Hello Everyone! My name is Creely. This channel will be videos about gaming (primarily FFXIV atm) hope you enjoy the content! :)
@EbonySeraphim Месяц назад
Great video, I'm just writing because...I can and no one has to read this dribble unless they want to learn something (about kbm in 2024 mostly). When it comes to targetting, in 2024 at least, mouse and keyboard has probably virtually everything controller does, and better. But I will be clear: in many cases it's a wash because "needed" actions and reactions speeds are almost always doable on controller. The main thing KBM dominates at for me is being a god tier spot healer, or spot any action. Other than a scenario where I'm resource starved (almost never as WHM/AST), if you suddenly take damage, the speed that which I picked your name out from the party list and weaved an ogcd to get you back up is something else. Only resource consumption or other considerations might have me (intentionally) pick a slower course of course of action, but if I feel I have plenty of tetra/essential dignity charges, then you're getting that HP back in less than a GCD every time. What is also afforded to on kbm is also because I have very expensive tier equipment (not explicitly for FFXIV), so I have access to a lot of keys and mouse buttons (not a normal MMO mouse). In a full party, cycling to someone "in the middle" of the list I'm sure is fast enough when your brain does the count and rapidly executes "scroll from bottom up 3 times" etc etc, but nothing beats a flat click no matter where it is, and throw out the heal. For targetting in general, PC users get to execute far fewer keypresses to get "directly" to what they want to act on, to return to what they were doing with less mental load in planning how they will do it. When it comes to hotbars and keys, your analsis was...not pragmatic at all. Even keyboard users don't actually let their keys go that far down the number row. Beyond 5 is rare. What actually happens is a rebind of Q, E, R, T, and F. And depending on keyboard design (at least I did this), F1-F4 can be an easy jump with unique edges you don't ever look down for. But futher, simply counting the number of actions and comparing to the number of hotbars and cross bars and saying "they all fit" even including role + jobs way off. If you had over 4 cross bars, how do you access anything over the 4th? On mouse and keyboard, you actually have people with devices that utilize over hotbars 5 and 6 with directly assigned keys (with modifiers). That isn't to say every action from every prior hotbar is filled --- that's more of a controller mentality -- but the groupings and where you want skills and actions to appear matters as well so we dip into those. There is one real advantage of a controller that a pure keyboard and mouse doesn't have which is analog 360 movement relative to camera. On a PC in general, when you have the entire game set to operate in PC mode, running towards the camera normally does a very very slow backpedal. The "fix" that generally works (I did this for years) is to ensure you click "legacy" style control, but that actually only gives you a full speed run backwards if it's directly back. If you also need to run diagonal backwards it'll be the slow backpedal. Controller players naturally run full speed in all directions, even towards the camera and can still see clearly behind them. Effectively over time, players learn to "hybrid" deal with it and may not even with legacy and just prefer to 360 turn and run when they actually need to run full speed in a backwards direction. It's easy enough to do, but does make you lose sight of the boss and makes it harder to retain room orientation since you're spinning around. The absolute best controller combination for movement and keybind access in FFXIV for a low combined price of aournd $500 is the Cyborg II and SwiftpointZ mouse. 13 button (+5 deep click function) mouse, plus the analog stick on the Cyborg II means you move with your thumb giving all 4 of your fingers full key access to 22 buttons (your thumb has access to another 8 buttons, but only one fully while moving). With that, you easily have your hotbars covered, plus so many quality of life functions.
@brandtvargas2767 Месяц назад
Finally someone who places tge numbers in plain English
@creely Месяц назад
@@brandtvargas2767 thanks for noticing :)
@brandtvargas2767 Месяц назад
@@creely your numbers are good as well I have been using right side gear to see if your melding is good 3 other videos I checked out failed the check so I'm gonna use the left. Side melds you put up
@creely Месяц назад
@@brandtvargas2767 awesome, glad I can help!
@brandtvargas2767 Месяц назад
@@creely hopefully these comments help the visibility of your video you deserve it
@terencevangaalen4127 2 месяца назад
Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for the explanation. Rare to find videos that actually try to answer the question you have instead of talking around the subject for an hour and then just end.
