Weekly videos on computing and related topics. ExplainingComputers is produced and presented by Christopher Barnatt, who spent 25 years teaching computing and future studies in the University of Nottingham, and who is the author of thirteen books including "Digital Genesis: The Future of Computing, Robots and AI", "3D Printing: Third Edition" and "The Next Big Thing".

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Explaining Audio File Formats
День назад
Raspberry Pi 5 Network OS Installer
14 дней назад
Ubuntu 24.04: An Excellent Linux Distro
Месяц назад
Radxa X2L: Low-cost x86 SBC with RP2040
Месяц назад
Gold Play Button
Месяц назад
Raspberry Pi 5 Argon NEO 5 NVMe Case
2 месяца назад
KDE Plasma 6 Linux Desktop
2 месяца назад
Why I Love Google Docs
2 месяца назад
1M Subscribers Desk Tour
2 месяца назад
Raspberry Pi 5 Operating Systems
2 месяца назад
Very Useful Small Computing Things
3 месяца назад
Orange Pi Zero 2W
3 месяца назад
Free AI Image Generation: Demos & Dangers
3 месяца назад
Radxa Zero 3W
4 месяца назад
Explaining File Compression Formats
4 месяца назад
Zorin OS 17: Linux for Windows Users
4 месяца назад
Raspberry Pi 5 M.2 HatDrive!
5 месяцев назад
Promoting Linux: An End-User Manifesto
5 месяцев назад
N100 Mini-ITX Silent PC Build
5 месяцев назад
Channel Update December 2023
5 месяцев назад
Ventoy: Multi-boot USB Drive Tool
6 месяцев назад
Explaining the Domain Name System
6 месяцев назад
@Starshooter216 Час назад
My first computer at home was a TI 99-4A.
@neneiasuchan 3 часа назад
How about using Krita instead of GIMP?
@ExplainingComputers 2 часа назад
For painting -- and many other things -- Krita is excellent. But is sadly lacks the text handling of Photoshop (and Photopea). But Krita is an excellent package.
@aliceestrada2904 3 часа назад
I have a desktop bought in 1995 or so. It is a HP desktop. Can i up grade it like you did in videos one thru 3?
@AK-vx4dy 5 часов назад
6:34 if max is 32 bit float then mantisa is 24 bit so overall you can store higher or lower values but bit resolution will be limited to 24 bits anyway. In other way you can store more dynamic level but noise ratio will be still like for 24bit or worse. Also as I know 24 bits it is technical-economical limit for D/A processing audio signals because of noise. But is very convenient to have 24 or even 32 bits in digital processing phase of course.
@richardlynneweisgerber2552 5 часов назад
They lied calling Bell Curve the curve to watch. It is the Bathtub Curve of Life Expectancy, Steep downward curve at the beginning of Life Span then down along the Avergae Low %age for most of their Lfespan, Then a steep curve increasi9ng death toward the expected lifespan.
@dbf1dware 9 часов назад
I am hoping this is a simple question. Once I set up a dual-disk and dual-boot computer, since Win and Linux use different file systems, how do I copy a file from one disk to the other?
@ExplainingComputers 4 часа назад
Linux can access the NFTS format used by Windows (provided that Windows is properly closed down so that the drive is not locked). So you can access both drive to copy files when running Linux.
@mikef888au1 9 часов назад
Excellent video. Thank you!
