Andrew Reviews
Andrew Reviews
Andrew Reviews
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The Magicians: A Bold Deconstruction of Fantasy
2 месяца назад
The Crown: A Strange Phenomenon
6 месяцев назад
The Forgotten Tale of Huntik: Secrets & Seekers
8 месяцев назад
The Downfall of 'You'
10 месяцев назад
How To Fix The Crown Season 5
Год назад
Black Mirror has Stepped Too Far
Год назад
Ms Marvel: A Lovable Mess
2 года назад
Why Money Heist Korea Should Not Exist
2 года назад
@DontPanic4442 3 часа назад
Also PLEASE SEE :: MRS DAVIS [peacock]
@DontPanic4442 3 часа назад
I loved this show lol
@ayushikaushik2287 11 часов назад
im thankful i stumbled upon this content after ages of wanting someone to talk about it. i wiah i could befriend everyone in the comments
@bluebbgbluelove5900 День назад
I’m so sad y’all don’t understand the show and season 4, I feel like respectfully everything went over your guys’s heads and you watched for the wrong reasons
@melaoui2318 День назад
Season 4 was my last and I relunctantly finished it for the sake if having closure.
@malloryransom9114 День назад
The show likens magic like a drug. As shown by Hannah, Kady’s mother and Julia’s spiral in season one. On one of the advertisements for the show they say “Magic is a drug.”
@RobertChancey-t9x День назад
Willms Junction
@marcuswalters8093 2 дня назад
Everyone keeps to mention the Soviet Union and aay that it's a poor reflection of it. I thought The Regime is supposed to be the Russian Federation and the main characteris Putin.
@marcuswalters8093 2 дня назад
Not because of the costumes, I'll tell you that.
@Miriel24 2 дня назад
I love this cartoon with all my heart it formed me as a person. I used to wake up at 8 on Saturdays and Sundays when i was little just to watch the two episodes Rai gulp gave. I knew some history facts and names just thanks to Huntik and with my sister we used to pretend to have titans. It has been 10 years and i still watch it, daydreaming about a videogame based on it…. Sometimes i just wish it becomes popular thanks to tiktok really
@bluebeastgamer7494 3 дня назад
When I started watching YOU I accidentally started from season 4 and I gotta tell you that it was so good that it became my favourite season out of all seasons.
@CCEkeke 3 дня назад
Simple. The show should have ended after Season 3. Once the original cast mostly left or was killed off, the magic was gone.
@XIZ127 3 дня назад
I don’t know if the change in thumbnail design is intentional, but it feels a bit too similar to Friendly space ninja’s thumbnails. Not saying he owns that style of thumbnail, but I feel it’s a bit misleading.
@jonathanweir7672 3 дня назад
This lasted for 8 series!!!!! No!!!!!! I don’t think I watched after the third series, wow!
@amnabeg679 2 дня назад
Same I thought the show had ended there..
@patrickpoison4803 4 дня назад
Once the core cast leaves it's hard to stay interested when side characters run the season.
@DayleBarnette-u2p 4 дня назад
Jamir Brooks
@silverfoxjxt1532 4 дня назад
The show went on for far too long honestly when Samuel died it should’ve been the end cuz he was the final one from the og group.
@kandicefranky3253 4 дня назад
People don’t like deep stories when you have to think or deconstruct plot and deeper world building. More action, effects and less talking.ni always compare Alive in the Borderland v.s Squid Game as an example.
@brendanarzeno8312 4 дня назад
I'd say Elite should have 5 seasons in the series, because Samuel's death is a good closing for the end of the story. But season 8 is great, more intense in the entire series 😳 this one gives me the serial killer aspect and does have a shocking ending in the episode finale. I definitely added this final season as an ending after season 5. Ignore and skip 6 and 7, I make believe these two don't exist.
@wehosrmthink7510 4 дня назад
Satire needs a target. And the best satires attack that target repeatedly. I caught that this was not a comedy, not a satire. Just an amalgamation by committee of timid writers. This show had no balls.
@Rin9oo 4 дня назад
this show is way too good to be ignored. still don't understand why it's not as popular as The Vampire Diaries or Supernatural that are in a somewhat same genre. maybe people just don't have taste. I miss Margo every day.
@nicolegagnon4642 5 дней назад
This was my ALL TIME favorite show and I was devastated when it ended. Like I lost my best friend 😢 which is weird cuz I never feel that way from a show. But after the show ended, I got the books and read them lmao. I still miss this group.
@nejkajaryba1710 5 дней назад
18:55 I know a couple of dictatorships who do care about the words in the Constitution like the term limits. Too bad they just change them on a whim or pull some stunt to avoid following it
@jherfan7632 5 дней назад
Fuck this is bangladesh and hasina fell
@brendanarzeno8312 5 дней назад
I'd say Elite should have 5 seasons in the series, because Samuel's death is a good closing for the end of the story. But season 8 is great, more intense in the entire series 😳 this one gives me the serial killer aspect and does have a shocking ending in the episode finale. I definitely added this final season as an ending after season 5. Ignore and skip 6 and 7, I make believe these two don't exist.
