Finally Fighting Further
Finally Fighting Further
Finally Fighting Further
@waynepayne864 3 месяца назад
holy smokes u have a sibilent voice
@alchalant4663 6 месяцев назад
This video looks like is exactly what I’ve been looking for after recent replays of OG and crisis core.
@joshuaschmude7187 6 месяцев назад
I played and finished crises core years ago, I forgot most of the storyline. This video was helpful bringing me back up to speed on the storyline for FF EC.
@-Lanss- 6 месяцев назад
@-Lanss- 6 месяцев назад
@Adamxwest1 9 месяцев назад
I’ve always felt he was sadly misguided… imagine if he knew jenova was an alien and not a cetra…in my mind jenova has always been the main enemy…
@Helen-fromHR 9 месяцев назад
Just stumbled on your channel. Would love to hear your take now that more information is available. Thank you for the effort and quality video's!
@miki49 10 месяцев назад
Genesis’ presence in the Nibelheim Reactor during Crisis Core doesn’t change anything from the original. It simply adds another scene not otherwise seen in the original, or any other piece of FF7 media for that matter. Crisis Core still shows the scene that occurred in the original as well, completely unadulterated, and as it was in the original.
@babyfinesse_ 11 месяцев назад
Rebirth’s newest trailer adds even more to this 37:44 👀
@jiayojames Год назад
There are many reasons that built up to Sephiroth's rampage, but aside from all of the things that he learned and the recent events with Angeal and Genesis, we can also assume the Jenova cells inside him were becoming active what with being so close to the main body. Even without any of the discoveries he made that factor alone would be enough to explain why he would suddenly lose his mind. In fact it's probably safe to assume that the only reason it took so many reasons combined is because Sephiroth's will was so strong that he was able to resist Jenova from taking over and making him into a puppet.
@mrcmejia91 Год назад
Loved every minute of this. Please do more videos like this!
@gibbs615 Год назад
I already knew why Sephiroth went insane and evil, it was because he believed the LIE he's been told since he was a kid that his mother's name was Jenova but that's not his real mother! Also the Jenova reunion experiment was all Hojo's mad scientist ambitions for his mad scientific curiosity.
@dragonpalindrath-vi5eh Год назад
In Nibelheim, I was forced into ---
@OnlyGoodSHHH Год назад
wtf? why are your uploads so legit...yet you have only 4 of them, and 405 subs?! WTF is happening here... I need to know
@aazhmaan Год назад
Love your voice darling. It's chosen by the planet. Make more videos plz. I suggest going after lore deep dive of the buster sword or midgar or even better a full explanation of before crisis. We wanna hear more about ff7 from you.
@sephiroth8952 Год назад
Do you guys think that sephiroth was manipulated all his life, even the books? And Shinra too. Even if he was smart enough he would go searching for the real truth instead of lies that he thought was truth
@kaetoc Год назад
I'm very happy to have found your videos, they are very well done, but I'm sad that the channels seems to have gone dormant. I hope to see you put out more content like this if you ever decide to come back to it.
@finallyfightingfurther3256 Год назад
Hi! Thank you for stopping by, I am working on a new video and more after that, so watch this space!
@jadepaulsagaral180 Год назад
@esteban20969564 Год назад
I never believe how much lore and importance nibelheim had! Thank you so much!
@realmrkarate Год назад
Cloud defeated him cause he was carrying a pre emptive materia at the time. So he back attacked a weakened sephiroth.
@sylpherrising Год назад
Quality video
@rzxwm10 Год назад
I know a lot people and developer believe that Sephiroth somehow overpower Jenova's will. While I admit that his will is powerful, it is not enough to overcome Jenova's influence. Everything he does supports Jenova's goal. The headaches he received during the revelation indicates Jenova was at work. I think Jenova was letting Sephiroth take the reign, but never actually submitted to his leadership. In Japanese, Sephiroth changes his pronouns from ore to watashi. Any thoughts? At the edge of creation, he is using his ore pronoun again, so i am thinking he must have broken free of Jenova's control. Remake is trying to recontextualize who is really in control. Sephiroth might have realized that he, too, was a puppet of Jenova.
