The Line of Fire
The Line of Fire
The Line of Fire
YOU can be rooted in your faith and be confident in an uncertain world!

Do you struggle to navigate moral and social dilemmas and often feel your faith is being challenged? You need to equip yourself with Biblical truth!

Join biblical scholar and cultural commentator Dr. Michael L. Brown-Your Voice for Moral Sanity and Spiritual Clarity-to discover hope, refresh your faith, and find your voice.

Together let us seek God for Revival in the Church, Revolution in Society, and Redemption in Israel.
How to Combat Paralyzing Fear
14 дней назад
Israel's Enemies Are Your Enemies
14 дней назад
Can a Christian Vote For Kamala Harris?
Месяц назад
Dr. Brown Debates Rabbi Singer
2 месяца назад
Do You Know These Jewish Believers?
5 месяцев назад
Not Ashamed Of Jesus Day
5 месяцев назад
4/14 is Not Ashamed of Jesus Day!
5 месяцев назад
A Friendly Challenge to My Critics
5 месяцев назад
American Gospel Downplays Luther's Antisemitism
6 месяцев назад
Israel and the Genocide Lie
9 месяцев назад
Dr. Brown's Important Personal Update On IHOPKC
10 месяцев назад
Why Antisemitism?
11 месяцев назад
How I Deal With Bible Contradictions
11 месяцев назад
@stephenwilkerson474 4 часа назад
When Gods Spirit gives you a prophetic word, He always confirms it with His Word. Also, usually confirms it in multiple ways.
@kolonial1293 4 часа назад
Now 2024, all of that is clearly proven.
@luisitocatalbas3804 5 часов назад
@dannyfaganjr5082 6 часов назад
I think it makes no sense they think the white man is Esau when Esau went into 2 black nations the Canaanites and Ishmael’s daughters that would not make the white man Esau. It’s common sense if u take a white man put him in the middle of Africa, where there is no white people leave him there come back in 100 years and tell me how many white people you see.
@mario.migneault 7 часов назад
❤❤❤great job Mr. Brown. Calvinisim always goes back to say how dare you judge the Sovereingty of God.
@Robert_L_Peters 7 часов назад
...because Christian faith protects them from nothing. However, when the Messiah comes, if they cease worshipping their idol Jesus, they may have a chance...
@MarieGehmie-f9v 9 часов назад
This was amazing
@shanekearns3290 9 часов назад
So sad😢. Only the Lord can give us strength during such unimaginable grief.
@zephyrias 10 часов назад
2:07 what are these extra noises over the audio?
@Exodus--bx3dd 11 часов назад
Personal responsibility means the guilty will not be acquitted before God. This is why God gave the God fearing a lamb. The guilt of the Prophet and people would be imputed to the Lamb who would then be put to death to make atonement for the guilty. However all sacrifices would cease to be offered when the true offering that atone was made, Daniel 9:27. This offering was made by Messiah in the middle of the one week left of Israel to be under the Sinai covenant. Israel in defiance of Messiah , conti used to offer the abolished sacrices..infuriating God , who then took away His protection from the rebellious of Israel..cutting them off from being His people.
@corlenerassas5830 11 часов назад
Shmuley you’re wrong Jesus is the way the truth in the life and he did die for us. It’s all through scripture. I pray that one day you and your family will see the truth. He was your Messiah before he was mine and I will not betray him I will stay steadfast. I hope your heart and mind and soul to the truth.
@caroleedwards3106 12 часов назад
Can I recommend this book by A Grace Disguised by Gerald Sittser who lost his Mother, wife and young daughter in a horrific car accident. ❤❤❤❤.
