Ferda Heat
Ferda Heat
Ferda Heat
Late July Pepper Harvest!
Месяц назад
2 месяца назад
Balcony Garden June Harvest
2 месяца назад
Mocha Swirl Seeds Have Sprouted!
3 месяца назад
NEW GROWTH  🌱 Scotch Bonnet Seedlings!
5 месяцев назад
Bringing In Pepper Plants For Winter Growth!
10 месяцев назад
11 месяцев назад
Scotch Bonnet Indoor Grow!
11 месяцев назад
End of Summer Pepper Harvest
Год назад
Pepper Pod Review: Mocha Swirl
Год назад
Год назад
So beautiful
It is my first time on your channel and I have just subscribed. Your garden is so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. Keep up the good work. All the best on this journey.
@ferdaheat 2 дня назад
Thank you very much! That means the world to me! I'm glad you enjoy :) I subscribed to you as well!
@monicarae9743 5 дней назад
all the peppers <3
@grounded_maritimers 6 дней назад
Loving it all.
@jPokerTV 14 дней назад
all my outdoor peppers always get attacked. started doing a few plants in my tent with my cannabis and its crazy how great they can look when they dont get attacked.
@ferdaheat 14 дней назад
Totally agreed! Every winter I do indoor tents, and my plants always looks so insanely green and healthy compared to outdoors. They grow so much faster indoors too!
@jPokerTV 14 дней назад
@@ferdaheat gardening is really a rewarding hobby, subbed to the channel look forward to more videos man.
@grounded_maritimers 14 дней назад
Looking amazing man! Those cabbages can grow all the way into snow . They love the cooler weather. Can’t wait to see the hot sauce fiesta! We’ve got a few reapers that are still tiny here. Hoping that and our peach habanero have time . Keep up the great work.
@ferdaheat 14 дней назад
Thanks so much! Very much appreciate the cabbage advice. Like I said in the video, I'm such a newbie with most things outside of peppers & tomato's lol. But I'm definitely learning boat loads this season with the variety of plants I got. My reapers are trying sooo hard. But the flowers keep falling off :( happens almost every year for me. Just sadly not quite enough hot sun during the day here, since around the start of August. Praying you'll have a mighty big harvest!!!! I still gotta watch the pepper video you guys posted this morning!
@jenmv3483 17 дней назад
I missed what kind of oil for spider mites?
@ferdaheat 17 дней назад
@@jenmv3483 Neem oil seems to be the cure! Slightly expensive but does the trick.
@HealthyHabitsGrow 17 дней назад
​@@ferdaheatI used it on some plants direct deom bottle. Seemed to damage leaves? Ever seen that? It was thick, tan..should I water it down? Struggling with leaves looking like spider webs, mites, eaten...
@risasgardentokitchen 22 дня назад
Nice sharing i have the same problem with the peppers in garden too...New subscribe here. ❤
@ferdaheat 22 дня назад
Thank you so much for subscribing! I just subbed to you as well :) Always love to see someone doing something similar!
@theblacksociologist2151 23 дня назад
Those look like pimento peppers otherwise known as "season pepper".
@ferdaheat 23 дня назад
@@theblacksociologist2151 they actually do! You may be right. Or they were just some really deformed habaneros. Because all of the newer ones that started fruiting are all completely different than those few I picked. They look like straight up fat habaneros now. But there's only one way to find out. Pimentos would be very, very tame in heat comparison.
