inMotion Gaming
inMotion Gaming
inMotion Gaming
If you didn't record it, it didn't happen. If it's not on FVC it wasn't worth recording.
Diver Panic
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Scuba World Training Class
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[2EZ] Ranked on Bio Lab with Gingy
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[2EZ] Ranked with Gingy - Riot
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COD:AW Ranked with ReZii
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Untitled Project
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inMotion vs Elite Gaming [L]
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Hostiles COD2
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New Horizon By Skeptik Studios
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@AdamFromDZ 5 дней назад
haha woman
@gnilekrons 17 дней назад
how dumb..
@unvaxxeddoomerlife6788 17 дней назад
That was fecking terrifying.
@Rompaza 21 день назад
great video!
@IntoTheOverhead 21 день назад
thanks (this is another one of my accounts)
@MikeMcCabePianoEntertain-vn7gh 22 дня назад
Shouldn't the diver have learned this in confined water first?
@SaltySeaQueen-nn8wm 27 дней назад
She would have been more stable & comfortable if the Instructor had her kneeling on the bottom instead of floating around
@joshuaunderwood1873 27 дней назад
Please don't take this the wrong way (I am the person filming this video) but instructors that put their students on their knees are subpar. I do not teach that way, the agencies do not allow teaching that way either. Its damaging to the underwater environment and frankly creates bad divers.
@Vele1267 Месяц назад
The fish hang around and probably just wager on which one is going to freak out lol
@samw5644 Месяц назад
i can fully sympathise here, that feeling of just total fear and anxiety is awful.
@scubamarilu Месяц назад
Pray PADI dont see this video, instructor will be in trouble😂😂😂😂
@Corleone007 Месяц назад
Generally he teaches her how to stop panic in such situations. It's surely in shallow water. But very good idea to teach that. Once a diver go into panic in deeper water he is almost dead at the spot. It looks like being calm in a bit unexptected situation is the most important thing in diving. It's just a small gap betwenn big adventure or a tragic death
@shachrist977 Месяц назад
The scariest! If only we could just breathe underwater! Relying on equipment= no thank you!
@owainthomas9715 Месяц назад
Is there anything Trump can’t do? Talent.
@TheANISHCOOL 2 месяца назад
The last place on earth that you wanna get panic
@Diamonddiverr 2 месяца назад
I had the same experience - its almost like your mind thinks as your eyes suddenly fills with water you can't breath also. Complete panic! But as a trainer told me: as long as you have air you are ok and that calms me down everytime.
@marktalbott3835 2 месяца назад
FACT. Most divemasters are not cut out to be dive Masters. The dozens I've been with, only two or three were more concerned about the divers then about how cool they were. They routinely pick up and disturb floor and fauna to show off to tourists. This guy I like
@marktalbott3835 2 месяца назад
This looks like one of those operations where you get certified on site in Open water REALLY BAD IDEA. I got certified INDOOR POOL, then got my Open water certification in Brazi. I THINK OPERATIONS LIKE THESE SHOULD BE SHUT DOWN
@marktalbott3835 2 месяца назад
Why didnt they teach her to clean her goggles before they took her on Open water?
@IntoTheOverhead 2 месяца назад
How do you know they didn’t teach her to clear her mask before they took her? Maybe she did it perfect before and only now she is messing up.
@dodido101roblox5 2 месяца назад
Is this in the blacksea?
@IntoTheOverhead 2 месяца назад
No. I filmed this in Lake Denton in Florida.
@alzahraniabdulrahman 2 месяца назад
Don’t trust PADI instructor , some of them have no sence of training , like this situation happened because not giving the time to do the mask removal in 1.5 meter , they took her to 10 meter ask her to remove the mask because no time allocated
@IntoTheOverhead 2 месяца назад
He’s a NAUI instructor and this is filmed in 3m of water. I was also there when she was did it in 1.5m.
