Central church of Christ Athens, Texas
Central church of Christ Athens, Texas
Central church of Christ Athens, Texas
Welcome to the Central church of Christ

We exist as a simple New Testament church, pointing people to the Christ and God of the Bible. The doors are open to those who from the quiet depths of their hearts, would reach out to God in simple worship and obedient living. Our intent is to worship the sovereign God in spirit and in truth. If you enjoy meditating on God's Word and want to know more about it, appreciate honoring Him through spiritual worship, and want genuine love and fellowship, you will be pleased to worship with us.
Psalm 68 - June 30, 2024 pm Devo
16 часов назад
@what_we_doing_here 4 месяца назад
First! And It's Re_gan
@evatorrez1120 4 месяца назад
I wonder if Saul (his name at the time) felt like this could be wrong... just a thought because he was fervent in his beliefs and seems like he would have participated in the stoning rather than hold the coats....
@immanuelorsu1318 4 месяца назад
What an amazing preaching Brother. I enjoyed it. Thank you very much brother 🙏🙏🙏
@virginiamclorren7285 5 месяцев назад
@tdrcoc 11 месяцев назад
@centralchurchofchristathen9808 10 месяцев назад
@kmratnakumar9955 11 месяцев назад
Happy Lord's day brothers and sisters. Watching from South India. Thank you very much for sharing.
@centralchurchofchristathen9808 11 месяцев назад
Same to you
@jameshyde1501 Год назад
RU-vid needs MORE!! Uploads of this type. Thank You!! May Christ our Lord Jesus prosper this channel with a Nation of repented souls.
@kmratnakumar9955 Год назад
Good evening brothers and sisters at Central Church of Christ. Thank you very much for sharing.
@kmratnakumar9955 Год назад
Happy Lord's day brothers 🙏. Thank you very much for sharing.
@chittibabu5086 3 года назад
Greetings to you brother 🙏🙏❤️ you
@chittibabu5086 3 года назад
Greetings to you brother 🙏🙏❤️ you
@carlyparsons6680 3 года назад
Thankful to see a church still meeting on Wednesdays. That was already becoming a rarity, even before our rights to gather in worship came under attack due to covid.
@rickbarnesmusic 4 года назад
Nice video! Have a look at my account and follow if you like it 😎👌
@gingerhadley8454 4 года назад
Thank you for this lesson. We hope to soon be back assembling together!
@gingerhadley8454 4 года назад
Excellent lesson, loved the format!
@chittibabu5086 4 года назад
Hello my dear brothers and sisters Sachin's of Christ salute you I am brother g chittibabu preaching the Gospel Church of Christ in India please pray for you who this Lon work so ever videos in watching small English little bit little English please please pray for you do God work in India smart channel name jeevavaakku Facebook ok aur RU-vid channel smile work ok please watch them
@chittibabu5086 4 года назад
Hello my dear brother iam bro G chittibabu church of christ Preacher India Andhra pradash Gods works utub JEEVAVAAKKU PLEASE Prea for you sir
@kerryclark45 4 года назад
• It is quite obvious from your response that you hardly read my answers to what you wrote. You only argument seemed to be that there was no empire called the Medo-Persian Empire. Of course, history teaches us that you are wrong. The Medes were swallowed by the Persian Empire, but it often called in history the Achaemenid or Persian Empire. Cyrus defeated the Medes, Lydia, and Babylonian. So your answer was in fact an evasion. • Next you make a bunch of assertions without giving any of the context of the verses any real consideration. Your explanation is at variance with Daniel’s own interpretation. I’ll take Daniel’s explanation. You might actually try reading Daniel Chapter Two. Daniel describes four kingdoms; they are in order: the Babylonian Empire (Daniel said, you are the head of gold in verse 38), the Persian Empire, often called the Medo-Persian Empire that I mentioned (verse 39), the Grecian Empire (verse 39), and finally the Roman Empire (verse 40). • Words have meanings, listen to what Daniel actually wrote, “And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head of gold. And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth. And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise” (Daniel 2:38-40). Daniel sees a progression beginning with Babylon and ending with Rome. There is simply no room for your theories which involve thousands of years. • Listen very carefully to what Jesus actually said, “And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me” (Luke 24:44). Either the scriptures in Daniel concerning Jesus were fulfilled or Daniel was wrong. Or maybe you think Jesus was wrong! • Concerning your understanding of the book of Revelation, please consider again the scriptures I showed you: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John” (Revelation 1:1). • “And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done” (Revelation 22:6). Kerry Clark
