The Podcast Fellowship
The Podcast Fellowship
The Podcast Fellowship
The Podcast Fellowship is a paid educational framework aiming to empower its participants with Jewish literacy. The Fellowship allows advancement through the material at one’s own pace, based on one’s own unique interests and background.

Become a Podcast Fellow if you are interested in advancing your Jewish literacy and earning a generous stipend.

The Podcast Fellowship is for Jewish college-aged students and young professionals with limited or no Jewish educational background who would like to enhance their life and ability to represent Judaism and Jewish values.

Jewish ethics, morals and values have shaped and refined individuals, nations and societies throughout the generations. Many Jews today have never had the opportunity to explore Jewish ethics, morals and values in a mature and sophisticated way. Podcast Fellowship provides this opportunity for mature exploration. Podcast Fellowship gives all Jews access to timeless Jewish wisdom.
Ani Ledodi Vedodi Li
14 дней назад
The Mystery of the Jews
2 месяца назад
Shabbos For Our Soldiers
11 месяцев назад
The Appropriate Way to Speak
Год назад
Is FEAR a Value??
Год назад
"Be a JUDGE, not a Lawyer"
Год назад
Keep your eye on the ball!
Год назад
@nat.serrano 16 часов назад
This guy is a great teacher
@DevinaDanielov 12 дней назад
Truly the best story..thank you for sharing your journey❤🎉❤❤❤
@sleeexs 14 дней назад
Great story
@AlexandraFishman 15 дней назад
Very sweet story!
@DevinaDanielov 15 дней назад
Very inspiring and what an amazing great story to share..❤❤❤
@irinatatishvili1191 16 дней назад
Very interesting. I am happy to see Moedechai sharing his exciting journey into the Jewish world. ❤
@jeanneparadise8200 17 дней назад
That's not true. A person of God doesn't commit genocide, gang rape, torture, steal other's homes, imprison their neighbors, starve children and arrogantky and delusionally think it's justified. It's evil.
@cristinagabot 29 дней назад
All I saw was arms and hands going.
@timshultz7466 Месяц назад
@chasmcd4123 Месяц назад
This guy has no clue about karms;
@mickuljatheseagull 2 месяца назад
Well said. My son-in-law is Jewish but that´s not my reason for respecting the Jews and their battle against anti-semitism
@thepodcastfellowship 2 месяца назад
Would love to hear what is the reason!
@linoyrubin8503 2 месяца назад
Nice ❤
@thepodcastfellowship 2 месяца назад
Thank you!
@davidbreiner8949 2 месяца назад
Bob Dylan famously said he didn’t “write” his songs - he “wrote them down”
@yanaf.-g.7743 4 месяца назад
Thank you for living what you talk about. That was so inspiring... Thank you 🙏
@Nobod7yyhgjod 4 месяца назад
Thank you rabbi
@skyblue3518 5 месяцев назад
Thank you
@milquetoastmusic 6 месяцев назад
Wow! That was amazing!
@paulkonik7699 Год назад
My one take away from this video is : there is a time, a place and a way for everything. Its important to understand when and how you speak to your wife(specially when it being flirtatious in nature).
@emmap.1288 Год назад
We get real value and joy out of our work when we stop prioritizing money
@adriel4770 Год назад
❗ P r o m o S M
@bettyczitrom8236 Год назад
This Mishna talked about the 10 miracles that would consistently happen in the Temple. This lesson shows how the practice of recognizing the divine in every day life can help us learn that we can and should act in a divine way.
@tashakim5387 Год назад
There had to be some scientific explanation for why all these miracles occured. I say that because, for me, science, nature and hashem are one in the same.
@sydneyrodman3198 Год назад
If you look at things from a divine perspective you can appreciate and reveal more of hashem around you
@bramfreedman5685 Год назад
There were 10 continuous miracles happening in the Beit Hamikdash. The one that I found most interesting was that the challah never went bad. Truly miraculous!
@sarahstrent6999 Год назад
In olden times, there were 10 miracles at the Beis Hamikdash by Hashem, and in our lives, we should always strive to emulate Hashem and look for the miracles in our lives!
@rswed56 Год назад
We should find the divine presence in our life so we can act divinely.
@ruthweinreich8356 Год назад
When we are grateful for the miracles & blessings around us we behave more graciously to our fellow people. We must always look for G-D’S miracles around us
@nina.karlin Год назад
Wow. Didn’t realize no one had a miscarriage in the Holy Temple.
@samerton13 Год назад
If we can take time to appreciate the miracles in our life, we can fully actualize our potential as humans on this earth .