@AlgerRS 2 месяца назад
Ah damn, I learned some new things, I was hoping to get surging tempest on its own as I tend to miss it dropping off sometimes but the reworking around it is a great help!
@TheOpenmindStudio 2 месяца назад
Can you edit the buffs displayed in the Party / Duty list?
@creely 2 месяца назад
@@TheOpenmindStudio tldr: No. it is already sorted it a very functional way. Enemy buffs or debuffs are priority followed by what you apply to the party and then healer/tank buffs then dps buffs. The most important thing is that enemy buffs are prioritized. This is for end game raid purposes.
@creely 2 месяца назад
@@TheOpenmindStudio i believe i mention this in the video but the only thing you can change in the party list is how many are displayed.
@TurtleSauceGaming 2 месяца назад
Honestly, I love the controller. Been playing Ps4 controller on PC (idk Dualshock just feels better.) I also play on steam deck, so that helps. I feel like they are equally viable, which is nice. I just can't decide which I prefer lol. The cross bar is an awesome system, and I definitely have put more time into controller.
@OutlawNix 3 месяца назад
Myself I'm more of a keyboard & mouse type of gamer but will change to using controller if it feels more natural to me. In my Final Fantasy XI days I used keyboard & mouse. However in Final Fantasy XIV I prefer using Xbox controller for playing but for certain things like market board will use keyboard & mouse to refine my searches. For Diablo style of games I will 100% use controller. Since those type of games tends to use mouse left click in order to move your char around which is odd to me. For racing games it's 100% controller as well. For shooter type games it's 100% keyboard & mouse.
@mitchkupietz 3 месяца назад
Do people realize you can use M&K on a console? 💀 that’s what I do
@NyaboyNeko-wb1fr 3 месяца назад
I feel like if I only had the buttons available at up to heavensward it'd be doable but they've added way to many extra buttons to press for controller play to be... Fun... Even on pc i have half my buttons macroed as they're not realistic to press while actively following the fights
@SonictheNinja 4 месяца назад
Great video and informational! I play 90% controller, 10% k&m. I have cleared all content on controller and it's my preferred way to play. There is no 'best' way to play , and people should just use what is most comfortable for them. The single biggest pro con both types?: -M&K you can use strafe to move, letting you have full uptime on 'gaze' mechanics. Controller I have to untarget. -Controller I can sit like 'L' from death note, or sprawled out on a beanbag chair in the middle of an ultimate raid. I almost never misclick like a keyboard might, because it's far more likely you would hit a wrong key vs hold a controller upside down.
@ThiagohaziraelZhenqiened-zq9nu 4 месяца назад
loved the viper class because of the style of clothing, I love clothes like Assassin's Creed, this job class looks like a mix of swordsman, Warrior, guardian, thief, ninja and lancer, dragon, almost reaching a very cool gladiator class job that is not in this game and this would be a mix of swordsman and paladin, the same as a guardian, but it lacked a whip again, urumi mace, kusarigama chain, scyther or snake sword whip retractable blade for this job class viper or even another class job in this style or remembering Auron from ffx 10 with this type of weapon and enchanter skills such as vagrant story, witcher and perhaps together or separately from the shapeshifter or complete morpher skill. There is a dragoon but there is still no valkyria mixed class of cleric and dragoon lancer rune knight dancer or singer just for girls like ravness from tactics ogre, paladin, the warrior in this version with an ax like a Viking barbarian instead of two swords or a large and robust buster sword like Cloud from ff7, monk, red mage class that is missing in the tactical versions of final fantasy, reaper that looks like a necromancer and dark knight, machinist the eenginer gunner pirate gun mage and alchemist in a single class all mixed with a cowboy outfit looked really cool, There's a black and white wizard, a ninja job class half a swordsman a thief an enchanter and elemental warrior, Summoners, dancer, bard, a mix of a singer and an archer, a ranger, there's the