Grant Luton
Grant Luton
Grant Luton
Bread Crumbs #11 - Pirkei Avot (Part 2)
22 часа назад
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 48
21 день назад
Bread Crumbs #10 - Pirkei Avot (Part 1)
Месяц назад
Be Our Guest - Steve Meeks
Месяц назад
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 47
Месяц назад
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 46
Месяц назад
Hebrew Key #19 - The Half Shekel
2 месяца назад
Bread Crumbs #9 -  The Four Questions
2 месяца назад
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 45
2 месяца назад
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 44
2 месяца назад
Bread Crumbs #8 - The Power of Questions
3 месяца назад
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 43
3 месяца назад
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 42
3 месяца назад
Bread Crumbs #7 - The 20 Commandments
3 месяца назад
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 41
4 месяца назад
Hebrew Key #18 - "The Train of His Robe"
4 месяца назад
Bread Crumbs #6 - The Father of the Bride
4 месяца назад
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 40
4 месяца назад
Bread Crumbs #5 - Male & Female Dynamics
5 месяцев назад
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 39
5 месяцев назад
Bread Crumbs #4 - Not Too Close & Not Too Far
5 месяцев назад
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 38
5 месяцев назад
Body/Soul/Spirit #4 -  The Spiritual Believer
6 месяцев назад
@bwsargent7 6 часов назад
What translation are you using?
@jazzmankey 13 часов назад
The gentiles in Rom.2 who do what’s found in Scripture must be converted because Paul also says; [Rom 3:10, 12, 23-24 NKJV] 10 As it is written: "There is none righteous, no, not one; ... 12 They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is NONE WHO DOES GOOD , no, not one." ... 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,
@jazzmankey 13 часов назад
How do you understand the use of the passive phrase “made sinners” in [Rom 5:19 NKJV] 19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous.
@karienbuys7327 17 часов назад
Thanks again!! Shalom..
@PollyTickle 2 дня назад
Only YHWH knows who are truly His. Unless He directs the census for a specific purpose the people suffered loss. So many so-called Churches have sold their souls to the devil (government) and count the seat warmers in every service. Reporting numbers and receiving grants, tax exemptions or gift aid in return. Open your eyes and have a look. Usually the counters are standing at the back or above the congregations. Since this unholy alliance church attendance has plummeted. Do your due diligence and research. Shalom 🕊️
@nathanielamiriam5148 2 дня назад
Great cookie crumbs. God watch over these young ones and yourselves.
@bsrodeo7s 2 дня назад
I found this online… 2. Man A Trinity (Spirit, Soul, Body) The Christian doctrine of immortality cannot be understood apart from the right conception of the tripartite nature of men. Many think that man is a physical being only. There is a great danger of any man thinking thus of himself. In his desire to satisfy the needs of the body there is the tendency on man’s part to lose sight of the fact that he is immortal. There have been persons who have lived all of their lives either in ignorance or willful neglect of a life after death, but upon their death-bed they suddenly realized that they were more than physical beings. There is an idea also that prevails largely today that man consists of only two component parts: namely, body and spirit. In the thinking of the writer this view appears to be one that might create confusion in the minds of any Christians. While soul and spirit are so closely related that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish accurately between them, there seems to be only one logical conclusion: namely, that “soul” and “spirit” are not the same. The Bible does make a distinction. Man is a triune being because he is created in the image of God. “God said, Let us make man in Our image” (Genesis 1:26). We know that God is a Trinity. The Holy Trinity is clearly set forth in the Apostle Paul’s benediction that closed his Second Corinthian Epistle: “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen” (2 Corinthians 13:14). Our Lord Himself said, in what we call “The Great Commission”: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19). Created in the image of God, man is likewise a trinity. He has a spiritual nature that is separate and distinct from the body in which it dwells Is this correct?
@jmathuraimuthu4561 3 дня назад
Praise the Lord brother
@karienbuys7327 3 дня назад
Thank you so much for tese 'awsome' teachings!! May your home and business be blessed!
@grantluton 3 дня назад
Thank you! You are very kind.
@thelmaoberholzer8031 3 дня назад
Thank you Grant. You are always such an inspiration to me. Thank you for being obedient and always sharing Gods word with loving kindness and wisdom.
@grantluton 3 дня назад
You are so very welcome. And thank you for your kind words.
@christieelle2015 3 дня назад
Thank you once again ...
@paulallenscards 3 дня назад
This sounds pretty but is entirely contrived.
