hookybricks hooky
hookybricks hooky
hookybricks hooky
LEGO dioramas, reviews and collections
Custom Military LEGO TMC Haul 46
21 день назад
Brickizimo Emergency Haul 44
3 месяца назад
LEGO Pick-A-Brick Haul Standard Pieces Haul 41
5 месяцев назад
Custom LEGO TMC Haul 40 - TheMinifigCo.
6 месяцев назад
Custom LEGO Brickssoldier Haul 35
7 месяцев назад
Custom LEGO TMC The Minifig Co. Haul 34
8 месяцев назад
Custom LEGO Brickmania Brickizimo Haul 33
8 месяцев назад
@afifhaiqal6267 18 часов назад
Sir, how can I buy this lego?
@hookybrickshooky9529 17 часов назад
If you are located in Europe, Brickizimo is a good place to start. I think I buy 80% of my stuff there. :)
@afifhaiqal6267 17 часов назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 ouh i see but sir
@afifhaiqal6267 17 часов назад
What if I live in Malaysia?
@hookybrickshooky9529 17 часов назад
@@afifhaiqal6267 Maybe Brickmania and or Brickizimo do worldwide shipping but that's far beyond my knowledge. But I do hope that you can lay your hands on some of these minifigures - they are great. :)
@afifhaiqal6267 17 часов назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 alright sir thank you very much for Information
@LegoWW2Prod. 6 дней назад
one tip dont buy minifigures from brickmania
@hookybrickshooky9529 6 дней назад
I'm very interested in other collectors opinion but to take your tip into account, I really need some form of explanation. Don't be shy, share your knowledge.
@ryco_3102 8 дней назад
Hi Hooky My Jagdpanther is on its way also. For like you, that was my first model kit. But back then it was produced by Matchbox, before Revell bought the tools. I wish I had the time to build the small diorama, that it came with. You should really look into that. With all the parts you have, it should go easy for you to recreate that too. I also ordered the paratrooper. Great details for its kit, all of them are recognizable, the 42 M handgrenade, the ammo pouch for the Király submachinegun. I complemented it with the WW2 German Camo Stahlhelm from Brickizimo, which definitely looks more authentic than the shiny gunmetal one. I also tried the olive one, but that is just not dark enough for a HUN WW2 helmet. The BA MAB 38 submachinegun was a good choice for the depiction of the Király SMG, from the molds currently available. And yes, very reasonable price for such a quality. I just wish, they would have used colourshifting for the uniform. That really would have brought the fig up to BKM standards. Looking forward to get my hands on the Tarczay minifig for Tiger 214. CoCoTobys is right, you can just swap the figure and there you have a Tiger I from 1944 in German service. I believe this is what convinced Dan to approve this Tiger I kit. So it could be appealing to both HUN and GER vehicle fan customers. Anyway, very informative and good haul video. Thank you! By the way, how is your moving project going?
@hookybrickshooky9529 8 дней назад
Hello Ryco! Thank you for the tip about Matchbox and the Jagdpanther, I had no idea that they made the model before Revell! I will definitely look it up. The Hungarian paratrooper is really cool and I definitely have to take a look into my Stahlhelm collection to get one with a proper color scheme. I absolutely agree with you and Coco that you can easily swap out the minifigure of the Tiger 214 for a German tank commander. For me it was really a budget issue - it was either the Jagdpanther or the Tiger 214... Thank you for asking about the move project but it was unfortunately kind of a disaster so far... my initial plan won't work before mid 2025 and I don't know if I have enough time at my current place. I didn't saw that coming. I'm working to solve the problem but it's really an uphill battle. Thank you so much for watching and commenting! It's much appreciated!
@CoCoTobys 9 дней назад
All looks really good. Why did you buy the Jagdpanther instead if the Tiger 214?
@hookybrickshooky9529 9 дней назад
Thank you very much indeed! Good question about the Tiger 214! I think it comes basically down to the fact that this Tiger, even with German markings, is still a Tiger in Hungarian service and with a Hungarian tank commander minifigure. Don't get me wrong, I would love to get a Hungarian Toldi tank but when I buy a Tiger tank in this price category I want to get a Tiger with a fitting German minifigure. I'm kind of hoping that BKM will release another version of the Tiger with Michael Wittmann or a similar German tanker. It was definitely not a clear cut decision but I definitely could not get both the Tiger and the Jagdpanther. Thank you so much for watching and commenting! :)
@CoCoTobys 9 дней назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 Fair. I also prefered a German Tank comander. But this Tiger was in German service before it was given to the Hungarians. It looks Exacly Like it would in German service, the same number and same German markings. I would just swap the very cool Hungarian commander with a German one. Thats why i picked the Tiger. But a Wittman Tiger would be crazy cool to.