@Allofyoush Год назад
So meat never went rancid, bread never went moldy, and everyone always had room. It's like a supernatural space outside of reality
@BR-u7y Год назад
If we are able to see the Divine in ordinary things in our lives, then we can act divinely.
@DanTaitz Год назад
I learned that when you can identify devine intervention in your life, there is naturally no need to complain about space, financials etc. because you are living for a purpose higher than yourself. These trivial things are not important, thus allowing us to act in a more devine manner.
@averyadelman6550 Год назад
Before watching this video I didn’t really understand that there will practical miracles to do with the temple I thought it was just like there were extra mitzvot people did. This lesson makes it clear that we must act in a way that reflects that we know gd is making miracles all the time even if we don’t see them.
@tashakim5387 Год назад
The Mishnah says, "No excess PDA... it makes people uncomfortable." Does it mention anything about wives flirting with other people's husbands?
@samuelrabinowitz9446 Год назад
Two related things I’ve learned from this: 1) freedom is hard because it comes with responsibility, which is part of the reason the Jews wanted to go back to Egypt, and 2) there will always be similar distractions from our goal, and the Torah is showing us here that though the end may appear murky from afar, it’s worth it to push through.
@ruthweinreich8356 Год назад
Trust in G-D to lead you to where you need to be and stay the course
@BR-u7y Год назад
The story of the Jewish people in the desert is also an example of keeping your eye on the ball - stay with your goal. It's an ancient story that has a modern day message.
@davidtahoor1573 Год назад
In our lives, we all have our own wants and desires, and it's very likely that they'll contradict with Hashem's. However, we have to remember that Hashem put us in the world for a reason, so when something we might want to do conflicts with Hashem's plan for us, we should remind ourselves why we were created in the first place.
@yaelcarciente5067 Год назад
When you are debating on whether to do one thing or another, try remembering what your goal is and reminding yourself that that's Gd's purpose for you, having emunah that it will lead you towards your goal.
@KB-kab2 Год назад
God knows what is best for us, and we should follow that. It is easy to look back on the good times and want to go back there when moving forward is challenging. But it is important to face those challenges and do what's right and what's best, and to not get distracted by what could be easier or more comfortable.
@sarahstrent6999 Год назад
One takeaway is that despite life’s distractions and challenges, always have faith in Hashem and be mindful of your goals!!
@rswed56 Год назад
Stay focus on what the goal is and don’t get distracted by something that looks shiny or looks better.
@danachernin2538 Год назад
Challenges can be good and bring about miracles
@Allofyoush Год назад
One takeaway is that we should be certain of our goals without getting distracted. Even though Egypt was weakened and would've been easy to take, the real goal was Israel.
@samerton13 Год назад
We can learn from the Israelites challenging God by wanting to return to Egypt that we ought to stay focused on what we want in life and not get sidetracked by distractions.
@DanTaitz Год назад
I didn't know there were another 10 plauges at the sea, whereby the Jewish people challegned G-d 10 times. We only remembered the good parts of Egypt, and quickly forgot about the hardships; in life, we should focus on what is best for us, not what is comfortable.
@nina.karlin Год назад
Ten keeps popping up. Never knew that There were ten challenges at the sea. Only knew of the famous ten plagues. God can challenge us all the time because he has all the power, but i didn’t realize that we could challenge God, who has all the power.
@tashakim5387 Год назад
I had no idea there were another ten plagues / challenges that Hashem gave us after crossing the red sea. It makes sense because I remember learning about Moshe hitting the rock to give us water and therefore could no enter the promised land. So I guess he failed that one whoops 🤭
@TamarPaltrow Год назад
10 plagues, 10 miracle, 10 challenges, ...10 just keeps popping up
@bramfreedman5685 Год назад
When we introspect and look within ourselves, we know what we want to do in life. Staying focussed on our mission and not getting distracted is what's important.