Head Covering Movement
Head Covering Movement
Head Covering Movement
The Head Covering Movement is a community of Christians who are sparking a return to the biblical practice of head covering (1 Corinthians 11:2-16).

Visit our website: headcoveringmovement.com
Get our book: christianheadcovering.com
More social media: linktr.ee/headcovering

Guidelines for commenting:
Discussion should be on head covering and biblical manhood/womanhood only.
No insulting or name-calling (stupid, idiot, Pharisee, liberal, legalist, heretic, etc.).
Don't come looking for a fight, making accusations, leaving harsh replies, harassing, or engaging in endless debate.
The comment needs to contain mainly your own personal thoughts, in a brief post.
Covering Testimony: Alice E.
3 года назад
Head Covering and Pride
5 лет назад
Head Covering Styles For Beginners
5 лет назад
Inconsistent Complementarianism
9 лет назад
@ccg9623 2 дня назад
I have stopped using a head covering since I moved to a new place and now walk to and from work or anywhere else for that matter so I sweat alot and almost suffered from a heat stroke the other day. I live in Malaysia so it is very hot and humid, also I am the only Christian girl I know that wears a head covering outside of church and so everything just got to me that I thought I didn't actually have to use it but in the 2 months that I stopped, it just feels like I am not heeding to my calling. Like I am running away from a promise I made to God. So I have switched to using bandanas a few days ago, when I walk and when I get to where I need to be, I switch to a scarf or shawl. I really do respect the Muslim women here who cover their heads all the time when it is so hot but they never waver and it has taught me that lesson - that this is a SACRIFICE I chose and GOD is above ALL THINGS. Especially, my discomfort in the heat. PRAY FOR ME❤🙏
@JRRodriguez-nu7po 3 дня назад
According to the modern Church God changed His mind in the 1960s. Right after Vatican 2. Yes sir, God follows the Pope says the uncovered Protestant woman. Not long after the Reformation Protestant clergy took off the "funny hats" in obedience to Scripture. The command is also against wearing miters. Elsewhere Paul commands that Church officers be husbands. The RC contradicts this by enforcement of celibacy as Paul aso warned that there would cone religions forbidding marriage. After over a thousand years men finally began to obey Scripture about NIT covering their heads and True Church growth exploded world wide. Then in the 60s Protestant women decided to follow Vatican 2 and uncover. Is the Church better since? History is the plumb line of theology. The timing is quite revealing.
@lampandlightpathways 6 дней назад
This was a big topic for me coming out of nearly 10 years of legalistic fundamentalism where head coverings and having long hair were mandatory for the women of our church. After many years of prayer about these verses God was gracious and showed me that this teaching on long hair and head coverings has no parallel under the OT type and shadow of Christian doctrine. Sound Christian doctrine is found in the OT blueprint such as sacrificial lamb, baptisms and out of servitude into a place of liberty and provision. This answer to these verses while utterly thrilling and liberating left me with a major headache. If they are not to be acted upon why are they there. After a couple of weeks of prayer ( so quick ) I had a verse coming to me 1 Cor 7 1..... now concerning the things whereof you wrote unto me !!!!!!! NOW....concerning the things YOU WROTE UNTO ME...... Paul covered these things because the corinthians had written to him about them. And then at the end of his discourse on their questions he finishes with his statement .....nevertheless we have no such customs neither do the churches of God. WOW!!!
@JRRodriguez-nu7po 3 дня назад
One set of errors doesn't mean all is error.
@TheBibleNerd334 8 дней назад
I’m considering starting to veil regularly. My first real experience with it was earlier this year when Iw as an extra on a first-century TV show and had to cover my head for 2 weeks, and I have to admit that I liked it. Something about the thought of covering my head and following scriptures feels so gentle and soft and modest. ❤
@annatmarshall5133 9 дней назад
I feel drawn to wear a veil at Mass. Have neen feeling it for a while now.
@bobashby3106 10 дней назад
The submission of a wife to her husband is transcultural, all right -- note what's demanded of women in Iran or Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, or the wigs worn by Hasidic Jews. If you believe in the subordination of women to men as a "principial," you have no principled basis to drawing a distinction between a lace veil and a burka.
@MotoandReformed 11 дней назад
When Sproul said buy his book and everyone laughed 😂
@elained7006 14 дней назад
Just started tjos at the prompting of the Holy Spirit and 1 Cor. Praise God ✝️
@robertkeith7274 15 дней назад
Many years ago, a friend shared with me her experience worshipping with the Plymouth Brethren. I was a young Christian at the time, and she told me about how they required women to wear a head covering during the service. I'm guessing the PB still insist on this practice [?].