@hookybrickshooky9529 9 дней назад
@@CoCoTobys I totally agree and I considered the exact same thing myself. My decision hinged really on the hope that BKM would handle the new Tiger like they did with the Panzer IV before - same model with different camouflage and minifigures in different sets. :)
@helenbachaus9468 10 дней назад
Hello Hooky 👋 Very nice haul you have received. The Japanese truck is a lovely model and you will enjoy building this. The Jagdpanther I'm very much looking forward to seeing your review of the build and overall thoughts. I decided after the release to explore the Normandy theatre. I wasn't able to source this model, however, as Rula has mentioned it would be nice to have that signature mantlet. I'll wait for that to occur. UB are going from strength to strength with their quality minifigures. I'm looking forward to their weekend blitz. Thank you Hooky. Stay well and kind regards.
@hookybrickshooky9529 10 дней назад
Thank you very much indeed! Yes, the mantlet is a weak point of the model. BKM did a 3d printed "Saukopf" for the the Stug III, so why not an adequate mantlet for the equally expensive Jagdpanther? Good question. I think I really have to build the Jagdpanther to see if the mantlet as is will really work or not. UB is doing well at the moment, hopefully they will continue with their good work! Haven't ordered from them directly so far, but maybe the weekend blitz will be a good start doing so. Thank you for watching and commenting, it's much appreciated! :)
@helenbachaus9468 8 дней назад
Okay Hooky, I was able to source a Jagdpanther through Brickmania Holly's Haul. No matter what I may say (which is not much) I'm looking forward to building this model 😀 PS: now that I paid for this model I'm going to need a Japanese Wiskey 😀
@hookybrickshooky9529 8 дней назад
​@@helenbachaus9468 Sounds great! It's always nice to get BKM models at a discount! I'm not an expert when it comes to Japanese Whisky but a bottle of Suntory Toki Whisky is never far away. A Toki Highball can be a welcome refreshment after a hard days work. :)
@helenbachaus9468 7 дней назад
Sounded like an excellent drink. No discount, but content to have picked one up. Cheers or was that Kanpai!
@Rula2020 10 дней назад
Very nice haul. And if you will build jagdpanther I am for sure looking forward to the review of this kit. It does look really amazing, maybe bkm should ve considered adding 3d printed mantlet, but its more of personal nit-pick, and not a must at all. And fully agree with UB minifigs comments. I ve been having trouble justifying brickmania minifigure purchase lately due to pricing.
@hookybrickshooky9529 10 дней назад
Thank you for watching and commenting! I would very much like to build the Jagdpanther but if I do I would do it in the context of a moc or display. At this point in time I haven't even started with my "1944 Italy Stug III" display and I feel that I need to at least kind of keep track with my projects. United Bricks really surprised me two times with the Hungarian paratrooper - at first for creating the minifigure in the first place and the second time when the quality of the prints almost fooled me into thinking that it was a BKM minifig. If it wasn't for the plain helmet, this minifig would be very high up in my favorites. :)
@Jalgarbricks 17 дней назад
Breaking bad minifigs looks very good, good job
@hookybrickshooky9529 17 дней назад
I'm glad that you like them! Hopefully I can complete my Breaking Bad cast at some point. :)
@MrQuack06 22 дня назад
Great video
@hookybrickshooky9529 22 дня назад
Thank you very much indeed! I appreciate it a lot!:)
@Rula2020 23 дня назад
looks great hooky, some nice pick ups for sure. didnt know tmc released those tank turret numbered tiles. I think those would go nice on bkm older panther builds in ambush camo.
@hookybrickshooky9529 23 дня назад
Thank you very much indeed! I guess I have to check out this old BKM Panther builds! At the moment it really seems rather like a precautious measure to stack up with all of these tiles because in the few situations where I needed one, I never had the right color and size. Besides that TMC really has to come up with something incredible nice so that I place another order soon. I'm good for now. ;)
@KingYXF 23 дня назад
Schöner Haul :)
@hookybrickshooky9529 23 дня назад
Vielen herzlichen Dank! Der Marder ist schon ziemlich cool mit dem "Kohlenklau"-Anstrich. ;)
@KingYXF 23 дня назад
​@@hookybrickshooky9529Ja das Muster von den Marder II ist schon sehr cool obwohl das nicht mein Lieblings Maßstab ist (Fav: 1:45),mir gefallen auch die bedruckten Teile und die Deutschen Soldaten in diesem Italienischen Muster sehr gut.