@fajarsumiratbinmuhrip3426 9 часов назад
Explore deep dive about animal names that are started with letter 'n'? Sure, here's a deep dive into animal names that start with the letter "N": 1. Narwhal Scientific Name: Monodon monoceros Habitat: Arctic waters around Greenland, Canada, and Russia. Description: Known as the "unicorn of the sea," the narwhal is a medium-sized toothed whale with a large tusk from a protruding canine tooth. Males typically have the long spiral tusk, which can grow up to 10 feet long. 2. Newt Scientific Name: Various species, common ones include Notophthalmus viridescens (Eastern Newt) Habitat: Moist environments in North America, Europe, and Asia. Description: Newts are small amphibians that look similar to salamanders. They have a distinct aquatic larval stage, a terrestrial juvenile stage called an eft, and an adult stage. Their skin is often rougher compared to other amphibians. 3. Nightingale Scientific Name: Luscinia megarhynchos Habitat: Forests and woodlands across Europe and Asia, migrates to sub-Saharan Africa in winter. Description: A small passerine bird, the nightingale is famous for its powerful and beautiful song. Males sing mainly during the breeding season to attract females and defend their territory. 4. Numbat Scientific Name: Myrmecobius fasciatus Habitat: Eucalypt forests and woodlands in Western Australia. Description: The numbat is a small, diurnal marsupial. It has a diet almost exclusively of termites, using its long, sticky tongue to collect them. It is an endangered species with unique striped markings on its back. 5. Nautilus Scientific Name: Nautilus pompilius (Chambered Nautilus) Habitat: Deep slopes of coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific. Description: The nautilus is a marine mollusk with a coiled shell divided into chambers. It uses jet propulsion to move and is considered a living fossil, having survived relatively unchanged for millions of years. 6. Nene (Hawaiian Goose) Scientific Name: Branta sandvicensis Habitat: Grasslands, shrublands, and lava plains of Hawaii. Description: The nene is the state bird of Hawaii and is endemic to the islands. It is adapted to a terrestrial lifestyle and has reduced webbing on its feet compared to other geese. The species was brought back from the brink of extinction through conservation efforts. 7. Nutria (Coypu) Scientific Name: Myocastor coypus Habitat: Originally from South America, now found in wetlands worldwide. Description: The nutria is a large, herbivorous, semi-aquatic rodent. It has webbed hind feet for swimming and a cylindrical tail. Nutrias are known for their destructive burrowing habits that can damage water management systems. 8. Naked Mole-Rat Scientific Name: Heterocephalus glaber Habitat: Underground burrows in East Africa. Description: The naked mole-rat is a unique rodent known for its eusocial structure, similar to that of ants and bees. It has a nearly hairless, wrinkled body and lives in colonies with a single breeding female, the queen. They are notable for their resistance to cancer and pain. 9. Nilgai (Blue Bull) Scientific Name: Boselaphus tragocamelus Habitat: Grasslands and woodlands in the Indian subcontinent. Description: The nilgai is the largest Asian antelope, with males having a bluish-gray coat and females a tawny brown. They are adaptable and can often be found in agricultural areas, causing them to be viewed as pests in some regions. 10. Nighthawk Scientific Name: Chordeiles minor (Common Nighthawk) Habitat: Open areas across North and South America. Description: The common nighthawk is a nocturnal bird that belongs to the nightjar family. It has long, slender wings and a distinctive white wing patch. Nighthawks feed on flying insects and are known for their erratic flight patterns during hunting. Conclusion These animals illustrate the diversity of life forms that begin with the letter "N", each with unique adaptations and characteristics that allow them to thrive in their respective environments. Whether it's the marine narwhal with its tusk or the burrowing naked mole-rat with its eusocial structure, each species contributes uniquely to the biodiversity of our planet.
@mihailvormittag6211 9 часов назад
@averydee5328 10 часов назад
Congrats 🎉
@zbiromax9228 10 часов назад
A beginner's question on Linux. Drivers for Nvidia graphics card install automatically and CUDA is their component? How to check if drivers and CUDA are installed? If not, how to add them? Thanks for the answers .
