My name is Simon and I enjoy tinkering with machines. My original hobby is woodworking. However, this has developed into a certain love for modifying machines. It all started with the Bosch GTS 10 XC, a table saw that is widely used by hobby woodworkers. There were simply a few details that bothered me, which I fixed with my own parts. It turned out that others were also bothered by one or the other little problems with the saw. Therefore, my goal is to be able to manufacture every developed part in small series and offer them through my web store.
For this reason, I offer more than just the usual woodworking on my channel. I try to take you along on the journey from problem to solution and provide insights into areas that otherwise remain hidden.
WARNING: There will be a lot of tinkering and it will get very technical. I do not see myself as a pure entertainment channel.
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