@honoringintimates 14 часов назад
“Yahweh is near to the brokenhearted And saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34‬:‭18‬ ‭LSB‬‬) “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” (2 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭LSB‬‬) “But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.” (‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭4‬:‭13‬-‭18‬ ‭LSB‬‬)
@danwesleywright 15 часов назад
ALL OF THE END TIMES ISRAELITES PROPHECIES WERE FULFILLED BY THE ANGLO-SAXONS NOT BLACKS, NOT JEWS. ISRAEL’S tribes of MANASSEH & EPHRAIM were prophesied to COLONIZE THE ENTIRE WORLD, to RULE & REIGN HIGH ABOVE ALL OTHER RACES of people. ISRAEL’S tribe of MANASSEH was prophesied to become the WORLD’S GREATEST NATION, the WORLD’S WEALTHIEST NATION, & to have the WORLD’S GREATEST MILITARY. ISRAEL’S tribes of JOSEPH, MANASSEH, & EPHRAIM WERE PROMISED THEY would always be SAFE FROM THEIR ENEMIES and THEIR NAME WOULD BE GREAT! ISRAEL’S tribe of MANASSEH in the LATTER DAYS would inherit, establish, & live on a land “FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA.” ISRAEL’S tribe of MANASSEH was prophesied to take possesion of all lands pre-occupied by blacks. ISRAEL’S tribes of JOSEPH, MANASSEH, & EPHRAIM WERE PROMISED GOD’S GREATEST BLESSINGS of PROSPERITY, MATERIAL BLESSINGS, STANDARD OF LIVING, EXTRAVAGANCE, AGRICULTURE, & FARM ANIMALS. ISRAEL’S tribe of EPHRAIM was prophesied to become a COMPANY OF PROSPEROUS NATIONS (PLURAL) ACROSS THE WORLD. ISRAEL’S tribes of MANASSEH & EPHRAIM were prophesied to be UNDEFEATABLE, & SUPERNATURALLY DEFENDED & PROTECTED BY CHRIST. ISRAEL’S tribes of MANASSEH & EPHRAIM were prophesied to carry the GOSPEL of CHRIST to the 4 CORNERS OF THE WORLD, (via Bible not internet). ISRAEL’S tribes of MANASSEH & EPHRAIM were to be NAMED AFTER ISAAC. ISAAC is the Father of the ANGLO-SAXON, GERMANIC, SCANDINAVIAN, CELTIC, NORDIC, & KINDRED PEOPLES. THE BIBLICAL ISRAELITES WERE NOT race mixed negroes! DAS RIGHT! Judeo Christianity is anti-JESUS CHRIST. (JOHN 8:19-59) clearly shows JESUS was not a Jew that died for the ANGLO-SAXON RACE! (PSALM 20:1) ICXC is the God of “ISRAEL.” (ACTS 7:19) “He adopted a crafty policy towards OUR RACE.” (PHILIPPIANS 3:5) (WEYMOUTH) “MEMBERS of the RACE of ISRAEL.” (MATTHEW 10:6) (WEYMOUTH) “Go the LOST SHEEP of ISRAEL’S RACE.”, (EXODUS 19:5) (SEPTUAGINT) “YOU shall be MY PEOPLE ‘ABOVE’ ALL RACES.” (ISAIAH 52:6) (FFB) “MY RACE SHALL ACKNOWLEDGE MY POWER, ON THE DAY WHEN I COME & EXCLAIM, ‘HERE I AM.’” (DEUTERONOMY 7:6) (JAMP) “I have “CHOSEN YOU” out of all the “RACES/PEOPLE” on the face of the earth to be “MY PEOPLE” for “MY OWN POSSESSION” that is, “MY VERY SPECIAL TREASURE.” (DEUTERONOMY 14:2) (ARAMAIC IN ENGLISH) “The LORD JESUS YOUR GOD CHOSE YOU that YOU would be the MOST BELOVED PEOPLE TO HIM ABOVE of all races/nations upon the face of the Earth.” (LEVITICUS 20:26) YOU shall be holy & SEPARATE UNTO ME, for I the LORD God am Holy, and I have “SEVERED YOU FROM & ABOVE all other people/races/nations/ that YOU should be MINE.” (LUKE 3:34) (NLT) “JUDAH was the SON of JACOB. JACOB was the SON of ISAAC.” (GENESIS 21:12) “MY PROMISES, MY SOLEMN PLEDGE I WILL ESTABLISH WITH ISAAC.” (ROMANS 9:7) “IN ISAAC SHALL THY SEED LINE BE CALLED.” (Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. 