@hookybrickshooky9529 23 дня назад
@@KingYXF Ja, der Maßstab ist immer eine wichtige Sache! Mein Fokus ist die LEGO Minifigur und 1:35 paßt da noch am besten. Telo Mimetico ist vermutlich mein Lieblingsmuster bei Uniformen. Besonders in Kombination mit Feldgrau. :)
@KingYXF 23 дня назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 Ja dann ist der Maßstab ja für dich nicht so wichtig, finde ihn halt nur passender neben einer Figur, z. B in ein Moc, muss aber auch sagen das manche Modelle in 1:35 garnicht so schlecht sind, bzw. nicht wirklich auffallen das sie zu groß sind, täte aber denke ich sowieso bei Panzern eher auf Digitale Anleitungen und selber bauen zugreifen da das ja im Gegensatz zur Custom Minifigur sehr viel Günstiger geht, bei einer Custom Minifigur kann man halt nicht viel machen außer vllt. sich Torsos zulegen die aber auch nicht insgesamt viel Günstiger sind als Vollständige Minifiguren und halt auch schwieriger zu kriegen sind finde ich. Das Muster ist wie gesagt wirklich nicht schlecht, bevorzuge allerdings die M43-M44 SS Tanmuster muss ich sagen.
@hookybrickshooky9529 23 дня назад
@@KingYXF Da eine LEGO-Figur keine menschlichen Proportionen hat, ist es tatsächlich eher ein Richtwert mit dem 1:35 Maßstab, aber insgesamt komme ich damit ganz gut zurecht und es ist natürlich auch gut wenn die Fahrzeuge an sich im etwas gleichen Größenverhältnis stehen. Mit digitalen Bauanleitungen habe ich bisher nur wenig Erfahrung gemacht, aber vom Brickmania Set 2301 Tiger 1 Ausf. E - habe ich einige Exemplare aus eigenen Teilen nachgebaut - ist preislich in der Tat viel günstiger. Was das Tarnmuster anbelangt bin ich mir nicht 100%ig sicher ob ich das richtig einordnen kann - in meinem neuesten TMC Haul 46 kommt ab 8:40 ein deutscher Panzerkommandant - kannst Du bestätigen dass es sich dabei um das entsprechende Muster handelt?
@Rula2020 23 дня назад
Interesting haul. I have never heard of this company, but now I will check it out. Seems as the print work on the figs and tiles are done quite well. And I agree about walter white character. I like how the director killed him off at the end. Although many probably could relate to his struggles and end cause through out the series, at the end of the day he was still a hard criminal that sold deadly product which kills many struggling people around the word. appropriate ending for a drug dealer. As always great video and thanks for sharing!
@hookybrickshooky9529 23 дня назад
Thank you so much for watching and commenting! I think HOB has a lot to offer for a rather small company. Since the variety of stuff is pretty big, there will surely not only be hits but also misses but I like to check their webpage once in a while and I usually find something amazing. At the moment they focus hard on upgrade-packs of LEGO Star Wars sets, so maybe a few other things fall short right now but topics like "Big Bad City", "Zombie Town" or "Movie&TV" seem to be updated pretty frequently. I'm glad that we agree on the Walter White character! I'm pretty sure that a lot of YT movie critics made more complex diagnoses about Walt and the series as a whole but sometimes I like to think things trough and "Breaking Bad" is surely worth the time. :)
@tomlu4419 24 дня назад
The SS fall camouflage looks pretty insane since some of the lego ww2 is mostly banned in some countries.
@hookybrickshooky9529 24 дня назад
When it comes to actual camo patterns, TMC has a flair for detail and the printers that express it. Thanks for watching and commenting! :)
@Kiabearplays 25 дней назад
First here
@hookybrickshooky9529 25 дней назад
Well done. ;)
@aaronjackson9816 27 дней назад
Wow bro them ww2 Minifigures look so awesome, I'm looking forward to seeing more of them. ❤😎❤️😎
@hookybrickshooky9529 26 дней назад
Thank you very much indeed! I'm glad you like them! :)
@KenPatrickODia Месяц назад
Do you think it’s safe to clean TMC figs with a little bit of water? Mine tend to get dirty when taking photos. But I don’t want to ruin the prints if ever.
@hookybrickshooky9529 Месяц назад
Good question but unfortunately I don't have an good answer for you. I never take my custom minifigures outside, so the model kit duster is sufficient for the cleaning purpose. What I can say is that I would be surprised if water and soap would harm the prints immediately.
