a mutation. The mutation thing is always occurring and some of those cells create new individuals that continue on with life's processes though with slight changes that may hinder or be helpful to future generations they are passed on to.
@walkergarya День назад
Same old lies and science denial.
@walkergarya 2 дня назад
According to your YEC dogma, all animals were created at one time. Therefore the fossil record, to support your frairy tale of creationism, should show all animals present in the beginning. It does not. We see a slow progression of increasingly complex animals starting in the late pre-Cambrian and progressing through time to the present with modern animals only existing in the latest time frame, exactly as Evolutionary Theory would predict.
@RandallWilks 2 дня назад
Religion cannot cure a single disease. It cannot usefully explain a single physical fact: not where humans came from, not where life came from, not where the universe came from. Religion cannot explain volcanoes, earthquakes, thunderstorms, hurricanes, epidemics, allergies, birth defects, diseases, . . . nothing. Religion cannot usefully explain a single thing. Science, however, explains all these and a lot more. So how can any reasonable person think that science is a religion?
@RandallWilks 2 дня назад
The difference between faith and insanity is that insanity is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatible with the evidence, whereas faith is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatible with the evidence.
@RandallWilks 2 дня назад
INSANITY is when you believe your hallucinations are real. RELIGION is when you believe that someone else's hallucinations are real.
@RandallWilks 2 дня назад
*WE LIVE IN A WORLD MADE POSSIBLE BY SCIENCE.* Science is the collection and documentation of observable facts and an ongoing discussion about how those facts can be best fit together and explained. Truth is established by EVIDENCE, not by what anyone says. Authority in science is in the facts and data that has been collected. What anyone feels, thinks or believes is totally irrelevant. In the 15,000 or so years that various religions have controlled the collective human mind, not one of them have benefited humanity. From our earliest recorded history we know that few children lived to see their 5th birthday. Religion could offer solace, nothing more. In the last 400 years the advent of science and the scientific method have vastly improved living conditions for not just millions, but billions of people. In just the last 100 years, science has doubled the average human lifespan and children can be expected to live to adulthood. Religions make promises, science delivers. To ancient peoples that lacked the tools by which to understand the forces of nature, supernatural explanations seemed plausible, and certainly preferable to no explanation at all. That such beliefs persist in today's world is due solely to the indoctrination to which virtually every child in subjected by parent and society before they are able to reason for themselves. Following in the religion of those who imposed it upon you is not free will, it is the path of least resistance. Once one awakes, they cannot go back to sheep.
@RandallWilks 2 дня назад
*_SCIENCE ISN'T ABOUT BELIEFS, IT'S ABOUT TESTABLE AND FALSIFIABLE HYPOTHESES AND SCIENTIFIC THEORIES;_* all of which must be backed by evidence. Science proceeds from evidence to a conclusion that is initially PROVISIONAL (a hypothesis). There are degrees of certainty in science and as further evidence accumulates in support of a hypothesis, so does the certainty it is correct. When all evidence supports a hypothesis and none refutes it, it may be regarded as a SCIENTIFIC THEORY which, in science, is the HIGHEST DEGREE OF CERTAINTY POSSIBLE. That is true for Germ Theory, Atomic Theory, Theory of Gravity, Theory of Evolution, Heliocentric Theory, Theories of Relativity, et al. They are all explanations for observed phenomena and they are all backed by massive evidence. Science is built on facts, much like a house being built of bricks. But a pile of bricks is not a house and a collection of facts is not science. They become science only after being assembled into a coherent explanation of observed phenomena that is a Scientific Theory. Scientific methodology is designed to eliminate personal bias and follow evidence wherever it leads. THAT is the path to truth, and that is science.
@andrewrobertson3316 2 дня назад
You actually think that the nonsense I just watched is actual scientific evidence for the theory of evolution. You are delusional. This is very a lovely animation but thats all. The evidence you have presented here is so poor and mere conjecture. You have not explained anything to do with the origins of life and how life can come from non-life. Also where the information for life (DNA) came from. Your extrapolation are completely wild and unfounded. Please do yourself a favour and do a bit of research before presenting this nonsense. Ask yourself if evolution is true and humans have been around for 100 of thousands of years, then where is everybody? There should be 100 of billions of people on the planet! Where is everybody? Darwinian evolution is a complete fiction, a fairytale for adults.
