Jesse Martinez de Anda
Jesse Martinez de Anda
Jesse Martinez de Anda
@calarahardin6596 6 дней назад
The Central and South Asian ancestry is from Roma. It’s not just noise; it’s been 500 years so it’s just a spec now, but likely one or a fair number of your Spanish ancestors were expelled or fled from Spain during the Spanish Inquisition. Namely Jewish, Arab and Roma* lineages. *Gitanos. 💃🏾 Olé!
@alpharomeo1976 10 дней назад
There’s a reason why Portuguese came up. Let me explain. There’s a region in Spain called Galicia(northwest corner of Spain). Los Gallegos or in English the “Galicians” heavily populated Mexico during the colonial times. These Gallegos are the fathers of modern day Portugal and Portuguese language. Galician and Portuguese languages are almost identical. Galicians conquered what is now Portugal! Jalisco used to be called Nueva Galicia! Get this, they didn’t speak Spanish, they spoke Galego! People in Jalisco and neighboring states still use phrases that are Galego! I’ll give you one SUPER common example, when I call my father, he replies “EU!”. The word Eu literally means “Yo” in Galego AND in Portuguese! In English “I” or “me”. There were many stupid jokes of Gallegos being dumb but the truth is they didn’t speak Spanish! They were trying to assimilate and adapt with Spanish. They were not dumb, they simply had a language barrier! I have even more fascinating info. Did you know that universities in Ireland and Scotland, through extensive DNA research, found out that the Celts came to Ireland and the British isles from Galicia, Spain?! In other words, most people from Jalisco and neighboring states have the same ancient father with Ireland, Scotland, etc!! That’s why red hair and green eyes are very prevalent in Jalisco! It’s ancient Celtic DNA! Also, the Spanish Celts of northern Spain (your ancestors) were very Christian and they were the ones that kicked out the Moors and Islam out of Spain! Fast forward, Los Alteños were the Cristeros and they fought for Christianity when the Mexican government wanted to destroy it! It’s interesting how certain passions are passed down unconsciously! Cheers 🍻
@jeskoumm Месяц назад
“In an asshat kind of way, if you have found ancestry you did not expect, because your mirror image suggests familiarities elsewhere, it means one of your ancestors bred with other ethnic groups….Having trace results means the introduction of new DNA happened many centuries ago, in your case, when endogenous México went on a fishing trip and found greetings by a Spanish fleet hoping to colonise the shores into a beach community, the rest was history.”
@U31V Месяц назад
You’re a real American, than those so called Americans who invaded and killed thousands.
@Critique808 2 месяца назад
Can you look directly at the camera.
@Critique808 2 месяца назад
Italian is somewhat related to Spanish and Portuguese. I took piano lessons and they use Italian words in music which is similar to Spanish. For example, forte and fuerte and dolce and dulce.
@kiedis33 3 месяца назад
De Anda is a basque surname.
@juanhuizar5607 4 месяца назад
I am waiting for my results. My family is also from Jalisco and I am expecting about the same results as you. I’m More interested in understanding how much indigenous I have in my background. I am estimating likely less than half..
@dymaraway4651 4 месяца назад
My dad is from Los Altos de Jalisco my Y-DNA haplogroup approximation is J-L862
@moonshine3657 5 месяцев назад
your probably not mexican your probably spanish immigrants to mexico
@Mexicano1768 6 месяцев назад
She's beautiful! 🇲🇽🇲🇽
@blancaa5426 6 месяцев назад
My mom's family is from los altos Jalisco, she was mainly Spanish. My dad's family is from Texas and Nueva Leon. I got French, Italian, German from his side.