@Celestin-qv5fk 23 дня назад
Bro I try with united bricks mini fig and this has not affected the print, however doing it always can fragilise the minifig. What can I say is one time every two weeks but not more
@Goldi-e8f Месяц назад
Gut gemacht, weiter so!
@hookybrickshooky9529 Месяц назад
Vielen herzlichen Dank! I werde mein Bestes geben! :)
nice love them
@hookybrickshooky9529 Месяц назад
Thank you very much indeed! I'm glad you like them. :)
@Rula2020 Месяц назад
Very nice close up of your recent minifig haul. TMC knocked it out of the park with telo mimetico and paratroopers line up, really nice. Also like brickmania pacific marine raider and japanese guy. I think that bkm marine also came with 360 leg print, which is not very common for them to do.
@hookybrickshooky9529 Месяц назад
The Marine Raider is really one of the best printed minifigures I've seen so far! The Japanese Soldier is also really nice but he does not get the same amount of detail, which kind of fits the generic appearance of the minifigure but of course it would also be very appropriate if BKM would for a change create a Japanese soldier minifigure that shows traces of battle and combat.
@hookybrickshooky9529 15 дней назад
By the way, do you have any idea what the guy at 2:26 is wearing around his neck? I'm pretty sure I've seen such things on historical photos from WW2 but I do not know what purpose it got.
@Rula2020 15 дней назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 ah I ve seen that one before its the waffen ss sniper or mg camo veil that would go over the helmet. I ve had one AB german sniper fig with the similar prints of this thing
@hookybrickshooky9529 14 дней назад
@@Rula2020 Thank you very much indeed! I wouldn't have thought of that! :)
@Rula2020 13 дней назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 no problem at all. I think i also had Bkm German Heer Soldier with Leibermuster Camo fig with stg nächtjager pack with this printed veil on its head. let me tell you that thing looked creepy, on par with ww1 stormtrooper gasmask print
@Rula2020 Месяц назад
Brickmania Marder 2 looks really nice, now I feel like i am having a bit of regret not hoping on the 20% off from brickizimo to pick it up when I had a chance. Looking forward for more video with minifigures. TMC bodies do look really nice , although I probably be staying away from them for a bit. I think my brain is just trying to find any excuse to stop buying so much. so tmc is on the right track here. Now I just need some brickmania or brickizimo controversy so I can get my finances fully in order 😂
@hookybrickshooky9529 Месяц назад
Yeah, the Marder looks indeed very nice! Until the BKM release I haven't heard about this certain "Kohlenklau" Marder but the prints give the kit a special charm. Also it is always tempting for me to build additional models with my own parts if possible. The 20% off was indeed a good opportunity and I had another 200€+ cart (including Rommels staff car) ready but I'm glad I didn't pulled the trigger. It is one thing if you can buy something but it is another thing how a hobby can effect your finances in the long run. I mean, over the years my spending for these things amounts to money that could otherwise been used for better, or let's say more useful purposes. Controversies may help to make good decisions but on the other hand, we all have to do what's in our best interest. I will try to buy on a budget in the months to come. :)
@Rula2020 Месяц назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 good plan Hooky. its always good to have some self control. As there always so many great ideas and wants and just not enough rich parents and trust funds to go around 😆 I know I ve probably mentioned this a million times, but I think i already approaching my limit and not even with money spent wise but also space. I learned that actually space is the most valuable thing in this hobby for me. When it comes to collecting I’ve been slowly cutting out things progressively to the point that I am probably only now collecting custom lego ww2 german and soviet going forward. I had to say no to some great recently released japanese kits, but that seems to be the only way for me to continue with this hobby in a balanced way.
@hookybrickshooky9529 Месяц назад
@@Rula2020 Yeah, space is a very valuable commodity that often gets overlooked. I also had a look at my Brickizimo order history since 2021 and adding up the invoice amounts had a kind of an sobering effect on me... I will certainly not stop with my hobby it's not bad to watch spending over a longer time period.
@Rula2020 Месяц назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 yeah that would be a scary thing for me to do. Im sure it’s in many thousands for me… brickmania must really love us at this point, also considering all of the free advertising we had been doing for them on here 😂
@helenbachaus9468 Месяц назад
Nice review Hooky on your haul. The Japanese minifigure is very nice 👌 I do have a few of them from Brickmania. I too took an opportunity to get in on BRiCKiZiMO discount and picked up a few items. The Marder being one of them alongside the Panzerwerfer 42. I do like TMC printed tiles. Thanks Hooky! Cheers 🍻
@hookybrickshooky9529 Месяц назад
Thank you very much indeed! I was also very close to buying the Panzerwerfer 42, but at the end of the day you just have to watch your money a bit... can't have them all I guess. But congratulation to your picks durging the sale. :)
@CoCoTobys Месяц назад
How did you get discount on the Marder?