@PinkiePi Год назад
What if Zangan is Cloud's father? His mother explains that Cloud's father could never stay in one place. In his letter to Tifa, Zangan says he can't stay in one place. Could be a reasonable explanation for Cloud's strength and combat skill.
@jennahanks3032 Год назад
@TheMeTreeHouse Год назад
Not sure if I'm listening to an A.I. or some sort of Australian Japanese lady. Either way stories about madness are always fascinating, it's like gender dysphoria but you think you're the planet...almost was
@finallyfightingfurther3256 Год назад
lol, just me - I'm English :) Glad you enjoyed :)
@TheMeTreeHouse Год назад
@@finallyfightingfurther3256 lol, thanks for the clarification. To be fair, I figured it out after I heard you say "mako". I should have waited 5 minutes before commenting. Have a good day...night?
@Dr_OneWing Год назад
What an amazing video: kudos! One thing that always bothered me was how Sephiroth injured Tifa to the point of almost dying yet appears almost unscathed in nearly every game in the series. Hearing how bad her injuries actually were and how long her recovery had been was such a jarring thing to hear but also felt like the last piece of the puzzle.
@talosian10 Год назад
I'm revisiting this universe as an adult. Having not played it since around release I have gone through Crisis Core reunion and the remake integrade. It's literally just left me a speechless because when I went through it as a kid I did not pick up on the extent of the Zach and Cloud stuff. It's just so good and I've been totally hooked as of late.
Best video I'm watched in a long time.
@Captain-Hindsight Год назад
As a kid I watched my brother play this game, I always thought Sephiroth went mad because he read his whole library haha, weird kid I was.
@babyfinesse_ 11 месяцев назад
No this makes perfect sense 🤣
@KANNABULL 8 месяцев назад
This does make perfect sense imagine reading the perfect sequence of literature that shows you all the secrets of the uni(multi)verse. Then your government betrays you cause even though you were born in America you aren't like the rest so you don't get American rights like freedom of speech. Mainly because you used your psychic energy to perfectly merge two realities into one. Some understand but some blame you cause their little boys and girls feel like the opposite gender. Blah oh well I digress. Where's my smokes Randy?
@georgeo9056 Год назад
Just binged all 4 videos on this channel, good stuff, hope to see more
@Duncan23 Год назад
This channel is a hidden gem! I hope you get the recognition you deserve :)
@________________h8nu51 Год назад
Only Lucrecia can stop Sephiroth
@Cetra29 Год назад
And of course there is a comment section full of people again who do not get the game and believe in the Brittenham theory, not understanding that Jenova is not a villain, not even a character but an alien animal and that the original game explained it was all Sephiroth and his willpower, same goes for all the supplemental material.
@rzxwm10 Год назад
Hojo in the original game explained it was sephiroth's doing. The cetra believed Jenova was so bad, they shouldn't destroy her but seal it away. It may be an alien animal, but it was intelligent enough to read people's memory and adapt. The signifance of Jenova has been underplayed for decades. It is the crisis. IMO, the return of Ore Sephiroth at the edge of creation foreshadows the conflict Sephiroth has with Jenova. Ever since Jenova influenced him, he referred to himself with watashi, as seen in CC and AC, but not at the EoC...
@coreymckee4844 Год назад
Yeah its just the same ending.. no changes. I prefer that tbh. Leave the Original story alone. I really didnt like the remake story.
@Roderlump02 Год назад
in the first minutes I thought this might be just a halfassed retelling of what everone knows but it quickly turned into an interesting reconstruction of the events in Nibelheim, very well done
@JoseMartinez-jm1bu Год назад
I'll have to listen to this several times to digest it and dissect it. Great job. Liked and subscribed.
