Playing With Heart
Playing With Heart
Playing With Heart
Story-based games, choices & consequences, great characters - I love it all. If you do too, welcome! I'm glad you're here 🥰

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Open Roads Gameplay - Part 3
2 месяца назад
Open Roads Gameplay - Part 2
2 месяца назад
Open Roads Gameplay - Part 1
2 месяца назад
Twin Mirror Full Gameplay - Episode 5 (final!)
3 месяца назад
Twin Mirror Full Gameplay - Episode 4
3 месяца назад
Tacoma Full Gameplay - Part 2
3 месяца назад
Tacoma Full Gameplay - Part 1
3 месяца назад
Twin Mirror Full Gameplay - Episode 3
3 месяца назад
Twin Mirror Full Gameplay - Episode 2
3 месяца назад
Twin Mirror Full Gameplay - Episode 1
4 месяца назад
Gone Home - Full Gameplay Part 2
4 месяца назад
Gone Home - Full Gameplay Part 1
4 месяца назад
Afterparty - Part 3 (no commentary)
4 месяца назад
@DFRetha 6 часов назад
Even though I took Charlotte's anger (I thought it would help her & preserve her relationship with Ethan) & I found out it was a bad choice so I left Pike's fear, I thought I was safe because guides said that hugging & supporting him, plus romancing him was an alternate loyalty route. Womp womp.
@girlwithoutaplan_ 13 часов назад
Should I be concerned that my match is Victoria? Is my attachment style unhealthy? 🥲😂😂
@IsThisSarah 2 дня назад
I might have got the point system wrong - eggplants aren't always an option: just when there is an innuendo. You want hearts and you definitely want eggplants. No reaction is neutral. Then a black smoky reaction around the daddy is a bad choice
@IsThisSarah 2 дня назад
8:17 I've just noticed, I think I somehow manage at least 1 apology from Paul a stream somehow 🤣 How did I ever wield such power?! 8:24 funnily enough, they probably WILL play Cocomelon at on the TV at work today so snap 🫰
@IsThisSarah 2 дня назад
Update: close - they're playing Peppa Pig 🤣
@Life_is_Strange1 2 дня назад
Y’all two are hilarious 😂😂
@kenshin2324 3 дня назад
Max voice is much deeper and more mature in the original LIS .
@williamkeogh710 3 дня назад
Note... Bedazzled Kiwi Scnhapps does exist...
@williamkeogh710 3 дня назад
After I first saw this video, I developed an intetesting habit when I have Alex romance Steph... I choose all the love points for Steph, EXCEPT the hottest distraction, as I choose Ryan for that. I know it doesn't alter Stephs reaction to Alexs ' Hand in Marriage ' comment, but its still fun ( from my pov ) to have Steph annoyed when I throw the curve ball from left field that is the marriage offer...
@PlayingWithHeart 3 дня назад
OMG that's amazing. I love it 🤣
@williamkeogh710 3 дня назад
@@PlayingWithHeart thanks!
@Social_Mechanic 3 дня назад
What song did you add at the end?
@jaykanuck1638 4 дня назад
I like the fact there is no cannon ending, because I had multiple playthroughs with Max being interested in Chloe,beng interested in Warren,Both and Just friends. Every playthrough I decided to save Chloe because of the history Max had with her. Kate was the only reason I hesitated,I convinced myself she was still at the hospital and nowhere near ground zero.
@dannyleedawber 4 дня назад
I'm so happy Max is back like OMG I can't wait to play this game
@williamkeogh710 5 дней назад
At 20:27... after Alex asks about crossing the log... Gabes fear goes into overdrive.... but Ryan stays calm and takes commands... he tells Gabe to anchor the belay ( which keeps Gabe busy therefore helps Gabe NOT freak out ) while Ryan assists Alex mentally for the task at hand. Superbly well done on Ryans part.
@williamkeogh710 5 дней назад
Alex: ( Who's the superior mammal now?) Val: ( turns around with toy in mouth and sits back down on the hold list ). Alex:' @$#%^=@#%÷@!!!!!!!! '
@Luna-zz5vu 5 дней назад
This series is making me smile so much haha, thanks I really needed that
@williamkeogh710 5 дней назад
In the record store when Alex is reading the title of the bird call album Ryan bought, look at Ryan's face. His expression is priceless ( he is thinking ' aaaaand this is where my nerdy self gets friend zoned permanently' )... its really fun to chose him as Alex's love interest...
