Lane Arye
Lane Arye
Lane Arye
@discord_and_entropy 2 месяца назад
So strange how even 8 years ago, the same thing was happening. My girlfriend was the victim of incest, and she also found solace in witchery. She doesn't practice it anymore, i guess some things have changed since then...
@TheArjulaad 7 месяцев назад
@dillongoeda4758 8 месяцев назад
Thanks for this great video. It made me realise that I should not try and convince my dad that it is just a bad dream but instead tell him that I have taken care of the problem and I am paying the nurses to take care of him and protect him. I've instantly seen an improvement. He never spoke of the bad guys anymore.
@poetaenlaluna 10 месяцев назад
It sounds like this processwork thing is about pulling people in the direction of their traumas without resolution, that sounds pretty uneffective how do you resolve aything?
@carminafiguratas 5 месяцев назад
It is not a theraphy. It is a conflict transformación path...
@magsterz123 Год назад
Such a powerful and generous sharing, Lane. Thank you.
@processworklane Год назад
How lovely to see your name here, dear Maggie! Thanks for your words.
@eletronictoenails 2 года назад
napkin story
@sofias1404 2 года назад
throwing the assault shaker - incredible what somatic work can do
@lessandra602 2 года назад
@pappydanny58 2 года назад
That’s why I was so far out of it. They drugged me to control my delirium
@rybysferyczne 2 года назад
recovery from narcissistic mother abuse is a lifetime work.
@eddenz1356 3 года назад
What is meaningless is meaningful… I guess
@scooby6518 3 года назад
Hi, I spent 17 days on VENTILATION due my covid situation, I know exactly what u saying, I HAD DELIRIUM, it feels so real, sometimes is hard to believe that vision I had wasn't real, I really would like to meet some nurses to check if they were delirium or real, I had 3 different scenario, it is a long history BTW, but 7 months has passed and I still remember so clear everything
@christinevenables5282 3 года назад
I have just suffered with icu delirum and its the scariest thing ever. I seem to be the only person who saw orange people and I did not know I had been on a ventelator I have so many nightmares and am still scared now can make no sense of it
@PsychoGuide 3 года назад
I see that you replied but do not see the comment. It is a special day for me, it is my birthday. You made me very happy, and I know it was a knock-knock, Mr. Lane. :) You are a beautiful human being, and you need to know that you are taking part in creating one more here! Greetings straight from mySELF!:)
@FarenMonique 3 года назад
thank yo for such an inspired, intimate expression of connectedness.
@PsychoGuide 3 года назад
knock knock. Dziękuję.
@rybysferyczne 3 года назад
Lane, why do you speak with Arnold Mindell's mannerism?
@jonstein6868 3 года назад
enjoyed this - clear and concise, thank you!
@processworklane 3 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it, Jon!
@HelloTher1313 3 года назад
hello there philosophy students
@s2rov 3 года назад
Thank you, Lane, for sharing your intimate experience. Your lead is very valuable for me now in relations with my parents
@processworklane 3 года назад
Thank you, Andrei! Wishing you and your parents all the best in transforming your relationships.
@s2rov 3 года назад
Thank you, Lane
@carpefula 4 года назад
Incredible, it brings to mind how my grandmother had a plastic surgery addiction and the talking therapy wasn’t helping. In the end her therapist had her enact an embodied ‘leaving behind’ of the addiction. I think by simply imagining then stepping away from it. It sounded so hackneyed when she told me, but heck, it worked!
@processworklane 4 года назад
Gemma, what a great story about your grandmother! Yes, embodying our process can sometimes go deeper than just talking about it. I also really appreciate you naming plastic surgery as an addition. Like with many addictions, it can sometimes be an attempt to make us feel better, while actually making us feel worse about ourselves. Thanks for reaching out.
@nathaliepoirier9787 4 года назад
Dear Lane, I love this explanation and I would like to subtitle the video in French and put the link on our website "Maison du Processwork" (processwork.info). Could you make it possible ? Thank you so much.
