All Saints Anglican Church
All Saints Anglican Church
All Saints Anglican Church
All Saints Anglican Church in Springfield, MO. We are part of the Anglican Church in North America and the Anglican Diocese of the South.
Confirmation Class Week 5
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Confirmation Class Week 4
2 месяца назад
Confirmation Class 2024 - Week 3
2 месяца назад
Confirmation Class 2024 - Week 2
2 месяца назад
Confirmation Class 2024   Week 1
2 месяца назад
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength
3 года назад
Easter Day 2021
3 года назад
The Lord is my Shepherd Part 4
3 года назад
January 31 Holy Eucharist
3 года назад
The Lord is my Shepherd, Part 3
3 года назад
Holy Eucharist - January 24 2021
3 года назад
The Lord is my Shepherd Part 2
3 года назад
Holy Eucharist - January 17, 2021
3 года назад
The Lord is my Shepherd, Part 1
3 года назад
Holy Eucharist January 10
3 года назад
Holy Eucharist January 3
3 года назад
Christmas Lessons & Carols
3 года назад
Christmas Eve 2020
3 года назад
@waza987 23 дня назад
Not all Archbishops are Primates, and not all Primates are Archbishops. England has two Archbishops, Canterbury and York, and the Archbishop of Canterbury is always the Primate. In Australia there are 5 Archbishops, a Metropolitan in the largest city of each of the provinces in Australia, and one Primate of the whole country who is elected and is usually one of the Archbishops but could also be anyone of the other 18 Diocesan Bishops in Australia. There are also 23 other Australian bishops who are assistants to Archbishops or Diocesan Bishops or a few other special roles such as Bishop to the Australian Defence Forces.
@Fred.jpeg_ Месяц назад
“The Anglican Church was a church independent of Rome” Fine…. Independent in its own Rite, but still in communion with Rome- so still Catholic. To say the early church in England was “Anglican” -as in its own denomination, before Henry VIII is hugely disingenuous. I watched this video in hopes to understand the roots Anglicanism better, but it really does sound revisionist and a case of powerful figures revising their history to fit their choices.
@rivoendre Месяц назад
It turned out again that masses of people were massacred during Catholic counter-reformation
@henrytimpson8880 2 месяца назад
An Anglican Catholic is a misnoma. You are not CATHOLIC you are a schism or sect. Founded by a megalomaniac King and his craven Aristocrats. The ordinary people had no say in the matter, thus their religion was stolen from them by the ruling classes and thus . became a protestant church. End of.
@muwulyamoses3193 2 месяца назад
Why is Apse curved?
@muwulyamoses3193 2 месяца назад
Is there any theology behind pews? Can we have any other type of seats?
@peterglenn2670 2 месяца назад
In the Church of England, vicar and rector are generally interchangeable in terms of title - the only difference is where historically their stipend came from
@Nate_Higgins 2 месяца назад
"The end of the Episcopal Church." As a new Christian who is Episcopalian, i hate to hear this. Women clergy. How dreadful. We believe the same creed you do. I really did enjoy this history, tho. Well done.
@dan_m7774 4 месяца назад
England did not exist in the first Century, so there is no English Church. Plus the true Church is Christ's
@sailorjohnboy2325 4 месяца назад
I've enjoyed this understanding of Anglicanism in the US. As an Episcopalian, I’ve come to get a better understanding of the divisions. For the people arguing in the comments. My dad was in the second graduating class at Trinity School for Ministry. Dr Rodgers used to invite seminarians and their families to dinners, especially when there were visiting dishops from other nations. So there I was, laying on the floor watching tv after dinner , a preteen in a room full of important people, when during a pause in the program, I accidentally passed gas. I trumpeted out a loud long blast, guaranteed to have registered on seismic equipment. The cutest girl I ever met next to me. I was mortified. To their credit, Anglican bishops and theologians from around the world said nothing. 😂
@rhfandy 4 месяца назад
thank you so much can I have a numeric version about this seance
@mountbatten2222 5 месяцев назад
@josephr.gainey2079 6 месяцев назад
43:23. There was "pushback" before 2000 starting with the Affirmation of St. Louis in 1974 which led to the formation of the Continuing Anglican denominations. WHY DID YOU OMIT THIS MAJOR MILESTONE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? You most probably did so on purpose!!!!!!!!!
@active6302 6 месяцев назад
This is no longer a Church, it's a club like the Elks or Kiwanis.
@SarumChoirmaster 7 месяцев назад
You forgot to mention the ACC and the ACA which came way before the ACNA.
@SarumChoirmaster 7 месяцев назад
It is true about St Joseph of Arimathea! Archaeologist recently found the foundations of an 8 sided church built exactly like one in Jerusalem and that both buildings were well documented. This 8 sided church foundation was under the Lady Chapel foundation at Glastonbury. Also, you forgot to mention the 3 mysterious bishops that showed up at one of the early Church Councils in Europe. This shocked the Council which asked these 3 bishops where did they come from, they replied that a Churches have been in Briton since Roman times and that St Joseph of Arimathea established the first church in Glastonbury.