In the new version of Crisis Core they cut a huge part of the journey to Mount Nibleheim and people think its to save development time. But I think they did that on purpose. Because the whole theme of FF7 is about memories and more importantly altered and manipulated memories. I am certain that the second part of FF7 Remake will tell the "true" story of the "Journey to Mount Nibleheim" and give us a very different story to what we are used from OG FF7 and Crisis Core. My guess is that as the title Rebirth states that Cloud is given back all his correct and real memories while Zack is being Reborn (well I hope that Zack is being reborn but it might very well just be a Goodbye to Zack who is den seperated from Cloud.. as currently Cloud in FF7R is having parts and memories of Zack AND Sephiroth in him) THe whole remake was just about Sephiroth freeing himself from Jenovas control and I think the next part will tell the same about Cloud and Zack. The whole Jenova being Sephiroths Mother thing was just falsely implanted memories that were caused by Jenova cells being implanted into Sephiroth. They poisoned their baby with Jenova cells but that doesn't make Jenova Sephiroths mother. Jenova is just a smart plague that mimicks its prey and gives it false memories. Sephiroth had a Mom and Dad just like everyone else and I wonder what this new.. untainted Sephiroth is going to be... Whatever it is part 1 showed us at the very last we will meet him again 7 seconds before the world gets destroyed and he and Cloud will have a role to play in preventing the destruction.
It would be cool if they reveal that Tifa, Cloud and Sephiroth knew eachother as a child and Jenova has just altered everyones memories. But what you say about Sephiroth burning down "his" home village because they neglected him.. there is a very fitting African Proverb on this: The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.
@eldenlion5850 Год назад
The Nibelheim incident was the blueprint for big events in future titles. It’s what The purge from XIII or The fall of insomnia in XV could’ve been. It’s what the calamity in XIV was. It’s what I’m hoping the death of Joshua in XVI will be. I don’t normally compare the stories of the numbered titles, but the Nibelheim incident is the perfect example of a tragedy that has far reaching consequences.
@DowntownTasty Год назад
It’s pretty obvious jenova was the true villain. Before sephiroth was just a regular guy. People liked him. Even with discovering all that i don’t think he would’ve turned evil without jenovas influence. She realized he was near which was why he was so eager to go deeper towards the reactor. She was stringing him along once she sensed he was nearby. Then in a vulnerable moment she took over.
@Torrenaxe Год назад
What a lovely voice you have
@PICADALOL Год назад
Amazing explanation!! Loved the video!!
@HoganLegDropSoup Год назад
I thought this was about Final Fantasy 7. Not the crappy remake. Thumbs down
@kindraschell6852 Год назад
A thumbs down for you as requested
@1st_Hassan Год назад
The work that you've done here is great! Gonna go ahead and sub, just in case you decide to upload another vid.
@rorinverlain9217 Год назад
underrated gem of a channel you have here miss
@bamaboy146 Год назад
This was an amazing analysis. Thank you for this
@OceanbornAngel Год назад
Genesis being added to the Nibelheim Incident makes complete and total sense, especially since his main goal is to prevent himself from prematurely aging. Where else could he have possibly found a chance to reverse the genetic deterioration but at the place where Sephiroth had been experimented on, where Sephiroth had been infused with Jenova's cells and still survives without deterioration?
@ScottShankle84 Год назад
I appreciate your work and research. I love lore and deeper story analysis and well i hope you continue to make videos. You could do work on other games too! But when rebirth comes out ill be looking for you!
@dizzlebizzle8424 Год назад
i had never played any of the FF series. got bored of WoW one day (16 years in) and decided to try the FF14. i knew from pop culture a lot about 7 and i felt like even though 14 was a different world and different characters, there was a lot of cross-over and similarities and i knew 7 was the classic title that everyone seemed to love the most. so i finally decided to play 7. it was a bit odd to me that it was a long series with many titles yet there wasn't much connection between most of the games while also being a ton of connections between games. the writing seemed pretty bad and the performances similarly overly dramatic or bad....yet i still enjoyed seeing this insanity and inanity. i tried to make sense as best i could, but not till i played Crisis Core did it click. just watched this video after finishing CC and it confirms my interpretations almost 100%. it was hard to piece together what was really going on and somehow just as hard even after it all happened, but apparently the truth is sprinkled enough.
@barrypewtress5762 Год назад
What an amazing video! Well done.
@OnBeingHuman Год назад
Great job!