From Normal To Norway
From Normal To Norway
From Normal To Norway
I'm just an average human on this topsy-turvy journey called Life, trying to share my real self and my story in an effort to help at least one person out there feel a little less alone. Hi! Welcome to me- to all my messiness, to my hopes and dreams, my fears and failures, my ups and downs, my joys and sorrows, my daily decision to quit existing in the comfort of past regrets and future wishes to instead Live in the uncomfortable present, one step at a time. Come on in, take the next step with me, and let's see together where the journey takes us!
Romjul 2021!
2 года назад
Happy Birthday to us!!!
2 года назад
I took a step towards Norway!
3 года назад
May 2021 Life Updates
3 года назад
For Anita, Who Lived
3 года назад
Goodness Wins Sometimes... Right?
3 года назад
My 2021 Intentions for Myself
3 года назад
2 Years and 2 Days!!
3 года назад
Why I Love Norway // Part 5: Folket
3 года назад
Who can mend this broken world?
4 года назад
A Year Since Oslo!
4 года назад
Meet My Enneagram Soul Child!
4 года назад
@SonjaPond 2 года назад
Thank you for making this video. ❤️
@FromNormalToNorway 2 года назад
Wow, this means so much to me! Thank you for watching and commenting!
@jeffk6382 2 года назад
🙋 Promo'SM!!!
@beepboop9756 2 года назад
thanks so much!
@FromNormalToNorway 2 года назад
Thank you so much for watching and commenting!! I hope the video helped and that you're doing well!
@Tommyworldwalker 3 года назад
So are you American?
@FromNormalToNorway 3 года назад
Yes, I am! I live in Los Angeles, but I've been learning Norwegian and daydreaming of moving to Oslo since 2017. Thanks for watching and commenting!
@kristinagerlach6487 3 года назад
Yay!! So happy for you and this courageous step!
@FromNormalToNorway 3 года назад
Thank you so much, Kristi!
@skeptic5018 3 года назад
u r responsible for global warming stop showing junk in your face and take a walk.
@FromNormalToNorway 3 года назад
I knew I was going to forget something! I'd wanted to mention another lie I've stopped believing and grown away from- that body size equates health. It is possible to have a larger body and be healthy, and it's possible to have a smaller body and be unhealthy. So, I can't judge my body or anyone else's as healthy or unhealthy based on its size. Another life-changer for me!
@autumnhilden1987 3 года назад
I am not super outdoorsy, but one thing I've done to at least encourage myself to be outside is to do the things there that I'd normally do inside. I will take a blanket and a beverage and go read. Or I will Facetime with a friend. Or sometimes I will even watch TV or videos outdoors! Usually I will drive to or walk to somewhere interesting (walking bonus actually lets me experience the air and get some activity in, even if it's just from my parking spot at the park to a prettier area farther within the park), then fire up my show. I've done this as a "movie night" at an overlook too.
@FromNormalToNorway 3 года назад
Oooh, that's a great idea! When it cools down here in LA, I'll try reading or watching something outside. Thanks, Autumn!
@autumnhilden1987 4 года назад
loving this series
@FromNormalToNorway 4 года назад
Thank you, Autumn! I'm loving doing it!
@brooklynbells88 4 года назад
Hi! She inspires me too :) I love SKAM!
@FromNormalToNorway 2 года назад
I'm so sorry I missed this until now!! I don't know how that happened. Thank you so much for watching and commenting!!
@autumnhilden1987 4 года назад
Highly recommend live plants as a reward when you clear some space.
@FromNormalToNorway 4 года назад
Excellent suggestion, Autumn! Any particular types you would recommend for a novice who is a little intimidated by plants?
@FromNormalToNorway 4 года назад
As requested, here is a list of my recommendations from this video: TV Shows- Skam Hjem til Jul (Netflix) Ragnarok (Netflix) Norsemen (Netflix) Music- 4 playlists by Visit Norway on Spotify Highasakite Sigrid Anna of the North Astrid S AURORA Ina Wroldsen Kristian Kristensen Enjoy!!
@autumnhilden1987 4 года назад
Could you add the spelling of these recommendations in a list in your comments?
@FromNormalToNorway 4 года назад
Of course! Thank you so much for asking!
@autumnhilden1987 4 года назад
I'm also a 1 w 2, so I"m off to look at what 7 characteristics might resonate with me!
@FromNormalToNorway 4 года назад
How did it go?! Did any characteristics stand out to you?
@autumnhilden1987 4 года назад
i find confidence in pursuing dreams to be very beautiful. it's attractive and makes me admire and want to be around the person who is unapologetic and focused.
@FromNormalToNorway 4 года назад
Oooh, that's such a good one! I find that passion and drive beautiful as well. Thank you for sharing, Autumn!
@autumnhilden1987 4 года назад
one vote for getting a dog.
@FromNormalToNorway 4 года назад
I know! Time, space, and money, ugh! I fully believe I'll have at least one someday, and I can hardly wait till then!
@autumnhilden1987 4 года назад
curvy is weird for sure. that's about shape, not size, so for me it doesn't work.
@FromNormalToNorway 4 года назад
That's such a good point! I've been so stuck in my discomfort about it that I haven't realized the distinction before. It'll be such a relief to not associate that word with size anymore, so thank you!
@autumnhilden1987 4 года назад
Happy birthday, FNTN!!!
@FromNormalToNorway 4 года назад
Thank you, Autumn!! I hope you enjoyed my pseudo-fascinator!
@lionelhardcastle 4 года назад
Happy Birthday!!! You've been doing this for a YEAR already?! (Justin)
@FromNormalToNorway 4 года назад
Haha, thank you, Justin!! I love that you're Lionel Hardcastle- it's like Regina Phalange or Ken Adams from Friends!
