U.S. Naval Institute
U.S. Naval Institute
U.S. Naval Institute
The Mission of the U.S. Naval Institute is to provide an independent forum for those who dare to read, think, speak, and write in order to advance the professional, literary, and scientific understanding of sea power and other issues critical to national defense.
September Review
21 день назад
Navy F-35C Update from Lockheed Martin
Месяц назад
Mysteries of the K-129
Месяц назад
The Evacuation of Sicily in WWII
Месяц назад
The Navy's Shipbuilding Dilemma
Месяц назад
New Insights into the Twilight Zone
2 месяца назад
Singapore’s Littoral Solution
2 месяца назад
Seizing Saipan
2 месяца назад
July Review
2 месяца назад
Future Frigate Still in the Future
2 месяца назад
Lessons in Leadership
2 месяца назад
June Issue Review
3 месяца назад
Operation Neptune: Liberating Europe
3 месяца назад
Another Historic Year for the PLA Navy
4 месяца назад
May Issue Review
4 месяца назад
America's First Aircraft Carrier
4 месяца назад
@dustyking8851 3 часа назад
How about the western nations stop giving these guys money & weapons. Let's see how f-ing belligerent they are without their welfare. They're getting state of the art technology via gifts or espionage. I have no problem with the country or the concept of Israel but this non-stop stealing from Palestinians has to stop.
@logicbomb2614 3 часа назад
Drach the man the legand
@dunbarst 4 часа назад
Not a professional but I am curious what you think about the viability of large surface platforms on the long term in this hypersonic and drone filled world. Are investments in current technologies likely to be viable in the next 30 years?
@jamesazikiwe4107 6 часов назад
Whatever happened to pull yourself up & work hard to get what you want instead of a handout?
@geriscognamiglio3768 9 часов назад
I soliti isdraeliani
@Cup815 17 часов назад
Anyone else thought of Cardassians when they said Dakar class?
@marchutton7640 20 часов назад
Israel has made them nuclear capable. if you don’t think Israel doesn’t have a submarine nuclear deterrent, then you’re just stupid or you’re not paying attention.
@ChanoLeyva-hq2ci День назад
This is why we need trump, he’s been the only president that didn’t start any new wars
@jaredyoung5353 День назад
American citizens cannot afford housing or start a family, what exactly do you want us to fight for again?
@anindyamukhopadhyay8 День назад
They also carry popye nuclear missile
@nazarakopyantc514 День назад
Israel is the truth! Without lies islam dies
@alexshawcn День назад
allies? in a paper based war game you can, in a real full out war, you better not. Chins is not fool enough to declare war to all the US allies, they will also find all the possible way to push to their favor. Aussie will probably send a ship or two and a few hundred soldiers.... see what happened in Korea peninsula back in 1950s.
@송수원-o2v День назад
SMR for shipboard propulsion in Gyeongju is being researched, designed, and manufactured. Applicable to Batch 3.
@unclewerner День назад
Any longer peace would be certainly deadly for the U$ economy.
@shehyoung3633 День назад
These Americans underestimate the determination, resilience and ability of the Chinese military and people... they will not undergo another "century of humiliation".
@ganboonmeng5370 День назад
@ganboonmeng5370 День назад
The next near peer war will be short...but the effect will be very long....how long will it take for NUCLEAR poisoned world to recover ? 100 years ?😢😮😊 How many humans will still be around ? ALBERT EINSTEIN REPLIED " I do not know..what weapon they will be using in ww3...but I know ww4 will be fought with sticks and stone ".
@vinhdang6853 День назад
Talk about defense Taiwan freedom , how about Americans force go to defend Myanmar freedom ?
@jakelilevjen9766 День назад
I fear the US would crumble its political will to continue the fight the moment things become uncomfortable for them.
@davidnewman8470 День назад
My favourite Drachinfal esisode is Chokai v Godzilla
@geoffhay2218 День назад
Many in the world are depending on the USA - or they will be soon.
@hazchemel День назад
My grandfather's doctor suggested he take a nip of whiskey before bed, to improve circulation to the feet. Doctors did this, but carefully, as his doctor said, "Tom, you are one of the few men I trust to take only one shot."
@peredavi День назад
I’m afraid if PLA takes huge losses at sea and their naval ports on mainland, they will use tactical nuclear weapons against the US and Taiwan. That war could easily go to ICBMs. I wonder how POTUS Harris will handle a potential nuclear war?
@peredavi День назад
Is it wise to publish general military plans and war games so CCP can read them?
@USNavalInstitute День назад
We're not publishing war plans. Nothing classified here. Just an open source discussion of the realities as our authors see them.
@davidrizkk 2 дня назад
This ‘expert’ is delusional. China is in no hurry. America will have to fight 5000 km from her shores. America was defeated twice in East Asia at a time when China was backward and poor.