@alzahraniabdulrahman 2 месяца назад
@@IntoTheOverhead i can not trust anyone, it’s happened to me , these things shouldn’t happen in one or two days, should be done out side swimming pool outside to get comfortable. PADI instructor said they do it inside with no time allowed , they follow procedures in their hand not care about the diver him self
@FpsTests 2 месяца назад
woman moment
@stephenallen4374 2 месяца назад
I make it a ruelle I will never to dive with women they freak out too easily
@greetingsfromholland4765 2 месяца назад
Yeah I hated taking the mask off aswell. Finished my open water diver. But mouth breathing is still my weakest point. Especially the moment my nose is slightly free, I'll automatically try to inhale. Many times I snorted some water and nearly choked and have a minor panick attack. I like to train with just my regulator or snorkel in near the surface. And move my head around. Dip my head under fast. Shake my head underwatee, hang upside down, etc. Feel the bubbles up my nose from different angles. Put my head underwater without regulator, put it in my mouth and clear it, than start breathing through it whilst my nose is maskless and my sight is constantly blurry. These drills imprint my brain to switch to mouth breathing the moment my face hits the water. I must say I feel more confident with each dive. The thing is, our anxieties make the stress, which built up to more energy wasted, less under water fun and also less time underwater due to bigger air consumption. If you wanna start enjoy diving, tackle your insecurities head on. So you gain confidence and comfort. Eventhough survival situation hardly occur, it runs through your subconsiously aslong as you don't tackle it.
@samms9512 Месяц назад
I couldn’t agree more. I just finished my first NAUI pool class and I don’t think I panicked because 1) I took a discover dive so I knew what to expect (and panicked during that), but 2) I practiced in a pool with a snorkel and no mask and just breathing in from my mouth and I think that really helped.
@panagiotiskimouris 2 месяца назад
Mentally and physical training, is all you need, so you can avoid panic!
@cristianobrogna1225 2 месяца назад
Just remember, stay still and nothing bad is gonna happen. Your companions will help you fix your problem. Swim fast towards the surface, and you’re in for a world of hurt. Keep calm, you don’t need eyes to breathe.
@alzahraniabdulrahman 2 месяца назад
I have just finished this task , my advise to do it and master it in swming pool first 1.5 meter then 3 m then 6 m, forget about these stuipd instructors , take it easy and breath no need to rash this
@kentguchi569 3 месяца назад
The old instructor wasn't registering what was happening to her. This is not good. She could'nt breath in because of the water in the nose making her feel like drowning. Its stupid and dangerous to just push them into this in a group where people can't be monitored individually. Salt water creates a severe burning in the sensitive areas of the nose and eyes. The instructor is bad. Everyone make a note of this obliviousness and understand in the Dive community people who over look how you feel because they want you to "Push through" are NOT safe. Diving is very emotional and stress inducing. You need people who care about your feelings. Because out of control minds= death. This is no joke. Being suffocated while those parts are burning is highly traumatizing. We are trying to get rid of dive instructors who try to traumatize you to make you insensitive.
@IntoTheOverhead 3 месяца назад
This was filmed in fresh water. She completed the exercise on her second try, thanking him for the help and he is a veteran instructor. Now you know. I filmed this video and am a tech instructor.
@kentguchi569 3 месяца назад
@@IntoTheOverhead What I Said still stands. Its the unnessary risk of a group more than 2 and ignoring the signs. Yes, it went from not registering, to ignoring the signs. Your the type of diver who was pushed as well obviously because you can't understand the mechanics of whats happening. What you said and how you said it reflects narcissism using blanket statements saying the guy and you are veteran instructors....Really? So after establishing the bad things in the video and the psychological affects it has, you then said you are instructors.....Well you just solidified yourself as one of the instructors who I spoke of initially who is a Narcissist aiming to display power over people under the guise of teaching someone something. In that situation the student experiences water in the nose which makes people feel they can't breath. he didn't help her past that. In the video she failed the test and experienced a traumatic event because the instructor is a narcissist to not teach the students how to avoid that to begin with and then finally, at his hand, experience the trauma. What we just witnessed was a covert narcissist inflict control over a person. Just like in Martial arts schools with men and women try to inflict control over others under the guise of teaching them.
@kentguchi569 3 месяца назад
@@IntoTheOverhead Its funny you didn't put down the guy who commented bellow me, talking about his experiences with this. Seems as a Narcissit you further expose yourself by trying to destroy the one who talks about removing Bad instructors, after most of the comments are reflecting disgust with the bad practice shown in the video as it only creates new narcissists. You simply saw what I said reflected a reality you are afraid to acknowledge like all Narcissists with Pseudo high standards and in reality felt exposed. Not once did you reflect remorse. Just insensitivity to what the girl went through. This is all because of how your unresolved traumas, (likely surrounding this this exercise) hold you mind ignoring the past and not being fully aware of the present. You exposed yourself. The easy answer to this exercise would be how to teach your studends to be confident in how to blow out through the nose with tongue work. Its the unnessary cause of suffering at the instructors hand and lack of care to be mindful and aware of what your actions do BEFORE this happens. It ultimately one day results in death while suffering.
