15 лет назад
@jeremycruz7971 9 месяцев назад
I will have that moment, I have long anticipated. I will have my way with her, she'll wonder why she's waited. I wont flinch until I quench my thirst from her sweet cup, those sweet cups! Yes I get just want I want and I want her so much. I'm here for her, I'm here for her. And I will not give... up.
@lukesart8023 Год назад
0:55 1:00
@amdre4159 Год назад
번개같은 섬광 속에 눈이 멀 것만 같아 번쩍하는 전기 충격 내 가슴은 타올라 누가 뇌를 파냈나 봐 몸이 녹는 것 같아 고통 무기력은 가고 누워있는 나를 봐 구름 위를 나는 이 느낌 완전 딴 사람이 됐어 난 근데 어떤 원리인지 의사들도 잘 몰라 (의사들도 잘 몰라) 뿌옇기만 했던 내 인생 깨끗해졌지만 난 어딨나? (난어딨나?) 정말 황홀하고 짜릿해 참 대단하지만 난 어딨나? (난어딨나?) 난 어딨나? (난어딨나?) [나탈리 (게이브 / 다이애나 / 매든박사)] 미칠듯한 희열, 분노 얼음 바람과 불길 (얼음 바람과 불길) [나탈리 (다이애나)] 깊은 열망을 태우고 욕망으로 채워줘 나는 모든 태양열과 빛 (나는 모든 태양열과 빛) 마법 총에서 나온 탄환 (마법 총에서 나온 탄환) 즐겨보려 노력해도 [나탈리 / 다이애나 (게이브 / 매든박사)] 왜 난 재미없을까? (왜 난 재미없을까?) [나탈리 / 다이애나 (게이브 / 매든박사)] 대체 지금 이 기분은 뭘까? 공포, 희망, 열기 난 어딨나? (난 어딨나?) 누군가의 상상 속에 들어온 것일까? 난 어딨나? (난 어딨나?) 난 어딨나? (난 어딨...나?) [나탈리 / 다이애나 (게이브 / 매든박사)] 날 켜줘 날 꽂아줘 자 스위치-ㄹ 켜 난 사라져 피불 뚫고서 뇌를 녹여줘 날 태워줘 고통은 사라져 (사라져) 뇌가 새로 태어난 걸까? 다 망가진 걸까? 난 어딨나? (어딨나) 난 왜 멍 때리고 있나? 익숙해져야 돼? 난 어딨나? (난..어..딨..나) 난 어딨나? 난 어딨! [나탈리] 바보 같은 나의 열망 웃으며 숨겨볼까? 난 어딨나? 난 어딨나? Read more at: lyrics.jetmute.com/m/viewlyrics.php?id=2364231&r=0
@sonitaberoog5233 2 года назад
@erika-uy7jj 2 года назад
Doralee: Yeehawwww!!!! Hart, get your buns in here and make it snappy! Well I'm a texas cowgirl Where's my hat and rope? Just like Annie Oakely in a wild west rodeo This cowgirl's gonna take revenge I aim to make you pay For every ugly deed and every poker move you've made (Spoken) I got a little somin' for ya! Hart: Well thank you that's very thoughtful Doralee: Well go ahead try it on and let me see it on ya! Turn around Hart: Misses Rhodes I really don't think Doralee: Oh come on now I wanna admire the whole package if you get my drift Wooooo! You got some nice buns on you Frank Hart: Please do not talk to me like that Doralee: I say when you got it flaunt it Hart: Misses Rhodes, I'm not that kind of boy Doralee: Get on back here, and let me feel those pecs. Hart: Misses Rhodes we're running way behind here Can we please just get back to buisness? Doralee: Yipee-ay, kay-oh, with my lasso I'm gonna rope you down! Announcer: Ladies and gentleman she's got him down! He's down, he's on the ground! Doralee: Yipee-ay kay-oh, when the time is right, gonna wrap it round and round. Announcer: She's got him down He can't get up She's reall'y got him bound (Whip) Ensemble: Woooo! Hart: Wait! Is it because I'm a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot? Doralee: Darn tittin'! Time for you to fry! Yodeloodlooo Ensemble: Yodeledleodledoo! Doralee and Ensmeble: Tell the cowgirl everywhere that I have been avenged So simmer on that for awhile It's called cowgirls revenge Doralee: Yeehaw!!!
