Tez The Truckie
Tez The Truckie
Tez The Truckie
My adventures as a truckie. My life on the road. Things I see and what I do.

I do video reviews ;'

I talk about Trucks, Trucking, Caravans, Cars, Bikes and all about road safety.
story time
3 месяца назад
Crazy things around aussie truckies Dash cam
5 месяцев назад
Aussie truckie on dash cam
5 месяцев назад
Big Rigs Truckies at Barkley road house
5 месяцев назад
Train VS Truck Dash cam
6 месяцев назад
March Trucks vs car crazy dash cam
6 месяцев назад
Truckie fail Dashcam
6 месяцев назад
February Trucks VS Cars crazy Dash cam
7 месяцев назад
Ron Finemore at it again
7 месяцев назад
Viofo Dash cam my reviews
7 месяцев назад
Crazy Truck drivers Dash cam
7 месяцев назад
How to flip a dolly. Dash cam
8 месяцев назад
Trucks F@$K up Aussie dash cam
8 месяцев назад
Trucks vs Cars Dash cam
9 месяцев назад
Trucks vs Caravans dash cam
9 месяцев назад
Doug's Road Adventures. Dash cam
10 месяцев назад
How to load grain trailer
10 месяцев назад
Tips for new road trains drivers
11 месяцев назад
lost and found
11 месяцев назад
moving sand to the wind farm at Karara Qld
11 месяцев назад
Crazy Truck drives
Год назад
@eaglybeagly 5 часов назад
Just like the little white ones with all the windows that carry you and all the other mental patients to the mental joint.
@realaussiemale567 11 часов назад
First time seeing your channel. Have you ever driven on, or seen videos of people driving on Melbourne’s M80 Ring road? Not a stretch of road to use if you’re a nervous driver, or don’t like driving near trucks.
@adriandennis3283 15 часов назад
I started at the company I'm working for washing trucks and still washing the trucks as well as doing local deliveries and going for my MC license in October. I'd like to drive road trains either doing change overs or tipper work.
@raymondgoymer1622 15 часов назад
Does Pete always drive in the right hand lane?
@user-tr8dl4fb3q День назад
Pete needs to give himself a uppercut, what a pig headed driver
@nataliebodley1778 День назад
The end took the cake. HAHAHAHAHA!!!
@chrisd2075 День назад
Caravan s and Semi trailers don't mix very well on the road. At the end of the day with out trucks Australia stops.
@firestormrick 2 дня назад
I am the truck driver who had the Camry crash into me, he was homeless and unregistered or insured, I tried stopping as quickly as possible when he came out to the wrong side, he powered on ! He passed away 6mths later, was around 80yrs old
@sparked3113 2 дня назад
He is a mastabator with his meat in his hand.
@mjhmech4903 2 дня назад
Ray needs to calm TF down, move on mate & act his age. Walking back into the office with your nose flattened against your face would not be a good look. Anything BUT professional!
@beehambonio3378 2 дня назад
It's the Muppet show with tonight very special guest Scott's of Mt Gambier
@Rattlegunner 3 дня назад
postie bike
@tezthetruckie 2 дня назад
@PeterBrowne-pt5qq 3 дня назад
2:17. In the rain but the truck is still less than 1 second behind the car. Should be at least 4 seconds. Doesn’t appear that the car pulled in front of the truck. The truck driver is dangerously close to the car, even if the car is going ‘too slow’. It happens all the time, trucks tailgating and not leaving an appropriate gap.
@brucescott8116 3 дня назад
Sadly, not all truck drivers are angels. There are some real ass wipes out there.
@rudolphvanthoff1391 4 дня назад
RAY5 needs to step up to the plate and fix these damn roads he owns!
@SniperPhotography 4 дня назад
He wouldn’t have made it back to that shit box if I was there.
@Golden-dog88 4 дня назад
this is what happens where 2 twits breed it equals a m0r0n
@bradleywhite9118 4 дня назад
That is one small penis.
@DashDrones 4 дня назад
1,000th like 😉
@TheEnvelopeOZ 5 дней назад
Tez you keep Australia running, thanks mate.
@MelWood-g6r 5 дней назад
Hi do you ever post any videos of your own caravan trips !?
@tezthetruckie 4 дня назад
No I don't. Because that is family time.
@MelWood-g6r 5 дней назад
@Leftystrat 5 дней назад
GT was lucky he didn’t get passed over. Never jump out of your car like that! No harm no foul
@paultowers7018 6 дней назад
Id be raging too if someone in a truck cut me off like that, have a bit of patience and wait for the traffic to stop before you make your turn. Truck drivers seem to think the road laws don't apply to them. There is a reason you don't get fined at a red light camera if you enter the intersection on an amber light, it's legal. Old mate in the mustang did nothing wrong so don't make it out like the truck driver was hard done by, he was clearly in the wrong.