@beejle Месяц назад
Corn is almost a completely human created crop, if humans disappeared so would corn. It used to be a wild tall grass that would make just a small handful of super hard kernel’s that were manipulated by humans to make corn what it is today. I’m sure there’s plenty of variety’s that will grow well in Canadian summer’s, I moved this spring so I missed my planting season and now I’m living it out vicariously through you 😂
@ferdaheat Месяц назад
@@beejle that is very interesting info bro. I definitely did not know that. But it for sure makes sense. Im for sure going to do more corn in the future. We've also had a veryyyyy hot summer this far. Which has helped a lot. I'm sorry you missed the growing window bro! I hope all has been well! I kinda did too, and then cheated with a handful of month old pepper plants from the garden center that needed some help. And my god they're thriving like crazy now haha. And so are all my other plants that were basically dead. They're all putting out peppers now after a month straight of 30°c weather
@user-wz5gw8ef3w Месяц назад
wait did u have one plant that produced fruits that looked different? that's awesome :D At the moment I'm in the making of a chili with five different chilis grafted. super easy, looks like all are growing and producing new leaves
@ferdaheat Месяц назад
Ya, it's very interesting. I didn't do the plant myself. Its interestingly enough from Burpee. They do these combo plants with 3 different sweet peppers. But now im getting completely different peppers on the plant than even before?? It's very, very weird LOL That's so awesome you're taking the time to graft pepper plants. I definitely would love to one day. I'm glad your plants are starting to thrive! :)
@fredtunks5341 2 месяца назад
And you're actually supposed to roast it beforehand
@fredtunks5341 2 месяца назад
That's a little Jim 🤣😂🤣
@ferdaheat 2 месяца назад
So true LOL. I got the plant so late in the season. And it sadly only put out like 3 peppers if I remember right. It wasn't much more than half a foot tall. Would definitely love to grow a bigger one. And for sure try giving it a roasting first. Is it similar to how Shishido peppers taste much more flavorful after roasting?
@fredtunks5341 2 месяца назад
​@@ferdaheatit's kinda like a Pablano in a way. Goggle the Fresh Chile Company if you'd like to order some already roasted sometime
@KittyMcGee1001 2 месяца назад
So I did some research and there’s one site that mentions Burpee’s peppers from Heaven series in the US, but there’s no info on where to buy them. It seems both types (Heaven and Dream) are very productive and tasty. You’re going to be eating a lot of yummy peppers this summer! Edit to add: The Heaven series was a new variety for 2023, whereas reviews for Lemon & Tangerine Dream go back at least 5 years. Maybe Burpee discontinued the Heaven series since they’re so similar to the Dream series. Some growers may still have seeds for the Heaven variety so that’s why you got some. This is all a guess on my part. You should definitely try saving some seed from those because you seem to have a rare variety.
@ferdaheat 2 месяца назад
Very interesting! Thank you for the info. I'm almost thinking these are a totally new batch of combo plants. Because so far, from the 5 or 6 peppers I've eaten off the plant. I've had no seeds in ANY of the pods. And some have been completely sweet. And some are sweet with a kick of heat. They must have genetically modified them to no longer produce seeds now perhaps?? So only Burpee can have these plants produced. If I happen to see any seeds while I'm cutting them up for sauces, I'll definitely save what I can find!
@KittyMcGee1001 2 месяца назад
@@ferdaheat Big Ag is so greedy. They really want us dependent upon them for everything. These companies claim that they don’t sell GMO seeds and plants to the public, but they’re probably lying about this. If you do manage to find seeds they’ll probably be sterile, but sometimes a good one gets through. The Dream series isn’t hybrid or GMO and do have seeds which is why I bought them. This makes me wonder whether they pulled the Heaven series from the US market because they have a harder time pulling a fast one with GMO seeds and plants down here.
@KittyMcGee1001 2 месяца назад
7:27 Those yellow and green striped peppers look a bit like Burpee’s Lemon Dream Sweet Pepper before turning completely yellow. I tried growing some from seed, but they had issues. Only a couple of their Tangerine Dream Sweet Peppers made it for me and they’re just starting to bud out. Apparently both types have a bit of heat, so definitely look up the Lemon Dream pepper. 2:17 I love that plant stand. Your garden looks great. Can’t wait for August to see everything producing like crazy.
@ferdaheat 2 месяца назад
Hey Kitty, thanks again for the comment! Wow those do look exactly alike! The tag on the plant says "Sweet heaven peppers" by Burpee. I got it from Home Depot about a month ago. And some absolutely have a little kick to them. So you might be right again on the pepper plant strain! Great call. They're very delicious! And such a productive plant thus far. I hope your Tangerine Dream plants are nice & productive! Sounds like that would be very delicious as well! My favorite sweet pepper so far is the Mocha Swirl. I have 2 small plants going so far. Praying they'll put out before the season is over! I'm so very glad you like it! I need to tidy up again and finalize the organization of things. But it's definitely coming together very nicely this year :)
@KittyMcGee1001 2 месяца назад
@@ferdaheat You’re in Canada IIRC so maybe Burpee names them differently up there. I haven’t seen Sweet Heaven in the US, but that’s a much better name than Lemon Dream. I’m glad you showed that plant so I can get an idea of how big they get. Tangerine Dream is just the orange version of Lemon Dream.