@chloenickels5310 2 года назад
DAN] Who's crazy, the husband or wife? Who's crazy to live their whole life Believing that somehow things aren't as bizarre as they are? Who's crazy, the one who can't cope? Or maybe, the one who'll still hope? The one who sees doctors or the one who just waits in the car? And I was a wild twenty-five And I loved a wife so alive But now I believe I would settle for one who can drive [DR. FINE, spoken] ...The round blue ones with food, but not with the oblong white ones. The white ones with the round yellow ones, but not the trapezoidal green ones. Split the green ones into thirds with a tiny chisel, use a mortar and pestle to grind... [DIANA] My psychopharmacologist and I It's like an odd romance: Intense and very intimate We do our dance My psychopharmacologist and I Call it a lover's game He knows my deepest secrets I know his name And though he'll never hold me He'll always take my calls It's truly like he told me Without a little lift, the ballerina falls [ENSEMBLE] Do doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo... [DR. FINE, spoken] Goodman, Diana: Bipolar depressive with delusional episodes. Sixteen year history of medication. Adjustment after one week. [DIANA, spoken] I've got less anxiety but I have headaches, blurry vision, and I can't feel my toes. [DR. FINE, spoken] So we'll try again, and eventually, we'll get it right. [DIANA, spoken] Not a very exact science, is it? [ENSEMBLE] Zoloft and Paxil and Buspar and Xanax Depakote, Klonopin, Ambien, Prozac Ativan calms me when I see the bills These are a few of my favorite pills [DIANA, spoken] Ooh, thank you, doctor, Valium is my favorite color. How'd you know? [DR. FINE, spoken] Goodman, Diana: Second adjustment after three weeks. Delusions less frequent, but depressive state worse. DIANA, spoken] I'm nauseous and I'm constipated, completely lost my appetite and gained six pounds, which, you know, is just not fair. [ENSEMBLE] May cause the following side effects, one or more: Dizziness, drowsiness, sexual dysfunction [NAT, DIANA, & DR. FINE, DAN, GABE, & HENRY] Headaches and Diarrhea Tremors and Constipation Nightmares and Nervous laughter Seizures Palpitations [ENSEMBLE] Anxiousness, anger, exhaustion, insomnia, irritability, nausea, vomiting... [DIANA] Odd and alarming sexual feelings [ENSEMBLE] Oh, and one last thing: [DR. FINE] Use may be fatal [GABE] Use may be fatal DAN] Use may be fatal [DR. FINE, spoken] Goodman, Diana: Third adjustment after five weeks. Reports continued mild anxiety and some lingering depression. [DIANA, spoken] I now can't feel my fingers or my toes. I sweat profusely for no reason. Fortunately, I have absolutely no desire for sex. Although, whether that's the medicine or the marriage is anybody's guess. [DR. FINE, spoken] I'm sure it's the medicine. [DIANA, spoken] Oh, thank you, that's very sweet, but my husband's waiting in the car. [DAN] Who's crazy, the one who's half gone? Or maybe the one who holds on? Remembering when she was twenty and brilliant and bold And I was so young, and so dumb And now I am old [DAN & DIANA] And she was wicked and wired And though he'll never hold me The sex was simply inspired He'll always take my calls Now there's no sex, she's depressed It's truly like he told me And me, I'm just tired, tired, tired, tired Without a lift, the ballerina falls Who's crazy, the one who's uncured? My psychopharmacologist and I... Or maybe the one who's implored? Together side by side The one who has treatment Without him I'd die Or the one who just deals with the pain? My psychopharmacologist and I... [ENSEMBLE] Wee-oo, wee-oo, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum... [DAN] They say love is blind... But believe me, love is insane [DR. FINE, spoken] Goodman, Diana: Seven weeks. [DIANA, spoken] I don't feel like myself. I mean, I don't feel anything. [DR. FINE, spoken] Hm. Patient stable.