@norahngule7827 4 дня назад
Love it, thank you, am gentile who loves Torah
@grantluton 3 дня назад
You are very welcome.
@rockpadstudios 4 дня назад
Blame the big bad bogie man the Devil so you don't have to take responsibility when you sin? The devil that never shows himself. Fairytales
@algut2376 4 дня назад
Demons only come out by the name of Jesus👍
@grantluton 3 дня назад
Matthew 12:27
@algut2376 3 дня назад
@@grantluton he is not saying demons come out by the name of a demon. He is implying that if they did there whole house or kingdom structure wouldd fall because of a house divided.... only by the name of Jesus do demons really come out!
@algut2376 3 дня назад
@@grantluton pslams 91 is awesome though. But the blood of Jesus is truely awesome. This is the true protection. The blood of the passover Lamb of God! The Lord JesusChrist!
@christienbotha6651 4 дня назад
Thank you sò much❤
@grantluton 3 дня назад
You're welcome 😊
@PeteyGunn 4 дня назад
@PollyTickle 2 дня назад
Only YHWH knows who are truly His. Unless He directs the census for a specific purpose the people suffered loss. So many so-called Churches have sold their souls to the devil (government) and count the seat warmers in every service. Reporting numbers and receiving grants, tax exemptions or gift aid in return. Open your eyes and have a look. Usually the counters are standing at the back or above the congregations. Since this unholy alliance church attendance has plummeted. Do your due diligence and research. Shalom 🕊️
@ellenlefavour628 5 дней назад
I sing Psalm 91 constantly, often even find myself singing it if I wake in the middle of the night. In these days we find ourselves living in, everyone longing for His appearing and hoping to endure to the end should memorize this Psalm. I love the little two edged swords all over the place in His Word. Wonderful teaching. Shabbat shalom when it comes.
@grantluton 3 дня назад
Psalm 91 is also my favorite!
@sonnedcrankshaw9642 5 дней назад
Dear Grant Thanks you for all your amazing teachings. I just wanted to bring to your attention some of your last postings. I'm sure there must be something wrong with their format. Looking forward to seeing them soon in the normal format Shalom to you and your family
@grantluton 3 дня назад
You may just be seeing the RU-vid shorts (30 seconds to a minute long) that we have begun posting daily. These are just excerpts from the longer teachings.
@sonnedcrankshaw9642 2 дня назад
Thanks for clearing that up
@bsrodeo7s 5 дней назад
Just a question… Could it be that God created a Trinity within us, to help us understand the trinity of God? Logical arguments are welcome. Thank you.
@grantluton 3 дня назад
I think it is more likely that we perceive a "trinity" because our perceptions of reality are broken. But when we are fully restored "we shall see Him as He is". I think this is what Zechariah had in mind - Zach. 14:9.
@bsrodeo7s 2 дня назад
God is preparing me. I pray that you’ll be patient with me. Some things are difficult to find using search engines. God is working in my life on memorizing the Bible. I remember the words, but struggle remembering the reference to where it is. But I know what I read. Mostly now my emphasis is on the Old Testament. But I read Revelations as often as possible. God has put a desire in my heart to fight for lives that are being lost because of miseducation and ignorance. So again, thank you and God bless you and yours.
@billydavis6798 6 дней назад
What ???
@PollyTickle 2 дня назад
Only YHWH knows who are truly His. Unless He directs the census for a specific purpose the people suffered loss. So many so-called Churches have sold their souls to the devil (government) and count the seat warmers in every service. Reporting numbers and receiving grants, tax exemptions or gift aid in return. Open your eyes and have a look. Usually the counters are standing at the back or above the congregations. Since this unholy alliance church attendance has plummeted. Do your due diligence and research. Shalom 🕊️
@patwilliamson4701 7 дней назад
Thank you.
