gamedev cuts
gamedev cuts
gamedev cuts
Short clips from podcasts, videos and interviews from game devs all around :)
Jonathan Blow on Porting Doom and Crunch
8 месяцев назад
Jonathan Blow on working with thatgamecompany
8 месяцев назад
Judging Art as a Game Designer - Jonathan Blow
10 месяцев назад
Is RTS Dead? - Jonathan Blow
11 месяцев назад
@Jaspev 2 дня назад
Not all sleeves are equally good
@rachelandeen 5 дней назад
Every programmer I know over the age of 40 (including me) agrees with you that the stakes are that high. The main problem isn't that programmers are dumber than they used to be, though many certainly are. The main problem is that the whole system of building software is dumber than it used to be, mostly for reasons that have nothing to do directly with technology. We all know how to write better code. Given sufficient time (which never happens), we could solve the complexity problem in most of the codebases we work on. But I don't know anyone who has the tiniest clue about how to solve the societal problems that got us into this state. We have huge tech companies with functional monopolies maintaining bloated, crappy codebases and management teams that won't recognize that as a problem, let alone fund any effort to solve it. All of that feels like a direct consequence of the business environment in the US.
@Cleanser23 7 дней назад
"most software can be made by a few programmers" Coming from a guy taking 10 years to make Jai
@Guido1212 9 дней назад
His take on immersion feels self serving. To some extent I understand a bit of the nuance he’s attempting but saying VR isn’t immersive is a bad take.
@WardenOfTerra 12 дней назад
A pair of balding old men complaining about how they suck at games so they say they are shit... OK dude... lol
@ExpensivePizza 13 дней назад
Everyone in the comments misses the point. He's not doing this to make money. He's not doing it to replace other languages. He's not even doing it to make better games. He's doing it because he wants to and he can.
@timidlittlescrewup 16 дней назад
Keep most of the items. Tweak them. Do twists on them. Add some new ones. But change the game. I would want it to be more like Zelda. That way you could still have dungeons but also the over world would be a whole new layer to explore.
@LordOfCoding 16 дней назад
Wow, it looks like you can read my mind. I've the same feelings about the current state of software engineering
@schmetterling4477 7 дней назад
That's because most companies aren't doing software engineering. They are quickly hacking throw away code. For many applications that's perfectly fine, by the way. Most code doesn't live very long these days. There is no need to design it "correctly". The need is to get it out and then everybody moves on to the next hack.
@burntt999 18 дней назад
The fact that he has to explain something as simple and factual as this is kind of upsetting
@karlimo4034 24 дня назад
This bitter, cynical Sheldon Cooper called it, it´s happening right now.
@CodeKami-zd9xy 24 дня назад
He's right.
@agungdewandaru Месяц назад
One problem is that software operates with the domain of data, information and thus abstractions. Tons of it. Layers upon layers. As such, unfortunately there seems to be no tangible law of nature that governs it in a way that civil engineering would say.." hey it is a faulty bridge..".. because of the mother earths gravity that works really consistently to make you aware of your stupid mistake otherwise. May be the modeling of data and thus consistent information management needs to br amplified more. As we are having Turing complete systems everywhere which produced data at unprecedented rate. And very easy at that. What if this data mostly wrong due to the mistake in the code? What if the data are mostly garbage? Thus the domain such as theorem proving or defensive programming or test driven would have to be looked more often. This is even more nuanced in web development. Standards such as HTTP and HTML5 based on flaky conditions that, in distributed systems it is really easy to be out of sync, or incosistent. Even more, it has to be presentable and usable in gazillions of user decives. Compare for example at the ATM software. The presentation layer there are solid albeit very crude. If there is an element that does not load then it will hung at the first place and report. Do we see this in web? Lots of broken api calls or broken image urls but the thing still presented at your browser screen, right? 1. Too easy to make abstractions, model, library, frameworks whatever. 2. Typically there are not enough attempt to guard the invariance, the consistency of the model. 3. This is more pronounced in the domain of web programming, The standards, the tooling etc. the web programmer operating on these systems (or any programmer) would be bogged down by these variables.
