Ugly Fish
Ugly Fish
Ugly Fish
@dylanosborne2575 10 часов назад
“Are you certain it’s worth it?” No actually it’s not
@dylanosborne2575 10 часов назад
I haven’t listened to the story part yet but the part that really blew it for me was the fact your down there to find out what happened to your sister and when you do find a pda that literally recorded her death that’s it nothing happens nothing is said you just go on about your day
@Mabbio01 21 час назад
I managed to play it just before the rework I had a lot of fun levelling and with the combat. Finding new combat styles which gave you skins can't remember what it was called but it was great. Apparently the Classic version is still good. Do you have a walk through?
@TheIndigoEclipse 5 дней назад
Was Sweet Baby Inc involved with this story writing? It's so bad. :(
@SpecralAmy6 9 дней назад
This isn't a review, it's a hate speech
@RoseyBaldrson 9 дней назад
Best way to play this game, imo, is turn off the story entirely and turning on the NoCost cheat (tho that part is optional)
@AverageYTer 10 дней назад
I do and will continue to play Valheim, but the pacing is so unrewarding. I’m typically done playing when I’m finished with bronze
@cosmicsnailjuice 14 дней назад
Yes, I completely agree with what you said in this video, but you gotta remember it's made by 5 people.
@Halsyan 17 дней назад
23:41 "Islands operate as a peaceful escape from the terror of the sea" -> me falling off a surprise 50ft cliff back into the terror of the sea
@lachlank.8270 19 дней назад
54:00 so its GTA San Andreas now 😂
@lachlank.8270 19 дней назад
52:20 What a sad ending. Truely it died with a whimper 😢
@Jalbesbe 20 дней назад
So you don't know how to mine copper or silver... You quickly dig out all of the ground around the deposit and then you break the whole thing in one hit if possible. Sorry SEVEN DAYS FOR SILVER. I went to three mountains and go the Silver to make full level silver gear, hammer, and shield, all in less than a single day. Your world gen must have been bad. The other big issue with the skill system, is there is not each type of weapon per upgrade tier. For example, if you were using the axe as a weapon you don't get an upgrade in the mountains nor the Mistlands. Mistlands axe is worse than the Black metal axe. Add more to the fact everything else can have an actual natural progression as you play. Introduction to magic in the Mistlands and Crossbows, both requiring a lot of grind to even become usable, otherwise they are hot garbage. I agree with your stamina issues, but also can't help but notice you are using very poor food types. You'd have less stamina issues if you used the right foods in each zone. Geeze, your world gen was awful.
@lachlank.8270 20 дней назад
And what was up with adding that stupid targeting reticule ugghh
@johankarlsson1776 27 дней назад
Wouldn't one of the first things Alterra would do when they found the bacteria be to send samples of to other research facilities? Especially if they had nefarious plans for it? 🤔
@slyostinato3869 21 день назад
Your question is ANOTHER reason, among many, why SBZ failed. Many don't know this BUT...in earlier builds the storyline was WAYYYY different. Alterra did have live samples of the Kharaa bacteria inside the orbiting space station/research facilities in cold storage. And somehow it got out and you had to collect samples of Enzyme 42 that was found in close proximity to the Juvenile Sea Dragons and send it back to the space station. Halfway through SBZ development they mucked it up bad by changing writers (there is some suspicion and conspiracy surrounding that decision) and the storyline was scrapped. Many, and I mean MANY, of us felt betrayed, especially if you bought the game in early access after their pitch on what the story was about. We ALL felt like the rug was pulled out from under us when they did that. More like a 'bait and switch'. Many aren't going to trust UWE so easily now when Subnautica 3 comes out in early access and they put out their hand for EA money.
@sleezee6630 Месяц назад
Life hack. Turn of audio for voices. makes the game so much better HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA. I hate it.
@TheTweedler Месяц назад
I thought it'd be fun to give my story fix as well! First cut Robin, Alan, Margaret, and the whole frozen bacteria plotline. You play as Fred from the game trailer, a SILENT protagonist and diligent undersea trucker. While running cargo a meteor storm hits and everyone evacuates off world. Alterra takes this chance to deem the planet too hazardous to be worth the effort and cuts their losses, relocating the scientists and workers somewhere else in the galaxy. Unfortunately Fred's absence from the evacuation is chalked up as another casualty to the hazardous planetary conditions. You return to your base to find it in total ruin from the meteors and that you were left behind. Time to get trucking, fabricating, and exploring as you work to gather the increasingly rare resources to construct a powerful enough SOS beacon to alert a rescue team light years away that you are still there.