@autumnhilden1987 4 года назад
we learned last week that the library lets users access rosetta stone for free - could be another angle on language learning!
@FromNormalToNorway 4 года назад
Ooooh, great tip! I'll look into that!
@autumnhilden1987 4 года назад
"who would i want to be moving forward?" that is the question.
@FromNormalToNorway 4 года назад
It's a deep and daunting one for sure. And to be honest, I don't always feel super up to trying to answer it. I think I've just got to be more aware and purposeful during the times that I am up for it. Or maybe it's the sort of thing that reveals itself to you as life happens? And the thing to be aware of and purposeful about is living?
@FromNormalToNorway 4 года назад
Guys! I forgot to mention I experienced a big personal victory with this video. It was the first time I took only one selfie before filming- I didn't pick myself apart in it, and I immediately chose to use it as the thumbnail picture for this video. More self-love practice!
@autumnhilden1987 4 года назад
thank you for sharing your nice self.
@FromNormalToNorway 4 года назад
It's my absolute pleasure. Thank you for letting me share with you!
@autumnhilden1987 4 года назад
You are an A+ person.
@FromNormalToNorway 4 года назад
Awww, thank you so much, Autumn!! That means a lot coming from you, a 100% person!!
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
OMG DO IT! go to oslo to see t-swift!!!
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
Wouldn't that be so amazing?! And who knows? Maybe I'll be living there by then!
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
fun! i feel like me when i write emails to friends. i love writing, and i love my friends, so it's a good combo - and more satisfying than texting for me.
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
That's a great one! And being a lucky recipient of some of those emails, I must say the feeling totally comes across- I love reading your emails!
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
learning a new grocery store is no joke. my new one is a thing called price chopper. what?
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
Love it! Any items you've come across there you've never seen before?
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
2) the Norway option
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
You are already so good at identifying what you want for your future. It comes naturally to you, so it might not seem like a thing to be good at, but it is. I would like to grow toward where you are in that area.
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
Thank you so much, Autumn! That is so kind and encouraging!
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
also, i am voting for another trip that is focused on language practice. you don't have to wait a certain amount of time to go again. it's YOUR PLACE now. you get to go when you want.
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
Thank you!!
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
Go to Bergen next time!
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
Yes! I definitely want to, and to take the famously beautiful train ride from Oslo to there!!
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
YAY! So glad your first trip there was a positive one. The family sounds awesome; hopefully you can keep in touch! I would love to know more about the food. In my mind it is all herring. lol
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
Haha, I had some great food there! One of the best burgers I've ever had, a burrito I went back for a second time, a delicious pizza... There were all sort of foods there! I only had a couple of more authentic Norwegian things, and the waffle was not to be missed! It was in the shape of hearts and topped with sour cream, raspberry jam, and their brown cheese. It's eaten folded in half like a taco, and it was taaasty!!
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
What it should look like vs. what it could look like. POW.
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
yay! fun to hear about you getting pumped up in life and about your trip! not long now.
@dawnmondry3880 5 лет назад
PS... um... you know it thunderstorms in Pittsburgh all the time right?? Is there a future for you here? :))
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
Haha, nice try!
@dawnmondry3880 5 лет назад
Hahaha I was one of the people that watched the whole long one! :) ❤❤
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
You are a true friend!
@dawnmondry3880 5 лет назад
@@FromNormalToNorway felt like we were at Coffee Beane together all over again :)) ❤❤
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
Wow, sorry for the really shaky arm, y'all! At least it's not a long video, haha!
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
I vote that we have the makeup discussion. I also don't really care about that and would love to hear your thoughts. Because even though I don't care, I still struggle? So obvs I do care on some level. Curious about another POV.
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
I'd love to talk more about this!
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
Those earrings, though.
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
Haha, thank you, they're new!
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
Wow, ok, so I didn't realize until after I uploaded this video, that it's super blurry and kinda dark for some reason? As I've said before, I'm not so much tech-savvy, so I don't really know what led to this, but I wanted to say I'm sorry. I hope it doesn't make the video so hard to watch that you don't watch it, and I'll try to make it a better quality next time! For those of you continuing to check out my channel, thank you!!!
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
Verbalizing DOES take the power away.
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
Looking forward to the next few videos!
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
Thank you again so much for all your help yesterday!! The new video is up proclaiming our progress!
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
There is a train from Oslo to Bergen that looks amazing. And I've always wanted to see some of the those stave churches in the countryside. They look soooooo cool.
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
Oooh, yes, I think I've watch some videos about that train ride, and I'd love to do it! Not sure how much I'll get to outside of Oslo, but that might be number one on the list!
@dawnmondry3880 5 лет назад
And... remember if you are looking to live in a city with four seasons, there is always Pittsburgh... :))
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
Nice try as always, Dawn!
@dawnmondry3880 5 лет назад
So exciting you are meeting with people this week! Progress! Do they use snow shoes there? You should buy some snow shoes!
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
It won't be snowing by the time I get there, but I'd definitely love to have the need for a pair in the future!
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
i support you in your challenge!
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
Short/sweet. Saying no to stuff has always been hard for me, but permission to say no is totally key. It doesn't mean I WILL say no, but just knowing that I can say no has been hugely transformative for me.
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
Ooh, cute top. This might be my favorite episode so far, because I love languages and the language acquisition process. When it starts coming automatically, it is the BEST feeling. I'm so glad you changed your mind about what is you and what could be you.
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
Thank you! I'm on level 7 now and still LOVING it!
@autumnhilden1987 5 лет назад
I knew it when I saw the title! That first kiss was eepppiiiccccc.
@FromNormalToNorway 5 лет назад
I know, right?!