Bienvenue sur la chaine de Cyclomontdor Bike Shop.

Chaîne consacrée aux vélos et surtout au VTT et VTTAE que je pratique surtout dans les Monts d'Or Lyonnais mais aussi un peu partout dans la région des Alpes. Ma pratique est plutôt engagée j'aime surtout les pistes enduro, freeride et DH.

Mon but est de partager avec vous les pistes que j'ai pu rouler afin d'avoir un aperçu de ce qui vous attend!
Je vous propose aussi des bike tests et produits que je propose à la vente
Le tout toujours filmé en 4k avec une GoPro et parfois avec un Drone DJI Spark.

Mots clés:
Gravel Marin Bikes - Headlands 2 2024
3 месяца назад
Rocky Mountain 2024 - Instinct PowerPlay A50
7 месяцев назад
VTT Rocky Mountain - Instinct C50 2023
8 месяцев назад
Gravel Bike Marin Bikes - HEADLANDS 1 2024
8 месяцев назад
Gravel Bike - Marin DSX 2 2024
8 месяцев назад
Marin Coast trail 24" 2024
8 месяцев назад
Marin Bikes - FAIRFAX E ST 2024
8 месяцев назад
Présentation Multipath - Ultima Mobility
9 месяцев назад
Marin bikes - DSX 3 2024 un GRAVEL FLATBAR
10 месяцев назад
Présentation vélo ROUTE gamme Sunn Asphalt
11 месяцев назад
Marin Bikes - Rift Zone 2023
Год назад
Sortie Enduro VTT dans le Luberon
Год назад
MTB Finale Ligure - BASE NATO
Год назад
MTB Finale Ligure - Caccatiore
Год назад
MTB Finale Ligure - Kill Bill 2
Год назад
@emilee9697 4 месяца назад
ceci nest pas un velo d'enfant⁉⁉
@cyclomontdor7120 4 месяца назад
Non pas du tout, vélo à partir de la taille S Adulte
@emilee9697 4 месяца назад
@@cyclomontdor7120 0:07
@pascalsteffanut8025 4 месяца назад
Je viens de recevoir mon sunn asphalt finest; Il est léger, confortable avec ses pneus de 32 et son ultegra DI2 avec roues carbone… le tout avec une offre promo à 3700 euros…j ai pas trouvé un meilleur rapport qualité prix…j ai beau cherché…
@cyclomontdor7120 4 месяца назад
Surtout à 3700e c'est donné pour cette finition mais son vrai prix est ee 4500
@marccourtebras 4 месяца назад
Bonjour, combien de km et quel est le pourcentage restant de la batterie ?
@cyclomontdor7120 4 месяца назад
Environ 60km et 1200d+ sur les moteurs EP8 il restait 20% environ
@samuelduplan 4 месяца назад
Merci pour cette video..tu a fait un tres bon choix, Les KERN EL sont de tres bons spads dans la lignee de la grande epoque SUNN et du KERN classique developpé pour les courses d'enduro.. injustement "underrated" dans le milieu du VTT elec , ou c'est souvent un peu trop la course a l'armement et au budget a mon gout... L'image l'image...lol J'ai eu le kern el S2 2022 (Qui est toujours exactement le meme en 2024).. C'est du tout bon des l'entree de gamme; amorto .fourche/freins Formula.. tige de selle SDG stellis (vraiment top) transmission deore 10V (ca suffit largement pour un elec et c'est plus fiable que du 11/12v).. monté en MAXXIS d'origine (Assegai DoubleD a l'avant), vraiment rien a redire pour le prix.. Ca reste des velos sportifs (moteur shimano; il faut tourner les jambes plus vite que sur du bosch) avec des geometries agressives typee gros enduro (Angle de chasse fermé, gros empattement, basesAR courtes) ... Il faut un bon bagage technique pour l'exploiter C'est des velos faits pour l'attaque, ils faut leur rentrer dedans... Pour un debutant /simple randonneur, un gordon sera peut etre plus adapté.. Petit bemol en utilisation extreme sur le poids( quelques chaleurs sur les saut basses vitesse) .. Et sur la fourche formula selva C qui a tendance a taper fort en fin de course (Surtout par rapport a l'amoerto AR qui gomme tout) ...mais on peut la passer en ressort air, et tuner l'hydraulique pour un reglage de precontrainte plus fin... Mais franchement le S2 marche deja tres fort, alors avec une fox 38 et un peu de poids en moins...Ca ne peut etre qu'excellent.. Perso j'avait reduit la section du pneu AR et monté un pneu dh en 2.5...car le maxxis AR d'origine en 2.6 (Montage Mulet; Plus grosse section ar qu'a l'avant) accrochait un peu plus que l'avant en courbe...ce qui obligeait a corriger au fein (Et je deteste feiner pour ca..lol) Voila , c'etait mon petit soutien a SUNN... Sam... Moniteur VTT et pratiquant DH /Enduro depuis....1993..Bon ride a tous...