@sonofyahweh8 4 года назад
The NEXT empire to be destroyed on the earth will be the British empire. Dan 7: 4 tells us about a LION and an Eagles wings. The LION is England. The eagles wings is America. The Creator Yahweh will separate America from England and then destroy the British empire for all time. England will will come out of the EU and then Yahweh will destroy the British empire for all time. THEN the EU will totally collapse. MILLIONS will be born again at the time of the end. Dan. 12: 4 and 9. The 144,000 is Yahweh displaying His Literal genetic SONS on this earth with the POWER of Yahweh to restore all lost body parts both internal and external. Rom. 8: 19. John 14: 12. 2,000 years ago Satan could not defeat ONE literal genetic SON of Yahweh . WHEN Yahweh reveals His 144,000 literal genetic SONS ON THE EARTH soon this will cause Satan to sin his FIRST and only sin. THEN the WAR in heaven will commence. Rev. 12: 1- 5. This is OUR MOTHER in heaven birthing HER born again Children on the earth. SOON. Gal. 4: 26. THEN The war in heaven commences . Rev 12: 7. YOU will see the literal genetic Born again SONS of Yahweh walking this earth SOON. The Christians will persecute Yahweh's born again SONS for 42 months. Rev. 13: 1- 5. The Christians will BEHEAD 2 billion people at the time of the end. Rev. 20: 4. The Christians have killed MORE people in history than all the other religions combined in history. The Christians have killed MORE people in history than all the soldiers in all the wars in history. BEWARE of the Christians, They have broken the 1ST commandment. Exo 20. May THE Creator Yahweh give you your hearts desire. Heb 12: 14. bless you
@centralchurchofchristathen9808 4 года назад
First, let me begin by thanking you for watching our “youtube” channel. However, I must show that you have completely misrepresented what the Bible actually teaches. You do so without any biblical proof. You state, without any Bible references, that the next kingdom to be destroyed is the British kingdom. Where does the Bible say such? In fact nowhere; Daniel is given the interpretation of the dream in Daniel 7:15-28. He is told that the four beasts he saw represented four kings. This is a reference to the four kings Nebuchadnezzar saw in Daniel Chapter Two. The four kings represent four kingdoms. We know which kingdoms these are because Daniel tells us in his book. The four kings (kingdoms) are the Babylonian kingdom (Daniel 2:36-38), the Medo -Persian kingdom (Daniel 2:39), the Grecian kingdom (Daniel 2:39), and the Roman kingdom (Daniel 2:40-43). Any understanding of these verses without allowing Daniel, who gave the prophecy, to interpret it is destined to fail. You next state “MILLIONS will be born again at the time of the end. Dan. 12: 4 and 9.” Again, you have completely taken this verse out of its original context and then tried to apply it to something Daniel never saw. Daniel 12:1-5 actually are a continuation of Daniel 11:36-45. Daniel is predicting the rise of an arrogant king. This king, must, in the context refer a roman king. Those arising from the “dust of the earth” refer to the ones who overcome through the power of God. You should compare this section of Scripture with Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37:1-14). You then begin a rather fanciful look at the book of Revelation, but you ignore what the apostle John actually says. Consider this: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John” (Revelation 1:1). “And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done” (Revelation 22:6). Any interpretation that ignores the opening and closing of the verses in Revelation which set the time frame is false. John clearly tells us that the things described in the book of Revelation would happen in the near future of John’s writings. The book of Revelation was written in about 68 AD. Some have even said it was written in 96 AD. Whichever date you choose still has these events happening almost two thousand years ago, not somewhere out in our future. I would love to study this more with you. You may email me at centralchurchathens@gmail.com. Thanks for watching.
