ZOE is a healthcare science company using data-driven research to tackle the world’s health issues. Our approach combines artificial intelligence, digital technologies, and collaboration with leading scientists around the world. Our research ranges from the ongoing PREDICT program, which is the world's largest in-depth nutritional research program, to an 800,000 person clinical trial to measure the accuracy of our AI diagnostic for COVID-19.

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@sachiakitakamiya 23 минуты назад
I don't care so much about the nutritional comparison between the two. I am more concerned about genetically modified organisms included in plant-based meat, yet this topic was not addressed. Is it really safe? Even compared with red meat, which I don't support if it is factory-farmed, are genetically modified organisms safer? That is what I wanted to hear.
@newsin6035 38 минут назад
@faithlilis 2 часа назад
The garden bed price😮🤩
@waedjradi 2 часа назад
Imagine talking about coffee and caffeine for an hour.
@Roberto-cg2gr 4 часа назад
Lean Mass Hyper Responders shows high LDL is not the cause of Heart Diseases
@duchessofmeraniamerania4744 4 часа назад
Regarding plants I have to disagree as many plants are covered in oxalates which causes lots of health issues. Im on ketovore and have never felt better, my inflammation markers went down to a better level… the inly thing I need to master is stress.
@geminicls446 5 часов назад
I’m not vegan, or carnivore - I don’t have skin in this game when it comes to faux meat vs. red meat. But common sense tells me that I should go with the real thing, instead of the highly processed, man made product that is supposed to be “better for heath.” I know this is unpopular opinion on this channel, but meat is an ancestral food and played a huge part in human evolution. Unprocessed red meat does have nutrients and can be a part of a healthy lifestyle. This whole UPF narrative/man-made alternative talk reminds me a lot of the push for margarine vs. butter back in the 80’s and 90’s. We know where that got us! 🤡
@rosedoherty5645 6 часов назад
It's important to consider the effects of V'cines on microbiome with all the mercury, alluminium, formaldeyhyde, polysorbate 80 and all the other chemicals and the many other ingredients.
@johngill363 6 часов назад
zoe is a vegan platform and now promoting plant based upf. Why not invite shaun baker on the show. zoe bias has become very disappointing
@foulapaix1915 6 часов назад
I was abt to subscribe as I find the topic very interesting, but I CANNOT bear the host. Extremely annoying . Stopped watching half way.
@sandramason4672 7 часов назад
I have been a vegetarian for 30 years and really enjoy tempeh and tofu both of which can be cooked in a variety of ways with a range of flavours. I have also tried a selection of meat substitues and some of them are tasty but I have never made them part of a regular menu item. I use them when I have meat eaters over for a meal. It's like a lot of things, you know something is not the most healthy choice, like crisps, biscuits and cake but you choose to eat them on occassion. As long as it is not a regular habit, don't sweat it. However, if these meat substitues help meat eaters eat less meat then go ahead, include them in your weekly shop as long as you check the ingredients for any real nasties.
@emergencyvhf 7 часов назад
Could you not make this more concise? 50 MINUTES !?
@linlad541 7 часов назад
My twin sister died of dementia from depression at age 60 , I’m almost 71 and found out our father was not our real one, thier is lots of brain problems on my real father’s side. Aneurisms, brain tumors and , alzheimer’s, so I went to my neurologist, he did a MRI , it showed I’m getting early alzheimer’s!!! I was diagnosed with MS but he said it smoldered away! I have had many headaches and been to hospital when I get them only to find out I have yet another lesion , and was told I have ischemic brain syndrome, I passed the cognitive test above average! I do have anxiety that’s it!! I’m going to my 1 yr follow up appointment in July and have just found your channel , I don’t drink as it makes me sick, I’m delighted to find your channel and really appreciate you!! But was wondering how does one be diagnosed with MS then have it smolder away??? Ty
@moenibus 8 часов назад
An hour, 14 minutes and 16 seconds of nothing, just words to monetize and to promote a book. what a couple of weasels. zero solutions, zero actual advise
@sllingky 8 часов назад
The best bread is the kind made with flour you mill at home and use immediately.
