Dan Astin-Gregory
Dan Astin-Gregory
Dan Astin-Gregory
Exploring how to create a free, peaceful and prosperous world where we can all thrive

Dan is an activist, content creator and entrepreneurial problem solver whose content has amassed over 15 million views across all platforms.
The first UK Covid Inquiry report is IN
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The People's Reset 2 minute teaser
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Join us at The People's Reset UK!
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The System IS Working?!
2 месяца назад
How to vote to change the system
2 месяца назад
Mattias Desmet is BACK #trailer #shorts
3 месяца назад
What Won't You Do For Freedom
3 месяца назад
Andrew Bridgen: I will NOT back down 😮
3 месяца назад
James Roguski Exposes W.H.O's HIDDEN Agenda
3 месяца назад
Ex-WHO Scientist Exposes Power Grab!
4 месяца назад
Join the Road to Geneva Convoy #stopthewho
4 месяца назад
@billyjoshchew7575 13 часов назад
Same issues here, my account got locked and seeks help from fb but its endless loop.....their customer supports are BOTS
@stephaniekays6517 15 часов назад
I was born with 1 genetic condition which has given me 2 brain aneurysms. The first 9mm has haemorrhaged which i had vascular coiling for at age 62, second aneurysm has gone to 5mm now. What can i do to stop the artery wall getting weaker & then rupturing please? I have been very damaged by the first haemorrhage. I was accidently poisoned as a foetus & have 5 quite severe neurological conditions. At age 13 i decided to become my own doctor to avoid any extra diseases & so far have nothing age related other than grey hair & wrinkles all ok at my advanced years 🙂
@odette8905 23 часа назад
An excellent conversation thank you.
@catlifechannel3886 День назад
The commitment to non-violence amongst everyone who is part of this highlights that we are on the right path. When millions of people attend a single event, in peace and unity… words are lost.
@lesleyelalami2562 День назад
It's very apparent, seems everyone has 'issues' these days. What happened to all the normal healthy people?
@DanAstinGregory День назад
Join us at the People's Reset: Come and ask Patrick your questions when he speaks at The People’s Reset UK in Bath 27th-29th September 2024: thegreaterreset.org/aff/dag
@DanAstinGregory День назад
Take your free cognitive function test to assess your risk of Alzheimer’s, dementia and memory loss - most of which are under your control - and learn how to protect your brain function. Take the test here: foodforthebrain.org/the-cognitive-function-test/?gid=dag
@DanAstinGregory День назад
Join us at the People's Reset: Come and ask Patrick your questions when he speaks at The People’s Reset UK in Bath 27th-29th September 2024: thegreaterreset.org/aff/dag
@DanAstinGregory День назад
Take your free cognitive function test to assess your risk of Alzheimer’s, dementia and memory loss and learn how to protect your brain function. Take the test here: foodforthebrain.org/the-cognitive-function-test/?gid=dag
@DanAstinGregory День назад
Join us at the People's Reset: Come and ask Patrick your questions when he speaks at The People’s Reset UK in Bath 27th-29th September 2024: thegreaterreset.org/aff/dag
@DanAstinGregory День назад
Take your free cognitive function test to assess your risk of Alzheimer’s, dementia and memory loss - most of which are under your control - and learn how to protect your brain function. Take the test here: foodforthebrain.org/the-cognitive-function-test/?gid=dag
@jolenelowe3066 День назад
Very enjoyable interview :-) My husband had horrific depression for years and in my sons parents evening it was mentioned he might have slight ADHD - so I went home and got on google - changed his diet to red meat and the following week his teacher rang me - asking what the hell had happened- he’s like a different kid regarding his concentration:-) my husband is like a different person aswell -
@skyeblueii6355 2 дня назад
It's a shame you didn't discuss how to avoid mercury in fish and fish oil supplements; also the problems with eating factory-farmed fish, such as salmon and shrimp. It's too simplistic to just say eat fish for brain health. There are also many problems with taking vitamin supplements that need to be examined. I hope people will do a deeper dive into these subjects as there is a lot more to consider.
@shaunrose2776 2 дня назад
Which B vitamin reduces dementia? I’ve heard good things about B12 as methylcobalamin for focus/concentration is this the one he’s referring to?