@ExplainingComputers 4 часа назад
No Linux distro installs the proprietary NVIDIA drivers automatically, although some (like Zorin OS) make it very straight forward by having an initial option to run/install with the drivers, and many modern distros (like Linux Mint or Ubuntu) make it easy to install them. Note that you need the real NVIDIA drivers installed, not the open source ones that all Linux distros will default to. The link for CUDA in the video description covers everything else you ask. Good luck! )
@zbiromax9228 2 часа назад
@@ExplainingComputers thank you thank you🚀
@chiyolate 11 часов назад
There was a very rare audio format which was .vqf The software name was Yamaha SoundVQ and it has an excellent sound quality for lower bitrates. I can fit a full 3 minutes song in a single 1.44MB floppy disk and I was so amazed by it!
@rtc3000 12 часов назад
I won't go for the PI. I feel that it's an over priced hobbyist product. You could easily get a n100 mini pc plus this mini pc can play 4K easily too. PI is too restrictive. No cables, assemble yourself, fixed ram sized, poorer quality case, add on for more ports etc. Yuckie doodle
@transmitthis 12 часов назад
Blender would have been my first choice here, they even have their own movies made with that software, not sure why you missed that rather obvious Linux option.
@ExplainingComputers 3 часа назад
Not sure? Because Blender is not a credible video editor or compositor compared to applications like DaVinci Resolve and Autograph. I have made content on this channel on Blender, including using it as a video editor and compositor, and it works for this purpose, but is not idea for it. Certainly Blender is great 3D software. But it is not in a million years a credible alternative to the Adobe suite (Premiere Pro and After Effects) for a time challenged professional production pipeline. Sure, you can (probably) achieve anything in Blender. But you can also dig a large hole with a small spoon -- and this still does not make the small spoon a good alternative to a spade. I cannot believe that anybody could edit and composite video 50 hours a week in DaVinci Resolve and Autograph, do the same in Blender, and (a) get the same volume of work done, and (b) conclude that Blender is the best tool for this purpose.
@ThorTubeview 13 часов назад
Very usefull. Thank you.
@medcha2022 13 часов назад
Hello Christopher, I like Linux distros especially mint and Ubuntu but there are some features that are accessible only on windows like womic
@1697djh 13 часов назад
DSD is in my view, the best way to listen to music. When Sony & Philips designed the Red book CD format should have allowed for higher bit & sample rates.
@Jmcinally94 13 часов назад
100% agree with the UI scaling comment at the end, life would be so much easier
@FDominicus 14 часов назад
Does Ubuntu use snap. If yes, it hardly can be excellent.
@UniversalDesignz 16 часов назад
Have you tried obs or blender (opensource) ?
@ExplainingComputers 3 часа назад
I have indeed, including featuring them in many videos here. Both are great applications. But neither has as its primary function being a video editor or a compositor, and neither is a credible alternative to Premiere Pro or After Effects for a professional, time-challenged production pipeline.
@chrissanders2562 16 часов назад
My favorite audio format is still Cassettes and 8 tracks.
@ExplainingComputers 3 часа назад
Amen to this! :)
@Triro 17 часов назад
It would be nice to have more open sourced / open standard computing be a thing. As currently we're using closed standard x86 / ARM. And while arm being efficient, RISC-V is honestly just the true future. As open standards that do the same thing usually win over closed standards. I'm excited to see where RISC-V goes. And hopefully one day, I can either use a ARM cpu, or more preferably, a RISC-V CPU in my Linux gaming rig.
@franklekwan5860 18 часов назад
Hey you forgotten to mention if you can boot from the M.2 NVMe SSD installed in the PCIe adapter card.
@ExplainingComputers 3 часа назад
You can boot from a M.2 NVMe SSD in an adapter card if your motherboard supports PCIe booting.
@outlander8825 18 часов назад
@paulysguitarjournal 19 часов назад
Someone needs to get the Affinity Suite (Photo, Designer, Publisher) working on Linux. There are better than Adobe, Gimp, or any other desktop publishing software. And it’s affordable. For audio, Reaper works well.
@nb6175 19 часов назад
My evo pro has pretty bad bitrot issues even though the diagnostics tool claims it's healthy. Thankful it never ate up anything too important (only found out after system migration after a year or so). Now I run it on btrfs with frequent backups. Never assume new technology is more reliable.