@ulises127 7 месяцев назад
Ya formaste tu arbol familiar en FamilySearch? tambien tengo familiares con apellido de anda en la region de los altos, muy probablemente seamos parientes lejanos
@dmbackflow 7 месяцев назад
@JESSSE DE ANDA Several people have asked for your haplogroups which is one thing that 23andMe provides and that Ancestry doesn't. It is likely you just don't know what they are and how they are important in determining "deep ancestry." For anyone interested, they are shown inadvertently ("sin querer") at 13:11 in the video. Your mitochondrial DNA (maternal haplogroup A2d) is a genetic marker that (according to the "Science Creation Story") clearly situates your matrilineal descent (mother's mother's mother, etc) on the American continent(s) within the last 20,000 years. Your Y-DNA (paternal haplogroup Q-M3) is a genetic marker that clearly situates your patrilineal descent (father's father's father, etc) on the American continent(s) within the last 14,900 years. It is important to understand that these genetic markers do not recombine every generation (like the autosomal results that you are showing). The vast majority of people from Mexico (and so-called Latin America as a whole) who are "not" from specifically identified indigenous communities have an indigenous maternal haplogroup. This same autosomally admixed urban population typically shows (among the males that have Y-DNA) a Eurasian paternal haplogroup, not one indigenous to the Americas as you show. The biggest takeaway from this is that despite our admixture (including those of us who have "less" autosomal indigenous percentages than European ones) is that if we have an indigenous maternal haplogroup, and settler colonialism had "not" happened, and our maternal lineages would have survived to result in who we are today, then we would have been born full-blooded indigenous people of this continent. This is not an easy concept to understand for people who don't quite know the difference between mtDNA, Y-DNA, and autosomal DNA. Anyone could be your father. Your mother is who determines you (biologically). That you happen to have an indigenous paternal haplogroup shows that the indigenous Y-DNA did not completely die out among the admixed population. Yours are not the first admixed results I've seen from Mexico that have both haplogroups indigenous to the continent.
@Mexicano1768 7 месяцев назад
@loranbenari 7 месяцев назад
What paternal haplogroup did you get?
@emmybullock6656 7 месяцев назад
Absolutely fascinating !
@Paracelsuskey 8 месяцев назад
You should show some of your trait results if you ever do upload a video of your gf’s ancestry results.
@anthonymartinezdeanda8029 8 месяцев назад
I like it a lot baby ;)
@AKAthe3rdPERSON 8 месяцев назад
U cute
@juliobenavides9526 9 месяцев назад
Para ser blanco debes tener al menos 80% . lo siento pero asi es , so políticamente incorrecto, un tarao sin quieren llamarlo así. pero las cosas así son
@juliobenavides9526 9 месяцев назад
70% castizo ..... la cara no miente .
@clo8862 9 месяцев назад
Trace ancestry can be legit sometimes , you got 0.3 south asian . in the 1550s through before the 1700s There was thousands and thousands of filipino , south east asians , sri lankans , south indians and bengali slaves the spaniards brought to mexico and distributed them in different areas of mexico and they spread out from there and evenly mixed in with a good portion of mexicans especially on the westcoast so it is likely some of those brought from the manila galleons are your ancestors So if you had an ancestor from 250 years ago thats an estimated 10 generations and you would have had around 1000 ancestors from that time one or a few of them would have probably been a south indian slave and contributed 0.1 to 0.9 of your genetic makeup I thought it was just an error on 23 and me but apparently theres some good evidence for it not being just an error or unlikely . Hope that helps make an understanding of it :)
@The1ByTheSea 9 месяцев назад
Yes ,a Spaniard and an African could have had a mulato offspring who had children with a Native American or a mestizo o mestiza .
@LadySReskin 6 месяцев назад
@The1ByTheSea 9 месяцев назад
Saben la historia de Los Altos De Jalisco ? quienes fueron las familias fundadoras? de adonde provenían? me imagino lo claro es de los Españoles de el Norte de Espana ? me imagino que de las Vascongadas,Galicia,etc.
@mariajauregui3186 7 месяцев назад
Asi es, tal cual y algunos de ellos sefardis pero no franceses.
@The1ByTheSea 9 месяцев назад
Deberian de hacer que todos los de Los Altos De Jalisco se hagan on examen de ADN,para ver de adonde viene lo claro ? obvio que d Europa ?
@ebonytv3414 10 месяцев назад
As you said the African is probably the moors who where expelled from Spain & Portugal to the new world and slaves.
@fctthunder10 Год назад
Your winning con la guerita pri
@MsLessette Год назад
Where is the update with your girlfriends test?
@Bitterswoon 9 месяцев назад
Same! I'd love to see the results for her.
@aviationking8088 Год назад
Interesting results! Thanks for sharing!
@mercedesmarie9617 Год назад
The Ottoman Empire included Spain & other parts of Europe. It explains the Árabe (African/Asian) ancestry. Guadalajara is an Arabic word. The name comes from the Arabic وادي الحجارة (wādī al-ḥajārah), which means 'Valley of the Stone', or 'Fortress Valley'.
@stevenjames6830 Год назад
You went from being 62% white to 68% white in your new video lol.
@stone0234 11 месяцев назад
White? What is this white? Spaniards are Spaniards. Stop with these oversimplification
@LewisC-t1f Год назад
Bro, do ancestry as well!
@LewisC-t1f Год назад
Bro, Jalisco was the Nueva Galicia! That’s where you get the Portuguese! They’re related to the Portuguese! Their language is closer to Portuguese than Castilian Spanish! The dna tests confuse Galician with Portuguese!