2, p. 250); "The SONS OF ISAAC, SCYTHIANS, & ANGLO-SAXONS, are the 10 tribes of ISRAEL." (GALATIANS 4:28) (NTFE) “NOW YOU’RE MY FAMILY, THE CHILDREN OF THE PROMISE, THE SEED LINE OF ISAAC.” (ACTS 13:26) (DARBY) “BRETHREN, SONS OF ABRAHAM’S RACE TO YOU HAS THE WORD OF SALVATION BEEN SENT.” (GENESIS 17:8) (ESV) “And I will give to you & to your OFFSPRING after YOU all the LAND of CANAAN, (NORTH AMERICA) for an EVERLASTING POSSESSION.” (GENESIS 15:18) (YLT) “TO THY SEED LINE I HAVE GIVEN THIS LAND.” (EXODUS 4:22) (EXB) “ISRAEL IS MY PRIVILEGED CHILD.” (MANASSEH 1:1) “O LORD, ALMIGHTY GOD of OUR FATHER’S; ABRAHAM, ISAAC, & JACOB & THEIR RIGHTEOUS SEED [LINE].” None of the popular RU-vid content creators will tell you during private séances, warlocks, witches, & members of secret societies driven by adrenochrome, practice witchcraft, engage in ritual sex magic, abortion, sodomy, masterbation in coffins, pedophilia & child sacrifice when chanting the name of the moon god of Judaism, Yod~Heh~Vav~Heh. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahwism The 4 letters י ה ו ה are wicked & charged with evil See for yourself! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-UYM6Sb5nB0Y.html. Go over to Google Images & punch in YAHWEH TAROT CARDS - Google Search & see with your own eyes. YAHWEH is identical with Baal-zebub, the lord of flies, not the Holy God of CHRISTIAN ISRAELITES. “CHRISTIAN IDENTITY PASTORS” that refuse to stop teaching the heresy of YAHWEH - JESUS, or YAHUAH - JESUS, or YAHUWA - JESUS, or YAH - JESUS or YEHOVAH - JESUS, or JEHOVAH - JESUS, or YAHSHUA - JESUS, or YESHUA - JESUS are under the Jewish curse called (ימח שמו וזכרו) (yemach shemo vezichro) from the esoteric codex. (יֵשׁוּעַ) - Yeshua is an acronym (יש"ו) which means “May ‘Jesus' name & memory of him be obliterated.” (Gittin 56b, 57a) www.sefaria.org/Gittin.57a?lang=bi teaches Yahweh/Yeshua (derogatory for Jesus) is in hell boiling in hot excrement and semen. Who fulfilled all of the above prophecies? (1980) Jewish Almanac, p. 3) "STRICTLY SPEAKING IT IS INCORRECT TO CALL AN ANCIENT ISRAELITE A ‘JEW' OR TO CALL A CONTEMPORARY JEW AN ISRAELITE OR A HEBREW.” (ROMANS 9:27) (AMP) “THE NUMBER OF THE SONS OF ISRAEL MAY BE LIKE THE SAND OF THE SEA.” ONLY THE REMNANT, A SMALL BELIEVING MINORITY THAT WILL BE SAVED FROM GOD’S JUDGMENT!” As of September 25, 2022 worldwide the number of: Jews = 15.3 million, negroes = 47 million, ANGLO-SAXON-GERMANIC-ISRAELITES = 235 million. (2 CHRONICLES 5:7). The IRISH DANITES are in POSSESSION of JACOB’S STONE which is now preserved in Westminster Abbey.” If the Jews are (ISAIAH 9:6) JESUS the FATHER’S of the GODHEAD, (COLOSSIANS 2:9) CHOSEN PEOPLE, WHY aren’t the Jews in possession of JACOB’S STONE? (1524); www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/1524-anglo-israelism; The ISRAELITES were prophesied to worship the ONE TRUE HOLY CREATOR GOD.” Do the “Kainite/Kenite/Idumean/Edomite/Ethiopian/Mizrahi/Jews” worship the ONE TRUE HOLY CREATOR GOD JESUS CHRIST? Absolutely not. They all worship the reptilian Yahweh. (1886) The Kainite/Idumean/Edomites usurped the identity of the HEBREW-ANGLO-SAXON-GERMANIC-AMERICAN-ISRAELITES. These Khazars began calling themselves Ashkenazi Jews & dubbed themselves GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-he57zIEGJzA.html (www.biblestandard.com) ONLY JESUS’ CHOSEN RACE, the ELECT, the ANGLO-SAXON, GERMANIC, SCANDINAVIAN, CELTIC, NORDIC, & KINDRED PEOPLES HAVE FULFILLED ALL OF THE END TIMES ISRAELITES PROPHECIES & RECEIVED ALL OF THE LAST DAYS BLESSINGS & INHERITANCES OF THE EVERLASTING COVENANT & THE PROMISES MADE BY GOD ALMIGHTY JESUS CHRIST! (jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/1524-anglo-israelism) BY: Joseph Jacobs IDENTIFIES THE ANGLO-SAXON RACE WITH THE LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL. THE PROMISES MADE TO ISAAC WERE FULFILLED BY EPHRAIM-ENGLAND & MANASSEH-AMERICA.” (1871) jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/1524-anglo-israelism IS BASED UPON THE FULFILLMENT OF THE END TIMES ISRAELITE PROPHECIES & THE EXTREMELY LITERAL INTERPRETATIONS OF THE OLD & NEW COVENANTS MADE WITH THE ANGLO-SAXON-GERMANIC PEOPLE ONLY IN THE KING JAMES