new class pictormancer, magic paintings, it was cool, I thought it would be something between relm from ff 6 to trainer from ff 5 or the cardish class from arc the lad 3, but it was good, giving the touch of fantasy childlike innocence, less violent or aggressive that the other classes don't have, to give the game a real touch and be half and half non-violent too much and without Don't lose the fantasy innocence and childishness, sage magic lasers of pure energy job class that plus the swordsman class makes the gladiator and or guardian class, and next to these two job classes in addition to the paladin there is the samurai and the gunbreaker that resembles squall from ff 8 and the class job gunn warrior from wild arms. Anyway, I hope for role-playing games, or action and adventure, metroidevania platform with graphics playing like the drawings sketches in drawings of final fantasy tactics, vagrant story, tactics ogre, live a live or like pastel painting of the screen drawings status of characters from Legend of Dragoons, Sword of Vagrant, uncorn overlord equal graphics for both characters and scenery in 2d, 3d or a mix of both hand painted or not and magic effects between laser beams like Final Fantasy Dawntrail 14 or anime style like Street Fighter Alpha or Guity Gear. Final fantasy dawntrail 14 is certainly another masterpiece game that many have seen, it looks like an excellent game, beautiful graphics, characters and job class, a great video. Adorei a classe viper pelo estilo de roupa adoro roupa como dos assassins creed esse job classe parece um misto de espadachim guerreiro guardião ladrão ninja e lancer dragon quase chegando a um gladiador class job que não esta nesse jogo e seria essa uma mistura de espadachim com paladino o mesmo que um guardião muito legal, mas faltou ter novamente chicote maça urumi kusarigama chain scyther ou espada cobra chicote de lâmina retrátil para essa classe job viper ou mesmo uma outra classe job nesse estilo ou lembrando auron de ffx 10 com esse tipo de arma e habilidades de encantador como de vagrant story, bruxo e talvez junto ou e separado um pouco da habilidade de metamorfador ou morfador completo. tem dragoon mas ainda não tem uma valkiria classe mista de clérigo e dragoon lancer rune knight dancer ou e cantora só para garotas como ravness de tactics ogre , paladino, o guerreiro nessa versão com machado como um bárbaro vicking ao invés de duas espadas ou uma espada grande e robusta como de cloud de ff7, monge, red mage classe de mago que está faltando nas versões táticas de final fantasy, reaper que parece um necromancer e dark knight, machinist eenginer gunner pirate mage gunner e alquimista em uma única classe tudo misturado com uma roupa de cowboy que ficou descolado, tem mago negro e branco, ninja classe job meio espadachim ladrao guerreiro encantador e elemental, Summoners, dancer, bard uma mistura de cantor com arqueiro ranger, tem a classe nova pictormancer pinturas magicas ficou legal achei que fosse ser algo entre relm de ff 6 a trainer de ff 5 ou a classe cardish de arc the lad 3 mas ficou boa da o toque inocência infantil fantasiosa menos violenta ou agressiva que as outras classes não tem para dar o toque real ao jogo e ficar meio a meio não violento de mais e sem não perder a fantasia inocência e infantilidade, sage magias lasers de pura energia classe job que mais a classe de espadachim faz a classe gladiador e ou guardião, e perto dessas duas classes job além do paladino tem o samurai e o gunbreaker que lembra squall de ff 8 e a class job gunn warrior de wild arms. Enfim espero por jogos de rpg, ou e ação e aventura, plataforma metroidevania com gráficos jogando como os desenhos esbolços rascunhos em desenhos de final fantasy tactics, vagrant story, tactics ogre, live a live ou tipo pintura de quadro pastel dos desenhos da tela de status dos personagens de legend of dragoons, sword of Vagrant, uncorn overlord gráfico igual tanto nos personagens como no senário em 2d, 3d ou misto de ambos pintados a mão ou não e os efeitos de magia entre feixes de lasers como de final fantasy dawntrail 14 ou no estilo anime tipo street fighter alpha ou guity gear. Final fantasy dawntrail 14 é com certeza mais um jogo obra prima de muitos que ainda viram, parece um excelente jogo, belíssimo gráfico personagens e classe job, um ótimo vídeo.