@user-hg5mt3nq2d 2 года назад
미친 건 누굴까? 남편 아님 아내? 이 뒤엉킨 삶 난 믿었지 언젠가 모두 풀릴 거라고 미친 건 길 잃은 아내? 아님 아직 꿈꾸는 남편? 면담하는 환자, 아님 밖에 서 있는 남자? 스물넷 푸른 청춘에 열렬히 사랑했지만 이젠 운전만 하면 아무 여자라도 괜찮아 - 파인박사 파란색 동그란 알약은 음식과 함께 드시면 되지만 길쭉한 흰 알약과는 함께 드시면 안됩니다. 흰색 알약은 동그란 노란색과 함께 드시면 되지 만 사다리꼴 모양의 녹색은 피해주시고요. 초록 색 알약은 작은 끌을 이용해 삼등분으로 나눠주 시고요.. - 다이애나 내 신경정신과 의사와 나 이건 묘한 로맨스 친밀하고도 뜨거운 춤을 추지 내 신경정신과 의사와 나 연인들의 게임 그는 내 비밀 다 알고 난 이름만 안아주진 않아도 늘 전환 받아줘 의사선생님 말씀 어느 발레리나도 혼자는 날지 못-해 - 파인박사 다이애나 굿맨. 조울증에, 과대망상증, 병력 : 16 년째 약을 복용하고 있음. 일주일 만에 첫 조정기. - 다이애나 불안한 것은 줄어들었어요. 대신 머리가 아프고, 앞이 잘 안보이며, 발가락에 감각이 없어졌어요. - 파인박사 네, 다시 한 번 더 해 봅시다. 서서히 좋아질 겁니다. - 다이애나 뭐 그리 정교한 치료법은 아닌가 보네. - 목소리들 졸로프트, 팩실과, 버스파와 재낵스, 데파코트, 크로놀핀, 암비엔, 프로쟉, 욱할 땐 아티반 알약 하나. 다 내가 아끼는 약물 이름 - 다이애나 선생님 감사합니다. 전 바륨 색을 가장 좋아해요. 어떻게 아셨죠? - 파인박사 다이애나 굿맨, 3주 만에 2번째 회복증세 보임. 망상증은 줄어들었으나, 조울증은 더 심해짐. - 다이애나 속이 매스꺼운데다, 이젠 변비까 지 생겼어요. 식욕은 다 떨어졌는 데 몸무게는 3 킬로나 늘었죠. 아 시겠지만 이건 완전 불공평해요. - 파인박사와 목소리들 다음과 같은 부작용 주의 할 것 - 파인박사 현기증, 졸림, 성불감증, 두통 손떨림, 조급증, 악몽과 발작 - 목소리들 배탈설사, 변비증상, 신경쇠약, 두근거림 - 다이애나/파인박사/목소 리들 분노, 무력, 짜증, 피곤함, 불면증, 폭력성, 현기증, 박탈감, 구토증 - 다이애나 온몸이 타는 성적인 충동 - 다이애나/파인박사/목소 리들 아 명심할 거! - 파인박사 죽을 수 있음 - 게이브 죽을 수 있음 - 댄 죽을 수 있음 - 파인박사 다이애나 굿맨, 5주 만에 3번째 조정기. 약간의 우울증과 불안함 이 지속됨. - 다이애나 이제 발가락에 이어 손가락에도 감각이 없어요. 또 아무런 이유 없 이 땀이 비 오듯 나기도 하고. 다행 히도 섹스를 하고 싶은 욕구가 완 전히 사라졌어요. 그게 약 때문인 지 아님 권태기 때문인지는 전혀 알 수가 없지만요. - 파인박사 물론 약 때문입니다. - 다이애나 고마워요. 정말 친절하시군요. 하 지만 남편이 차에서 기다리고 있 는 걸요. - 댄 미친 건 반쯤 돈 여자 아님 끝내 매달린 남자 찬란했던 그녀의 젊음 추억하면서 난 너무 어려 몰랐지 이젠 늙었지만 - 댄 열정이 넘쳤던 너 밤일도 뜨거웠어 이제는 섹스도 안해 난 너무나 지.. 쳤.. 어... 정말 미친 건 안 낫는 환자 아님 그냥 견디는 남자 약을 먹는 여자 아님 고통과 사는 남자 - 다이애나 안아주진 않아도 늘 전환 받아줘 의사 선생님 말씀 어느 발레리나 도 혼자는 날지 못해 내 신경정신과 의사와 나 늘 곁에 있는 분 없으면 죽어 내 신경정신과 의사와 나 - 댄 사랑은 맹목이란 그 말 실은 광기 - 파인박사 다이애나 굿맨, 7주째 - 다이애나 요즘은 내가 나인지도 잘 안 느 껴져요. 아니 아무것도 느껴지지 가 않아요. - 파인박사 음.... 환자 상태 안정.
@harrychapman77 3 года назад
Oh my sweet dear Doralee, you don't know what you mean to me. I just don't know what I would do without you. You're so efficient and alert and the way you look well shit that don't hurt. Now please don't think I'm just a flirt, it's just I'm nuts about you. Here for you, I'm here for you. I want you so I truly do. My body is your instrument (instrument sounds), please play it. It's just that you stay on my mind, every minute all the time. I've got to do it, make you mine completely. I'd give you every dime I got. Why honey you could be on top! There's no way to say this all discreetly. I'd like to take those double d's, hold them oh so close to me. I could lose myself in her forever... Will I get those legs uncrossed? Course I will, yeah cause I'm the boss. I will win at any cost, I'm clever Ohhh.. Here for you, I'm here for you. Oh I do enjoy the view. Oh dear, I can see why you feel shaky! The ladder of success is steep but not if you hold on to me or, I'll hold onto you my sweet. Oh you just drive me crazy. I will have that moment, I have long anticipated. I will have my way with her, she'll wonder why she's waited. I wont flinch until I quench my thirst from her sweet cup, those sweet cups! Yes I get just want I want and I want her so much. I'm here for her, I'm here for her. And I will not give... up. Last Update: October, 21st 2014
@morgzwow6857 3 года назад
2:45 and so on is rough you can tell that his voice is changing
@pika_reacts7769 3 года назад
How come this has loads of views but no comments
@uri-official7549 3 года назад
Thats not Alli...