BIBLE. (1925) (JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, vol. 5 page 41) "The redemption of ADAM/ISRAEL by the life, death, burial & RESURRECTION of JESUS CHRIST, the indwelling of the HOLY SPIRIT in the “WHITE RACE” HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED! (DEUTERONOMY 28:68) (NCV) “The Lord will send you back to Egypt in ships, even though I, Moses, said you would never go back to Egypt. There you will try to sell yourselves as slaves to your enemies, BUT NO ONE WILL (Strong’s #7069 qanah); acquire, purchase, commission, acquisition) buy you.” Black Hebrew Israelite camp leaders have brainwashed the negroes to believe (DEUTERONOMY 28:68) is about the Atlantic slave trade where NO ONE WOULD BUY negroes,” can simultaneously be about the Atlantic slave trade where negroes are fighting for reparations because their ancestors were bought & sold as slaves over & over & over. It can’t be both. The black Hebrew Israelites cult of Freemasons are always referencing in the Hebrew but ISRAEL’S tribes of MANASSEH & EPHRAIM were prophesied to have a NEW LANGUAGE, (ISAIAH 28:11). No longer would the FATHER speak to ISRAEL in the Satanic Hebrew/Yiddish language. Via the Bible, the GODHEAD now speaks to CHRISTIAN ISRAELITES in ENGLISH! www.israel-a-history-of.com/the-anglosaxonceltic-nordic-and-germanic-peoples-are-the-true-israel.html (MATTHEW 13:11) (ERV) “JESUS answered, “ONLY YOU” can know the secret truths about God’s kingdom. Those “other people” cannot know these secret truths.” Will Dr Brown leave this hidden knowledge up? He will do the same thing the black Hebrew Israelites do. Hit delete.
@vernonfranklin3978 15 часов назад
No Caucasian or asiatic get dark when they are sick or in famine
@JonasHaile-bl5br 15 часов назад
In the Bible Paul in acts was indistinguishable from a black Egyptian 😂 are we not going to have that conversation
@Meat.Shank1 16 часов назад
All of that evidence of Jesus being real??? There is none. U can use the Bible as evidence. I don’t use Star Wars as evidence of a Jedi
@davidomondi8819 18 часов назад
Why do Muslims find it so easy to lie to the public and hide in ambiguity 😂😂
@cubofjudah_ 19 часов назад
The mark of the beast Everyone wants to stick to the Bible📖 until it’s time to get biblical ✝️🗣 Daniel 9:27 KJV, was fulfilled in 2021 when the antichrist of Bible prophecy “Jorge Mario Bergoglio” signed the covenant “Laudato Si” with many for 1 week. In bible prophecy this is 7 literal years. The second beast, The U.S.A., Will enforce the agenda of the first beast, The Vatican. With the passing of the soon coming “Sunday law” in 2025!!! The Great Tribulation, earths final 42 months begins in 2025. Revelation 13:5 KJV satan is after worship and he will receive this with his crowning act of deception!!! The mark of the beast !!! satan deceived the world🌎 to worship him Isaiah 14:12-14 KJV The coming “Sunday law” “Blue laws” The mark🎯of the beast😈 is substituting God’s 4th commandment for the Vatican’s Sunday🌞 law The Vatican is the little horn in the book of Daniel. The prophesied change Daniel 7:25 KJV Hand and forehead is symbolic For Obedience and remembrance of God’s✝️ commandments Exodus 13:9 KJV✋🏻🧠 Deuteronomy 6:8 KJV✋🏻🧠 Deuteronomy 11:18 KJV✋🏻🧠 Revelation 14:9-12 KJV✋🏻🧠 Hosea 4:6 KJV✋🏻🧠 The issue God’s✝️ people have in the Bible with buying or selling is people buying or selling on the 4th commandment which God forbids. Buying or selling 💰 Nehemiah 10:31 KJV📊 Nehemiah 13:15-22 KJV📊 Amos 8:5 KJV 📊 The coming Sunday law aka blue laws will restrict buying and selling on what the world has deemed the lord’s day the Vatican’s Sunday. Jesus Christ✝️ will return at the end of the Tribulation, yes it’s a POST tribulation rapture. To find almost the entire world bowing down to satan. The Lord’s Day will always be his Sabbath. (SATURDAY) Isaiah 66:22-24 KJV *** The image of the beast will be a reflection of what they did in papal Rome, A Union of church and state, then passing a “Sunday law” to officially substitute God’s✝️ 4th commandment with satan’s law. Daniel’s 70th week comes to an end in 2028. I hope you guys are ready to meet God✝️📖⏳ ***Side note Israel turns 80 in 2028.