@Agile_Pure 2 месяца назад
Garden looking amaizng bro
@ferdaheat 2 месяца назад
much love dude! going great thus far. can't even wait to see what July brings!
@KittyMcGee1001 2 месяца назад
Do you get direct sun on that balcony? How are things growing so well with limited sun?
@ferdaheat 2 месяца назад
Hey Kitty! I get about 5-6hrs of direct light! All purely morning sunshine. My balcony faces dead east pretty well. So I get like....6:30am light currently, till about 11:45-12pm. Again, good call on the Cosmo's! Can't wait till they're in full bloom. They're looking so good currently compared to before 😁
@KittyMcGee1001 2 месяца назад
@@ferdaheat The sun is much stronger now than it used to be, so it’s probably better to get 6 hrs vs. 8-10. Cosmos are really pretty flowers and it looks like you have some pink ones. The best part with flowers is finding out what color they are.
@allister7066 2 месяца назад
Ryan, the plant reviver lol.. a lot more different versatile plants than last season/year.. you're plants looking very green right now but saying that all I'm seeing at the minute is green with all my plants with pepper flowers just opening n tomatoes growing in abundance. I'm waiting for the colour to show. Great update keep it up 👍
@ferdaheat 2 месяца назад
Haha! Just slowly reviving everything I can. Ive had my fair share of fails over the winter. So I'm very glad to have some wins so far in the spring/summer. That's really good news to hear your getting tons of power flowers! That's pretty much where most of mine are at right now as well. Just starting to open up A LOT of flower. Blessing you and your plants 🤞🙏🤞🙏
@allister7066 2 месяца назад
Hi Ryan, wow ur first harvest great job! All looking fantastic btw. Gnome in the corner brilliant haha
@RyanHoodGains 2 месяца назад
Thank you very much, Allister! Haha, I'm glad you like the gnome. I placed the camera in the a planter, and just hoped for a decent angle of me harvesting that plant. Turned out perfect with the gnome in the corner lol.
@grounded_maritimers 2 месяца назад
Hey Ryan Awesome Balcony! Sending good vibes to your mom. Looking forward to seeing the progress of your wife’s cabbage in the long pot. 🌱 we have flowers but no fruit yet. We’re just starting to get constant temps over 10C. Take care
@ferdaheat 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much!! Means a lot :) I showed my Mom the Begonia on Thursday & she was absolutely thrilled haha. The corn, cabbage, broccoli & collard greens are hilariously thriving. I had 0 expectations but my God, they're taking very well to the transplants & nice weather. We've had 20-26 degree days, for about 10+ days now. Although we're now getting about 30mm of rain over the next 24hrs lol. Which honestly is perfect to follow all the hot weather. Hoping your Maritime weather will bring you some amazing harvests. I know you guys have been working really hard to make some incredible progress happen! Can't even wait to see your garden beds fully grown out :)
@KittyMcGee1001 3 месяца назад
1:00 Those flowers look like cosmos. They can get big.
@ferdaheat 3 месяца назад
Great call! Very well could be! I'll definitely come back to this comment and let you know once the bulb blooms 😁
@KittyMcGee1001 3 месяца назад
@@ferdaheat Yes. Please let me know. Poor little guys were suffering so it’s good you planted them in a better growing medium.
@ferdaheat 3 месяца назад
@@KittyMcGee1001 Ya they were struggling bigtime. I'm hoping they'll make a big comeback 🙏 so far so good! I'm always the one seeking out the withering plants at the garden center & try to take them back to a better home lol
@allister7066 3 месяца назад
Wow! Great update Ryan. I tried growing 🌽 once but sadly I didn't have the knowledge and they got infested with black aphids. Balcony is getting more life great to see hopefully soon u'll be harvesting fruit. Good news about ur mocha swirl happy days!