@sonofyahweh8 4 года назад
@@centralchurchofchristathen9808 Present day truth for the wise. Dan. 12: 10. The book of Daniel is sealed until the time of the end. Dan. 12: 4 and 9. Dan. 12: 4 says:" many will run to and fro and knowledge in the book of Daniel will increase at the time of the end." Dan. 7: 4. The first beast is The LION with eagles wings. The LION is the British empire and the eagles wings is America at the time of the end. Dan. 7: 5. The bear is Russia . The 3 ribs are 3 nations Russia invades at the time of the end. Ukraine is the first of these 3 ribs. Dan. 7: 6. Is 4 Asian nations. Not in existence yet. These will come into existence at the time of the end. Dan. 7: 7. The FIRST one world order. Not in existence yet and will arise at the time of the end. Dan. 7: 8. The false messiah comes out of the 4TH beast. Dan. 7: 11. The 4TH beast is destroyed FIRST. Dan. 7: 12. The first 3 beasts will be alive for a season and a time LONGER than the 4TH beast. For these scriptures to be fulfilled the 4 beasts of Daniel 7 MUST be alive at the SAME time. The time of the end. Very plain and simple literal scriptures. May Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures of things to come. Bless you There has never been an Empire in history called " Media- Persia." Daniel lived in the Persian Empire. Dan. 8: 17 tells Us that the RAM and the GOAT fight at the time of the end. Dan. 7: 11. tells us that the 4TH beast dies first. Dan. 7: 12 tells us that the first 3 beasts will be alive for a season and a time LONGER than the 4TH beast. For these scriptures to be fulfilled the 4 Beasts of Daniel 7 MUST be alive at the same time. The time of the end. Dan. 12: 4 and 9. Dan. 8: 20 Is Media and Persia at the time of the end. Persia will unite with Iraq and then unite the middle east under Islam. Persia will go to Yahweh's LAND and put to the sword EVERY man, woman, child and baby Jew in Israel. No survivors. NONE. 10 Million Jews world wide will die. This will cause the GOAT to come from the west. Dan. 8: 5.The GOAT comes across the face of the whole earth. This scripture is literal. The GOAT is the united nations with America leading the WAY. Dan. 8: 8 tells us that America will win the war with Persia and then break into 4 nations. Out of 1 of the 4 nations will come the false messiah. Dan. 8: 9. The false messiah will put America back together again. Rev. 17: 8. The people on the earth will SEE America that was, Is NOT, Yet is. The false messiah will be crowned KING of America. Dan. 8: 21. The false messiah will go to Yahweh's LAND and enter the golden gate to the temple mount showing that he is the King of Israel and the King of the Christians. Ezekiel. 44: 1-3. Yahshua entered the golden gate 2,000 years ago onto the temple mount and presented Himself as the Passover Lamb for inspection. They found no fault in Him. Then the false messiah will be crowned KING of the world. King of Kings. King of 10 Kings. Rev. 13: 1- 5. Then will be fulfilled 2 Thes. 2: 3- 4. This scripture is literal. The false messiah will be Satan's literal genetic son. Rev. 11: 7 tells us that the beast is NOT a human man. The beast is a hybrid human. 2 thirds angel and 1 third human. Satan's son ruled the earth in the Days of Noah. Satan's son will rule the earth for 42 months before the second coming. Yahweh does EVERYTHING twice. My hearts desire is:" Rev. 22: 14. Rev. 21: 1- 4." These scriptures commence at the second coming. rev. 20: 4 and 6. rev. 5: 10. Matt. 5: 5.isa. 2: 3- 4. isa. 11: 6- 9. Isa. 66: 22- 23. Micah 4: 2- 3. These scriptures are fulfilled in the Thousand years. Zeck. 14 is the second coming. Zeck. 14: 4- 5. The great valley is the resting place for Yahshua's BRIDE as the home for the SAINTS during his thousand year reign on the earth made new as king of kings and Lord of lords. Rev. 21: 9- 10. Rev. 21: 2. Gal. 4: 26. Zeck. 14: 9. And Yahweh will be The GREAT KING over all the earth during His Messiah's thousand year reign as king of Kings. Zeck. 14: 16. the nations are still on the earth AFTER the second coming and will go up to the new Jerusalem to keep the feast of tabernacles for the thousand years. Matt. 5: 5. The Meek will inherit the earth made NEW commencing at the second coming. 