@schmetterling4477 7 дней назад
You are absolutely correct that the current problem is that we are designing poorly defined distributed systems. HTTP/HTML etc. are more evolved hacks than rationally designed and cleanly implemented standards. They do work fine for most of what the internet does, though, which is to present visual information and to collect money from customers for services and sales. There are really not that many problem classes that the average web programmer has to solve.
@dougie8747 Месяц назад
RTS isn't dead tho? :)
@mj2068 Месяц назад
a normal carpenter uses the handsaw. a good carpenter loves the handsaw. a great carpenter complaints the handsaw.
@jeezusjr Месяц назад
I wish I could experience his language, but it'll be a few years still.
@train_xc Месяц назад
This guy is a classic example of people who look down upon everybody
@schmetterling4477 7 дней назад
There is nothing to look up to in case of software developers. Most haven't been paying attention in their computer science classes (if they had any) and they are making every avoidable mistake in the book. That doesn't mean that there aren't excellent people in the field (I have met one or two) but they are few and far between.
@ASmith2024 Месяц назад
Going too soft to not hurt the "learn to code" people's feelings. If I eat and train, following Usain Bolt's regimen, can I be as fast as him and collect gold medals? No. But when it comes to mental pursuits, if I do all the coding bootcamps, (try to do) projects and work as hard as Christ Lattner can I invent, Swift, Mojo, Clang, and LLVM equivalent? All while getting a PhD, being head of tech in a few fortune 500 companies while being married and having a kid? YeS I CaN! iTs JuSt HaRD wErK!
@miserablepile Месяц назад
A game is a text for the reader to mindfully engage with. Nobody is claiming that Nietzsche's works are manipulating people.
@fennecbesixdouze1794 Месяц назад
Jon does himself a disservice with this whole "they aren't solving hard problems" thing. The actual point here is completely correct without the edginess: the tradeoff Rust is making is trading off iteration loop speed for the hope that they'll save time overall by "writing production-ready code the first time it compiles". This is mainly a pipe dream, but in the particular development environment Rust was designed in it may be the right trade-off to pursue. Maintaining a web browser is very different from making and launching a video game: web browsers are maintained for years, with features being added continuously, it needs to be maintained in a production-ready state at all times, and introducing any memory leaks is deadly for an application people leave open on their computer day in and day out. Mozilla is also a large, bureaucratic organization where by the time a developer is implementing something it has already been thoroughly designed and specced out, and the developer is on a strict deadline to deliver exactly that system as specified whether it's a good design or not. In contrast, if like Blow you are trying to iterate through a bunch of prototypes to figure out what the system should be or even what the game design should be, then obviously it's an incredibly bad tradeoff to spend any extra time getting "production ready code" for iterations you're going to throw away. Video games, very much unlike web browsers, are also basically launch-once products: very few features are typically added after release, usually just content additions if anything, and often that content is already built during development and simply gated as DLC for release for marketing reasons. As for the trade-off Blow is pursuing--to optimize for speed of iteration loops--many programming languages have pursued that trade-off, primarily in the interpreted language space. Only more recently have we seen languages that try to accomplish faster iteration speed without performance tradeoffs: with taglines like "the productivity of Python with the speed and safety of a compiled language". Go is probably the most successful to pursue that goal, but it is again in its own extremely specific development environment: servers for web services in the context of very large bureaucratic organizations. Game development is a unique development environment and will need a different solution. If Jai is trying to get fast iteration and prototyping while also achieving game-engine performance, that's definitely a fairly unique space to pursue in language design. Just because other people's problems aren't Jon's problems doesn't mean they aren't hard. For a man in his 50's he sounds like a total moron still pushing this adolescent "I'm the only one with hard problems" ignorance.