@MANTEO777 4 года назад
Thanks for sharing this.
@toja6960 4 года назад
Good job, Lane! It's a very clear and convincing mini-lecture.
@processworklane 4 года назад
@processworklane 3 года назад
Thanks, To!
@jackrussellcafe9887 4 года назад
Aprendi muito com a aula! Uma mente que não sente o corpo e só uma mente arrastando uma bola , quando vc mostrou as funções que o corpo tinha a mente teve consciência do seu corpo novamente, lindo e emocionante!
@processworklane 4 года назад
Muito obrigado por assistir e compartilhar sua emoção! Thanks so much for watching and sharing your excitement!
@jackrussellcafe9887 4 года назад
@@processworklane 💖
@totalcontrol4205 4 года назад
I couldn't figure out what was strange with this guy's look and suddenly I realized, he's got no eyebrows.
@processworklane 4 года назад
So true! I've never had eyebrows!
@totalcontrol4205 4 года назад
@@processworklane my apologies, I didn't mean it in an insulting way, I was just stunned by how something so obvious can be missed by a perceiver. I was thinking in terms of my own dissociation, how it's become so normal in my psyche, that I didn't notice how ill I am; there's a chance I have DID. There's nothing wrong with your looks, I just had not noticed an absence, until I did and like a child, I just stated it.
@processworklane 4 года назад
@@totalcontrol4205 Please don't worry on my account! It's just a strange twist of fate about my eyebrows (amplified by my mother who unintentionally gave me a scar, in a fit of rage, where my left eyebrow should be). I very much appreciate your awareness about your lack of awareness! So many of us have some level of dissociation. DID is, in my view, a continuum. There's a great book you might be interested in if you haven't already read it: Healing The Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors, by Janina Fisher. And thanks for watching my video and reaching out.
@danakalnina-zakis8394 5 лет назад
I watched this completely mesmerized... Such an intimate, personal and inspiring story! Thank you so much for sharing!
@rankalucard3960 6 лет назад
@tiff2106 6 лет назад
This is how I handled my dads ICU delirium. Luckily I was aware this could/would happen and I just let him tell his wild stories. It upset my sister much more (words like dementia came from her) but it is just the brain trying to figure out this horrific situation. It took some days to weeks until he was fully able to distinguish his dreams from reality but it got much better. Listen to your loved ones and tell the doctors and nurses where it is coming from(the idea behind the story) if you see it. For my dad, a lot of it was coming from one specific tv show that he has watched a lot before the ICU, how should the staff know this? Be an advocate!
@rankalucard3960 6 лет назад
tiff2106 how do we as family members help our loved ones who's currently experiencing it??
@shareen83 5 лет назад
​@@rankalucard3960 i would also love to know, it is very scary for families to go through
@processworklane 4 года назад
Dear Tiff2016, I love what you say here. Yes, there is a meaning in the story. There is value in medication, and also value in not pathologizing, letting him tell the wild stories, finding meaning in them, and being an advocate. Thank you! My father was in an edless cycle of distress and hallucinations until I interacted with him in the midst of it. The delirium never happened again.
@tiff2106 4 года назад
Lane Arye that’s the only way to handle it. Be accepting, be an advocate and understand what is going on! For my dad it does come back when he has to go back to the hospital, specifically the ICU is intermediate care. One of his stories was a black man (not by skin colour) standing in the hallway. It wasn’t until I bent down to look from his perspective that I saw a black jacket hanging in the hallway. Without glasses this had really scared him so we had it moved. Glasses and hearing aids are essential!!! The most helpful thing for my dad was listening to him, validating his feelings (!) and help him understand that this is not real without opposing him, sometimes this means playing along, sometimes it is telling him you took care of the situation that stresses him, sometimes, later on it is telling him it is just a dream. Seeing a familiar face as much as possible is VERY helpful.
@processworklane 4 года назад
@@tiff2106 So touching to hear about your loving care and welcoming attitude with your dad. Thank you!