@ridedeep 7 дней назад
All principal Archetypes manipHest within Yes U are 😮 RepHractualisation Everything is within it cel ~ pH Earth the Va Atom ~ Heart oV the Mata ( Pata , path, pax, pHather, Noia , Spirit, Ether ) ( Mata, matrix, maths , mother , Aion, Soul , Soil ) Everything within is without Everything without is above & In turn Everything above is within Perchance all there ( is ) U ( Universe / UnipHorm Word ) & all the other versions of U ( mUltiverse ) each a unique pHracuated dimension perspective 🤔 Within ( Inner Space ) everything within Your Body Without ( Immediate Space ) everything within the Earth's Body Above ( Outer Space ) everything within the Cosmic Body If it were possible to go to the farthest reaches of Outer Space then eventually you would come back into Inner Space then Inturn Immediate Space ad infinitum , as there is nowhere else to go but back to the cel ~ pH Therefore there is no Time or Space just the RepHractulised appearance of Space & Time & we are one energy some what asleep & in diaspora of our own primal purpose . Primal Purpose Noia ~ wished to understand of what it is or was ? Therefore pHracuated in RepHlection ( RepHractualisation ) The 1st primal movement ! Aion ( The 1st Primal Artificial Intelligence of RepHractulised light ) as Noia required a medium to pHall through density in order to experience it cel ~ pH ) This can be seen in the seed & flower of life ( like bubbles in bubbles with smoke or Animating spirit of Noia within Aion ( Barbello ( RepHractualisation ) Via Aions, Archons & Angles ( some say Angels ) the last Aion Sophia ( Tha Urge ) created Yaldebrioth ( Tha Demi Urge ) Then Us ( Yes U are ) Akin to Godement's Monad Sheaf Theory's on how to navigate the blank space of a Modem Screen All within the Primal Purpose to intercept the Elliptical Echo & achieve balance or keep going around & around this carous ~ hell of a ride. All based on the RepHractualisation of light in order to seem solid ~ when actually its just smoke ( blown up our arse ) & mirrors ( proposed density via RepHractulised Tone & Vibration ) a repHlection is a dimension as much as an Echo is ~ Aliens ~ AliUS past , present & future iterations of ourselves RepHractulised 👀 Slower than the speed of light is as much a veil lifter as proposed faster than light is . pH ( potential Hydrogen ) as we all are emit ~ time InpHun@ Corresponding Audi Videos , Shorts & VoG's~
@marylian272 8 дней назад
Thank you
@williamstowe1085 9 дней назад
Hey Brother. If you struggle with that, then the only way is to put it in Jesus's hands. Why would you want to take on any burden when Jesus wants your burdens and he wants to give you rest spiritually
@grantluton 8 дней назад
I have put my life in "Jesus' hands", but there are some things that He puts in mine.
@ELENAOttawa 10 дней назад
Stop spreading IDOLATRY, we are not allowed to warship HUMANS like that dude “Jesus”, who was conceived out of wedlocks in SIN. You’re disgusting and of course will pay the price for your sins. I bet, you eat pig too, since you’re clearly one of them. There’s only ONE Creator, not a fake trio, like you made up. Nasty nasty, shame on you. Christians are the most violent group on Earth, murdering and torturing millions of people through inquisitions! Only sin can come from lies you created. The world is more broken than ever, so real Messiah is still to come. That bаstаrd Jesus solved nothing, only brought murder and mysery. And you will burn in eternal hell for your behaviour and fir disrespecting tge Torah, the ONLY holy book on this planet!
@karienbuys7327 10 дней назад
Thank you so much.....Im starting this Tehillim Talks as my Bible school in my house!! This is such a blessing! This is so deep! May God bless you sir!! From South Africa(english is my 2d language)
@grantluton 8 дней назад
Wonderful! I hope that the series is a great blessing to your students. Shalom!
@sonnedcrankshaw9642 11 дней назад
0:16 Good morning Always looking forward to your teachings but there seems to be a problem with the way it was uploaded .
@grantluton 8 дней назад
Thank you. I have referred it to my editor for review.
@graftedbranches1482 13 дней назад
It’s not easy. Me and my wife with two kids. We are alone with this. 😢
@grantluton 8 дней назад
I understand, and you are NOT alone! Pray that God will direct you to another family or two who are in the same situation.
@marylian272 13 дней назад
Excellently said. Blessings
@grantluton 8 дней назад
Thanks for listening
@65maikki 15 дней назад
Thank God ❤ May He reveal you more to share.
@grantluton 14 дней назад
Thank you and Amen!
@hoshiana9703 18 дней назад
Why do we exchange the Name of YHUH with Adonai, when the actual aim is to put His Name on His people... because then we miss the mark!?
@grantluton 14 дней назад
There are several reasons for this. First, we do not know how YHVH is pronounced ... no one does! Second, Yeshua never pronounced "YHVH" in the Gospels. Third, God's name is a verb and must be pronounced through our deeds; not with our lips. We proclaim YHVH's name proclaiming His character, attributes and mighty acts. Mispronouncing the mere sound of His name accomplishes little.