@Sarah-fs6li 21 день назад
I love this! I have been covering for a little over a year now, and honestly it feels so natural now! I often wonder why women do not cover, its so so clear in scripture! Thank you for this encouragment!
@EYTSIRHC1 21 день назад
I’ve always thought is was revolting when men had long hair and women had short hair - especially if they shaved it. I’ve seen an uptick in both since gay “marriage” was legalized in 2015. I think our culture started to collapse with women voting and working outside the home and started trying to be the head of the household and all manly. We’ve lost femininity. Now, feminists are having men replace women and awarding them for it saying they exemplify bravery and they make better women. Society is this androgynous gray mess. Women in the military. Female cops. Women in politics. Men staying home with the children while their wives work. Women working 2 jobs while their baby daddy plays video games and goes out partying. Men watching TV living with their mommy. Women not staying at home with their parents and instead struggling financially and focusing on their careers. Teenagers leaving church after they graduate from youth group and returning once they have children to send to Sunday school and VBS. Women leading women’s ministry and children’s ministry and serving in the nursery instead of sitting with the congregation. Women working while their children are raised by daycares and schools and then shuttling them off to activities barely spending time with them. What’s the point in having children you barely interact with. Divorce and prolonged singleness are on the rise. Men say they don’t want a housewife and they don’t want to attend church. The gender blur collapsed our country’s culture.
@EYTSIRHC1 21 день назад
Same. I kept hearing I was wrong until I heard Joel Webbon and then I thought THATS WHAT IVE BEEN THINKING
@petermburu1203 22 дня назад
We can't have unity in lies but only in truth.john17:17
@danparks8290 23 дня назад
Head covering is apparently transcendent of culture but a woman's hair is given to her as a covering.
@susanmartin870 26 дней назад
My only question to those who decide it isnt meant to be transcultural, is this: What would you lose if you DID cover your hair?
@JayBeenCbosen Месяц назад
I just found this channel and I see their not consistent with content as much. I hope they see this comment & start posting more. I love to see women embracing the word of God.
@sodaomgi7233 Месяц назад
Long hair is the only head covering God gave to women. Paul refers to the law of nature, so it's inherent in us and has natural origins that contradict religious artificial veils.
@SpencerLionheart-l9p Месяц назад
This is just a silly? A hat as a covering?
@SpencerLionheart-l9p Месяц назад
No, you can't take that off. Either cover your hair all the time so that no one sees anything or accept hair as your covering. A true covering is not taken off if you pray without ceasing. Period.
@AlphaStudios-lh1rz Месяц назад
That ain’t a covering
@raymondrinehart5957 Месяц назад
Ok then why didn’t the women at the church he pastored cover their heads? My friend and his wife went to his church for years. They didn’t practice this there.
@SusanC-gi6nw Месяц назад
Men can lead theough thw theollogy of it they are more intelle c tual, but women can lead also as the example.
@barend4803 Месяц назад
I live in S Africa. Years ago we were praying for revival in our small town country church. During this time I became aware of 1 Tim 2:8. But could not understand it. Later when I started studying the whole passage I became convinced that the women in our church needed to co cover their heads like our mothers and grandmothers used to do. Needless to say I became extremely unpopular. One year when our church attended a reformed conference at Skogheim I was told by the pastor and one elder of our church that they wanted me to meet one of the pastors that was a speaker. It turned out he was to lecture me on 1Cor 11 and how it did not really meant that women must cover their heads. I was very confused at the time and also the only person that felt that was God's command. I was ridiculed where ever I went. For many years I could not understand it fully but my wife and daughters continued to to so. Lately my one daughter got married and stopped doing it after several pastors convinced her that I am just an old fashioned pharisee 😢. As I am much older now today I am beginning to understand this more now. I am convinced that most of our problems today like broken marriages, woke, homosexualism and many more like that inside the church is directly as a result of a previous generation that disobeyed this command not understanding how dangerous and destructive egalitarianism and feminism in church is. How do we turn around ?
@stevendick4894 Месяц назад
God is glorified when a woman dresses like a woman leaves her hair uncut and so does a man when he dresses like a man and keeps his cut short so the difference can be see by man and God
@stiphansubba3119 Месяц назад
1 Corinthians 11 Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head.5And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head--it is just as though her head were shaved.6If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head.7A man ought not to cover his head, [2] since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.