@hookybrickshooky9529 Месяц назад
Brickizimo had a 20% off of everything at the beginning of August. It was a good chance to get the kit.
@CoCoTobys Месяц назад
​@@hookybrickshooky9529Ofcourse the one month i dont buy anything😭😭😭
@CoCoTobys Месяц назад
All looks good. I bought five marine figures but couldnt get my hands in any japanese soldiers, so bought 10 of aliexpress for 15 euro and they are actually quite nice😅
@hookybrickshooky9529 Месяц назад
Thank you! The new BKM Japanese soldier did indeed sell out very quickly. So it is always good to have additional options. But I have to admit that I have no experience with aliexpress.
@LegoWW2Prod. Месяц назад
the brickmania tiger+the brickmania tiger crew pack is gonna bring us all into credit card debt
@hookybrickshooky9529 Месяц назад
When I bought the Tiger Crew Pack it cost just over €100. Was there a sudden price increase?
@cybastiangamer6767 Месяц назад
i love the black brigades
@hookybrickshooky9529 Месяц назад
Thank you! It's hard to get the right headgear for these guys but after all it worked out I guess. :)
@wouters1180 2 месяца назад
Yes, he's an infantry officer. It can be deduced not only by the light blue ( cavalry: yellow, artillery: red) infantry branch colour on the sleeves, but also by the bugle emblem on the hat. The branch colours were the same for both Union and Confederacy.
@hookybrickshooky9529 2 месяца назад
Thank you for your expertise! It is very welcome when people with excellent knowledge step in and clarify important details! Just great! :)
@wouters1180 2 месяца назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 You're welcome :) They are great figures. I like how they even produced the so-called butternut ( shading from various greys to beige and browns, due to lower quality ) shell jacket colour of the rifleman, whereas the officer has a higher quality grey colour greatcoat.
@LoremasterGoddess 3 месяца назад
For as nice as it looks it's just not as good as cobi. It just don't look that great. I feel like I got honestly took the COBI pill a long time ago.
@hookybrickshooky9529 3 месяца назад
No matter what pills you take, either take more or less of them. Because at the moment the dosage is definitely not correct.
@helenbachaus9468 3 месяца назад
I'm surprised my comments has disappeared. Anyway, Hooky, nice pick-up on the Type 97. Sorry to read about the parcel. I've not assembled mine, but look forward to it. Best regards.
@hookybrickshooky9529 3 месяца назад
I have no idea why YT sometimes does not display comments. It happened to myself numerous times. I'm very much looking forward to building the Type 97. Be sure to let me know about your building experience once you assembled yours. Thank you so much for watching and commenting! :)
@helenbachaus9468 3 месяца назад
@hookybrickshooky9529 thanks, I'll certainly do that!
@CoCoTobys 3 месяца назад
Nice. Also bought the Type 97 witch should be delivered soon
@hookybrickshooky9529 3 месяца назад
Nice to hear! Did you also get the new BKM Japanese Rifleman? Also watch out for peeping holes in your Type 97 parcel. ;)
@CoCoTobys 3 месяца назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 Naaah i got the Marines but was to slow with the riflemans😭 So bought 10 fake lego ones from Aliexpress for the first time💀 It was only 20 dollars so gonna see if its worth it. Also really concerned me there the Parcel situation. So im afraid to buy Brickizimo here in Europe becasue someone is trying to steal it💀
@CoCoTobys 3 месяца назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 I have replied 2 times to this comment already but the answers wont show up. I bought the marines. Was to slow with the japs. Bought 10 of them from aliexpress so we will see haha.
@Rula2020 3 месяца назад
Glad that your bkm Type 97 chi-ha tank made it safe. I had once german amazon packaged opened and delivered to me with half of the content missing (including apple watch missing). Unfortunately amazon did not do anything as they claimed package was delivered and police / postal service just didnt care. I still blame amazon for sending to me poorly secured big box of goods with expensive electronics mixed inside just like that. I was only able to get things sorted out once I got my bank involved. Shipping is sometimes a bit nerve-racking and now i try to limit myself with how much i order in one go & then just hoping for the best. Good to see you back Hooky and update video. Will be on a look out for the next one.