@1amSam 3 года назад
It is alli This was pretty early in her run so she hadn’t figured out how to make the role her own yet but if you listen to her speaking and tone you can hear that it is her
@nabs5239 4 года назад
@nabs5239 4 года назад
Judy: (Spoken) Hey you guys! I just had this image of Hart running for his life, and the whole office is out to get him and hunt him down! (Dog Barks) Hello Big Boy Hart: Do I know you? Judy: I hardly think you would I'm just your unknown office drone Unnoticed but quite good Hart: God you're sexy I must say Oh, I'd have noticed you I'll bet you're quite a dancer Judy: I've got one leg up on you Hart: I'll follow you! Judy: I fantasized about you and being here like this Hart: You do? Judy: Oh yes! I'll always long to be the last one that you kiss Hart: Oh no! Judy: Hold you close Whisper in your ear Dance with you against my breast Hart: Well, let's. Judy: Yes Let's live out this fantasy: The kiss, the dance of death! Ayayayayay! Come on big boy yes I will lead And you'll do as I say Get down! Get up! Am I too rough? Oh how I'll dance upon your game Ay, ay, ay! Come on sweet Hart and dance with me I'll show you how it goes We'll dance real fast, I'll kick your ass! For everyone that you've provoked Ay! Ay, ay, ay! I'll spin you 'round, I'll throw you down I'll pounce upon your heart We'll dance a bit Then end like this Stilleto in your private parts Hart: Oh God! Judy: Phew. That was good for me. Was it good for you? Cigarette? Hart: I don't smoke Judy: You wanna start? Hart: Not me! I plan on living a long time. Judy: I don't think so Hart: Hey hey hey Is it because I'm a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot? Judy: Bingo! (gun shots) By the way the name is Judy! Copy that!
@jaxlikessupernatural5052 4 года назад
I was feeling bad for you Cause I left you with a broken heart But now you really pissed me off And you know that that's not smart Did you think you were gonna get off scott-free? Don't you know there's no getting over me? Mmmm You think this break up won't affect you If you just refuse to let it And there's no need to sweat it Well, I've come to claim my spot And I'm not leaving till I get it! I will be Number Five with a bullet You'll never get rid of me Sleep and your piece of mind They're a memory Yeah Number Five with a bullet Climbing up the chart Number Five with a bullet To your heart Ex-Girlfriends: To your heart To your heart You met and it was wonderful No drama and no pain She was smart and sexy Sweet and hot Laura: And not insane You were the handsome DJ I worked for legal aid We really clicked together Ex-Girlfriends: Oh yeah You really had it made Laura: But you always had one foot out the door Didn't you? Now in case there might be something more... Ex-Girlfriends: Look out, she's gone! Moved up, moved on Left you in the dust Left you with a longing And a think and aching lust Laura: Well you can block the truth out for a while If you will yourself But when you think of me with another guy Laura & Ex-Girlfriends: Don't you wanna kill yourself? Ex-Girlfriends: Bum Bum Bum Laura: I will be All: Number Five with a bullet Laura: Like a tape that's un-rewind Playing in your head Laura & Ex-Girlfriends: Messing with your mind Laura: Yeah, yeah I will be All: Number Five with a bullet A sharp and throbbing pain Lodged there like a bullet in your brain Laura: You're on a cycle that never ceases You get dumped and you fall to pieces You were hoping for a reversal But that pain was just the dress rehearsal All: Yeah, yeah, yeah Number Five with a bullet See, your memory's a blur Laura: And the list don't mean nothing without me Ex-Girlfriends: Without her Laura: Yeah All: Number Five with a bullet Climbing up the chart Number Five with a bullet To your heart Number Five with a bullet To your heart Number Five with a bullet To your heart Number Five with a bullet To your heart (Dance Break. Ian comes out in the midst as the Ex-Girlfriends, Laura, and Ian join in one orgy.) All: Number Five with a bullet Ian: Oh, can you feel my hungry kiss? Laura: I've made love a thousand times But nothing can touch this Ian: Touch this! Laura: Wow!! Laura & Ex-Girlfriends: Number Five with a bullet Laura: Whoa Ex-Girlfriends: And she's climbing up the chart Rob: Stop! Show me no more! Congratulations, Laura. You made it. Laura & Ex-Girlfriends: Number Five with a bullet And that bullets headed straight to your heart! Laura: Yeah!
