@lindamcmillan7618 13 часов назад
They killed her by Misyake when ate they going to own up
@diligentink7147 18 часов назад
Wow... case of a mysteriously missing infant girl, smirking parants and being interviewed by a now convicted paedophile. Hmmmmmm. This video didnt age well.
@SamEdwardsTV День назад
0:48 that guilty swallow
@stevetoyne День назад
Apparently, the twins are now conducting their own research into the case as they no longer believe their parents ridiculous account of what happened. Imagine the irony of the McCanns being brought to just by their own offspring. Poetic justice at its finest.
@DianeMcDougall 2 дня назад
Just seeing this. Great work from Lizzy. Well done. However I think Gavin strimgeour should do more research and perhaps read the PJ files and other information before joining this. There’s too much repetition and it is quite tedious.
@agentpurple2843 3 дня назад
I got the book I only read half i had to put it down
@user-gn9xl1hv3n 3 дня назад
They done it 😢
@stevetoyne 3 дня назад
The reason they wont participate in a reconstruction is because it would reveal that the shutters and window to the bedroom were never open. The testimonies of the tapas seven alone prive this. But to take part in a reconstruction would really highlight this in real time. The story of the open window is a provable lie. No open window= no abduction. The Portuguese police had this case solved within weeks which is why they closed the case.
@Nina_Rihs 3 дня назад
Gonçalo Amaral was punished in the worst possible way for doing his job thoroughly and professionally. His dedication to revealing the truth of Madeleine‘s fate was turned against him. I’ve studied the PJ files and researched articles and videos on the parents, their behavior and their backgrounds. The British government is responsible for protecting their cover up and I deeply hope that both, Madeleine and Detective Amaral will receive their full justice in the future. The Mc Cann’s fighting in court for prohibiting Detective Amaral’s book from being published in the UK is a hidden confession in itself. If this book is all wrong then why go against it so hard….want Thank you for sharing this documentary 🙏 Obrigado Senhor Amaral for your service and your courage ! RIP little Maddie 🫶
@stevetoyne 4 дня назад
Apparently, the twins are doing their own research into Maddie's disappearance as they no longer believe their parents ridiculous narrative. The testimonies of the tapas seven prove that the shutters and window to the McCanns bedroom window were never open. The open window story is a lie. Once they discover this I think they'll have some serious questions for their parents. Amaral knew this and so do Scotland Yard.
@saibkinsina 4 дня назад
Huw Edwards is a nonce now ironic
@stevetoyne 4 дня назад
The testimonies of the tapas seven alone, prove that the story of the open shutters and window is a lie. Therefore no abduction took place. The good news is that the twins are conducting their own research into the case because they no longer believe their parents narrative. Once they've read the Portuguese police files, they'll realise that their parents have lied to them of all their lives. They will no doubt also realise that they too were left alone, night after night, in an unlocked apartment and could so easily have disappeared too. The noose is tightening for Kate and Gerry.
@stevetoyne 4 дня назад
The latest news on social media is that the twins are conducting their own research into the events of that night as they no longer believe their parents. Once they've read the Portuguese police reports theyll realise that their parents were lying about the abduction. As did Amaral and I've no doubt Scotland Yard. Time is ticking away for Kate and Gerry.
@stevetoyne 4 дня назад
The testimonies of the tapas seven alone, prove beyond doubt that the shutters and window of the McCanns bedroom were never open. This proves that the story of the open window was a lie. Therefore, no abduction took place. That's why the McCanns refused to participate in a reconstruction of the night in question It would have exposed their deceit. This is also backed up by forensic evidence. And let's not forget that once they were declared official suspects, they fled the country.
@stevetoyne 4 дня назад
The McCanns ckaim tbat Amarals book was harming the search for Maddie. What oroof do they have of this?
@stevetoyne 6 дней назад
The testimonies of the tapas seven prove that the shutters were never raised nor the bedroom window open. The only people who claim to have seen the shutters raised and the window open were the McCanns. Gerry said he closed tne shutters immediately he entered the room, thereby destroying any evidence of this. The open window story is a lie
@stevetoyne 7 дней назад
Kate says in this interview that she felt violated because her diaries had been published. Does she magine how the twins must feel knowing they were abandoned every day and night by their parents when on that holiday.