@DocReasonable 2 дня назад
'if humans have been around for 100 of thousands of years, then where is everybody? There should be 100 of billions of people on the planet!' So... you think people live forever?? There's dumb, then there's U.
@maylingng4107 2 дня назад
Your ignorance is appalling and laughable. During many periods of human history, the population of the earth stood still and at times even decreased. Evolution is a FACT, it has been observed in nature and duplicated in the laboratory. Can you name a single science organization anywhere that rejects evolution? You think that you without an education know more than a million+ biologists, all with a PhD? You are not only deluded, but a bold face liar.
@Angelmou 2 дня назад
"You actually think that the nonsense I just watched is actual scientific evidence for the theory of evolution." So observations incl. photos like at 4 : 11 about the regulation incl. the readable DNA heridity record with hindlimb bone genes, hindlimbfiber genes, hindlimb feet genes, hindlimb toe genes, hindlimb muscle genes etc. shall be ignored? You are aware that no human can just decide that observations shall not be real, right? "You are delusional." Delusional is when someone ignores the observations for emotional reasons. "This is very a lovely animation but thats all." Photos are not animations. You act there like a flatearther calling real photos of the globe "photoshopped". "The evidence you have presented here is so poor and mere conjecture." Nope it is the readable heridity record in the genomes of whippomorpha and the transitional forms in the respective burials. You have for example never already whales with migrated noseholes in all old burials and no mammals in all paleozoic oceans nor beaches like the Paleo-Panthallassic ocean in all countries of the entire world. You have whales AFTER the were adaptations of the hoof mammals in burials AFTER the mesozoics towards the water lifestyle with the intermediate forms of the half migrated noseholes where the transitional fossils show the beach colony and sun bathing lifestyle like modern seal colonies, before the whales completely adapt step by step to the open waters off shore. "You have not explained anything to do with the origins of life and how life can come from non-life." Evolution theory the summary of all known observations and laws of breeding, heridity and reproduction of ALREADY EXISTING life over generations in general. Like how wolves were bred to dogs or How Equus as species had horses as species, wildass/donkeys as another species and 3 zebra species as speciated variations till the point they have no fertile offspring as crossbreeds. And further how you have fast racing horses, tough barnyard draft horses and ponies long after donkeys and horses evolved from Equus. And of course it is also how apes had chimpanzees and humans and bonobos as mere ape variations of the same ape ancestral broodstock. The theory of evolution ALSO has natural laws as servants - like the genetic laws as parts of it like the genetic law of segregation and the genetic law of independent assortment and the law of monophyly. The origin of life (first cells) 3,8 BILLION years ago is about abiogenesis. "Also where the information for life (DNA) came from." DNA is a selected variation of RNA with the reductasis of uracil to methyluracil (thymine) for the T nucleotide (shortcut). "Your extrapolation are completely wild and unfounded." There are no extrapolations as human imagination is not allowed by the observations. "Please do yourself a favour and do a bit of research before presenting this nonsense." The video owner does fieldtrips for evolutionary research himself. "Ask yourself if evolution is true and humans have been around for 100 of thousands of years, then where is everybody?" Dead. As humans ain't immortal. Also you do not get how broodstocks work prior to agriculture in hunter and gatherer societies. "There should be 100 of billions of people on the planet!" No, because the population dynamics did rise with the invention of agricultural food chains. Evolution is also the reason you have bread on your breakfast table as rye, wheaten and barley and other grain evolve from grassplant broodstock ancestry. "Where is everybody? Darwinian evolution is a complete fiction, a fairytale for adults." Darwin did not know about the DNA heridity record readable today. We talk about modern synthesis.
@gcmgome 2 дня назад
It sounds a lot like you have a bogus vision of what evolution is and were abruptly taken aback when you were faced with evidence for what it actually is. The very fact that you are conflating life origins with evolution and the origins of DNA indicate that you cannot even define evolution properly. Maybe learn that first before calling something that you do not comprehend nonsense. Here let me help you out: *Evolution is defined as the change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. To everyone else (except you apparently), this means descent with modification from preexisting species.* The two most important implications of this correct definition and descriptor being that there must be something living to descend from and that evolution deals exclusively with living organisms. How the first self replicating life form came into existence is not addressed by evolution and is considered a distinctly different field of science. There, now you can apologize for making such a fool of yourself in a public forum.