@isaa6287 4 года назад
Ok, they are singing about me...IM NOT DEAD
@sadiefraser-read9121 4 года назад
@rebeccastubbs.x 4 года назад
Judy: What to do and where to start, Things are falling all apart, Trying to move ahead, But keep losin' ground instead. Still I have to take a chance, Putting fear and doubt aside, Had no warning in advance. Nothin' left to do but try. And I just might make it work, I just might make it after all, I just might rise above the hurt Though I suffered quite a fall But I have to get a grip, Hold onto it like a vise, hmm Have to face the fallen chips I just might make it, I just might. Doralee: You're the one that keeps me strong, You're the shoulder I lean on Violet: Hard to swallow pride Doralee: When I think I've had enough I think of you and toughen up Violet: I know the truth inside Doralee: Love's a weapon and a tool And I am nobody's fool Violet: I'm nobody's fool Doralee: I'll just try to right what's wrong All: And just keep on keepin' on But I just might make it work I just might make it after all Violet & Judy: I just might make it Judy: Just might rise above the hurt Though I suffered quite a fall Doralee: I just might live to see the day Violet: I can say hey, I'm alright I'm alright I'm alright Judy: Have to go on either way All: Rise above it, I just might, Be stronger than I know Well, I might really be surprised Judy: Gotta get on with my life All: I just might make it... I just might.
@eyesawyeah5504 4 года назад
thanks for this!
@eyesawyeah5504 4 года назад
Thanks for this!
@eyesawyeah5504 4 года назад
Thanks for this!
@Sebastianlawl 5 лет назад
made a list of everything That's gone on between you and me And even an idiot like me could see No matter how you add it up When you reach the bottom line The fault was usually mine. The stupid things I've said and done If I could change just even one the thing I'd say would be: Laura, Laura...I'm so sorry. It's become my trade in stock To always jump fron rock to rock Chasing fantasies that don't come through. Thought I was happy just to coast But it's me who needed you the most. Of course that's something I could never own up to. I want to look you in the face to say What I never had the grace to say When you were still with me: Laura, Laura...I'm so sorry. For everything you're going through And everything I can't undo, Please accept this small apology Oh, Laura, Laura, Sweet, sweet Laura Laura, Laura... For letting you down... For letting you go... I'm so sorry.
@paulasantillan3424 5 лет назад
Psicofarmacólogo: Las rosadas se toman con la comida, pero no con las blancas. Las blancas se toman con las amarillas redondas pero no con las amarillas triangulares. Las amarillas triangulares se toman con las verdes ovaladas con la comida, pero no con las rosadas. Si un tren sale de Nueva York a 190km por hora y uno sale de San Petesburgo a la misma hora.... Dan: Es loco, pensar en cambiar. Es loco, creer que al final, las cosas no son tan extrañas como en realidad. Es loco, quien ya no da más O el otro que aún quiere luchar Quien va al consultorio, o aquel que se sienta a esperar... Y yo que fui joven también, y tuve una ardiente mujer, hoy sólo pretendo que al menos se pueda mover. Psicofarmacólogo: Las azules redondas con la comida pero no con las blancas ovaladas Las blancas con las amarillas redondas pero no con las verdes trapezoidales Parte de a pares en tres con un cuchillo o usa un mortero para molerlas hasta que se haga un polvo fino y vierta el polvo sobre una comp.... Diana: Mi psicofarmacólogo y yo No es un amor casual Es cálido, es íntimo Es como un vals... Mi psicofarmacólogo y yo Eterno amor tal vez Él sabe mis secretos y yo apenas quién es... Y aunque él jamás me abrace, Lo llamo y él está. Es como siempre dice, sin un buen partener, no hay eje al bailar. Psicofarmacólogo: Gutman Diana Depresiva bipolar con episodios de delirio Con una historia de 16 años tomando medicación Adaptación: Luego de la primera semana. Diana: Tengo menos ansiedad, pero tengo dolores de cabeza, veo borroso, no siento los pies... Psicofarmacólogo: Bueno, vamos