@kentguchi569 3 месяца назад
@@IntoTheOverhead In that situation the student experiences water in the nose which makes people feel they can't breath. he didn't help her past that. In the video she failed the test and experienced a traumatic event because the instructor is a narcissist to not teach the students how to avoid that to begin with and then finally, at his hand, experience the trauma. What we just witnessed was a covert narcissist inflict control over a person. Just like in Martial arts schools with men and women try to inflict control over others under the guise of teaching them. In this sport, people die more easily.
@GregLukosek 3 месяца назад
Excellent instructor!
@louiscolborn6715 3 месяца назад
Diving is a world within a world it would be sad to go through this life and not experience diving, although I thought cave diving was pushing the envelope a bit. Not for the faint of heart.
@MarioMartin-g5l 3 месяца назад
Es mejor las primeras veces las pruebas de las gafas hacerla más cerca de la superficie
@SaucyNetworkEntertainment 3 месяца назад
Hold your breath when you do that. Helps to not have water come in through nose
@f2lo2 3 месяца назад
Powiedziales temu szczupakowi, ze dostanie w nos, jak nie bedzie grzeczny? 😂
@AlejandroGumielmouriño 3 месяца назад
Muy buen instructor
@MacLentersConcept 4 месяца назад
Yo I'm skeptik from steptuk studios! Please never remove this video haha I don't even have it anymore 😂
@FragVideoCentral 4 месяца назад
Yo. You can DM me on discord if you want any of these downloaded but I’m not going to delete any. Discord: itsjosh1991 fervent ~ Joshy
@dbcooper030 4 месяца назад
Awesome instructor! Helped calm the student, regain control, and even called over a fish!😂
@WordizbonDon 4 месяца назад
Should they have had this figured out in the pool first?
@webguy943 4 месяца назад
Yea no.
@danielpercent5434 4 месяца назад
This person over here looking up to the stars when clearing their mask, just go at a 45° angle and breathe out of your nose until the air pushes the water out. And if you are clearing water out but continue to keep flooding the mask then it's possible the mask you have isn't a right fit.
@TheSmileyTek 5 месяцев назад
Rule number 1, breath. Rule number 2, relax. They should probably work on her mask clearing skills in shallower water first. She obviously doesn't have that basic skill down.
@IntoTheOverhead 5 месяцев назад
Hello. I feel like I’ve said this 1,000 times (I recorded this video) but we did practice this drill in a pool a dozen times and she did fine. This was her first open water test. We were in 15 feet of water. The instructor couldn’t have done anything differently. I am an instructor up to the cavern level.
@sint5990 6 месяцев назад
That instructor is who you want on the bottom with you. He literally handled that PERFECTLY and not all instructors do.
@mikeyduke10 6 месяцев назад
She started panicking because she couldn't do it and got so worked up that she definitely took water up her nose, you can see her do it and then suddenly starts to panic more than before... Also bear in mind that for most of this she can't see the instructor telling her what to do
@murfdog19 7 месяцев назад
Hahaha. You can spot a rookie from a mile away with the flailing arms. That dive master was a champ. The women was three seconds away from a full blown panic attack, and the dive master shut it down. That's EXTREMEMLY hard.
@jayknuffke285 7 месяцев назад
I totally get the freak out ... that's why I tell all divers the #1 skill you MUST have is to stay calm. Without that, you could injure yourself and others.
@iw5dsz 8 месяцев назад
ma state a casa che è meglio
@nevergiveup-db6fp 8 месяцев назад
Student should not have been allowed out of the pool until they mastered that
@Pitoumotorsport 9 месяцев назад
Exercice mal expliqué, élevé qui ne l'a sans doute jamais réalisé dans des conditions confortable, des tuyaux de partout, des gens qui gesticulent... c'est n'importe quoi...
@Pitoumotorsport 9 месяцев назад
C'es tle probleme avec Padi, beaucoup de plongeurs et d'encadrants on acheté leur cartes....
@skymiki 9 месяцев назад
😅This is going to be the most exciting youtube video of 2023
@Pitoumotorsport 10 месяцев назад
Tres mauvais instructeur, la personne ne maitrise pas le vidage de masque, pourquoi ne pas lui demander de le faire en surface ?
@brandonpeet2035 11 месяцев назад
its always women
@Scarlettt11 10 месяцев назад
It’s always misogynistic men like you talking with that big mouth of yours
@Scarlettt11 10 месяцев назад
Many men have panicked underwater and in caves don’t act like you’re tough stuff coz you ain’t lil bro
@mariospanu159 Год назад
When you go for your cert dive and can't clear your mask you have had poor training