@hookybrickshooky9529 3 месяца назад
Thanks for watching and commenting! Yes, sending and receiving packages can be a real adventure! I've experienced a lot over the years, but packaging with a peephole was new to me. It could be worse, I think. I'm glad that you were able to sort things out in the end with your Amazon package. I have some other orders on the way and I'm pretty sure that I will do a regular haul video and a little review of minifigures more sooner than later but at this point in time it is hard to really plan ahead. :)
@TankerBricks 3 месяца назад
Good emergency haul I see! I myself have got the Pak 40 Bunker from Brickizimo and hope it comes safely. Only issue with regards to this sort of this is the US Postal System losing my parcel at their international processing centre last year.
@hookybrickshooky9529 3 месяца назад
@@TankerBricks The Pak 40 Bunker is surely a set worth waiting for! Lost parcels are a real problem but I hope yours was insured. Thank you for watching and commenting!
@TankerBricks 3 месяца назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 thanks for replying, looking forward to building it for sure. Hopefully I'll have it's review up in the next couple of weeks!
@Rula2020 3 месяца назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 looking forward for your next haul for sure, always curious to see some lego goodies. I am still want to figure out for myself how often to make lego videos, but probably slow down a bit to enjoy summer and focus on other things in life :D
@ZenixV3 4 месяца назад
How much did you pay for for taxes and shipping
@hookybrickshooky9529 4 месяца назад
$17.95 for first class international shipping and a few € for taxes. Unfortunately DHL charges a base fee of around €6.50 for getting the parcel trough the customs - that's basically the only fee I really don't see a need for but they take money from the living you know. ;)
@ZenixV3 4 месяца назад
Also do you lnow any resselers of them​@@hookybrickshooky9529
@aaronjackson9816 4 месяца назад
These are some nice ww2 imperial Japanese minifigures you got bro, I am looking forward to seeing more. 😎❤️👍🏿👍🏿
@hookybrickshooky9529 4 месяца назад
Thank you very much indeed! Japanese WW2 minifigures and the Pacific Theater in general will always be a main focus of my collecting habit. At the moment I have another Brickmania Japanese Rifleman in the mail. Thank you so much for watching and commenting! It's much appreciated. :)
@aaronjackson9816 4 месяца назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 Your welcome bro anytime ❤️😎❤️😎
@ryco_3102 4 месяца назад
Hi Hookey! I have not had the chance yet to hold the box in my hand. But at first glance it didn't look like a winter camo. Maybe my mind tricks my eyes, but it was obvious for me, that it is in DBG. Again, maybe, because I know, that that is the color, that I should expect for this kit. Anyway, looking forward to build it, it was one of the first assembly models of my adulthood.
@hookybrickshooky9529 4 месяца назад
All the better Ryco! Brickizimo offers a whole range of pictures, so I knew beforehand that the wasp was dark gray, but if I only take the front cover of the box, then I would personally say that the actual color is not visible. But as I said, all the better if not everyone feels the same way, so Brickmania didn't generally do anything wrong with the design of the box. :)
@benjaminboyer6377 4 месяца назад
Brooo please put the gun correctly like... not this high
@hookybrickshooky9529 4 месяца назад
If we as a species ever come into contact with aliens, I want you to make first contact, brooo. ;)
@benz310. 4 месяца назад
Nice haul. Nice wespe set. I’ll be definitely watching the build.
@hookybrickshooky9529 4 месяца назад
Thank you very much indeed! :) I'm looking forward to building it but time is unfortunately in scarce supply at the moment.
@NotLikethisComrade 4 месяца назад
Habe den Cobi Panzer 4 H vor paar Tagen auf Ebay Kleinanzeigen mit Anleitung und Sammelkarte für 70€ ergattert und ich liebe ihn! Den von Brickmania hätte ich auch gerne, aber der is zu teuer :-/
@hookybrickshooky9529 4 месяца назад
Sehr schön! Ja, das Cobi Set hat es in sich! Der Panzer IV/H war soweit ich mich erinnere mein erstes Cobi Set und der Rest ist Geschichte. :) Ich würde aktuell auch gerne ein paar weitere Brickmania Sets kaufen, aber ich kann das Geld dafür aktuell auch nicht rechtfertigen.