@numbersix9477 2 дня назад
The fact that your rant included the phrase "Darwinian evolution" tells us everything we need to know about your competence on this subject. The Darwinian model was replace by the Modern Synthesis over three quarters of a century ago. What you learn from discussions with high school dropouts in church basement discussions does not qualify as science. Buy a quality science textbook and read it. Then buy a quality biology textbook and read it. Then buy a quality evolution textbook and read it. THEN come back here and educate us.
@stephaniehale3379 2 дня назад
Teacher here....I love this channel
@bvon5630 2 дня назад
Evolutionists believe in creation, because the imaginary god of ‘Millions of Years’ created everything. How deluded. May God bless the evolutionists. Jesus saves❤️✝️
@RandallWilks 2 дня назад
*_SCIENCE ISN'T ABOUT BELIEFS, IT'S ABOUT TESTABLE AND FALSIFIABLE HYPOTHESES AND SCIENTIFIC THEORIES;_* all of which must be backed by evidence. Science proceeds from evidence to a conclusion that is initially PROVISIONAL (a hypothesis). There are degrees of certainty in science and as further evidence accumulates in support of a hypothesis, so does the certainty it is correct. When all evidence supports a hypothesis and none refutes it, it may be regarded as a SCIENTIFIC THEORY which, in science, is the HIGHEST DEGREE OF CERTAINTY POSSIBLE. That is true for Germ Theory, Atomic Theory, Theory of Gravity, Theory of Evolution, Heliocentric Theory, Theories of Relativity, et al. They are all explanations for observed phenomena and they are all backed by massive evidence. Science is built on facts, much like a house being built of bricks. But a pile of bricks is not a house and a collection of facts is not science. They become science only after being assembled into a coherent explanation of observed phenomena that is a Scientific Theory. Scientific methodology is designed to eliminate personal bias and follow evidence wherever it leads. THAT is the path to truth, and that is science.
@RandallWilks 2 дня назад
*WE LIVE IN A WORLD MADE POSSIBLE BY SCIENCE.* Science is the collection and documentation of observable facts and an ongoing discussion about how those facts can be best fit together and explained. Truth is established by EVIDENCE, not by what anyone says. Authority in science is in the facts and data that has been collected. What anyone feels, thinks or believes is totally irrelevant. In the 15,000 or so years that various religions have controlled the collective human mind, not one of them have benefited humanity. From our earliest recorded history we know that few children lived to see their 5th birthday. Religion could offer solace, nothing more. In the last 400 years the advent of science and the scientific method have vastly improved living conditions for not just millions, but billions of people. In just the last 100 years, science has doubled the average human lifespan and children can be expected to live to adulthood. Religions make promises, science delivers. To ancient peoples that lacked the tools by which to understand the forces of nature, supernatural explanations seemed plausible, and certainly preferable to no explanation at all. That such beliefs persist in today's world is due solely to the indoctrination to which virtually every child in subjected by parent and society before they are able to reason for themselves. Following in the religion of those who imposed it upon you is not free will, it is the path of least resistance. Once one awakes, they cannot go back to sheep.