*** “The days of our lives are seventy years; And if by reason of strength they are eighty years, Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; For it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭90‬:‭10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ POST TRIBULATION RAPTURE!!! Pope Francis President 2025 Vatican🇻🇦🏛️ USA🇺🇸⛪️ Antichrist😈 False prophet👨🏻‍⚖️📝 1st Beast🐲 2nd Beast🐑🦬 Sea Beast🌊 Land Beast🏜 Anyone reading this go checkout the video on my playlist titled Messiah✝️ 2028 : From Babylon🇻🇦 to America🇺🇸 It will be a blessing of biblical truth
@pastordavidberman2091 19 часов назад
The Rabbi is all over the place. He has no sufficient answers.
@Globeguy1337 19 часов назад
23:50 Am I missing something? The Jewish history as I read it in the Tanakh is that Israel suffered long for rebellions against God and instead prospered when they actually were “a Godly nation whose only crime was to bear witness to God in history”. His description here seems to cast Israel and a perfect and sinless paragon of patience for tolerating the unfair afflictions God placed on those faithful servants. Israel is Joseph and God is Potiphar, eh? Edit: a similar confusion plagues his later bizarre mindset regarding atonement. The guy just drips with intellectual untrustworthiness.
@savemman 19 часов назад
God bless you Dr Brown for this. And God bless you Torben. I remember the peace in my heart when I saw that Dr Brown had stepped up and was testifying at court. For months I was wondering about what was happening. Looking forward to the KINGDOM book Torben. Rich blessings from Greece.
@platyfish3891 21 час назад
Paul destroyed the message of Jesus by institutionalizing it. People could just claim the Christian label without living it.
@TRUSTJESUS33 21 час назад
If we want to be like Jesus then absolutely NO way are WE to pray such prayers as to cause harm to others. That is not Christ like behavior. Christians should not pray the Imprecatory Psalms. We need to be the light and the salt of this Earth. Allow Jesus to be the living water that abides in you. Follow Jesus and not man.
@Manwright 22 часа назад
Ok, so you say that the different races are unique and special yet have no problem with them mixing and destroying their distinctions? Make up your mind Mike.
@Jesus_story_in_Talmud 22 часа назад
😂 just read it ⬇️ Gittin 57a:3-4 “Onkelos then went and raised Jesus the Nazarene from the grave through necromancy… What is the punishment of that man, a euphemism for Jesus himself, in the next world? Jesus said to him: He is punished with boiling excrement.” ................. Sanhedrin 43a:20 “On Passover Eve they hung the corpse of Jesus the Nazarene after they killed him by way of stoning … because he practiced sorcery, incited people to idol worship, and led the Jewish people astray.” ..................... Sotah 47a:14 “Jesus … went and stood up a brick and worshipped it as an idol … he caused the masses to sin … Jesus the Nazarene performed sorcery, and he incited the masses, and subverted the masses, and caused the Jewish people to sin.” ..................... Shabbat 104b:5 “Didn’t the infamous ben Stada. ben pandeira. jesus take magic spells out of Egypt … His mother’s husband, who acted as his father, was named Stada, but the one who had relations with his mother and fathered him was named Pandeira … his mother Miriam … This one strayed from her husband.”