@HarpazoReady2022 Месяц назад
The original Greek wording in 1 Corinthians 11 about covering the head never says veil or anything pertaining to fabric. That chapter explains God has an order. God ➡️ Man ➡️ Woman. And to symbolize the woman is being submissive, she should cover her head. Verse 15 “But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.” Her HAIR is her covering given to her by *nature* There’s the creation reference. So think about it, only cults require women to cover their heads: Islam, Hindus, Amish, Mennonite & some Catholic sects. I am a Christian woman & scripture says my long hair is my covering to reflect I submit to Gods order. 💜
@davidjohnson1536 Месяц назад
Beardless men talking about how we ought to dress and look! Hahahahahahaha!
@rafgg1904 Месяц назад
Her hair was given to her for a covering and is a glory unto a woman and there needs to be a difference between man and woman. God created us that way. Angels are created masculine that's why "Because of Angels" is added. So woman must differentiate between man and Angels in their appearance. A lot of words but completely missing the point and it shows big preachers don't read their Bible carefully.
@oiladviseguy Месяц назад
1 Corinthians 11 deals with the subject of a woman and a head covering. But why do so many people choose to ignore the concluding verse? Why study in subject if you ignore the conclusion? Verse 15 says: But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is giving her for a covering. Why should a woman insult God by placing a covering on top of the covering that He gave her? If she does not have long hair (of which there may be various reasons such as losing all her hair in cancer treatments) then she needs a man made covering, but only if her God given covering is absent. We have no right to just do what we want in matters that Scriptures have made very clear. Do not mock God's wonderful work and cover up that which He gave you for your covering and glory. It would be like a young man saying, I am not going to use my strength because God said the glory of young men is their strength. They certainly don't need to be prideful because of their strength, but that certainly doesn't mean they should not use it. It is not a matter of a woman being submissive, rather it is saying: God, your covering that you gave me is not sufficient, so I will use a man made covering to cover up your mistake.
@djomegaman Месяц назад
Not obeying the Word of God is rebellion and rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. No headcovering hinders prayers
@andreamck4521 Месяц назад
The 10-th child? The world is overpopulating - but people throw children on the earth like on an assembly line.... That's not what's God's will in these times....he wants humanity to be responsible! The poor children.....😔 Greetings from Germany 🇩🇪
@naiomipatterson 22 дня назад
@@andreamck4521 This is about head covering and you’re telling me your only take away is how many children she said she had in the intro? Sure let’s shame a MARRIED woman having kids with her husband. Why don’t you go take your argument to all the women sleeping around and having a bunch of kids that aren’t married. Smh.
@GoodNewsMom Месяц назад
I like what you've said. I believe wearing a headcovering is right for me, a married woman professing Christ Jesus, however, I do not feel like it is sin for other married women in the church *not* to wear one because 1 Corinthians *does* in deed say in vs. 15 "for her hair is given her for a covering", referring to the head. The bald head of a woman *would* be a shame to leave uncovered in this scenario--though I truly believe that women letting their hair long is covering enough and she is covering her head appropriately, and even glorifying God. Also--I truly feel I need makeup to look nice, but I go without for personal reasons--but have no problem with other women wearing modest makeup. I do it because I want to look as modest as possible and like I am not trying to attract the attention of any man, as in my past, I have used makeup (not much either) for such ends. It again, is a very personal decision, and it does say in 1 Cor 11: 13 to "Judge for yourselves".
@rosedavis3535 2 месяца назад
“But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a covering.” ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭11‬:‭15‬ ‭
@JP-gx6pi Месяц назад
Yes, this is what I was taught, your hair is your covering however, people in the comments seem to think differently, what am I missing?
@melanialeinfellner 29 дней назад
When a women pray or profesize must have the heard covered
@cynthiagalvan837 18 дней назад
@ rose davis3535. The scriptures can’t be any more clearer than that.