@robinscott3210 6 дней назад
Thing called AXLE WEIGHT LIMITS and GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT LIMIITS to protect roads and bridges !
@ilikesundays4312 6 дней назад
Just nod and let them be. If this is how foolish they are then you can't help them.
@RebeccaKenworthy 6 дней назад
She's EXACTLY the type of virtue signalling, smug idiot I picture when I think of an EV owner. Literally going around still trying to justify their purchase... This is ALSO the exact same type of person who lined up for every booster shot without question, probably got her young children done as well and wore a mask in the car by herself... And ahe thinks she's soooo clever, doesn't she
@chriswood426 6 дней назад
without trucks western civilization would collapse. look at the covid lockdown, only two years ago, when all the people with the lowest paid jobs were forced to continue going to work everyday.
@splint3048 6 дней назад
Lets not forget hat trucks have lots of wheels which are much larger diameter than car wheels so the load is spread.
@bretthampson8991 6 дней назад
What about all the trucks needed for building wind farms, and all the forests they cut down to put them in and the extra roads they have to build for installation and maintenance,
@stevenmcmaster8219 6 дней назад
Be the lady is right. Well be better off on many levels when we cease burning fossil fuels.
@stevegood3621 6 дней назад
just thinking about all about the demage caused to our earth when digging up minerals to process into lithium for electric cars, imagin if we didnt have to do that
@jacofoot9940 6 дней назад
She's misinformed and self righteous but she is right. A lot of our societal industry is extremely inefficient. In my country minibus taxis are all over the place because the railways were never maintained and vandals destroyed the infrastructure. We have a worse system now. Instead of fixing the real problem, we run into red tape like job losses in one industry. We need to figure out how to work as a collective so we don't needlessly burn through time and resources.
@markcarli8259 6 дней назад
How about the garbage collection trucks on light traffic residential roads?
@Hughes500 6 дней назад
How condescenting is she? I really hope she doesn't drive a car or fly on a plane. Because they require trucks to deliver fuel.
@chadholmes7051 6 дней назад
Mate don’t even bother she has the practical knowledge of a house brick just another Karen who is probably a month into owning a Chinese shit box ev and thinks she’s saving the world
@No_Pro_00 6 дней назад
Geez man.. at least own a Porsche and don't annoy people you'll need one day 🤡
@kenworth159 6 дней назад
There’s an old saying…..’tis better to remain silent & be thought a fool than to open your mouth & remove all doubt. She needs to shut her mouth…….🙄🤦🏻‍♂️😂
@eaglybeagly 5 часов назад
Yeah but there good for a laugh aye.
@nuaapeerlink6746 6 дней назад
I have a great deal of respect for truck drivers you guys run the country! It is misguided judgement I am guessing she wants us to move to renewable energy which is a good aspiration, just a bad way of extressing it.
@Antony_Jenner 6 дней назад
Just think about the fuel trucks transporting fuel for your remote EV charging stations.
@danilesambrano4000 6 дней назад
If we started buying and eating things LOCALLY produced, we would have a greater affect the ALL the fuel haulers put together.
@allworldmusic8270 6 дней назад
I am not a Truckie but I have respect for them as they are earring their living from driving, it is really important that we don't hold them up and this means keeping on the speed limit and simply letting them get past when they need to, really just common courtesy on the road.
@allworldmusic8270 6 дней назад
Great analysis, the trucks were very close to road rage for some reason, which is probably the caravan holding them up, although the caravan driver clearly made a mistake the truck drivers were at fault because of their aggressive driving.
@vicrigg9390 6 дней назад
fuel excise is used for developing and maintaining our road transport system, how do EV's contribute.
@cougarsorwhat 6 дней назад
I live in bendigo. Ill keep an eye out for this fuckwit
@cougarsorwhat 6 дней назад
He's a dick surgeon
@ScrotieBoogerballsMc 6 дней назад
Whether or not the truck operator should have waited doesn't matter it's a clear case of assault as soon as he opened his for and then opened a truck drivers door .....good thing it wasn't America , eh ?
@browneyestar 7 дней назад
I always thought you guys had to pay a road tax for that very reason. Am I wrong?
@AlBundyOz 7 дней назад
She probably drives a 3tonne 4WD ........... The irony ........
@geoffsemon7411 6 дней назад
she drives an EV that runs off solar
@JohnWilson-jn7mp 7 дней назад
If only they could have built the roads without fuel tax!!!!!