@umbram8073 5 дней назад
Finally! Thank you for this, I was wondering/hoping if I'd end up being the first to do a big ol' essay on one of my (almost) favorite shows on here or if someone would beat me to it - and I'm grateful you did<3
@bellamckenzie4433 5 дней назад
Bro I had a friend that made me watch this show with her, and she bragged that her private school was exactly like this💀 Great video btw!
@EverythingAnimePodcast 5 дней назад
Calling Joe the protagonist is kinda like calling him a hero. A story can have an antagonist as the main character I.e. training day
@lordbill5111 5 дней назад
Somehow this didnt feel like a satire for my country.this did feel real
@jayblaqk 5 дней назад
I am just gonna leave this here 🏆
@bagels9213 6 дней назад
The downfall of me no way 😮😮😮
@ellipszilonq 6 дней назад
I feel like they turned up the brooding and soft porn too much, while the characterization and writing went out the window.
@irongeneral7861 7 дней назад
Gone but not forgotten! Also, Grier was my favorite character by far! 👍
@Starkardur 7 дней назад
There is something about Kate Winslet in recent years that has just rubs me the wrong way. I dunno maybe she just doesn't try
@horotrains 7 дней назад
Best ending is Joe gets drugged and he wakes up on a metal slab to hear the words "Tonight is the night and it's going to happen again and again"
@therealvlad505 7 дней назад
I liked it in the beginning but it just lost track and started making no sense
@jonbaxter2254 7 дней назад
I do remember seeing trailers for this and it looked good, but then the world seemed to forget about it too.
@WH0oo... 7 дней назад
People should be noticing a trend over the last 10-15 years that is very unsettling. An ever increasing drama of class elitism, family dynasties taking the law into their own hands, monarchy, succession, world domination without the 50-60-70s evil tropes, secret societies, fanciful talents. All of this suggests a very unpleasant toppling of the new world order, by the old world order that led to millions of deaths for what exactly?
@harlwariaprivate9884 8 дней назад
I think the ONLY let down season for me was season 7
@barboralitvanova5111 8 дней назад
Who the fuck was rooting for Marina’s death???? That’s riddicolous she was the best.
@AlysterJohnEstur 8 дней назад
Since we couldn't get a perfect happy ending, with all the loose ends tied up, the closing scene was perfect for this. It was kinda jarring seeing middle class people in public school in contrast to the cast, they all looked ridiculously overdressed, wherein this was their normal outfits for 8 seasons.
@AlysterJohnEstur 8 дней назад
The incessant gay love triangles were infuriating. And with almost the same men. Like sure, that's how the gay guys be doing it, huh?
@AlysterJohnEstur 8 дней назад
Is the thing the incest with Ivan's mom and sister? Edit: yeah
@patiencekillz 8 дней назад
i’m still so mad that they had a character like quentin who struggles with anxiety and depression throughout the entire series commit suicide and then frame it as him saving his friends. it’s like the showrunners completely forgot about the story they were telling. the books did a much better job with q’s journey. this line from the second book makes me so emotional: “this is life, he kept saying to himself. that was being dead, and this is being alive. that was death, this is life. i will never confuse them again.”
@thebitcoinknicksreport5673 8 дней назад
Was that DeNiro? No wonder it failed.
@keijijohnson9754 8 дней назад
So many people here keep on calling it boring due to them not being too interested in politics. I'm a 28 year old man that is not one that is interested I never was bored with it at all. Heck, I never even knew it was supposed to be a satire or anything, nor did i see it as duch. In fact as was genuinely interested in seeing how this whole thing goes and was captivated in it more than I was with others that came a bit before and after it like that despicable disaster that was that True Detective revival. But like that show, the ending for this really soured my opinion of the show as it ended up making that all that duo was trying to do completely pointless by committing to Elena's selfishness at the end and then some. It was what lead me to not want to rewatch it yet, again unlike Night Country, it wasn't something I regretted watching at all in the first place
@kylepayton4720 8 дней назад
Looking at his argument on why this doesn't make sense as a regime up to the 19:45 mark on this segment, I just figured out that this is a regime that completely function as the United States, our politicians do what Elena does with social media here and some still have a significantly high approval rating considering thier misleadership. Ultimately, this wouldn't make sense to Europeans because you don't deal with this type of propaganda at you corner of the world.
@kylepayton4720 8 дней назад
I feel that the writers and producers had to make the topic of a "Regime" and what a regime is with superficial with a wink and a nod simply because if they went any deeper then that when talking about the inner workings of what a regime is then they would have to overly address the Geopolitical elephant in the room that is the United States of America.
@BCSully83 8 дней назад
It also is going to struggle to find a new following because it's only streaming on the premium tier on Netflix. This show would be a cult sensation by now if it were available to a larger audience without the doubled-up paywall.
@coletteburnham1575 8 дней назад
I've watched the entire series from beginning to end over 25 times. Each time, I learn something new. There are layers and layers of meaning, metaphor, parallelism, psychology, simile, and comparison. Move beyond the superficiality of a plot and storyline. "Magic comes from pain" is why Dean Fogg yells at Quentin "Do some God Damn magic!" The entire series is this way. Everything is something of a message with deep meaning and purpose.