@olivierboeckli7877 6 месяцев назад
super, merci d'avoir partagé votre sortie. J'ai vue que vous vous êtes mis sur les 2 parcours (n°17 et n°21) en VTTAE. Est-ce que tu peux me donner une grandeur d'ordre combien de temps cela vous a pris pour boucler chaque tour? Je pense que les indications sur le site de Digne sont celles pour des musculaires (n°17 en 3h30 et n°21 en 4h15). Je compte m'y rendre cette année au mois de mai.
@cyclomontdor7120 6 месяцев назад
Hello, nous avons mis 2h15 de roulage et 3h30 pour le 1er et 3h de roulage pour 4h pour le deuxième.
@olivierboeckli7877 6 месяцев назад
@@cyclomontdor7120 Bonsoir à tous ! Merci beaucoup pour ces informations détaillées qui m'aident beaucoup dans ma planification. Comme je l'ai dit, j'ai prévu de faire deux randonnées dans les Terres Noires le 2 mai prochain, les trails n°17 et 21, puis le lendemain, du vendredi au dimanche, je me rendrai dans le Bikepark EVO.
@cyclomontdor7120 6 месяцев назад
@@olivierboeckli7877 La 21 est bien plus dur physiquement et techniquement il y a des portions noir donc avoir un bagage technique pas mal sinon ça peut être vite compliqué
@olivierboeckli7877 6 месяцев назад
​@@cyclomontdor7120 Re-bonjour et merci de ces informations complémentaires. J'ai une autre petite question: comment est-ce que tu juges le niveau technique de la boucle n°21? J'ai vu que vous avez aussi été à Les-2-Alpes sur la Venosc, et quelques tronçons de la MOH. J'ai fais la MOH en musculaire DH à 3 reprises (je compte y retourner cette année), ainsi que la Venosc à plusieurs reprises (sans problèmes). Techniquement, tu juges la n°21 aux "Terres Noires" plus/égale/moins exigeantes que p.ex. la Venosc ? Je voulais enchainer le 2 mai les deux circuits n°21 et 17 en boucle de 8, ce qui ferait un D+ de 1'900m et une distance de 59km. En août dernier j'ai participé au e-bike festival à Verbier en Suisse, concrètement au "Défi Val de Bagnes noir": il comptait 80km de distance, un D+ de 2'400m et un D- de 6'200m (il y avait 3 remontés mécaniques intégré dans le parcours). Je l'ai fais en 08h45 et peut-être en 6 1/2 heures de roulage, je ne le sais plus.
@cyclomontdor7120 6 месяцев назад
@@olivierboeckli7877 Je pense que vous avez largement le bagage technique alors. C'est moins technique que les courses cités. Mais les singles sont incroyables. J'ai préférer digne que la moh ou la mega 👌
@riderdor2796 7 месяцев назад
Du beau matos ce vélo !!!
@bunkercr3w 7 месяцев назад
Picked up mine today. Did the upgraded the crankset? Mine is different from the one on the marin website, and yours is too.
@joebinglei9679 6 месяцев назад
What is different about the cranks? I also just picked up this bike in the US last week. I noticed sometimes Marin uses different parts in different areas on some bikes. Likee the new four corners is 2x in the UK while 3x crank in USA,
@soadofkohan 7 месяцев назад
J'adore cette marque accessible et fiable j'ai un charger S1 de 2019, a part le consommable le reste est toujours bon, mm la batterie après 5ans est toujours en full condition
@samuelduplan 4 месяца назад
Le charger etait deja tres bon... Ca a ete mon premier test de VTTAE...excellent souvenir... Vraiment pas cher en plus a l'epoque... Bon ride a toi.
@pascalf764 8 месяцев назад
Vous n'avez pas fait crêtes ? si ça n'est pas passage obligé ça m'intéresse car ce secteur des crêtes 😱😅
@cyclomontdor7120 8 месяцев назад
Nous avons suivi le tracé officiel après je connais pas les noms. Nous sommes pas du coin
@pascalf764 8 месяцев назад
@@cyclomontdor7120 ok merci 👍
@ViktorVVM 8 месяцев назад
Коричневый был посимпатичнее.)
@riderdor2796 8 месяцев назад
Du beau matos ça !!!
@cyclomontdor7120 8 месяцев назад
Merci, on le fait d'habitude mais un peu en manque de temps sur les dernières vidéos 😅
@domsmogrado1416 8 месяцев назад
Sympa vos petites vidéos de présentation. Pourriez-vous rajouter un descriptif sur l'équipement des vélos. Alu, carbone, groupe ... ? Merci
@YvesClara 9 месяцев назад
Bonjour. Je connais bien le secteur et je voulais apporter une précision sur le circuit 17. Après la pluie le passage à gué après Archail est impraticable. il y en a d'autres avant et il est possible qu'il en soit de même. le débit d'eau lors du passage du premier gué dés le départ permet de se faire une idée. Attention le final après la séparation avec le circuit 21 en haut de la montée de l'Escure est extrêmement technique et raide. si vous trouvez les passages des tobogans difficiles descendez par le 21 qui est moins mauvais.