@ClovisStarNews 6 лет назад
We remember what we learn when we care about performing better and when we believe that what we have been asked to do is representative of reality. -- Roger Schank, Engines for Education
@billsay123 6 лет назад
Beautiful Lane! Thanks for this deep share.
@dimarelos 6 лет назад
A great narration of a wonderful lesson.
@robertpalusinski3285 6 лет назад
wonderfull - thank You
@brucek1448 6 лет назад
See www.ICUdelirium.org, a great source of info if you or your loved one goes through ICU delirium. If they do they will likely experience cognitive problems that may very well be permanent. Lane Arye was right about easing back on drugs, and this website summarizes the work of the Vanderbilt School of Medicine's ICU Delirium study group which has almost single handedly brought ICU delirium out of the darkness.
@LaneAryePhD 6 лет назад
Thanks for your comment, Bruce, and for sharing that amazing website. I love their ABCDEF approach and I'm grateful to know about it. I'd just add that it can also be helpful to follow the dreaming that's trying to happen, like I did with my dad. No one approach is complete. A rainbow of approaches, what Arny Mindell calls Rainbow Medicine, is sometimes needed.
@brucek1448 6 лет назад
Lane, good to hear from you and I'm sorry for your loss of your dad. I had my own experience with ICU delirium 10 years ago when I was on total life support in the ICU for 9 days after heart attack and cardiogenic shock. Heavily medicated to the point of an induced coma. Then they brought me out of it even though I was still in multiple organ failure and they decided that i needed an immediate ER quintuple cardiac bypass surgery. I barely survived the surgery and ended up in the surgical ICU with delirium for another ten days. I thought the head nurse who cared for me was a Nazi and saw swastikas everywhere. I believed that one group of nurses were turning tricks under a pimp who was the guy who shaved me for surgery. I thought he was a double amputee who rolled around on a skateboard. . I was violent, throwing hospital trays around, taking my glasses and twisting them until they broke. I tried to call Yellow Cab to help me escape until I realized I didn't know where I was , even though it was the same hospital where my son had been born. When it came time for me to stepdown to a regular hospital ward my doctor obtained prior authorization from my insurance company to put me in a private room with a 24 hr attendant because he feared I'd hurt either myself or someone else. When I got out of the hospital I got better physically but not cognitively. I thought I was crazy for 3 yrs until I stumbled upon ICUdelirium.org and suddenly I didn't feel so alone or crazy. Since then I've advocated for ICU delirium survivors on Twitter at @ICUdelirium. Things are gradually changing but what I've been seeing is that most focus is upon preventing delirium, which is good except a large % of people still leave the hospital screwed up and little is being done to develop post-ICU outpatient treatment. Thank you for your video which was spot-on. - Bruce
@LaneAryePhD 6 лет назад
I'm so glad you pulled through that horrifying experience, Bruce, and that you no longer feel so alone or crazy! And deeply touched that you found meaning in advocating for other ICU delirium survivors and working on prevention. So important! If you think it could be useful to others, feel free to share my video on your Twitter. Take good care!
@banzobeans 4 года назад
Tbh I did not find the site particularly informative.
@GeorgeGraves 8 лет назад
I appreciate your talk, but as someone that went through it, I can say, the drugs are more of a factor. I'm normally a nice guy, and yet, I became agitated once I was awake from a coma. It was only the understanding of the nurses that hid my actions and words from my family. It is like being in a war zone - and having your man hood threatened - and almost tourchered. Imagine having a cathotor and not bieng able to sit up. Day in and day out. With that said, I had some amazing nurses, and even in my delirium, they stuck by me. some people even have ICU delirium atarfacts after leaving the hospital. I know I did.
@LaneAryePhD 8 лет назад
Thanks for sharing your experience, George. I’m so sorry you had to go through that horrible and traumatic time, and I’m glad that your nurses and the drugs helped you through it. Yes, ICU delirium is real, and drugs can help. In my experience, having someone who is trained to also follow the process can be transformative and healing as well. Take good care!