@Boywhoisheadcrab Месяц назад
Basically below zero is made for you to survive and thrive instead of experience oceanic horrors that will make sure you never look at the ocean the same way again
@platinums99 Месяц назад
The 1st game, captured the grandeur, hostility and calm of the ocean all at the same time. The vertigo of looking up and barely seeing the surface was a special feeling. its a shame #2 was such a let down, I imagine it was to appeal to a wider aucience.
@thethievesdomain8360 Месяц назад
There's only one thing I disagree with. The sanctuary where AL-AN was stored had its power cable cut. How or what can cut an architect power cable, idk. But yea, why didn't AL-AN just take over one of the maintenance bots, idk.
@daryldixon5587 Месяц назад
23:20 POV: you do NOT play on hardcore. L noob
@tudorg22 Месяц назад
Excellent video, this guy is very funny.
@MercuryAlphaInc Месяц назад
Alien Isolation but in a Thing setting. Main character can get infected and the gameplay changes subtly by making the character do things that seem logical from a game perspective but narratively it doesn't make sense for the character to do to contain or destroy The Thing and only players who stay focussed on what enemy they're fighting against can figure it out. I'd also make it so you can jump between the MC (that you can create yourself) and characters you meet along the way. Once everyone has been infected, it's Game Over, but as long as there's a human around, you can still succeed. That way, if your MC gets infected, you can take control of one of the other characters and still try to finish the game.
@nrnjn8547 Месяц назад
Maida existed for the writers to make an invincible character that would place them in good books. Maida did not wrestle a leviathan, survive the void and kharaa 💀. This is more like a dream sequence she had when she was about to be swalled by the reaper
@Chwiztid Месяц назад
Is power transmitter in BZ? Does it still use that blue, eyesore of a beam? I always wanted power receivers added to SN as a requirement, and HUD elements for connections.
@SpecralAmy6 Месяц назад
Below zero sucks, moving on to the next game to talk shit about... :>
@brownsterring9259 Месяц назад
Looks like the game isn't for you. I enjoy it vanilla style, I have over 350h in the game and I've never ever complained about the grind. My only complain is about graphics... I don't know why they mixed beautiful graphics with ugly models. But that's about it, everything else is pretty well balanced and bug free. Something that I can't find in a game nowadays.
@darkmqtter Месяц назад
I think the reason that Al-AN acts like an individual is because he is disconnected from the community
@reidwilson8452 Месяц назад
I've put 380 hours into Valhiem and agree with everything you said. Now that I think about it, I don't know why I didn't mind the grind in this game. I HATE MMOs, especially ones like Runescape; however, this game's grind didn't affect me that way, and the satisfaction of completing a large project after all the hours grinding materials really sat well with me. I also played most of my first playthrough of this game with a server of friends and then moved on to my solo world, so maybe the companionship helped mitigate the grinding aspect. However, I always tried to play this game vanilla as the devs intended, while my friends often used "Teleport exploiting." Which was essentially allowing you to teleport with metals by abusing the client based inventory. I, however, did everything the old-fashioned way: grinding the iron, transporting hundreds, if not thousands, of iron, and then having to drag all of that up a mountain to build my perfect mountain base. So, yeah, basically I agree with everything you said in the video. However, despite that, I still loved the game. Also, I just want to give you a slight nitpick about your video. All silver weapon descriptions explain they do more damage to the undead, so not using a silver weapon on Yagluth is on you, chief. Other than that, I love the video and commentary!
@Leftistmushroom 2 месяца назад
I think you can make dialog work in a game like this IF you make it really sparse look if most people bumped into an alien structure for the first time or saw the sunbeam shot down they'd have something to say about it
@trevorsherrie 2 месяца назад
The problem I have with this series is that both of the maps are traversable so quickly that you only really need one base, the cyclops is fun as a mobile base and the sea truck is pretty underwhelming
AL-AN and Robin could be a good pair if the two simple talked less, were more serious and saw eye to eye, both are biologist let them bond some, maybe even have AL-AN be excited that inside Robins brain is new information about creatures hes NEVER seen, and have Robin be genuinely intrigued by the fact shes speaking to a alien, a intelligent alien, Robin should be PUMPED as a Xenobiologist, she should be asking question after question about the biology and the culture of such a being and the two can actually work together instead of being weirdly hostile?