1 Thes. 4: 15- 17. This is the fulfillment of Tabernacles on the earth at the second coming. 2 peter 3: 10- 13. verse 10. The second coming. verses 11 and 12 Yahweh burns the UNIVERSE. Verse 13 Yahweh creates the NEW heavenS and the NEW earth for His Sons thousand year reign on the earth made new as king of kings. Rev. 20: 4 and 6. Rev. 5: 10. The SAINTS will rule with Yahshua in the NEW Jerusalem on the earth made New commencing at the second coming. Rev. 2: 26- 28. Rev. 21: 1- 4. Yahshua brings His BRIDE with Him at His second coming . The tabernacle of Yahweh is with men and they will be His children and Yahweh will be their God. Isa. 66: 22- 23 and Rev. 21: 1- 4 agree perfectly. Rev. chapters 20, 21 and 22 commence at the second coming and are fulfilled on Judgement day. Rev. 20: 7- 15. Rev. 20: 7- 15 is a period of time of 24 hours. The Last day of this corruptible creation. John 6: 39, 40, 44, 53 and 54. the LAST day of this corruptible creation. Gen. 1 : 1. Yahweh created Time, Space and matter. The first day. Rev. 20: 7- 15. Yahweh will put out of existence this corruptible creation. The Last day. 1 Cor. 2: 9. NOTHING in this corruptible creation is in Yahweh's Everlasting Incorruptible Kingdom. BEFORE Gen 1: 1. There was the everlasting incorruptible Kingdom of Yahweh. AFTER Rev. 20: 7- 15. The Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom of Yahweh will continue. LOOK not to the things of this world as they will all pass away. But LOOK for things not seen. FAITH. May THE Creator Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures of things to come. Heb. 12: 14. Bless you
@davidadkins1926 4 года назад
@@centralchurchofchristathen9808 Thanks Kerry for all you do, I really appreciate your lessons. I’m encouraged that the we are able to spread the great news to the ends of the world, not just here at home. This is exactly why I wanted to make these videos of your series on Daniel... I'd encourage everyone to start at the beginning of this series & study with us for these 12 chapters of this great (& widely misunderstood) book… Hopefully, the Lord will allow me the opportunity to make many more... Sadly many ‘religious leaders' have twisted the simple message of our Lord & mis-led so many souls. I'm reminded of how easily Adam & Eve chose to allow themselves to be deceived by a simple twisting of God’s word (Genesis 3:1-6). I’m also so thankful our Lord doesn’t leave any of us in the dark - Just like Adam & Eve, we can KNOW the TRUTH by His words (John 8:32). Obviously, we must be willing to take the time needed to study His words! Here's the playlist for all the Daniel lessons & bible readings of Daniel... ru-vid.com/group/PLQU-PhBOZw9MgLRXKYeBIo3BPG2MahnUB Thanks again Kerry.
@lauraavant6787 5 лет назад
Excellent lesson, I learned a lot from this lesson, I never knew Jesus prayed for himself.
@lauraavant6787 5 лет назад
I learn going book to book but I also would enjoy studying on prayer.....
@davidadkins1926 5 лет назад
Just a little clip I put together to help prepare our minds for Brother Kerry's lessons.
@davidadkins1926 5 лет назад
Just a little clip I put together to help prepare our minds for Brother Kerry's lessons.
@davidadkins1926 5 лет назад
Just a little clip I put together to help prepare our minds for Brother Kerry's lessons.
@davidadkins1926 5 лет назад
Great lesson from Brother Kerry.
@davidadkins1926 5 лет назад
Just a little clip I put together to help prepare our minds for Brother Kerry's lessons.
@davidadkins1926 5 лет назад
Just a little clip I put together to help prepare our minds for Brother Kerry's lessons.