@flori-rx8xj 4 месяца назад
hey echt nices vid habe mir das tantive set 2 mal geholt xD , hab eine sehr wichtige frage wie waren deine erfahrungen mit tmc
@hookybrickshooky9529 4 месяца назад
Hey Flori, vielen Dank! Meine Erfahrungen mit TMC waren ehrlich gesagt eher durchwachsen. TMC lebt meiner Meinung nach wirklich eher von der hervorragenden Ware und nicht wirklich vom Kundenservice. Aktuell habe ich sehr bewußt einige Serien bei TMC ausgelassen weil es mir den Streß in Kombination mit dem Geld nicht wert war, aber wenn TMC mal wieder mit was um die Ecke kommt von dem ich sage, dass es meine Sammelleidenschaft wirklich weiter bringt, dann werde ich da auch definitiv wieder bestellen. ;)
@flori-rx8xj 4 месяца назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 ok gut zu wissen habe mir dort heute bundeswehr figuren bestellt deswegen mal so ein biscchen umhören wie die erfahrungen so sind
@hookybrickshooky9529 4 месяца назад
@@flori-rx8xj Ich drücke dir jedenfalls die Daumen, dass alles gut klappt! :)
@ryco_3102 4 месяца назад
Great review. Especially with the effects. No verbal explanation is needed. Swift, simple review. Mine has arrived too, cannot wait to open it.
@hookybrickshooky9529 4 месяца назад
Thank you very much indeed! Nice to hear that you received yours as well. :) Also nice to get feedback on the effects! I'm glad you liked them.
@a.k.3943 5 месяцев назад
Tolle Atmosphäre, die Effekte haben dieses Video aufs nächste Level gebracht 🎉
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
Vielen herzlichen Dank! Es war spannend mal ein paar Sachen auszuprobieren! Ich denke dass ich langfristig mehr mit Licht, Audio und digitalen Effekten arbeiten werde. Ich bedanke mich für das Feedback! :)
@Legohistorynerd 5 месяцев назад
Sick can you do collection showcase of all your brickmania ww1 minifigures if you have more
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
Thank you indeed! I don't think that I have more WW1 minifigs from Brickmania at this point.
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
Thank you very much! :)
fully armored soldier love it
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
Very special 3D printing. I love it as well. Thank you for watching and commenting! :)
zombies oh no call the guardsmen call the odsts and spartans and space marines lol
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
He he, sometimes I think these Zombies are not that different to the ones you can meet every day in public places. ;) By the way, you seem to be a specialist when it comes to minifigs - do you have experience with the Call of Duty minifigs and if you do what do you think of them?
@Rula2020 5 месяцев назад
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
Many many thanks! I can't rule out that I went a little over the mark, but I like the video as it is Thank you for watching an commenting! :)
@Rula2020 5 месяцев назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 the special effects take it to another level 👏 well done
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
Thank you! I propably rename it to „Things are absolutely not quiet on the Western Front.“ ;)
@Rula2020 5 месяцев назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 😃 indeed, that trench warfare was no joke, especially seeing this guy at night would be extra scary 🫣
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
@@Rula2020 Maybe in this case it was a welcome side effect with the gas mask etc., but looking dangerous or scary has been part of warfare since the dawn of humanity. Otherwise there would never have been war paint and fearsome emblems.
@Rula2020 5 месяцев назад
I remember playing call of duty black ops nuke town in the multiplayer, dont remember playing zombies on this map, but still really cool to see this and revisit those memories:) And great job with display stand , also see that production quality is going up with some sound effects and really great close ups 👍 keep up the good work and catch you on the next video
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for watching and commenting! I personally never played Call of Duty but the sets for the Zombie mode of the game are really up my alley. It was great fun to play a little bit with sounds and music for this video. I'm glad that it improves my production quality a little bit. I would probably invest more time in the details but I basically jump in when I have the time and as soon as another order comes in I have to stop and proceed with my work. So it's better most of the time to get a video out before I get interrupted. :)
@helenbachaus9468 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for your review. I managed to purchase four of these beautiful minifigures, however, the price was on the top end. I've furnished each of them with an assortment of small arms including a mg 08 lmg an a mp 18 smg. Some reloaded brickarms for them was the icing on the cake. 😊
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
Sounds excellent! Having several of these figures is really a great thing! Well done! :)
@a.k.3943 5 месяцев назад
Tolles Video, nach einem langen, regnerischen Arbeitstag stets willkommen! Weißt Du schon, was Du mit den ganzen Teilen bauen willst? Weitere Displays?
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
Vielen herzlichen Dank! Die Teile sind für viele verschiedene langfristige Projekte. Irgendwann in ferner Zukunft will ich eigene Sets erstellen. Ich denke, einige davon werden maritime Themen haben. Vielen Dank fürs Gucken und Kommentieren! :)
@CoCoTobys 5 месяцев назад
Really like the ww1 german fig
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
Yes, I couldn't agree more! :)
@RealE-ow3bv 5 месяцев назад
The Bkm stormtrooper looks so good, Couldn't even believe that that was still LEGO Love your videos!
