- Jesus died for our sins. Believe in Jesus to have your sins washed away.

- Eternal life is where the rubber meets the road. Jesus is the Way, people.

- A well-known evangelist once said his main regret was the time he spent reading books about the Bible... at the cost of reading the Bible itself!

- I try very hard to comprehend the Bible's historical environment and world view of the book's era... and have discovered nothing but sheer royalty.

- Christians should pray every day, rest on the 7th day, and meet whenever they want to.

- 'The gates of hell will not prevail against His church' actually puts the gates of hell on the defensive.

- All roads lead to Rome... except a narrow Way leading to life. Matthew 7:14

- Science becomes "satan" when satan becomes "science."

- Proper theology ought to reference chapter not verse!!

- Our Maker knows where it's at.
@esterfirmino352 2 месяца назад
I choose to trust in you Jesus.
@bearbones4347 3 месяца назад
Americas new blood clot meat is a abomination
@mamosaseemi219 4 месяца назад
Its 2024 when I got to know this humble man of God.I believe God let me know him for such a time as this . Glory be to the Most High God. Playing this over and over trusting God no matter what's happening in my life and family
@louisebester1660 5 месяцев назад
I just have a question and it’s with a heart of sorrow and desperation- why would Jesus if you Once knew how much He loved you, test you and leave you in a season of isolation when you had a call for ministry in your life and now it’s just silence from heaven? Why the constant testing despite having faith and you declare His promises? I don’t understand how such a desperate state can be ‘good’ for any believer. If you unemployed are you just supposed to sit and wait till the job comes to you if I had to take Wilkerson’s sermon and apply it to myself? Thanks 🙏
@hopemccrea52 3 месяца назад
Applying for work is faith walking waiting for the right one is the obedience and he never fails to make it known. We are trained to trust and that grows. Peter, the rock denied the knowing Jesus yet remained in his love of him his real training had just started.
@davidcash1801 7 месяцев назад
@hanakhan2622 8 месяцев назад
🙏 please 🙏 for salvation of Muhammad Imran Khan and family members they r lost souls keep him in ur preyer mighty. Ad then to ur church oreyer group . Plz care about this dear Muslim family. Who r lost 😭souls. In Jesus name amen lord plz save them all make them mighty men n women of gods kingdom 🎉by the holy ghost touch their hearts. With purity . Rihteousnes and holiness 🎉
@carolynralph2856 8 месяцев назад
God is good all the time❤❤.
@Reefahholic 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for uploading this, and I really enjoyed the slideshow pictures.
@Maryana1964 10 месяцев назад
@Maryana1964 10 месяцев назад
@Maryana1964 10 месяцев назад
@terraloft Год назад
7-10-23 Hearing this in light of imminent global government transfer.. Saul -an antichrist type. 30 years old, 42 (years) of reign over israel. ...under his leadership, (jonathan, son, ) philistines attacked at Geba. Trumpet blown, all usrael becomes obnoxious to philistines. (Covenant broken) Israel hudes in caves and among ricks (Rev 6:15) "God has sought a man after His own heart". Jesus Christ, the Belived, Messiah of Israel, and all peoples who repent and believe . God's sovereignty is eternal and Holy, Holy, Holy
@jameshampton9516 Год назад
Timely Word!!!!
@YolandeGreybe-sm4xs Год назад
Hallelujah Glory to God
@tonypino5415 Год назад
As Christians we are so worried about pleasing the Lord but i think He wants us to do a lot more receiving.
@bearbones4347 3 месяца назад
Ur stupid
@caroleimani9754 Год назад
Praise the Lord 🙏🎁💜.......
@sugarblaze8227 Год назад
@pamela9878 Год назад
This is very true for us all to know
@franzitaduz Год назад
Words of wisdom survive death of the Messenger when from the Lord. It’s now that we must wait before acting in times of desperation…..
@glennrobinson7193 Год назад
Beware of the overly religious with their hype
@pkjesusalltheway8000 Год назад
Greatest preacher in 100 yrs
@reneerimene5511 Год назад
Blessed be the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob There is Power when the revelation is the Lord God Almighty is Above Every Name Yeshua Jesus Emanuel God with us Yes Amen and Amen
@marthayoung3973 Год назад
The Holy Spirit is the Father and the Word is Jesus Christ the visible side of God
@hardtobelieveit2170 Год назад
Amazing minister of God’s word…even in his departure of this world. Thank you Lord.
@tertiamartina2151 Год назад
Please avoid using pictures of insects and animals it's very distracting instead use some scenic ones
@c.l.j.jardell5811 Год назад
We. Thank. You. !
@c.l.j.jardell5811 Год назад
Without His compassion. And. Mercy. I won't. Make it. The name. That. Said. He will. See. To. It !
@Vickielynnrenegar Год назад
Brother Dave ran the race and won the prize.And he received the prize here on this earth - not when he left it. This is exactly what I am also after - not for myself alone, but for whoever will. I am so happy and proud of my brother. I watched him run the race and am here now to receive the same prize as he did. He is my cheerleader inspiring me on. Thank you for making these priceless videos available. Much Love to All
@melindacortez1490 2 года назад
We agree with this prayer father God almighty in Jesus Christ mighty name 🙏 ❤️
@angeleyes8443 2 года назад
Thank you Jesus I'll never drunk no kind kind of alcohol. I won't. I won't go to bars or taverns and Jesus I'll never a one weed I won't and never do any kind of drug I promise you Jesus I'll never do it. It was never a temptation to me I never did none that. And I won't. And I won't dress like the jezebls of today. I'll stay country. Me And and t shirts nothing else. I mean nothing else. Not ever. I dyed my hair black I like it now I'll keep it black. Thank you Jesus I'll stand before you on judgment dat knowing I will not change. For no one. I live you more Jesus. Not no one else. You cone first. Them every thing else second I'll not change to the world I don't fit in and won't even try that I promise Jesus I won't