@icedancerboi 2 дня назад
at approx 36minutes... "What holds us back....?" We are overtly and covertly marketed at, to behave and consume in ways which change our behaviour patterns to protect the system and be good participants. From the subliminal advertising of coffee, tea, pop, and alcohol, which diverts us from drinking water, - to a belief that wars are positive. @DanAstinGregory
@tmarinelic 2 дня назад
Thank you
@Ciaran235 2 дня назад
@jugglingjakeuk 2 дня назад
Wow, a military person saying this is so up lifting... Thank you
@Ciaran235 2 дня назад
Attack of the pharma. How many should we be taking, I'm taking vit B, C and D along with magnesium and electrolytes. Most recommend 1 table but natural healers recommend more as there is insufficient obtained from food the way it is grown. Hypokylaemia was caused by the medication given prior to a colonoscopy.
@Sunnysue31 3 дня назад
Hahaha.... How long have you waited to do the "My son's learning his ABC" Hahahaha..... Vid D deficiencies, were there ,well before Covid ... Look at Australia's Stats .... Come On... Do Your Homework !!! We can't eat like our ancestor did... We have polluted the seas, the soil, the air, we pump our meat and fish full of antibiotics and hormones .... Seriously lacking in any science / research or supporting evidence ... Although one must always be mindful of research bias ..... Credibility Lost....
@michaeljungen2966 3 дня назад
Absolutely great: I) hzave to digest it :-)
@LewisAllsebrook 6 дней назад
Can you show us the intentional community you've built?
@stevenmacewan5512 6 дней назад
We have the right wake up people ...thanks will
@stevenmacewan5512 6 дней назад
Keep it going william .....we need to learn .....the pen is mightier tnan the sword ....keep going
@stevenmacewan5512 6 дней назад
I've learned so much but they are looking and listening .
@twhelostl61 6 дней назад
I'm a huge fan of R Werner. My interest is power generation. Where will we get funding for Automation, Data Servers, AI? All this tech is crashing regular jobs. Hence banking is looking at large operational change.
@dorydeviance3774 7 дней назад
Especially in the big cities we seem to be under some draconian system which every aspect of our nature is prohibited
@DayneReedy 7 дней назад
This guy is incredible! So intelligent with such great understanding.
@bambooqueue9093 8 дней назад
58:50 idk what's so inhumane about wanting justice for what has happened and what has been going on for so long. I don't understand your thought process here. That "inhumaneness" is absolutely a solution in combination with all the other solutions that are available. When I hear these woke/ truth communities talk about all the other solutions but disregard and dismiss the one solution which is absolutely necessary. It just doesn't allow most folks to take truther movements or reality movements seriously.
@jamesadey8744 8 дней назад
My comment is invisible. Free speech is dead and buried.
@jamesadey8744 8 дней назад
This is like a psyop. It's they who have changed, not us. They can be removed, but she's saying we have to run along with the changes. I suppose the mole represents the blind uninformed public.
@daviddonaghue2661 10 дней назад
This is all brilliant inspiring stuff 🙌 I’d anticipate quite a bit of test and correct along the way - see what works , what doesn’t and move forward . Expect sone things to thrive , but don’t wallow if there are failures along the way . That’s how we learn . Pathfinders never get the route exact , but they’ll get to the destination eventually, so long as they envisage what that looks like and where it is from the start 😊
@christinahames90 10 дней назад
Is Ryanair fullmich telling the Truth.If he is will it all come out they are not letting him give more evidence is that because they don't want to hear the Truth
@kokopelli314 11 дней назад
I think all libertarians are living in a bubble
@divinusking5127 11 дней назад
AGENDA end game, biometric id, digital currency, ai controlled,, GODS end game is FREEDOM FOR ALL.
@divinusking5127 11 дней назад
Literal meaning of devil is ADVERSARY, 0+0=0,you can't make anything from nothing, we exist so we come from something, that something must be ETERNAL to EXIST, therefore the meaning of life is not eternal life, got to grow somewhere, somehow, SEED, FIELD, CROP, 0+0=0 god is LITERALLY EVERYWHERE AND EVERYTHING hence all seeing all knowing, GOD doesn't make mistakes ever it's IMPOSSIBLE but creations jeez they sure do make mistakes, 1 god, how else can a single entity procreate, SEED, as soon as you contain something that's never been contained you instantly create a new unique eternal being, FIELD a environment with set rules enables a seed which has freewill to evolve, CROP verily the flesh dies as its never been conscious, got to grow somewhere, somehow, 1 love, loving acts make you happy, healthy, WHY, unloving acts make you unhealthy, unhappy, WHY, the emotion we understand as love is gods NATURAL STATE, that's why the most important word and statement you will EVER hear is God is love,, we fight the good fight, truth is our weapon, love is our power, truth will set us free, god doesn't make mistakes ever it's IMPOSSIBLE, nothing mystical, simply reality/logic,
@divinusking5127 11 дней назад
@siljrath 11 дней назад
cell like a prison cell? network like a net to get trapped in?