@Angelmou 2 дня назад
"Evolutionists" Is like the term "globist" used by flatearthers as an insult try to suggest an "ism" aka an ideology while it is just being a scientific literate person. "believe" The act of belief is not needed to understand the mechanical framework of reproduction and breeding laws summarized on paper by evolution theory. Such as to understand how Equus had the horse species or the wildass/donkey species or the 3 zebra species as adaptations or why 1 ape brood stock populations had chimps and humans as ape adaptations. For the same reason there is no belief needed to understand nucleation/crystallization theory to understand how water droplets gain complexity to 1000s of complex snowflakes instead of evenly simplistic hail. "in creation," The activity _to create_ is billions of years YOUNGER in time of origin than breeding laws in nature are old. This means 500 million years ago when ancient jellyfish performed the activity swimming in paleozoic oceans, it took hundreds of millions of years before even the first act of creation took place. "because the imaginary god" Deities are defined as thoughtorgan lacking thinkers - meaning an agent with personality able to hear sounds like prayers DESPITE of not having audioorgans called ears and without a brain as thinking organ to process the sounds in chains fo thoughts. This is why gods are imaginary. "of ‘Millions of Years’" We observe even today the millions of years even today by physical laws like the andromeda galaxy to be 2.537.000 lightyears away aka the light is over 2,5 million years old in 1 direction of the sky in opposite to the pegasus galaxy. If the light would not be millions of years old but nearby the 1000 million suns of those galaxies would cook us crispy and if you want the sky to be an illusion you are a believer in conspiracies (denial that requires a belief) against knowledge that never required any belief to begin with. "created everything." Time is a measurement. The life diversity exists due to mutations, genetic drift and selection pressure etc. "How deluded." The fact that you do not know that there is no act of belief required to understand breeding and reproduction laws for the same reason that there is no belief required to understand how tree grows from a seed is showing who is the deluded person here. "May God" Thoughtorganlacking thinkers ain't real. "bless" Blessing or other magical incantations are believes, which are not shared by non believers. "the evolutionists." As I mentioned - the term is like globist or crystallationist not a real thing. "Jesus saves" The name Jesus written with the letter "J" is an invention of Italy in the 15th century to distinguish the "I" and "J" sounds in the latin language which was then spreding via bookprint also in the english language from the greek "Iesous" name in the greek harbor towns where the gospels texts were made up originally. It roughtly based on a jewish preacher called by the name Yeshua/Yehosua, during the time of the Roman Empire, where people fantasized this Yeshua was more than a mere human preacher who was killed. This is where for example humans invented years after his death the absurd rumor his corpse jumped out of a tomb with making up people who have seen him walking around again, where no one has any names of those witnesses for real. Like Saulus of Tarsus called by a new identy Paul a former bounty hunter who basically let people murder and freeloader - walking from town to town for free food and sleeping opportunities and his secretary Sosthenes who invented 500 people with no names where they said they saw a walking Yeshua. A dead human preacher can't save anyone. And from what exactly? From being brave to face the fact that humans are mortal and that their existence is finite? There is no afterlife salvation if you have this idea.
@walkergarya 2 дня назад
No liar. You do not have a clue what you are talking about.
@bvon5630 День назад
@@Angelmouha, ha, ha. Sorry to offend the intelligent creation god of ‘Millions of Years’, but; If you read the Bible, you will see that God made the stars visible when he put them in place, hallo??? God put the light beams in at the same time. Are you an atheist with a creation god of ‘Millions of Years’? If so, that just explains everything? Just leave a bunch of parts in a shed and come back in millions of years and wow, the creation god of ‘Millions of Years’ has created a passenger jet, ready to go. Or even better, leave an assortment of elements and Chemicals in a swamp and come back in millions of years and wow, the creation god of ‘Millions of Years has created a man and a woman, absolutely fantastic. The creation god of ‘Millions of Years’ can do anything. Got a creation you can’t explain? Just mix it with the creation god of ‘Millions of Years’ and whalla!!!! An instant explanation !!!! It’s really amazing how academics can be so easily deceived. And with their peer group pressure and fear of being rejected and bullied, they all submit to, and worship, the god of ‘Millions of Years’. God bless all the evolutionists. Jesus saves❤️✝️
@thecoobs8820 2 дня назад
Strange, you'd think wolves would figure out pretty fast that tar pits are dangerous
@IDKDA216 2 дня назад
Step by step, video by video I gain more understanding of how to build a nuclear bomb
@thedeadguy466 2 дня назад
I am scared of bugs, but this one is mesmerizing and SO FLUFFY!
@E-1K 2 дня назад
I'd be careful of trusting the quoted number of wolves anywhere. Some people would lose their job if the numbers were reported to high. 😉
@existentialvoid 3 дня назад
birds are dinos. . . that's why eating a chicken drumstick is a celebration of our victory. TY asteroid!
@floriankratzer3653 3 дня назад
So does that mean first front legs evolved into arms then these arms evolved into wings?
@OakenTome День назад