@GuitarGuy562 2 месяца назад
Ghost leviathans feed off micro organisms not meat. Other then that I agree and wish below zero was better.
@robertlauncher 2 месяца назад
25:57 First game: *Crunching and chugging noises.* Below Zero: Are ya winning son?
@gahzicoh1622 2 месяца назад
This game says the devs were unsatisfied with the size of their fan base. Very unfortunate.
@jmg5281986 2 месяца назад
Robin was such a strong female character that she had to remind you of that multiple times throughout the game. She was so cringe...every word out of her mouth.
@arizona_anime_fan 2 месяца назад
subnautica bellow zero - millennial writing at it's peak
@cphotenhauer4153 2 месяца назад
if you run up to the bridge at an angle in the prawn suit, you can actually jump the gap without fixing the bridge
@QuestionMarkguy98 2 месяца назад
My brain hurts
@LittleKittyMine69 2 месяца назад
It's so cool to see how other people experience gaming! For me, a silent protag ruins my immersion because the silence is unrealistic. People talk to themselves and the objects around them. It's just how we're wired. I'm also lucky because Robin reacts just like I would, and thus helps me stay immersed for longer!
@user-fm9zo5le2v 2 месяца назад
16:40 I like the fact that the items don't stack. And if you have unlimited inventory space, it's not fun anymore. Inventory management is a game in itself.
@robertkeane9393 2 месяца назад
On my 3rd playthrough trying to unlock everything. Love this game!
@dasweetlife2621 2 месяца назад
Below zero feels like it was made by someone who never played subnautica, but did hear about it once on a bus or something
@KevinoftheCosmos 2 месяца назад
I thought I was insane because I've furiously, intensely, and extensively tried to force myself into liking it; four earnest attempts. I just don't. I'm almost exclusively a solo player, and it feels like there's no long-term motivation for overcoming the survival challenges. I feel like I'd enjoy the building but I never get that far. Tedium is the biggest boss in Valheim.
@cfroi08 2 месяца назад
Dude I get this, I had this game for years and just couldn't get into it. Then around the Bronze Age after my friends got me to play with them I got invested in the game. But yeah the dev team just now realized 7/9th's into the games progression that they should encourage all types of play styles rather than making one off side grade armour/equipment for each biome. The skill loss is silly when you consider how the devs make it impossible to farm (skeleton/dragaur spawns are still good) and certain skills aren't even introduced until the end of game like magic. Not being able to hit enemies because of verticality is also not fun to deal with.
@civilwarfare101 2 месяца назад
Honestly, Yahtzee is kind of fascinating in how stupid he is or that his "reviews" are delibrately made because people want to see him rant rather than enjoy games. The guy reviewed a Transformers game, a DC game and a Star Wars game stating that he hates all 3 franchises yet he plays the games based on them anyway. People like him are everything wrong with game reviews, go into a game because you might have a chance of liking it, don't review it because you want to rant for the sake of ranting, that style of "reviewing" isn't even that funny.
@civilwarfare101 2 месяца назад
"Survival horror is in a state where the genre has to justify itself?" Ever heard of the stealth genre, and I mean stealth games that don't tack on an action component or an action game that tacks on a stealth component. A game where you must sneak around in order to make it through the game. There are more survivial horror fans than there are stealth game fans at least from what I can tell. And no I do not ever count people who primarily play Metal Gear Solid games as stealth game fans, they just like MGS and that franchise in general for it's wannabe action movie tone and dumb tone
@Warghoul76 2 месяца назад
Update. It’s gotten worse. Mistlands is pure trash
@WaldoIsMissing 2 месяца назад
Subnautica was a gourmet burrito. Below Zero felt like a gas station burrito. It was food, but it gave me diarrhea
@centurosproductions8827 2 месяца назад
I definitely prefer what I’ve heard of the pre-release Al-An, where he was a more antagonistic presence who I think downloads into your head because your PDF doesn’t have enough free space. And also the phrase “Die Peacefully”.
@tiredrat2628 2 месяца назад
One of the weakest parts of the story is finding the cure that Sam made. 1. The extremely advanced Architects spent way more time and resources in attempting to develop a cure but even they failed. 2. It makes her death feel incredibly underwhelming because she could have just cured it, there was no need to blow up the cave. 3. It could have been a great opportunity to have to go find one of the juvenile emperor levaithans from the first game. 4. Its just plain boring Whoops I commented this before I got to that part of the video