a probar de nuevo y puede que acertemos. Diana: Mm, no será una ciencia muy exacta, no? Todos: Solo Tipaxi y Buspar y Xanax Valium y Clonofin Alplax y Proxac Con Ribotril más tranquilo dormís Son las pastillas que me hacen feliz. Diana: Ay, gracias Doctor! El Valium es mi color favorito. ¿cómo lo supo? Psicofarmacólogo: Gutman Diana, segunda adaptación después de tres semanas. Delirios menos frecuentes pero el estado depresivo empeoró. Diana: Tengo nauseas y estoy constipada. Perdí mi apetito por completo y aumenté tres kilos, que, como se imaginará, es muy injusto. Todos: Estos efectos adversos podrán causar Sueño, mareos, problemas sexuales Nauseas, jaquecas, temblores casuales Ansiedad, dibujo, furia, pesadillas, nervios, ..., vómitos y nauseas. Diana: Los extraños sueños sexuales Todos: Y algo importante Psicofarmacólogo: Pueden matarte (pueden matarte) (pueden matarte) Gutman Diana, tercera adaptación después de 5 semanas. Los reportes indican ansiedad leve y depresión persistente. Diana: Ahora no siento los dedos de la mano, Ni de los pies. Transpiro mucho sin ninguna razón. Por suerte, no tengo ningún tipo de deseo sexual. Aunque, nadie sabe si esto es por la medicación o por el matrimonio. Psicofarmacólogo: Estoy seguro que es por la medicación. Diana: Ah, gracias! Es muy alagador de su parte... Pero mi marido me está esperando en el auto, Doctor. Dan: Es loco, quien ya no da más, O el otro que quiere luchar. Pensando en que ella un día fue alegre y vital. Y el joven que fui, ¿dónde está? ¿Quién lo sabrá? Dan y Diana: Y un día / Y aunque él jamas La chica ideal / Me abrace El sexo era sensacional / Lo llamo y él está Hoy no hay pasión, ni ilusión / Es como siempre dice Y yo estoy tan harto, harto, harto, harto / Sin un buen partener no hay eje al bailar. Es loco, / Mi psicofarmacólogo Quien ya se jugó / y yo O el otro que siempre aguantó / Eterno amor le doy O aquel que se trata / Sin él yo quién soy. Mi psicofarmacólogo O aquel que resiste el dolor Dan: Es ciego el amor, yo digo, es puro dolor. Psicofarmacólogo: Gutman Diana, 7 semanas. Diana: No me siento a mí misma. Quiero decir, no siento nada. Psicofarmacólogo: Mm, Paciente estable.
@brisalonne2271 5 лет назад
@alanperez2063 5 лет назад
HENRY El aire es veneno la tierra también y el mar está contaminado NATALIE Yo sé que eso es cierto, ya nada está bien.. HENRY Yo quiero decir que te amo. NATALIE ¿Qué? HENRY El mundo está en guerra, hay muerta y maldad, No importa que ganes o pierdas.. Sufrimos el calentamiento global... NATALIE Y este es un levante de mierda. HENRY El mundo está hecho pedazos, esa es la verdad... Pero algo funciona si estás hoy acá. Soy para ti, soy lo mejor para ti. Aunque soy vago y colgado y a veces un poco drogón. Voy a ser perfecto, sería perfecto sólo por ti. Tu siempre exacta y yo improvisación. NATALIE Vivís relajado y yo vivo en tensión. HENRY Si afuera todo de mal en peor AMBOS Si estamos unidos no existe el dolor. HENRY No sé que va a pasar, pero algo yo sé y es que hoy.... soy lo mejor para ti. NATALIE Soy lo mejor para ti AMBOS Soy para ti
@anoceanlife9456 5 лет назад
Mozart was crazy Flat fucking crazy Bat shit I hear But his music's not crazy It's balanced, it's nimble It's crystaline clear There's harmony logic You listen to these You don't hear his doubts Or his debts or disease You scan through the score and put fingers on keys And you play And everything else goes away Everything else goes away And you play 'til it's perfect You play 'til you ache You play 'til the strings or your fingernails break So you'll rock that recital And get into Yale So you won't feel so sick And you won't look so pale 'Cause you got your full ride And your early admit So you're done with this school And with all of this shit And you graduate early You're gonna submay And there's nothing your paranoid parents can say And you know that it's just a sonata away And you play And you play And everything else goes away Everything else goes away Everything else goes away
@WerdnaNiraehs 5 лет назад
Does anyone have the full video of Edens last No Good Deed in LA?