@robertmiller812 17 дней назад
@melanialeinfellner I would like to add my two cents here after reading this discussion. First of all I believe we should follow the teaching in 1st Corinthians 11. The main problem here is the misunderstanding of 1st Corinthians 11 altogether. I also have made an intense study of this passage, and the obvious conclusion is that Paul was referring to long hair being the covering. The first thing one should take notice is the lack of wording required to conclude that a veil is being referred to here. The word veil or cloth is not in the text if we read from the King James version. If you read from the “modern” versions then you might get that view but not from the Textus Receptus. I would like for you to reread the verses that allegedly refer to a veil which is 4-7 and 13. In those verses we read the words, cover, uncovered and not covered. According to scholars these are used as adverbs. Like if you were to say I am going to cover my feet. No one should be thinking of a veil just the action of being covered. What is missing in these verses are nouns that would prove the idea of veils. Since we should not be assuming anything we should be asking the question what is the thing that a woman should be covered WITH based on the passage ALONE? So if you do the math you would find that Paul refers to hair directly 3 times and then indirectly 4 times with the words shorn and shaven. So if there is no noun for the word veil or cloth yet there are 7 instances of idea of hair, then what are we to conclude? That Paul is referring to hair whether it be short or long. But the counterargument would be that Paul is allegedly telling women to put something on. But that is not exactly true it says a woman should be covered, but he is referring to long hair based on the surrounding verses. But what about that a woman ought to be covered when praying or prophesying? The assumption is a that Paul was referring to only two instances which is not true he was merely giving us two examples. This also applies to men about being uncovered. Evidence of this is written in the forgoing verses. Paul writes that men ought not to cover because he is the image and glory of God. And then Paul goes into how woman was made for man and is the glory of the man. So it would seem that man shouldn’t be covered at any time if he is the glory and image of God. Paul also mentions that the mere observation of a praying woman should make us note how uncomely (unappealing in appearance) for a woman to be uncovered. Paul states this in a way that it should be obvious to anyone that she looks off in verse 13. He does this again in verse 14 about how shameful it looks if a man has long hair. He says it this way… Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? KJV So this judgement that we should make is exclusively based on observation of an “uncovered” woman as well as a long haired man. Two consecutive questions both appealing to something innate or within us. Paul is in essence saying that it should be obvious to see that something is wrong or off. So how is it that for the women we are somehow to know within us that a woman would be unappealing in appearance without a manufactured veil? That does not seem logical especially since the word veil is never mentioned. Unless that is not what Paul is meaning but rather that if the woman was not covered in long hair (meaning her hair is short) doing something holy or godly LIKE praying or prophesying. I think most people can relate that looking at a woman with short hair does have an unappealing appearance. It naturally provokes head turns. And if there was any question Paul flat out states what he was talking about in verse 15. So the facts are that there no nouns to use as evidence of a veil. There is evidence that Paul was using praying and prophesying as examples. Paul appeals to nature and something innate within us to judge that being uncovered or covered (meaning having short hair or long hair) should be obvious to all. So this cannot make sense with a manufactured veil.
@rosedavis3535 17 дней назад
@@robertmiller812 Thank you for the in-depth explanation. I was born in India and raised a Hindu. We covered our head when we went to temple. After being born again and following Jesus my life has completely been transformed . Scripture says that Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth! Amen! I don’t use any hair covering at church and I had a strong desire not to cut my hair but I have heard different understandings on this topic and I want to do the right thing. I also understand that we all have our personal convictions from the Lord and different cultural backgrounds. My mom who is in India believes in Jesus but she covers her head when they pray together because of culture. Thank you again for shining some light on this. Blessings 🙏🏻
@bernhardbauer5301 2 месяца назад
It is all about our fear of the Lord. It is not about human culture. It is all about heavenly culture. IMHO covered women are beautiful.
@DavidKing-qd3sp 2 месяца назад
Wearing a veil or head covering is not biblical but if you want to do it - feel free. You wear a head covering but neglect to keep the true Sabbath day which is from Friday evening to Saturday evening. You also fail to celebrate the Lord's supper preceded with the foot-washing service - John 13....So you all strain at a knat and swallow a Camel. Do you know of one denomination that supports head-covering. It's an embarrassment when Christians show themselves as fanatical and naive. Maybe we should start to live like the Amish or Hutterites. So get out of your emotional approach to interpretation and use your brain...1st Cor. 11:15 says - the hair is your head covering. Maybe you think you'll have a Pentecostal experience because of wearing it - or Angels will rapture you to heaven....PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!........lol
@victoriafisk9712 2 месяца назад
I don't understand the Hindu design on tbe handkerchief.
@ClaudioMonzeglio 2 месяца назад
Sproul used this principle for head coverings but didn’t for baptism
@heathersnyder8789 2 месяца назад
God loves men.