@sajeevimahanaga1168 9 часов назад
To the CEO Not sure about dementia, but you have 100% qualification to go to a mental hospital. talk less, listen more not bla bla bla
@nikolivanjukova638 9 часов назад
@2009dsk 11 часов назад
What about using your body weight as the weight?
@alinemserrato 11 часов назад
All that come from animals means to much cruelty (as milk and all that comes from it) suffering and exploitation of billions of animals, just choose other plant fermentes. choose kindness and justice for all animals.
@alinemserrato 11 часов назад
Just not things that come from milk,its so much cruelty in that, like the worst scary movey, no need to that injustice for animals, there are plenty of plant alternatives of fermented foods. Please dont eat any animal or the secretions that come form them. Peace in your table, peace to all animals
@miriaisola34 11 часов назад
Study funded by Beyond Meat. Need I say more? Most people do not eat 2 servings of meat a day with no vegetables. Not al red meat is sausages. A steak is a natural product and eaten with vegetables, would not be unhealthy and better than any processed food.
@lucierancourt2079 12 часов назад
Dr. Li is amazing, up to date with latest research & science. I strongly recommend also watching Dr. Lisa Musconi, author of the xx brain & specialist in women's brain issues & Alzheimer. She is as outstanding as Dr. Li. I watch & listen to both of them & own one of their respective book.
@mujibq 12 часов назад
Too many interruptions, the Presenter is speaking more than the Guest. Let the Doctor speak.
@s.annehancock730 12 часов назад
Delicious. But is this enough protein?
@Olan... 13 часов назад
This is Clever people talking about Coffee like its Cocaine 🤔 Just dont Spike the kids and get it down your neck and be more productive 😋" You're Welcome Zoe".
@hannahmeagher7719 13 часов назад
But can you overdo this? What if someone applies a few hacks at a time, like food order and exercise after eating, and whatever sugar is in your blood if its even a small spike is taken up too quickly by your muscles, would this not make you hypoglycemic? Would this not cause you to suddenly crave sugar as well to get your blood sugar levels back up? I feel like there's a bit too much of a focus on high blood sugar, especially for people who are health conscious and take on this advice unnecessarily, and end up on the opposite end of the spectrum.
@nazeeniranfar2616 14 часов назад
Always enjoy listening to Dr. Gardner and his great research project 🥰
@nigelmccomb8106 14 часов назад
I’m 71 , I started skipping breakfast and eating my first meal at around noon, also I have eliminated sugar and wheat . In one month I lost 10 pounds of belly fat.
@ko.wildlifephotography 14 часов назад
The more I look into this the more I don’t know what we should eat anymore. One says don’t eat meat, other says don’t eat plants, third says don’t eat high oxalate, and more differing views on this and that. I think I will just eat what I like within a reason. Definitely not ultra processed, genetically modified and make sure I don’t have too much carbohydrates. I like meat, equally I like tofu and tempeh.
@Daniel_Maxin 13 часов назад
SAfest thing is to not eat anything and invest in infusion of nutrients via IV lines :)
@geminicls446 5 часов назад
I agree with you. I really hate extremes when it comes to diet. It doesn’t have to be one or the other (meat OR plants). You can eat both, and be very healthy. The common denominator between all of the diets that people argue about (vegan, carnivore, keto, etc.) is that they are centered around Whole Foods. What you decide to eat, or not eat, after that should be based on individual food sensitivities and preferences. I don’t think animal products are necessarily unhealthy - and neither are plants. But for someone like me with intolerances to beans, legumes, and most grains/gluten - being vegan does not work for me. I don’t like it when experts/scientists vilify specific foods or macronutrients - and recommend one dietary pattern for an entire population. Many experts, scientists, and (sadly) doctors receive funding from big pharma, agriculture, and corporations that produce UPF’s. Personal bias, pride, money, and greed have ruined the healthcare system and destroyed the credibility of most experts/professionals in the nutrition space. Eat Whole Foods, limit processed foods, avoid added sugar and alcohol and you’ll see huge gains in health. It’s that simple.
@illegalgiant_ 14 часов назад
this is disappointing. there’s no way a hydrogenated oil burger is healthy. it is highly processed and are loaded with weird ingredients
@geminicls446 3 часа назад
You’re right. Seems like common sense. Follow the 💰
@GenuinePluko 14 часов назад
I've listened to this in full. Comparison of red meat versus plant based aside. Plant based is so UPF i'm staying well away! I don't eat a lot of red meat anyway, but i'm certainly not trying to consume more of this UPF.