@amak1131 19 часов назад
I've always honestly used VBR mp3 given I don't have a high quality setup nor is my hearing the best. I feel it gives me the best of not being compressed to oblivion (128k sounds horrible) but slightly smaller than a CBR as some parts like some silence can be compressed more. I suppose there is an argument for archiving in FLAC to have a clean rip given mp3 is technically proprietary last I saw, but I realistically doubt mp3 is going anywhere anytime soon.
@sirrobertdowneysenior8080 20 часов назад
Everything here with this network update is copied from Khadas Vim OOWOW wizard. I really wish to see other SBCs excel spl the RISC5 ones.
@Luther7718 20 часов назад
I'd have liked to hear more about OGG Vorbis, and also more about variable bitrates. I've been using OGG Vorbis in VBR with the quality cranked to max for a long time, and it produces files at least as good as 320 kb/s mp3 at a much smaller filesize
@michaelmccabe2404 21 час назад
Thanks for this video😊
@ExplainingComputers 3 часа назад
You are most welcome! :)
@MrVidification 21 час назад
I don't trust ssds. The Samsung nvmes have had a hard time relating to their firmware and reported similar issues over multiple models, including one of my own, so I'll be avoiding those in future. Still, as long as you have a backup..
@mikelandry2007 23 часа назад
Superb video! Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!!
@redriot8890 День назад
How to triple boots, windows, linux ubuntu, android x86
@ExplainingComputers 2 часа назад
This can be done with exactly the same method -- just with an extra drive! :) Or you could have Linux and Android x86 sharing a drive.
@luigiprovencher8888 День назад
I can't install ubuntu-mate-24.04 with it. At some point during the installation process it quits and gives me an error message.
@Deathrape2001 День назад
U pretend this is a solution yet U already have a system that works 4 FREE, & 4ever, using Windows 7 (which U can always run from another machine if yours dies, or even buy the same motherboard & run it from a backup of your current boot drive, etc). N E thing very expensive &/or '$ubscription-ba$ed' is a total waste of time & not something U should bother 2 even experiment with. Instead, U should explore ALTERNATIVE TOOLS 2 get the same RESULTS. 4 instance, all the stuff U use 'After Effects' 4 U can get between using Inkscape & other FREEWARE graphics programs & animating the movement & fading of objects within the video editor itself, like hovering transparent PNG images or whatever across objects through various video editors. I use mainly Windows XP 4 instance, & it's ironic that the best 'video' editor is actually Reaper = the 'audio' thing, because after U add in the free VLC stuff 2 it everything is fast & intuitive, pretty much = like cross-fading is a NO step process = just automatically happens depending on overlap, instead of 4 instance the 'Grass Valley Edius' whatever that takes literally 6 steps just 2 blend scenes = LOL!! Literally between Reaper (with VLC bits 4 video editing) & Inkscape (4 'vector graphics) & FSViewer (for image management) U can do everything FREE FOREVER, except if U 'choose' U can $upport Reaper, which is like $35 or something 4 a PERMANENT 'license' = WTF? Yeah, so much better 2 PRETEND Linux is an 'alternative' when it would end up costing THOUSANDS ov dollars in '$ub$cription$ Bull$hit' =)) Dood, GET A GRIP! =D BTW: If U need tips on how 2 make this happen U can reach me at 'balkanguy (at) live (dot) com'. U can literally do everything U want on Windows XP!! iKnow because iUse it as my main thing still! Because everything else compared 2 it is still KRAAAP!! =)
@user-kz6qk9lt2p День назад
How can people still use Windows? Linux is a superior OS. Windows is an SSD killer.