@wretchedsinnerRighteousSavior 23 часа назад
Maybe they were partly giant clans and David knew they couldn’t be saved, so he prayed for their vengeance to come and their families to be judged.
@mary-xk9dc 23 часа назад
yes! But we all sin.
@midnightwatchman1 День назад
It is in the toolbox , use it when appropriate.Our Father in heaven is long suffering we should act like our Father.
@emmanuelcadelina1848 День назад
It is just an authors expression bcoz the author belief there was a good god and evil god. The pentateuch was not fully revealed by God..Even of it is inspired books but the author has a freedom to write those text.
@Manamal-uu8dy День назад
Satan has a religion perfect for anyone who rejects the triune God. How did they deceive themselves into believing this heresy and blasphemy? Sad.
@megahamartolos6638 День назад
Dr. Brown, thank you for keeping the discussion on Rick Wiles objective and balanced. As a Lutheran pastor emeritus, I am saddened that someone claiming to be Christ's servant can spew such vile racial hatred. Does not Wiles know that Jewish converts to Christianity have always been among us? In Lutheran circles, there was the 19th century theologian Richard Charles Henry Lenski (with whom I disagree on many doctrinal points) and Albert Hague, Jewish Lutheran composer. One current pastor I know converted from Orthodox Judaism. His family sat shiva; his son was my seminary classmate. BTW, what is Rick Wile's theological education? I can find nothing. Wiles assertions are laughable but dangerous. About a century ago there was another like him. His name was Hitler.
@kikikaakau-delizo8152 День назад
The psalms were written and included in Holy Scripture for a reason. Of course we can, and should, pray them for specific circumstances (i.e. terrorists' attacks). These particular psalms can also be applied to the attacks of the enemy satan and his demons being his children; David is asking for God to prevent and take vengeance on attacks by him. Praying these psalms are totally appropriate.
@glennmccudden8574 День назад
@mario.migneault День назад
😂😂😂noe judaism is suffereing so many will come to faith....53 lije talking to a muslim. zech12 10. so they will look on judaism the pierced nation. 😂😂😂😂
@JEREMIAH-jd3cb День назад
I have seen some people spell Jesus name Yahusha and Gods name Yahuah. Where are they getting this from? I saw some say paleo Hebrew but I don’t see it
@ozziepatino2585 День назад
Dr. Brown, I just want to say thank you for standing while we believe in the Messiah. I do appreciate it my brother you are truly soldier for Christ. I’ve been listening to you for almost 2 months. From Texas.
@ZacharyBronstein День назад
@2:21:49 mark why not just come right out and say we believe Yeshua was/is Yahweh. Both messianic Jew and Talmudic Jew dance around Yahweh Elohim (gods)/ Elohenu (our gods) despite over 7,000 exhortations in scripture to lift his name, by name, with honour and praise. Yeshua eternally was/is/will be one of the triune persons of Yahweh our gods.
@Growmetheus День назад
Im at 30:00 and gosh Dr. Brown is definitely yneducated on manuscripts. And the bible is being translated into 3,000 languages? 1200. Thats in 2024, at the time of this event, MAYBE 600.
@Growmetheus День назад
Ah dang, 40:00 is pretty solid; the only means of atoning for unintentional sins is sacrifice.
@westjordan3077 День назад
He doth protest tooo much….
@daughterofzionbenjamin7231 День назад
Brown did not prove anything!
@Asmodeus371 День назад
God bless Rick Wiles.
@internaut2 День назад
I'm a Christian and I absolutely do not support Israel. Their government is seeking a pretext to demolish the Al-Aqsa mosque so they can rebuild the 3rd temple and resume their old fashioned sacrifices in denial of Jesus. Please know the full story!
@midtwilightblue День назад
The division would only be because I do not want to be guided by someone that is going to preach the gospel with the rose colored lenses of a Calvinist viewpoint. There are too many scriptures that theology will misinterpret and lead to the self righteous belief that they’re created to be saved and others are damned no matter what. They also use very specific wordage and titles to redirect to that belief as well in their teachings or even in speaking about the Bible in general you almost can’t separate the belief from anything else they talk about.
@cherylchiasson8830 День назад
The scapegoat was a type of our Savior Jesus!
@swansonberg День назад
You have guests on! Why not invite Dr Nehemiah Gordon or Dr Miles Jones on, to discuss their research?