@Arkanes_Ark 4 месяца назад
I tried really hard to use a controller for FFXIV but i went back to M/K for the simple fact , I've been MK for most of my career. It really comes down to what you are natural with.
@alexvoyd1132 4 месяца назад
Sorry for this wall of text In my opinion M+K is superior for one important reason:The existance of mmo mice! The way I play,my fingers are 98% of the time on 3 of the 4 directional buttons:little finger on A (strafe left),middle on D (strafe right) and ring finger on either W or S! This is something you can't have on a controller,unless you completely ignore the d-pad for binds,which leads to other issues though. I left one finger,the index finger and this does almost all of the work.I mapped my spells mostly to the area that the index finger is closer to:F,G,C,V,R,T. This allows me for 100% movement and button pressing. Of course these buttons are not enough for an mmo.I said before that with M+K I can move 98% of the time. The reason is that I have also binds on Q,E,2,3,4,5 and X. Now 5 is easy to press with my index finger but for the rest I have to sacrifice a movement option. So that is where I put my long cooldowns that I press once every 1 or 2 mins, or buttons that are long casts or buttons that are by themselves a movement skill like Hissatsu Yaten for Samurai. Now,about the mmo mouse,I have my oGCD (or abilities as the game calls them) mapped there. This gives a nice flow where my left hand (keyboard) has to press a button every 2.0 to 2.5 seconds and my right hand (mouse) fills the gaps in between. In order for me to achieve all this in a controller,I would have to sacrifice the d-pad almost completely but this leads to not-enough-buttons issue. I gave about 30hours trying to configure my spells this way but I just couldnt so I abandoned the idea. I do understand that controller is comfy and myself I currently play FF13 usually from my bed,which is something M+K would never be able to match,but for FF14,whenever I have to fight I will always prefer M+K for everything I said above,which could be sumerized with:"on M+K I can move freely whenever I want and keep doing my rotation"
@ShikenAegis 6 месяцев назад
10:00 the very first ronkan I reduced gave a bonus, actually. 8 components, 8 crystals!
@creely 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for the confirmation! I figured as much but it's good to know for sure.
@ShikenAegis 6 месяцев назад
@@creelyand just now i also got the dreaded mooch deadwood.... ive been cursed!
@creely 6 месяцев назад
@@ShikenAegis Oooofff! I'm not the only one! xd
@Divoria 7 месяцев назад
Im a keyboard and mouse player since arr, but I tried controller a few times now and cant stick with it unfortunately. I just cant handle to use d pad to use abilitys 😢
@soysaucehairdye7869 6 месяцев назад
I feel you man. I've been playing mmos since SWG pre-cu and using the dpad for abilities definitely didn't feel good. When the game came out to the xbox, I started playing it with the elite series 2 controller and decided to put the four dpad buttons as my four back buttons. I then set the dpad to R3, L3, RB, and LB. I now really enjoy playing it on controller.
@almightyurf3236 5 месяцев назад
@@soysaucehairdye7869 Lil pricey for me but i might give it shot if it makes that much of a difference.
@jugosan 9 месяцев назад
Finally I find someone who explain plainly without mess information. That helped me a lot. Thank you.
@creely 9 месяцев назад
Glad I could help!
@zackfair6203 9 месяцев назад
For sole reason, the option to use aetherial reduction doesnt show up for me... any ideas why?
@creely 9 месяцев назад
Unlock it at Lydrilona in Mor Dhona (X: 22, Y: 6). It's available at lvl 56 MIN, BTN, or FSH.
@zackfair6203 9 месяцев назад
@@creely i have aetherial reduction unlocked - but it doesnt show up for me when i rightclick the items...
@zackfair6203 9 месяцев назад
Weirdly enough it works on both steps for the relic enhancement after this one
@creely 9 месяцев назад
Oh i didn't even look at the step. Yeah it's only for the last two steps. The first one for some reason it wasn't a thing.
