Soltara is a Shipibo-led, trauma-informed ayahuasca center on a mission to expand the definition of healing and help people become fully embodied working with the Amazonian plant medicine - before, during and after their retreat. We have three locations across Costa Rica and Peru and offer retreats that range from 5, 7 and 12-night experiences.

Why ayahuasca?

This plant-based psychedelic can serve as a powerful tool for healing and spiritual and emotional growth. With the right set and setting, ayahuasca can allow us to understand the true roots of fear and trauma.

Our approach

We aim to create a safe and supportive environment. We only work with highly experienced indigenous Shipibo healers from the Amazon. Our facilitation team also has combined decades of experience working with ayahuasca for thousands of guests. We brew our ayahuasca with only 2 plants found in the Amazon jungle - the ayahuasca vine and the chacruna leaf, which contains the powerful psychoactive DMT.
Good things happen at the edge of fear
8 месяцев назад
What is Futuro Nativo?
Год назад
@sagearbor9414 День назад
Thank you this really reduced my anxiety
@AmeliaBailey-Schetlin 3 дня назад
Are there instances where Ayahuasca does more harm than good?
@nmendez14 29 дней назад
These comments definitely show the disconnection...this is BEAUTIFUL ❤
@666wurm Месяц назад
Esoteric pseudoscience. You do you but I don’t care.
@snegovskysveta Месяц назад
Hi! The Soltara is now in Peru or Costa Rica?
@soltara 26 дней назад
We have a location we were hosting in the Sacred Valley, Peru and two locations in Costa Rica
@jaguarinu Месяц назад
Wow!! Irake!!! He is activating all my plants going with his melody. Soon I’ll be back in Peru.
@jaguarinu Месяц назад
His voice is very similar with my teacher Fransisco Ventura in San Fransisco near Pucallpa. He will sing for hours like this in many speed variations.
@excalibur9545 2 месяца назад
Is a 5 night retreat not too short? Do you have longer, affordable retreats which you can recommend?
@excalibur9545 2 месяца назад
So what to do if you have a panic attack during ceremony?
@excalibur9545 2 месяца назад
Can someone explain how this kimd of death feels and can I except this also (I would rather not tbh) in the first ceremonies if I never done plant medicine? Is this a so called ego death?
@Emel-ed5ol 2 месяца назад
Where is that place?
@MyOwnPersonalFantasy 3 месяца назад
My soon to be ex husband and father of my child has narcissistic personality disorder, he's very abusive toward me. Would Ayahuasca help him? He has mentioned he's open to plant medicine, particularly mushrooms, but he needs something more transformative. I think he would go if I purchased it. I'm desperate and talk therapy doesn't work on people like him and he has zero interest in that any way. I think he would be open to doing something like this. I can't co-parent with him for the next sixteen years if he doesn't make at least some improvements. Have you ever heard of people like this being helped?
@PNEUMONIAx 3 месяца назад
Mmm... I'm about to do Ayahuasca for the first time and i hope i don't have to do that
@ifyugo181 2 месяца назад
@ifyugo181 2 месяца назад
On telegram and Instagram.
@hulkhogan8433 Месяц назад
Then do not go ahead with it LOL. That’s the leasttttt of your worries
@robertdemeter5793 3 месяца назад
"You are not just a meaningless fragment in an alien universe briefly suspended between life and death and allowed a few short pleasures followed by pain and ultimate annihilation. Underneath your outer form, you are connected with something so vast, so immeasurable and so sacred, it can't be spoken of. Yet I am speaking of IT now. I am speaking of IT now not to give you something to believe in, but to show you how you can KNOW IT for yourself." - Mother Ayahuasca ;- ) "For the wise man looks into space, and he knows there are unlimited dimensions." - Lao Tzu "You will learn more in the woods than in books. Trees and stones will teach you what you can never learn from masters." - St Bernard "People are so alienated from their own Soul that when they finally meet their Soul with Ayahuasca, they think it came from another Star system." - Terence Mckenna. "Only the Shaman knows that culture is a game, everyone else takes it seriously, that is how the Shaman can do his Magic." - T-Mac .