@uqox 14 часов назад
37:29 *Cephalic phase insulin response* : I never knew this!!! Other fasting experts I've watched has said, "Don't drink electrolytes with flavoring," but I never heard discussion of why this was problematic while fasting. I would have liked them to discuss the refeeding process and appropriate foods.
@NickDeschacht 15 часов назад
Unfortunate that a team of scientists like the Zoe ones do not go into the topic of micro algae. After all the fish themselves do not generate the EPA and DHA Omega-3, they absorb them from the algae they eat. In other words: eat algae instead of fish 🙂!
@chewiewins 15 часов назад
Ultraprocessed if of healthy stuff with actual vegetable proteins etc still beats natural but unhealthy like red meat
@Caladcholg 15 часов назад
5:32 beef consumption hit a peak in the 1970's, then had gone down _every single year_ until 2014-15. 7:11 bullshit. Regenerative agriculture gives back to the land (water goes directly into regeneration), restore the soil, reverses desertification, and provides excellent bioacessable nutrition at population levels. These planet-raping monocrops, whether for animal feed or human feed, is what is going to 'screw us environmentally'. When new evidence presents itself, you can't cling to your old ideologies at its expense. Or you can (and apparently are), and continue to destroy the planet and the genome. 8:33 what percentage of meat do you think is saturated fat? Hell, what percentage of the fat itself is even saturated? It's mostly unsaturated fat! And the risk factor isn't the 'raising' of LDL-C, it's the plaque buildup from oxidized small dense LDL (sdLDL). And what is prone to oxidation? A PUFA like Linoleic acid. Its double bonds make it highly prone to oxidation, unlike stable saturated fats, and that leads to to atherosclerosis. I know it gets in the way of your 'plan', but you need to evolve with the science. It's 2024. 9:32 you literally admit you don't know the 'process' in which is made, and you are here to convince us that it isn't an Ultra Processed Food? What the fuck? 12:31 your actual super power is attempting to rig (I'm sorry, 'engage in equipoise') studies to accomplish an a priori goal, and even when your results say the opposite, continue to pursue said goal. See: the A to Z Study, where low carb blew the other diets out of the water on every measurable metabolic factor, yet you continue to attack LCHF diets at every turn for, reasons. 13:31 if this is the actual view of Zoe and not just an ideologue line Gardner (that you _know_ beans are healthier than red meat, so you 'don't need a study'), then this really is just propaganda. Beans are lectin-filled (yes, they exist) sugar bombs (disagree? Try wearing a CGM. One cup of beans has over 100g of sugar (glucose)) that need a lot of time and knowledge to even make them edible (non-toxic). Meat? Just eat it, and enjoy all the bioavailable nutrients, lectin and sugar-free. 23:28 false. Coconut fat is 90% saturated and 9% unsaturated, whereas beef is at most 50%. It doesn't matter, because saturated fat is actually among the healthiest (most stable, least likely to oxidize, and a perfect substrate for ketone bodies) things for your body. 25:14 oh, TMAO? You mean that hypothetical risk factor that Stanley Hazen at the Cleveland Clinic just made up in an attempt to (once again) pin heart disease on red meat because the cholesterol theory (which Chris here still can't let go) isn't panning out? 34:00 you can just say it: meat is a complete protein and plants are incomplete. By definition. It's about bioacessable amino acids anyway, not protein per say; there are billions of proteins. 36:15 why? 39:00 oh, so properly constructing your genes and preventing sarcopenia while avoiding glucose spikes is social media 'bro' science, now? This sarcastic dismissiveness of people trying to bette themselves is the actual problem with social media. 45:48 how the hell are you going to make a one of these UPF burgers (whose ingredients you just have seconds ago) at home? 52:54 wow, that's reassuring. 55:16 Korea, where they raise kobe beef, you say? You mean, I dunno, Japan? If you are going to stereotype for your 'cause', at least get your shit straight. 1:00:54 I'd scratch my neck like that at this point too, Jonathan.