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
Thank you very much indeed! Yeah, the Stormtrooper is really next level stuff. I will do a review of the minifig very soon! The headpiece even got real good faceprinting. ;)
@helenbachaus9468 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for your review and alternate use for some of the minifigure parts. I'm currently working on a Wizard of Oz diorama where the Mushroom 🍄 Fairy will come into its own. Same with the Chinese Tiger costume where I can use it both as a character in the Wizard of Oz or as Tigermen for the Boxer Rebellion. There are others of course, but this is an example. As always, appreciate your review and thoughts. Thank you. 😊
@helenbachaus9468 5 месяцев назад
I should highlight the Tiger costume minifigure came from the Chinese New Year set. Thanks 😊
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
Thank you very much indeed! I think it is a great idea to create a Wizard of Oz diorama! I'm gathering minifigs for that myself but my initial plan to recreate the cornfield scene fell apart after it was clear that I could never get enough corn on the cob LEGO pieces because they were too expensive and rare. The boxer rebellion is also an interesting idea! Not too long ago I rewatched 55 Days in Peking. A movie that was surely filmed trough the eyes of its time but as far as Hollywood goes it is still a remarkable movie in my opinion.
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
I have to check the set and minifigure out. Thank you! :)
@helenbachaus9468 5 месяцев назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 I've used a coolie hat for a shield.
@helenbachaus9468 5 месяцев назад
@hookybrickshooky9529 Thanks. I'm waiting for United Bricks to re-release their small range of Boxer Rebellion minifigures. Good luck with your Wizard of Oz project, too!
@NotLikethisComrade 5 месяцев назад
Ich finde die Preise von Brickmania viel zu teuer...., womit ich zur Zeit liebäugel ist der IS-2 in der Black Box Edition von Brickmania, der kostet 415€ , aber man bekommt ihn leider nirgends mehr her 😢. Habe auch den Neuen IS-2 Berlin 1945 von Cobi der erste Sahne ist, aber der von BM fehlt mir noch. Den Panzer IV 2508A von Cobi habe ich auch zuhause, ein Klasse Set, aber der Panzer 4 von Brickmania sieht auch mega geil aus, nur was mich stört sind die imens hohen Preise die Brickmania da verlangt....
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
Ja, die Preise von BKM sind wirklich schmerzhaft hoch. Im Preis/Leistungs-Verhältnis ist Cobi natürlich der bessere Anbieter, aber es sind halt die paar Prozent mehr Qualität die mich die BKM Preise zahlen lassen sofern ich sie mir leisten kann. Leider heißt es hat in der Regel "Jetzt oder nie", daher muß man gleich zugreifen. Den IS-2 von BKM hätte ich auch gerne - toller Panzer! :)
@NotLikethisComrade 5 месяцев назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 Ja Cobi is da der bessere Anbieter. Es gibt von BKM noch eine Neue Auflage des IS-2 die ich Optisch aber ned so schön finde wie den alten IS-2 in der Black Box Special Edition Version. Bin schon froh den von Cobi in der Limited Edition zu haben mit den Weißen Streifen am Turm. Den aus dem Jahre 2015 werde ich mir definitiv noch zulegen und kaufen, absolut schickes Gerät ❤️☭ Von Lego halte ich absolut gar nix mehr, zumal die sich von so Kriegs Sachen fern halten was absolut Lächerlich ist, weißte stellen Piraten Sets und Star Wars Sets her mit Waffen....soviel zum Thema sie wollen eine "Kinderfreundliche" Marke sein. Sowas regt mich auf. Ich kann es auch ned leiden wenn (davon gibt es leider sehr viele) Leute Waffen und Panzer schlecht reden, ja Krieg ist schlimm, brauchen wir gar nicht drüber zu streiten, aber so nen Klemmbaustein Panzer tut doch niemand was zu leide.
@NotLikethisComrade 5 месяцев назад
@@hookybrickshooky9529 PS: Für den IS-2 [2015] würde ich 415€ ausgeben. Er wäre es mir definitiv wert! ❤️☭
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
@@NotLikethisComrade Ja, ich denke dass LEGO in der Hinsicht wirklich Kritik verdient hat! Nicht nur in dieser Hinsicht, aber sicher auch deswegen. Einer von LEGOs aktuellen Werbesprüchen ist "Spiel so bunt du möchtest!", aber wenn man unter "bunt" Tarnfarbe versteht, dann hat LEGO da leider kein Verständnis.
@hookybrickshooky9529 5 месяцев назад
@@NotLikethisComrade Ein gediegener Preis, aber wenn man etwas haben will, dann ist das so! So funktioniert Sammeln. :)