@robertdemeter5793 3 месяца назад
"With Ayahuasca it will be difficult because you are faced with the most frightening thing that exists, you are faced with Your-Self. And most people don't want this, that's why we keep ourselves so busy with distractions outside ourselves: we read, follow gossip, media, watch tv, movies, go to church, follow fake saviours, follow fashion, follow jobs, follow groups, follow politics, follow sports, we have phones, we travel, look for hobbies, we twitter, follow the crowd, we are always lying to ourselves in the mind, because we don't want to be facing ourselves, that would be terrible. So with Ayahuasca this is what you have to deal with, which is your-Self at that point"~ Fabian Piorkowsky ( Ayahuasca shaman and spiritual master) Ayahuasca will never give you what you want, that is your ego-based mind. What Ayahuasca always Always gives you is what you need , which comes from the infinite intelligence of Nature and the Universe, for your Soul." Time is total illusion in Spiritual reality.,
@robertdemeter5793 3 месяца назад
Letter from Mother Ayahuasca. <3 - "My dear ones, my lost children of darkness and light. I come from your present and future past, from all that you have been, and from your hopes and dreams. I have been calling you for a long time, but your ears were deaf to my song. Perhaps you have found your way to me after a dark night of the soul. I cannot promise to deliver you into the light, I can only show you the doors that you have always avoided by your fears, everything from that point is up to you. I can sit with you, for a while, as you learn to light your own candles. And it is possible that your night will get darker still, and that you will need to carry many candles before the dawn appears.I am the flesh and the spirit of the sacred wisdom of the earth, of the plants, animals and birds, of the moon and of all the stars, which I reflect back to you in your own visions. I am the Holy Spirit. I am the stuff of dreams and visions and Light, even though sometimes in me you can see only your own nightmares. I am the mirror of your soul, I am the mirror of the soul of ages, and the soul of the ageless. When you behold me, you enter the realm of the bardo, of your own symbolic death; the death of your Ego, the death of all your stories about yourself that blind you. And in that realm it is not external beings that you will see - (although at some point after several ceremonies with me, after I help you shed all your illusions and fears, I will allow you to meet the Angels and enter the heavenly realms) . What you encounter are your own heights and abysses, your shadows and projections. Your creations. I am the mirror that is calling you to stop running and to turn around. To face your own evasions and to witness the countless ways in which you've learned to hide. So that you can better know yourself. In the end, you must become your own healers and shamans. I will make you work like you have never worked before. The only real journey that ever really existed, that can exist, and the only real journey that will ever exist, is the journey deep within yourself. This is where I take you. My sacrament will be the most difficult and challenging experiences of your life, yet nothing in the Universe can ever be more rewarding. I can only walk with you, for a while, and hold your hand. But the journey is yours to make. And it is a journey you must repeat. It will take you from illusion to reality, from the consensus trance of a mad society, to the sanity and stillness of your heart. And from the death of lifetimes of quiet desperation, to the immortality of an instant. Let us share our visions, together. My dear children, the rooms in your house are a chaos. The house of your soul and the house of the earth on which you tread your feet, not lightly. I cannot put those rooms right for you. I cannot be a mother/father that admonishes you, with a stern voice of authority, to clean your rooms, under the threat of punishment or the promise of reward. That is not how Mother Holy Spirit speaks. I can tell you, with a voice that echoes the vibrations of love and understanding, and the melancholy of quiet sorrow: look at the huge mess you have made. Are you happy dwelling in this chaos, where it is difficult to encounter yourself? Difficult to find your belongings, where all your toys lay scattered and buried under the rubble of madness and folly? Can you not see that if you choose to clean your own rooms, not because of any compulsion or promise, but just so, for yourself, and in this present moment, which is all you can ever know of time, then you will be able to breathe better, to move around more easily, and to learn how to play? Once more. There are so many lost treasures beneath the mess you have made. I reveal the doors within yourself to Find them. My dear ones, my lost children of darkness and light. You see the cosmos as a stage on which the drama of good and evil is played out. You dream of a sword of light that would conquer and vanquish all the darkness. And you have made the whole world into a projection of the battlefield of your own Soul. You fight, endlessly, against the monsters and demons within yourselves. But those demons are the wounded inner children of your past, they are your pains and your defenses, they are the voices that could not emerge into the light