@cyclomontdor7120 9 месяцев назад
Merci pour les précisions c'est le top la bas
@YvesClara 9 месяцев назад
Oui le secteur de Digne est génial. Vous avez aussi le secteur de château arnoux qui est super. Vous pouvez voir mes vidéos pour avoir un aperçu
@jcgalliano9597 4 месяца назад
Salut , je monte le wk pro, je connais bien l autre secteur au depart villard, pour le 17 de Marcoux quand tu es en haut je vois q uil y a 2 descentes qui va à Draix la mieux est laquelle ? la 2 eme c celle qui passe devant une petite bergerie je vois, d aprés la video c est la 1 ere j ai l impression , celle que je veux prendre je pense Merci
@YvesClara 3 месяца назад
@@jcgalliano9597 désolé pour la réponse tardive. Ma préférée est la 1ere la seconde passe par le refuge de Belon
@jcgalliano9597 3 месяца назад
@@YvesClara ok merci
@mathisguerreiro8222 9 месяцев назад
Super vélo
@manu-production 11 месяцев назад
Une sacrée bestiole 💪
@virgilegindre1871 11 месяцев назад
Super !! Merci pour les infos. On en manque sur ces vélos. Ils sont montés avec des composants « Brute ». C’est quoi cette marque ? Ça a l’air d’être une vieille marque qui réapparaît. Quelqu’un aurait des infos ?
@cyclomontdor7120 11 месяцев назад
Bonjour, Brute c'est leur marque maison comme le fait trek avec bontrager, Specialized avec Roval ou encore Scott avec Synchros etc... C'est un choix des marques pour réduire le coup des vélos. En tout cas un excellent Rapport qualité-prix les Aslhalt
@patricetaillandier964 11 месяцев назад
Etant résident à St Sorlin, je connais très bien cette descente pour l'avoir faite plusieurs fois. Belle vidéo
@zoltar64 Год назад
Salut, quel est le nom et le numéro de la rando stp ? Merci.
*HOW TO BUILD WORLDS BEST E BIKE* I don think any1 will buy your bike. They are stupid. As e bikes go your SUNN is probably best design out there & can easily replace a car & carry up2 100lbs. Congradulations job well done. U need 2employ my carrying system & your drivetrain is (likely) 2powerful not durable. I use front basket hanging on adjustable nylon straps. U need to GET RID OF KNOBBIES. U need a MUCH bigger chain ring. U need more chop on front end 2prevent nose flip while carry grocery. U need lower seat ALL THE WAY WHEN RIDING & PEDALING. Pedaling is efficient on bent knee. Dont bleev Satans lies. U NEED STOP use SPIKES PEDAL they sap energy employ STIFF CARBON SMOOTH RUBBER SOLE shoe on flat nylon fiber 120mm x 120 mm WIDE CLUTCH pedal with coarse diamond grit. Low CG will give HUGE STABILITY and 1.5 MPH faster better aerodynamic at 21mph. Lastly your bike is likely not strong enough. U need a 28lb bike built like a downhiller with ergonomics catered 2supreme handling & pedaling effitcientcy. Ebikes are, must be STRONG COMPETENT THOROUGHBRED BICYCLE FIRST. Period. And e bike SECOND. E Bikes are DIRECT DRIVE REAR WHEEL ONLY. 21mph MAXIMUM SPEED ONLY. NO FASTER THEN THIS. Ebikes are 2b ridden PEDALING ONLY as far as discipline permit. E BIKE MUST HAVE 30" WIDE BARS ultra STIFF front end front triangle. Wide arms create super stable triangle handling. U MUST have wide bars 2carry buckets pails bar ends for bread light items & long 2x4 wood etc. E bikes must have long strong bar ends & suspension must be rubber pellets on gas oil spring only HYBRID bcuz SPRINGS ARENT SUBTLE ENOUGH. NO AIR SHOCKS. Throttle must be friction 4cruise control NEVER USE A SPRING THROTTLE. BiCycles should never be built with jewelry for world champion single track. E Bikes, ALL BIKES should be based on downhill machines but geared for max. sustained speed AND EXPLOIT DOWNHILLS TO 50MPH. So: 1. Say no 2teeny tiny chain rings. 2. Say NO NO NO to a gillion gears hence teeny tiny FRAIL STRETCHY INNIFICIENT chains that BREAK. Never EVER use high torque geared motor. Use direct drive 2mph max speed ONLY. You arent here 2let stupid customers babysit u. U are here 2engineer a bike that will last customer a lifetime u recieved frr give free. America began making parts that BREAK 1950's to stab customers in thback. So demons in China came in & now all our parts will break. Dont be evil. Build an ebike not a profit scam.