@nunyabidnazz2311 2 месяца назад
Oooh wee! “Thank God for a woman who isn’t a carbon copy of other women!” My goodness!! Now that is sincerely beautiful! I always encourage women not to be like the disrespectful, spiritually ignorant women of the world. We’ve finally reached the point in Society in which you’re more unique and rare for dressing modestly, than practically being nude. The world is using celebrities to encourage, promote and teach young ladies that their only worth is in their bodies!! Let us be the example and teach the young girls how to respect God and themselves.
@nunyabidnazz2311 2 месяца назад
“Do you think God has changed His mind?” Beautiful!! As we know, God does not change as we do!! Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever! I don’t have to understand the why, so long as I respect that God Almighty has commended me to do something, THAT is what matters! I also just love how Miss Ruth looked over and genuinely smiled as Mister Derek complimented how wonderful she looks as she’s obeying God!! Simply beautiful! Thank you very much for uploading this! May God continue to keep and bless you and your family, in Jesus’ name. 🙏 ❤
@robertmiller812 17 дней назад
I would like to add my two cents here after reading this discussion. First of all I believe we should follow the teaching in 1st Corinthians 11. The main problem here is the misunderstanding of 1st Corinthians 11 altogether. I also have made an intense study of this passage, and the obvious conclusion is that Paul was referring to long hair being the covering. The first thing one should take notice is the lack of wording required to conclude that a veil is being referred to here. The word veil or cloth is not in the text if we read from the King James version. If you read from the “modern” versions then you might get that view but not from the Textus Receptus. I would like for you to reread the verses that allegedly refer to a veil which is 4-7 and 13. In those verses we read the words, cover, uncovered and not covered. According to scholars these are used as adverbs. Like if you were to say I am going to cover my feet. No one should be thinking of a veil just the action of being covered. What is missing in these verses are nouns that would prove the idea of veils. Since we should not be assuming anything we should be asking the question what is the thing that a woman should be covered WITH based on the passage ALONE? So if you do the math you would find that Paul refers to hair directly 3 times and then indirectly 4 times with the words shorn and shaven. So if there is no noun for the word veil or cloth yet there are 7 instances of idea of hair, then what are we to conclude? That Paul is referring to hair whether it be short or long. But the counterargument would be that Paul is allegedly telling women to put something on. But that is not exactly true it says a woman should be covered, but he is referring to long hair based on the surrounding verses. But what about that a woman ought to be covered when praying or prophesying? The assumption is a that Paul was referring to only two instances which is not true he was merely giving us two examples. This also applies to men about being uncovered. Evidence of this is written in the forgoing verses. Paul writes that men ought not to cover because he is the image and glory of God. And then Paul goes into how woman was made for man and is the glory of the man. So it would seem that man shouldn’t be covered at any time if he is the glory and image of God. Paul also mentions that the mere observation of a praying woman should make us note how uncomely (unappealing in appearance) for a woman to be uncovered. Paul states this in a way that it should be obvious to anyone that she looks off in verse 13. He does this again in verse 14 about how shameful it looks if a man has long hair. He says it this way… Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? KJV So this judgement that we should make is exclusively based on observation of an “uncovered” woman as well as a long haired man. Two consecutive questions both appealing to something innate or within us. Paul is in essence saying that it should be obvious to see that something is wrong or off. So how is it that for the women we are somehow to know within us that a woman would be unappealing in appearance without a manufactured veil? That does not seem logical especially since the word veil is never mentioned. Unless that is not what Paul is meaning but rather that if the woman was not covered in long hair (meaning her hair is short) doing something holy or godly LIKE praying or prophesying. I think most people can relate that looking at a woman with short hair does have an unappealing appearance. It naturally provokes head turns. And if there was any question Paul flat out states what he was talking about in verse 15. So the facts are that there no nouns to use as evidence of a veil. There is evidence that Paul was using praying and prophesying as examples. Paul appeals to nature and something innate within us to judge that being uncovered or covered (meaning having short hair or long hair) should be obvious to all. So this cannot make sense with a manufactured veil.
@blessedrthosesermount99 2 месяца назад
10th? Woah. 😅 Blessings
@potapotapotapotapotapota 2 месяца назад
The principle Jesus cares about more is this: " They do all their deeds to be seen by others. For they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long, and they love the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces and being called rabbi by others. But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brothers. And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Neither be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Christ. The greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. ... Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and the plate, that the outside also may be clean. “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people's bones and all uncleanness. So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. ... I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. "
@ladylibrum7145 2 месяца назад
I cover in church, and joined a couple of headcovering Facebook groups. The legalism eventually turned me off so I signed off of those groups. But I agree with the practice.