@edwardraj7879 2 дня назад
This gentleman reminds me that, years ago there is someone from US-China Commission once said, PLA r working on genetic program for creating super soldiers. Cuz he saw a slogan from PLA newspapers said “ Inherit red gene”. 传承红色基因 But the correct translation should be: Passing the tradition of revolution. Red gene is a metaphor. I was shocked!How could they get paid so easy?
@jackvonkuehn9038 2 дня назад
Is it me or have we seen Nav Sea basically take on the attitude of the Bureau or Ordinance from the 30's?
2 дня назад
It shows how far Drach has come. In this Video he is interviewed about a US Battle as a Brit. That shows some Respect :)
@Naylamp21 2 дня назад
Meantime Constellation Frigates are full of crap. USA Navy is doomed !!!😪
@USNavalInstitute 2 дня назад
Not doomed, but the shipbuilding problem is a big one for the US Navy. Got to fix it. Quickly!
@JosephRicher-d1p 2 дня назад
This presentation is sadly simplistic and misleading in many ways. Just one example - the provisioning of information analyzed by AI to make rapid decisions is problematic. The video speaks to AI providing information to facilitate rapid human decisions, yet we could talk for hours about whether decisions made with flawed data were actually made by the decider or by the provider of the data to support a fore gone conclusion. There is certainly a place for AI - but people need to chart our course.
@USNavalInstitute 2 дня назад
Good points.
@generalvikus2138 2 дня назад
All of this was great except for one off-hand comment: "building a ship is more complex than building a missile." Polaris was both a ship and a missile, and it was far MORE complex and revolutionary an undertaking than any other shipbuilding project of its day. And it was still accomplished in a few years. Whatever we used to do in those days was better. Not perfect, maybe, but good enough. So why can't we go back to doing things that way?
@coolmeister522 2 дня назад
If the military wasn't a giant waste on behalf of Israel we'd see this guy given a gun and sent straight to the US Mexico border. Instead he gets to mess around in his fancy uniform doing **** all while the border is wide open and millions cross every year. What good is a military if they are doing everything BUT defending the border??? Don't care what branch you're in, what job you do etc etc either defend the country or stop collecting a paycheck.
@nigellawson8610 2 дня назад
The problem the US would face in a war with China is that it would spread vertically and horizontally. It would not remain confined to the South China Sea and Taiwan Straits. It is easy to imagine the war spreading to the Korean Peninsula and elsewhere. Furthermore, the United States no longer has the industrial and logistical capability to support fleets and armies fighting on multiple fronts. America is no longer the industrial, scientific, and technological powerhouse it was at the height of the Apollo Project in the late 1960s. Due to nearly forty years of outsourcing, the US has been hollowed out industrially. It can be said that the US is rotting from the inside out. It is an empire in steep decline. If wars are won on the factory floor rather than on the battlefield the US would lose badly. For example, the Chinese shipbuilding capacity is nearly two hundred times that of the US. The Chinese also outproduce the US in steel, aluminum, and in other crucial economic categories. Furthermore, due to the failures of the American educational system, the Chinese are graduating nearly five million STEM graduates a year, which is nearly eight times the number of STEM graduates that the US is graduating in the same period. Although, the US Navy currently has a significant advantage in operational experience and technology over the Chinese, especially when it comes to the US Navy’s submarine and carrier force, over time this advantage will become a wasting asset as the Chinese gain expertise in those areas. It is also worth noting that the US relies on the Indians and Chinese for its supply of high-explosives and some of its major weapon components. If the US ever gets into a war with China, access to the resources will dry up overnight. To cap it off, in a war with China the Americans will have to conduct operations in China’s backyard, which would stretch American logistics to a breaking point. In short, in a battle of production, the Chinese will be able to easily outproduce the US in every important category of weapon. The combination of China’s industrial advantage and the fact that the Chinese will be operating close to their industrial and logistic centers will present the US with an insuperable problem. Due to the constraint of distance, the US might not be able to sustain high-intensity operations over the long haul. It is also hard to imagine the US being able to reconstitute its forces due to its lack of industrial capacity. We can readily observe this problem being played out in the present. In the current war in Ukraine, the US has drawn down its stock of high-tech weapons. It is struggling to keep Ukraine supplied from current production. High-tech weapons like the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system, JSSM cruise missile, and HIMAR tactical multi-launch rockets have proven difficult to build in numbers. Even ramping up the production of Stinger, MANPADs and Javelin anti-tank missiles have proven difficult due to shortages in skilled workers and a lack of factory space. In addition, when it comes to artillery production the US will be hard-pressed to produce 50,000 shells per month. The Russian Federation, in contrast, can produce up to 150,000 per month. This fact highlights one of the major flaws in America’s current economic system. Unlike the Chinese and Russians, the US simply lacks the surplus capacity to expand its production like it was able to do in World War Two. Furthermore, although the Chinese population is aging, the Chinese still outnumber the US by four to one. In a long attritional struggle, these numbers will ultimately play against the US. Taking all of these different factors into consideration, the US would lose a long war of attrition with China.