@JohnBushlivefreenow 11 дней назад
no, not like that
@hexadecimal7767 12 дней назад
The “ordinary person” in western society has been sufficiently indoctrinated. To believe we need permission from some type of authority. To even be secure within our own persons. The big “They” didn’t even need to torture most people to break their will. Just made us doubt everything.
@Sunnysue31 12 дней назад
Neil Oliver !! Who doesn't even recognise Scotland's right to Freedom.... !!! For me, he has NO credibility whatsoever...
@alexkt3400 12 дней назад
Very interesting discussion, decentralization and the return to closely knit, high trust societies are very important for the way forward. Always great to hear from OG "conspiracy" people who have ditched the left-right marching orders and realize the importance of generational cell networks. People don't often talk about the importance of setting generational goals in terms of how you envision a good life and a working society, I was very pleasantly surprised to hear someone talk about this concept. I also liked how the word "smart" is actually becoming a taboo word in our circles thanks to all the smart devices out there trying to tell you how to live your life and which ads/propaganda programming you should watch next. Smart devices for dumb living etc Anyway, since we're on the subject of decentralization, I'm required by law to shill for decentralized manufacturing and equipment repairs with the aid of 3d printers/CNC's and homebrew electronics. These concepts can aid us in reducing reliance on megacorps and can be better for the environment as well.
@alexugur 12 дней назад
Re efficiency, it helps to understand that efficiency and effectiveness have an inverse relationship. The more one has of the one, the less of the other. Once aware of this relationship, one can make more practical and more sustaining choices. An understanding of balance is key. A similar inverse relationship defines tradition vs innovation: sustainable community requires both flexibility and continuity, balancing both concepts holistically.
@alexugur 12 дней назад
I don't want to live in a trade based economy. I'd be much more productive, creative, and caring within a gift economy where all giving and receiving is fully unconditional. I'd be much happier creating things and acting in ways that serve my community and help lift it without seeking profits or social appreciation in return. That is a way of being that I'd find liberating.
@alexugur 12 дней назад
Liberty is something that is granted, freedom is something that is taken: those who grant you liberties are the ones who own you.
@alexugur 12 дней назад
I don't know how to disenfranchise and disempower the current system, but in regards to a highly functional type of community structure, my ideal is something that has been proven to work; it is for ungovernable people to work voluntarily in community. As for larger projects, there is always the possibility that such free communities federate for the duration. Robin Hood in England and Sitting Bull in the US understood this.
@fernly2 13 дней назад
Liberty is not the answer. It is an avenue to choosing empathy. No freedom, no vote. Empathy give us a chance to build the character/identity of humanity and in a Biocentric universe, a unique and essential part of an exponentially expanding universe and noösphere🤗. In other words we become co-creators 😮so I must say love/empathy is the answer 🎉. Our American indigenous said, “Walk a mile in my shoes.”
@FromThe3021 12 дней назад
Your indigenous wore shoes? Genuine question.
@alexkt3400 12 дней назад
@@FromThe3021 Yes, modern day moccasins are named after the shoes native americans wore. Flat sole, close to ankle height and made out of leather.
@FromThe3021 12 дней назад
@@alexkt3400 - Wow, cool. Thanks for sharing. It’s a shame they are the mascot for our ‘rednecks’ here. We don’t call them rednecks though. We call them ‘unemployed Bogans’. Or just ‘Bogans’ in formal settings, like around the pool table at the l local pub. Last Bogan I seen was wearing just one moccas and I asked her _”Did you lose a mocca?”_ She looked at me confused and as I pointed to her feet she said, _”No, I found one”_
@emmaearnshaw3282 14 дней назад
Having veterans join the freedom movement back during lockdown made it so clear that what we were doing was right.
@annieholbis2430 15 дней назад
I really like the title to this video! Let's flip the script!
@davebutler3905 15 дней назад
Absolutely right. They keep us angry, distracted, and busy so we don't get on with building what we want. Build parallel structures that render the beast system obsolete!!!
@Sunnysue31 15 дней назад
Neil Oliver !!!🙈🙈🙈
@Time-to-rise-13 15 дней назад
Neil is wonderful
@Amandajane-freespirit 15 дней назад
Dan,Portugal has fallen 😢😢