@fennecbesixdouze1794 Месяц назад
I could not relate less to a software engineer feeling "guilt" at their lack of productivity. I am very depressed as a programmer, but it is very clear that the reason things are dogshit are entirely things beyond my control. The things I have wrested control over are always incredibly good; the things the organization prevents me from wresting control over are dogshit. It is extremely clear if I didn't work at such a dysfunctional bureaucratic organization, the things would be fixed and the software would be much better. I don't feel guilt, if anything I feel resentment. I have no illusions that every developer I work with could do this, but there are two responses to that: 1. the fact that software organizations hire such inexperienced people is part of their organizational structure, they could hire PhDs but instead they hire boot camp grads, and the hiring of boot camp grads for me to babysit is part of the organizational dysfunction, 2. even the boot camp grads I've worked with would do a much better job if they were empowered by the organization to have literally any control over the software they build.
@calvin2913 Месяц назад
It's sad that programmer hobbyists come home from a long day at the office and start working on things that look like what a programmer in the 90s would've done as their full-time job. Most of these complex systems basically amount to hazing with the added bonus of job security.
@marcelplch8725 Месяц назад
"I'm trying to make what would have been the next step in 1996." Too late bro, GNU99 standard is already out. It's not much of a progress, but it's an open standard. Build from there at the very least.
@lDeath489 Месяц назад
I trust Jonathan. I find him to be reasonable even when he is frustrated [but i would encourage him not to be annoyed , he should expect to be annoyed by stuff and laugh about it]. 😺 People and Tech over complicating things. So it is an opportunity to someone like Jonathan. Maybe Epic is looking for a language like yours instead of Verse or you can upgrade Verse. Or you can go even higher goals.
@Valentyn90A Месяц назад
He is NOT reasonable at ALL. He is delusional.
@lDeath489 Месяц назад
​@@Valentyn90A Watch his interviews and conferences, he criticize himself and criticize his own early builds of his games, he admit of his own mistakes and limitations and he is aware that other people are better than him in other aspects. He is also aware of how people perceive what he say and how he say things, so he rephrase what he is saying according to who he is talking to and stick to actually answer the questions. So i'm confident that He does have a reasonable and valuable thought process even if it is not perfect it is good enough to respect his thoughts and take it seriously. If you can't watch his stuff, Trust me ;D
@laughingvampire7555 Месяц назад
wrong!! you can't compare making a prototype for UNIX when there was no software with today's standards and you are also forgetting the industry isn't just made by us engineers, it is also shaped by the market, this is why you need different shader languages. Also when the industry started there were no standards and porting was mandatory. And you can't place Haskell on the same level as C#
@skrivnost Месяц назад
Feedback: The moving background is distracting, would prefer a static background so I can pay attention just to the interview.
@maximenadeau9453 Месяц назад
Another language starting, inevitably having the same limitations than other languages, because everything nowadays is just another syntax on top of LLVM. Why not contribute on something that already exists ? Or just use plain old C when you really want to have full controll ?
@filipg4 Месяц назад
Jai already has a custom back-end and it's metaprogramming capabilities alone are already lightyears ahead of anything on the market.
@asdqwe4427 Месяц назад
C has too much undefined behaviour
@maximenadeau9453 Месяц назад
@@asdqwe4427 if you think C has undefined behavior, at this point you might as well say that Assembly has undefined behavior.
@alejmc Месяц назад
@@filipg4 really? I enjoy a lot listening to Jon but I can’t quite grasp sometimes what the bigger deal is about. I’m a non programmer that started making games since the Microsoft XNA days, then Unity, so basically 95% of my experience is C# and associate graphics API and shaders. Some might say that C# is not a real language and that game programming is not real programming and more “just scripting”, but I feel like I barely scratch the surface of what it’s possible, I’m using barely 10% of the language and libraries capabilities I think… can’t grasp how JAI would be so much better 😢
@filipg4 Месяц назад
​​@@alejmcWhat you are doing is absolutely real programming and majority of people will agree, Jon included. If you write code to make the computer do something, you are doing programming, regardless of your tools/languages. Jai is perhaps a bit more difficult to appreciate if you did not get a chance to use it, or if you did not spend much time with C++. Because what Jai does really good is make things which are very messy/difficult in C++ like metaprogramming/builds/memory management/etc. - really easy without limiting what you can do. Combine that with a ton of quality of life improvements like better errors, smarter compiler, super fast compilation times, types as first class citizens, much nicer syntax, etc. and you get yourself an amazing systems language. Hope that clears it up a bit.