@robertmiller812 17 дней назад
I would like to add my two cents here after reading this discussion. First of all I believe we should follow the teaching in 1st Corinthians 11. The main problem here is the misunderstanding of 1st Corinthians 11 altogether. I also have made an intense study of this passage, and the obvious conclusion is that Paul was referring to long hair being the covering. The first thing one should take notice is the lack of wording required to conclude that a veil is being referred to here. The word veil or cloth is not in the text if we read from the King James version. If you read from the “modern” versions then you might get that view but not from the Textus Receptus. I would like for you to reread the verses that allegedly refer to a veil which is 4-7 and 13. In those verses we read the words, cover, uncovered and not covered. According to scholars these are used as adverbs. Like if you were to say I am going to cover my feet. No one should be thinking of a veil just the action of being covered. What is missing in these verses are nouns that would prove the idea of veils. Since we should not be assuming anything we should be asking the question what is the thing that a woman should be covered WITH based on the passage ALONE? So if you do the math you would find that Paul refers to hair directly 3 times and then indirectly 4 times with the words shorn and shaven. So if there is no noun for the word veil or cloth yet there are 7 instances of idea of hair, then what are we to conclude? That Paul is referring to hair whether it be short or long. But the counterargument would be that Paul is allegedly telling women to put something on. But that is not exactly true it says a woman should be covered, but he is referring to long hair based on the surrounding verses. But what about that a woman ought to be covered when praying or prophesying? The assumption is a that Paul was referring to only two instances which is not true he was merely giving us two examples. This also applies to men about being uncovered. Evidence of this is written in the forgoing verses. Paul writes that men ought not to cover because he is the image and glory of God. And then Paul goes into how woman was made for man and is the glory of the man. So it would seem that man shouldn’t be covered at any time if he is the glory and image of God. Paul also mentions that the mere observation of a praying woman should make us note how uncomely (unappealing in appearance) for a woman to be uncovered. Paul states this in a way that it should be obvious to anyone that she looks off in verse 13. He does this again in verse 14 about how shameful it looks if a man has long hair. He says it this way… Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? KJV So this judgement that we should make is exclusively based on observation of an “uncovered” woman as well as a long haired man. Two consecutive questions both appealing to something innate or within us. Paul is in essence saying that it should be obvious to see that something is wrong or off. So how is it that for the women we are somehow to know within us that a woman would be unappealing in appearance without a manufactured veil? That does not seem logical especially since the word veil is never mentioned. Unless that is not what Paul is meaning but rather that if the woman was not covered in long hair (meaning her hair is short) doing something holy or godly LIKE praying or prophesying. I think most people can relate that looking at a woman with short hair does have an unappealing appearance. It naturally provokes head turns. And if there was any question Paul flat out states what he was talking about in verse 15. So the facts are that there no nouns to use as evidence of a veil. There is evidence that Paul was using praying and prophesying as examples. Paul appeals to nature and something innate within us to judge that being uncovered or covered (meaning having short hair or long hair) should be obvious to all. So this cannot make sense with a manufactured veil.
@Chris-jn1sv 2 месяца назад
The covering is to cover her sense of pride which is her hair. Her hair is her glory.
@JP-gx6pi Месяц назад
’ve never heard this and it seems interesting but what about 1 Corinthians 11:15
@RocketSpam0 2 месяца назад
It was said in regards to marriage, not the body of Christ as a whole. As in the verses to not let a woman to usurp authority over a man. Her husband.
@hyzenthlay713 2 месяца назад
Should a Christian wife wear a head covering if her husband is not a Christian?
@IrIr__SiSi 2 месяца назад
And to whom should a non-married lady be submitted?
@IrIr__SiSi 2 месяца назад
What to do with women who are not married? Do they have to cover their head? And why, according to Paul?
@IrIr__SiSi 2 месяца назад
This is one of the most peculiar and inaccurate talks Derek Prince is performing. Paul actually says the headcovering shows the womans respect to her husband - and not to God. (If it was towards God the male should also cover, but they don't.) The hair is not the woman's glory, it is a sign for her glory. If her hair falls out she doesn't lose her dignity.
@ThePaulKM 2 месяца назад
Probably the only Pentecostal I like.