@louisetrott5532 7 месяцев назад
As an Anglican Diocesan Archivist in Sydney, Australia, I loved this!
@joylynne8 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for this information.
@notlimey 8 месяцев назад
oh my.
@howiemicks5603 9 месяцев назад
What a shame in Canada The culture has canceled the articles. The gay bishops have failed GOD and the Holy Bible is only a suggestion. Feelings trumped Sound Doctrine. The Holy Spirit has left the Church building. The remnant of true believers are now with GAFCON. GOD bless us everyone. 🙏✝️❤️
@active6302 6 месяцев назад
Very true! All they believe in now is sodomy, female priests and recycling pop bottles.
@thewiseperson8748 10 месяцев назад
.,,,.,,,.,,, The Church of England - a church of poofs and child-molesting priests. The Church of England is an organisation set up by the Act of Supremacy 1534 because of political reasons (King Henry VIII's nuptual problems about Anne Boleyn and resulting tiff with Pope Clement VII). The Church of England cruelly martyred faithful catholics in a horrible evil manner shortly after enactment of the Act of Supremacy. The Church of England is thus a bad evil organisation that has lost its relevance in snobbery and self-righteousness. Now we have an incompetent Archbishop of Canterbury that has managed to split the Church of England in respect of GAFCON; what an idiot Archbishop - he should be ashamed of himself and repent. In comparison, the Russia Orthodox Church is popular in Russia and the Russia state is against gay pride. The Russian Orthodox Church is faithful to the Bible and respects marriage to be a union between a man and a woman only, whereas the Church of England is heading towards fetishness and sodomy with its gay agenda. Good riddance if the Church of England fades into oblivion; few people will shed a tear for a deviant evil and dysfunctional pseudo-religious bureaucratic organisation, top heavy with excess bishops (there are more bishops now than there were in Victorian times - a cull of ineffective bishops is desperately required). Christians must return to the true Catholic Church and Orthodox Church and dump this terrible Church of England.
@david.leikam 10 месяцев назад
I recently joined the APCK this season, from the ELCA.
@dwightdowson9259 10 месяцев назад
318 Arles
@robertmcvicar5824 11 месяцев назад
This church has a Protestant constitution a Catholic liturgy which has led to an Arminian clergy at best and apostate romanising one at worst. Ex Arminian Calvinist.
@user-Strong.Trinitarian Месяц назад
Calvinism glorrifies God the most.
@RobertMaguire67 Год назад
Thankful to have found these lectures…I attend Emmanuel and St Chad College (University) an Anglican college here in Canada and really enjoyed viewing these video’s on my journey in my Master’s of Theology degree.
@johnny.musician Год назад
Fascinating stuff, thanks for this.
@clivejames5058 Год назад
The apostle Paul converted the Celts of Galatia and Gaul to Christianity around 40/50 AD and they brought Christianity to the British Isles along with Christians in the deserts of North Africa. Around AD 390 Martin in Gaul and his apprentice, Ninian in Whithorn, Galloway founded mission communities and just a little later, a century of Christian evangelism begins by Patrick, Brigid, Brendan and Columba. The latter created missions in Iona and Scotland. For any Catholics out there, The Roman Church was nowhere to be seen until they invaded our shores in AD 597 and eventually imposed total Papal authority in England in AD 664, In Ireland in AD 696, in Scotland in AD 716 and in Wales by AD 755. So, you're right, the Anglican Church was not started by Henry VIIIth - it had been suppressed and thankfully, the Reformation allowed us to retrieve our Biblical faith, away from the corrupted powers of the Roman Rite.
@pblogger9065 Год назад
You would be better off to read some Darwin.
@1929G-y5t Год назад
Women have no authority, just say it. Men are supposed to lead, women follow. Women are terrible leaders. All great leaders are men.
@zakayowaweru6394 Год назад
Good teaching am in Kenya.
@woogbear Год назад
In the orthodox church, confirmation, or, as it is known as Chrismation is done immediately after baptism. This is accomplished with the use of a special, holy oil, and represents the seal of the Holy Spirit.
@goatsandroses4258 Год назад
I know you were summarizing here, but it might have been nice to clarify that before the Great Schism of1054 (although issues started earlier) there was no "Roman Catholic" or "Eastern Orthodox" church per se, and the Bishop of Rome was "first among equals" in the Church rather than Supreme Pontiff. In fact, there are Eastern Orthodox now who are trying to resurrect a Western rite of Eastern Orthodoxy, such as would have been practiced pre-Great Schism. Of course, this all gets rather confusing as there are both "Eastern" Catholics and "Western" Eastern Orthodox.
@warrenstutely7151 Год назад
At last. !!!! Someone talking about Christianity around 50 ad. Many many thanks. Warren
@ianofliverpool7701 Год назад
The early church was called Catholicism , you seem reticent to say that and i`m certain the only reason King Henry became Protestant is because he wanted to divorce his wife and marry another woman who the Pope refused to allow.