@theevilcottonball Месяц назад
Jai is cool, but C and C++ will not go away. I write in C despite some of its problems, because everything has a C API, for Jai I would need to write bindings (and know C for writing them anyway).
@filipg4 Месяц назад
Jai can generate bindings. That being said, of course C/C++ will never go away.
@____uncompetative Месяц назад
@@filipg4 C++ has the worst syntax of any programming language not created deliberately as a joke. Rust has the worst semantics of any programming language not created deliberately as a joke.
@xanderlinhares 20 дней назад
Jai can’t compete if it’s never released…
@theevilcottonball 20 дней назад
@@filipg4 Like any other popular language. And usually bindings don't translate well (for things like preprocessor macros, for things like complex C++ template metaprogramming bananas, etc.) And then there is a mental burden of translating the documentation from C into Jai (unless the autotranslate that as well) and a general familiarity with C is still required because when your bindibg are wrong or you use them wrong because you do not know C/C++ then you have a problem. I never really like autogenerated bindings, I think it is better to write bindings manually when only very few functions/types are needed in the bindings.
@llothar68 11 дней назад
@@filipg4 Even Objective-C will never go away (not in my lifetime).
@avwie132 Месяц назад
Jonathan is in the Messiah phase now. Thinking he has ideas that nobody ever had before.
@Raxfyr Месяц назад
its crazy that he insists on doing everything himself from scratch when nothing he's building requires any of the super fast, efficient code he's always going on about. Witness and whatever sokoban he's working on now could have been built in half the time with Unity.
@Nerzhus Месяц назад
​@@Raxfyr yep.
@owenpalmer8242 Месяц назад
@@Raxfyr it's crazy but I think it's cool. using someone else's library/framework/engine can be torture. when you build it yourself, the sense of reward is immense.
@avwie132 Месяц назад
@@Raxfyr indeed. It is NIH syndrome in extremis. But hey, he has the money and the time so he can do whatever he wants
@NukeWalker Месяц назад
@@Raxfyr Given that increases in computing power of new CPUs are getting smaller and smaller with each passing year, (can only get so small with transistors) it's a very good mentality to have optimization and deeply understand what you're doing. We used to launch missions to the Moon with computers weaker than the cheapest Arduino, nowadays Chrome eats half of your RAM just by opening a couple of tabs. Whether we like it or not, soon we will have to go back to the reality of having to optimize everything if we want more than one program running at the same time on the same machine.
@K9Megahertz Месяц назад
You know I woke up this morning and had the craziest thought. How much better things would be with just one more programming language... When is it going to stop? We're north of hundreds of languages at this point. It's like Linux, let's make a new distro everyday... cause we don't have enough. What you end up with is a disparate landscape where nothing works with anything else.
@zenshade2000 Месяц назад
He isn't creating another programming language to satisfy anyone other than himself and other game programmers that have been frustrated by the same friction that he has. So if you don't grasp why it's necessary, it's not for you.
@plaintext7288 Месяц назад
Closest thing to it right now is Rust due to the community effort. But using a systems programming language for general scripting (bash, python, lua), pc/mobile game dev (from c++ to kotlin to js), access to data science tooling (python, julia) etc. is just not worth it I am a golang backend dev and I'm better off using react+ts for a portfolio website and lua for hobby game dev and bash for scripting Also, there are multiple app communication protocols ranging from extern c to protobufs to json depending on needed level of ease of use and flexibility
@lukasschmidt2478 Месяц назад
But how do you know that the other more than a thousand languages were also invented in the morning? It could be a lunch time thing for all you know.
@NukeWalker Месяц назад
Different languages are better tailored for different kind of tasks. Otherwise we'll have the mentality of JS running everywhere, even where it has no business running.