@williamkeogh710 5 дней назад
Im the youngest of 3 boys and I always wanted a kid sister... and from that pov I can truly say that Ryan is EXACTLY the type of guy I would want her with.
@Tatjana_L. 5 дней назад
Hello :) Not gonna lie, I actually really love the scene where Ryan doesn’t believe Alex and apologizes to her later (which happened on my first playthrough), so on future playthroughs, I actually prefer to not gain his trust whenever I romance him, and make Ryan believe Alex whenever I romance Steph :) Thanks for testing all the rumors we had back in the day, and to verify the actual method! I’m actually glad that none of the choices associated with Ryan himself matter here, so Steph playthroughs can also gain his trust :) Speaking of: Which choices would you want to matter if Steph’s stance was also determinant? While I think it fits her character very well that she believes Alex no matter what, I’d be interesting to hear which choices/votes you would highlight otherwise :) Here, I also really want to ask a question that is only half-related to this video: How exactly do you make Duckie believe you if you _don’t_ visit him in the Black Lantern? Because according to the stats, only ~20% of players helped him, but around ~50% gained his trust. So, which other choices determine it? I assume it has something to do with finding his scotch and being nice to him during the LARP, but I’m not 100% sure. Every guide I ever found mentions the Black Lantern scene, as if it was the only way to make him believe you, but the percentages say otherwise … so, what do you need to do? :)
@Tatjana_L. 5 дней назад
Hello :) I don’t blame the majority for getting Alex and Steph together, because they sure as hell are an awesome couple :D Is it weird to say that Steph isn’t _entirely_ my type, but I still ship her and Alex together? Probably because their scenes have a lot of chemistry, and it’s so fun to flirt with her~ (On my first playthrough, I flirted with her and Ryan as much as I could, hoping to unlock a secret poly option XD) It’s interesting how it’s easier to unlock all love points for Steph opposed to all love points for Ryan; maybe I’m over-analyzing this, but could this represent their feelings about Alex? Because of his role in Gabe’s death, Ryan needs more specific options in order to understand that Alex likes him, but Steph, who basically wanted to romance her right away, is more eager to understand Alex’s actions as flirting ^^ Anyway, I really love to know which options actually matter when building a relationship with both Steph and Ryan, so thanks a lot for sharing them :D
@Tatjana_L. 5 дней назад
Hello :) Thank you so much for this guide! I actually watched it and Steph’s guide before without realizing you did them, because I know I used them to give both characters equal love points in my later playthroughs :D Seriously, where’s my poly option T.T On my first playthrough, I romanced Ryan because I really loved his “golden retriever” vibe and his dramatic role in the story! I absolutely love couples that face challenges, but eventually overcome them, so you can almost always win me over by adding struggles to a relationship ;) I have one question, btw! In this guide, you explained how many love points you need for a passionate kiss if no one was given a rose. But what exactly decides which character meets Alex at the rooftop if you don’t give them a rose? With an equal love score, I mean? Since the only non-optional choice for a love point is the “hottest distraction”, I assume the character that was chosen will meet Alex later, in case they have the same love score as the character that wasn’t chosen? I really wonder how the “no rose” option works in this case :) Thanks again :D
@Tatjana_L. 5 дней назад
Hello! This is probably the best example of a choice that’s very difficult on a first playthrough, but very easy on a second one. And quite frankly, that bothers me a bit. Or a lot, I should say. There doesn’t seem to be ANY benefit from taking Charlotte’s anger, but solely negative consequences. Which is kinda … lame? Even with Mac, you could argue that it’s better if he leaves the town for his own sake, or that his actions are bad enough that he deserves it. (I mean, I definitely don’t think so, but I see why others might.) But with Charlotte? Sure, on a first playthrough, you might fear that her anger could kill her, and take it for that reason. It IS important to provide choices where the consequences aren’t clear, and where you can make arguments for both options. But on a second playthrough, you literally have no good reason to take Charlotte’s anger, and that … really sucks, I think. While it certainly makes sense that it’s better to leave her alone, I really wanted a more nuanced consequence here. As in, maybe not taking her anger and making one, two other choices actually do cause negative consequences for Charlotte and/or Ethan? I just really want a justification to make this choice on a second playthrough aside from doing a “bad run” ^^ Oh well. At least the majority of other choices are very nuanced, even on a second playthrough :)
