I'm a filmmaker. I'm one third of comedy duo Jack and Dean. I'm trying to impress my Dad.

Business enquiries: MHarvey@wmeentertainment.com
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@niranjan-81 4 дня назад
He missed the continuous flow. English pronunciations are clearly vivid and separate sounds, unlike deutsch that sounds like a continuous poem like flow.
@germanpolarbear 18 дней назад
My family has lived in the US my whole life, but both my parents are originally from Germany. German is technically my first language, because I learned it by listening to them speak. This taught me how to speak German virtually accent free. I didn't even realize I had an accent until I had an internship in Germany, and my coworkers kept asking me where I'm originally from. As it tuns out, it was my R sounds that gave me away. Not quite English and not quite German. Also, obviously the first thing I did after watching this movie was ask my parents to hold up 3 finger. I was thrilled to find out that the movie got it spot on. In hindsight, I don't know why I was surprised. This is one of the very few WW2 movies where the Germans actually sound German. Hollywood usually goes for the "just make them sound mad and aggressive" strategy. This desire to make everyone sound super German often turns their dialog into complete gibberish. I know the majority of the people watching cant tell the difference, but to me it just sound like a bunch of kids trying to do their best German impression. And having to read subtitles to understand what the Germans are saying always just feels like a real pedestrian effort.
@Klavieralter 19 дней назад
A horrible film. The first one is outstanding and still holds up. A classic. The sequel is bland. So many things took me out of the film from Elton John to the obvious betrayal. And how in the heck can a spy network with such advanced tech just get attacked like that? Nor believable. Roxy deserved better. The Kingsman's HQs have a sense of place. It would be like taking out The Continental at the beginning of John Wick 2. No heart, just flash and bang. I cannot recommend it. 100% agree about the sex jokes. Classless humor when the Kingsman society represents something dignified.
@AvieMetal 19 дней назад
As an Italian I could not spot the mistakes in his German pronunciation but for me too the wrong three was a dead giveaway that he was not European!
@TheCutejellybean Месяц назад
loved this interview
@DarkMartianFighter Месяц назад
So no one said that it’s based on a book? Stanislaw Lem “Solaris”
@vinsanity982 Месяц назад
One interesting thing I saw someone point out is that the Major says "I wasn’t speaking to you, Lieutenant Frankfurt, (turning to Stiglitz) or you either, Lieutenant Munich. (looking at Wilhelm) I was speaking to Captain I-don’t-know-what". The line implies that he's very good with accents, to the point that he can easily tell that Stiglitz is from Munich and Wilhelm is from Frankfurt
@wattsnottaken1 Месяц назад
“I’m not talking to you, Sergeant Munich, or you, Lieutenant Frankfurt. I’m talking to you, Captain “I don’t know what” and like our newly christened father here I also have an acute ear for accents and I too find yours odd so where are you from?”
@pinkyboy8576 Месяц назад
This is exactly what I felt, I am a woman and to be honest with you all, I don't seem to feel to be represented in any way. I mean sure they are women, but do I think it's a right movie to push that message? Not really. We never question if woman can plan a heist, we just want to have equal opportunity like men in society that's all, not to be woken up from our slumber by saying, "hey girls, guess what, you can do heist, LIKE MEN! By doing it LIKE MEN!" Like bro, we don't want to be like men, we want to be cool in women's own way.
@Ninjaasux Месяц назад
The fact this was the beginning of the best youtube editor , ggs
@ciceroromavisa3399 2 месяца назад
This anti-German trash of movie is just propaganda designed to keep Germany occupied by imperial America. American bases Ramstein and Wiesbaden are used to attack targets in Western Asia and to organize the war against Russia
@EvaristoCarriego 2 месяца назад
The odd thing about this scene is that British ppl normally use the German/French system, not the American one
@pip5528 3 месяца назад
I still enjoy the film for what it is but great criticisms. Uncle Jack didn't get brought back in The Red Diamond so it's interesting that the movies brought back Harry.
@zender3122 3 месяца назад
Im german and apparently I'm showing the 3 the wrong way...
@HyButchan 4 месяца назад
Its a great movie and a great scene but Fassbender's accent is really bad. His grammer and everything is correct but pronunciation is terrible. Tarantino's directing, dialogue and all that is going on around the scene makes up for Fassbender's accent. If I may be a stickler for realism for a moment and say that the Brits would never have sent in a spy who speaks like this into such a situation.
