3D geoinformation research group @ TU Delft
3D geoinformation research group @ TU Delft
3D geoinformation research group @ TU Delft
The 3D geoinformation research group is part of the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of the Built Environment and Architecture of the Delft University of Technology, and is affiliated with AMS, the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions. It focuses on the technologies underpinning geographical information systems (GIS), and aims at designing, developing, and implementing better systems to model 3D cities, buildings, and landscapes. These systems help in environmental modelling, urban planning, crisis management, automated cartographic generalisation, information modelling, modelling of the interior of buildings, etc.
Creating a building function map
3 года назад
Urbanism GIS Course 18: Time
3 года назад
Urbanism GIS Course 13: Using LISA data
3 года назад
Urbanism GIS Course 12: Using the BGT
3 года назад
Urbanism GIS Course 11: Using AHN
3 года назад
Urbanism GIS Course 10: Using the BAG
3 года назад
Urbanism GIS Course 9: Geoprocessing
3 года назад
Urbanism GIS Course 8: Selections
3 года назад
Urbanism GIS course 7: Finding data
3 года назад
GEO1001: Introduction to Git(Hub) - Part 2
4 года назад
@shauas4224 4 месяца назад
Wow! Its really interestig that im working on basically the same project right now. I really really hope there is full paper available somewhere, it would help tremendously
@shauas4224 4 месяца назад
Yooooo, I found the full paper AND source code. For anyone interested, check out their website in yt channel about section. And on website there is download tab, you can find a lot of stuff there. This is truly a blessing
@KeithSchumacherPortfolio 6 месяцев назад
Incredible work!
@remiewijkstra 8 месяцев назад
What to do if all the metadata is missing in the cityjson loader?
@selectedvideos6180 Год назад
Most succinct description of CRS I have seen. Thank you.
@petarkoljensic7823 Год назад
very very nice, bravo!
@gobajoseph5064 Год назад
Merci pour ces tutos très pertinents
@joshm6944 Год назад
I am gettiing crazy, because it does not work as expected. I have OS data from my country. CityGML files for buildings with LoD2 and TIF files for the digital surface model. QGIS cannot handle CityGML, so I had to convert it into CityJson. When i upload the Files into QGIS and open the 3D Viewer, the Buildings float around 350m above the surface, even though i activated the surfaces height. So its not plain anymore but its not connecting with the building. What can I do? Do you have any tips?
@arthurmicheron2806 2 года назад
Is there any software available to perform this script from point clouds to Branch fitting or at least to skeleton initlialization ?
@유정민-u8p 2 года назад
could i get the source code or grasshopper script for this? this is a superb code and I want to study it.
@kpj973 6 месяцев назад
same !
@zakayomwangi8150 2 года назад
I have not understood the consept but I have hopes of solving the problem
@petarkoljensic7823 2 года назад
really helpful! thanks
@galmandakhboldbaatar2931 2 года назад
Hi, Is it possible to create 3D map with levels in QGIS, Is there any plugin to solve 3D levels map? Many thanks, Galaa
@thmensen 2 года назад
Great work!
@andriacharilaou3 2 года назад
Can you please provide us with the sources that you used for the gis file.
@TauvicRitter 3 года назад
Ik ben aan het kijken of we gis ook voor buurtbewoners kunnen gebruiken om meer inzicht in de omgeving te krijgen. Ik werk nu aan bereikbaarheid en optimale indeling. Kunnen we ook afdalen tot op straatniveau en het perspectief vanaf kindhoogte zien? Zo kunnen we de leefwereld beter begrijpen. Ik denk ook aan de verkeersveiligheid, toon het effect van geparkeerde auto's en beplanting op zichtbaar heid.
@nebrassalheb7067 3 года назад
Very impressive work! and the light hearted video montage is just a cherry on top :)
@kschrauwen 3 года назад
Bedankt voor deze introductievideo, was zeer leerzaam en bruikbaar in de dagelijkse praktijk. Als gebruiker van QGIS ben ik benieuwd naar manieren waarop je deze 3D BAG data icm de JSON data kunt gebruiken om 3D modellen te genereren die bruikbaar zijn in bijvoorbeeld SketchUp. Als ik het project exporteer als DXF en deze importeer in SketchUp dan mis ik bijvoorbeeld laaginformatie (daken wanden etc.) Aangezien SketchUp geen OBJ-bestanden kan importeren heb ik die optie (via het exporteren van de 3D scene) niet kunnen testen. Komt er nog een vervolgvideo?
@alfibima4247 3 года назад
how to create the 3d model using open source software?
@adrianbirch5151 3 года назад
Could you please talk a little bit more slowly.