@ferdaheat 3 месяца назад
I'm praying for the absolute best. But I have no real expectations for the broccoli nor the corn haha! It would just be really cool if somehow it did grow really well 😁
@allister7066 3 месяца назад
@ferdaheat I have my🤞for ur broccoli n corn with love n affection i'm sure they'll grow bountiful 👍
@LbowtheGen-U-WineRedneck 3 месяца назад
Put them in 5 gallon buckets
@jbon7556 3 месяца назад
@allister7066 3 месяца назад
Great update Ryan! A question I'd be asking myself is how long do I have left in this grow season n will I see any kind of flowers or pods on the struggling mocha swirl, ur balcony garden is certainly coming on n I hope soon u'll be seeing some colour. Happy gardening!
@ferdaheat 3 месяца назад
Certainly! I may keep the struggling one indoors in the grow tent for its whole life. That very well could be the best option for it. Can't wait for this next month to unfold. The weather is in full grow mode FINALLY. June & July should be incredible for growth!
@ferdaheat 3 месяца назад
Once the tomatoes grow a little bit more, I'll stake & cage them also :) The balcony gardening is coming together very nicely now!
@ferdaheat 3 месяца назад
@allister7066 3 месяца назад
Hi Ryan, hope ur well! I did some research into the mold on ur seedling it could be caused by lack of air flow or even high humidity! u could try sprinkling a pinch of cinnamon over the seedling and separating it from the others till u feel it's recovered, well I'm looking forward to see how it turns out. Great to see u bk again!
@ferdaheat 3 месяца назад
Hey Allister! Thank you for the very helpful comment. That definitely makes sense and is kinda what I thought. I had it a little too moist. I'll for sure try that cinnamon trick and give an update towards the end of the week probably 😁 This season should hopefully bring MANY scotch bonnets & MANY mocha swirls! I think they're currently my favorite hot & sweet peppers 😋
@allister7066 3 месяца назад
@ferdaheat This year I'm growing Scotch Bonnets ×6 Tangerine Dream ×2 Apache ×2 Dwarf Orange Sweet Pepper ×2 Habanero ×1 Armageddon ×1(which they have all been topped!) Carrots, three different kinds of Tomatoes, Ginger, Garlic, Snap Peas, three different Potatoes oh not forgetting Mint haha so as u can imagine alot of care n attention needed but I will be rewarded well I Hope.
@ferdaheat 3 месяца назад
@@allister7066 ahhh that's such a good variety of plants! I think I might also want to grow some snap peas myself as well! Praying your garden thrives over the coming months :)
@allister7066 3 месяца назад
@ferdaheat Thank you! I'm sure my hard work will pay off well. I haven't grown mini bell peppers before so that one is going to be interesting!
@knine8154 3 месяца назад
Just here to see if it will be another weed infomercial to sell me shit non stop
@ferdaheat 3 месяца назад
@allister7066 4 месяца назад
Great video Ryan! 🤞ur scotch bonnet peppers take off looking forward to there future progress!
@ferdaheat 4 месяца назад
🙏🌱 Sooo excited!!! Definitely not going as crazy as last year. So hopefully everything is very manageable & bountiful 😁
@Shakespearept 4 месяца назад
@allister7066 4 месяца назад
Hey Ryan, great to see u bk! I left a like as always... i hope ur overwintered plants burst bk n bless u with a lovely crop. Looking forward to all ur up n coming video's.
@ferdaheat 4 месяца назад
Ayyy! Thanks so much for the lovely comment Allister! Always good to hear from you. I hope all has been well! & I hope your plants are starting the season off well! I can't wait to get everything started :) it's raining like CRAZY right now for 2 days then goes straight into the 20's for us starting Thursday!
@user-mw6li4tt7j 4 месяца назад
Do I close the bags?
@ferdaheat 4 месяца назад
If it's quite loose, yes.
@AMPProf 5 месяцев назад
Jesus rose up a min ago soo
@ferdaheat 5 месяцев назад
As did the rest of the seedlings :) God is good!
@grounded_maritimers 6 месяцев назад
Cool. Outside is coming soon!!
@ferdaheat 6 месяцев назад
Can't wait!
@Mxrow 7 месяцев назад
You need to invest in a better light. You won't get the results you're looking for Using those cheap lights
@brucebehner4142 7 месяцев назад
Been growing super hot peppers indoors for a couple years. Watch your intensity from indoor lights with peppers, they will make you lose flowers more than any toxicity/deficiency. #truth.
@ferdaheat 7 месяцев назад
Much appreciated!