@klabkebash 5 месяцев назад
As an American, when I saw this in movie theater and he threw up the 3 fingers, and the German guy just stared, I knew he messed up and half the audience said "Uh Oh.." Can't really recall when we learned it but we knew the British / European hand signal for numbers is different from an American one. But after watching this scene it appeared the American and German signal are the same. Go figure. =p
@hobokendago 5 месяцев назад
fantastic breakdown
@ellejuniperfilms 5 месяцев назад
Hey, that was really good. I'm moved when I see people opening up and telling their truths with such courage. Mixed in with really interesting analysis of a film I loved and which made me think a lot. Brilliant. Thank you
@goldengoat1737 5 месяцев назад
It’s a Shame because he seems like a pretty nice guy but his ego destroyed Star Wars
@goldengoat1737 5 месяцев назад
Pro tip doing things the complete opposite of what everyone wants and thinks is going to happen. Isn’t genius it is actually lazy it’s not hard to do. It is just as if not more lazy than just copying and doing fan service
@FandubsBySimon 6 месяцев назад
Too short for a perfect video for JeanOtaku91
@tomlangford1999 6 месяцев назад
I remember this happening as a 14 year old boy & it being my first exposure to the prevalence of sexual violence in the world.
@kinglog4528 6 месяцев назад
Steven Spielbergs decision to not add subtitles has a profound effect in the latter part of the beach landing sequence at the beginning of Saving Private Ryan. When the Americans break thru they're approached by two soldiers trying to surrender. The soldiers aren't German but Czech. They were conscripted by the Germans and forced to fight. They try explaining this saying something along the lines of "please don't shoot, we are Czech, not German. We've never killed anyone." The Americans shoot them dead and laugh about it. It's so sad.
@EricMVlogs 6 месяцев назад
Happy Birthday Jack.
@BarelloSmith 7 месяцев назад
Tbh as a non-German native German speaker who heard quite a lot of different regional German accents and dialects in my life, I could give Michael Fassbender a pass for his accent. I even count the same way as he does and it never came to my mind that it was odd in any way. The only thing that gave it away in my opinion, is his pronunciation of "betrunkenen", which for some reason he pronounces as "betrünkenen". But if I didn't know, that German wasn't his native language, I would have believed, that he simply has a regional German accent. I am also pretty sure that my accent is way thicker when I am speaking standard German than his.
@asheverett2288 7 месяцев назад
I am in the future, watching because this video stuck with me 9 years ago and I suddenly remembered it and decided to watch it again. Never found it pretentious. No hoverboards or nuclear war yet.
@WisdomClarity 7 месяцев назад
I love you ❤
@WisdomClarity 7 месяцев назад
You guy soo made my life with those videos lol 😂
@sombird8317 7 месяцев назад
Jack what's your Tenet view count up to now?
@pr4442 8 месяцев назад
Great build up of tension through the music and camera angles. I loved the twist. Not many people can pull off the comedy thriller genre. You smashed it. Good luck with your projects.
@thestigmatickreature 8 месяцев назад
Great interview; annoying background music.
@JohnThelin 8 месяцев назад
In Titamic, where every single detail down to the crockery was meticulously reproduced to be exactly right, the few Swedish lines are atrocious, and one of the "Swedes" is called Olaf, which is possible but extremely rare, since that's the Norwegian version of the name (the Swedish is "Olof").
@chukwudianiji7613 8 месяцев назад
so are you actually gay?
@averyisaworm 9 месяцев назад
i’m watching this in the future cuz i’m writing a uni essay about u
@andresnoneya 9 месяцев назад
3:16 I thought something was on my phone, zoom in.
@amyb2589 9 месяцев назад
Dan suggesting they make out aged sorta well 😂❤
@CourtneyDole 9 месяцев назад
annual rewatch of this video, still fantastic, sequel when?
@nicholas_scott 10 месяцев назад
I dont speak french, german or italian. But I completely understand that use of the language. I get that Fassbender speaks great german.... but not perfect. In my mind, I think of people who speak english but have a hint of an accent that I can't place. Subtle, but I love it
@Sam-pm9vy 11 месяцев назад
Very weird to be very weird to be recommended this 11 years later, and especially reference to Alex and Charlie living together. So much has changed. Wild
@micahdevynn3967 11 месяцев назад
I don't think speaking German would take the tension out of the scene since we already know from the moment the antagonist is introduced that he finds Lt. Hilcox's accent peculiar.
@BodoIllgner 11 месяцев назад
Re: Fassbender. His character is not actually from Germany, but from Piz Palü, a region between Switzerland and today's Italy. He would roll his R for sure as they do in alpine regions. He woild therefore never speak High German, which originated in the North.
@Durhandoni80 11 месяцев назад
critics Fassbenders Oberfeldwebel, pronounces it wrong too, because the el syllable is dark too
@SwisstedChef2018 11 месяцев назад
I am fluent in German, Italian and French , this movie was the greatest experience in my life
@Bsus4films 11 месяцев назад
It's not just Germany, every European that has watched the film knows what's wrong in that moment.
@zachnelson3555 11 месяцев назад
Hey how's my Italian??? Gooorlaaaami gooooooorlaaaaaaami
@SeerOfTime577 11 месяцев назад
Beautifully shot album, Jack! Dodie's lyrical mastery and your vision for the scenes were truly a perfect marriage.