Die Kick dieses Videos hab ich noch mit Cubase gemacht, aber mittlerweile hab ich mir nen MacBook zugelegt und Logic besorgt! Damit bekommt man einfach die besten Kicks hin, siehe mein zuletzt hochgeladenes Video! greets Scrapshaderz
It´s just only 1 dislike! :) Each has its own flavor! Just like you by saying the lead sound is crap. Others like it a lot. So thanks for the review. Both good and bad!
IT looks like you made your kick between to notes, so for example between the F# and the G, as you hear at the first bassline. So if you have luck you can fix it easily with the Pitch Cent to but it +50 cent. And the second bassline needs -50 cent.
@TheBasscontroller Bro for that Pitch you do not need Logic! The magic is named: "Cool Edit Pro"! It´s a little Aduioprogramm with a fucking AWSOME Pitching algorithm!!!