Project Blue Book - REVISITED
Project Blue Book - REVISITED
Project Blue Book - REVISITED
On this channel, we will explain the findings from our book "Project Blue Book - Special Report 14. The Unidentified UFO Sightings...REVISITED...

There were 701 out of over 12,000 UFO / UAP sightings that still get the "Unidentified" label.

Knowing full well, Project Blue Book discounted many legitimate UFO sightings, like the Swamp Gas sighting in 1966 in Michigan, I wondered how fantastic the ones remaining would have to be to still carry that label.

This is the first time anyone has taken these sightings as a set, to develop trends and patterns to see if we could glean insights about UFOs as a whole. It was a fascinating exercise, full of trivia and fun facts, not to mention... DISCLOSURE!

If we had only known about some of these UFO sightings, everything would have been different.

We'll anaylze them by state, by year, by historical event (flaps), by type of observer civilian, military, pilot etc

The results are fascinating... and they prove, we are not alone!