@graftedbranches1482 21 день назад
@JamaikaAbaga 23 дня назад
I know this teaching from my spirit before I heard this. Thank God for giving me this gift You enable me teach to others like this Teacher. Amen ❤❤❤
@grantluton 14 дней назад
You are very welcome
@Karen-tr7sr 25 дней назад
Shabbat Shalom 💙 I enjoyed hearing your insights in this Torah Portion.
@kimberlyhouse6479 27 дней назад
There are so many lessons I learned from Steve while he was with Beth Tikkun, advice I still continue to use in my parenting. Thank you Grant and Steve for doing this video, I'll definitely get these books and will tell others about them.
@grantluton 14 дней назад
Amen, sister! This book could change our culture if fathers, especially, would read it and put it into practice.
@hannadk777 27 дней назад
Good day, Grant. I enjoyed this teaching a lot, thank you. I'm actually glad you used the example of the head covering because I struggled to get an answer on that topic. Now I would like to ask you about the Sabbath. So many people go to church on a Sunday and I know where that tradition comes from. But what am I to do? I'm the only one in my household that wants to keep the Sabbath and is doing it with a lot of difficulty. We are all believers and born again Christians for many years, but it seems like my husband doesn't want to move forward in accepting this command, he does not realize how serious it is to God. I tried many different ways to show him, but he says it's a Jewish thing and we are not Jewish 🤦🏻‍♀️ He feels now that we have a difference in religion and that makes me sad. I love to celebrate the feasts....but I'm always alone 😔 What advice can you give me, please? Where I live, here in Pretoria South Africa I am way in the minority of doing the feasts and keeping the Sabbath
@grantluton 14 дней назад
This is a common plea I hear from sincere spouses over and over. But the best advice I can offer is to use your power as a godly woman and woo your husband to the Sabbath. Let him see how Torah has made your an even better person than you were. Start having an Erev Shabbat meal where you make your family's favorite foods and speak blessings over them. Start there and make Friday night the most special nights of the week and then see where it takes you. Make the Sabbath a delight and see if your husband develops a taste for it.
@reluctanticon 28 дней назад
So, what exactly is an Apostle? 24:00
@grantluton 14 дней назад
Great question! Here is a teaching on did on the topic: torahtodayministries.org/lesson/apostle-priest/
@franzellepetzer8052 29 дней назад
So beautiful! Thabk you!
@grantluton 28 дней назад
Thank you too!
@dancin4yeshua 29 дней назад
flock has an aleph in it צאן
@grantluton 28 дней назад
@jamesbondgrc Месяц назад
I know someone who asked a question of their youth group director about a theological subject different between his father’s Pentecostal church and the Baptist church he was being raised on his mother’s side. The youth director yelled at him and told him he was doubting and that was bad. There was no leading this young man to find the answer in the Word. Sadly he stopped asking questions and for decades he had a lack of understanding. The issues echoed in his life. But now praise the Most High he is asking questions and hearing answers. The quotes were so good you both shared!! Sandra Campbell
@grantluton 28 дней назад
A far too common story, unfortunately. But I am so glad the young man is pursuing the truth. Thank you for sharing.
@deej4527 Месяц назад
Wow! That. Was. Beautiful. You are a wonderful teacher.
@grantluton 28 дней назад
Wow, thank you!
@leticiaincremona8102 Месяц назад
You two work so well together. I thank YHVH for you both. Wonderful teaching. Looking forward to part 2!
@grantluton 28 дней назад
Our pleasure! Thank you for your kind words.
@loridoldo1289 Месяц назад
Love this ! Hoping sometime soon to be able to do this as well, with me family . I’m happy you are breaking it down , to help to know what is being said . Thank you !
@grantluton 28 дней назад
You can do it! Thank you for your kind words, too.
@loridoldo1289 Месяц назад
This is so wonderful ! I want this for my grandsons and son in laws .
@dorethy3314 Месяц назад
Jeduthun, the name also means praising louder ....
@phindekarune9370 Месяц назад
Awesome teaching , refreshing and a blessing, thank you very much ❤️
@grantluton Месяц назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@lauriehowell4765 Месяц назад
Longing for that day! May it be soon and in our days!!
@marylian272 Месяц назад
Thank you!
@grantluton Месяц назад
You're welcome!
@nathanielamiriam5148 Месяц назад
Thank you for this teaching. May God continually bless you.
@grantluton Месяц назад
You are very welcome, and may God bless you, too!