@TheBpendleton44 10 месяцев назад
Great video thank you
@creely 10 месяцев назад
I'm Glad you liked it :)
@phenomeenah-yar 10 месяцев назад
very thorough, thank you for your service...
@creely 10 месяцев назад
Anytime! Thank you for watching :)
@Aukyn1992 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for the guide but I'm using AR-Caean gear and can't get to full colectibility in the turns the rotation you said for the second step of the relic, can you tell me if I'm under geared? Thank you ^^
@creely 10 месяцев назад
The Rotation only requires 700 gp to execute, However the AR set is designed for a fresh 90 to get into endgame gear. So i would say you are under geared. especially if you have no materia in your gear. I would recommend getting the 620 purple scrips gear from the scrip exchange. it will do for ALL of the relic steps. I am currently making the 6.51 relic steps and can attest, that set with no melds will get you to completion. :)
@InvitationToHades 10 месяцев назад
You can use < and > in the comments for future reference. Other than that, thank you for the guide! Loving them so far.
@creely 10 месяцев назад
Oh my gosh Thank You! I guess ill just have to do a pinned comment on the next one 😁
@InvitationToHades 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for this guide! Will you continue with patch 6.51 enhancements?
@creely 10 месяцев назад
I'm glad you liked it. 6.51 is in the works! Just have to record o few more things.
@InvitationToHades 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for this guide. It's quick, to the point, and very informative. Love the structure.
@taaro8324 11 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for this guide!
@thoksmash 11 месяцев назад
how would this meld set go with relic?
@creely 11 месяцев назад
The penta meld main tools are better than the relic tools at the moment. When we get the final stage of the relic i imagine it will either match the melds or be slightly off. By the time we get that it wont really matter so long as you are hitting the gathering thresh hold to gather the items. Personally i might change a meld here or there to make it work. I might not even bother thpugh.
@stewybob123 Год назад
I'm kind of new to MMOs except for RuneScape back in the days of old I have always preferred keyboard and mouse controls for Minecraft rather than a controller it's just better in every way. But I grew up with a controller in my hand and I'm thinking that's the way to go for this game
@bryzon17 Год назад
Man I misunderstood the conditional portion of the UI options thought it was useless. Was just driving and this auto played. Gonna fix that when I get home!
@judson4902 Год назад
Promo>SM ❣️
@liondragon2815 Год назад
Man I’ve been gathering all wrong lol
@creely Год назад
Idk about "wrong", maybe slower for sure. There are actually better rotations than the one i showed. Just replace the solid reason/ageless words with bountiful yield 2 i think you can get 6 bountiful yield in place of the others. It removes the RNG in my rotation. Same or better item yields though.
@FreddyAI Год назад
Rusty and a bit lost as returning player this helped me much, thank you. 🙂👍
@creely Год назад
No problem! I'm happy it helps 🙂
@BleachBath-fr8ps Год назад
I don’t know why people try to act like the controller is even 1/100 as user-friendly as keyboard. Just setting up the fucking thing is enough to make you put your console in the bin. Navigating how you actually can edit you back cross hotbar made me want to set myself on fire.
@FunnyDougy Год назад
Shafe you for the guide.
@creely Год назад
You're welcome 😂
@jeffhourwang Год назад
will u make a new video for 6.45 doh dol relics
@creely Год назад
Sure thing! DoL for sure. DoH we'll see. I have Thursday off from work so that gives me time to get it all recorded.
@creely Год назад
Hey. I just posted the DoL relic guide. :) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kWI-IRp1Y9I.html
@Zoltri Год назад
I'm a bit disappointed it doesn't seem you can do the same thing with Debuffs. One of the biggest things that pushes me to just use mods is playing something like Monk or Black mage, and having a critical debuff you need to manage the timer of, and needing to choose between comprimsing the Ui that you like, or dealing with information being harder to track. You really shouldn't turn off other players debuffs since you should want to know some of those timers like Faint, Mug, etc, but it just would make things so much better if you could isolate and move personal, damage over time, or damage amplifier debuffs somewhere else.