Todays motorcycles cmplete idiot lunacy. Nothing more then a money grab catered 2 mechanically iliterate fools&suckers designed 2fuel customer hunger; vast replacement maintenance parts backlog database of parts factories. Buy 1of these wife from hell demonic rubic cubes u will definitley be hungry 4another trying fool yrself in2 making sense of living with th thing. Bcuz none of them are thbalanced epicenter. How could they be? Th engineers poisonous. They are lunatics. None of the bikes durable worth it or do everything right bcuz they take th ideal pie & chop it up in2 50 less then perfect niche-mobiles 4profit. So u sub a dffrnt niche try solve all th issues thlast1 had but th new1 conceals whooole nother backlog hidden army of new problems& today with computer chips they download any issue they like break anything they want @will. Lucifer is a loser. He constantly needs new stuff cuz losers never put th arrow in th dead center its just not in their program he is always hungry no amount of greed amounts 2 a satisfying plate. Asians are not like us. They are Satan seed when Satan mated with Adams wife Lilith. China = oldest race &proudly claim their father thDragon. You would think they would be walking streets of gold by now but their country a poverty dump of parasites& vampires if 1joins Yahweh th gov. kills them& Bibles? Banned. Their idea of a "motorcycle" will go from bad 2far far worse & Satan wants 2download u in2 his black goo BEAST computer hell by merging u with your stupid motorcycle which if u buy it u will get a taste of what being Satan is like. Motorcycles, cars terrifyingly pure scams now. They drain wallets like a raging vast broken damn. Asians seem smart cuz these Elon Musks are hive mind of Satans BEAST computer. China used all its smarts 2produce parts designed 2fail. Some Asian companies/ regions joined Yahweh& try work righteously. (Taiwan & Korea.) When u ride bicycle 35 miles brain shuts DOWN using it exhausts u. Blood drains from brain. So u need very stable safe bike that HANDLES. Commuting lousy handling/designed motorcycle no dffrnt. When bikes came out Satan stood up his racebike heros. Everybody wanted thdrop bar racers designed by demons 2exhaust u. These deadly DANGEROUS FLIMSY SPHAGETTI bikes put yr seat so high your head 7 ft. Off th ground atrocious aerodynamics. Drop bars remedy this lol& u bent over 90° your neck bent up 90° arms doing pushups supporting 50lbs upper body. Pedal waaay2 low 2try lower atrocious cg. Your sky high cg NARROW bars destroying brains ability 2process& balance. I grew up riding 600miles a week. 4a reason where. These demons become brutally clear. When u excercise blood leaves brain. U need low cg wide bars 4stable triangulation supreme handling. Motocross bikes HANDLE thus use WIDE BARS. These drop narrow bar demon bikes make hands more narrow then shoulder. Meanwhile having NO SUSPENSION. Instead they have brutal 160psi tires all of 1" in circumferance. In this brutal riding position u must now concentrate intensely2 avoid imperfections in th road. Satans tare race destroyed bikes. Nobody commutes anymore. Bike people always rich idiot show offs on singletracks or driving car 30miles 2go do a loop on their 5k road bike show off jewelry. We only have so much energy in life. Todays lunatics pay 2go 2gyms & annihilate every oz. energy they have waisting productive minutes of they life. Which Satan loves that sht. Commuting on bikes meanwhile he HATES. Its incredibly profitable of money time& energy. Commuting is DEAD. Why? Electric bikes. I am a master engineer. 2my trained eye electric bikes are a nightmare. Electric bikes are commuter bait scyop. If u buy1 u will immediately be taught this is not th answer. Today 95% humans are Satans demons. They 5star review insanity. These Elon Musk style e bikes are a nightmare. Elon was a genius of any trade fake. An avatar Satan stood up 2whitewash me. I dunno if u know the 1st thing about bikes wanna know or care. 4You a bike is smthing u buy on nerve endings 2Perpetuate an asthetic profile. That was me age 11 thats a 2year old pointing to his favorite Hot Wheel. I hadnt 1st fading clue how 2buy a bike. I got thsht it beat outv me by my 1st motorcycle& 1st bicycle. I pedaled my a$$ off paper route 30lbs papers in brutal cold huge hills 2pay 4that motorcycle rip off designed 2break. I broke it cmpletely in half& it had only 5k miles on it when I gave it 2a friend totaled. 