@crischalmers1277 7 месяцев назад
Bro please get a better light you will have so much better success. Mars hydro or something other then that one spectrum light
@brinaldoramziski976 7 месяцев назад
@brucebehner4142 7 месяцев назад
Not with peppers. It's totally different than growing cannabis.
@crischalmers1277 7 месяцев назад
@@brucebehner4142 any plants that flower do better in full spectrum light if you grow leafy greens then okay. Peppers most definitely
@brucebehner4142 7 месяцев назад
@@crischalmers1277 have you grown cannabis and peppers next to each other in a tent before? You have to almost shade the pepper plant from the same light that a cannabis plant will use.
@crischalmers1277 7 месяцев назад
@@brucebehner4142 well yeah their DLI is different I stressed cannabis plants out with my lights.
@MedievalAge 7 месяцев назад
Ferdaaaa HEAT❤
@ferdaheat 7 месяцев назад
@grounded_maritimers 7 месяцев назад
Where are you? :) Job's keeping you busy eh?
@ferdaheat 7 месяцев назад
Ya, more than less. We finally just finished up a massive 2 tier rock wall on a big acreage today actually. Will probably take a full 2 days to pull all of our machines and stuff out of there now haha. But I won't even lie, I've mainly been on a posting hiatus from pure winter depression. happens almost every year flawlessly once the weather disallows my beautiful plants to grow outside. Inside just isn't the same for me :( and i've had a couple indoor infestations, that have just turned me right off of wanting to make videos for the indoor tents at the moment. I got a decent scotch bonnet harvest not long ago. And then they got plagued badly! But hilariously enough, fought through. Fully re-grew foliage & just started flowering the other day lol. So I miiiight just have to do a video about that at the least :P thanks for checking up on me though! it's very appreciated! And sorry for the rant hahaha
@grounded_maritimers 7 месяцев назад
Totally. Winter is killer for gardeners. But the warm weather is coming… Yes! Infestations are disheartening. We figured it was because it was winter and all. Scotch bonnet 🔥 We’d watch that video for sure. Plants are resilient. More than us I’d say. The sun will be shining soon. Take care,
@ferdaheat 7 месяцев назад
@@grounded_maritimers I'll try to make a video or 2 this weekend on the scotch bonnets when I have some time! I've been working out very intensely lately to substitute the gardening haha! So ontop of work, I'm just always tired! Thanks again for the comment :) Keep up that awesome bushcraft work!! love to watch those vids
@MedievalAge 7 месяцев назад
Looks good brother !
@ferdaheat 7 месяцев назад
Ayy much love dude!! I've been slacking on the growing & uploads since November. Still some indoor tents going. But haven't been going crazy. Mainly maintaining the plants till April when the weather allows me to put them back outside!
@monicarae9743 10 месяцев назад
Love it ❤
@allister7066 10 месяцев назад
Hey Ryan, shame the season is coming to an end, but you have many plants to over winter, and I hope they all produce even the reapers! Great video, mate!
@ferdaheat 10 месяцев назад
Thank you Allister! Can't wait to see some super hots producing :)
@allister7066 10 месяцев назад
@ferdaheat Aye, it will make a great video. I need to get a tent. I have two crosses going at the moment in hydroponic fingers crossed!
@ferdaheat 10 месяцев назад
@@allister7066 best of luck with the crossbreeds!!!! Definitely keep me in the loop with how they're doing :)
@monicarae9743 11 месяцев назад
Beautiful peppers
@monicarae9743 11 месяцев назад
Dirty man lol I broke my pug pic lol XD gotta get a new frame
@ferdaheat 11 месяцев назад
Too funny
@da1whoseblack 11 месяцев назад
I recently ordered these seeds and germinated / sowed them a couple days ago. I’m super excited! Thanks for the review. Any tips or anything you learned growing this strain?
@ferdaheat 11 месяцев назад
That's very exciting! I can't wait to grow more of my own again too. The only thing I can think of, is if you see white striping (variegation) on the leaves, it's supposed to be that way. It's almost a sign to show that the plant is doing well, and will have the epic swirl lines through the pepper. And I did notice mine took a really long time to ripen. But the plant was also plagued by aphids at one point. So it could have slowed production down a bit for sure. Thanks so much for your comment :) hope the plants do extremely well!