@plincoln21 Год назад
i'll just keep farming potatoes
@almightypalevin8186 Год назад
Thank you for the video. Question. When I heal, I focus target the tank to keep an eye on his HP. I also like to see if they have their mitigation active. Is there a way to prioritize having a tanks buffs show first in the focus target buff list? Particularly tank mits?
@creely Год назад
I'm glad you liked the video! To answer your question, no. The focus target UI element only has size and position options.
@darkintelligence6229 Год назад
ok so my second window. I pop'd some gathering food, to bring me to 3369 gathering. Using the new curry recipe so it's + GP and Gathering. I'm only getting 169 to 210 collectability. Without food, my stats are: 3233gathering, 2688 perception, 957 GP. I'm using Patience 2 so the fish being caught are large. Any idea why I'm getting so low collectability while in your video you're getting high 200's? 3233 gathering I got 171 and 169, 3369 gathering I'm getting 169-210 collectability.
@creely Год назад
210 is better than my highest. I'm pretty sure 197 was my highest so far. So i think you are on par.
@creely Год назад
I had to go watch it again 😂. I guess that is kinda low. Your perception might be a little low. Perception does still play into collectability. Just not as much as gathering.
@darkintelligence6229 Год назад
@@creely 2688 perception
@creely Год назад
I edited my reply after i notice your perception in the comment 😂. Anyway just like 70 gathering makes a huge difference your perception is lower than mine which may be tje problem.
@darkintelligence6229 Год назад
@@creely What is your perception at? I'll readjust some stuff around to mirror yours and see if that fixes the issue.
@darkintelligence6229 Год назад
I have 3233 gathering with no food with my BTN/MIN set. I'll try my luck the next 4pm-7pm ET window. If no luck I'll try pop'ing some gathering food the window after that. They should really, really a high ilvl spear sidearm for FSH so we can have the same stats as the other BTN/MIN jobs.
@creely Год назад
True! I would love an updated spear.
@darkintelligence6229 Год назад
at 3233 gathering, using a 10 second macro, catching only !!, I caught two AQUEOUS GLIOAETHER. The second Glioaether, I caught at 12 seconds because I forgot to reel it in. Will experiment with times later. Collectability at 3233 is 171 and 169
@darkintelligence6229 Год назад
I did not get any Concentrated Aqueous Glioaether from either aetherial reductions. *sadface*
@darkintelligence6229 Год назад
I just noticed, with Patience 2, at 3233 gathering, I was only catching 171,169 collectability fish. I'm assuming 3300 gathering will let you collect 270-290 fish with patience 2. Insane it varies that much with as small of a gap 3233 and 3300 is.
@creely Год назад
That is crazy. Yeah the yakow food i was using was just because i had it. The new gathering food is the one i would recommend.
@nordypanda818 Год назад
ffxiv the only mmo that i use a controller, square enix controller system layout is by far the best. hitting keys while doing positionals isnt ideal and puts a strain on the fingers. if you head to options you can extend the the hot bar so instead of using R1 to switch to the second hotbar you can hold R2 first than L2 to access the second hotbar on the right side, than hold L2 first and R2 on the second hot bar left side. you can even add another hotbar by holding R2 and L2 at the same time to open another hotbar. this might seem complicated on text but once you play on these settings life gets better
@GeensGaming Год назад
I have always played MMOs with keyboard and mouse but wow with controller it’s unbearable 😂
@mikakiff Год назад
Very nice Video, thanks for that. The Only thing i dont unerstand is, when do i get Gathering Yield and Gathering Integrity, I did alot of gathering lvl 90 stuff but didnt see it yet (Im above the minimum stats that is required)
@creely Год назад
As far as i know the integrity one is more common than the yield one. However it's all just rng if it's on the node or not. Edit: I'm speaking strictly on the high level 3 and 4 star nodes. If you are gathering the lvl 90 nodes for chondrite and integral lumber etc. they have a set node that is integrity + but the rest are rng.
@oxxieeg3226 Год назад
In your opinion whats the best way to collect Gatherer/Crafter Materia for Pentamelding Indagators? I've been doing collectable turn ins but it is incredibly time consuming.