@jaybee4288 5 дней назад
There will be some involvement from Chloe. We already see a photo. There will be at least a some mention and where she is and what she is doing if she is alive. And maybe the timeline can make it so she is out there somewhere regardless who knows? Whether she has big or small role I’m certain it will be handled sensitively. I am mostly just excited to see Max again and I want to find out what happen to Safi and if we can save her. I hope the game will be a perfect ending to Max’s story and be crazy and exceed all expectation but even if not, I will have fun as long as I see her again and solve the mystery with her. I even liked True Colours 😭😂
@Tatjana_L. 5 дней назад
Hello :) Wow, I still can’t believe that you managed to figure out the “Me” tarot cards! Not all of them make sense to me (coughStrengthcough), but it’s nice to know how to get them all :) I kinda wish there was an option to draw all tarot cards from the Major Arcana, but that would’ve probably been a little too much to ask ;) My favorite is definitely “The Lovers”, haha ;D I also have a little question! How does the “My power” tarot card change to “The Chariot”? I ALWAYS got “The Tower”, but I’ve seen other people get “The Chariot” instead. However, no matter how positively I tried to talk about my power, it never seemed to affect the tarot card, so what am I doing wrong? :-(
@PlayingWithHeart 5 дней назад
Great question! I had planned on doing a video on this but after 401 tests.. I needed a break 🤪 This ones is dependent on a few things. I never finished officially confirming which of these choices mattered because I got mixed results, but: - Tell Gabe about Powers (not Past) - Say "Superhero" to Ryan (not Freak) on the mountain Those were the only 2 choices that consistently gave the Chariot Tarot. I also tested all other responses that could be related to Powers or confidence. I even tested how much Alex uses her powers and helps other characters around town with them. Nothing else seemed to matter consistently, but that doesn't mean there isn't something else at play. It seems odd to me that only 2 choices would determine this card, but it's definitely possible. Curious what you find if you test it out.
@Tatjana_L. 5 дней назад
@@PlayingWithHeart Oh, that makes sense! I will test it out on my next playthrough :) Might take a while though ...
@nicefieldSFM 5 дней назад
h e l l a
@Tatjana_L. 5 дней назад
Hello :) Okay, last time, I mentioned how much I loved the equality of most choices in True Colors … but this choice definitely isn’t among them XD I simply don’t see any reason to walk away from Mac, because no one deserves to be trapped in a panic attack like that, no matter what they did or didn’t do. Seeing the consequences didn’t change my opinion on that either. Here, I would provide an alternative: “Get Riley”. So basically, I would make this choice into “Alex calmed down Mac” or “Riley calmed down Mac”. I obviously don’t know how equal that choice would be, but I think it would definitely be more equal than what we currently have. Especially because it would also provide more depth to their relationship, no matter if they broke up or not. At least I would’ve liked to see that :) But hey, I guess you can’t expect every choice to be “gray”, there’s gotta be some that are more black and white than others. Still, I hope we will see more complex choices in Double Exposure!
@Tatjana_L. 5 дней назад
Hello! :) Another great example of how a choice can both have positive and negative consequences! I let Charlotte turn down the money so often that I didn’t even remember what happens otherwise, so it was nice to see the consequences this time! I’m especially interested to see the star statue for myself, and also the “Charlotte supports with vengeance” variation. Definitely have to keep that in mind for the next playthrough! In case Alex doesn’t visit her, I think Charlotte should’ve simply informed her about the affidavit via text and told her that she signed it, so the unaware player knows about it, too. Obviously, Charlotte shouldn’t gift Alex anything in this case, this definitely seems like an error to me. Oh well, humans and mistakes go hand in hand, I guess ;) Anyway, I got a whole new appreciation for the choices in this game - because while the consequences are arguably not as big as in other Life is Strange games, many choices are surprisingly equal. While I let Charlotte turn down the offer almost every time, I appreciate that the wording of the other choice is “Take the money *for Ethan*” instead of just “Take the money”, since framing a choice in the right way is very important, even if another choice is preferred. And I obviously also love that so many choices aren’t just binary “good vs bad” ones, but can have positive results either way :)
@Tatjana_L. 5 дней назад