and learned to live in forgotten caves. They are your insanity. They are you. And those others who you rage against, because of their ignorance, and immorality and ugliness… they are also you. Lay down your weapons and embrace your enemies, the enemies that live within you. Haven't you understood - no battle is ever won. They are not even fought. The battlefield only reveals your own folly and despair, and victory is the illusion of philosophers and fools. My dear ones, Let us share visions, together. I am the Spirit of Spirits. I am the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit of the Universe. This moment is all you can ever know of time." - Mother Ayahuasca. "Fear of Self means you never live" Although each persons experience on Ayahuasca is unique, there are some commonalities that show up again and again. These include: -experiencing pure love and wisdom. -entering another realm more real than what we experience day-to-day on earth (in other words the 5th and 7th dimensions of Spirit that is everywhere all the time, far beyond our 3rd dimensional physical existence, yet the higher dimensions are right here all at the same time, and most importantly, these dimensions are within you !) -realizing we are all one (separation is total illusion, and how everything is connected is impossible to describe because it's infinite connections. The only way to know it is to experience it, and BE IT ). -fear of death eliminated, as you realize this is a temporary existence for your soul to grow and learn. -everything is conscious. -entering a realm where space and time no longer exist, everything is infinite and in the ‘now’. (the infinite now of the 5th and 7th dimensions of light, where no time and no illusions can exist) -experiencing unconditional love through every cell of your being, on a level we don’t have words to describe. -having access to all information in the universe instantly. Realizing we in our human bodies will never fully grasp all there is, reality is far more complex than we could ever imagine. -reliving past experiences of your life (and sometimes past lives as you are connected to Soul memory, not the mind memory of your false ego), first from your perspective, then from the other persons perspective. We get to feel how we made them feel. This is for us to learn, not as a punishment. -there is no punishment in this realm, even if you have a ‘bad’ experience. The ayahuasca is teaching you a valuable lesson, it’s up to you to learn from it. -digging up past traumas buried deep in our subconscious, bringing them to the surface and helping us face them and get over them. -a love for all living beings (people and animals). Many people eat less meat, go vegetarian/vegan or eat more fruit and vegetable following the experience. -giving up on the material world, many people change their field of work to one that help others rather than focusing on making money for oneself. -realizing that we are not here to accumulate money or physical possessions, we are here to help one another, love one another and grow. -during the experience the ego is removed, revealing your true self. -realizing everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies. -feeling of your pineal gland (3rd eye) being sore for a day or two after, like a muscle worked out for the first time. -meeting other beings far more intelligent than any human and being able to telepathically communicate with them. The truth is, All the ascended masters in every religion were Shamans, who had many direct Spiritual experiences with Sacred Entheogen Plants. Since the first religion the "Rig Veda" of India. The divine sacred Plant Entheogens are our true teachers, always have been and always will be. What I absolutely love about Ayahuasca is she has such a perfect Universal design to only pull in people who have an extremely deep love for Truth. The Spiritual Warriors. She leaves out the insincere who have too short of a barrier of courage. She has such a perfect barometer and threshold for every human being on the planet. In other words, if a religious person who has been totally brainwashed by all the lies of churches, sees the ceremonies are done at night, and sees some snakes in some Ayahuasca Art, and sees it will be difficult at the beginning to face their Ego, they will immediately run away by their silly superstitions and illusions. Totally owned by all their fears. LOL. And totally ignoring the enlightenment and infinite revelations aspect later. Becoming absolute Truth to them is not worth it. And then on the other hand, someone who is into the occult garbage and into dark energies, will not want to take Ayahuasca either, because they will learn that Ayahuasca eventually leads to Enlightenment. LOL ! Truth is ALWAYS Paradoxical <3
@Bilhelmfirstofhisname 5 месяцев назад
What is Wan cabisancha in English? I've googled it and can't find it
@JohnnyB263 5 месяцев назад
How can i find people that do this ? i want to experience it
@Nacimissimo 5 месяцев назад
Amazon work guys! Thank you for your service
@chsfootball019 5 месяцев назад
I’ll never forget my experience at Soltara! Thank you
@joshc7865 5 месяцев назад
And also shown how to scam his followers lol
@G99900 5 месяцев назад
if you are in Costa Rica. Why don't they provide all this in Spanish? or the Ayahuascas sections. Isn't it for the people who live here in Costa Rica?