@brucek1448 6 лет назад
George, I too became angry and abusing when I had ICU delirium, so much so that when the time came after 20 days in the ICU to be transferred to a general ward m doctor obtained approval for a private room with a 24 hour attendant to see that I did not injure myself or someone else.
@rankalucard3960 6 лет назад
GeorgeGraves please help me. I have a family member who is currently experiencing ICU delirium. He is one of the smartest people I know but then after he fell ill from his diabetes and pneumonia he was confined for about a week.. I was able to visit him and we were able to talk despite him being weak.. he told me the dialysis wasn't the most painful thing but the cathotor was.. the next two days were hell as he was on the verge of passing away.. then after a miracle he was able to heal but then he became delirious as a result.. he can't speak and if he does simple sentences he can't speak.. he can recognize our faces but then falls asleep often and hallucinates even calls to his mom who passed away about 20 years ago.. he can't even chew his food properly or drink water. It hurts seeing him this way. We got him out of the hospital already but it's still there.. they basically made him like a vegetable.. please help.. what can we do to combat this ICU delirium?
@daytonicuconsulting7940 2 года назад
I come from an "Awake and Walking ICU" where we allow almost all patients to be awake even and especially on the ventilator. The occurrence and especially duration of delirium is minimal. Though delirium can be caused by many things, we certainly destine many-most patients to develop this brain failure because of the medications we automatically give them. It is huge crisis.
@AmyPalatnick 8 лет назад
this was really great lane. i love how you follow your dreaming and your dreams, and it is so great to feel you feeling!!!
@AmyPalatnick 8 лет назад
oh, i love this little masterpiece!!
@celiakutz4771 8 лет назад
This is so meaningful Lane. Thank you for helping me remember to crumble.
@matthewsaul3533 8 лет назад
I'm so deeply moved by the importance of the ecosystem of messages and dreams in these words. I'm so grateful to you for coming to us with these words, and to the world for dreaming you!
@LaneAryePhD 8 лет назад
So glad it was helpful! Good luck on Monday!
@HolaYarii 8 лет назад
lovee the way you explained it! This definitely helped for my final on Monday
@dagmarsedliakova7716 8 лет назад
amazing, thank you :)
@agnieszkaklimek4097 9 лет назад
Thank you! Great stuff! Those films,... they are phenomenal! So much action, expression, authenticity and vulnerability. And fun! It connects me to so much aliveness - with hjoy and sadness and fear - all the juciness of emotions and stories. It also brings this beautiful longing of mine to dare to be more expressive - holding space for various bits in us. Let alone not being afraid of performing on stage. Congratulations! and c e l e b r a t i o n !!
@agnieszkaklimek4097 9 лет назад
What a tough story and a fascinating way of discovering your power. Thank you for sharing it. I'd love to be able to tell stories like you are...Ah! They are riveting!
@agnieszkaklimek4097 9 лет назад
Beautiful! Passionate. Fascinating! Thank you, Lane, for a great dose of inspiration. I love the passion in it. Love it!
@lowellarye8289 9 лет назад
What a great demonstration of how our thoughts shape the world. So glad that you imparting that wisdom to all.
@MirjamMartens 9 лет назад
Great great great! I love listening to you, and am so happy to get an other opportunity to learn from your PW stories. Interesting timing to find out you are on youtube now. Just picked out your book 'unintential music' from my shelf for a musician friend. Yesterday! after it was untouched for a year or more... The PW classes still help me a lot these days! I have had stagefright aswell...especially the speaking part and also found that the innervoice behind it needed a little act out before going on stage...And sometimes it was funny enough very helpful to exaggerate the admiration for myself (talking to myself how' amaaayzing' I am haha)...beacause at times I have had a jugement about being 'great'. In your video it's also a subject..being big and raw and the great power a woman can express and have... So helpful to learn from other woman about this. Great work! So happy to see this!!! Love flying over from Amsterdam,The Netherlands!
@starmakermu 9 лет назад
thanks for sharing this inspiring story Lane! It gives courage to kids who are also searching for their own inner powers.