@jamessheffield4173 Год назад
What about Anglican Polity? E.G. Richard Hooker’s Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity
@lexocon9583 Год назад
Everything was a story written and non written so I'm believing the story of Joseph and Jesus established the Anglican Church
@FeliceChiapperini Год назад
1536 all monasteries abolished. This is just mentioned in passing. This was a big event. What was the motivation for this? Were these assets seized by the King?
@thomasduvauchelle8583 Год назад
Thankyou I understand the sacraments better explanation unlike Roman Catholic. I am Catholic but rather attend the Episcopal church which to me is more inclined with the scriptures. Thank-you for your program of instruction.
@Sennen2008 6 месяцев назад
Comment sounds anachronistic especially considering Anglican teachings, liturgy etc with the exception of those dropped to look more protestant is copy paste of Catholicism
@Ashgutierr 2 месяца назад
@@Sennen2008No, they removed the errors of Rome but did not over correct like the Reformation continued to do. It is the right and true way of worship.
@henrytimpson8880 2 месяца назад
you are so wrong. Anglicanism is a protestant church created by a megalomaniac King who killed thousands of catholic people who would not comply with his dictats. Read the history of the church in England , its all there. Your stance is an insult to the memory of the english martyrs.
@mikelilley Год назад
Love this series so much. I have learned so much! Having said that, clearing your throat constantly into your microphone is nails on a chalkboard.
@captainmarvel76927 Год назад
St. THOMAS BECKETT and Henry II well that's all u need.
@captainmarvel76927 Год назад
1) The first few minutes demonstrate the true quality of this speaker and "history," propaganda, pure and simple propaganda. History of the Anglican Church begins with the Catholic Church, the spin on British Bishops being invited as if they were a seperate branch is preposterous. The Anglican Church is the creation on Henry VIII and he butchered over 70k people. This is also simply undone by by Saint John Fischer akd Sir Thomas Moore. But more specifically, Henry VIII himself who wrote and defended the Papacy is a divine institution. 2) This is unfortunate the Anglican version in power point slides of the IFB "trail of blood". Yet you'll notice, one thing, where did the bishops come from prior to the 400s and who commissioned them? They didn't fall from the sky. Come Holy Ghost and correct the error of these false teachers.
@Abraxis86 Год назад
28:30 You should really be more ashamed of your misogyny as a basic tenant of compassion, but instead you seemed really proud with how convoluted your deflection and disrespect toward the female member of your conference was. It seems to me the bias only ever existed as justified to protect women and children from lethal power struggles, except it was always hypocritical because they were always the objective of people who prey on vulnerable populations, and religious systems of persecuting biases really just fed dissenters to abusers perpetually 'forgiven' by clergy as a method to launder evil acts perpetuated by religious communities. An argument can't even be made for naivety of being isolated as home care as purpose to prevent participation in positions of authority, with the advent of information and communication technology you're adopting without actually adapting to. Do you ever think that compassion and intelligence should be embraced to give women an equal place at the table instead of perpetuating these inane debates and deflections? How many genuinely good people do you think you're alienating with this blind adherence to tradition, and why do you think that doesn't degrade your own moral worth? Does asking these uncomfortable questions provoke your discomfort in direct proportion to my lack of moral value? Do you think that's my fault?
@christopherfaustino8318 2 года назад
what i read in the scriptures is this church of God,or body of christ.the assembly of believers.
@rebanelson607 2 года назад
Very helpful - thanks!
@rebanelson607 2 года назад
I've been attending an Anglican church for the past 6 months and this video is very helpful. Thanks!
@soulonsoul8035 2 года назад
15:00 is this still true in 2022? 🤔😭
@ViscountWoodspring Год назад
I would hope so…
@jamessheffield4173 Год назад
Not so much.
@ap777t9 2 года назад
Dude, you’ve been consecrating “heretical bishops” for 20 years!
@ap777t9 2 года назад
Do you realize the Anglican communion is dying…due to many of the things you are proclaiming as positives!
@MrPeach1 2 года назад
I am a Catholic just learning the history. I am going to do more research about the "men of power quote" you mentioned as the reason for the pope to not declare the marriage invalid. As a catholic I know that the church has an official position that a valid marriage can't be dissolved. So it would seem more likely that they examined the marriage and determined that the marriage was legit. You mentioned that the the pope at the time was not the pope who granted the dispensation so I think that "men of power" reasoning fails on the fact that the current pope at the time had no dog in the hunt. I know people that have had annulments denied. Valid is valid. It really hinges on the fact of did the church have authority to grant the dispensation. I think based on the scripture that "binding and loosing" is an authority they did have. they loosed henry from the restriction and allowed him to marry his brothers wife.
@claire9702 2 года назад
Would this series apply to the Australian Anglican Church, do they hold th same doctrines?
@user-Strong.Trinitarian Месяц назад
Yes they do