@G99900 5 месяцев назад
Donde se encuentran ustedes? Me gustaría mucho.
@G99900 5 месяцев назад
this is in Costa Rica???
@anthonyg9350 6 месяцев назад
Love you Soltara but this guy is an absolute clown, grifter and con-artist that ripped off many people. Talk to Dorian Yates about him.
@Tabacish 6 месяцев назад
Just go to Amsterdam...
@eduardadhi110 6 месяцев назад
These western white , first they meditate in bali, now they do this in peru, next ???
@justinwickee 6 месяцев назад
Well said and congrats :)
@darrylsanders6056 6 месяцев назад
Hello, thanks! Which location did you go? ❤
@theasianwitch 6 месяцев назад
Thank you, this was super helpful...I myself have been guilty of shaming myself for this experience, even though it opened up so many doors for me spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. It's so helpful to hear from a trained psychologist that it isn't a new age cult thing, because there are so many negative reviews online from people who haven't integrated it well. I agree that it is a very unique journey for all, and appreciate your suggestions and help. I have been able to get support from helplines, therapists, and community members, but yes it is quite challenging integrating in this society!
@NoCareBearsGiven 7 месяцев назад
@Find-Your-Bliss- 7 месяцев назад
My goal for 2024 is to go to a retreat here. I’ve wanted to use ayahuasca in ceremony since I took it in the early 90’s in NOLA, although I did not have a visionary experience at that time. I’ve had an ayahuasca dream that has kept the intention alive for all these years. Looking inward and praying for the door to open🐘
@kingofslotsmillion3263 7 месяцев назад
Lol idiots
@michaelparker8379 7 месяцев назад
The same person with a whole new perspective.
@markbrown9954 7 месяцев назад
Thank you
@stephenalishtasen1540 8 месяцев назад
I appreciate your heart, Joe!
@stephenalishtasen1540 8 месяцев назад
Healing Politics…Look at the constitution…“We must be of one mind” in harmony with the teachings of the Peacemaker! I was blessed to speak privately with Chief Oren Lyons in 1986. I was enquiring how I and my family could become members of the the Six Nations confederacy because it was my understanding that the confederacy was the only tribe with a Treaties with England and France predating the Constitution of the USA, before that colonization of Turtle Island. I had walked through a snowstorm following a dream I had of the Council of elders there at Onondaga. Four days I stayed in his mother’s home and on the fourth day Oren met with me. We went to the Longhouse and he spoke about the teachings of the Peacemaker. His teachings were inclusive not excluding anyone….There was an event that happened on February 27, 1973, the Wounded Knee Occupation. Eventually, Dennis Banks, a founder of the American Indian Movement sought political asylum at Onondaga who followed the White roots of Peace back to the shores of Lake Onondaga as well…he was allowed to stay…there were inter-marriages there…eventually bitterness arose within the community and a division between the “full blooded” (FBI) Indians and the mixed families and children. The two opposing sides argued their cases in the Longhouse for months until the closing argument of an Onondaga born and raised woman stated, “I am full blooded Onondaga so before I, my husband, and our children should be asked to leave our tribe and home here…then everyone who is NOT full blooded Onondaga (including Dennis Banks) must 😮😢) so he stated that one could hear a pin drop! That was the consensus of the people! So the Chiefs had no choice but to support the decision of the people! … Oren went on stating that due to that decision, there were still many wounds that hadn’t healed as of 1986 when we spoke. I know we (myself never knowing my biological family) human beings MUST change and I believe true intentional communities need to be created in harmony with the teachings aligned with The Peacemaker. I believe the teachings could be summed up as “Love your neighbor as yourself” and Love your Creator….Mot religious dogma…Love is a verb! My Ayahuasca experience reflected my experience with prior Native American Church ceremonies. The experience I had was that the facilitators had noted and mentioned to me that