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@Arius1987 11 минут назад
A game with no chance of winning
@hume1234561 57 минут назад
Tough to win this matchup. Good try though.
@FullOnAdventure 4 часа назад
what a comeback
@FullOnAdventure 4 часа назад
Nice try by Forti
@honghoangpham9094 6 часов назад
Orc too weak
@stupidreligionz 6 часов назад
Honestly Forti looks like one of these ppl who actually have fun playing the game. I
@stupidreligionz 6 часов назад
3 heroes > 2 heroes.
@aalinaqian8780 7 часов назад
1 week ago that bald bastard neo was talking about dradlord.guess nerfs are coming.
@itsilyo 7 часов назад
glad to see DL win !!!
@pelmefkaloltop6635 20 часов назад
7:30 rofl. Zeppelins need rework with precast load-in time, or remove
@flex-5213 13 часов назад
You should have seen moon use it to dodge normal attacks on several archers at once. With unlimited skill zeplin becomes one of the most broken units in the game.
@aalinaqian8780 21 час назад
Forti suddenly a good player? Nope, a compeletly broken matchup, this guy couldnt win a single thing during infi th000 era.
@rsk-1337 20 часов назад
How tf do you losers complain even when Forti loses, lol
@flex-5213 День назад
Was so nice seeing CL again, impale did the work. Coiuld have had way stronger upgrades, 1 armor on abomos would have played a difference.
@weather2456 День назад
am is a loser, stop playing that hero
@aalinaqian8780 День назад
absolute broken matchup. 120 at 9 min had 3 red camp creeped, hero levels 5,3, 2 vs 4,2,1 and 3 min later he got destroyed by good old knights gyros right click on ground.
@douglavras День назад
eer0: 2nd base with no cancel Took ALL the red camps Higher level heros Kadgars pipe Forti: Under leveled heros MK died 5 times 3 knights donated at fountain And we still got a close match? Imagine if it was the other way around?
@Igi_pop День назад
elf is just op its stupid always panda lvl 5 there by moon coz he knows how imba it is spawn mass fire and heal at moonwells + dh......yea...as always mass imbas...... nice timing at expos nice play human but ..... moon is moon... he was the choosen one to show how imba elf is ...:D sad game balance after last 3 years of patches :...:D
@Johnny.africa День назад
Elf gets owned hard by ud. Def not imba
@flex-5213 День назад
Tbh this game was so close there wasnt any imba involved, there are a handful of NE players that even manage to survivive most HU timed attacks
@alphafan11 День назад
Tbqh I think it's just the hero combination so I wouldn't even know how to balance it if I had to. I think this particular game was winnable for human if he picked bloodmage, but it would of been close. You really need a way to make Panda just as ineffective as the mana drained MK. Fight drain with drain. This game human did do well not to feed the heroes though. I've seen so many games where they got 6 and it was just over. OP af ults
@zxbc1 21 час назад
HU is in its most OP state since the tail end of RoC 20 years ago, and there are still noobs complaining about imba. Just wait til HU gets nerfed back to the ground and watch these HU players disappear off the face of the earth.
@alphafan11 20 часов назад
@@zxbc1 Saying ignorant shit like this proves you don't care about balance. Reminds me of that grubby video "but he creeps with militia, it's not fair 😭 " 😆 🤣
@muratkaradag3703 День назад
Poor Little MK got outleveld by Paladin
@Thailexuan День назад
Poor MK he died almost 5 times
@fanzheng6480 День назад
Very satisfying ahhh sounds that MK and knights made, 😂
@Draegeon День назад
That was really close until the very end, nice game!
@mojibsaei5394 День назад
16:46 was SOK trying to spare every single one of those bears with exactly one hit point. Was it to show off how much he doesn’t care about the game and at the same time how much micro he has?
@Green102Rus День назад
не нужно нерфить скорость гулям , нужно нерфить злоебучий стаф хумов. Длительность кулдауна нужно увеличить на секунд 10 не меньше.
@flex-5213 2 дня назад
So gryps not working, solution keep making more ?
@FullOnAdventure 2 дня назад
No destroyers?
@flex-5213 2 дня назад
Felt like Pato threw that in the end, if he would have marched with his trees, he would have had it
@alphafan11 2 дня назад
Maybe if he did it 5 minutes sooner. It was a desperation play at the end. Cannon tower destroyed him. Also not sure why he would deviate from the standard demon/panda combo. Panda would of annihilated those towers & lvl 6 demon can easily beat MK after mana burn. Bloodmage was a good choice but I don't think it would've been enough to keep MK relevant, as MK without mana is pretty useless. Overall poor play by elf. Take a look at 24:21; what exactly was he trying to do there? Invul pot to chase when human has staff? He could of just got staff, Tele in to human expansion, ult, then invuln out. Lost with one of the best ults in the game
@zxbc1 2 дня назад
NE was bad all the way through, had bad micro, had bad map awareness and bad timing. TPs out with meta still half duration left instead of fighting and killing some more. His heroes towards the end was killing peasants and buildings instead of helping his trees, and then chased HU around a corner and got all his units bunched up for mortars, and then had his Chimera chasing units instead of hitting solid on the knights, just tons of micro and macro mistakes all over the place.