@stevetoyne 7 дней назад
According to social media, the twins no longer believe their parents ridiculous account of what happened and are conducting their own research into what happened. I've a feeling the truth will be told before long.
@robinkerr1145 7 дней назад
This whole case and how it was handled makes me feel sick ,the amount of money wasted and making the MCcan's very rich. Its clear they had some part in maddies disappearance yet they are not looked at and when you think of the many other cases of missing children that get no such support its even more sickening 💔 Gerry and Kate and evil and I wish I knew why they had such elite help to cover up what happened. I really want to read bernt stellander's book but I can't afford the €33 euro price tag right now
@stevetoyne 8 дней назад
Why did Gerry send Matt to the reception to call the police. Surely they had heard of 112. So why the insistance of calling from a landline?
@stevetoyne 8 дней назад
Tannerman is definitely not an abductor. After seeing a man carrying a child, Jane Tanner carries on up the road, around the corner and through the car park to the front door of her apartment. This necessitated waking directly past the McCanns bedroom windows. If the shutters had been raised, she would have noticed it immediately but never reported this. The same applies to the rest of the tapas seven who also accessed their apartments via the front door. Therefore, no abduction took place.
@user-fg2js4cl8q 8 дней назад
@maricajohnson1608 9 дней назад
How many people knew about Jimmy Saville and never spoke out until he died, in my opinion it makes them just as guilty...nobody should play a part in not speaking out when a crime has been committed...Colin has given us a hint so how about this friend of his speaking out...,its the right thing to do.
@maricajohnson1608 9 дней назад
Mr Sutton..time to speak out, tell us who warned you off the case..there is a missing child here who deserves justice.
@stuartrobinson2456 9 дней назад
Ok the reason for the change was Gerry realised you would pass maddies window as you went to the door ..he also then said that the front door was prob unlocked😮and the he realized Dianne had tried to raise the shutter from outside and couldn't and she told the police
@allanpedersen9978 10 дней назад
Is she reading a statement? If so, why not speak from the heart..
@Unique_Monk 10 дней назад
Question If she was dead the morning before - who was crying that night the the neighbour heard ?
@stuartrobinson2456 10 дней назад
You dont need proof you need overwhelming evidence,,, and I think if they had done re-enactment that would have tipped it to beyond all reasonable doubt. Katriona was involved ,,she signed maddie out when it should have been parents and she is now a family friend
@stuartrobinson2456 10 дней назад
unfortunately this discarded towel was negative ,,, the police are certain they did it ,,, and this evidence would have been in PJ FILES if it could have been. I do not believe the Mccanns are stupid enough to leave a towel at the scene. The DNA was full match in 5A ,,,degraded Partial match boot of car. I think they were about to be charged. they then fled...
@stevetoyne 11 дней назад
According to social media, tbe twins no longer believe their parents ridiculous account of what happened that night and have started doing their own research into their sisters disappearance. Theyll no doubt come to the same conclusion as the rest of us; There is zero evidence of an abduction taking place and that the story of tbe open window and raised shutters is pure fabrication. I imagine that Kate and Gerry are getting extremely nervous.
@lexingtonlad5745 11 дней назад
Dupers delight.
@nancygermain6924 13 дней назад
Yes, nothing they do is helpful but rather a hindrance. Walked into the room saw the bed empty & ran to tell everyone m. was taken!? Did she even look at the twins? She would not accept any other theories beside taken. Does this sounds like someone who wants their kid found? Wants the twins kept safe? She immediately left them alone & vulnerable again.
@superunknown70 13 дней назад
There is a very important book called "The Franklin Cover Up" by Senator John DeCamp that provides more information on this. Boys town is just the beginning of this scandal. The whole thing and how far up the political ladder this goes is disturbing to say the least. You may have a difficult time wrapping your head around it. I know my first reaction was denial of the possibility as it seemed so far fetched. However, if one considers the idea that the purpose was to create "control files" and considers that some of the highest office holders mentioned have generational ties to the CIA it gains some plausibility.