@diggerkropkapl Месяц назад
You know, this can be said about a lot of things, like why would Rimac make another car company, don't we have enough of them? Why would Framework make yet another laptop, we already have established brands. Why would anyone make another videogame, we already have too much to even find the time and play our backlog. Let the man do his thing, maybe it will be a failure, maybe it will be a success. Maybe it will solve *his* problems and that will be a success in itself. He's not doing it for money and fame, he's doing it because he thinks there is a valid reason to work for *years* to create a new language :)
@darthtesla301 Месяц назад
1. thanks for linking to original video 2. jon's blow-ing up in size and should cut back on sweets
@pizzaman11 Месяц назад
Might be he's just out of shape compared to the interviewer. Dude's jacked lol
@MurtagBY 17 дней назад
He is jamming to finish way too many projects, hard to eat well if you are not doing it systematically
@mag2XYZ Месяц назад
Let's hope Jai is released in the near future.
@gracjanchudziak4755 Месяц назад
Any ideas when? I'm learning Zig currently but quite frankly I think Jai will eat Zig, so I'm not sure it's waste of time.
@avwie132 Месяц назад
It won’t
@SpeedfreakUK Месяц назад
It’s probably already done, it’s just not releasing until the sokoban game is done. He wants there to be a full game engine, full standard library and full game written in the language from day one.
@zenshade2000 Месяц назад
@@gracjanchudziak4755 Jai absolutely won't eat zig. Zig is a systems programming language that integrates seamlessly with c and fixes most of c's really rough corners. So general purpose low level language with a wide target. Jai is targeting game programming and looking to eliminate a vast swath of c÷÷ complexity that isn't needed in that restricted domain. I expect both languages to become much loved to their different audiences, specifically because they both have compile time execution that allows building up low cost abstractions to actually solve the problems that these different audiences have in their domains, and not the nary fairy academic ones dreamt up without the benefit of being tested in real application limitations.
@filipg4 Месяц назад
The only thing Jai is missing is docs/tutorials. I can use it efficiently without both, but we will have to make some for newcomers, because it will be hard for them to pick it up without much prior knowledge of systems programming. But all things considered, language is pretty much production ready already and there are games released for both phones and pc with it. So yeah, soom tm
@ahmadazhar1763 Месяц назад
Why are we being blamed for this? Its your job description nowadays an entry level software engineer is expected to know CI/CD pipeline, aws hosting, backend + frontend, documentation and after knowing all this there is no guarantee that they work his team - lead will assign him will be is a work which a 10 year software engineer should be assigned and we are expected to know because we have chatGPT and you are paying us. This is fair? You for the sake of money can launch 10 frameworks in a day but if acquire shallow knowledge for money we are culprits. You fix your job description and give us our fair chance and I assure you there are so many talented software engineers who are yearning to acquire deep knowledge but dont because " You guys pay us to get job done rather than knowing our work".
@schmetterling4477 7 дней назад
You aren't being "blamed". Most of you are throwaway employees in an industry that generates endless amounts of throwaway code. That is simply a fact. It's more a matter of business model than engineering.
@ngocdangduc3772 Месяц назад
i dont why the more skilled a programmer is, the less hair they have.
@abboudwow Месяц назад
The problem all those idiot selfish people out there will not listen to your bro, but it's really appreciated that you are letting the world understand the pain we are going through as developers nowadays and hopefully this will be fixed somehow
@bike4aday Месяц назад
I wish I could keep that joy with every program I write. Yeah, sadly the bigger the program gets the more likely it is to turn into a headache.
@ChristianTheChicken Месяц назад
Age of Mythology Enhanced Edition is still really good and the AI has only gotten harder to beat in the past few years.
@miserablepile Месяц назад
I'm sick of the people I work with who think there's one right answer to every problem. They cannot understand the concept that there are different valid approaches and tradeoffs between them. I think that grinding and memorizing leetcode puzzles instead of taking on real projects is a source of this. The people who have problem solving skills get filtered out of jobs. I've learned to stop demonstrating my problem solving process when doing interviewing questions, because interviewers have become mindless bots who expect that humans know an answer immediately, and that even pausing for a moment to work through a process of elimination or reflect on alternative approaches is a sign of weakness. I'm trying to show how I work with people, and all they hear are wrong answers.