4parts. Spent lifetimes wrth nose in book mastering bikes having 2re design them exposing their demons &premium cross country Mt. Bikes of 2day result of my direct input they revolve around thbalanced epicentre i gravitated2. Thtrick in life is dont end up a poisonous proud 2year in an adult body with horns coming off yr Harley shtbike helmet cuz u decided embrace Satan rather then expose him like i did. Motorcycles are dead dirtbikes now cost 14k 2buy &14more thousand 2ride maintain. I was am& always will be thbicycle king of kings. By that I dont mean I was doing 3back flips off jumps or on meth crystal so I could pedal thflat 34mph on an idiot demon bike bcuz I'm a proffesional BLIND imbecile admired by thblind onlooker ignoramus whome i lead in2 my idiocy pit. Bikes arent4 backflips & singletrack racing they here 2point shoot PERIOD, 1st, & corner 2nd. Efficiently fast as possible& carry things. With profound emphasis on low of cg stability& safety on a stronger MUCH stronger frame then Mt. Bikes of 2day. These bikes have2 CARRY THINGS& not flex like sphagetti. People heavy 2day. Did i race? Your ave. pro peloton Tour de Francer running a 54t x 40t small chainring 2a 11x32 rear cassette. Lol I was running 57t 2a 23x11 cassette &NO small chainring. I would leave my home Orange County pedal2 thtop Mt. Wilson 5,000ft., &back 100 mile loop. Taught me calm efficient speed. Not racing. On a bicycle your body sends all blood 2 thmuscles. It shuts down your brain. U can NOT do cmplex mathematic while lifting weights & u become dangerously vulnerable 2properlh process information. Commuting on motorcycles same thing. It also involves exhausting th brain. A friend of mine lifts weights. I wrote her following while back while explain what a rip off gyms are & how profitable bikes are. Brains need blood 2think. Bikes & weight lifting shut everything but muscles down: "Thtime i became incredible hulk. i remember one time i rode beside some world champion girl on Santa Ana river trail Cali. She was a picturesque statue. she was biking @world hour record speed. around 34mph. i was shocked at her power. i used 2use a 57t chainring no small ring back then doing 130 mile loops every other day even climbimg Mt. Wilson on that bike. so anyway I casually (lol) pull up beside her pretending like i go 35 mph all thtime she gets this big even more casual smile... wow. anyway thing is i was blown away that my legs swelled like incredible hulk. and all th blood had left my
U call 120kg stupid light? I am doing what. 11kg? *WORLD LEADER BIKE ENGINEER SPEAKS.* I deleted motorcycles/bicycles around 1990 when Honda died. Entire planet went2 garbage after that. Kept a bicycle on thback burner 33 years4 commuting. I built worlds best, only, correct E Bike. Based on solid competent bicycle FIRST& E Bike SECOND. You can NOT BUY an "E Bike" cuz Lucifers despise those things. His plasticines army dont KNOW they are poisonous demons 95 humans are demons they control all engineering. Except mine. I am only1. Obviously there will NOT be a revolution. E Bike: Think thouroughbred moped. Thats my "E Bike." ************ I built it from a Cross Country long leg Sunn Charger S2. Front basket hanging from nylon straps& simple 36w direct drive rear wheel top speed 21mph bikes can be nose heavy. NEVER tail heavy. 21 mph 36 mile range (pedaling) on smooth pavement = ridiculously fast/way more then enough compare2walking. Governments limit E Bike power to 21mph FOR A REASON. Vastly increase durability safety& say NO to 80mph. Commuting with 300 *&^%ing horses? u gotta pay 2feed in 7 quality barns? dont get me started on acreage. &Pasture. U bought 3,500lbs metal 300 horses 2carry your a$$. Dumba$$ is not hate speach nor a bad word. I figure I am doing 1/6th horsepower& absolutely adoring thluxury. "Paid cash my last2 houses." My max commute 36miles round trip averaging 14mph carrying max. 100lbs front basket & buckets hanging off of handlebar ends for light items bread, clothing. I fly pedalinng HARD downhills & wonderfully relaxed on th flats in an extreme tuck - with one FOOT ground clearance. My normal upright ride position nets 22.5mph on a 21mph max speed engine no pedaling. Yep. My seat is obviously slammed down 2 thmetal& my bars MUST be 30" & stiff as a crowbar with a stem built like truss of a bridge2control a full basket. Front end on th chopped side 2control nose dive. SUNN Charger = "cross country" = much stiffer longer legs (stanchions,) max ground clearance. Its front end stronger then typical. You see guys Mt. bikes need 2graduat2 25lbs with that metal empbasis on increase strength rigidity. Think DOWNHILL BIKE. Always engineers need2 simply sit on bike add weight tail or nose WIGGLE BARS VIGOROUSLY most bikes will flex like spbagetti. Give me brakes THREE TIMES AS STRONG. Flexible bikes will destroy handling put u in hospital especially when flying with 60/100lbs sitting on your handlebars. Can we go back 2kindergarten? Airplanes/Cars ALL MOVING OBJECTS... FISH... must balance on your finger 25% aft of thleading edge. Get it? Satans boys design Ferrari Porsche Lamborginni & Indy cars tail heavy FOR A REASON. IT CAUSES CAR TO CRASH. And Satan laughs. And u people 5star review him. Guys eagerly hump these idiot cars like toads. It is nearly impossible control Indy car@ its limit. Airplanes just a little tail heavy UN FLYABLE. EVERY TIME. *&Yes I have more fligbt hours then a Blue Angel. NEVER HANG YOUR SADDLE BAGS OFF TH REAR. Lower CG: Tanks need 2move under seat. My seat height/wide stable triangle bars means I am thvery everest of handling/stability& I absolutely FLY aerodynamically. My back 6-8 inches lower then yours running an ultra high bottom bracket. My bent leg so what... = thigh 90° to 3 o'clock power stroke. Thbikes u listed all are gems with demonic compromise of cmplete idiocy. Dont kid yrself & marry 1of Satans plasticine bikes Rubics cube bikes - engineered with viruses that cant be deleted. Lucifers kids control all manufacturing& they are poisonous. 