Zion Videos
Zion Videos
Zion Videos
We make content about Israel
The Second Lebanon War: A 3-Minute Summary
16 часов назад
Hajj Amin al-Husseini: A Palestinian Nazi
19 часов назад
Is It Safe to Be Jewish on Campus?
21 час назад
@Teerakjoopjoop 3 дня назад
From the river to the sea
@ignmorales 6 дней назад
Freedom and Justice for Palestine 🇵🇸
@Genesis12verse2 5 дней назад
@Teerakjoopjoop 3 дня назад
⁠from the river to the sea
@notpythonics 6 дней назад
Playing the victim
@Genesis12verse2 5 дней назад
Says the muslim 😂🤣
@ElvisAronPresleybyRustyMartin 7 дней назад
:¨·.·¨: `·. ♡Baruch HaShem......
@OmeOmleid 8 дней назад
Provide one proof of him lying if you are truthful. Proof it hard evidence. Dont give me mainstream media reports parroting their friends statements without any proof.
@OmeOmleid 8 дней назад
Lol zero evidence was provided that day. Thank you for exposing yourseld. Iran is great in their policies. Israel is litterlay commiting a genocide and illegal artificial apartheid regime. Misinformation is fromcyou. Propaganda per se is not bad. You are also making propaganda here which is a false propaganda btw.
@saberhap2639 8 дней назад
I wish it wasn't
@ramy1190 8 дней назад
Yes cut the bs
@roejogan9322 7 дней назад
Why are you discrediting how Jews feel? If they were Muslim saying they don’t feel safe what would you say to them? Please show some empathy
@ramy1190 7 дней назад
@@roejogan9322 why would the jews not feel safe? They're protected every where they stole Palestine and they killed more than 40k gazans i think Muslims are the one who's in danger
@The.mr.T 9 дней назад
Free Palestine. Hell for the settlers Fck Zionism
@Stand4justice77 10 дней назад
Candace is a great orator. Skilled and knowledgeable.
@zhafi15o 10 дней назад
🎉 The History by you The west must learn history More than 3000 years Jewish avidence in every stone
@lylarose2696 10 дней назад
Rabbi Schneerson was a great man.
@aymuslimyoutuber 11 дней назад
Free Palestine
@m.c.5459 12 дней назад
Candace was fantastic
@savevuniyavi7584 13 дней назад
There are more and more Palestinians like Mosab are coming to know the truth that their resentence was all a lie and their leaders are morally corrupt and using them as cannon fodder
@mailboxmargate6133 14 дней назад
@PalesN 14 дней назад
How is Israël today ? 😊
@violetweston3401 15 дней назад
sinwar and his henchmen the barbarians
@SkipAd-y2r 15 дней назад
@IbrahimHassan-gu5l 26 дней назад
@sabadislam2890 Месяц назад
He is welcome to pray there as long as he respects others around him.
@aazanchaudhary2805 10 дней назад
You know the Israelis took over most of the mosque and turned it into a synagogue right?
@Indonesian-Muslim 2 месяца назад
Is that true?
@Indonesian-Muslim 2 месяца назад
Its ok in my country. No problem. But, what most muslims thinking that the jews will destroy all mosques in Israel.
@robbie12359 2 месяца назад
Idol worshippers. Romans 1:24-25 talks about such people who reject God and the Lord Jesus Christ "Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen." Worship and revere the LORD and not things on earth. Any Jew rejecting Jesus Christ knows not the Father. Any Gentile (non-Jew) rejecting God's light (His word and your knowledge of Him) is condemned. Seek the Lord while He may be found friends.
@randomperson1815 23 дня назад
Jebus died for his own sins, no one else's.
@MarcosCorderoBALDO 2 месяца назад
The garden of what???……with all due respect ..but that garden was destroyed probably and most certainly during the big flood!…………😂😂😏😏🧐
@ceti_9998 2 месяца назад
I enjoy so much when jews enter the mesjid because this shows that both in torah and quran it says worship God Alone. ☪️🤝🏻✡️❤️
@vanishingGolem 3 месяца назад
@VictoriousWatchman 3 месяца назад
What? I don’t understand.
@EuropeanQoheleth 3 месяца назад
sigh Another darn far-right channel.
@ArtLogins 3 месяца назад
Jews rejected Muhamad as a prophet.... Muslims believe that Alaqsa mosque is important to them because of Quran 17:1...... but only later commentary to Quran explains that it's about Muhammad's Night Journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, on a flying donkey.... 😂😂😂 but if you read Quran 17:2 it's about Moses
@overthinkinghooper0 3 месяца назад
May Allah Free Palestine
@knowisraelbetter 3 месяца назад
Do the guys who make these videos still respond. They probably have cute kids now
@shoshanahcrookes4406 4 месяца назад
Incorrect information!!!
@zionvideos3058 8 дней назад
In what way?
@shoshanahcrookes4406 8 дней назад
​@zionvideos3058 I'm so sorry I must have typed that into the wrong video. No this was horrifying and how the Palestinians rejoiced is barbaric and inhumane. I love Israel and the Jewish people that God blessed with the land of Israel which is theirs by covenant. Am Yisrael Chai
@josephsaleh7433 4 месяца назад
Ishmael too
@anthonydavid5121 4 месяца назад
Just what is WRING with these peopl in this video. It's like brain damage talk.
@iditbarmats 5 месяцев назад
לא יאומן!!! עולם הפוך... פשוט מטורף... הפרופגנדה הפרו פלשטינאית שטפה לאנשים את המוח ועיוותה את החשיבה שלהם בשקרים
@richardgaynor6113 5 месяцев назад
We don't want your vote.
@joaoluiz2625 5 месяцев назад
God Bless Israel!
@iandonchi1034 5 месяцев назад
I hear you cut up all the cars and buried them, wonder what your hiding? Violence begets violence, kindness begets kindness, Jesus I can't stand the way you talk in Hebrew, sounds like a German man with a little moustache, the end is near
@BethDiane 5 месяцев назад
This is perfect 10 for mental gymnastics. Personally, I fail to see how any woman anywhere can support an organization that uses rape as a weapon of war.
@Special-Creature 5 месяцев назад
Jews are welcomed to Mosques ♥️ so beautiful seeing you in one, thank you and Shalom☪️✡️🤲🏻
@ralemc1960 5 месяцев назад
Prayers for Israel.
@20viooltje 6 месяцев назад
Terrible, shalom from the Netherlands
@lianaliberzon2169 6 месяцев назад
Free Israel
@eyalbouskila8717 6 месяцев назад
Good vid try not to breath into the mic
@poerava 6 месяцев назад
You sound like a prison guard who beats his prisoners and then acts surprised when they want to break out and kill their captors. Israel created Hamas.
@poerava 6 месяцев назад
Bruh You’re a clown 🤡 Are you serious?
@sajid1979 6 месяцев назад
@Hezekiah1 6 месяцев назад
Whose territory is this grave that you are sniffing?.. oh, I just googled it, this is where you guys murdered a bunch of people during Ramadan of 94. And now you’re sitting there sniffing.,, keep showing us you satan.
@jamallarabi1372 6 месяцев назад
Talk talk talk but at the end new world history 2024 israel hand in hand with Hitler on the genocide list....history doesn't lie