@justjazz835 5 лет назад
Hey, would you look at me, It's hard to believe I'm a star after all of this time. Others may glow From the stardust I throw On their path never thinking I'd shine. Like some hollywood queen I've arrived on the scene A sensation, The toast of the town (Boys) Oh she's fabulous! (Violet) I'm wallowing in it, I love every minute So up, I may never come down! The most beautiful, Glamorous, Brilliant And amorous Female CEO in the world. (Boys) The whole wide world, wow! (Violet) My ship finally came in Ahoy! (Boys) And now it's smooth sailin', (Violet) I'm everyone's new pin-up girl Respected and high class, I don't have to kiss ass For the first time since I've been employed. It's my time to shine And I'm feeling fine, This old gal's now One of the boys! (Boys) Violet! The most beautiful, glamorous, Brilliant and am'rous Female CEO in the world! (Violet) It's landed in my lap I don't have to take cr*p For the first time Since I was a girl. (Boys) Violet's one of the boys! Huh! Violet's... (Violet) One of the boys! (Boys) Violet's... (Violet) One of the boys! (Boys) Yeah she's one of the... Wow, she's one of the... Now she is one of the boys! (Violet) Oh, I'll razzle and dazzle, Wear you to a frazzle. Competing is my greatest joy! (Boys) Go Get 'em, girl! (Violet) I'll take this job and love it! I'm a woman and proud of it, this old gal is one of the boys. (Boys) Beautiful, glamorous, brilliant and am'rous (Violet) This old gal is one of the boys! (Boys) She's one of the... She's one of the... Yeah she's one of the... Violet's one of the boys! [Thanks to Mark for lyrics]
@elijahsebastian4828 5 лет назад
My fav glindaa
@Chloeesutherland 5 лет назад
Doralee: Now, I've always been misunderstood because of how I look. Don't judge me by the cover, cause I'm a real good book So read into it what you will, but see me as I am The way I look is just a country girl's idea of glam Judy: Doralee I'm new around here and I'm just trying to go with the flow Doralee: You know, You all sit around here judging me and none of you know a thing about me Doralee: Now, I grew up poor and ragged, just a simple country girl I wanted to be pretty more than anything in the world Like Barbie or the models in the Frederick's catalog From rags to riches in my dreams, I could have it all I'm just a backwoods Barbie Too much make-up, too much hair Don't be fooled by thinkin' that the goods are not all there Don't let these false eyelashes lead you to believe That I'm as shallow as I look cause I run true and deep I'm just a backwoods Barbie In a push-up bra and heels I might look artificial but where it counts I'm real Yes I can see how I could be misjudged upon first glance But even backwoods Barbies deserve a second chance Violet: Judy, we have lunch reservations...for two Judy: I'm sorry Doralee: All dolled up and hoping for a chance to prove my worth Cause even backwoods Barbies get their feelings hurt
@kingikiller 5 лет назад
Carol kane is so Morrible.
@tmaacattack 6 лет назад
HENRY] Our planet is poison The oceans, the air Around and beneath and above you [NATALIE] Um, Henry, that's true And I totally care [HENRY] I'm trying to tell you I love you [NATALIE] What? [HENRY] The world is at war Filled with death and disease We dance on the edge of destruction The globe's getting warmer by deadly degrees [NATALIE] And this is one fucked up seduction [HENRY] This planet is pretty much broken beyond all repair But one thing is working if you're standing there Perfect for you I could be perfect for you I might be lazy, a loner A bit of a stoner, it's true But I might be perfect I'll make myself perfect Perfect for you You square all the corners I straighten the curves [NATALIE] You've got some nerve, Henry And I'm just all nerves [HENRY] But even if everything else turns to dirt [HENRY/NATALIE] We'll be the one thing In this world that won't hurt [HENRY] I can't fix what's fucked up But one thing I know I can do I can be perfect for you
@suzthewuz 6 лет назад
@xavierdallenmusicuniverse6304 6 лет назад
That F5 during “Fiyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerroooooooooooooooo” DANG
@tierney1416 6 лет назад
sounds like she’s trapped in a well
@danielleglover3458 6 лет назад
Diana: In an instant, lightning flashes, And the burst might leave me blind- When the bolt of lightning crashes, And it burns right through my mind. It's like someone drained my brain out, Set my frozen mind to thaw. Let the lethargy and pain out, While I stood and watched in awe. I am riding on the brightest buzz... I am worlds away from who I was... And they told me it would change me- Though they don't know how it does. Voices: Though they don't know how it does. Diana: I have lived a life of clouds and grey, But this is crystal clear... Wish I were here. Voices: Wish I were here. Diana: [Voices:] I imagine it's remarkable. Exuberant. Austere. Wish I were here. [Wish I were here.] Wish I were here. [Wish I were here.] Natalie: [Voices & Diana:] It's euphoria, it's anger, It's the winter wind, it's fire. [It's the winter wind, it's fire.] And it kills my deepest hunger, As it fills me with desire. Natalie & Diana: [Voices:] I'm the light and heat of ev'ry sun... I'm a bullet from a magic gun... And I'm trying to enjoy it- But I'm missing all the fun. [I am missing all the fun.] Am I feeling what I think I'm feeling? [Oooh...] The hope, the heat, and fear? [Oooh...] Wish I were here. [Wish I were here.] Is this someone else's head trip? [Ah...] Do I just disappear? [Ah...] Wish I were here. [Wish I were here.] Wish I were here. [Wish I were...here.] Plug me in, And turn me on, And flip the switch- I'm good as gone. It slips my skin, [Oh...] And trips my brain. [Oh...] I feel the burn, But I don't' feel the pain. [Pain.] Is my brain reborn [Ah...] Or is it wrecked? [Ah...] In freedom or fear? [Ah...] Wish I were here. [Wish I were-] Have I blown my mind forever? [Oh!] Is cloudy my new clear? [Oh!] Wish I were here... [Wish I] Wish I were here... [Were] Wish I were- [Here.] Natalie: Can I hide my stupid hunger? Fake some confidence and cheer? Wish I were here. Wish I were here.