@amandarichards3717 13 дней назад
Still not solved but at the end of the day kate n gerry have a lot to answer too .
@ArmantoAlex13 14 дней назад
Father Val Peter is obviously a guilty pos…what innocent individual concerned about children’s welfare and the integrity of a school run by him would say they have no interest in participating in an investigation?! I hate singing voices like King’s! It’s painful to the ears and sounds like those people who make that kind of sound to appear that they can sing.
@eddierae8945 14 дней назад
This is alive today as it was back then, it will never be in the past, Justice was never served , and it must be.
@SEN0BRM 14 дней назад
Its the people who put king in that position..of power to keep themselves clear. ..those names i want
@stuartrobinson2456 14 дней назад
what a stupid thing to say,, Clarence thinks hes clever,, he cant help himself,,, he cant just keep to script and say we will keep looking until we find her , and if or when we do a lot of people will be regretting these terrible accusations. My question to him is "how do you know no one can prove it?" but anyway thank for telling us that maddys body no longer exists,,,,,,very kind
@dondamon4669 15 дней назад
Why are all middle upper class English people ugly, badly dressed, horrible teeth,bald and just look like wrongons! I don't know anyone that speaks or looks like these monsters!!
@dondamon4669 15 дней назад
At 04.30 they stopped searching!! Jesus Christ police go and arrest someone at that time of night for stealing some food ffs!!
@stuartrobinson2456 15 дней назад
As requested by investigating officers of the DIC of Portimao it was performed the lifting and respective recovery of the four tiles and of the skirting board next to them (they being identified with numbers 1 to 4) using a tile trimmer, a flat chisel and a hammer..............to the recovery of all spots [stains; marks] existing on the floor and on the wall of the living room next to the place from where there were previously lifted and collected four floor tiles, and on the back of the blue, cloth-upholstered sofas that were next to that wall. With respect to the trace evidence recovered behind the sofa all the confirmed DNA components coincide with corresponding components in the DNA profile of Madeleine McCann.
@dondamon4669 15 дней назад
People need to get together and demand they have to go court and face charges! People have speat millions making these two rich!!
@graceisamazing5493 15 дней назад
The documentary is in here, i found it a few days ago.
@sungetharamauthar7664 15 дней назад
The parents know fully aware of what happened to their child
@paulmurray6663 16 дней назад
Kate, Answer The 48 other Questions The PJ asked You? Clarence " Suggested" on VerifiableVideo. that the Reason You Refused to AnswerThe 48 other Questions was That Your Legal Representatives Advised You to Not Answer Any of the Questions the PJ Put to You " For Fear of Incriminating" ? Is this Not True?
@stevetoyne 16 дней назад
All of the tapas seven entered their apartments via the front door. This meant walking past the McCanns bedroom windows on tne way there and back. If the shutters gad been raised, the window would have appeared as a dark rectangle against a spot lit white painted wall. Yet no one noticed this. Therefore, the abduction never happened. In fact, the only two people who "witnessed" the raised shutters and open window were the McCanns. In fact, Gerry said he immediately lowered vthe shutters upon entering the room.
@lindamcmillan7618 16 дней назад
There was not enough blood for a choprd up body she died accidental and yhey covered it up as dhe sedated woke up aftaid and fell or was smacked we will never know there is enough rvidence to arest her body will be at the bottom of the sea it will never be found
@lindamcmillan7618 16 дней назад
It was acident cover up why dont they confess they have taked in all yhis money and she must have been lookong for them woke up sleepy with sedation i think they did love her but she eas a handful and the eanted to enjoy drinking and did not rxpect this to hapen.
@stevetoyne 17 дней назад
The tapas seven checked on their kids via the frint apartment doiors. This meant they had to walk past the McCanns apartment to get to theirs. Yet not one of them noticed the shutters raised on the McCanns bedroom window. And as soon as Gerry entered the bedroom he said he closed the shuuters immediately. The only people to witness the open shutters were Kate and Gerry. The abive oroces there was no abduction.
@stevetoyne 17 дней назад
The police received the first call at 10:41pm. Therefore, Gerry is lying. And why did Gerry send Matt to tne reception to call the police when anyone of them could have called 112.