@alphafan11 2 дня назад
@@zxbc1 Agreed. Phreak should stick to casting league of legends 😆 🤣 IYKYK
@aalinaqian8780 2 дня назад
Switching to mortars vs lvl6 warden, sure. Its sad to see these mediocre players cant compete against happy nowdays because of broken matchups and insane buffs
@aiquangat8620 2 дня назад
2 or 3 spellbreakers, 4 or 5 knights and several riffles would have done wonders
@captainw.3373 2 дня назад
Высокомерный альянс никогда не выходит из игры, хотя она уже давно проиграна. Потому что любят тотальное унижение? А Фокус попробовал секретный корейский бабушкин рецепт? Откуда такая уверенность?
@kylemadison1296 2 дня назад
Mass Griffs are disgusting.
@karhankuncu1870 2 дня назад
Trash human got destroyed hard
@stupidreligionz 2 дня назад
Gryphons just OP.
@Furansowakun 2 дня назад
Clever play by Orc
@MSouscolline 2 дня назад
nerver understand why those humans keep feeding orc with experience while they should keep creeping and fortify
@muratkaradag3703 2 дня назад
THis happens when your heroes are weak...
@imperialismopagano8772 2 дня назад
Orc is really disgusting. Humans should start using new polymorph on TC.
@gilbertchng8202 3 дня назад
Trying to figure out how devourers came out against Far Seer and Volcanoman and orc still won
@hume1234561 3 дня назад
I like Sok's strategy but Moon is another level.
@Igi_pop 3 дня назад
U only need 2 heroes for win .... Sad balance .... + Moon s way of plaiyng = u cant win just moon is moon just . Anyways high lvl of game and moon s micro is out of this world
@zxbc1 3 дня назад
Moon's micro this game is pretty crap. He even lost a bear to creeps mid game. Moon is not trying in these games he's just screwing around, but that's enough to beat noobs like Sok.
@rsk-1337 3 дня назад
@@zxbc1 Moon is definitely trying.
@Igi_pop 2 дня назад
@@zxbc1 I saw 100 red units saved as usual :D
@stupidreligionz 3 дня назад
Poison dmg + orb has to be one of the strongest things in this game.
@muratkaradag3703 3 дня назад
Of course the warden witch always goes for the backline, because she can.
@JayJay-wf2oe 3 дня назад
Warden is useless if not massively ahead. When shes 2 levels ahead then theres very little you can do. The key is to deny her levels early
@muratkaradag3703 3 дня назад
@@JayJay-wf2oe In any game no matter whom she is facing, she makes sure the contestant has a hard time, since she is an evil witch. Before she got nerfed, I remember having watched a game, in which she reached level 10 and eventually the enemy quitted because he couldnt deal with her
@zxbc1 3 дня назад
Warden is still pretty weak if you try to curb her xp gain. It's a novelty hero against inexperienced players. Sok is clearly not good enough to beat warden.
@Johnny.africa 3 дня назад
Moon still owns hu. Ne just gets pwned by ud all day
@stupidreligionz 3 дня назад
Not that easily tbh. u need to be a very good UN player to deal with elf. The effort UN needs to put in order to win games is a lot more i would argue compare to other races.
@skyline_46 3 дня назад
Зачем делать видео без обзора и комментариев? Ты больной
@SgtBrutalisk 3 дня назад
Why did Happy have 5 Statues at the end?
@aalinaqian8780 3 дня назад
15:30 surely balanced
@aalinaqian8780 3 дня назад
Matchup is horrendously broken in favor of human.
@Igi_pop 3 дня назад
Nope only forti played so nicely was pleasure to watch his pro skill vs imba happy :)
@HiddenWen 3 дня назад
Forti is the only human who can consistently beat Happy.
@dragoncrusader3356 3 дня назад
Hu are quiet hard Race to play . it been nerf since 2009 but now it's truly came back for HU era
@imperialismopagano8772 3 дня назад
Not true. Happy just got outplayed here: he massed banshees, but Fortitude just didn't started making knights, so Happy had a lot of quite useless limit.
@pelmefkaloltop6635 3 дня назад
only tanks. Here is 0 tanks
@elementaltamago1297 4 дня назад
@flex-5213 4 дня назад
Either GRubby was doing one of his challenges or the word transition escaped him xD
@hume1234561 4 дня назад
A really good game.
@hume1234561 4 дня назад
SPOILER ALERT HH and shaman with blood lust with 3 heroes is the way to go.
@zxbc1 4 дня назад
Blood lust is garbage vs UD, it'd just get devoured and give massive mana to destroyers. 3 heroes with this strat also doesn't work, as you will struggle to get SH high enough for effective healing wave which keeps wyverns alive. Stop giving trash solutions to games.