@gerardyatcilla4839 6 лет назад
Incredible show!!!
@jackdennis9286 6 лет назад
I want to say WHEN ALLI MAUY IS PRESENT YOUR WORDS ARENT to the girl next to you
@alexbutler716 7 лет назад
Do you have Shine
@abbeyjohnson3805 7 лет назад
Anybody else hear around 4:19 when she accidentally says Derek instead of Fiyero? Derek Klena played Fiyero when she was Glinda, it's possible she's talking to him
@AJKoehler 6 лет назад
Abbey Johnson she says “dearest”
@joejones6486 6 лет назад
This is from 2009, four years before Derek was in the show
@vansbert1930 4 года назад
her fiyero was kyle dean massey
@christopherchavez344 7 лет назад
Best Glinda hands down.
@sanv3275 7 лет назад
some uhm lyrics would help....
@trb7153 7 лет назад
Agreed. She is fantastic.
@meredith458 7 лет назад
Judy: I've got one leg up on you. Hart: I'll follow you. Judy: I fantasize about you And being here like this. Hart: You do? Judy: Oh yes, I've always longed to be The last one that you kissed. Hart: Who knew? Judy: Hold you close, whisper in your ear Dance with you 'gainst my breast. Hart: Well, let's. Judy: Yes, let's live out this fantasy... The kiss, the dance o'death. Ay ay ay ay ay ay Come on, Big Boy; Yes, I will lead And you'll do as I say. Get down, get up, am I too rough? Oh how I'll dance upon your grave! Ay ay ay ay ay ay Come on, sweetheart, and dance with me I'll show you how it feels We'll dance real fast, I'll kick your ass for everyone that you provoked! I'll spin you 'round, I'll throw you down I'll pounce upon your heart! We'll dance a bit, then end like this... Stiletto in your private parts
@meredith458 7 лет назад
What to do and where to start, Things are falling all apart, Trying hard to move ahead, But keep losing ground instead. Still, I have to take a chance, Putting fear and doubt aside, Had no warning in advance, Nothing left to do but try. And I just might make it work, I just might make it after all, I just might rise above the hurt, Though I've suffered quite a fall. But I have to get a grip, Hold onto it like a vice, Have to face the fallen chips, I just might make it, I just might.
@tillyboos 7 лет назад
Everything I've ever seen her do has been BRILLIANT! She's a great singer and a phenomenally talented actress. She and Chenoweth are my favorite Glindas to date.
@carrieconnor2123 7 лет назад
lyrics would be helpful for a karaoke video ...
@hazelventura 7 лет назад
Here she sounds so different, you can hear in later performances she found how to make the role her own
@rayannhaywood5869 8 лет назад
Doctor Madden: Walk with me... Walk with me. Diana: [Spoken] Okay, walking. Doctor Madden: Go all the way down- Down a long flight of stairs... Diana: [Spoken] Stairs... Doctor Madden: Go step by step into The darkness down there. Diana: [Spoken] Should we turn on a light? You know, with the stairs? Doctor Madden: Walk with me... Down a hall, A hall that you know- At the end there's a door, It's a door that you've never Laid eyes on before... Open the door... Open the door. [Spoken] Can you hear me, Diana
@rayannhaywood5869 8 лет назад
Diana: [Spoken] Yes. Doctor Madden: [Spoken] Are you nervous? Diana: [Spoken] No. Doctor Madden: [Spoken] Good. Now. [Sung] Make up your mind To explore yourself. Make up your mind- You have stories to tell. We'll search in your past For what sorrows may last, Then make up your mind To be well. Dan: [Spoken] Di, you come home from these sessions in tears. Is this helping, or...? Di? Di
@rayannhaywood5869 8 лет назад
Diana: [Spoken] We were both undergrads. Architecture. The baby wasn't planned. Neither was the marriage. I had always expected to be too busy. But when the baby came it all seemed to make sense. Until... Until... Doctor Madden: [Spoken] Until? Dan: He's not here... He's not here... Love, I know Dan & Voices: You know. Doctor Madden: Make up your mind That you're strong enough
@rayannhaywood5869 8 лет назад
Gabe & Diana: Catch me I'm falling for good. Diana: [Spoken] We had Natalie to... And I know she knows. I couldn't hold her in the hospital. I couldn't let myself hold her. Doctor Madden: [Spoken] That's the first time you've mentioned Natalie in weeks of therapy. Natalie: She's not there... Natalie & Voices: She's not there... She's not there