95% humans are his kids. They are hive mind computer systems not humans. Demons. He puts them in flesh bodies with Hadron collider. They think they humans. He has memory erasers. Lol they bleev they geniuses. Satan HATES dual purpose bcuz they correct. Safe efficient& correct they just work. Only category should ever be built period regarding bikes designed 2see highway. When u mount a bicycle or mororbike u just came that much closer 2crippled for life or hellfire. Of 100 people, that dual purpose suspension/correct ergonomics/ light weight bike stands ready2 save 3 of the lives & 7 of thcrippling injuries todays potheads & druggies encoumter in that1 emergency handling scenerio. Note & hint: A motorcycle or bicycle can be designed along th lines of a scooter so's u can then carry stuff between your legs. ( At an Ideal CG balancimg bike at 25%.) Such a bike would be pure CG handling MAGIC&would utterly DESTROY thdemonic lunacy engineering that curse us 2day. Learn 2see thdevil in th picture. U can fight back. Send an angel 2any company that u discern has obviously demonic product or designed 2break item. Bikes should last a lifetime. Of hard use. (Written4 "Chrocles of solid" Dual Pupose bikes video.) Where i am is always where people will be. I been teaching Scotty about E Bikes 4 over a decade now. There are people out there who listen not all of them are cmplete idiots. ru-vid.comxQ84H9cjAZ0?feature=share
E bikes??? *Meanwhile I designed best morotized bike history mankind.* DO NOT PURCHASE AN E BIKE. I teach u how BUILD 1YOURSELE. Do not consult these you tube channels. These guys dont (DONT) know what they doing. If u building e bike read this. Do not believe internet. Do not subscribe those people. ANY OF those people. RE... READ., THAT, Sentance. "People" = 95% Satans computer animations not humans& those who ARE Yahwehs people, lol they just toad hump copy paste whatever false reality Satans kids pepetuate. I am ONLY person lacks those viruses. A million u guyz put 2gether could NEVER. EVER. Do, ..what i do. & Never will. EVER could or will design a morotized bike. They tried over a century ago. It went 2hell. I am th king of kings I will teach u how 2 BE me. You must understand who u are: Your solar system used 2b heaven. Heaven has a vast majority bottom level& 12 dimensions I am basically coming from highest level highest dimension. Satan uses schools 2make kids bleev his lies or he gives them an F. You people dont qualify 4any of heavens dimensions mentally. Biblical fact. Now = dumbest generation ever existed in history mankind or universe where I have highest IQ history mankind. E bike build: Use a 25mph max ONLY direct drive ONLY on PREMIUM ULTRA STRONG AS U CAN GET CROSS COUNTRY MAX SUSPENSION COMPETENT BICYCLE WITH BIG CHAIN RING ONLY. DO NOT USE BIZARRE WHEELS WITH TEEENY TINY IDDY BIDDY CHAIN RING OR wrthless pedals. USE FRONT BASKET DESIGNED BY ME ONLY. You MUST understand the WHYS. Use 28 - 30" wide bars with long STRONG BAR ENDS ONLY arms must form ULTRA stable triangle steer 70lbs groceries basket AND LOWER SEAT ALL THWAY TO LOWER CENTER OF GRAVITY streamline aero dynamics. Dont just do. UNDER STAND why I do what I do. (Long bars are used 2carry 2x4's strapped 2waist & 5 gallon buckets bar ends 2carry bread & light things increase capacity) U CAN NOT GO FASTER THEN 21 TO 25MPH ON A ELECTRIC BICYCLE. EVER. IT WILL BOTH DESTROY TIRES OR HANDLEBARS WILL KNOCK YOUR TEETH OUT OF YOUR SKULL IF U ACCIDENTLY POWER THROTTLE WHILE STOPPED AT INTERSECTION OR DISMOUNTING/MOUNTING BIKE IT WILL WHEELY THBIKE BUST YOUR TEETH OUT. 20MPH WILL TAKE U 20 MILES IN 1 HOUR. THAT IS MORE, WAY MORE THEN ENOUGH 2survive&function. Plenty people inadvertently SUCCESFULLY riding same basic designs. And? And yet these people still dont have a clue. They wouldnt know a giant diamond from a sea of glass. They just wish they could afford 1of Satans sh*t bikes thinking it is better. Know where 2 point but know where NOT 2 POINT AND WHY &HOLD YOUR GROUND. Satan HATES BICYCLES. So, they are designed 2 discourage accuracy in use. He HATES E BIKES. You bought 1designed by his tare race. These are demons. Not humans. You dont know how 2set up or ride an e bike either & never will. Never EVER use gas powered engine on bicycle. E bike step in right direction. In heaven e bikes use magnets & crystals. No wires in heaven either Satan uses wires 2give u an on off switch. If u refuse his money chip when he black mail u he shut off your food & water supply. If u recieve chip it download u2 eternify in h*ll. There4. Start with a SOLID PREMIUM BICYCLE. ONLY. Use a SIMPLE DIRECT DRIVE (NO GEARS) REAR WHEEL. I use Sunn Charger Cross Country bike with huge stanchion tubes long strong legs. Do NOT BUY th bikes with teeny tiny chain ring. Make sure u have big ring YOU MUST BE ABLE PEDAL AT HIGH SPEEDS UP TO 35MPH DOWNHILLS EXPLOIT EFFICIENCY STAY ON TOP OF THAT ENGINE CRUISING 2OMPH. Facts: 95% people are NOT HUMANS. They Satans computer controlled plasticines. Satan puts nephilem spirits (demons ) in humans bodies with hadron collider. They dont know they demons Satan controll all their minds. Demons are from another dimension (computer program) all demons are digital, computer animatuons. They design ebikes with bizarre tiny wheels & teeny chain ring so pedal assist at cruise speed impossible which DOUBLES your range. Ebikes drammatically reduce your pedal effort. You MUST pedal with th motor at 20mph so u must have big chain ring. An e bike MUST BE RIDDEN CORRECTLY 2maximize on max distance capacity. 