@yvonnegordon1952 День назад
the right side is Gods side but what is his side? Do you think God is a respecter of persons? Do you think Israel and Jews were chosen to take from the nations and destroy them, or be a LIGHT of HASHEM to the nations? Israel is the heart (the woman, the feminine corrected force) Hashem marries and lives within to be a light for the nations: Jer 31, the NEW covenant is when the law is written WITHIN the heart and mind and surrounds the MAN (Hashem=GOOD WILL) that he forms himself to be within her: there is no SHALOM if its not crazy enough for you out there, then you are brain dead and heart dead: WAIT, that is exactly what the Bible says we are which is why we need a NEW HEART AND NEW MIND and our will/desire/serpent lifted up: Christianity and really all religion including Judaism reads the Bible as a history book or a future event, but the WHOLE BIBLE is a BOOK FOR NOW, TODAY if you HEAR HIS VOICE, TODAY is the DAY of salvation: It is a BIO-Spiritual book for the FORMATION OF THE SOUL above the body (this is the true meaning of the rapture, the feast of Tabernacles that will continue to be a FUTURE EVENT till you experience it HERE AND NOW by KNOWING God: what you see in the world today is built on Jewish IDEAS: Jews need a NEW and circumcised heart, not more ideas: knowing God as MAN is the whole POINT of the Bible. (Exodus 15, HASHEM is a MAN of war, YHVH is his name): HASHEM REVEALS HIMSELF "IN and THROUGH" MAN from Adam, to Abraham, to Moses, to .......well isn't the Jewish Messiah figure they are waiting for a MAN too? Does it not say, King David will be as God in that day? HOW can a mere human see God unless he too is God: This is why it says only the SON can know the Father and the Father ONLY KNOWS the SON: If we don't become ONE with the SON, we will never be KNOWN by God: (JOINED TO): TILL YOU SEE GOD IN MAN, you have not become in his image and LIKENESS: Going from a creation to MAN is KNOWING HASHEM because now you are in his image and likeness: if it doesn't compute, then keep thinking that you a mere mortal who doesn't have a Messiah, a temple and a priesthood, can KNOW HASHEM: THIS IS IDOLATRY because in this assumption, you make God in YOUR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, not coming to be IN HIS: Christians make Jesus in their image and likeness when it clearly says in Isaiah 53 the SUFFERING SERVANT is a SOUL without FORM: He becomes the FULL stature of the INNER MAN of our heart, fulfilling Jer 31, a WOMAN (Kingdom, Malkut) shall compass a MAN: This is the new thing Hashem does in the earth. HE IS THAT MAN FORMED within his people, their GOOD and PERFECT WILL that brings PEACE on earth, because it alone is the GOOD WILL IN MAN: As for the divine feminine (BINA) the Spirit of UNDERSTANDING the creation and its FORMATION from creation to MAN, she is always with WISDOM that comes from the SEED (Yachida) within her that regenerates LIFE continually, lifting it up and nurturing it, while separating it from garbage: If the feminine can't do that, it isn't the feminine, divine or corporeal: If religion doesn't understand - BINA -HOLY SPIRIT, (the power to separate evil and good, darkness and light, life and death) then it isn't in the IMAGE and LIKENESS of God, but just held by the rhetoric of religion that can not be understood by the carnal mind (five physical senses, donkey mind): Judah (King David, Messiah) rides that mind into Jerusalem, a heavenly city whose 12 gates are the 12 tribes of Israel made out of ONE PEARL: Israel must become ONE as God is ONE or they are not yet fully Israel, the HEART and MIND and lifted up will of the LAST ADAM: The BIBLE ENDS with COME quickly Lord Jesus: Rev 22:20 He which testifies these things says, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. here coming - doesn't mean come from somewhere else, but REVEAL, in the PRESENT sense and within the heart and mind and will of your people: accompany, appear, bring, come, enter, fall out, go, grow, × light, × next, pass, resort, be set. IT is a REVELATION of what always was, IS and IS TO COME in every eye that will see at their APPOINTED HOUR, so pray that you will SEE TODAY:
@yvonnegordon1952 День назад