@felixvelasco9778 2 года назад
@hendrikjansevanrensburg8337 2 года назад
One said, we are born and fully need sameone to help us, we grow up helping ourselves, when we get old we return if we learned wisdom to our only true Helper.
@solaceboy 2 года назад
Please pray for me, I feel my whole life is one big disappointment.
@annaclaybourn3967 2 года назад
🙏🏻for you today Solaceboy! God is truly faithful. He has a plan for you!
@mariandixon8333 2 года назад
A great teacher of Gods living word .
@nancymwewa9009 2 года назад
I pray 🙏 and sing with the TSC church...my Caucasian boyfriend young handsome wealthy healthy Anthony wants to marry me but I have to trust God that the latin poverty will end
@twistedtitan5485 2 года назад
Lord teach me to wait. Lord when enemy is as the sand of the sea. Lord increase my faith to know that you do not fail and all things are under your feet. Lord I dont want to suffer the fate saul. I humble myself and ask that the spiritual chains of rebellion, disobedience and jealousy, be broken off me..beCorrect my hard speech towards my wife and family I'm sorry for letting you down and yielding to my flesh Renew in me a right spirit And restore my fellowship with you. Thank you for the holy spirit bringing me under conviction with this timely message. I rely on you to help me do better. Thank you in Jesus name, amen and amen.
@caroledenis7139 2 года назад
I want to give a huge TK you....all these pictures of God s creation....these truly are our neighbors💖What a gift.....amazing Creator....why would u let anyone destroy all this for malls and theaters....madness😭💔God teach us to keep what is sacred Sacred🙏
@leahr9038 2 года назад
So encouraging. Praise You Jesus!!
@laurarandolph5600 2 года назад
All the bug pictures etc. are distracting, why not just a picture of David Wilkerson?
@dustyworley7805 2 года назад
Listening to the message this morning, your comment about Abrahams son that he was 30, would like the proof of that statement.... As a pastor or any preacher should be careful what they say from the pulpit...
@MEZafiro 2 года назад
Needed this!! 💗 amen
@JJCapri 2 года назад
Powerful message, Jesus thank you for life and then giving us more life by giving us yours.
@thebabaa5001 2 года назад
We are to overcome SIN... Any sin...ALL SIN..!!! Anyone who whines and/or excuses 'deeds done in the body', is NOT Born AGAIN....!! Stop sinning..or you will be going through Great Tribulation.. It's coming.. The Rapture is very near... Get right with God..
@thebabaa5001 2 года назад
How often are the scriptures forgotten..? "Having done all...Stand"..! "I will never leave you nor forsake you".? "Oh what peace we often forfiet, oh what needless pain we bear", "All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer". I complain most every day to God..living in the madness of covidland and the take down/ take over of the elites... Demons released as humanity grows darker and more evil testing and trying the patience of the Saints. And just about the reaching of that rope's end, the Holy Spirit softly whispers, "I will never leave you nor forsake you", "Try me and see your deliverance", "For I will not tempt you above that which you can bear, but with it I will provide a way of escape". And... Such trials are the pre-curser of a blessing... A break through..answered prayer. No matter how much God is wanting our refinement, we must perservere, we must hang on and endure and take the firey trial in patience, rendering love and thankfulness. God is working out our eternal salvation through the situation. Thanks be to God for His loving kindness and an "ever present help in time of need". Come soon Lord Jesus.
@thebabaa5001 2 года назад
2021.... "Not everyone who says..Lord, Lord will enter...save those who do His will". Many Profess...FEW Possess. Make no mistake, it's The Holy Spirit that declares Who is His..and not the declaration of the person. Christ alone calls out His own. One need make no outward profession/confession when the Holy Ghost will do it for them.
@hannahmasri4085 2 года назад
@BestIsntEasy 3 года назад
Romans 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to 🔥 corruptible man, 🔥 and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 🔥 Deuteronomy 21:23..anyone hanging on a tree is cursed of God. Don’t defile the land the Lord your God has given you. 🔥 Galatians 3:13 (KJV)💫 13 Christ...being made a curse for us..💥 🌈☔ 36 *“I am not an earthly king* ....John 18 (TLB)
@BestIsntEasy 3 года назад
Isaiah 2:22 ESV Stop regarding man in whose nostrils is breath, for of what account is he? Jeremiah 17:9-10 (GOD’S WORD Translation) “The human mind is the most deceitful of all things. It is incurable. No one can understand how deceitful it is. I, the Lord, search minds and test hearts. I will reward each person for what he has done. I will reward him for the results of his actions. Psalm 146:3 ESV Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation.
@BestIsntEasy 3 года назад
The Narrow Gate 13 “Enter through the narrow gate because the gate and road that lead to destruction are wide. Many enter through the wide gate. 14 But the narrow gate and the road that lead to life are full of trouble. Only a few people find the narrow gate. Matthew 7:13-14 GOD’S WORD Translation Being and Doing 13-14 “Don’t look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don’t fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do. The way to life-to God!-is vigorous and requires total attention. Matthew 7:13-14 The Message
@BestIsntEasy 3 года назад
Ephesians 4:30 KJV 30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto 👉 the day of redemption. 👈 [3:55] Thus, GOD said, "O Jesus, I am terminating your life, raising you to Me, and ridding you of the disbelievers. 👉 I will exalt those who follow you above those who disbelieve, 😯 till the Day of Resurrection. 👈