@schmetterling4477 7 дней назад
You are correct. The problem is that the industry, on average, requires hordes of people who can hack rather than a few knowledgeable people who can build well defined and reliable systems. That is reflected in the hiring process as well. The real question for you is... why are you still working in the industry? Shouldn't you look for a more satisfying work environment?
@user-vk5ko9pi6f Месяц назад
Hello, I rent accounts on freelance exchanges
@xealit Месяц назад
It's funny, if you learn math or physics, you have all kinds of abstractions, but you never have abstraction "layers". It's a purely IT engineering thing.
@devoiddude Месяц назад
Don't often agree with the john but I agree with him here on this .
@notiashvili Месяц назад
Jon looking like an absolute sex god here.
@TactDB Месяц назад
I like the guy but he looks like he put on a few pounds.... those shirt buttons are about to burst....
@samgould8567 Месяц назад
@@TactDB Damn, the way you phrased that is getting me excited
@kuklama0706 Месяц назад
Msvc 6 and even 2005 compile times are still fast
@ViewportPlaythrough Месяц назад
i call it the "drafting stage". its comparable to gray boxing a level design, or using simple shapes for modeling, or outline sketching for drawing/painting. the purpose of it is to try out ideas as fast as possible. i try to prolong it as long as possible that sometimes its all thats needed to form the MVP. draw in ideas as fast as possible. throw out ideas as fast as possible. use temporary variables for complicated equations. fake up function calls if needed. add in branches, try those branches with fake variables. if theres something you dont know would work, its probably a good idea to catch errors anyway. etc etc. its fast and fun.
@linkernick5379 Месяц назад
Is the interviewer John De Goes? Looks pretty white suprematistic 😊
@Raxfyr Месяц назад
@linkernick5379 Месяц назад
@@Raxfyr it is a joke, if you haven't got it, then you've read too little of twitter 😊
@Raxfyr Месяц назад
@@linkernick5379 yes, thankfully i have
@lucaspayne2546 Месяц назад
I feel like narrative doesn't fit together. In the first half, he is talking about abstraction and loss of capabilities in terms of higher level languages, but the second half's examples are all quite low-level problems with developers needing to be well-aware of the whole ecosystem. Also looking back at computer history, the duplicity of computing standards seems so huge in comparison to what we have to target today in terms of consumer apps (a few companies, Linux, possibly some other Unices, ARM, x86, ...). Maybe this is decrying an apparent sweet-spot in complexity after IBM PC, 8086, etc. while software still hadn't had "liftoff" w/r/t developing standards, speed of ecosystem change, new architectures, .... Maybe a more interesting presentation would explore how newer standards could have developed with a different mindset (some concrete examples of simple designs?).
@eye776 Месяц назад
There's also a key point missing from this: The point of programming is ultimately to solve real life problems. Programming for the sake of it can be fun, but it's not really a business goal someone is going to pay for. And we all have bills to pay.
@Urien. Месяц назад
jon is bulking
@avwie132 Месяц назад
John de Goes is, Jonathan is just fat
@sv_gravity Месяц назад
it;s seed oil
@krystian9924 Месяц назад
@@sv_gravity Is he vegetarian ?
@gercius Месяц назад
@@krystian9924 He a binarian, eating ones and zeroes
@misterbeach8826 Месяц назад
heavy bones
@0ia Месяц назад
I heard this in the original interview, and it's been resonating in my head for the past weeks. I realize I can make a lot of design decisions that prolong this as well.
@MattJoinerPwns Месяц назад
This guy is a nong and doesn't care
@FlamingLily Месяц назад
F1 is a good example because if you're uninformed, you might assume that its the "peak" of skill, when actually F1 driving and standard commuter driving are almost entirely separate skillsets, and just like programming you should acknowledge the differences. You wouldn't get an F1 driver to drive a semi on a 48hr convoy trip, and you wouldnt get a long haul trucker in the F1, just like you wouldnt swap the jobs of, say, a networking engineer and a database specialist, or a cardiologist and a neurosurgeon
@tristancole8158 25 дней назад
Brilliant analysis
@louisryan6902 Месяц назад
The witness is fantastic