@RenataBartilotti 16 часов назад
I think they lost weight because of the fiber. They didnt absorved all the calories. Pou must be the answer😂
@sharonhargrove8833 16 часов назад
I am really disappointed that Zoe has given so much time to such a obviously biased “scientist”, his results have been questioned, he is funded by a company that makes the fake meats, and he is personally confirmation biased. No scientist can honestly say the highly processed fake meats can provide adequate protein.
@RHimle 16 часов назад
Evidence based great knowledge
@jfor1120 17 часов назад
the captions are irritating and patronising in equal measure
@shawnflynn7235 17 часов назад
There are pesticides used in organic growing.
@eugenechen8240 18 часов назад
Don't forget Dr Gardner is paid by the American Diabetes Association and the American Heart Association, two organizations that had been compromised by big foods and big pharma.
@VitaliaKhokhlova 18 часов назад
Where did he take women eating 2500 kcal a day?... What a nonsense! I am doing 4 hours of boxing with muscle training each week plus one hour rock dancing, plus a lot of walking, I eat 1700 kcal a day. I know many women eating much less than that. Unless I watching my protein intake closely, I do not have enough.
@dan3885 18 часов назад
If this is the front man to persuade you to go vegan good luck, fake meat isn't ultra processed 🤣 it's opinion and blind beliefs not science, we've evolved thousands of years to eat meat and the natural minerals and vitamins contained within, I actually enjoy meeting vegans, obviously they tell you straight away before describing their latest negative symptoms whilst appearing to be in the latter stages of dying in pain when in their 30's 🤷🏻‍♂️
@susanchristian1665 18 часов назад
Who eats red meat three times a day?! Even as a child in the 50s and 60s we only had meat once a day. These days I eat meat once or twice a week on average. I'm happy with that and have no intention of ever eating this fake meat UP products. I can't see that giving people something that tastes and looks exactly like meat can be a 'gateway' to eating pulses. People in the trial were only given the 'meat' part of their diet. There's no way they can be sure that everything ele remained the same on each side of the trial. This episode is a real low for ZOE, pushing a UP product just beacause it's allegedly better for you than meat. I'm fine with the message that people should be eating less meat, but can't see that replacing it with an exact mimic will bring about any real change.
@dimitrisstarantzis4255 18 часов назад
I think the drop in weight comes because red meat raises uric acid which causes fat gain (as pointed by Dr. Richard J. Johnson)
@shanebekker 20 часов назад
My gran mother lived to 94 and ate meat and vegetables and was obese and smoked for 40yrs and had a drink every other day. Genetics must play a huge role here.
@ziggy2255 17 часов назад
I wonder what her consumption of UPF foods was. I’ve relatives who also lived to 90s and even 100s but they ate simple food albeit as you described for your Grandmother with “less healthy” lifestyle things. My grandfather did not eat crisps, preprepared meals etc until much later in life. He was 98 when he passed.
@michaelstreeter3125 20 часов назад
It seems the UPF thing is not quite straightforward (quelle surprise!). 13:54 *Are meat alternatives ultra-processed?* up to 26:55 tldr; some are. Bear in mind you're comparing to meat, not vegetables. He's shilling BeyondMeat™. 45:47 *How do ultra-processed foods come into this?* up to 48:55 tldr; some have 20 additives, some have 2, so there's a slippery slope.
@larsroth826 20 часов назад
is he not polarized himself for favourings about plant based? If you listen to a carnivore doctor they are just as sure and proving their side. He is right and all others are wrong, that is the true definition of polarized. Dr Sarah Hallberg says quite the opposite
@melmo4660 20 часов назад
Ultra processed food advertisement??? I thought Zoe is totally against that? What happened to "eat food as close to their natural form as possible"?
@joinZOE 20 часов назад
Hello, just to clear up any confusion, we aren't praising ultra-processed plant-based meats. With anything in nutrition, it's a question of 'instead of what' rather than foods being solely good or bad, as Christopher goes into great depth to explain in the podcast. It's a really interesting episode on a highly debated topic, we hope you'll give it a listen.
@Caladcholg 6 часов назад
​​@@joinZOEare your seriously stating your company's stance is that this UPF is healthier (the 'instead of what' in your comment here) than the nutrients found in natural red meat? We listened to the whole thing.
@IsabelYap-ik8hh 20 часов назад
I take fish oil daily