you are BOTH WRONG: Without the ANOINTING no man can SEE the LORD: the right side is Gods side but what is his side? Do you think God is a respecter of persons? Do you think Israel and Jews were chosen to take from the nations and destroy them, or be a LIGHT of HASHEM to the nations? Israel is the heart (the woman, the feminine corrected force) Hashem marries and lives within to be a light for the nations: Jer 31, the NEW covenant is when the law is written WITHIN the heart and mind and surrounds the MAN (Hashem=GOOD WILL) that he forms himself to be within her: there is no SHALOM if its not crazy enough for you out there, then you are brain dead and heart dead: WAIT, that is exactly what the Bible says we are which is why we need a NEW HEART AND NEW MIND and our will/desire/serpent lifted up: Christianity and really all religion including Judaism reads the Bible as a history book or a future event, but the WHOLE BIBLE is a BOOK FOR NOW, TODAY if you HEAR HIS VOICE, TODAY is the DAY of salvation: It is a BIO-Spiritual book for the FORMATION OF THE SOUL above the body (this is the true meaning of the rapture, the feast of Tabernacles that will continue to be a FUTURE EVENT till you experience it HERE AND NOW by KNOWING God: what you see in the world today is built on Jewish IDEAS: Jews need a NEW and circumcised heart, not more ideas: knowing God as MAN is the whole POINT of the Bible. (Exodus 15, HASHEM is a MAN of war, YHVH is his name): HASHEM REVEALS HIMSELF "IN and THROUGH" MAN from Adam, to Abraham, to Moses, to .......well isn't the Jewish Messiah figure they are waiting for a MAN too? Does it not say, King David will be as God in that day? HOW can a mere human see God unless he too is God: This is why it says only the SON can know the Father and the Father ONLY KNOWS the SON: If we don't become ONE with the SON, we will never be KNOWN by God: (JOINED TO): TILL YOU SEE GOD IN MAN, you have not become in his image and LIKENESS: Going from a creation to MAN is KNOWING HASHEM because now you are in his image and likeness: if it doesn't compute, then keep thinking that you a mere mortal who doesn't have a Messiah, a temple and a priesthood, can KNOW HASHEM: THIS IS IDOLATRY because in this assumption, you make God in YOUR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, not coming to be IN HIS: Christians make Jesus in their image and likeness when it clearly says in Isaiah 53 the SUFFERING SERVANT is a SOUL without FORM: He becomes the FULL stature of the INNER MAN of our heart, fulfilling Jer 31, a WOMAN (Kingdom, Malkut) shall compass a MAN: This is the new thing Hashem does in the earth. HE IS THAT MAN FORMED within his people, their GOOD and PERFECT WILL that brings PEACE on earth, because it alone is the GOOD WILL IN MAN: As for the divine feminine (BINA) the Spirit of UNDERSTANDING the creation and its FORMATION from creation to MAN, she is always with WISDOM that comes from the SEED (Yachida) within her that regenerates LIFE continually, lifting it up and nurturing it, while separating it from garbage: If the feminine can't do that, it isn't the feminine, divine or corporeal: If religion doesn't understand - BINA -HOLY SPIRIT, (the power to separate evil and good, darkness and light, life and death) then it isn't in the IMAGE and LIKENESS of God, but just held by the rhetoric of religion that can not be understood by the carnal mind (five physical senses, donkey mind): Judah (King David, Messiah) rides that mind into Jerusalem, a heavenly city whose 12 gates are the 12 tribes of Israel made out of ONE PEARL: Israel must become ONE as God is ONE or they are not yet fully Israel, the HEART and MIND and lifted up will of the LAST ADAM: The BIBLE ENDS with COME quickly Lord Jesus: Rev 22:20 He which testifies these things says, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. here coming - doesn't mean come from somewhere else, but REVEAL, in the PRESENT sense and within the heart and mind and will of your people: accompany, appear, bring, come, enter, fall out, go, grow, × light, × next, pass, resort, be set. IT is a REVELATION of what always was, IS and IS TO COME in every eye that will see at their APPOINTED HOUR, so pray that you will SEE TODAY:
@CatalyticChristian День назад
We are listening, Torben! I am a pastor in the US and I have been following your story and I want to let you know that I am not afraid of imprisonment or death, and your experience has made me bolder and prepared to face whatever the Lord has for me, and to maintain my testimony to the end. But only may the Lord keep me strong so that both my spirit and my flesh will be willing on the day when God calls me to account for my words.
@grace4301 День назад
Rapture soon