@Vhvjdow0ajsbcdhcuei3o22-om4sm 2 дня назад
How can the US ever actually overcome China if China will not spread out across the pacific like Japan did in WW2? Could a war like this last for more than a decade? Could it last a century? China wont be going anywhere and the US cant be overthrown.
@peterl545 2 дня назад
We are already at war. A kinetic war could last a hundred years with the resources available to both.
@dave3156 2 дня назад
Had to watch because Jon was on! Great job thanks for having him on!!
@edroosa2958 2 дня назад
Nice video. Good to get more insights about Drach
@USNavalInstitute 2 дня назад
Glad you enjoyed!
@MA2-o2l 2 дня назад
CMDR Cobb should read not only The Great Wall at Sea (a bit outdated) but also read the most recent papers written by Bernard Cole, Capt. USN Ret. Cole teaches at the War College and from what I've read of his papers would have a different outlook. Too many reasons to get into for a 'Comment' but China has many issues to overcome before it could be more than a Paper Tiger.
@rollout1984 2 дня назад
"Great Wall at Sea" desperately needs a new edition. I read it in the early 2000's.
@user-bt8vn3dj6o 3 дня назад
Just another "toy!" Currently the Navy in 5th Fleet doesn't have a functional oiler! The Ukrainian army is short of 155 mm shells! Don't tell me "AI" will fix the budget, that is a lie!
@Kissypooh 3 дня назад
What's missing from this analysis is critical: The CCP is unlikely to invade Taiwan by force. It is far more likely to coerce through a blockade. The Chinese navy has already fully exercised this twice, surrounding Taiwan for lengthy periods. Blockades are acts of war under international law, but nobody treated these exercises as acts of war when they happened. The CCP hopes to snuff out Taiwan without firing a shot. If Taiwan fires the first shot, the CCP hopes to win the propaganda war over Taiwan "starting the war." A blockade of Taiwan or a military skirmish will immediately halt Taiwan's economy, which is desperately dependent on both imports and exports. This economic vulnerability gives China tremendous leverage over Taiwan without firing a single shot at Taiwan. The analysis is focused on invasion and the US response to an invasion. The CCP wants Taiwan without an invasion, and there is very little Taiwan or the US can do about, short of military force / escalation.
@MuffinManUSN 3 дня назад
Im having trust issues here. So we let AI run this entire video? Yall released this advocating for understanding, calm and cooperation with AI but chose a weird approach in having "We" even do the narration. While "We" buys more time to become fully integrated into the everything that is at this DT Group. Rain, with all due respect; I don't like any of this. If "We" want people to be accepting then start actually letting AI be useful to the everyday Man. Tax filing, Healthcare, home streaming actually being functional/useful, A family-net AI that keeps everyone in the family tight knit and informed... Seems like the only issue with AI now is standard human greed and power lust is the only issue with "We" currently. Gotta say, not a good first impression we're putting up in front of "We".
@Naylamp21 3 дня назад
Logic and natural progression says Taiwan, Philipinnes, South korea and even Japan would end in chinese sphere of influence. As minor partners. USA must accept that and be ready.
@Jack2Japan 3 дня назад
Blood pressure 🩸 💥 🩸
@benjam0 3 дня назад
You also need troops. China has the world's largest standing military. China would fight a conventional war with ground troops. The U.S. will not win an economic war with China. Also we have paid China with the dollar. All China has to do is release all of the money we have paid through the decades. If you think inflation is bad now you are very mistaken. A war with China would be a huge mistake. The US needs to become an isolationist country again and stop putting our nose in places it doesn't belong. Let Europe take care of Europe. Let Asia deal with Asia.
@benjam0 3 дня назад
Tinkles. 😂
@KirbyZhang 3 дня назад
All China needs to do is take and hold Taiwan, then wait it out. Taiwan is so close, half of the people are fine with being part of China, other half will give China trouble until they run out of choices. None of them want to be a proxy for somebody else's plans. China isn't worried about military defeat. Its main worry is economic and technological uncertainty after world is strictly divided, with no way to unify again.
I felt that the panel did not give enough credit to the US air attacks that Kurita was experiencing as the reason for his withdrawal.
Thanks Drach and great job! What a great coincidence. I just finished the YT Channel WW2 Tales series on the battles related to Leyte Gulf. This program really added to my understanding of those events. As grandfather two USNA cadets, class of 2028, I have a new motivation to learn more US Navy history. I have been enjoying this YT channel for years, though!
@hotcakesism 3 дня назад
How about, i don't know, leave them the fuck alone? A nuclear power? People in power here are a bunch of sickos making enemies for all of us.
@danielbisrat2137 3 дня назад
You keep repeating "rule based order". Whose rules are these? Does the US abide by these rules?
@Kissypooh 3 дня назад
It's UN and international law, guaranteeing freedom of navigation and flying. There is a long history, and the history and rules-based order has been magnified since WWII as the US has made sure throughout the Cold War (against Russia) and currently against the Chinese, that no country is going to deny free transit through international waters and international airspace.
@USNavalInstitute 2 дня назад
One good example is the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. The US abides. China does not.