Local Yorickman
Local Yorickman
Local Yorickman
I prefer comfier alternatives
Yorick mid - 6/4/8 - Iron I - 14.18 - Win
16 часов назад
@jef03833 4 дня назад
Your build is way too focused on splitpush with no actual effect. Half of splitting is being able to win 1v1 or even 2v1 when ahead like you were. Yorick has enough push pressure to not need shiv or hallowed. Maybe 1 sec difference per wave. If you itemized correctly, easy win from pressure alone.
@LocalYorickman 3 дня назад
The effect should be the distraction, enemy will try to catch the wave getting pushed in while team can get things done or they let slowly lose tower health so a push for it can be made safely. Team simply defending tower and not dying to 4v5 would win the game. But I understand that indirectly telling people to sit out when they are ahead in kills is a big ask. Hwai is a counter and yorick isn't good at team fights, so I go with this setup for matchups like this to be most useful I can be with yorick's tool. But winrate with this setup is lower than the rest, a lot of them ends in team early surrender like this one.
@bhipsahoy5168 2 дня назад
@@LocalYorickman you are 0/0/0 you are objectively a boon to your team no matter how many waves you let them farm for free
@LocalYorickman 2 дня назад
@@bhipsahoy5168 🤔 good point, guess I shouldn't do this in every case. laners only ever complain about me not being at teamfights with this setup, not missing farms
@sogomn 7 дней назад
Hey came across this randomly and I noticed you are holding the mouse button instead of clicking it when moving. This adds like half a second delay to your inputs, making it effectively like you're playing on a 500 ping. You should get used to clicking instead!
@LocalYorickman 7 дней назад
Didn't think that's equivalent to a delay but makes sense. I'll try to change my habit, thanks.
@erazor5045 9 дней назад
Wp bro, but if u start Doran’s blade and max e second you will 100% climb fast
@Flaminreece 26 дней назад
It is a long road, but you must make it out of the depths of low elo. Keep up the good work.
@danielristyasean8568 2 месяца назад
don't giveup playing the game after you lost all of your wing power man.keeep up the good work
@Algo-tt6xo 2 месяца назад
i mean this is iron i think
@ThePsycheGardens 2 месяца назад
how old are you?
@ThePsycheGardens 2 месяца назад
that botlane lmao trolled
@G0LD_1T 2 месяца назад
Gl getting popular bro
@Nexusito1402 3 месяца назад
Follow x follow My bro
@drorian 3 месяца назад
it's so fun to watch iron games. had many good laughs
@LocalYorickman 3 месяца назад
You're welcome
@asparwild8154 3 месяца назад
wp. great job not dying at all, since thats like the main thing you need to ensure - not dying before 10 min. i think you could have gotten 2 kills on lux by 6 min if you moved between like 2 attacks or when phase rush procced. body block her / prevent her from moving back to her toweri instead of staying still and autoing. this seemed to be the main issue that you might result in more wins if fixed / mitigated. similar case with darius running with ghost after grubside fight , just autoing / chasing him would have been a free kill isntead of running and letting trundle chase. perhaps looking at the map like every half a minute might help , tho perhaps thats and issue of being used to locked camera. i suppose these arent major issues, at least till higher mmr. Gl with your games bro. silver soon.
@LocalYorickman 3 месяца назад
Didn't know body blocking was a thing, makes sense. Thank you!
@zakariazayen3069 3 месяца назад
want play with me ZAKARIAZAYEN#EUW
@LocalYorickman 3 месяца назад
Won't be able to play myself since I'm on NA, IgnoresYourPing #NA1
@zakariazayen3069 3 месяца назад
@@LocalYorickman we are not the same server sadly
@zakariazayen3069 3 месяца назад
Keep going bro gg
@asparwild8154 3 месяца назад
@garysmalls8724 3 месяца назад
Hey my man no front but why you play with cookies if you dont use them at low mana? :D... are you trying to play better or just 4 fun? Greetings from germany
@LocalYorickman 3 месяца назад
Distracted by other things in game, just not good at it. Not trying to lose lp, lol
@ThePsycheGardens 3 месяца назад
ignore me, im just being a dick/troll, youll get it bro game is fun and super addicting just alot to learn
@LocalYorickman 3 месяца назад
Learn? I'm world's #1 iron mid yorick expert, people should learn from me
@ThePsycheGardens 3 месяца назад
you trolling hard as fuck lmao, rip youre poor team mates EVERY GAME lmao
@ThePsycheGardens 3 месяца назад
ur slow as fuck and dont even orb walk, do you even read the champions abilities youre playing? stop playing ranked man, go back to normals, stop ruining ranked games
@ThePsycheGardens 3 месяца назад
holy shit dude you are generally just .....just fucking BAD at this game lmao....
@alexanderhamilton4258 3 месяца назад
That first clear is such a struggle
@janpawe2419 3 месяца назад
My eyes hurt from watching this.
@LocalYorickman 3 месяца назад
Something wrong with the recording or commenting on my bad gameplay?
@IngoGarza 4 месяца назад
you click to lvl spells? xd
@LocalYorickman 4 месяца назад
control + q too much work
@chorn1k0t 4 месяца назад
silver lol
@LocalYorickman 4 месяца назад
Silver is high elo for me