95% chance u threader, are a plasticine. Satan put u here as a chance 2join Jesus. He will put u in even worse place u had left if u dont which makes it wirth it 4him. U recieve free give free. Stop backstabbing 4money whether u human or demon. I was person taught 30 guyz how 2 destroy Eddie Merx hour record. I now use system superiour 2those previous ergonomics. How do i do it??? I slam seat ALL THE WAY DOWN. My head 7" lower increase speed drammatically 1.8mph at 20mph. I pedal knees bent WITH NO PROBLEM AT ALL. Did u know i was only person history mankind bolted on basket 2carry stuff? No1 else could figure it out how.. You clowns use baskets designed by Lucifers BEAST computer. It gets in your heads. Satan can hack reality folks. Satan was Jesus elder brother of 2million years u live in a matrix. You also have the IQ of an absolute living nightmare. I fumction as Satans replacement. (His name was Halayel in heaven.) Jesus name was Yasha back then. I work with Satans sister Shazzerazi queen of fire. Yahweh had 12 girls 2 boys each child created a planet. Your asteroid belt was satans planet once. We are burning Satans dimension (computer program) with quartz weapons of fire. I control th solar system. My ring of fire is 3.5 tons working out past your constellations all dimensions simultaneously allowing Pleiadians 2portal back in. Idiot IS NOT HATE SPEACH NOR A BAD WORD. Front baskets: I designed my worlds best bike carrying system in 1hour using random parts it was so ridiculously perfect I never use anything since. I use front basket HANGING ON NYLON STRAPS SUSPENDED FROM AERO BAR 4WARD OF HANDLEBAR. This VASTLY VASTLY superiour. Why? Bcuz it is in flexible tensile. Bcuz otherwise u have compression which both DESTROYS your basket & VIBRATEA THE &*^% out of baskets contents. (Why smart little girls would use cushioning straw basket on little pink properly engineered bikes.) When carry weight go easy on front brake keep your weigbt back so as not 2flip bike 4ward. I carry max 70lbs only my SUNN bike has long chopped front support basket. All bikes should have bananna seats so u can move weight around. I suggest made in Taiwan PNM RANGE pedal with spikes REMOVED. Use slick tires ONLY Ebike ready tires only. Say no 2 the never stop purple flower clown shoe merry go round.
Bikers watch vid link. Maybe u learn smthing? I am th epicenter& king of kings of bicycle where I am is where u people will be. U humans rather. 95% People NOT HUMANS they demons; computer hivemind/entire brain downloaded from Lucifer they're poisonous&. Controll all manufacture. Create false reality cause planets pond water2flip = evil becomes good/good become bad. Demons = nephilem spirits Satan puts in flesh bodies who think they human. It was these plasticine pharisees killed Jesus. Bike I ride = Sunn Charger S1. Hardly built2my specs but closest I could find 4 thprice. Bought on sale cuz idiocy wasnt subbing "cross country" bikes anymore. People getting dumber&dumber& dumber by thminute idiots dont sub engineering or perfection they hump hood ornaments based on passion& Harleys worst of thworst. Harley will ensure u wind up in a coffin faster then any other5 most wretched 2wheelers combined.p Sunn Charger = how road bike dirt bike bicycle or any 2wheeler should ever be built& look like. Everytime period. Nicolas Vouillaz 10 time world champion also rode same earlier (1999) model bike I have = 2013 Sunn Charger S1. Both bikes/all bikes now& eternally based on same wheelbase/ ergonomic triangle I taught every1 use 1984. (Pedal bars seat triangle) Gary Fisher: Only other person pioneered identical triangle with rear wheel tucked as far under hips as we could get it. My Ultralever with sliding infinite gears pedal however, is directly beneath hip bone& technology hasnt got there yet; &never will. Not in idiot Lucifers lifetime. You can also see SUNN frame &seat tube copies of my BEELINE ULTALEVER designed/sent 2all thcompanies 1990's. Shimano wanted my drivetrain pattented. My rear suspension parallelagram still vastly both lighter less cmplex better then any1 ever made 2this day. (I turned my Sunn in2 wrlds best EBike so Satan released inferior Sunn Charger EBike 2whitewash me) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-tFUcVmIuwgU.htmlsi=b3EI2rQuvgDn048V
@Theotvoff Год назад
Salut ! Super video Quelle est ton reglage Go pro stp ?