@olg06 Год назад
My mexican mom's maiden name is galician and in AncestryDNA my top european% is "Portugal"!?! I have no known Portuguese ancestors and my family never mention it not even as a rumor. I figured AncestryDNA is confusing Portugal with Galician ancestry since they are next door neighbors therefore similar genetics... It's not an actual Portugese person who migrated to Mexico which is what people are thinking when reading these results, but Spanish Gallegos(Galicians)!
@joeyjuandiaz6195 Год назад
Jalisco aguascalientes here Too and came out ancestry DNA 19% Spain,12% Portugal 7% basque, 2%scotland, 1% Jewish %1 levant, 14% french, 39%native American 1% congo Africa, 1% senegal 3%north africa
@ElizabethLopez-c6k Год назад
You look like from Sinaloa.
@dmbackflow Год назад
What are your paternal and maternal haplogroups?
@danboyisdopex9864 Год назад
I'm surprised your European DNA was higher I would have expect it at least around 45% based on your facial features.
@olg06 Год назад
He looks like my brother especially in the thumbnail and I scored 60% Native American! My brother's son has white skin and rosy cheeks (rosacea). Genetics are funny that way.
@MBWFtv Месяц назад
Well that’s not how it works.
@michellemunoz3607 Год назад
My family is from San Juan De Los Lagos 🌹 in Los Altos. I did Ancestry DNA. It's more specific too. It did show that I have 8 percent French in my DNA, along with Italian, Irish, Basque, African, Spanish and of course Mexican. 🇲🇽🌹😍♥️ I'm going to do a DNA test on my Tito. 😘
@olg06 Год назад
AncestryDNA likes to brake down your Spanish ancestor's ancestry into French, Basque, Portuguese BUT in 23&me it's just Spanish & General Southern European. I know this cause I have taken both tests and compared them. It doesn't really mean you have an actual french ancestor that went to mexico is just that Southern France has Iberian genetics therefore similar giving you "France". It could just mean your Spanish ancestry is from Northern Spain. I'm your typical brown-skin mestiza with nothing but Spanish surnames in my family and even I got "France" with AncestryDNA and this company also likes to do a lot "updates" so it can disappear for example with the latest "update" France disappeared and now I have Cyprus, Northern Italy & Sweden/Denmark...
@michellemunoz3607 Год назад
@@olg06 I confirmed that I do have French ancestry. My grandfather passed away after my graduation. And I met all of my aunts from my grandfather's side. We also found out my grandfather's real name and date of birth. I have pale skin and dark curly hair, with big eyes.
@michellemunoz3607 Год назад
Yes, I've had several updates. SINCE I did my DNA test during the pandemic. And it has stayed the same.
@olg06 Год назад
@@michellemunoz3607 I've had it since 2018, and it has changed/"updated" 6x! My top european percentage keeps switching back-and-forth btw Spain & Portugal. I currently have Portugal on top... obviously that's kind of inaccurate for me because I have no known Portuguese ancestors. My mom's family name is from Galicia in Spain which borders Portugal they have history & similar genetics which is why the computer is confused and keeps going back-and-forth btw the two countries. Tho these three: spain, portugal & Basque are always there in every update, they never go away they just change in %. But my smaller european percentages like France, Northern Italy, Cyprus, England & Northwestern european, Wales, and Sweden & Denmark come-and-go...
@MBWFtv Месяц назад
I have all of that too besides basque according to 23 & me
@comentariosentreparentesis Год назад
La sangre italiana de los Altos nos viene de los genoveses en especial de los Brambila y los Lomellini, el hecho de que unos tengamos más porcentaje que otros se debe a las relaciones endógamas donde algunos descendemos más veces de un mismo ancestro que otros, por ejemplo yo de Luis Lomellini desciendo unas 6 veces
@joshsalcedo2407 Год назад
Gracias por la explicación. Yo estoy nacido en los Estados Unidos pero mi familia es de Jalisco. Y mis resultados fueron 82% descendiente europeo. Pero el porcentaje mas alto fue de Italiano, luego español.
@olg06 Год назад
​@@joshsalcedo2407 Con AncestryDNA o 23andme?
@mariajauregui3186 7 месяцев назад
Parecido en mi caso también por los lomelini, varias generaciones
@comentariosentreparentesis Год назад
Los franceses estuvieron solo dos semanas en Jalisco, Julián, no seas ridículo. Jajaja la verdad es que en los Altos tenemos descendencia francesa solo porque algunos colonizadores españoles eran descendientes de franceses de la edad media, pero NO por la invasión francesa. La mayoría eran extremeños, portugueses, sefardíes y sevillanos.