@GameCyborgCh День назад
If you do another "Linux Challenge" then take a look at kdenlive and blender as potential video editing software
@ExplainingComputers День назад
I looked at the Kdenlive video editor very recently -- ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-sYF43ruAHXk.html It is a great editor, that I have on occasion used to edit EC episodes as I noted in this video. But using it is also a lot slower than (eg) DaVinci Resolve, and it offers less control and stability. I've also done content on Blender -- eg here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-EsufneMOvWA.html -- including some content on using it as a video editor. But it is not a remotely credible alternative to Premiere Pro (or DaVinci Resolve) as a professional editor.
@digitalmediafan День назад
I've installed the latest bookworm version 64 bit on mine but I can't even run a browser or update and after a short time the W just freezes
@ExplainingComputers День назад
Do not use 64-bit Bookworm on this 512MB computer! It was never designed for it. Use Pi OS Legacy, which was :)
@digitalmediafan 23 часа назад
@@ExplainingComputers ok I've installed the legacy version. Better but still painfully slow to even load the browser
@digitalmediafan 7 часов назад
@@ExplainingComputers I was thinking do you have or know which version of raspian you were running at the time as it sure flies compared to any versions now
@judsonleach5248 День назад
Permission to speak freely, Sir?! I wish I could afford to buy a raspberry Pi 5, like you "Fancy People" - but I'm busy trying to figure out how to afford dog food! Just sayin' - Much respect though! May we watch you play with yours?! Lol
Ubuntu OS is GUI is good but it does not allow it install Edge browser or some other browser. pre-installed browser does not allow DRM contents, Example Netflix can't be played.. Hence using Raspberry Pi OS. Armbian OS is interesting, will give it a try
@ExplainingComputers День назад
Fairly obviously, you cannot install Microsoft's Windows browser in Linux. But what you say about DRM and Netflix is simply not true. You most certainly CAN play Netflix, Disney Plus and all other DRM content in a browser in Ubuntu (or any other Linux distro). Just install Chrome or Chromium (on which Edge is now based anyway). Or if you want to use Firefox, install the Widevine plugin to access DRM content. And please stop spreading misi-information here! :)
@deim3 День назад
Quality is not related to codec. Quality is related to audio equipment with which it was captured. WAV file guarantees you lossless audio transfer, but it doesn't guarantee high quality.
@ExplainingComputers День назад
Nowhere in this video do I say that "quality is related to codec" is the sense that you describe. You and completely and utterly mispresenting what this video is about. Obviously audio quality in general depends on the whole pipeline from capture to end-user playout. But this video is not about this topic, and does not claim to be. It is about audio file formats, hence including codecs and containers. End of story!
@deim3 День назад
​@@ExplainingComputerstable at around 8 minutes says: High quality, no compression: WAV, aiff, etc High quality lossless compression: flac, alac, etc Low quality lossy compression: mp3, aac, etc And I say that high/low quality is not tied to the way the file is encoded. Relative degradation, yes, but quality? No.
@An.Individual День назад
Sadly MotionEyeOS doesn't work with a Raspberry Pi 4 if you have updated the bootloader in the last few years (rpi-eeprom-update) which most people will have. Bootup says start4.elf is not compatible. This board requires newer software.
@tiavor День назад
at least 50% of my failed CD-Rs have failed through delamination. I even had DVD-Rs fail through delamination when the outer seal failed.
@EpicLPer День назад
The main problem I have switching entirely to Linux is that a lot of tools or odd things I sometimes use are only available for Windows, including a tool called "Royal TS" which is a suite for managing SSH, RDP, passwords and many more things which I religiously use for my homelab. I could switch to alternatives but it'd mean I either switch ALL my PCs and laptops to Linux or I use a mix of both, which sucks for consistency. I'm also way too used by now to the Premiere Pro workflow and use it for work too, so it's not too easy for me to say bye bye to Windows.
@MrsAndMrIyer День назад
Is that an ASRock box?
@ExplainingComputers День назад
It is indeed. :)
@Henrix1998 День назад
DSD is very clever, never even thought about that idea