@guixonbike Год назад
Hawaï, tu es sûr ^^ ?
@cyclomontdor7120 Год назад
@manu-production Год назад
Nickel 👍
@HearITTMAtrix Год назад
Merci infiniment pour votre avis d expert 👍👍👍🌈🙏
@domchassagne2500 Год назад
superbe vidéo tu a fait quoi comme reglages sur le moteur shimano en eco en tous ça a l'air d'etre un bon vélo
@cyclomontdor7120 Год назад
Je peux pas envoyer une capture d'écran mais si vous m'envoyer un mail sur la boite Cyclomontdor je peux les partager
@samuelduplan 4 месяца назад
EN gros le mode Eco compense le poids du velo..et permet de faire du physique (a part en montee raide ou il assiste deja pas mal)...En general on touche juste le reglage du mode trail pour avoir un peu plus de couple a une frequence de pedalage un peu plus basse.. ce qui evite de trop utiliser les mode "full" qui a tendance a etre trop gourmand en Wh...
@manu-production Год назад
C'est bien technique dans ce coin, idéal pour le VTT 👍
@anthopalumbo Год назад
Tu mesures combien et tu as pris quelle taille? Merci pour cette video.
@cyclomontdor7120 Год назад
Je fais 1m76 et j'ai pris la taille M il taille assez long donc facile 1m80 on peut aller. Si vous souhaitez venir voir la taille je peux l'amener en boutique
@anthopalumbo Год назад
@@cyclomontdor7120 je fais 1.75 79EJ je l'ai commandé en M j'espère que ça va le faire.
@jplale 5 месяцев назад
@@anthopalumbo Salut pas trop bruyant le moteur ? où est ce la prise son de la vidéo qui augmente le ressenti ?
@christophearnould2618 Год назад
Bjr, A-t-on le choix du ressort (lbs) lors de l'achat du bike ?! Cdt
@cyclomontdor7120 Год назад
Bonjour, oui c'est possible selon les disponibilités. 👍
@guixonbike Год назад
Je crois que le chien derrière à quelque chose à nous montrer aussi :) 🤣
@MrGabrielbkr Год назад
salut, je vais avoir le même bike cette semaine, gros changement de comportement avec le cintre carbone ?
@cyclomontdor7120 Год назад
Non pas forcément, c'était plus pour le côté esthétique. Je n'aimais pas le poste de pilotage Sunn
@samuelduplan 4 месяца назад
Gagner quelques dizaine de gr sur l'avant est toujours interessant pour faciliter les manuals , ou aleger l'avant en toutes conditions.. Apres en terme de rigidité..le cintre alu d'origine est deja tres bon..
@roberto8519 Год назад
Salut top je suis de caluire si ca te dit de roulé avec plaisir
@manu-production Год назад
Une jolie petite bombe 🤘
@cyclomontdor7120 Год назад
C'est clair, les koms vont péter 🤣
@manu-production Год назад
Un bijou 🤩
C'est ou ? C'est ou ? :) :)
@cyclomontdor7120 Год назад
Salut, désolé on ne divulgue pas le endroits sur YT pour ne pas avoir de représailles. Il faudra rouler avec nous ou venir au shop en parler de vive voix. Merci
Mais elle part d'ou cette trace ???? Je vois bien ou est le stand de tir sous le Mt Verdun, je vois bien comment on y monte par le chemin qui coupe les virages mais je ne situe pas le départ de cette trace !!! :/ Si jamais je suis preneur ;) Merci les gars
@manu-production Год назад
Belle sortie , bonne année et bonne santé à tous !!! Et vivement le mois d'Avril , il parait qu'il se prépare un truc 🤔
@paulchemin3265 Год назад
C’est dommage d’entendre râler en permanence à chaque petite bosse. Le parcours est sympa. Belles images sans le son 😅
@LMRomao Год назад
Good down hill and Nice speed dude. Sub your channel
@cyclomontdor7120 Год назад
Thanks, i follow back your channel 🤘
@LMRomao Год назад
@@cyclomontdor7120 thank you my friend.
@CaptainBugey Год назад
Merci pour le bain de soleil sur trail sec. Ça fait du bien !
@manu-production Год назад
Une belle trace 👍
@manu-production Год назад
Sympa cette Gravel 👍
@manu-production Год назад
Sacré run 👍
@sebbeaudon926 Год назад
Salut à vous , heureux que cette nouvelle rouge vous ai plu ,malheureusement nous avons du modifier la partie intermédiaire suite à une demande des chasseurs . bref ,il y a une nouvelle partie intermédiaire a découvrir !! petit conseil ,faut aimer la pente et le devers ;)
@cyclomontdor7120 Год назад
On reviendra refaire un tour avec plaisir
@manu-production Год назад
C'est bon ça 😁😆
@cyclomontdor7120 Год назад
Pur Bonheur cette randonnée
@manu-production Год назад
Orangina , secouez - moi , secouez - moi !!! 😂 🤣