Hello :) Wow, this was a super cool choice/consequence effect! It even swayed my opinion a bit :) Because on my first playthrough, I (obviously?) called out Mac’s bullshit, since he seemed like a horrible boyfriend, -and I wanted to romance Riley instead- but now, I’m not so sure. I mean, I _am_ sure that he acted horribly around her, and that his lies (particularly, blaming the fight on Gabe) shouldn’t be part of any relationship. But I also believe that everyone deserves a second chance, and that Mac’s concerns are surprisingly solid when observing the facts. It’s also sweet how he can actually help Riley out, and that they can stay together in the end :) But on the other hand, the problems in their relationship are definitely bigger than a few disagreements, and it’s probably better if they both move on and find someone else that fits them better. -Maybe in a future game that makes Riley a love interest- So overall, I still prefer to call out Mac, but now I can also see the value in keeping them together :) Edit: Format
@GallicideGhoul 5 дней назад
I don’t know how to feel about this game. Really wish this title can evolve more than amurder mystery with love interests. Life is strange 2 was the best iteration bc it had so many different focuses and plot lines that real life ppl can relate too with a fresh cast, new powers, and callbacks to the first game. True colors was cool too it was something fresh. Not hating just curious to see what happens. Great video 💫
@Tatjana_L. 5 дней назад
Hello :D I’ve finally watched all Choices & Consequences videos for True Colors, so it’s time to finally review the majority of them :D (I wanted to make sure that potential questions I had weren’t covered in other videos, which is why I didn’t comment until now :)) I wanted to comment on this video first because it made this choice my favorite in the game! That’s because it’s already a difficult choice on a first playthrough, but somehow even harder when you think about all its consequences! And it even has other choices that influence it further, which only adds to its quality :) On my first playthrough, I told Eleanor the truth about Gabe’s death, but only because I trusted in video game logic. In real life, you should absolutely _not_ remind dementia patients of the deaths of their loved ones … but because this is a video game, and a major choice, I trusted that Eleanor would remember Gabe’s death for the rest of the game, instead of experiencing the pain of forgetting and remembering it again and again (like it would likely happen in real life). However, I did tell Riley the truth about it later, because I thought she deserved to know, and would feel more hurt if she figured it out sometime during college. But now, after watching the video and thinking about it more, I’m genuinely torn. What is more important, Riley’s family or her future? Eleanor’s own will to keep it secret or getting her help as soon as possible? Not to mention, the individual consequences in the game itself, which are positive and negative in both paths. Both Eleanor and Riley have some compelling arguments regarding this choice, and knowing all its consequences only makes it harder to decide! So yeah, thank you for showing us all choices and consequences here :)
@linkash4167 6 дней назад
Friggin karen 🤦‍♂️
@jp3of4 6 дней назад
First off, @social_mechanic thank you for keeping those innuendos tracked 😏😂 Second, I was less affectionately infuriated by the cliffhanger this time only because I'd finally played through it and so knew to expect it 🤣 but appreciate the shoutout! 😁 Can't wait to see the final reactions next weekend!
@IsThisSarah 6 дней назад
We'll need an update after DE...will Tina resist playing and has she been cured? Or has the addiction worsened?? Also love that 'Steph' has a scarf like that. Seems an iconic accessory for therapists and drama teachers everywhere 😂
@ileee1 2 дня назад
DE and Let's not forget Lost records...
@ijlayugan4149 6 дней назад
This is so unexpectedly well written
@ijlayugan4149 6 дней назад
They're so funny lmao
@valerianortmann9053 6 дней назад
I love how both of you discuss the choices
@stolenflamingo 6 дней назад
OMG! The blushing and the flirting! Wowsers! Hahaha! 😂 Amazing! 💜
@ongod9225 6 дней назад
i can only watch gameplay of this game if you guys are the ones commentating LOL
@theredeft5319 6 дней назад
I hope they do some of the other paths. Their commentary is so funny. Also I’m not sure but I think for the writing they got someone different for each path, maybe fic writers who like the ship and then probably gave everybody an outline to follow(photo contest the 5 days etc.). It’s honestly impressive for a fan game to be so well made with the writing, the art etc.
@Life_is_Strange1 6 дней назад
@infjin_ 6 дней назад
@Aleks-lz6lg 6 дней назад
@PlayingWithHeart 6 дней назад
Watch the full Series here: ru-vid.com/group/PL1FYZ4yGGRFN2XfbC_c_vHFfC0Kij6XcC
@Life_is_Strange1 6 дней назад
@kittenwithanax4937 7 дней назад
that was fun! I was match with Brooke! it surprise me!
@rainbowdashizdabomb 7 дней назад
@Ladco77 7 дней назад
In so many ways, Hannah Telle IS Max Caulfield. I don't think I could accept any other actor portraying her. 6:05 "She's been on her own for a while." She's been on the road for a while. That doesn't necessarily mean alone. LiS2 hints at them traveling together after the storm in the BAE ending.