@juliobenavides9526 9 месяцев назад
la cara no miente . es puro castizo tirando a indio este multiracial humanoide
@Metztli0 Год назад
Hi, I’m also from Jalisco and my grandfather was Spanish on my mothers side. He even had blue eyes and light brown hair. My mothers mother was indigenous (Native American) same with my fathers mother. I’m curious to know what my DNA test says. It’s not that surprising that most Mexicans are native Americans, since the first people of the Americas were Olmec, which were native Americans. The only difference is those Mexico were colonized by the Spanish and the rest were colonized by the British.
@ps4g532 11 месяцев назад
Not everyone in Mexico comes from natives Americans. What I mean by this is that if you have 60 or more percent European most likely your ancestors came from Europe and married native Americans if they did, but most of them came from overseas. My family has blue eyes, blondes hair brown hair family my dad has blue eyes. I have hazel eyes know to be related to Spanish ancestry. I did my research I have not close Spanish ancestors. Mine are colonial and 1700-1800. I have recent Italian form my mothers side. Both my parents lineages are dominated by Spaniards. Just breaks the idea the all Spanish were mixed a lot. That’s not true some Spanish settlers would marry between Spanish settler and even family as in my families case. They were from Nueva Vizcaya now Durango and Chihuahua!
@2WO4OURR Год назад
My dad's mom is Irish and mestizo, his grandmother is from guadalajara, and her and her sisters immigrated to the us and she married an Irish dude. My paternal grandfather's mother was full apache and his dad was Spanish. My mom is white and has cherokee ancestors. I'm darker than my siblings all my cousins and tios and tias. My hair is thick and curls. My mom told me my dad's grandma was a dark skinned apache. I've been wanting to do a dna test because I'm curious to see how high my native percentage is from Mexico and US
@claudieduran3418 Год назад
Latin was written in Romania 🇷🇴 the home or Dracula. Then taught in other countries. Then they started speaking Spanish. They taught the Indians or bullied them too. The point is for them to keep pushing. Different. Because after the deceptions. They are categorized. And the Mexican was made. And the Latin the Spanish. Becomes pig 🐖 Latin. 😂they really like to mess with mexcans. People who are lost are unaware. Is there food and beverage. Once they have there victims lost. Here are the kinda things they did to people in 🇷🇴 Romania. They have been working to keep the Russians out. But like to day the Russians Are back. They took over Romania before. the home of Draculas 🏰 castle. They were so evil to the poor people that had to live under the Russians. When they were liberated from Russia. And asked if they know Dracula's 🏰 castles. Was upon the cliff. They had no idea that was draqulas castle. Under the Russia They were forced to work. And knew nothing. That's the kinda people that runs Mexico. Most people. Don't know anything else. Except For what they are shown. That's evil because the Latin Used to destroy the indians. Started there. And the secret. was a fraternal order of the dragon. I do believe that it's directly responsible for the tragedy of Latin American culture.
@mexicanbeautyqueen7988 Год назад
My family is from Arandas Jalisco. And the results are similar try Ancestry.
@monicaromo3650 Год назад
También soy de Jalisco, me encantaría ser de Medio Oriente y México.
@jo100 Год назад
Just Curious, what is your Paternal Haplogroup and Maternal Haplogroup?
@jo100 Год назад
You should try AncestryDNA Test, so you know what Years you’re Ancestors came to America 🇺🇸 and Mexico 🇲🇽 to.
@gloglo3819 Год назад
I’m from Los Altos I have 90% Spanish and Basque and 10% native
@georgeskanderbeg3242 Год назад
If you come to Europe people will think that you are from Northern Europe like 🇩🇰 or 🇳🇱 nobody will think that you are 🇲🇽😂😂
@JagdDachshund 7 месяцев назад
​@@georgeskanderbeg3242NO North Europeans look different than South Europeans, although they are the same race, the South is much tanner
@georgeskanderbeg3242 7 месяцев назад
@JagdDachshund it depends on the person but generally you are correct
@MBWFtv Месяц назад
@@JagdDachshund not necessarily true.
@MBWFtv Месяц назад
@@georgeskanderbeg3242 there’s no looking 🇲🇽 they are all colors
@Luci_S Год назад
Great video and good job on the breakdown! Have you done a somos ancestria DNA test? I've read/seen that it can break down your general indigenous 23andme result and give you a tribe breakdown. It's pretty evident that since you carry enough indigenous mix that you should consider trying it and see what you get! A few are Nahuas, Otomis and Trikkis.