the Icaros sung to me by the Maestro and Maestra were unique. What I experienced, both with accompaning imagery (Native American Church) was that I heard the icaros in the Lakota language! Traditional icaros but in Lakota! I recently left an intentional community and was experience anxiety around what seemed like an inability to connect in meaningful ways with others. So I was thinking there was something wrong with me - not that I am all set - far from it. What I realize in a deeper and more compassionate way is that society is very dysfunctional. I started trying to re-establish former Native American connections and respective ceremonies but the world has changed in the past almost 20 years and many of the elders I knew had traveled on to the Spirit World. I was not considering Ayahuasca. However, I had a very subtle vision which catapulted me within two days to sign up for and receive airline tickets to Soltara. I share all this to set the stage. Back to Politics - Where did the Constitution really come from? It originated with the Haudenosaunee, the Six Nations Confederacy of six, semi-sovereign nations, governed under ONE Constitution (an indigenous word) called the Great Law of Peace which was taught to them by a spiritual teacher, The Peacemaker. Their decision making process is by and for the people (the “Chief’s are merely facilitators of the common good - no personal opinions) by consensus of THE PEOPLE! The “Chief’s counsel listen to anyone who has something to say! When no one stands up in public to speak - Silence indicates CONSENSUS! We need to take action Now! What is the point of no return? w Who knows? Here is the current United Nations research: www.un.org/en/climatechange/what-is-climate-change And this is one of many Indigenous leaders insights as well: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-aljqZwy-xtY.htmlsi=MEsBh_6Ka3GlWnuj Joagquisho (aka Oren Lyons) offers a much-needed message Honestly, it is common sense that as we have depleted a significant amount of the oil, gas, mineral, lumber and contaminate the water reserves which took millions of years to create that we can not continue if we want to survive as a species on this planet! So “We, the people” ask for your support for legislating Renewable energy as an urgent priority! Thank You on behalf of your children’s, children, children, children,children, children, children to at least the 7th Generation! Their is a lot of talk about Reparations as if excusing ourselves for always taking without really asking Spirit and Indigenous peoples and in this case Ayahuasca but before that it was mushrooms and peyote to the point of serious concerns about peyote being exploited in Southwest Texas and becoming an endangered species. I offer these thoughts for consideration. This is not the best forum for a deep heart connection and discussion but here we are…
@tblightningbolt8902 8 месяцев назад
Great job Caitlyn. Seem very grounded and well suited for growth
@stephenalishtasen1540 9 месяцев назад
As Elias Root Beadle has said. "Half the work that is done in this world is to make things appear what they are not. " We might take pleasure in a pseudo sense of closeness created by our social networks, chat rooms and cell phone texting but ignore the fact these are not genuine bonds and do not serve to engender intimacy and true community. What most are unwilling to admit is that whatever feelings we share and the connections we make in these contrived arrangements are often meaningless and poor substitutes for the real thing. Utopia can never be realized on Earth if our lives do not affirm sincere, authentic interconnections, but we instead substantiate the opposite as our norm. "It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick societv. " ~ J. Krishnamurti
@stephenalishtasen1540 9 месяцев назад
PS See you tomorrow Sean!
@stephenalishtasen1540 9 месяцев назад
Appreciate being in the canoe with you all! 🙏
@missk1880 9 месяцев назад
Can you please do more videos about people's experiences.
@loveudon6972 9 месяцев назад
3...2...1 and Ayahuasca goes woke 🤣🤣🤣 Well done 👏👏👏
@freebirdlovingsoul 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing this moment of beautiful song ❤
@lordeworld1234 9 месяцев назад
On telegram and Instagram