@creely Год назад
For crafting, there is a guide by Ashe10. He suggests using the old integral set, the spirit bond potion, a spirit bond food, spirit bond fc/squadren buff, and then crafting 100 of the lower end game mats ie. Integral lumber, chondrite, etc. You would use the quick synth to craft 99 at a time. Each 99 should get you a full bonded set in like 10 min or so. As for gathering. Once you have at least the main materia slots melded just start gathering the new nodes. You can use the fc/squadren buff and the spirit bonding potion to increase the bond rate. You should have 100% gather rate with the gear alone. I would say it's much better than scrips because you are also gathering the new mats while you bond.
@astron1973 Год назад
what bothers me in the keyboard is that if i press "s" my charcters move superslow back, and when i move the joystick down, my character autoturn and move in that direction, so there is no slow movment. and also, i find very dificult to move using awsd(using 3 to 4 fingers) and circle enemies at the sime time i should be pressing 12345 and etc, put ctrl and shift in the mix then? a nightmare to my cordination, as in the controles, movment its all made by one finger, my thumb, and the rest its free to use all of the comands.
@creely Год назад
What you need to do. When using mouse and keyboard, go to settings and change the movement to legacy. In the video i am using legacy movements. This will make WSAD control your character like the Joystick. Edit: it will take practice but my index finger covers 4,5,F,G,T, and X. my ring finger 1,2, 3, Q, and TAB. My middle finger hardly ever leaves W. And then i use the right click to steer 😂.
Great guide man! Just got back to the game and you helped me out starting mining back again. Hey by the way, how do I get that badass glowing pickaxe?
@creely Год назад
Thank you! Glad you liked the video! It is the new Relic tool introduced in patch 6.35. I have a guide on how to get it on my channel. You first have to complete the crystalline mean quest from Shadowbringers in order to unlock the quests. I think the video tells you what's required.
@Nawivi Год назад
is it possible to let the buffs grow upwards, so if I use 10x2 it doesnt start on top of the square but at the bottom left and then go right and then start next row above the "1." buff?
@creely Год назад
As far as I know, no. However the development team have been implementing third party features like the one you are asking about. Maybe in the future it will be a thing.
@Predictableseeing Год назад
I just want to say a big thank you to you and your guide to gathering, it's been really helpful and straight to the point. I've picked up on gathering this expansion and I am hooked on this. This guide also helped me get an idea what to meld and how to do my rotations instead of just pressing anything. So again thank you.
@creely Год назад
I am glad it helped you! Thank you for the kind words.
@Franusky Год назад
Really nice vídeo pal! CongratZ!
@EliteSnipez91 Год назад
Amazing Guide. One which has really everything needed. Perfect! Thanks for that!
@creely Год назад
Thank you! I appreciate the kind words. I'm glad you liked it.
@JH-vb1wo Год назад
Man I just got started good on stormblood and was proud of being lvl 78 botanist and miner.... I spent to much time leveling side jobs so I'm behind but I've been pressing moving along the campaign
@creely Год назад
Keep at it! Having your crafter and gatherers leveled is nice. And fun imo!
@rantoro1 Год назад
I'm kinda new to this so sorry if i ask a stupid question. I bought the 620 craft gear with HQ like ur but somehow i can't pentameld it. The most slot I can have is up to 3. Did i miss anything or did i buy the wrong stuff ?
@creely Год назад
It may be that you have too high of a level materia. As an example; in the body piece you have 2 materia slots that can have two grade X(10) materia. The next slot would be an overmeld and it may also be grade X. The final two slots may only be grade 9,7,5 or lower. Grade 10, 8, and 6 are considered high grade and you may only have 1 high grade overmelded in the 3rd slot of any piece of armor. The accessories only have 1 guaranteed materia slot, there for they can only ever get 2 high grade materia in them. Hope this helps! Also the link in the description has my exact materia i have melded into my gear. You just have to click on the materia to view it.
@rantoro1 Год назад
@@creely Thank you so much.. That's explain why lmao .
@creely Год назад
@@rantoro1 no problem:)